7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544
816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544
816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
only available on half of page or larger
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher
Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org
Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com
Advertising Representatives
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston
217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com
Darryl Rahn
217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC
913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com
Advisory Council
Montie Soules, ASA representative
Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co.
US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52
1 year US First Class - $54/year
Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130
Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300
(ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
ASA Board of Directors
American Shorthorn Association
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org
Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org
Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org
Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org
Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities; marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org
Cassie Reid, director of shows & events; customer service specialist cassie@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan, director of shows & member communications; customer service specialist • wade@shorthorn.org
Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org
May 1 AJSA Scholarship Deadline
May 1 Junior National Cattle Ownership and Entry Deadline
May 1 National Shorthorn Lassie Queen Applications Due
May 15 Junior National Late Cattle Entry Deadline (Additional Fees Apply)
May 15 NJSS Online Contest Submission Deadline (Photography, Graphic Design, Career, Speech)
May 24 “The Shorthorn Bullpen” Video Podcast Episode # 3 release
May 24-25 Cattlemen’s Conference, Stillwater, Okla.
May 30 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day
By August 1, 2023 you must be a member in good standing to be eligible to be a voting delegate for your state at the Annual Meeting. Eligibility can be found in the ASA Rules and Regulations.
2023 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1, 2023 and after $30
John Sonderman, president 402-641-0936
Toby Jordan, vice president 219-819-4603
Joe Bales, executive director 615-330-2342
Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552
Lee Miller, 330-231-6834
John Russell, 832-588-8604
Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905
Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590
Rick Osterday, 605-281-1175
Shorthorn Foundation
Bill Rasor, president
American Junior Shorthorn Association
Faye Smith, president
National Shorthorn Lassies
Sommer Smith, president
June 17-24 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, Des Moines, Iowa
July 3-6 BIF Annual Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
July 20-23 The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
Aug. 1 Builder of the Breed Nominations due to the ASA
Aug. 1 Deadline for ASA Membership in good standing to be eligible to be a voting delegate at Annual Meeting
Owned Show: Dr. Chris Skaggs
Bred & Owned Show: Jared Boyert
ShorthornPlus: Kyndal Reitzenstein
Showmanship: Shane & Melissa Schaake Bailey Boyert & Kennedy Phillips
The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “Bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”.
This means that regardless of service type Natural or AI, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
As a reminder, breeders can now send DNA samples directly to Neogen for testing rather than sending to the ASA office first. Starting July 1, 2023, a manual processing fee will be incurred for those samples sent to the office for preprocessing.
3 things will be required to send samples in for testing:
1. A registration (or recorded “U”) number for each tested animal
2. A paper copy of the finalized testing form, (emailed from staff, description below) which includes the Neogen order number
3. A barcode number for each animal tested
Breeders can queue up animals for testing in DigitalBeef and select which sample types they have, as well as which tests they want. Once the form is submitted, (it’s not entirely an automated process) staff will process the testing request and get an order ID # from Neogen. A finalized printable PDF of the submission form will be emailed to print and send to the lab with samples. Checks/payments are still made to the ASA. Once staff approves the testing request, the breeder’s DigitalBeef account is billed accordingly.
The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference
July 20-23, 2023
Phoenix, Arizona
• Registration Deadline •
April 16 –
May 31 :: Registration is $375
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
As of July 1, 2023, all Milking Shorthorn and Lincoln Red cattle that are to be brought into the American Shorthorn Association herd book as dual registered animals must be tested as an AI sire or donor dam prior to herd book acceptance, due to the lack of information available in their online registries.
There have been changes that will affect all Shorthorn Breeders and I want to address these new rules and/or requirements at this time. We at ASA do not want you to be blindsided with issues next year.
Many of you are turning bulls out in the pasture now or will be doing so soon. If that pasture bull or herd sire is a yearling, born after Jan. 1, 2022, you must have a DNA 100K/parentage test done on him to make him eligible to register calves sired by him. Some breeders have asked if this rule means you must DNA test all your bull calves. No, you do not. The only bulls requiring testing are ones that are herd sires and/ or pasture bulls you plan on using for natural service, and/or the regular DNA testing for AI Sire Qualifications.
The requirements are for bulls born after Jan. 1, 2022, that are used for breeding cows naturally – these bulls must be DNA tested for genomics and parentage. The test requirements are for the 100K test, which currently includes both genomics and parentage. The cost is $55.00. We have seen an increase in animals that do not parentage check for various reasons. Having the parentage on file will increase efficiency if parentage issues occur and as an added bonus, more genomic markers will be on file for the gnomically enhanced EPDs making that data even more accurate.
If you have a bull turned out or plan to turn out a bull born after Jan. 1, 2022, please get a DNA sample on him ASAP. Obtain the DNA sample now, just in case the bull is not available for a sample later. Next year when the resulting calves are born, registering those calves will be much easier. If the sire is not DNA tested for 100K/parentage, each resulting calf will require the same test before it can be registered.
I encourage you to take the time now and ensure you have herd sires DNA tested before they sire any calves. You will be glad you did this now instead of next year when you are trying to register the resulting calves. This is a reminder for you to get this done on your turnout bulls! Please look for the complete ruling on the Update Page. There are also new requirements for duel registering Milking Shorthorns and Lincoln Reds with the ASA - DNA testing is also required for them. See that rule in the News & Notes section.
The importance of genomics to our breed and the industry has become a mandate for many buyers. The more cattle with genomics and performance data recorded increases the accuracy of gnomically enhanced EPDs. They have a valid and honest value in our breed and the industry today. Knowing the animal’s genetic direction is valuable. This process reveals how the mating is genetically blended and what we should expect from that mating’s production record.
making environment. It is essential for Shorthorn breeders to have available the proper information.
If you have a bull turned out or plan to turn out a bull born after Jan. 1, 2022, please get a DNA sample on him ASAP.
Also, the marketplace wants to know if there are any risks for genetic conditions. Buyers are now more sophisticated, have questions and want the ability to research the product they are considering. More information means less unknowns or risks to the buyer and more answers result in better and quicker decisions to do business.
To any of the older established breeders: Please remember we have had strong new membership numbers joining ASA for several years. These new breeders have a different perspective and understanding of the importance of doing their homework before spending money. They are from a much more data-driven, decision-
On a related subject, a new show concept called the Shorthorn E.D.G.E. (Exposition Driving Genetic Excellence) Show will be launched at the 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress. Three judges will evaluate and score the EPD performance information and the physical phenotype separately, then the two scores will be combined to determine a class winner. A committee was appointed by the ASA Board to work on this special show concept. The ASA Board approved their recommendations. A couple of requirements are that all animals participating must have Gnomically Enhanced EPDS, a Birth Weight, and Weaning Weight recorded. If you would like to participate in the Shorthorn E.D.G.E. Show, have those animals’ DNA tested for 100K now. It takes about 6 weeks to complete a test, so think ahead and start testing now. Many breeders are starting to do 100K testing on their entire calf crop because of the demand and value.
Our industry is moving to a more datadriven value-added product from birth to the consumer. We must be prepared for this and provide the information that makes Shorthorn cattle more valuable!
Montie D. Soules asa executive secretary/CEOThe 2024 Cattlemen’s Congress is going to have some additional Shorthorn flare to it, as the inaugural Shorthorn E.D.G.E. Show will take place during the OKC festivities in January 2024. The E.D.G.E. (Exposition Driving Genetic Excellence) is an additional chance to exhibit your purebred Shorthorn cattle in a new format, combining phenotypic and genotypic evaluation under a panel of three judges. The E.D.G.E. will be a separate show from the current open and pens shows, but entries in both those events are welcome to exhibit in the E.D.G.E.
The E.D.G.E. show is an opportunity for the Shorthorn breed to lead the way in the industry with this new format of cattle exhibition. While competition and breeder recognition are paramount in the drive to create this event, breeder education is also a crucial piece of the E.D.G.E. This show will be evaluated by three judges selected from across the beef industry. The entrants in the E.D.G.E. will be evaluated in two parts. The judge panel will be asked to evaluate the EPD profiles of the cattle, ranking them in order of preference for genetic merit. The same panel will then judge the cattle in person for phenotypic quality in OKC. The two portions will be combined to tabulate winning entries in each class to advance to divisional competition. The core function of the E.D.G.E. from an educational perspective is to allow breeders (both exhibitor and spectator) to identify the cattle that combine genotypic and phenotypic quality and learning of the importance of having both merits in a prize Shorthorn animal.
The inaugural E.D.G.E show will be open only to purebred Shorthorn cattle. There are some data requirements in place for entries into this event, such as recorded weights and mandatory genomic testing for all entries. Those are things that will need to be on your to-do list for this fall if you wish to participate
in this one-of-a-kind show at Cattlemen’s Congress in 2024. A full listing of rules and more information will be published in the July issue of the Shorthorn Country. Be on the lookout for that, and it’s never too early to be scouting for your entries to the E.D.G.E.!
