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Way #2 you can save by buying a Feed Efficiency tested Sire

Backgrounding calves

It has been proven that it pays to wean your calves for 45-60 days before selling them. When you look at conversion, it is easy to see Sires vary drastically in their daily conversion cost. Let’s do some math.

o Sire A (a bull not bred for feed efficiency) has calves put a cost of gain on for .90 cents per pound.

o Sire B (A Feed Efficiency tested sire) has calves put a cost of gain on for .60 cents per pound.

o A difference of .30 cents per pound gain on calves that are averaging a 3 lbs/per day gain.

o =That equals $.90 per day per calf.

o For 60 days that ends up being $54 per calf savings.

o If both bulls sire 25 calves that ends up being $1350 that Sire B saved you versus Sire A in one calf crop. Very easy to see the Value in Sire B- The feed Efficiency tested sire.

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