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Task description: Module 5 - Advanced Mechanics & Module 6 - Electromagnetism Type of Task: Formal examination: covers a broad range of syllabus content and outcomes, supervised under exam conditions (allowed in 2022 due to Covid exemptions) Method of Submission: N/A
Timing of Task: Week 10 Task date: 1 April 2022 Task weighting: 20% Will this task be completed as part of the Assessment Block in Weeks 9 and 10? Yes Time allocated to task: 90 minutes
Task completion details: Formal examination, consisting of multiple choice and extended response questions.
Task outcomes: PH11/12-2 designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information, PH11/12-6 solves scientific problems using primary and secondary data, critical thinking skills and scientific processes, PH12-12 describes and analyses qualitatively and quantitatively circular motion and motion in a gravitational field, in particular, the projectile motion of particles, PH12-13 explains and analyses the electric and magnetic interactions due to charged particles and currents and evaluates their effect both qualitatively and quantitatively Instructions for Task Preparation: Past paper questions are provided on Canvas for both Module 5 and Module 6.
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 34