The idea and implementation of the Shorthorn E.D.G.E show is driven by breeders from all angles. The inception of the E.D.G.E concept came from a Shorthorn breeder. Our breeder-based Genetic Improvement Committee discussed the concept at length over the summer meetings before agreeing to allow the ASA Board and Staff to assemble a subcommittee to hash out the details. This subcommittee did the heavy lifting, donating several hours of their time over the winter to discuss
how to make the E.D.G.E. unique event for participants, spectators, and the Shorthorn breed.
Thanks to these gentlemen who worked alongside your ASA show staff on this committee: Jeff Bedwell, Chair, Tyler Cates, Ethan Gilman, Aaron Hahn, Rick Leone, Steve McGill and Cody Nelson.
It’s easy to walk in the woods when there’s a path already cleared. It’s much more difficult to clear the path to take your hike. With the development of the Shorthorn E.D.G.E., it’s felt like we are clearing the path for the Shorthorn breed to showcase our cattle that combine genetic excellence with phenotypic function. I’m excited to see this event come to fruition next year.
Matt Woolfolk director of performance programsLife is busy and sometimes it’s hard to keep track of everything going on around you. But don’t worry, we are here to help you! Well, at least with Shorthorn events that are coming up.
There is a calendar located on the ASA website (shorthorn.org) that we post up and coming Shorthorns events that will be happening in your area or surrounding states. I ask that any state association that has state related upcoming events, to please contact us and we will get this updated on the ASA calendar.
With that note, it is also time to update each State Association’s Board of Directors listed on the website. This is a great tool used for new members joining the association to find ways to get involved and communicate with those breeders leading their state. If you are a new state association director or a past director with updated information, please email wade@shorthorn.org with that information and we will get that updated on the website. We are currently working on reaching out to each states Board of Directors to get updated contact information. A roster of Officers for each state will be listed in the July issue of the Shorthorn Country Magazine.
It’s always great to communicate and keep members up to date with the newest things happening. Check out Matt’s article on page 12, where he announces our new E.D.G.E. Show that will be happening at the 2024
Cattlemen’s Congress. This is a new show that will be educational and promotional of the Shorthorn Breed by combining both phenotypes and genotypes of the animals. Watch out for more information and events like this happening on the website calendar.
As you may have seen in last months Shorthorn Country, we released the 20232024 Point Show System. If you missed it, you will find it in this issue following the 2022-2023 Show Point Winners.
Many factors have been considered when selecting our 2023-2024 participating shows, including entry history and show schedules. Each show will be evaluated on a yearly basis for their participation. The selected shows present solid numbers with the anticipation for continued growth at many.
As always, we look forward to our membership’s participation in the selected shows and cannot wait to see you there!
Region Assignments :: Map
No changes have been made to a state’s regional assignment.
National Awards will be calculated from the seven total National Shows: five National Shows and two Super National Shows. An animal MUST exhibit at two shows on the National level to be considered for National Awards.
National Awards consist of National Show Female, National Show Bull and divisional awards.
Each Region consists of four total shows: two Regional shows, one Super Regional Show and one National Show. Regional Awards will be calculated from points earned at each show by an individual animal. To be considered for awards, an animal MUST exhibit at two shows within a region. Overall Regional winners will receive year end awards.
Point Distribution
Points will be distributed based on the provided point scale, with Super National Shows receiving the most points and Regional Shows receiving the fewest points as indicated. An animal’s earned points will be recorded with the ASA and used to calculate Regional and National Awards.
Again for the 2023-2024 show season, exhibitors and breeders will have access to view the current show standings on the Show Points page in DigitalBeef. Please feel free to reach out to either Cassie or Wade if you have any questions regarding the show system.
Cassie Reid, cassie@shorthorn.org Wade Minihan, wade@shorthorn.org
Wade Minihan director of shows & member communications; customer service specialistAshley Osborne is currently a junior at Kansas State University pursuing a degree in Agriculture Communications and Journalism with a minor in Animal Science. With this degree, she plans to work within the livestock industry, specifically with the youth. Ashley grew up on her family farm in Northern Kentucky until moving to Missouri at the age of 10 raising and showing Santa Gertrudis and
Jana Owen is a junior at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, where she is majoring in Animal Science and minoring in Agricultural Communications. Jana grew up on her family’s Shorthorn farm in southern middle Tennessee. As an alumna of both 4-H and FFA, she enjoyed exhibiting cattle and goats and competing in multiple judging, quiz bowl, speech, and portfolio competitions. At UT, she loves staying plugged in with the agriculture industry
Kaylee McInvale is currently a senior at Tarleton State University pursuing a degree in Animal Science and a minor in Agricultural economics. Kaylee wants to pursue a master’s and take a path into animal nutrition or reproduction. She is very active on campus as she is a Tarleton State Block and Bridle club member. She serves as the scholarship chair for the Alpha Zeta chapter of the Sigma Alpha Sorority. As well as she is currently serving as a Residential Leader for the Tarleton Housing Department. Kaylee has been raising and showing livestock all her life. She has raised Chianinas, Simmentals,
Star 5 cattle. Ashley enjoys learning from industry professionals and developing those connections. In her free time, she enjoys spending time on her family farm, learning more about photography, and helping juniors grow their showing careers. Ashley is passionate about cattle industry and is excited about this opportunity to grow and expand her knowledge working within a breed association.
through organizations like Block and Bridle, TN Ag Communicators of Tomorrow, Dairy Club, Livestock Judging Team, and Collegiate 4-H & FFA, where she serves as Vice President. Outside of these activities, she enjoys going to church, UT games, concerts, and thrift stores. Jana is passionate about the Shorthorn breed and is ecstatic to learn more about the association this summer!
and Herefords. Kaylee served in various positions as a Texas State Junior Director for both Horn and Polled Associations. She was in various royalty roles for the Polled Association. Kaylee served as the 20202021 National Hereford Queen, leading her to where she is today. She is currently serving on the National Junior Hereford Board of Directors. She was elected to the board this past summer. Kaylee is looking forward to meeting and working with all of you this summer. Kaylee will be serving as our Junior Activities Intern.
AST ShORTHORNS – Pikeville, TN :: Hornhead valley Farm/Baylor Cowden Show Cattle – hickory, pa :: Leveldale Farms – Peoria Heights, IL
Beckler shorthorns – Wooster, OH :: Hugh mooney – Elk Grove, CA
Beach family Shorthorns – Ryan beach :: Berg’s Shorthorns – osage, IA :: DowELL Farm – Greenview, IL :: Green Spring Farm –Frederick, MD :: Legacy Ranch – rhineland, m0 :: maple knoll farms – LaMoille, il :: Meyer farms – Rushville, IN :: R&B Wanzek Farms – Preston, IA :: Ryan & Emily Kegley – Kearney, NE :: Stickley Livestock Co. – St. Paris, OH :: TadMore Farms – Caldwell, TX
3 Buck Cattle Co. – bryant, SD :: CMA Cattle – State Center, IA :: D’NA Farm – Rio, WI :: DAS Cattle – Hamler, Oh :: DOuble-G Shorthorns – Hinton, OK :: Dryer Farms – Merna, IL :: Dunk Cattle Co. – Wayne, NE :: Dusty & Rene Barr – Highland, IL :: Eden Show Cattle – Ramona, OK :: Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns – Plains, KS :: Flying Scott Stable – Malvern, PA :: Gerstner Farms – Frankfort, KS :: Graves Show Cattle – Winchester, KY :: Haumont Shorthorns – Weissert, NE :: HillSide Farm – Morristown, TN :: Isey’s cattle co. – Chadwick, IL :: Jordan Acres – Sibley, IL :: Karen Hiltbrand – Seven Mile, OH :: Klokkenga Farm – Emden, IL :: KT Cattle & Farm LLC – Indianola, IA :: Lane Shorthorns – Eucha, OK :: Laymon Phillips – Millry, Al :: Little Pond Shorthorns
Judges have made their selections, banners have been hung, trophies are proudly displayed, and finally, points have been calculated! It’s time to plan the celebrations and congratulate all National Show Award winners! We look forward to seeing the winners at the 2023 ASA Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 21st in Kansas City during the Awards Banquet.
All Overall Awards and Division Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Runner-ups have been recognized in the Shorthorn Country, but will not receive additional recognition/ awards during the awards banquet.
National Show Awards are calculated based on the two Super National Shows & five National Shows, for a total of seven possible shows an animal can accumulate points at for National Show Awards. An animal MUST have exhibited at two shows to qualify for consideration (either Super National or National).
