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SHOWTIME ENDLESS LOVE J25 Maternal sib embryos selling
1/2 SIMMENTAL - REG. 3715478
Mr Hoc Broker X Haras Hairietta Clone H4w
One of the most dominate mattings EVER in the show cattle world... BROKER X HAIRIETTA ...Countless ones have sold for over 5 figures and the one time record selling Princess 100Z at $190,000 is just one of several who have won on the National stage. Other Broker X Hairietta matings have yielded many national level champions including Hara’s Princess 12D showed by the Skiles Family, Hara’s SULL Princess 03 7503E Showed by Colton Greenhorn was Grand Champion Percentage Simmental NAILE. Hara’s Kim Kardashian 1C AKA “Lady Killer” another Broker X Hairietta daughter just produced TRUST FUND the $270,000 valuation bull.
• 201F is the one working for Showtime Cattle in Indiana, and already has had her share of high sellers and champions. The only choice on this lot is which matting??
•A flush of Hara’s Miss Princess 100Z to Something About Mary produced 3 head that sold for a average over $40,000 in 2021….
•Data Bank sired the Supreme Champion Heifer last year a the cattlemen’s congress .

•Limitless is one of the true up and coming sire in the breed .... The choice is yours and you cant go wrong.
LOT 44 A - 1 package of 4 IVF embryos sired by SOMETHING ABOUT MARY sexed female
LOT 44 B - 1 package of 4 IVF embryos sired by DATA BANK sexed female
LOT 44 C - 1 package of 3 IVF embryos sired by S&S TSSC LIMITLESS 041H sexed female