Before Sunrise 2015

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BEFORE SUNRISE Stella Wang Portfolio 2015





The Cluster

20 34


Pair Peeler





Whutility Knife



Visual, Photography


Form exploring

Folding Me Material exploring

Zong-Qui Ceramics


Hand tool


Home decor



Graphics, generative art, photograph

Work Experience

王 思 懿 WANG,


2015- now

Designer at AGUA Design & City Yeast, Taipei


Stella Wang

Exhibitions 2014 2013

Taipei Free Art Fair, Taipei YODEX Young Designers' Exhibition, Taipei

Education National Cheng Kung University, Industrial Design 2009-2013

Internships 2014



KIMU Design, Taipei AGUA Design, Taipei

Paper Sculpture | Ceramics | Product Design | Solidworks, Keyshot

Graphic Design | Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop

Generative art | Processing, Arduino

Photography | Film making | Sony Vegas, Premiere


Projects 2013- now 2015

"DesignAct" design community(social media & activities): Planning & execution "Made by Everyone - Chinese characters creating" in Taichung, Taiwan: Exhibition planning of DesignAct

2014 "Meet in the mountain" exploring workshop in Pinglin, Taiwan: Activity planning of DesignAct 2013-2014 "Discovering Technology Treasures" a study of Kansei experience in interacitve exhibition: Research team with Industrial Technology Research Institute Tokyo Designers Week 2013: Exhibition planning of ID, NCKU 2013 2012-2013 NCKU ID Graduation Show 2013: Member of campaign video making 2010 "Bu-Lo, Bu-Lo" in Ching-Liu tribe, Taiwan(Youth Action Plans of MOE): Curriculum planning

Everything has its own rhythm, or you can say regulation, just like breathing, expressing within the form, behavior, and perception. We perceive it, which is the way to know this world, and ourselves.



Product Design

Space Curating Spatial Projects about Field, Exhibition & Activities


Rush Color 藺彩

Surface 鋪織的地表

Space Narritive Concept Model with Metal Wire & Paper


Design Projects

Origin Meet the spiritual life in the mountains This idea comes from the film Lisbon Story (1994), directed by Wim Wenders. The movie is about a the sound engineer Phillip help his friend for making a movie. How a director built space shows his imagination about human activities in a movie. Through my observation & analyzation, I describe the downtown as”a piece of cloth weaved by hundreds of alleys”. I consider the concept indicated people’s lives are active and harmonic there. 《Lisbon Story》, 1994, Wim Wenders


The Cluster 植物群落

Concept The weaven surface, Lisbon The downtown, Lisbon, could be described as a piece of cloth weaved by hundreds of alleys ups and downs. People’s lives are active and harmonic there. I tried to weave the surface with metal wire. It is movable like a small wave. The structure forms different shapes of the shadow.



Design Projects

The Cluster 植物群落

I draw the lines according to the shadow, then cut them. Make it 3D-formed. Retransform my narritive of the space.



Design Projects



Rush Color


Design Projects

Meet the Mountains 邂逅山林

2014 Workshop Open your senses

Design Curating

Origin Meet the spiritual life in the mountains We visited our friends in PingLin, in which people grow teas and make teas. It is an small town in the mountain. “How’s going?“ Walking through the street, we found everyone was friendly to say hello. Everyone has an easy pace. The sun is shining. The air is fresh. All these natural and cultural factors built its unique urban ecosystem.


Into the Mountains 邂逅山林

Online Promotion Spirit

10 love letters before you go

Explore a cozy but spirtual lifestyle

We write down 10 love letters with pictures. We make them as the post for people who would like to come to Pinglin.

All the feel and experience is fresh and calm. That is defferent from city life. We could explore our desire for natural environment in the trip. Moreover, it provides another point of view about meaning of life. For deeper exploration, we hold this workshop. We describe the nature as the lover. This concept lead people to feel, and touch things surrounded. They have to talk with the mountain. At the same time, they actually talk with themselves too.


All the letters wirten by different people. We believe that everyone has his/ her own sense for the place.