Points earned at individual shows can be viewed through the “Show Points” page by members on DigitalBeef. This was a new feature introduced for the 2022-2023 season. Keep a look out for this feature in the 2023-2024 show season!
Shows used to calculate National Points:
Keystone International Livestock Exposition 2022
American Royal Livestock Show 2022
North American International Livestock Exposition 2022
Cattlemen’s Congress 2023
National Western Stock Show 2023
Fort Worth Stock Show 2023
Dixie National Livestock Show 2023
National Shows Point Distribution
1st in class: 8 points
2nd in class: 7 points
3rd in class: 6 points
4th in class: 5 points
5th in class: 4 points
Division Champion: 7 points
Reserve Division Champion: 5 points
Grand Champion: 11 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 9 points
Super National Shows Point Distribution
1st in class: 11 points
2nd in class: 10 points
3rd in class: 9 points
4th in class: 8 points
5th in class: 7 points
Division Champion: 10 points
Reserve Division Champion: 8 points
Grand Champion: 14 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 12 points
Cedar Currency 2146 CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET Leemon Cattle Company - Fairfield, Okla., Little Cedar Cattle Company - Beaverton, Mich. & Delisle Farms - Gladwin, Mich. Miller Smith - Pendleton, Ind. - CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET - Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. - LDB Braveheart 113 ET - Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.NATIONAL S HORTHORN P LUS SHOW FEMALE OF THE YEAR
TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET
Schaeffer Show Cattle - Hagerstown, Ind.
2022-2023 National Division Winners:
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
CF Mona Lisa 2112 UH X ET - Makayla Sugg, Darien Center, N.Y.
Runner-up - CF Mona Lisa 2101 UH X ET - Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
Pioneer 261 ET Braylen Schaeffer, Hagerstown, Ind.
Runner-up - S/N Chasing Dreams 229 ET Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion
CF Crystal Lucy 230 RK X ET - Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Runner-up - Peakview Max 2201 ET - Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion
CF Mona Lisa 1121 Flash X Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Runner-up - CF NB Demi 1130 LL X ET Hailey Jester, Mooreland, Ind.
Intermediate Female Champion
JS Cecilia 1J03 - Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.
Runner-up - LDB Mirage Premium Everly 112 ET - Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Junior Female Champion (TIE)
Peakview Goldie 48921
Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo
Runner-up (TIE) - SULL WHIS Bo’s Solution 1099J ET Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Runner-up (TIE) - CF Augusta Pride 155 UR X Makenzie Laughery, Royce City, Texas.
Junior Female Champion (TIE)
SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET - Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
All overall National Award Winners and Division Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Runner-ups have been recognized here, but will not receive additional recognition/awards during the Awards Banquet.
All overall Region Winners will receive an award during the Awards Banquet. Division Winners & Runner-ups have been recognized here, but will not receive additional recognition/awards during the Awards Banquet.
Picture Not Available
2022-2023 National Division Winners:
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion
M&E Reliable 1045 - M & E Shorthorns, Winnsboro, Texas.
Runner-up - DPF Dealer’s Choice 202 - Jocelyn Phelps, Tecumseh, Okla.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion
BFS LCCC AFLC Direct Deposit 2254 ET Armstrong Farms, Saxonburg, Pa., Little Cedar Cattle Company, Beaverton, Mich. & The Bollom Family, Austin, Minn.
Runner-up - Red Hot Cinnamon 92 Judah Williams, Mulliken, Mich.
Junior Bull Calf Champion
Peakview Marvel 53322 - Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.
Runner-up - TRNR Medallion 92 ET - Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Senior Bull Calf Champion
Little Cedar Currency 2146
Leemon Cattle Company - Fairfield, Okla., Little Cedar Cattle Company - Beaverton, Mich. & Delisle Farms - Gladwin, Mich.
Runner-up - Armstrong Ruger 2066 John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa.
Intermediate Bull Champion
DC Impact - Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Picture Not Available
Junior Bull Champion
LDB Braveheart 113 ET Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Runner-up - CF Payweight X ET Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind.
Senior Bull Champion
FF Pursuit 6H - Craig Fuller, Rensselaer, Ind.
Runner-up - H.H.F. Sampson the Charmer - Samantha Heston, Street Md.
2022-2023 National Division Winners:
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion
SULL Primo’s Lady 25K ET - Karly Goetz, Oak Harbor, Ohio.
Runner-up - S/N Max Rosa 235 - Drake Penrod, Jonesboro, Ill.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion
S/N Lucky Charm 220 ET Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - MS Silky Bo 0422 Emma McLaughlin, Woodsfield, Ohio.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion
CF KLS Dream On 221 NL X ET - Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.
Runner-up - CF NB Demi 21 Primo X ET - Grady McGrew Gettysburg, Pa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion
/F Rosemary 19001
Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up - DL Fancy Kylee Dameron, Silex, Mo.
Intermediate Female Champion
SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET - Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Runner-up - CCBF Max Rosa’s Recollection 08J - Logan Diffee, Little Elm, Texas.
Junior Female Champion
SFF Augusta Pride 127 F Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.
Runner-up - OBD Alya 2105J - Shane Carlisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Senior Female Champion
CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET - Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Runner-up - ABEN Blackberry 122J ET - Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion
SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510 H ET Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
2022-2023 National Division Winners:
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion
Junior Bull Calf Champion
Intermediate Bull Champion
AHCL Sellout 77J - Chandler Livestock, Springfield, Mo.
Junior Bull Champion
TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind.
Runner-up - LH Mr Miyagi 0321
L H Show Cattle, Americus, Kan.
Senior Bull Champion
No Eligible Animals No Eligible Animals No Eligible Animals
Baker Sparkle Dust - Kara Lea Baker, Jones, Okla. Runner-up - CCF Maximilian - Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla. Senior Bull Calf Steve Harvey Clay Owen, Taft, Tenn.2022-2023
Overall Regional winners in each region will receive an award at the 2023 ASA Annual Meeting Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 21st, 2023, in Kansas City, Mo. Region Divisional winners and runner-up animals are recognized here in the Shorthorn Country, but will NOT receive additional recognition/awards at the banquet.
To qualify for Regional Points, an animal must be exhibited at a minimum of two (2) shows within the region.
Any combination of the following shows will meet the regional qualifications:
• Regional Show
• Super Regional Show
• National Show within the designated region
Only shows that are attended within a given region count toward that region’s points. A National Show within a region will count toward Regional Points, but Regional Shows do not count toward National Points.
Points earned at individual shows can be viewed through the “Show Points” page by members on DigitalBeef. This was a new feature introduced for the 2022-2023 Season. Keep a look out for this feature in the 2023-2024 Show season!
To be awarded the Regional Show Bull or Regional Show Female of the Year, an animal must also win a division within that region.
In the event a regional show does not use the provided ASA Division breaks, the following policy will be used: Any points that an animal receives at a regional show where ASA division breaks are not used, the animal and points will be moved to the proper division that the animal qualifies for based on ASA Show Classifications.
Regional Shows
Class Placings:
1st: 5 points
2nd: 4 points
3rd: 3 points
4th: 2 points
5th: 1 point
Division Champion: 4 points
Reserve Division Champion: 2 points
Grand Champion: 7 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 5 points
Super Regional Shows
Class Placings:
1st: 6 points
2nd: 5 points
3rd: 4 points
4th: 3 points
5th: 2 points
Division Champion: 5 points
Reserve Division Champion: 3 points
Grand Champion: 9 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 7 points
National Shows within the Region
Class Placings:
1st: 8 points
2nd: 7 points
3rd: 6 points
4th: 5 points
5th: 4 points
Division Champion: 7 points
Reserve Division Champion: 5 points
Grand Champion: 11 points
Reserve Grand Champion: 9 points
* Editor’s Note: Winners are selected through a point tally process based on points earned at various Regional shows and provided by the American Shorthorn Association and the Regional Shows. Point amounts are based on the designated show level. As with the reporting of show results, Shorthorn Country assumes no responsibility for partial or incomplete listings of multiple ownership of animals. Ownership information was provided by the American Shorthorn Association and is based on ownership during the 2022-2023 show season as recorded in the registry. We regret any errors or omissions which may have occurred.Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia
National Show: Keystone International Livestock Exposition (KILE) Super Regional Show: Ohio State Fair Regional Shows: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia
Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up – BARR Velvet 2117, Pleasant View Farms, Given, W.V.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – TRNR Lovely Lady 442, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – CCFarm Lyndy, Ryan Leister, Taneytown, Md.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – TRNR Rose Lass 122 ET, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – HAA Lady Bell, Peter Hoffheins, Abbottstown, Pa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – Harmony Riley, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md.
Runner-up – MM Rosette RVLT 121J, Cooper D. Workman, Belmont, Ohio
Intermediate Female Champion – BARR Velvet 2117, Pleasant View Farms, Given, W.V.
