2021-2022 Invitation to Ministry

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ear People of St. David’s,

Welcome to a new year of mission and ministry, life and community at St. David’s and in the world. We are blessed by the God who loves us and is present in our lives in so many ways. That is the good news Jesus brings to our lives every day. It is the good news that encourages and empowers us to live into our mission to know God in Jesus Christ and to make Christ known to others. With every new year and, indeed, with every new day, we have an opportunity to grow in our life with God and one another. Let this year be a new start for living into our mission: for going deeper into the Christian life as individuals and as a church community.

Our theme for this year is Faith Matters. We hope this theme will help us focus on three areas of the Christian life: our knowledge of the faith; living the faith; and sharing the faith. This way of life will open us more and more to the promises, presence, and activity of God in our daily lives. Look through this year’s Invitation to Ministry book with the intention of allowing God to deepen your faith. How can you invite others into this life of faith? Which ministries and activities of our community is Christ calling you to? Consider some new way of answering that call. Allow God to mold you into the person God has created you to be and to become. Grace and Peace, The Rev. W. Frank Allen

“For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.” ~ Galatians 3:26



e are a community who comes together to worship God on Sundays and at special services during the Church year. There are many opportunities for parishioner involvement in the worship and music ministries of St. David’s. We encourage you to join us and offer your gifts to God.

Opportunities to L e a d a n d S u p p o r t . . .

Opportunities to Make Music. . .

Altar Guild Prepares the sanctuary for worship, and cares for the vessels, linens, and vestments used in worship.

The Music Ministry at St. David’s offers opportunities for children, youth, and adults (ages 4 and up) to become involved in the life of the parish through music. Through participation in the choir program, singers and ringers have the opportunity to grow in their faith, develop musical skills, work together in a group setting, and provide musical leadership for the congregation.

Flower Guild Arranges flowers for the altar during Sunday worship services and Holy Days. Prayers of the People Writers prepare the prayers for weekly services and special events. Vergers Assist the clergy during Sunday worship to ensure that the various ministries are in sync and supported. Lay Assistants Provide three kinds of liturgical leadership: reading the Word of the Lord (the lessons), offering the Prayers of the People (Intercessory prayers) and administering the chalice. Acolytes (Grade 5 and up) Serve the clergy and congregation during services as crucifers, torchbearers, Gospel bearers, and banner bearers. Ushers Offer hospitality to those who enter the doors, assist those needing to find a seat for worship and provide guidance at communion. Sight and Sound Engineers Assist with live-streaming and tech during the Sunday service and other special services, such as weddings or funerals.

The choirs rehearse weekly, lead worship on a regular basis, and participate in special services throughout the year. Many of the choirs are involved in community outreach and tour both regionally and internationally. This year in-person rehearsals return! Rehearsals for children in Primary and Children’s Choirs will be held outdoors in the fall. Primary Choir | Age 4-Grade 1

Wednesday | 4:30-5:30pm Children’s Choir | Grades 2-5 Wednesday | 4:30-5:30pm Youth Choir | Grades 6-12 Wednesday | 6:00-7:00pm Sunday | 11:15-12:15pm Adult Choir Thursday | 7:15-8:45pm Handbell Choirs Wednesday | 7:45-8:45pm Thursday | 6:15-7:05pm

www.stdavidschurch.org/worship/ | www.stdavidschurch.org/music/



dult formation (formerly known as Discipleship) is a collaborative process of learning, growing, and discovering faith in Jesus by moving beyond the teacher-learner relationship. Instead, the community makes space to explore shared heritage as children of God, claim belovedness, and craft a lived response. The 2021-2022 theme is Faith Matters, creating an opportunity to embody this vital form of spiritual formation through worship, study, service, connection, and stewardship of God’s resources. Opportunities to L e a r n . . . Sunday Mornings | Weekly, 10:30am Adult Forum offers engaging dialogue and interactive teaching on Why Faith Matters today. All adults, both experienced Christians and newcomers, are welcome. Offered in person and live streamed. NEW! | Sacred Ground | Wednesdays, 7pm or Tuesdays, 12pm | Beginning mid-September A film-based dialogue series, in partnership with St. Peter’s in the Great Valley, on Why Faith and Racial Reconciliation Matter. Offered in person and by Zoom. NEW! | Close to Home: Advent Home Groups Wednesdays, 6pm | December 1, 8, 15 Journey through the Advent season in community, with simple dinner, all-ages Christian formation, fellowship, and prayer in parishioners’ homes. All resources provided. NEW! | Lenten Artists’ Workshop: A Parish-wide Formation Experience Wednesdays, 6pm | Starting March 9 Experience Lent through all-ages formation, fellowship and dinner, prayer, and art creation focused on the Stations of the Cross. Art will be on display during Holy Week. Small Groups | Monthly Opportunities to discuss topics, books, and get to know others in a casual setting. Groups include C.S. Lewis and the Fundamentals of Faith and a Centering Prayer book group.

