_OUGD 503 _Responsive
Create a Logo Design and potential concepts for Interactivity. Client_ ZoomRadar. “We’d like the logo to be sharp, we are essentially a weather tech company and want to convey that message. But we want to make sure it is professional looking... Nothing cartoony. The logo can convey speed (zoom) and/or weather.
Displaying how the interactivity of the website will be shown across different platforms. Business card design/ Letterhead & sub design.
_OUGD 503 _Responsive
ZoomRadar’s proprietary software can ingest netCDF data and output perfectly contoured SVG or PNG data in half the time of traditional programs. So if your research involves complex data files and the need to view this data in a contoured display we may be able to help you. Please contact us at questions@zoomradar.com
Here’s an example of our radar data overlayed on a Google Map
Interactive Radar
Interactive Radar
Radar Feed
Radar Feed
Widgets/ Gadgets
Widgets/ Gadgets
Your forecast
Your forecast
More If your company is looking for a feed of real time radar data you have come to the right place. ZoomRadar has invested tremendous resources into making our NEXRAD mosaic the best in the weather business. It is the highest resolution N0Q mosaic available on the internet!
Using ZoomRadar’s proprietary contouring algorithms data is accurate and smooth down to street level. The feed is available every 6 minutes in either PNG or SVG format. We can provide you with full images for download or “tiles” for use on GIS map applications. Developers ask us about our API for your use in web and mobile devices.
Due to the nature of the company, I thought it would of been necessary to apply the design of the logo across a website, displaying two interfaces and how the website’s categories would work
Primary photographs/ Promotional material, Interactivity promoted through a QR code scanner which would directly link the audience to the website. Facebook design/ Cover photo and Profile picture.s