Runner-up – AMW Lady Liberty 812, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Junior Female Champion – SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET, Iva F Mummert, Waynesboro, Pa.
Runner-up – HAA It’s a Sham, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Senior Female Champion – CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Runner-up – Midnight Fancy 108, Addysen Wagner, Hampstead, Md.
Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – H.H.F Sampson the Charmer, Samantha Heston, Street, Md.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – TRNR Panzer 172, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Runner-up – TRNR Medallion 92 ET, Aubrey Short, Monkton, Md.
Junior Bull Champion – Pleasant White Lightening, Pleasant View Farms, Given, W.V.
Senior Bull Champion – H.H.F Sampson the Charmer, Samantha Heston, Street, Md.
Runner-up – Key Ridge Comanche 1196, Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm, Bellaire, Ohio.
Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Runner-up – GCR Dream On Primo ET 2005 ET ET ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – SJQ Demi 220 JT X, SaJo-Quin Livestock, Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – GCR Dream On Primo ET 2005 ET ET ET, Audrey Robertson, Gettysburg, Pa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – HFA Fool’s Legacy, Francesca Bologna, Mechanicsville, Md.
Senior Female Champion – CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
TRNR Drop Box 252
Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – TRNR Drop Box 252, Turner Shorthorns, Somerset, Ohio.
CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET CF Mona Lisa 136 OP X ET TRNR PanzerKentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi
National Show: Dixie National Livestock Show
Super Regional Show: Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
Regional Shows: Appalachian Fair & Kentucky State Fair
Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Runner-up – SharBen Myrtle Bo Eve 1186 ET, Eden Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – RFSS Margie Baby 252K, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – MB Dream Girl 2, Makinley Coffelt, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – PFC Dottie 127J, Jackson Overbay, Whitesburg, Tenn.
Runner-up – CGS Lady Luck 1, Circle G Shorthorns, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Intermediate Female Champion – LSF Carmele 104, Sharon Jordyn Chastain, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Junior Female Champion – Hill Haven Myrtle Beth 30J, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
Runner-up – SLBL Jade 104J, Jackson Overbay, Whitesburg, Tenn.
Senior Female Champion – SharBen Myrtle Bo Eve 1186 ET, Eden Enis, Martinsville, Ind.
Runner-up – PFC Henrietta 101, Jackson Overbay, Whitesburg, Tenn.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion – RFSS Myrtle Baby 191H, Respite Farm, Inc., Paris, Ky.
SharBen Levitate 1245
Senior Bull Calf Champion – SharBen Levitate 1245, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
SharBen Crystal Blue 1187 ET
Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Runner-up – Schab’s Lady Lucy 1221 ET, Ty Wright, Jackson, Mo
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – Schab’s Lady Lucy 1221 ET, Ty Wright, Jackson, Mo.
Runner-up – SharBen Crystal Carrara 1249 ET, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Senior Female Champion – SharBen Crystal Blue 1187 ET, Evea Ennis, Martinsville, Ind.
Clay Owen, Taft, Tenn.
Runner-up – SharBen Dialogue 1243, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – Steve Harvey, Clay Owen, Taft, Tenn.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – SharBen Dialogue 1243, SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.
Myrtle Baby 191H Steve Harvey SharBen Shorthorns, Sharpsburg, Ky.North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska
National Show: American Royal Super Regional Show: Minnesota State Fair Regional Shows: Iowa State Fair & World Beef Expo
Autumn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – Bergs Peach Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage Iowa.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – Bergs Mylie Myrtle Bo, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – Bergs Carti Pride, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa & Sarah Mitchell, Charles City, Iowa.
Runner-up – BFS Royal Ruby BF 231, The Bollum Family, Austin, Minn.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – Bergs Genna Gentry ET, Autumn, Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – Bergs Emmie No Foolin, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – CHB Margie BS C16 ET, Rylee Nicole German, Ottumwa, Iowa.
Intermediate Female Champion – Bergs Peach Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – Homedale Ruby 195, Lane Jabs, Saint Charles, Minn.
Junior Female Champion – MFS Fiery Mirage 2136, Leemon Stock Farm, Hoopeston, Ill.
Runner-up – Lilyblossom ET, Cole Cowan, Burlington, Wis.
Senior Female Champion – DSF Beauty 33J, Rose Family, Amboy, Minn.
Runner-up – Crawfdown Silver Rose 10J, B Rae Co Farm, Blairsburg, Iowa.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion – RFC Minnie, Rose Family, Amboy, Minn.
HAHN Popular Opinion C7G
Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – Studer’s Kinnabar 67K, Dale Studer Family, Creston, Iowa.
Runner-up – RFC Oscar, Rose Family, Amboy, Minn.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – Studer’s Kingspoint 12K, Brock David Studer, Creston, Iowa.
Runner-up – BFS Long Rifle 210, Emily Bollum, Austin, Minn.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – Bergs Maximum, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Runner-up – F/C Top Tier 1209J, Harstick Family, West Point, Neb.
Junior Bull Champion – HAHN Popular Opinion C7G, Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis.
Runner-up – GCS Guns N Roses, Green Castle Shorthorn, Gilman, Iowa.
Runner-up – ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa & Allyssa Wilkening, State Center, Iowa.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – Bergs Miss Iggy, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa & Jenna Beisbier, Reedsburg, Wis.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – CMA Fire & Ice, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – /F Rosemary 19001, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.
Intermediate Female Champion – TKA Violet 118J, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Runner-up – Miss Elita, Landon Fetters, Altoona, Iowa.
Junior Female Champion – SULL S/T Unlimited Dreams 1311J ET, Allyssa Wilkening, State Center, Iowa
Runner-up – NETO Blue Bunny 21 ET, Colton Netolicky, Fairfax, Iowa.
Senior Female Champion – ABEN Blackberry 112J ET, Lydia Recker, Hopkinton, Iowa & Allyssa Wilkening, State Center, Iowa.
Runner-up – Sweet Caroline 202J, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.
Runner-up – GCS Guns N Roses, Green Castle Shorthorn, Gilman, Iowa.
TKA Mystery Machine 98J
Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis. Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Runner-up – Studer’s Knight 9K, Dale Studer Family, Creston, Iowa.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – Studer’s Knight 9K, Dale Studer Family, Creston, Iowa.
Intermediate Champion – TKA Mystery Machine 98J, Bailey Abney, South Wayne, Wis.
Bergs Genna Gentry ET /F Rosemary 19001Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana
National Show: Fort Worth Stock Show (FWSS) Super Regional Show: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows: Kansas State Fair & Tri-State Fair
Griffin Behrens, Colbert, Okla.
Runner-up – MBEH Robin K51, Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Okla. & Bailee Taylor, Pattonville, Texas.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – MBEH Robin K51, Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Okla. & Bailee Taylor, Pattonville, Texas.
Runner-up – FFF Red Sugar 2218 ET, Knitelynn June Toney, Lexington, Okla.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – CCF Regal 66 Revival C07AK, Crow Creek Farms, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – CCF Lucy’s Okie Girl C05K, Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – 4S Ruby’s Hope J23 ET, Abbi Scott, Seminole, Okla.
Runner-up – TMF Crystal’s Dream ET, John & Barbara Russell, Caldwell, Texas & Kenzey Cox, Hempstead, Texas.
Intermediate Female Champion (TIE) – SMS Max Rosa J3, Abbi Scott, Seminole, Okla.
Intermediate Female Champion (TIE) – SULL RGLC Fancy Rose 113 ET, Jocelyn Phelps, Tecumseh, Okla.
Junior Female Champion – BCD LDF Jasmine 132, Brayden Cole DeBorde, Bardwell, Texas
Runner-up – CF Mona Lisa 175 LL X ET, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Senior Female Champion – SULL Dozen Roses 0500H ET, Griffin Behrens, Colbert, Okla.
Runner-up – LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
LDB Braveheart 113 ET
Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Runner-up – Little Cedar Currency 2146, Leemon Cattle Company, Fairland, Okla., Little Cedar Cattle Company, Beaverton, Mich. & Delisle Farms, Gladwin, Mich.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – JSP Captain McCray 0105, Jace Parker, Ardmore, Okla.
Runner-up – JA_C Hustlin’ Hillbilly 21K TS, Kara Lea Baker, Jones, Okla.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – Little Cedar Currency 2146, Leemon Cattle Company, Fairland, Okla., Little Cedar Cattle Company, Beaverton, Mich. & Delisle Farms, Gladwin, Mich.
Junior Bull Champion – LDB Braveheart 113 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
Runner-up – Fieser’s Captain, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla. & Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns, Plains, Kan.
Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Runner-up – 720 KGL County Queen ET, Kase Glazier, Loyal, Okla.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion – MBEH Miss Peaches Blossom, Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Okla.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – Bakers Neba B18, Kara Lea Baker, Jones, Okla.
