6 minute read
If your feed costs are 25 cents per pound on a dry matter basis, and you are at the industry average of 6.5 lb. coversion, it is costing you $1.62 to put on a pound. You would be losing money on Every Pound Gained!
If you could improve that to a 4.5lb. coversion that would take your cost of gain down to $1.13 per pound.
Making money every pound gained. If you try to put on 600 pounds, this would be a $295 savings per animal!
Winston has to be a go to Sire if you are wanting to add pounds to a calf crop.

Look for his daughters to be second to none as he is out of the ultra-beautiful 5439. Udder structure while still supplying ample milk with fertility are qualities that really stand out with the 5439 lineage.
Winston always wowed visitors in the pasture on farm tours. He will add scale to a calf crop and his sons look to follow in his footsteps. Now resides in the ALTA genetics lineup.
Byergo Winston 1795
Byergo Winston 1908
x T-Bone cross really works. Check out the off the charts savings in this efficiency standout.
Bigger scaled Calving Ease bulls always work and the grow will be there. 17 generations of Byergo Breeding,
Byergo Winston 1902
These Winston sons just have it. Look for them to consistently add that scale that is required to top the market.
1902 follows suit to his lineage of being super sound and has a very complete added profit profile. 16 generations of Byergo Power Maternal breeding.
Byergo Winston 1905
1908 is out of an ideal maternal Angus female, this Black Magic daughter is beautiful in her design with a picture perfect udder and test size.
Calving ease and check out that weaning weight in a bull that puts together a top end combination of YW, RADG, and DMI. This is profit. 16 generations of Byergo breeding,
Byergo Winston 1910
1910 is out of a powerhouse Wrangler daughter. The Wrangler daughters continue to do great things and 1910 definitely fits that Power Maternal bill.

Calving Ease and added carcass quality in a big bull package. Look at the money you can save and the money you can gain.

Byergo Titus 6340
you want 4 dimensional cattle? Sometimes people talk about 3 dimensional cattle, Well Titus provides 4 dimensional offspring.
put the cattle world on notice back when he sold in 2017. Never has an Angus bull carried so much middle, make note that he was pushing 7 frame (in the picture) as a yearling bull with his belly dragging the ground. When you talk about genetically biggest weaning weight cattle of all time, TITUS has to be in the discussion.

Byergo Titus 1120
Black Magic 3348 a time tested pedigree here. Titus x Only Answer x Mighty Mytty. If you want good long lasting cattle, this is a pedigree for you. Think of the daughters.
Check out the spread. Yes he is calving ease but also has the grow. 13 generations of Byergo breeding dating back to the original “Elia of South Oaks”.
Byergo Titus 6488

Byergo Titus
The Farm
savings are just so important to you. Cattle that take they feed they are given and make pounds. 7130 has the spread. Out of an Easy Answer daughter, these cows a superb easy fleshers. Increase your bottom line!
Byergo Titan 2401
Byergo Lil J Titus
2401 is going to be a top pick out of the
Look at the calving ease to grow spread. Look at the big outlined, big bodied powerhouse of a bull and you will see why this future herdsire is going to sire the sale topping kind.
Foot – Udder Quality – Fertility
In a recent study conducted by the American Angus Association, stayability was one of the most sought after traits. At Byergo Angus, there is nothing we pride ourselves in more than our cows’ ability to stay in the herd and to produce for years. Longevity - stayability is a must. Check out our list of stayability...
(The dam of Black Magic) - Still producing strong at 16. 7229
(The dam of Stetson) - Still producing strong at 14. 5899

(The dam of Oasis and Samson) - Produced strong to 16. 2345
(The dam of Wrangler) - Produced until she was 15. 6179
(The dam of LoIn-HiOut 1460) - Still producing strong at 15. 8750 (The dam of Lawmaker) - Dominating at 13 years of age. 8756
(The grandam of Titus) - Still churning out the studs at 13. 6137 (The dam of Andy) - Still pulling the plow at 14.
Byergo Oasis 6052
sire group and they need no introduction. These Oasis sons have already been top selling sire groups in 2 sales. They flat out get after it.
1119 has the added weight and comes by it honestly with generations of power bred in. These Pistol Pete daughters are proving out to be real producers. Soundness, efficiency, and added pounds is a winning combination. Notice the 4th dam is 190W, she produced until she was 22 years old.
An all-time Legend at Byergo Angus and for good reason, he is an absolute machine. He has now amassed the record for most naturally serviced cows at Byergo Angus. Oasis usually runs with three different groups of cows per year and has had over 100 natural calves in a fiscal year 3 times.
His sons have been the high selling sire group in 2 sales, they are always sale day favorites.
Oasis’s greatest legacy will be his daughters though. Fabulous, exquisite cows that look to last the test of time.
Byergo Oasis 1933
just that, out of the 13 year-old, going strong 0104. This Big Time daughter has caught the attention of many visitors over the years. The Big Time sons and daughters were some of our all-time high customer pleasers and 0104 sure fits the bill, she had a sale topper clear back in the 2014 bull sale.

is going to find friends. He is really standing out and was one of my top picks in the bull pen as I’m writing this. Real hoss with just that added big bull look.
in the calving ease at +13 CED and the fact that he is out of a Stetson dam and this is a bull to put on your radar. 1933 is very efficient…. Make cattle ranching fun again!
Byergo Mufasa 1956
has been a pick his whole life as visitors always found him in the pasture as a calf. Wean day was no different, as he was a sight to see. Power and style would sum it up.

Here is the really cool part, his dam is a 13 year old cow. She has gotten the job done time and time again. She is the type of female that has kept us in business for 73 years, Blue collar cows I call them, no pampering, just go out and do your job. Pounds + Efficiency + Longevity=Profit

Special Note

✧ Oh My, Oh My….One of the really great phenotype bulls to sell anywhere this year. A grandson of the great Cupcake 8900. This just reminds us again how she captivated such an audience and her offspring have been incorporated into programs all over the world. ✧ Efficiency, Calving ease, and the pounds will be there. This is just one helluva bull!
Power Maternal Females
The excitement and calls for Power Maternal cattle have been overwhelming. It has become very apparent that there is great demand for Power Maternal!
So What is Power Maternal?
A Power Maternal Cow is a solid, efficient cow. A solid structured cow that has good feet, legs, and rib shape. A durable, smart mother that is strong in her kind and built for longevity. A bigger scaled animal that has the drive to forage under the toughest conditions. A cow that is not small or weak in any way. A cow that mothers her calf and is conscious of her calf’s well-being. A cow that ultimately, time and time again, weans a huge power quality calf with an extremely high % Body Weight Weaned! In short, that’s a Power Maternal Cow. That’s a Byergo Cow!
The Power Maternal Score
The Power Maternal scoring system takes into account several factors that are not incorporated into EPDs, two of which are Longevity and Actual Pelvic Size (huge factors in the profitability of a cattle operation). Factors that go into the power maternal score are the following:
Longevity, Actual Pelvic Size, Dam’s %Body Weight Weaned, Dam’s Body Condition, Scrotal Measurement, Fertility Score, Weaning Weight, Dam’s Average