Design Curating

柒/ 當我望見妳,我知道那是妳 有時候,真正的圓並不是圓的 看見的那瞬間, 圓的定義來自無形的觸感,觸感來自溪流撫慰之後 的溫柔。 歷經多少時間的風化與結晶,隨著時間與引力, 沈澱之後 細密的白點隱約環繞,團坐于表面 我們所見的一切都是時間的洗禮。

published on DesignAct Facebook page.


Narritive opening, everywhere could be a natural theater


Design Curating

Touch and Feeling, Photograph, Story teller, Sharing




Into the Mountains

Design Curating

Everyone has his own mountains in the heart Take the love letter as the memory of this trip. Come back to the city and make our life better than

Watch the video


Parent-child Market 市場小學計畫

2015 - now Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office in WanHua, Taiwan

Design Curating

Origin Let children love our traditional market 2016 WDC “Parent-child Market” project plans to combine children’s daily life education into traditional markets. Their aim is to stimulate old traditional market by creating a “market school” that leads 8 to12 years old pupils into this one of the most traditional markets in Taipei. Taiwanese traditional markets’ culture are very rich and diverse.If Taiwanese people want to pass on cultural experiences of traditional markets from generation to generation, linking traditional market with elementary school children is the best way.


Into the Mountains 邂逅山林

Process Let children love our traditional market In Taiwan, traditional markets shows bountiful ways of local living. With over 80 years of history, Xin Fu Market and the East Sanshui Street Market in Wanhua District especially demonstrate Taipei historical and cultural assets. Moreover, the old Xin Fu Market building itself is a city historical site that is still under reconstruction. 2016 WDC “Parent-child Market” project links local elementary school with the old markets, creating new ceremonies for pupils to experience traditional market lessons during age of 8 to12 years old. Having markets experiences in their childhood, children get to learn diversified lesson and culinary culture from food ingredients and market owners. In “Parent-child Market Week”, many activities took place in Xin Fu Market and the East Sanshui Street Market. Children could even experience market owner’s daily work during Parent-child Market Week. 24

Design Curating

Watch the video


Rush Color 藺彩


人人出品邀請展 2015 勤美術館,台中 策劃展出|字嗨,設計思 策展單位|OHM 跨界所 主辦單位|勤美璞真文化 藝術基金會 負責項目|專案管理 /裝置設計/展場執行 26

Design Curating

主軸精神 社群串聯,人人共造 網路社群藉由串聯人群中的共通與關聯性,引 發聚集與進一步擴散的可能。加上群眾參與、 共同創造的觀念逐漸普及,凝聚而「共識」似 乎成為社群關係之必然。然而,其中逐漸隱形 的「自我」,它仍是一個所有人皆能意識的念 頭,其一途徑即為個體的創作自由。

關於人人出品 「人人出品」由OHM跨界所策劃,是一個大 朋友小朋友都可以一起參與創造的互動展覽。



Zern-zern Font 人人造字

概念 人人造字,當人人作為創作者 將字嗨社群「字體交流、分享」的概念延伸,展覽 由人們親自參與創作,每個人對於字的想像得以落 實。並透過文字牆陳列展示,延續交流欣賞的觀展 經驗。 其中「人-人群」、「人字-字體」的對應關係, 以字代表創作者,在字作品之間看見每一個體的獨 特性。


Design Curating

展覽規劃 創作|現場造字展覽


以文字最初「製作記號」的概念延伸 出手指、印章兩種媒介。藉由簡易步 驟,規範出字體庫的整體精神風格, 同時保有人人自由發揮空間。




民眾可選擇觀展以及參與造字,展覽 包含指文字、幾何字兩期創作主題。

出品|群眾字體庫 將人人「出品」概念進一步體現,舉 辦「轉字工作坊」帶領民眾參與字體 數位化流程。展期最後兩周展示人人 字體庫。

人人出品 MADE BY EVERYONE,台中勤美術館



開 幕 《 人 人


主 題 一 人 人 指 文

第 一 套 指 文 字 完







轉 指 《 第 字 文 字 二 工 晚 字 體 套 現 字 幾 作 間 體 漫 場 體 何 坊 不 庫 聊 提 入 字 開 定 完 》 供 門 完 始 期 成 字 操 活 成 舉 開 作 動 行 始 展 與 示 座 談

主 題 二 人 人 幾 何


Zern-zern Font 人人造字

人人造字,屬於人人的想像 每個人在十五平方公分的空白內自由造字,從配色、 排列、構圖至意境,而最基本的「指」法上也變化出 各種可能。 每件作品中都能看見創作的豐富與自由、以及獨特的 想像力。




Design Curating

Products cannot be without human; human cannot be without each other.