Bible Studies | Weekly Learn and grow in your faith while connecting with others. No prior knowledge is required. Check website for descriptions and current locations. Lectionary Bible Study | Sundays, 11:15am Rector’s Bible Study | Tuesdays, 6:30am Bible for Everyone | Tuesdays, 7pm Wednesday Bible Study | Wednesdays, 12:30pm Women’s Bible Study | Wednesdays, 9:30am Men’s Bible Study | Fridays, 7am

Opportunities to G r o w . . . Center for Spiritual Growth The Center seeks to offer Spirit-filled opportunities to all who desire a deeper encounter with God in Jesus Christ through formation series, small groups, retreats, and classes. Individual and Group Spiritual Direction Trained spiritual directors meet with individuals and groups to companion and guide those seeking discernment and a deeper awareness of God’s presence in prayer, daily life, and relationships. Please check the website for more information. Centering Prayer | Mondays, 7pm & Wednesdays, 8:15am Exercise in Faith | Saturdays, 10am Ignatian Spiritual Exercises: A 30-week Course Mindfulness Meditation | Tuesdays & Fridays, 9am The Labyrinth | Throughout the Year Offers instruction and opportunities to pray with the body through this ancient practice of walking this sacred path.




hristian Formation (formerly Education) for all ages is a vital part of our mission as a church. St. David’s Church recognizes the home as the primary place of faith formation and seeks to support spiritual growth within the family. St. David’s also believes in the power of Christian community through full participation in worship, music, outreach, and learning as the way to foster a knowledge and love of God. Opportunities for Sunday Learning. . .

Opportunities for C o m m u n i t y . . .

NEW! | Family Service 9:45am Fall 2021 ushers in a new service, intended for families with young children (as well as all those who love to worship with them). It is an invitation to sing, pray, and gather together to receive the Eucharist in interactive and meaningful ways for both adults and children.

The EDGE Youth Group| Grades 4-5 As a first youth group experience for tweens, the Edge builds community beyond Sunday morning. Meets every other month, beginning in October.

Childcare | 3 months-4 years old | 8:30am-12pm A bright and airy play space is available during worship and select events. Childcare providers are trained and have completed background checks. Children’s Sermon | Grade 5 & Younger| During 9:15am service Children are invited to gather with a member of the clergy for a sermon, singing, and prayers. Children rejoin worship at the announcements. A prerecorded sermon is also available online each week. Primary Formation: Godly Play* | Pre-K—Grade 1| 10:30-11:15am Godly Play (a Montessori-based curriculum) nurtures the spiritual lives of children through storytelling, wonder, and exploration of our sacred stories. NEW! | Elementary Formation: SPARK!* | Grades 2-5| 10:30-11:15 am SPARK! is a curriculum crafted to explore the Bible and spark faith through hands-on and engaging activities, lessons, and prayers. NEW! | Middle School & High School Formation: Common Ground* | Grades 6-12| 10:30-11:15 am A discussion time for youth to explore real life experiences of their week in relationship to the Bible and popular culture. *At home formation options available, upon request. For opportunities for formation through music, see the worship and music page.

NEW! | L.I.T.E. Middle School Youth Group| Grades 68 | Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm Light in the Earth (L.I.T.E.) caters to students in grades six through eight where we create a space for students to fellowship in a lively atmosphere while learning more about Christ. Beginning in September. NEW! | L.O.L. Nights | Grades 6-8 | Offsite L.O.L stands for Live Out Loud, and these nights allow for students to do just that! Students in grades six through eight are invited to spend time in community with each other while hanging off-campus to bowl, putt-putt, and more. L.O.L. Nights will happen once every month starting in September. Confirmation | Grades 8-9 | Online Confirmation includes five online sessions. Its aim is faith formation in the family, and so parents are involved along with their children. It begins in September with an in-person gathering, and ends in March with a bonfire and meal. Fellowship among participants will take place in the middle and high school Youth Groups. Refresh: High School Youth Group | Grades 9-12 Sundays, 6-7:30pm A time where students can come together to learn how to lean into God to refresh our minds and souls in our day-today lives. Breakfast at Minella’s Diner | Grades 9-12 | Offsite Second and Fourth Fridays, 6am Students in grades 9-12 are welcome to join us each month for fellowship – our treat! Breakfast at Minella’s will begin in October.




t. David’s is committed to living out its mission and faith by supporting those in need, both in the local community and around the world. It is one of the most important ways we make Christ known to others. In serving, volunteers build relationships and learn more about who God is and how God loves everyone. All are changed through the experience of helping others. With more than 20 outreach ministries, there are myriad ways to get involved! Opportunities to S e r v e . . . Feeding & Community Ministries St. David’s volunteers make more than 6,000 meals per year for those experiencing hunger and homelessness in our area. They support organizations committed to providing housing resources for families in need. Nonperishable food donations for the pantries and volunteers for these ministries are always welcomed.  The Ardmore Food Pantry  Church of the Crucifixion  Episcopal Community Services  Grace and Cecil Bean Soup Kitchen in Norristown  The Interfaith Hospitality Network  Rise Against Hunger: 30,000 Meals  Safe Harbor Shelter  St. Augustine’s Feeding Ministry in Norristown  St. Mary’s Food Cupboard in Chester  Uganda International Partnership Empowerment Ministries St. David’s provides clothing and toys for local children in need and assembles feminine hygiene kits for girls in Uganda. The parish partners with churches and other service organizations in Philadelphia to address community needs and to promote self-sufficiency for all.  Church of the Crucifixion  Community Arts Norristown  Episcopal Community Services  Good Samaritan Ministries  Host for Hospitals  No More Secrets Mind Body Spirit  Project Ensonga Sewing Ministry  Red Cross Blood Drive  Redeem for a Cause  St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church

