Chair Lab. A Concept Workshop for the Decorative Arts + Design Museum
 – Stephanie Bullock
Tom Foltz
Kari Cottrell
Hannah Theele
Brief Team – Liv Bjelland Kari Cottrell Tom Foltz Ida Ianko Hanne Karlsen
Design Brief
Project Challenge The challenge focus is on developing an interactive workshop activity using digital technology to help families visiting the museum engage more deeply with the Decorative Arts and Design Exhibit.
Design Brief
Design Brief
Target Audience: Families Connection •
with museum
with each other
The team consists of at least one child and one adult.
(Adams, 2010)
Design Brief
Context The Decorative Arts and Design Museum is unique in the fact that they deal with objects that are actually made for use, like chairs, clocks, lights, even jewelry. Functional objects that we interact with on a regular basis, objects with a life and history.
Highlight differences
Focusing on chairs
Design Brief
Context The Decorative Arts and Design Museum is unique in the fact that they deal with objects that are actually made for use, like chairs, clocks, lights, even jewelry. Functional objects that we interact with on a regular basis, objects with a life and history.
Highlight differences
Focusing on chairs
Design Brief
Concepts 3 areas of focus:
Maker spaces & technology
The creative process
Learning by doing
Design Brief
Concept: Maker Spaces & Technology
Design Brief
Concept: Creative Process
Design Brief
Concept: Learning by Doing Concept
“ Involving the use of the body and the handling of material, the subject matter of instruction is isolated from the needs and purposes of the learner, and so becomes just something to be memorized and reproduced on demand.�
(Dewey, 1957)
Design Brief
Summary of Concepts The purpose of this combination of concepts is to bring family units/teams together in a maker space with open source maker technology so that they can actively participate in the creative process and learn by doing.
Chair Lab
chair lab.
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
The Digital Studio •
Located beneath the gallery space.
Signage directs teams to the workshop.
Contains all the needed technology for the workshop
Chair Lab
The Digital Studio •
Located beneath the gallery space.
Signage directs teams to the workshop.
Contains all the needed technology for the workshop
3D printers
Chair Lab
The Digital Studio •
Located beneath the gallery space.
Signage directs teams to the workshop.
Contains all the needed technology for the workshop
3D printers
Interactive Tables
Chair Lab
3D Printers: Form 1+ •
Uses Liquid resin, as opposed to filaments
Lasers harden the resin as it is lifted from the tray.
Small footprint
Affordable [about 32,000 NOK]
Chair Lab
3D printers
Chair Lab
chair lab. 13:43 PM
chair lab.
This is the chair lab. A workshop where you and your family can try your hand at the creative process that is chair construction. SIGN UP HERE
Team Rocker
Team Roller
Team Swivel
Team Maker
Chair Lab
Interactive Tables
Large touch interfaces
Multiple user input
Kid/Family friendly
Chair Lab
Grammy Museum
National Football Museum
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Chair Lab
Goal •
Understanding the creative process
Learn about modern fabrication techniques
Generate strong memories of the workshop
Outcome for Museum •
Parallel industry trends
Bridging the gap between then and now
Opportunity to compete with other museums
Outcome for Audience •
Unique experience
Encourages return visits
Learn how to evaluate and discuss design
Questions? Thank You!
Works Cited
Falk, J. H. (2006). An Identity-Centered Approach to Understanding Museum Learning. Curator: The Museum Journal, 49(2), page 151-166. Indsatsomraader/Brugerundersoegelse/Artikler/ John_Falk_Understanding_museum_visitors__motivations_and_learning.pdf
Knutson, K., & Crowley, K. (2010). Connecting with art: How families talk about art in a museum setting. In M. K. Stein & L. Kucan (Eds.), Instructional Explanations in the Disciplines (page. 189-206). New York Springer. connectingwithart.pdf
Adams M., Luke, J. & Ancelet, J. (2010). Family Learning in Art Museum Interactive Spaces: literature review. Engage 25: Family Learning, ed. K. Raney, London, UK, page 19 – 30. images/pdf/ SUMMARYLitReviewENGAGE.pdf 3D Printing Artefacts. Retrieved on May 24, 2016 from
Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1996). Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention. New York: Harper Collins Publishers Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Hermanson, K. (1995). Intrinsic Motivation in Museums: Why does one want to learn? In J. Falk & L. D. Dierking (Eds.), Public institutions for personal learning: Establishing a research agenda. (page 67-77). Washington, DC: American Associations of Museums. Delong M., Wu., J. & Bao, M. (2007). May I Touch it? Berg, Volume 5, Issue 1, page 34-39. Can be located at Dewey, J. (1957). Democracy and education: an introduction to the philosophy of education. New York: The MacMillan Company. Can be located at: Falk, J. Understanding Museum Visitors’ Motivation and Learning. http:// Indsatsomraader/Brugerundersoegelse/Artikler John_Falk_Understanding_museum_visitors__motivations_and_learning.pdf Häussler, I. (2009) Honest Threads. Berg, Volume 4, Issue 3, page 375 – 378. Can be loacted at! 293&authkey=!AKiXqf6_SykJerU&ithint=file%2cpdf
Nasjonalmuseet, Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design. Retrieved on May 28, 2016. nasjonalmuseet/om_museet/ Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Design og kunsthåndverk 1905-2005. Retrieved on May 23, 2016. utstillinger/kunstindustrimuseet/Design+og+kunsthåndverk+1905– 2005.9UFRjOXl.ips Sawyer, K. R. (2012). Explaining Creativity. The science of Human Innovation. New York: Oxford University Press. Second Edition. Public Libraries News. 3D Printers & Maker Spaces. Retrieved on May 25, 2016 from Qvale. A. (Presentation 19.05.2016) Nasjonalmuseets merkevareplattform. Vitra Design Museum. Collection 100 Masterpieces. Retrieved on May 24,2016 from Woolfolk, A. (2004). Pedagogisk psykologi. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk Forlag.