Product Design

Product Design, Craft, Projects


Rush Color 藺彩

The Cluster 植物群落

Form Exploring Series Installation of Paper Folding


Design Project

Ideas coming from the nature show several kinds living & moving state.


The Cluster 植物群落

Origin Inspiration coming from the nature is not just objects we see, hear or touch. However, kinds of movements of creatures impress us. They may be regualr or repeating, beatiful or harmonic. We can not only feel but think about the rule or states of the moving process. And it may be more closed to the “essence”(definition in philosophy) of things that we perceive. I observed, then tried to imitate and represent the fascinating movements inspiring me in the nature.


Design Project

Concept & Process Container of cotton

Crescent phase of movement

Waving pattern of structure

In spring, seeds of cotton float in the air, rolling through the roads near my home. I kept them all into containers, tried to represent the seeds moving in the wind.

A crescent shape of a leaf reminding me of the moon phases. I believe that a stretching process could be described with phases of extensible structure.

Seeds have some irregular ridges within structure. Any two of them may be similar but not alike. How to show a pattern consist of units with slight difference natually? 37

The Cluster 植物群落

Cotton Cluster 木棉群落 Seed of cotton (木棉) Paper, Aluminium rod


Product Design

Feature Every cotton seed has its thin foot, slightly floating and swinging together when the wind blows, like another scene

The opening like a viewfinder gives us a particualr way, from right above, to observe the seed inside. Thus people cannot know what it is far away. It emphasizes not only seeing

It is similar to phases of the moon. Actually it describes how the motion of a crescent thing could be. 39

The Cluster 植物群落

Crescent Phases 葉相 It is similar to the lunar phase, describing how the motion of a crescent thing could be.


Leaf of Taiwan Acacia (相思樹) Paper

Design Project

“Organic forms cannot be applied directly, they need to be selected consciously by human.� said Dr. Wang.

Process Developing & selecting We develop a variety of structures and shapes. However, we do not need every shape. Which is meaningful? What is the criteria? Do we really know how to choose? 41



Rush Color

Design Project

The ridge seems straight, actually slightly curving; The drops seem alike, in fact with different arcs.

Waving Venation 波的脈絡 Seed of chinese flame tree (台灣欒樹) Paper, Aluminium rod


The Cluster 植物群落

Exhibtion Taipei Free Art Fair, 2014 Taipei, Taiwan





The Cluster


Product Design

Folding Me 對摺

Folding Me 對摺

Material Exploring & Application


Product Design

Brief A new paint brush Processing is a programming language built for electric art. Thus it can be seen as a paint brush. At the same time, however, could “brush” be redefine? Could the medium of painting have a new

Started from the idea “finding a new kind of computing paint brush” and combined with a solid operating interface, I made a series of action origami, focused on the repetitive constructions, and explored the possible 49

Folding Me 對摺

As for me, paper folding is repetitive. It is just like drawing continuous pattern, finding ways to connect and extend natually, and then weaving surface or even creating form. Origin Tracsformation within active & still In order to find a way to explore form & structure, I start focus on paper as a medium. Since I was a teen, I have loved to make things with a delicate process. Hence, I develop the skill of paper folding from simple origami to complex pattern structure. In this picture, the one in front is the first simple “container” created for a seed of dandelion. All the size of them is within a palm. I made them for seeking and realizing the conversion between forms in motion. It is a continuous movement. 50


Folding Me ĺ°?ć‘ş



Side & Edge

Hollow structure

Fixed shape

Paper folding, with its original feature: light and flexible, makes a light, compressible body with distinct sides and

A piece of paper can be bend in a circle, overlaps its contrast sides with folded pattern, and then constitute a hollow

Folding patterns fix the form of origami. They arrange or definite the way of movement. Therefore, some structures

Design Project

Process A simple & various form

Freedom with limits

A controller should not be too complicated. Likewise, a brush tool as the operating interface needs a simple form. I chose the one which is simple and easy to change variously. Each type has its own appearance, arresting