The Grants Program Through St. David’s grants program, approximately $127,500 was distributed in 2021 to organizations with which St. David’s is actively engaged in partnership. These grants augment the on-the-ground work done by parishioners locally and around the world. Education Ministries St. David’s partners with Episcopal schools and afterschool programs committed to empowering young people, and provides scholarships internationally.  St. James Middle School  St. David’s Episcopal Day School  The Afterschool Enrichment Program  International Scholarships International Ministries St. David’s is blessed to have four international ministries. Between these locations, St. David’s parishioners have built homes, schools, hospitals, and churches that have touched thousands of lives.  Cuba Partners in Ministry  Guatemala Partners in Ministry  Stand with Iraqi Christians  Uganda Partners in Ministry The Gift Shop at St. David’s, The Art Gallery at St. David’s, and World Gifts Tasteful and interesting gifts for all ages are sourced from around the world and sold in the St. David’s Gift Shop. In the adjacent, open and well lighted Art Gallery, fine art is displayed in rotating exhibits and is available for sale. All proceeds from both entities support our international partners in Uganda, Guatemala, and Cuba. Independent donations to these ministries can also be made through the World Gifts Program.




he vision and mission for Pastoral Care is to celebrate life’s joys and bear one another’s burdens and sorrows in fulfillment of God’s command to love one another as God loves all. The ministry seeks to connect and provide a network of care in times of need. Parishioners are invited to share in the experiences by participating in one or more of these ministries.

Opportunities to Care for One Another. . . Caring Ministries St. David’s is a caring faith community with many ministries that support our members. Volunteers join in making Christ’s love known to others as part of the following ministries: Birthday & Baptism Cards are sent to parishioners marking a celebration. Caring Meals are delivered to parishioners identified by our clergy as needing support or encouragement. Flower Ministry volunteers arrange and/or deliver Sunday and holiday flowers to homebound parishioners or those needing encouragement. Needlework's Guild provide hand-knit caps, prayer shawls, prayer squares, and Baptismal blankets. St. David’s Friends are a group dedicated to those who are in need of companionship. Stephen Ministry Stephen Ministers are trained and supervised lay persons who provide one-to-one Christian care to individuals facing life challenges. A Stephen Minister is someone with a kind heart, open mind, and good listening ear. Walking the Mourner’s Path This non-denominational grief support program helps those who have lost a loved one transform their grief into joyful living. The course consists of 90-minute classes for eight consecutive weeks. Each session has two facilitators plus a member of clergy present.

Eucharistic Visitors Trained and licensed volunteers share the sacrament of Holy Eucharist with parishioners who cannot be present with us at Sunday worship. Churchyard Neighbors A group of women who have experienced the loss of a spouse. This group meets several times a year and focuses on empowerment, resilience, and inspiration. Prayer Companions In this prayer ministry fellow parishioners pray for St. David's family and friends who are seeking God's grace, help, and blessings in all of life's circumstances. All prayer requests are held in confidence. Seeking Hope| First Mondays, 6pm | online or inperson This group provides support, encouragement, education, and faith to parents of addicted children. #JourneyingForward| First & Third Tuesdays, 7pm This bereavement support group for young adults is facilitated by Domenica Rafferty, MS, NCC, LPC, who provides guidance and leadership. Online Bereavement Group| Thursdays, 7pm The pandemic has added to the loneliness, isolation, and sorrow of people who are grieving the loss of a loved one. This weekly Zoom meeting provides a safe space to share sorrows, fears, and hope in the journey through grief. This is a Christian faith-based group. Domenica Rafferty facilitates this group. Sermon Ministry Sermons are available to read or listen to on the website. Those desiring a sermon should contact the office to have it mailed to them.




t. David’s is a welcoming parish whose members are God-centered and infused with spiritual energy. The parish seeks to meet the needs of all parishioners for Christian fellowship and encourage members to participate in the community of faith.

Opportunities to G r o w w i t h O n e A n o t h e r . . .

The Newcomer Ministry Volunteers greet and welcome visitors and newcomers to St. David’s, orienting them to the community. Newcomer Dinners are held both fall and spring and Newcomer classes are offered in the fall and spring. Newcomers are paired with shepherds and guides to help facilitate their entry into the St. David’s community. Women’s Fellowship This group provides opportunities for women to grow in their relationship with God and to support and encourage each other in their lives as Christian women. During a traditional program year, activities include: breakfasts, retreats, a weekly Bible study, on-site fellowship events and off-site trips such as Broadway shows and museum tours. MATCH (Mothers and Their Children) MATCH is a subgroup of Women’s Fellowship for mothers. During a traditional program year, the group meets Wednesday afternoons for fellowship, prayer, conversation, and outreach projects.