Runner-up – KCS Marla’s Harlequin, Kensi Cash, Amarillo, Texas.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – 2GS Roan Speckles 905I ET, Dayson Cash, Fay, Okla.
Runner-up – WHR Red Bud 1902 ET, Alexa Lane, Grove, Okla.
Intermediate Female Champion – KKW Miss Prestige, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Runner-up – KKW Red Diamond Jewels 521, Kelby Ann Worthington, El Reno, Okla.
Junior Female Champion – OBD Alya 2105J, Shane Carlisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Runner-up – EFS Augusta Pride 105J, Chloe Carlisle, Amarillo, Texas.
Senior Female Champion – 720 KGL County Queen ET, Kase Glazier, Loyal, Okla.
Baker Pridemore Pride B14
Ryan Baker, Jones, Okla.
Runner-up – TSW Black Jack, TSW Cattle, Marlow, Okla.
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion – CCF Maximilian, Ethan Crow, Lawton, Okla.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – TSW Black Jack, TSW Cattle, Marlow, Okla.
Junior Bull Champion – Baker Pridemore Pride B14, Ryan Baker, Jones, Okla.
Runner-up – LH Mr Miyagi 0321, L H Showcattle, Americus, Okla.
SULL Dozen Roses 0500H ET KKW Miss PrestigeMontana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California
National Show: National Western Stock Show (NWSS)
Super Regional Show: California State Fair
Regional Shows: Northern International Livestock Exposition & Washington State Fair
Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Runner-up – PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – GSC2 Rosie Ransom 4608, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion – GSC2 Rosie Ransom 4567, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion – LC Augusta Pat 4450, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LC Augusta Pat 4518, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Intermediate Female Champion – LC Funny Face 4407, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LC Catherine 4367, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Female Champion – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Runner-up – PEAKVIEW Goldie 48921, Peak View Ranch Inc., Fowler, Colo.
Senior Female Champion – LC Augusta Pat 4025, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LC Augusta Pat 4111, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion – LC Catherine 2883, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – PEAKVIEW Final Plan 2021 ET, Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion – LC Gold Label 4708, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Bull Calf Champion – LC Studer 4555, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Senior Bull Calf Champion – PEAKVIEW Final Plan 2021 ET, Peak View Ranch Inc, Fowler, Colo.
Runner-up – GSC2 Studer 4465, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Intermediate Bull Champion – JT Gold Label 4390, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – LC Gold Label 4334, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Junior Bull Champion – JT Studer 4112, J T Ranch, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – GSC2 Studer 4213, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Senior Bull Champion – LC Studer 3982, Don Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Runner-up – GSC Studer 3780, Greg Cardey, Turlock, Calif.
Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Runner-up – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion – HHCC Sweet Dreams Reward 210K, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Runner-up – CSF Demi NL 2238, Hearts & Diamond Cattle Co, Worden, Mont.
Senior Female Champion – MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion – SULL S/T CULL Sweet Dreams 0510H ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
2022-23 WEST
No Eligible Animals
SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET LC Studer 3982 Don Cardey, Turlock,Show Season: April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024
*Individual show schedule subject to change
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV
National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo
Super Regional Show :: Maryland State Fair
Regional Shows :: Ohio State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia
Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN
National Show :: Dixie National
Super Regional Show :: Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Kentucky State Fair
North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI
National Show :: American Royal
Super Regional Show :: World Beef Expo
Regional Shows :: Iowa State Fair & Minnesota State Fair
South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX
National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: Kansas State Fair
Regional Shows :: Tri-State Fair & Tulsa State Fair
West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY
National Show :: National Western Stock Show
Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho State Fair
Regional Shows :: California State Fair & Washington State Fair
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Shows within each region.
must exhibit
Super National Shows :: 2 total
North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY
Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK
National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region
Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA
Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS
North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO
South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX
West :: National Western Stock Show :: Denver, CO
*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
ASA Point Show System Point Distribution
• 1 Shorthorn flank or skirt steak
• 1/2 bottle zesty italian dressing
• juice of one lime
• 1 tsp garlic powder
• 1 tsp onion powder
• 1/2 tsp cayenne powder
• 1 bunch asparagus
• 1 red bell pepper
• 1 orange bell pepper
• 1 red onion
• Salt & pepper to taste
TOTAL PREP TIME: 20-30 minutes
1. Cut the flank or skirt steak into pieces approximately 4 inch by 2 inch in size. Use a meat tenderizer to thin the steak.
2. Put all steak pieces into a ziplock bag and add lime juice, italian dressing and seasonings. Marinate at least one hour.
3. Cut bell pepper and onion into strips. Chop asparagus into 2-3 sections to fit within the steak pieces.
4. After steak has marinated, fill each piece with bell pepper, onion and asparagus pieces. Roll and use toothpick to hold.
5. Grill outside or in a skillet. Until cooked through and seared.
6. Enjoy with rice or on top of a salad!
As we embark on the 2023 National Junior Shorthorn Show in Des Moines, Iowa, my mind is flooded with memories of my first “cow-cation” to Des Moines in 2006, at just 4 years old to attend Junior Nationals. Taking these trips with my family, I remember seeing a few familiar faces, having fun with the “big kids”, and my favorite part, playing with my toy tractors there.
There wasn’t an end to these summer events because once we got home, we spent an entire year preparing our Shorthorn cattle, working on our art projects, and making speeches for 4-H and the national show. I think my entire life has been established around what we would whisper behind my dad’s back, a family “cow-cation”. This is where you pack up the entire family, a week’s worth of goods, projects, the pride of your herd and head to another state to see your stock show friends. Of course, it is always based around competition, but that is not what I remember. These friendships are as close as family. When you leave, you shake hands, hug necks and know that if you won’t see them at another show throughout the year, you
will pick back up where you left off at the next junior nationals.
My dream to wear the red jacket started as an exhibitor at the 2012 junior nationals in Grand Island, Nebraska. I went home with a load of prizes which included a box of clippers, hence was the start of me carving out my future in the Shorthorn breed. I spent many hours clipping every calf, dog or cat that I could get my hands on. Our cowcation continued to be a time to see our Shorthorn family and gain more friends and experiences that we can all pass along to the next generation. Junior nationals can be more than a tradition, it’s a place where dreams really can come true. I am still perfecting these dreams that started at my first show, but I hope to inspire more along the way. The theme, Shorthorn Kingdom, is very fitting for me. I am often compared to a lanky cowboy character; Woody from Toy Story and I hope you will join me in embracing his famous comment to “reach for the sky”. Let’s make this 2023 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference in Des Moines one to remember!
For those AJSA members participating in their last junior national, contact shelby@shorthorn.org for the list of questions to complete to be featured in the exhibitor folder! We will include your answers and 3-4 photos you send.
