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Screen and Media
Task description: Lighting Instructional Video Type of Task: Hand-in task: a task performed outside of class time and submitted on due date Method of Submission: Canvas
Timing of Task: Week 10 Task date: 7 April 2022 Task weighting: N/A Will this task be completed as part of the Assessment Block in Weeks 9 and 10? No Time allocated to task: N/A
Task completion details: Pre-production: You will create a 3 to 4 minute instructional lighting video for a Year 11 Entertainment student. This project is a good reminder of the three-stage production process that we have been learning about. For the pre-production phase of the task you are to submit the following: - A planning sheet detailing your mise-en-scene choices and how these relate to video and audience expectations. - A production schedule identifying key dates, personnel and potential hazards. - A storyboard showing the key shots that you hope to capture during filming. You will also undertake an observation task demonstrating your ability to effectively and safely set up both the college lighting in the green screen studio and the semi-professional college camera. You will use this to record a short practice sequence prior to filming your final video. Production In the production phase of the task you are to work collaboratively to film your video as planned. You should aim to film in a variety of different locations and using a variety of different shot types as learnt in class. Post-Production: In the post-production phase, you will be editing together your footage in class. You should aim to consider some of the editing techniques that you have been learning and the use of transitions.
Task outcomes: CUALGT311 Operate Basic Lighting, CUACAM311 Shoot Material For Screen Productions
Instructions for Task Preparation: Use the resources in our class CANVAS course and OneNote for further instructions and inspiration.
Year 12 Assessment Information | Term 1, 2022 | 36