Epiphany Tree Burn Christmas trees are collected from around the community to be used in this bonfire, held on Epiphany Sunday. Hot cider and s’mores are offered. Social Singles All singles, 55+ years of age, gather for activities such as: dinners, picnics, game nights, trips and more. On Sunday evenings, this group meets for Bridge. Young Adults Group (20’s & 30’s) This group gathers for fellowship and outreach projects once per month. Open to all 20’s, 30’s, or the young at heart! The St. David’s Country Fair The Fair, the oldest continuous church fair in the country, draws parishioners and neighbors from surrounding communities and Philadelphia. This day of fun and festivities is a ministry to the entire community. All proceeds go to support St. David’s local and international outreach.

Men’s Fellowship This group has a mission “to become fishers of men.” They are dedicated to creating opportunities for men to develop vital friendships, personal integrity, and Christ-centered growth. During a traditional program year, activities include: monthly breakfasts, a weekly Bible study, special events such as retreats, and cookouts.




he Communications Commission oversees the dissemination of news and information related to St. David’s and its ministries, events, and parish life. The goal is to provide effective communications both internally, within the St. David’s community, and externally within Radnor, surrounding communities, Philadelphia, and the Diocese, to help advance the church’s mission to know God in Jesus Christ and make Christ known to others. The overall “umbrella” message conveyed is St. David’s is a welcoming parish and that ALL are invited to share in the community. Opportunities to S p r e a d t h e W o r d . . . Social Media The commission oversees ongoing Facebook and Instagram posts that promote upcoming events and services at St. David’s and enables sharing of photos of parishioners at work in meetings or enjoying fellowship activities. Follow Us! Facebook: facebook.com/stdavidsradnor Instagram: @stdavidschurchradnor Share St. David’s posts and tag St. David’s when you’re posting photos of you and your family at church events!

Public Relations Communications plans and contacts are shared across ministries (St. David’s Fair, The Gift Shop, The Art Gallery, St. David’s Episcopal Day School, and others) to ensure that there is a coordinated flow of external publicity sent out from St. David’s to the local media. A proactive calendar approach plan has been developed to increase coverage of St. David’s news, upcoming events, milestone celebrations, and feature articles in local newspapers, magazines, and electronic media outlets such as PATCH and Main Line Neighbors and local TV stations.

supports the St. David’s staff with their handling of parish newsletters, publications, brochures, postcards, and advertisements.

Photo Library There are so many wonderful ministries here at St. David’s, and all documented photos and short videos will be used in:  Social Media  Presentations  St. David’s website  Internal and external printed publication and promotional materials A system has been established to make it easy for ministries and parishioners to share photos and video clips with the staff (horizontal format please). All are encouraged to help build the photo library to document St. David’s activities and preserve them for the future!

Website The commission provides input for the St. David’s website and plans to continue improvements by:  Adding more photos and video content  Easy volunteer registration  Live streaming important events  Easy access to sermons, documents, and photos  Access to our church directory and parishioners personal financial statements

Internal Communications The commission handles scheduling of “One Minute Ministry” talks during the announcements of the 9:15a.m. worship service. As needed, the commission




he Finance and Stewardship Commissions supervise the money management and financial resources of St. David’s Church. This includes the annual budget, the endowments, the annual pledge campaign, and legacy giving (The 1715 Society). The commission includes Vestry and members of St. David’s with particular financial skills, all committed to being good stewards of the resources God has given us.

The Finance Commission oversees the financial analysis, offers advice and oversight of the church budget and assets, and ensures best practices are followed. The Stewardship Commission helps to further educate parishioners about how best to employ gifts in the service of our common life—be they financial, organizational, or spiritual. The Stewardship Commission also organizes an annual fundraising campaign for the mission and upkeep of St. David’s. The Finance and Stewardship Commissions represent the holy management of shared resources: an opportunity to share our time, talents, and treasures with one another in the service of God. Giving creates a sense of ownership and obligation—both to God and to one another. The journey of faith is very much linked with the giving of oneself. As St. David’s strives to follow a Christ who gave of himself for all, they hope to model that selflessness in their own giving. Opportunities to M a k e a C o m m i t m e n t . . .

Ways t o G i v e . . .

Annual Pledge We encourage parishioners to make an annual pledge to sustain the work of the church. Any amount is welcome, so long as it comes with prayerful consideration.

Those who feel called to give may do so using the following means:

Gifts of Thanksgiving & Memorial Gifts Gifts in honor of a family member or friend—or to celebrate a milestone or unexpected blessing—can fund special projects or items, or contribute to the general operating fund. St. David’s 1715 Society The St. David’s 1715 Society recognizes those people who make a lifetime or testamentary gift to St. David’s in a will or trust. Donor Choice St. David’s accepts restricted or unrestricted gifts for the ordinary and customary uses and purposes of the congregation, as well as funds for the St. David’s Endowments.