Junior Board
President :: Faye Smith
Vice President :: Miller Smith
Secretary :: Colton Hulsey
Public Relations :: Merideth Behrens
Fundraising :: Xavier Ferris
Director :: Ryan Lane
Director :: Amanda Smee
Director :: Brayden DeBorde
Director :: Haylee Ferguson
“Reach for the sky...” - Woody, Toy Story
Brayden DeBorde ajsa directorSaturday, June 17
5:00 p.m. Cattle allowed in the tie-outs
5:00 p.m. Tack allowed in the barns
Sunday, June 18
8:00 a.m. Cattle allowed in barns
1:00 p.m. DAP Cattle Career Development Contest Gammon Barn
3:00 p.m. Junior Board Candidate Interviews
5:30 p.m. Advisor Meeting Show Ring
6:00 p.m. Jr Board, Candidate & Staff Meeting Show Ring
Monday, June 19
8:00 a.m. Exhibitor/Contest Check-in Begins Show Ring
10:15 a.m. Exhibitor & Contest Check-in Ends
10:30 a.m. Cattlemen’s Written Test Youth Inn
11:00 a.m. State Advisor Packets Due to Office
11:30 p.m. Youth Conference I Youth Inn (delegates only)
1:00 p.m. Cattle must be stalled
1:00 p.m. Cattle Check-in Begins Show Ring
4:00 p.m. Cattle Check-in Ends
4:30 p.m. Mentor-Apprentice Youth Inn
5:15 p.m. Line up for state photos
6:00 p.m. Opening Ceremonies Show Ring
7:00 p.m. Meal Served
Tuesday, June 20
8:00 a.m. Trans Ova Genetics Team Salesmanship
PI: Show Ring :: PII: Show Ring:: Int: 4H Building :: Senior: 4H Building
12:00 p.m. Youth Conference II Luncheon Youth Inn
12:00 p.m. Shorthorn SideKicks Alliant Energy Landing
1:00 p.m. Obrecht Livestock Speech Contest 4H Building
3:30 p.m. Schrag Nikkel Quiz Bowl 4H Building
6:00 p.m. Meet the Jr Board Candidates & Queens Show Ring
Wednesday, June 21
8:00 a.m. Sullivan Supply Showmanship Contest
1:30 p.m. Shorthorn Sidekicks 2
2:00 p.m. Kruse Ranch Cook-Off Contest Alliant Energy Landing
3:00 p.m. Stock Show University
5:00 p.m. Top 10 Senior Showmanship Fitting & Showmanship Finals
Thursday, June 22
8:00 a.m. Ring 1: Bred & Owned Purebred Bull Show, Purebred Prospect & Market Steer
Ring 2: ShorthornPlus Bred & Owned Bull Show, ShorthornPlus Prospect & Market Steers
10:00 a.m. Lassie 101 4H Building
11:00 a.m. Youth Conference III Youth Inn
11:30 a.m. Lassie Princess Hour and Tea 4H Building
12:15 p.m. Sullivan Supply Fitting Contest Covered Arena
3:30 p.m. Inskeep Farms Judging Contest Show Ring
5:30 p.m. Old Pros Showmanship Show Ring
6:30 p.m. Tailgate Party & Cornhole Tournament Alliant Energy Landing
7:00 p.m. TBD Entertainment
Friday, June 23
8:00 a.m. Ring 1: Bred & Owned Purebred Female Show, Bred & Owned ShorthornPlus Female Show
Ring 2: ShorthornPlus Female Show
5:30 p.m. Awards Meal begins serving Show Ring
6:00 p.m. Awards Ceremony Show Ring
Saturday, June 24
8:00 a.m. National Junior Shorthorn Purebred Female Show
12:00 p.m. Release of Arts Etc., Posters, Graphic Design
A. All animals intended for exhibition winthin the State of Iowa will be considered under quarantine and not eligible for showing until the owner or agent presents a CERTIFICATE of VETERINARY INSPECTION, stating the animals are apparently free of infectious or communicable diseases as determined on clinical inspection by an accredited veterinarian within 30 days prior to the date of entry to exhibition grounds.
B. Please note (vet and exhibitor): The certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) must include the name and owner or exhibitor and 911 address of the site the animal reside, the name and 911 address of the exhibition and shall only be used for one exhibition.
All cattle intended for exhibition shall have individual official identification and be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection (CVI) that lists official identification. Examples of acceptable official identification include but may not be limited to; a USDA alphanumeric tag, Brucellosis (calfhood) vaccination tag, registry tattoo (if CVI is accompanied with registration papers that shows registry tattoo), or USDA approved RFID or 840 series tag.
TUBERCULOSIS (Iowa is class free):
Cattle originating from an accredited-free state or zone may be exhibited without other testing requirements when accompanied by a CVI that lists official individual identification (see above). Cattle from a herd or area under quarantine for tuberculosis may not be exhibited. Cattle from a state or zone which is not an accredited-free state or zone must meet the following requirements:
1. An individual animal test conducted within 60 days of the exhibition, or
2. Originate from a tuberculosis accredited-free herd, with the accredited herd number and date of last test listed on the CVI.
BRUCELLOSIS (Iowa is class free):
A. Native Iowa cattle originating from a herd not under quarantine can be exhibited without other testing requirements when accompanied by a CVI, showing individual identification.
B. Cattle originating outside the state must meet one of the following requirements:
a. Originate from Brucellosis Class “Free” states when accompanied by a CVI and showing individual official identification, or
b. Official vaccinates under 24 months when accompanied by a CVI, showing official calfhood vaccination and individual official identification, or
c. Animals of any age originating from a herd not under quarantine when accompanied by a CVI, showing a report of a negative brucellosis test conducted within 30 days prior to opening date of exhibition and individual official identification, or
d. Originate from a certified brucellosis-free herd, accompanied by a CVI, showing individual identity, herd number, and date of last test, or
e. Calves under 6 months of age when accompanied by a CVI, showing individual official identification.
1. All brucellosis tests must have been confirmed by a State-Federal Laboratory
2. All nurse cows that accompany calves to be exhibited must meet above health requirements.
3. All cattle originating from states not officially classified as brucellosis or tuberculosis free must obtain a pre-entry permit from the Iowa State Vet’s Office (515.281.5547)
4. Official individual identification listed on a CVI required for all cattle of any age coming in from out of state used for shows and exhibitions.
5. Trichomoniasis testing is not required for exhibition bulls temporarily in the state that leave after the event.
Enter May 1: $45 per entry
Bedding/Stalling: $50 per animal
Enter after May 1: $75 per entry
Extra Shirts: $15
Exhibitor Fee: $50
Meal Packets: $35 (includes two tickets)
**Please Note: If you plan to show an animal in multiple shows, you must pay an entry fee for each show they will be exhibited in. For example, showing in the bred &owned show and the owned show, you would pay $90 entry + $50 bedding. **
Online entries will include entry fee (per show) and stalling/bedding fee for each animal in the barns and tieouts, exhibitor fee, and additional options.
• Entries must be paid online at time of entry or they will not be processed. There will be NO refunds on entries. See General Rule #6.
• Entry fee is $45 per show entry.
• If you are showing an animal in more than one show it must be entered for each show.
• There is a $50 stalling/bedding fee per head. Tie-out bedding is included. You will not be allowed to tie to trailers for tieouts this year. You can not add your own bedding at tieouts.
• Exhibitors must pay the $50 exhibitor fee during online entry. Exhibitor fee includes: show shirt, contest fee and two meal tickets.
• Purchase extra meal ticket packets can be during online entry.
• No show entries after final deadline of May 15, 2023. No entry substitutions allowed after May 15, 2023.
• All animals must be registered in the sole name of the junior member who will be showing.
Ownership deadline is May 1, 2023. (No farm or family names allowed)
• Cattle will be allowed on the fairgrounds on Saturday, June 17, in tie outs ONLY after 5:00 p.m. Cattle will be allowed in barns after 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 18.
• All cattle must tie out in designated area. You can not tie outside during the day after check-in is completed. All cattle must stay on grounds & in the barns during the day.
• Must bring registration papers and health papers to the show for check-in.
• We will not verify tattoos at check-in but animals tattoo must match the corresponding registration papers. Entries not matching will be disqualified from show. See general rule #9.
• ONLY steers will be weighed at check-in.
Individual Contest including Showmanship, speech and career development contests MUST be entered during online entry. Showmanship entries will not be accepted at junior national.
• All other individual contests must be entered by going through contest registration, Monday, June 19, starting at 8:00 a.m. You will also pick-up your show shirts.
• Group contests will be entered by state advisors. They will be provided the group sign-up sheets to return to the junior director and interns.
• Each exhibitor will be given colored-coded meal tickets at check-in. The color-codes will correspond to the meal.
• Electricity – People should come prepared with generators and extension cords. All generators must be housed outside.
• No generators or gas cans will be allowed inside the barn and must meet local fire codes for inspection by fire marshall.
Exhibitors are reminded that portacools and butt fans are not allowed in the barns.
• Pets are allowed on the fairgrounds, but NOT in the arena/show ring area for any reason or at any time.
Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In accordance with grounds policy and this youth event, consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.
• If the junior member is unable to show their animal due illness or health, follow the procedure in the show rules. See General Rules #4, #5, #13.
• Animals will NOT be allowed to enter the show ring after the judge has given the signal to walk. See general show rule #18.
• ALL photography, graphic design, speech and career development entries must be submitted by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org
• There have been some contest rule changes. Be sure to carefully read rules to know all the updates!
Divisions (as of Jan. 1, 2023)
Prospector I: 5 to 9 years :: Prospector II: 10 to 12 years :: Intermediate: 13 to 16 years :: Senior: 17 to 21 years
If any individual participates in a “team” contest with someone of a different age division, the team must participate in the oldest contestant’s age division unless the contest rules don’t allow competing in a different age division. For showmanship, the Prospector I age division matches show rules (must be 7).
Product cooked will be the same for all teams. This year’s choice of meat will be any cut from the “Wholesale Round.”
All entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS. Entries must be 8.5x11 to fit Shorthorn Country Guidelines. (Live Print Area is 7.485” x 9.833”)
Intermediate Topic: promote the AJSA
Senior Topic: promote Shorthorn beef
No spectators will be allowed until the final championship round. The championship round will take place at the end of quiz bowl (not awards ceremony). Awards will be given at contest and announced at awards ceremony.
ALL Entries must be emailed by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Entries will not be accepted at NJSS.
NEW RULE: ALL speech participants must submit a video giving their speech by May 15 to contests@shorthorn.org. Judges will evaluate the submitted videos for the age divisions with more than 15 participants. The judges will select a top 15 that will compete at junior national for placing. The top 15 will be notified if they have made it to the placing round. The elimination round and placing round will each have a different set of judges.
