Inside, we have all sorts of ways to indulge, relax, learn, and be entertained and inspired. Fancy yourself a crafter or a wanna be crafter? See Caitlin from the Little Bungalow’s superfun candle craft on page 32 (you'll want to make one for you and your bestie). Make Amy Mahon’s latest delish creation on page 16 or get some tips from Matt Keenan and Lauren Deckard to improve your surfing on page 64. There are stories inside on Cape May County’s Coastal Community distinction by the US Coast Guard, local authors, on the helping hands of Donna Kelly and her son Rob, a professional surfer, who make giving back a family affair, and so much more. Whether you’re reading on the beach, on your boat, on your porch, or in your studio apartment, enjoy, and remember, it’s Maverick Summer – grab your aviators and deny yourself nothing.