Weekly Envelopes: With cash or check. Mail: Mail in checks to St. David’s Episcopal Church: 763 S. Valley Forge Rd., Wayne, PA 19087. Recurring Credit Card Payment: Set up online or through the Finance Office. Online: www.stdavidschurch.org/giving. Text-to-Give: Text ‘Worship1715’ and Amount ‘$_____’ to 73256. ChurchLife App: Available through the App Store and Google Play. Stocks: Visit the website for more information. Legacy Giving: Through the 1715 Society. Visit the website for more information.




he mission of the Property Commission is to protect and enhance the physical assets of the church and to ensure that those assets are passed on to future generations. St. David’s worship, education, and fellowship spaces exist on 39 acres, which also include the St. David's Graveyard. The Property Commission is tasked with the responsibility of identifying and prioritizing short-term and long-term capital projects that guarantee the continued use of the grounds and buildings, in support of the mission and ministry of the church for future generations. Opportunities to S e r v e t h e P r o p e r t y . . .

The P r o p e r t y S e r v i n g O t h e r s . . .

Arboretum From significant improvements to the arboretum and a thorough study of the stream and marsh lands, the Property Commission has been identifying ways to improve the overall property experience for all members of the community. The arboretum has realized several enhancements to this contemplative space; a general clean-up of the area, newly defined pathways, and the addition of new railroad ties and wood chips along with a beautifully crafted cross. There is always more work to be done!

Creation Care Through education, action, and justice, this ministry focuses on environmental stewardship in Christian life in order to safeguard the integrity of creation and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth.

Campus Buildings St. David’s campus has multiple buildings that need constant maintenance of both structures and systems. From increasing connectivity speeds, to livestreaming, to system care and upkeep, paving and painting, there is always something in need of repair and replacement. Individuals with interest are encouraged to join the Property Commission. Campus Care Corps Volunteers water and maintain potted flowers and plants around the buildings and grounds.

Good News Garden & Pantry Patch The Good News Garden is an Episcopal churchwide movement involved in a variety of food and creation-care ministries. The Pantry Patch is a section of the garden committed to growing food for the community and has an energetic group of volunteers who tend the plot. The Pantry Patch is currently partnered with the Ardmore Food Pantry, run out of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Ardmore. Parish History and Archives Committee The Archives Committee collects, preserves, discusses, and displays archival materials, past and present. The committee honors the St. David’s heritage and story, thus making Christ known to others. The committee collects current records for archiving, publishes historical material, and produces a summer talking series.

Graveyard Property volunteers oversee new roadways, burial plot maps, berms, mausoleum and headstone preservation. Always something to discuss!




t. David’s Episcopal Day School (SDEDS) is a faith-centered school that offers exceptional education, enrichment, and extracurricular programming for children ages 18 months through kindergarten. Highlights of SDEDS include weekly chapel, character development, Christianvalues curriculum, small-class sizes, a state-of-the-art playground, inclusive allergy policies, extracurricular activities, and specialists on staff. SDEDS is committed to diversity, inclusion, and affordability for all and offers a tuition assistance program for qualifying families. Curriculum a t t h e D a y S c h o o l . . .

Programs a t t h e D a y S c h o o l . . .

The St. David’s Episcopal Day School curriculum is grounded in Christian values and aimed at nurturing whole-child development through selfdirected, hands-on learning activities. SDEDS values process over product and embraces innovative thinking while celebrating the joy and wonder of childhood. Through the school’s curriculum, children engage in interactive lessons and activities that foster growth in social, emotional, physical, spiritual, and intellectual development in language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Programs are enhanced by extracurricular activities that include: library, art, music, Spanish, outdoor learning, and physical education. Students participate in a weekly chapel service.

Nursery School Facilitating social development among peers is an integral component of the nursery school. They also foster emotional intelligence, gross and fine motor skills, logical thinking, and problemsolving through child-led investigations and exploration. Pre-Kindergarten Children are introduced to concepts that provide the foundation of skills necessary for success in school. Independence is encouraged as children enhance social, emotional, physical, and academic skills through self-paced activities in a play-based learning environment. Kindergarten The kindergarten offers a challenging, nurturing, and motivating environment where students can grow and mature intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually. Students participate in mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. Enrichment Clubs Enrichment programs are a wonderful way for students to study a topic in more depth. Teachers who have a talent or expertise in a specific area lead the programs.


CONTACT INFORMATION Clergy The Rev. W. Frank Allen | Rector fallen@stdavidschurch.org

Heather Sill | Parish Receptionist receptionist@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x217

Paul Smith| Parish Custodian

The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton | Associate Rector lcolton@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x218

Dr. Elaine Sonnenberg Whitelock | Associate Director of Music esonnenberg@stdavidschurch.org

The Rev. Maurice Dyer, II | Associate Rector mdyer@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x303

Holly Vicki | Music Administrator/Librarian hvicki@stdavidschurch.org

The Rev. Emily Zimbrick-Rogers| Associate Rector ezimbrick-rogers@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x302

Kurt Zampitella | Groundskeeper

The Rev. Dr. Alexander McCurdy, III | Associate Rector amccurdy@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x334

The Rev. Ed Shiley| Associate Rector eshiley@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x214

The Rev. Ken McCaslin | Deacon kmccaslin@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x203