Senior Topic: How would you market Shorthorns for the show ring versus commercial industry?
Intermediate Topic: How would you market Shorthorn beef competitively against other certified beef programs?
PII Topic: How does your family market Shorthorn cattle?
PI Topic: What’s magical about the Shorthorn breed?
Showmanship participants are required to enter online during cattle entry to be eligible to participate. We will not accept entries at junior national. The showmanship heats will have exhibitors randomized in their age divisions.
The purpose of the High Point Contest is to recognize the top five AJSA exhibitors in each age division for their participation and placing in contests throughout the week. The point system breakdown can be found at juniorshorthorn.org.
Exhibitors receive points for each contest they choose to participate in during the week of NJSS. They also will receive additional points for placing in these contests. Points are only based on participation and placing, not scoresheet totals. Ties for all age divisions and states will be broken based on the number of higher placing contests.
Learn more about our contests
You can find all contests rules and information at juniorshorthorn.org under junior national > contest rules or junior national > EDGE Newsletter. If you have questions about contests, email shelby@shorthorn.org or contact a junior board member!
All members interested in competing in contests at junior national must pay the exhibitor fee to participate.
Sheraton West Des Moines :: 1800 50th Street, West Des Moines, IA
King: $129.99 | Doubles: $129.99 | King Suite: $129.99
Reservation Cut-off: June 2. Complimentary internet and parking. Call 515-223-1800 to book, Reference American Shorthorn Block.
EconoLodge Inn & Suites 410 East 30th Street, Des Moines, IA
Single King: $114 | 2 Double Beds: $119 | King Suite: $129
Reservation Cut-off: May 28. Complimentary internet and parking. Call 515-262-2525 to book, Reference American Shorthorn Block
Please note that contest and cattle check-in is on Monday, June 19
Contest/Exhibitor Check-in :: 8:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Cattle Check-in :: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
All contest and cattle must be checked in by 6:00 p.m. Cattle must be on grounds by 3:00 p.m.
Dr. Chris Skaggs :: Owned Show
Jared Boyert :: Ring 1
Kyndal Reitzenstein :: Ring 2
Shane & Melissa Schaake
Bailey Boyert & Kennedy Phillips
For those of you unable to attend the show, you can view the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows LIVE with Walton Webcasting.
Faye Smith, President
Miller Smith, Vice-President
Colton Hulsey, Secretary
Merideth Behrens, Public Relations Chair
Xavier Ferris, Director
Ryan Lane, Director
Amanda Smee, Director
Brayden DeBorde, Director
Haylee Ferguson, Director
Help us to collect socks for those in need while earning points for your state; donate new socks, by the pair or the package. Socks will be tallied and totaled by state (calculated using the percentage of exhibitors from each state) The top 5 states will win the following points (1st - 8 pts; 2nd - 6 pts; 3rd - 4 pts; 5th - 1 pt) towards the Outstanding State Junior Association.
American Junior Shorthorn Association
National Junior Shorthorn Show
For those “senior” AJSA members, send three to four photos and the brief write-up of your time as a member of AJSA to shelby@shorthorn.org. We will include the information and fun photos in the Junior National exhibitor handbook for everyone attending to enjoy!
Kylee Dameron is currently a senior at Silex High School. After graduation, she plans to attend North Central Missouri College. She plans to major in Animal Science with a minor in Animal Nutrition. With her degree she plans to manage transportation of AI and ET.
Kylee is the daughter of Kyle Dameron of Silex, Missouri. Kylee attended her first Shorthorn junior national in 2014 and has been involved with the Shorthorn industry for as long as she can remember.
Kylee is involved with her FFA Chapter, currently serving as the VicePresident, helping to lead 200 members. She is also the Missouri Junior Shorthorn Association Vice-President. She serves on the Missouri Club Calf Board where she has to gather sponsorships and donations.
“Ever since a director helped me at my first junior national in 2014, I have looked up to the red coats,” Kylee said. “As I have got older, I have become an always willing to lend a helping hand type of person.”
Katrina Evans of Lorenzo, Texas.
Mackenlee comes from past generations of Shorthorn breeders; her grandfather and grandmother were both on the Texas Shorthorn Association board in the 1980s and 90s. Mackenlee has been involved for the last ten years in the Shorthorn Association. She has served in leadership positions with the TSA and been involved with FFA. She wants to inspire the upcoming generations to get involved in the industry that helped make her who she is today.
“Many wearing the red coat in the past have been great inspirations for my future and I have always hoped to pass that on to others,” Mackenlee said. “As a leader, I plan to help others transition into being more involved in leadership roles within their state breed associations.”
Samantha VanVorhis will be attending Oklahoma State University in the fall to major in Agricultural Communications and Leadership with a minor in Political Science. After graduation, she plans to attend law school. She is the daughter of Dean and Michelle VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio.
Samantha had her first experience with Shorthorn cattle at the North American International Livestock Expo when she was ten years old. After running late to her class, a junior board member made her laugh and from then on she idolized the junior board. She has stayed involved since then at a state and national level as well as being involved in school activities and FFA. She wants to have a voice for people, which is why she plans to attend law school and become a lobbyist.
Hannah Wetzel is currently attending Iowa State University majoring in Agricultural Business, Accounting and Finance. She is the daughter of Mike and Lisa Wetzel of Faribault, Minnesota.
Hannah began her experience with the Shorthorn Association at her first junior national in 2013 in Des Moines. She hasn’t missed a junior national since her first one in 2013 and will be running for the board back where she got her start. She has stayed involved with Shorthorns at the national level while also being involved with Minnesota FFA, 4H and Iowa State University.
“The ability to be apart and aid in huge moments for people is something that I love,” Samantha said. “And the board does just that. By taking away the jitters of young showmen away and helping people through the ring with stubborn Shorthorns is just a sliver of what I hope to do if given the opportunity to serve on the board. I want to give back to the community that has given me so much.”
Mackenlee Evans is currently a senior at Idalou High School and will be attending West Texas A&M University in the fall, majoring in Animal Science. She would like to expand her existing herd and market locally. She is the daughter of
“From my first junior national in 2013, to my tenth junior national in Kansas City, the leaders in the red coats have been role models, friendly faces and a helping hand,” Hannah said. “I strive to be that friendly face and helping hand to the current and future generations to come, to be that role model to someone, that the past directors have been to me.”
Eligible seats are elected each summer during the Youth Conference at the National Junior Shorthorn Show by their peers to lead the organization and carry out activities, programs, and events for the association. With the mission to positively impact the leaders of tomorrow and today by committing themselves to the Shorthorn breed, its members, and each other, makes this a tremendous opportunity for learning about teamwork, responsibility and leadership.
Retiring board members will pass off their red jacket during the awards ceremony Friday, June 23.
Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C
-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F
- Semen: $30/unit
Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com
Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280
36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363
Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.
Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806
Wayne: 618-384-8250
Doug: 618-384-1932
Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.
Scott Horton, Owner Horton cell: 630-965-1710
Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754
4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444
VisitorsWelcome... Stopbyanytime!
Don Cagwin
P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552
Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033
Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536
Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com FarmlocatedfivemileseastofVirginiaonRoute125, thenonemilesouthoftheelevatoratPhiladelphia,Illinois.
Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright Route 2, Box 55
Beecher City, IL 62414
home: 618-487-5559
Trey: 618-367-0764
Steve: 618-267-3229
31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052
Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258
Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.
Visitors Welcome
Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times. Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144
contact: L.E. Mathers III
cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692
Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664
Check our website for our current list of herd sires. www.leveldale.com
Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754
Dale: 815-369-2857
81 Bulls $ 411,500
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Paint Valley Farm Millersburg, Ohio
Auctioneer: Ron Kreis
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc
by: Darryl Rahn$ 5,080
Jerseyville, Illinois.
Beloit, Ohio.
The comment was heard several times in the weeks leading up to The Bull Sale that you could not sell 80 bulls in one place at one time in the state of Ohio. It happened and it was a huge success. The big crowd that attended the sale came from throughout the States and Canada. The top set of high quality bulls were well accepted as steady prices were the order of the day. Also noteworthy was the fact that every bull in the auction sold. A tribute to Paint Valley Farms, Byland Polled Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns for presenting a group of bulls that were right for the times.
$14,500 - Lot 75 - Beckler Ranger 14K - A roan, polled February 21, 2022 son of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of KL Rosewood 819. This great young sire was a true crowd favorite. He has the dimension and soundness of structure that everyone likes. He will add growth and performance to a calf crop. His EPD profile is top shelf and will be a great asset in his new home. Offered by Beckler Shorthorns and purchased by Moore Shorthorns of
$14,000 - Lot 55 - Byland Yellowstone 2PW52. A roan, polled March 6, 2022 son of BSG Profitwise 1767 and out of Byland Cindy Beauty 7G125. Another highly popular bull in this sale. This one is sound in his structure and bold in his design. He has the look of a herd bull with the built-in performance everyone wants. His dam is a top female in the Byland herd. He has a great future. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by S-Co Shorthorn Farms of Hastings, Minnesota.
