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Byergo Crossover

is a granddaughter of my first show heifer back in

(Juice5085). What a cow 5085 was and what a cow 1404 is.

On an early morning a few weeks ago when the truck was reading -17 (with a -35 windchill) we were feeding a bale of hay to large group of cows. I couldn’t help but think, hope 1404 can still handle this extreme weather…. And there she was leading the pack. What a cow! Power Maternal Matters!

The 7808 donor is a cow that is a no miss as she consistently turns head on tours. She is a Wow cow!

Yup, again he’s a hoss. 1402 excels at putting together an excellent combination
Byergo Clarity 1405
This is what a flush is suppose to look like, where every brother is a stud. Really disappointed when I’ve went to sale’s where one flush brother is great and another sucks. It’s all about consistency.
Yeah that’s right he is again a hoss! 1405 has the second highest WW EPD of the brothers and will make you take a second look.
Byergo Billy Bob 1406
Byergo Thriller 1913
Birth Date: 09-19-2021 Bull 20513453 Tattoo: 1913
Calving ease Thriller son that will still have gas to turn it on.
Make note of the Andy daughter, they always get the job done. Good conversion and good marbling on this bull that is 12 generations of Byergo Breeding.
Byergo Thriller 1939
1128 will again hit that calving ease mark. Still plenty of grow and stretch here.
1128 has a ton of mating flexibility as you can use him on your Andy, Black Magic, Oasis, and Wrangler cattle. 16 generations of Byergo Breeding.
✧ 1939 is a bit of a sleeper, really like this bull. He has an attractive presence about him. ✧ Also puts together a very good data set. A heifer bull, with plenty of stretch and grow to also go on cows. Super sound individual that is 13 generations of Byergo Breeding.

Byergo Iconic 1409
Has been a very popular throughout the industry. Attractive cattle that give you added carcass quality.
1229 is bred for style crossing up Iconic with a Boomer daughter. Good growth spread and added carcass quality in this bull that traces back 14 generations to our original cow “Elia of South Oaks” of the rising star donor “7631”. 7631, a maternal sister to Winston, really jumped on the scene in the fall of 2021 when her set of flush brothers averaged $13,000. She’ll put that cowboy look into them for dang sure.

This was a can’t miss mating and we are very pleased with the results. 1409 will fit a lot of different breeding objectives because he is just an all around good bull. Put him on your list.

Looking for an Attractive, Very Sound, Calving-Ease bull. 1794 fits the bill.

Byergo Salvation 1407
1111 is from our embryo program out of the very popular Salvation. 1111 is more moderate, but still has plenty of thickness.
It’s always about the cow behind the bull and 1111 is out of one productive momma, just a calf raiser that always weans a high percentage of her body weight. 1111 has lower intake with still good conversion.
again out of the popular Salvation from the 6125 donor, who is a maternal sister to Byergo Lawmaker.
is an extra growth Salvation. Check out the conversion, push down the scale with quality pounds. Daughters will be top notch from this bull that descends 13 generations back to cow that started it all “Elia of South Oaks”.

Byergo Lightning
Here is a Sire group that everyone has been looking for. The Lightning’s bring the real world power to a whole different level.
Don’t even worry about looking at the EPD’s on growth on Lightning’s, just know they flat out grow in a package you won’t get docked for at the sale barn for being dumpy.
Remember that the difference between a +1.0 BEPD and a +6.0 BEPD is 5 pounds on average at birth. Something that you can’t even notice without scales. Bigger calves at birth will equal more money for you. You should get a 3, 4 or 5 BW EPD for cows.
Byergo Lightning 1108
Elia 3157
Byergo Miss Elia 2836 Byergo Only Answer 9779 Byergo Miss Elia 7229
3/4 brother to lots 80 and 81. Put a Lightning into your next calf crop and watch them grow as fast as a lightning strikes. They are changers.
Birth weight will not be an issue, in fact lowering Birth Weights has been focused on for so long that the cattle business has now found themselves in a position of needing to increase Birth Weights.
Byergo Lightning 1109
82 ✧ Extra Length, Extra Scale, Extra Pounds, and better conversion are all going to lead to Extra dollars in your pocket. ✧ These bulls are unique to say the least. Think of them more like breeding to a Black Charolais, only better.
Byergo Lightning 1110
This bull is going to be a sale favorite. Just check out that picture and he definitely won’t disappoint in person. Long spined, thick topped, thick quartered, extra scale. ✧ Out of a 14 year old cow, do to the age of the cow the EPDs just aren’t correct on this bull. He is one of the top growth bulls in the entire sale. Just image if you had a set of steers that look like this.

Byergo Lightning
Do you want a freak? Here he is. If you asked me for the top growth bull of the sale. This would be him. If you asked me for the top growth bull to sell in America this year. THIS WOULD BE HIM.
Yes he is big and yes he is going to be a very big bull, the biggest growth bull can’t in turn then be small. He will be a flat changer of a calf crop.