Margaret Biester | Head of School, SDEDS mbiester@sdeds.org


610-688-7947 x223 610-688-7947 x213


Staff Buff Barnes | Spiritual Direction bbarnes@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x205

Steve Boyes | Groundskeeper

Jim Dolan | Rector’s Warden: Finance, Property jbdolanjr@gmail.com


Mona Kirby | Jr. Warden: Communications, Fellowship monakkirby@gmail.com


Tom Johantgen | Finance Warden: Finance, Stewardship thomas.johantgen@sedgwick.com


Edie Lewis | Secretary: Adult Formation, Fellowship lewise216@gmail.com


Jay Baldwin | Communications, Outreach, Stewardship jaybaldwin612@gmail.com


Alison Hastings | Family Ministries, Fellowship amchastings@yahoo.com


Rod Kellett | Property, SDEDS rod.kellett@gmail.com


Leslie Lewis | Family Ministries, Outreach brantpoint1@msn.com


Tim Roach | Finance, Property timroach22@gmail.com


Sarah Schoettle | Outreach, Pastoral Care schoettle.sarah@gmail.com


Betsy Spiegel | Family Ministries, SDEDS, Worship betsy.spiegel@icloud.com


Jamie Boult | Childcare Coordinator jboult@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x204

Geoff Chamberlain| Broadcast Manager gchamberlain@stdavidschurch.org


Camryn Corbin | Youth Minister ccorbin@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x220

Amy Darst | Director of Academic Support, SDEDS adarst@sdeds.org


Diane Dowlin | Office Manager/Calendar Coordinator ddowlin@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x224

Roe DeRitis | Parish Receptionist receptionist@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x205

Jo-Ann Funkhouser | Finance Manager jfunkhouser@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x202

Shannon Garland | Communications Assistant sgarland@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x210

Michael Tredinnick | Fellowship, Stewardship, Worship mtreds@verizon.net


Emily Given | Director of Christian Formation egiven@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x216

Julia Urwin | Fellowship, Outreach julia.urwin@gmail.com


Nereida Gordon | The Gift Shop giftshop@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x231

Liza Whelan | Pastoral Care, Outreach lcw611@comcast.net


Matt Grove | Grounds Supervisor mgrove@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x270

Ian B. Wilcox | Adult Formation, Worship ibwilcox@gmail.com


Natalee Hill | Director of Communications nhill@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x230

Worship & Music Commission

Chris King| Parish Custodian Maria Leal | Director of Children's Education mleal@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x229

Eileen Myers | Wedding Coordinator emyers@stdavidschurch.org Max Neumann | Parish Custodian Josiah Pizzo | Groundskeeper Leslie Robertshaw | Parish Administrator lrobertshaw@stdavidschurch.org

610-688-7947 x226

Dr. Clair Rozier | Director of Music crozier@stdavidschurch.org

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Clergy Support | The Rev. W. Frank Allen

see at left

Staff Support | Roe DeRitis, Shannon Garland, Dr. Clair Rozier, Heather Sill, Dr. Elaine Sonnenberg Whitelock, Holly Vicki

see at left and above

Vestry Contacts | Betsy Spiegel, Michael Tredinnick, Ian Wilcox

see above

Commission Members Marilyn Callaghan | mcalla2498@yahoo.com Jack Cassidy | jhcassidy@comcast.net John Lander | JohnbLander@aol.com

610-246-7781 610-864-5008 610-296-8974

Acolytes Christine & Steve Payne | sciaahpayne@gmail.com Rob & Missy Kathol | mkathol@verizon.net

808-228-8694 610-608-5215

Commission Members Vincent Dixon | vincentdixon@me.com Lisa Gresh | lisagresh@verizon.net Perry Gresh | perryg@verizon.net Cheri McCaslin | cheri00@mac.com Susan Teti | suze_hunny@yahoo.com

Altar Guild | Alison Smith | alison.k.smith@gmail.com


Flower Guild Sandy Nesbitt | sandynesbitt913@gmail.com DeeDee Heyward | deedeehey@aol.com Lura Wampler | lcwampler@comcast.net

610-608-8726 610-299-9713 610-688-6049

Lay Assistants | Joseph Bonn | drjoebonn@gmail.com


Outreach Commission

Prayers of the People | Amanda Smoot aws1219@gmail.com


Clergy Support | The Rev. Maurice Dyer, II

see page13

Ushers | Michael Tredinnick | mtreds@verizon.net


Staff Support | Diane Dowlin

see page13

Vergers | Chris Hopkins | chopkins_01@yahoo.com


Vestry Contacts | Jay Baldwin, Leslie Lewis, Sarah Schoettle, Julia Urwin, Liza Whelan

see page13

Clergy Support | The Rev. Emily Zimbrick-Rogers

see page13

40,000 Meals Susan Cosgrove | SRCsells@gmail.com Meg Tredinnick | meg.tredinnick@gmail.com