The transforming process is not unrestricted. Limits from features of paper, like flexibility and non-reversibility, make the results diverse but not infinite. However, limits also bring some regualtion and exclude unstable structures. We always seek freedom, and I believe it is the


Folding Me 對摺

Recursive tree by Processing

Developnent Hybrid of two kinds of regulations Both paper folding and Processing have some qualities related to regulation. The former includes repetitive patterns, and the later is a logical discipline which can be developed into generative art. I would like to observe interaction and possibilities between users and their “canvas” with the paper folding interface and visual feedback by Processing. The idea of recursive tree comes from ArtBotHack’s work on OpenProcessing. I learned and programed another one with four varibles linked to sensors on my paper controller. The Recursion: is the process of repeating items in a self-similar way.


Design Project

There is a random function in Processing named “noise”, which creates more natural & harmonic numbers than standard random ones.

About Function “noise()” Texture of brush & strokes Some natural things are not absolute or single; they have noise, such as overtone of sound and pencil strokes. That is what the function “noise” comes from. The texture here is about not only what the painting looks like, but how touch feeling of brush is. Then I make the connection between the feature of “noise” and the texture of paper, believing the sense of touch is comparable to a kind of noise: everyone touches materials with separate but alike feeling. The invisible rule of “noise” includes variables from interaction between human and paper folding, bringing


Folding Me ĺ°?ć‘ş

1 3

2 4

Using Process Combination of copper points Combination of touching points made of copper decides how the tree moves and branches. 1 | Pattern of branch changes (in shapes of I, V, Y, H) 2 | Background color changes in grayscale 3 | Speed of movement decreases 4 | Speed of movement increases


Design Project

Intention Continuous pattern of painting & structure There are two parts of this interactive piece: the movement of branching tree, and the controlling structure of paper folding. Both their ways of working are


Folding Me ĺ°?ć‘ş

Controller made of paper folding demonstrates how movement of every crease mark connects with each other.

Working Model Prototyping with Arduino The hardware consists of Arduino UNO, electronic components and the paper controller with sensors; the software is Arduino programming connected to Processing. Sensors on the folding paper are made of copper as



Design Project

Folding Me ĺ°?ć‘ş

Programming with Arduino Programming with Processing 60


ZongQui 容・器

Ceramic Container


Craft Design

Zong, 容

Qui, 器


Process About Glazing The waving rim formed during the rotating wheel slowing down gradually. I held and dipped the piece into the glaze, turned it, and then it formed a surface finish with a sense 64

The Waving 澡波 Bowl Green glazed 70, 70, 31 mm


Craft Design

Craft Design

Starry Night ć˜&#x;čž° Vase Dark blue glazed 19, 57, 48 mm

The blue surface is mottled with white. The mouse of the vase with a golden border around is the most saturated blue part. 67

Zong-Qui 容・器

The Night 夜 Bowl Dark purple glazed 63, 63, 28 mm

There is a surprise after it came out from the kiln. It is a part just like wipped, then the inner came out with natural varishing surface and a


Product Design

The marks like rows of ridge are made with a passing wire for lifting during the last step of throwing as trace of my practicing.


Rush Color 藺彩



Pair Peeler 手手為雙

Hand tool design


Product Design

Could a tool for human being originate from the feature of creatures? I try to find the sense and the possibility of organic forms.

Form Exploration Limulidae


A marine living fossil’s shell

Extension and directions of tenta-

Continuous Balance & stability of the foot-like


Graceful and smooth curves


Pair Peeler 手手為雙




The relationships between the behavior and forms while tools are seen as the medium

Function Medium: touch point & surface The two nimble fingers and the web space of this gesture help users operate the blade more directly, and shortens the distance between hands and objects. 72

While holding the peeler, the simple three touch points are the pulp of thumb, forefinger and side of middle finger respectviely. There are only one edge to mark off the space for peeling. And the contiuous surface are smooth without extra part,

Without a handle, users are more instinctive to follow the peeling movement. Its small size save effort and reduce the range of motion

Product Design

During the using process, another line is to reach the ideal tactile sensations and user experience.

