1 minute read
Dylan Rice
is really making his mark and continues to gain traction for siring practical money making cattle.
Wow efficiency here. 4.48 to 1. This comes as no surprise being that his maternal grandsire is our foundation efficiency sire Byergo LoInHiOut…. Also take note of the added marbling here.
We have Steer A and Steer B o Steer A has a cost of gain that is .52 cents per pound. o Steer B has a cost of gain that is $1.08 per pound. o A difference in cost of gain at .56 cents per pound. o We are trying to put 650 pounds on these 2 steers. o 650 pounds x .56 cents per pound= $364 in feed cost savings that steer A would save you. all that and more. Look at the calving ease spread and the perfect feet on this bull that is sure to catch your attention.

This is looking at good converter versus a bad converter but it would be nothing for a proven Feed Efficient Sire to save you $100$150 per calf in feedlot savings and this number will go up with inflation and rising feed costs. GET THEM EFFICIENT! IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TRAIT TO YOUR BOTTOM LINE OF PROFIT!