484-574-4154 610-517-4088

Staff Support | Emily Given

see page13

Vestry Contacts | Edie Lewis, Ian Wilcox

see page13

Church of the Crucifixion Diane Mayer | mchlmayer@aol.com


Bible Studies | General and Women’s: The Rev. Emily Zimbrick-Rogers

see page 13

Cuba Ministry Jim Bennett | jim.bennett@ellucian.com Lois Redmond | loismred@gmail.com

267-615-4236 610-517-7663

Adult Formation

Bible for Everyone Dr. Jane Cannon | Jane_Cannon@sbcglobal.net Vincent Dixon | vincentdixon@me.com

Episcopal Community Services | Earl Forte Earlforte@verizon.net

917-476-7292 610-608-8448 610-608-0099 484-432-1178 610-353-4693


Lectionary Bible Study | Dr. Craig Laird claird_2@hotmail.com

Food Pantry at St. Mary’s, Chester | Elizabeth White 610-357-3680 elizabethmhlwhite@gmail.com

Men’s Bible Study | Tom Petro mensbiblestudy.stdavids@gmail.com

Guatemala Ministry Kipp Gearhart | kipp.gearhart@gmail.com Carol Kangas| kangascarol@gmail.com

Rector’s Bible Study | The Rev. W. Frank Allen

see page 13

Wednesday Mid-Day| The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton

see page 13

C.S. Lewis and the Fundamentals of Faith Sloan Walker | sloanwalker@msn.com Education for Ministry | The Rev. Ed Shiley

see page 13

Lenten Meditation Journal | Betsy Aikens bgaikens@gmail.com


Library | Karen Miller | kmsmiller@aol.com


703-338-4070 610-952-5605

Holiday Giving | Susan Barber susanbarber2@gmail.com


Hosts for Hospitals| The Rev. Ken McCaslin

see page13

Interfaith Hospitality Network Joanne Frey | freyj@mlhs.org Samantha Hansell| samstrike@hotmail.com Cindy McCallum | cr4mccallum@gmail.com Jennifer Newhall | jennifer_newhall@verizon.net

610-651-8161 610-745-2169 484-888-9553 610-995-2441

Iraq Ministry | Vincent Dixon | vincentdixon@me.com


Sacred Ground | Carol Kangas kangascarol@gmail.com

Mitten Tree | Leslie Lewis brantpoint1@msn.com


Theologian-in-Residence | Dr. Craig Laird claird_2@hotmail.com

Outreach Grants | Lois Redmond loismred@gmail.com


Center for Spiritual Growth

Project Ensonga Sewing Ministry | Leslie Roy lroy456@comcast.net


Centering Prayer | Buff Barnes bbarnes@stdavidschurch.org



Exercise in Faith | Endre Witthoeft endre@truegritfitness.com

St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church | Diane Mayer mchlmayer@aol.com



Ignatian Spiritual Exercises | Amy Dolan amy@yogawithspirit.com

St. James School | Robert White whiterobert1949@gmail.com



Labyrinth | Louise Haley | mlouisehaley@gmail.com


St. John’s Feeding Ministry | Alison Hastings amchastings@yahoo.com The Art Gallery at St. David’s, The Gift Shop at St. David’s, and World Gifts | Nereida Gordon

see page 13

Uganda Ministry | Leslie Roy | lroy456@comcast.net


United Thank Offering | Eleanor Erskine eerskineerskine@verizon.net


Mindfulness Meditation Clayton Platt | ctplatt55@gmail.com Laurie Robinson | laurierobinson@inspirewellnessandnutrition.com Spiritual Direction Buff Barnes | bbarnes@stdavidschurch.org Amy Dolan | amy@yogawithspirit.com


Pastoral Care Commission

Children, Youth, and Family Formation

Clergy Support | The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton

see page 13

Staff Support | Heather Sill

see page 13

Vestry Contacts | Edie Lewis, Sarah Schoettle, Liza Whelan

see page 13 484-459-5616

Clergy Support | The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton

see page 13

Staff Support | Camryn Corbin, Emily Given, Maria Leal

see page13

Vestry Contacts | Alison Hastings, Leslie Lewis, Betsy Spiegel

Baby Baptismal Gifts | Wendy Higgins 3higginsgirls@gmail.com

see page13

Birthday Cards

Birth-grade 4 | Sandy Brown | sbbrown@verizon.net 70+ | Dale Power | dale@bigshoesmarketing.com


610-716-4188 610-585-6567

Care Cards | Judy Flores | judithflores@verizon.net


Care for Caregivers | Nan Lansinger nlansinger@gmail.com


Career Transition Ministry Mike Mayer | mikemayer612@gmail.com


Caring Meals Kate Fahey | katefahey7@gmail.com Liza Whelan | lcw611@comcast.net

610-312-3654 610-647-8661

Eucharistic Visitors | Sandy Arnold arnoldaso5@aol.com Flower Ministries Jan Blynn | jsblynn@aol.com Kim Glynn | kimglynn05@gmail.com Mourner’s Path Betsy Aikens | bgaikens@gmail.com

Commission Members Deb Geffken | Debbie.mohr.geffken@gmail.com Teresa Kleinhans | jrstack34@yahoo.com Ashley Masha | ashleylmasha@gmail.com Karen Miller | karenmiller13@yahoo.com Gale Morrison | galebmorrison@gmail.com Caroline Nagy| carolinepnagy@hotmail.com