Material As we hold the wood in hands, we can sensate a feeling of warmth through its nature color, smooth texture and observe the pattern of tree rings. It is not only the appearance of a material, but the clue for us to perceive it, explore how to shape it and demonstrate its characteristic properly. During the making process, I found the pattern of tree rings turns while meeting every section and angle. It is beautiful and distinguished each of the curves naturally. 73

Rush Color 藺彊

Intention Two forms of the peeler are in pairs and with the contrasting texture and purpose. One is related to human factors, while the other is about feeling. Our hands, especially fingers, are sensitive. Hence, hand tools should not only provide functions but also 74

Product Design



Pair Peeler



Product Design

Dear dad, I leave a light on for you. Good night:)


Rush Color 藺彩



Familit 歸有光

Home decor design Hallway bracket light Designer /

Szu-Yi Wang, Chia-Yun Sun


Product Design



For the one who comes home late

Living space of families

Behavior “leaving” within inter-

As time goes on, relationships between families are changing. There are new types of family, such as dual-earner household and DINK, which bring some problems. One of them is: being seperated from one’s families due to dissimilar daily routines. That means families cannot share the same time and lives at home. We find it is also one factor in some complications concerning social issue, like latchkey children. In this situation, people usually leave a light for their families at night. Then

We observe some common living space of families, and focus on where a hallway is. Sometimes it is just a little space with a wall and shelves. That is because families in Taiwan usually live in apartments or traditional townhouses, and the hallway is narrow or not independent but connected to a living room. A hallway as the first place of entering home could be meaningful to someone who comes back at dusk. Though people do not stay there for that long, how

We interviewed some people, analyzed the interaction within families, and found that “leaving something” is a common point, such as leaving a message or a dessert. Everyone shows or expresses their kindness by this way. We developed this idea


Familit 歸有光

About “manipulating holders”: Shapes of holders associated with our gesture, behavior and feeling of whisper

Process Gesture of Whispering leavThe concept combines leaving a light on and whisper, which is a way of leaving messages closely. We believe that real voice is familiar to families. It is a deeper and more sensitive perceiving than words. 82

The medium keeps the gesture of holding which makes people leaving voice just like whispering in the ear. It is easy and a little intimate. Everyone can leave any form of sound. It is a chance for family to make connection, keep and

1 | Form: use iron wires for prototyping 2 | Light: create a light beam through lens 3 | Holders: finish wood pieces with soap 4 | Springs: test the operating sense of touch

Product Design

About “leaving sounds�: Sound holes are related to intention of spreading sound and manipulating gestures




4 83

Rush Color 藺彊



Familit: light up within fami-

Perceiving & magining by yourself

This is a interactive medium which comes from concept of leaving a light on. It turns leaving messages into a light at night, providing another situation for families to ex-

Although differing from normal appearance, all its signs, curves and shapes of every part imply what it is for, how to handle it and then how it works. For example, the shape of holders come from the gesture of whispering

to someone. It also slightly indicates one’s behavior standing in front of it to another user. Familit needs everyone to handle it, perceive it and imagine what it makes happen. Hence,

Product Design

Keep ç•™

Wood holder indicates gesture of leaving messages. 1








Receive č ˝

Sound transforms into visible flowing light.

Using Process 1 | Hold & keep two halves of ring wood close. 2 | Leave voice messages into the ring. 3 | Messages transform into a beam, go up along the wall & turn the light on. 4 | The light & messages wait for families coming back late.

5 | The one comes back & sees the light on. 6 | Touch the gray botton lightly. 7 | Light beam flows back to the box, then messages plays out. 8 | Listen during taking off shoes, and then leave. The light will be off auto-

matically after 15 min.


Familit 歸有光

Feature & Intention Ring


Two halves of ring wood pieces with smooth body


The holders close as a perfect round shape, then users start recording.

Sound holes



Light beam

While playing, pattern & the shape of holders indicate the intention of spreading

Its curving shape holds/is filled with light coming from families.

