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$39,500 maternal sib to embryos selling

LIMOUSIN - REG. 12345678

Ef Xcessive Force X Wlr Prada

When it comes to show pedigrees and show cattle in the Limousin breed the great WLR Prada female is as good as it gets! Her daughter Barbara is gaining ground quick!

SHSK Barbara celebrated often on the tan bark, her signature win was when she was crowed the 2015 American Royal Grand Champion Heifer and then the 2015 NAILE, 2016 NWSS, and 2016 FWSS Reserve Grand Champion Limousin Heifer.

Barbara is a maternal sister to the hottest Limousin sire, ELCX Kings Landing. Her sisters, SHSK Fergie, SHSK Debra Dawn, SHSK Felicity, SHSK Elvera, SHSK Benjie won countless shows and are now donors in prominent programs. The genetics are timeless and consistent no matter the mating.

• This past fall 5 maternal sibs to the embryo’s selling, sold in 5 separate sales and averaged $19,000 with a top of $39,500 (pictured).

• The limflex mating to KR Casino 6243 will be in high demand... Semen on that bull repeatedly selling upwards to a $1,000 plus a straw.

• The Limousin breed is HOT HOT HOT! With Limousin cattle winning the big shows and the excitement for the breed is at an all-time high, don’t miss the bus.

LOT 17 - 1 package of 3 IVF embryos sired by KR Casino 6243 sexed female


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