610-256-4164 610-688-1608 832-296-0510 610-290-6266 610-964-7926 484-947-7524

Finance Commission Clergy Support | The Rev. W. Frank Allen

see page 13

Staff Support Jo-Ann Funkhouser, Leslie Robertshaw

see page 13

610-389-0343 610-304-5664

Vestry Contacts Jim Dolan, Tom Johantgen, Tim Roach

see page 13


Commission Members Jay Aikens | jaikens@transwall.com Andrew Bevan | andrew.bevan@comcast.net Janet Helms | jlhelms1@gmail.com Priscilla Perry| priscilla_perry@me.com Joe Rollins| j_rollins@smallbizpros.com Jeff Waldron| jpw@griffinfingroup.com


Needleworks Guild | Theresa Baldwin tpoteetebaldwin@gmail.com


Prayer Companions Gillian Waldron | Gillian517@gmail.com Endre Witthoeft | endre@truegritfitness.com

484-571-1512 610-359-1657

Seeking Hope John Lander | johnblander@aol.com John Satterfield | johnfsatterfield@gmail.com

610-308-7830 484-942-9711

Clergy Support | The Rev. W. Frank Allen

see page 13

Sermon Ministry | Heather Sill

see page 13

Staff Support Jo-Ann Funkhouser, Leslie Robertshaw

see page 13

St. David’s Friends | Robert White whiterobert1949@gmail.com


Vestry Contacts Jay Baldwin, Tom Johantgen, Mike Tredinnick

see page 13

Stephen Ministry | Clayton Platt ctplatt55@gmail.com


Commission Members Margurite Kraftson | mkraftson@outlook.com John Lander | johnblander@aol.com Jeffrey McCallum | jmmcallum123@me.com

Stewardship Commission

Fellowship Commission Clergy Support | The Rev. Emily Zimbrick-Rogers

see page 13

Staff Support | Diane Dowlin

see page13

Vestry Contacts Alison Hastings, Mona Kirby, Michael Tredinnick Julia Urwin

see page 13

MATCH Meghann Frazar | coolrun98@gmail.com


Men’s Fellowship Michael Brent | mbrent159@gmail.com Jeffrey McCallum | jmmcallum123@me.com Newcomer Ministry Molly Connell | molly.d.connell@gmail.com Lisa McDonnell | lisabrobb@icloud.com Alison Smith | alison.k.smith@gmail.com Social Singles | Bayard Anderson bayardanderson@comcast.net

Property Commission Clergy Support | The Rev. W. Frank Allen

see page 13

Staff Support | Matt Grove, Leslie Robertshaw

see page 13

Vestry Contacts | Jim Dolan, Tom Johantgen, Rod Kellett, Tim Roach

see page 13

Commission Members Josh Barber | joshbarber@gmail.com Geoff Chamberlain | see page 13 Kipp Gearhart | kippgearhart@gmail.com Deb Geffken| debbie.mohr.geffken@gmail.com Charles Pilkington| charlie.pilkington@gmail.com Joe Rollins| j_rollins@smallbizpros.com Peter Zelov| pzelov@comcast.net

484-888-8800 610-304-1257

610-993-9979 484-343-6000

Arboretum Tim Phelps | chamberphelps@gmail.com Ellie Smith | elliehsmith@verizon.net

610-304-4274 610-256-4164

Beekeeping Amy Allen | fallen9937@gmail.com Cindy McCallum | cr4mccallum@gmail.com

610-688-2507 610-213-5104

St. David’s Fair Chair, Co-Chair, and Attic Eileen Kraut | eileenkraut@yahoo.com Hilary Dash | hdash@dashhill.com Mona Kirby | monakkirby@gmail.com

610-574-7161 610-937-1613 610-353-7017

Women’s Fellowship Nancy Groff | nancy.groff@foxroach.com Louise Masterson | l.mallinckrodt@icloud.com Tracey Smith | tessie2u@yahoo.com

610-639-5576 484-318-7210 610-644-4444

Creation Care | Edie Lewis | lewise216@gmail.com 610-254-8393 Good News Garden/Pantry Patch Gale Morrison | galebmorrison@gmail.com



Stream | Tim Phelps | chamberphelps@gmail.com


Young Adults | Caroline Nagy carolinepnagy@hotmail.com

St. David’s Episcopal Day School

Communications Commission Clergy Support | The Rev. Maurice Dyer, II

see page 13

Chaplain | The Rev. Elizabeth W. Colton

see page 13

Staff Support | Geoff Chamberlain, Shannon Garland, Natalee Hill

see page 13

Vestry Contacts Rod Kellett, Betsy Spiegel

see page 13

Vestry Contacts | Jay Baldwin, Mona Kirby

see page 13

Head of School | Margaret Biester

see page 13

Director of Academic Support | Amy Darst

see page 13

Head of Board | Sandy Arnold arnoldaso5@aol.com



St. David’s Episcopal Church 763 S. Valley Forge Rd. | Wayne, PA 19087 610-688-7947 | www.stdavidschurch.org

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