Touch lightly then messages would be

During recording, the sound transforms into visible


Product Design

KIMU Stand H

作為低調而雅致 的角色:傳遞品 牌風格,襯出器 物的質地

KIMU Stand H 柒木展示架

2014 木頭,鐵管 柒木設計實習作品


Design Projects


概念 延續品牌風格,衍生設計方向 由柒木品牌概念出發,融合東方與西方質感,在造 型結構上琢磨于細節處理,兼具簡約與實用性,作 為專屬于品牌之展示用架。

探討產品屬性特質、品牌系列 關係、家飾品空間配置,並觀 摩實際家居情境之商品攝影流 程,了解品牌特質,以歸納出 合適於參展用途之展架特性。

Stand H 從 H 字型發展,透過角度變化形成懸掛與 桌面展示空間。簡潔細長的視覺感受,襯托燈飾商 品。 包含兩種支架與卡件,可依場地展示需求調整配置 方向與大小,或增添組件做延伸應用。


Y型卡件,體積小,並簡化拆裝流程。搭配管材骨架,組裝後可形成一角度架 設桌板。並透過零件模組化增加未來靈活運用的可能性。


KIMU Stand H












Design Projects

Whutility Knife 三十


Whutility Knife 三十



Product Design



The detail during everyday life

Easy to draw a perfect line

We usually focus on the promotion of effective function and convenient use, which just meets the professionals’ need. That means we solve problems mainly for some working environments.

In our daily life, people use utility knives. Some may worry about drawing lines at wrong angles, and even apply too much force. Thus, sometimes they fail to get a perfect line. Tools has a blade, however, then drawing lines should be a easy process.

When we have some trouble with a small hand tool at home, however, what it needs may not be high-tech, but a easy and comfortable way to finish a daily task. In addition, while improving working

“Whutility Knife” has a little wheel as a fulcrum. It leads users to keep the proper angle, reducing users’ anxiety and the waste of effort. The tool provides easy way to accomplish nice straight lines.


Whutility Knife 三ĺ?

Process Form for using at ease A side view of using states show the relationship between the utility knife and the horizontal line(as tables/papers). We can see the degree of inclination, proportion of length(divided by the wheel, the fulcrum), and sizes of wheel. These all affect the using process with a given angle. I try to find a elegant form expressing the concept of finishing tasks easily and perfectly, then 94

Product Design

Intention Connection with the feather of The shape is like a feather extending to the end of the product. It denotes a lithe and smooth using process. The outline with clear edges indicates it is a functional hand tool which has efficient and convenient use.

Its form is also similar to a quill pen used by hands likewise. I hope using this utility knife is just like writing or drawing directly, which means there is no difficulty in getting a nice line for everyone. 95

Whutility Knife 三十

Directly & perfectly



Vertical & straight state

30 ease

The little wheel helps not only leading a straight and steady cutting, but keeping the blade vertical to the surface of papers. The latter makes the knife

According to user experience, it best saves efforts as the degree of inclination is 30. The site and size of wheel decide the proper angle between the knife and the surface


Product Design


Product Design

Graphics, Generative Art, Photograph


Identity Design

Business Card Design 設計思成立於2013年,初期為學生發起之設計行動社群,致力於設計 思維之交流與實踐。希望透過網路媒體、沙龍與工作坊,散播行動的 想法和力量。


此設計為該組織第一期logo時所製,其風格簡約,藉由打凸製程使 之明顯。背面以早期團隊成員各自所選代表色為基底,進行暈染、描 繪成員性格特質。

Communication Design

Product series

Business card

Identity Design Log4analytics 是一間以人工智慧研發為核心技術之資料分 析公司,不同於專門服務大型企業之廠商,其致力推廣及提 供中小企業數據資料收集、視覺化分析、資訊安全等服務。 識別設計以簡約與水平向修飾為主,傳遞新形態資安維護服 務帶給客戶的穩重與安心感。 101

Generative Art



Summer �


Generative Art, animation programming by Processing

Visual, Photography

The wind blows in gusts through the floating dandelions, swaying the rapeseed flowers.

Lines weave all together and turn into rotating flowers.



Motive elements on marine background show the topic about forever.

Event Poster 2013 Conference of Taiwan Institute of Kansei


Visual, Photography

Main Visual Design Use the concept of “3� to express three concepts of the plan: talent, education, and dream.


Photography 2012-2014




It was peaceful. We waited for the clouds back and forth, then the light diffused on the beach.











Product Design

Anping fish market, Tainan







BEFORE SUNRISE Stella Wang +886913457340

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