Secret 7� - Massive Attack - Song title: Karmacoma Solution 1
Solution 2
Solution 3
Accompanying Vinyl designs
Promo Poster 1
Promo Poster 2
Here you can see the original cover for the Massive Attack song, ‘Karmacoma’.
Themes of: being out of control, crazy, the unawareness that what you do becomes who you are. This design is a contemporary version of the character found on the original album, using a brush stroke to create the design has made reference to Robert Del Naja’s inspirations of graffiti
To communicate the ideals of the song, for example; being out of control & crazy. I wanted to design two intimidating characters that took into account inspirations of Massive Attacks previous artworks for e.g. Create a contrast of elements which can be seen through the juxtaposition of Massive Attacks artwork.
The following designs have been created using Massive Attacks set scenery (as seen in the photograph). To create that sense of ‘crazy’ I distorted the elements and then began overlaying the designs onto a photograph I also heavily edited.
Although It wasn’t possible to use the song title or name of the band on the Vinyl cover, I extended the brief and created promotional posters that featured these details. I really felt I needed to do this because the majority of Massive Attacks album covers make political references through their use of typography.
Using the controversial newspaper ‘The Sun’ as their inspiration for their type, which is ‘Franklin Gothic’.