$12,000 - Lot 48 - Byland Top Flight 2DT92. A RWM, polled March 16, 2022 son of Byland Top Dog 0SD40 and out of Byland Dora 8HC41. This bull was also at the top of many lists at the sale. This bull is excellent in his design and structure. His EPD profile is outstanding. All of his traits are above average in the breed. He is also suitable for heifers which is an added plus. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Shadybrook Farms of West Brome, Quebec, Canada.
$10,500 - Lot 1 - PVF Liberty 12K ET. A roan, polled January 28, 2022 son of Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 and out of PVF Beauty Queen 56Z. There were just an outstanding group of Soggy Dog sons in this sale and this one was at the top of the group. He is a maternal brother to 1872 and a full brother to PVF Justice 3G. This future top sire has a performance spread from birth to yearling that is really impressive. He will surely be a leader in the breed. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by N&P Family Farms, LLC of
$10,500 - Lot 65 - Byland Prime 2U34. A roan, polled March 2, 2022 son of Studer’s Universal 10B and out of Byland Ellen 402. This top young sire is out of a top Gauge cow. He is a low birth weight, high performance bull that is in the top 20% of the breed in several trait categories. He has a large REA and good IMF numbers. He will bring those traits to his new home. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by KDH Shorthorns of Beloit, Kansas.
$10,000 - Lot 76 - Beckler Peace Keeper 13K. A roan, polled February 20, 2022 son of Byland Flash 9 u106 and out of Leveldale Rosewood 748E. This is an eye appeal type of bull with a great genetic profile. Vertually all numbers are in the top 50% of the breed. He also excels in all $ indexes. A big ribeye means he will put the meat and muscle in his progeny. Offered by Beckler Shorthorns and purchased by Moore Shorthorns of Jerseyville, Illinois.
$10,000 - Lot 42 - Byland Elite 2SD66. A roan, polled March 8, 2022 son of Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 and out of Byland Jenny 7RX56. A great name for this bull. He is elite in his structure and shape as well style and balance. He is also elite in his performance and EPD profile. His REA and IMF numbers are also elite. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Bar N Cattle Co of Belview, Minnesota and Steel Hill Ranch of Mento, North Dakota.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
WHR Shorthorns
Van Alstyne, Texas
Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc
by: Darryl RahnIt is always a pleasure to be at WHR the last Sunday of March. Great people, great cattle and a great sale are always the order of the day. This year was another in that run of top events. As usual, the open heifer calves were the hot item for this sale. These heifers were of the highest quality and have show potential in their futures. A big crowd gathered to bid on the individuals of their choice. Congratulations to Bill, Becky, Sarge and all involved for the presentation of another high quality event.
$90,000 - Lot 1 - Open Fall HeiferWHR 4S Cumberland 2902 ET. A roan, polled September 1, 2022 daughter of WHR TS Daydream Believer 9409 and
out of WHR SAL Cumberland 6N10 ET. This is a powerful young show heifer with a great future. She comes from the famed Cumberland line at WHR and she is really good. Great overall dimension and the traits that make her a model of the modern Shorthorn female. Purchased by Mike Holcomb of Anna, Texas.
$45,000 - Lot 2 - Open Fall HeiferWHR HS Cumberland 2904 ET. A roan, polled September 2, 2022 daughter of WHR TS Daydream Believer 9409 and out of WHR CMF Cumberland N025 ET. Another great show prospect and another top Cumberland female. She is a 3/4 sister to the Lot 1 heifer a is very similar in type and kind. She has the bred in consistency of the Cumberland female line. Purchased by Scott Dryer of Tolar, Texas.
$35,000 - Lot 28 - Open Fall HeiferPSF WHR Lady Charm 210 EV. A roan, polled September 10, 2022 daughter of CSF Evolution HC and out of WHR PW Lady Charm 9604. These good Fall open heifers just kept coming and they were readily accepted. This youngster has a world of style as well as a great color pattern that make her a show stopper. She will definitely be a top show heifer. Purchased by Leah Rogers of Granbury, Texas.
$24,000 - Lot 11 - Open Spring Heifer - WHR HCAT Cecilia 2105 ET. A roan,
Saturday, March 18, 2023
Ohio Beef Expo Columbus, Ohio
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt
Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
Again this year, there were huge crowds at the Ohio Beef Expo. On Friday during the show of sale cattle, the arena was filled. On Saturday morning prior to the sale, the display isles were also packed with interested buyers. The sale reflected this enthusiasm. The top quality cattle offered saw active bidding from the big crowd as well as on the internet.Congratulations to all involved for the presentation of a quality event.
$11,750 - Lot 32 - Open Heifer - NBS Regal Daphne ET. A RWM, polled July 7, 2022 daughter of SULL Red Knight 2030
ET and out of NBS Daphne 36A. What a top prospect this heifer was. Sired by the legendary Red Knight and out of a top female at NBS. She was a favorite of most at the sale. She has a world of style and balance and surely has a great show career ahead of her. Offered by Narrow Brook Shorthorns and purchased by Gana Farms of Martell, Nebraska.
$6,750 - Lot 17 - Open Heifer - SIXR Red Hottie LL 214K. A R/W, polled February 14, 2022 daughter of CSF Long Look HC 706 ET and out of DKSN Red Hottie 412D. Another fancy heifer that is sired by the popular Long Look. She really caught your eye with her show profile and her great color pattern. She has a great pedigree and will surely be a top female in her new herd. Offered by Six R Farms and purchased by Scott Miller of Wakeman, Ohio.
$6,500 - Lot 40 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - MS Lydia 322 ET. A black, polled March 4, 2022 daughter of Conley No Limit and out of MS Sweet Dreams 312. This one is really good. She has the dimension and style that will make her a top show heifer and the pedigree to make her a top brood cow for years to come. She has what it takes. Offered by McLaughlin Show Cattle and purchased by Hunter Tilton of Bellville, Ohio.
$6,400 - Lot 28 - Open Heifer - CCS
polled January 17, 2022 daughter of Armstrong Easy Rider 1603 and out of WHR SRVM Cecilia 2907 ET. This was the leader of a group of ultra fancy Spring Open heifer calves. This one from the Cecilia line that has produced so many top females for WHR. This one is a top show prospect. Purchased by Gana Farms, of Martell, Nebraska.
$19,000 - Lot 25 - Open Fall HeiferWHR RHS Queen of Hearts 942 ET. A roan, polled September 4, 2022 daughter of DF Waco 6W and out of WHR Queen of Hearts 6923 ET. A top daughter of Waco that has sired many top heifers for WHR in the past. This one is really good as well. On her dam’s side she goes back to the Ten Queens female that was a great one for WHR. She has the potential to be a great one also. Purchased by Scott Dryer of Tolar, Texas.
$17,000 - Lot 14B - Open Fall Heifer - WHR JCD Cecilia 2912 ET. A RWM, polled September 13, 2022 daughter of JSF Times Square 120G ET and out of WHR HCAT Cecilia D 7304 ET. Another top Cecilia female and this one by the popular Times Square. She has the look and the body shape that make her one to contend with in the show ring. Purchased by Trey Wood of Slaton, Texas.
Fancy Nancy 504K. A red, polled May 4, 2022 daughter of Millbrook Fireball 23F and out of SULL Fancy Nancy 7547E ET. This is a top May show heifer that was a fan favorite at the show and sale. Her dam is sired by the many time National Champion Legacy and has the look of a good one. She never stops wrong and has a great future ahead of her. Offered by Cagwin Farms and purchased by George Six of New Freeport, Pennsylvania.
$5,000 - Lot 31 - Open Heifer - CCS Pure Dora 61K. A R/W, polled June 1, 2022 daughter of JA SP Gale Force SM 6J54 and out of CCS Pure Dora 123F. This is a fancy young heifer that drew a lot of interest prior to the sale. She has a great show look to go with a flashy color pattern. Her dam by Red Sensation is a top producer at Cagwin Farms. Offered by Cagwin Farms and purchased by Stephanie Westen of Chestnut, Illinois.
$4,800 - Lot 33 - Bred Heifer - NBS Jolie 692J. A roan, polled April 2021 daughter of WFSC Copilot 04E ET and out of NBSC Jolie 692F selling bred to Make It Count and due shortly after the sale. This was a popular bred heifer that has great balance and style. She was close to her calving date at sale time and should have a great calf. Offered by Narrow Brook Shorthorns and purchased by Cecil Kinney of Beallsville, Ohio.
Richard A. “Dick” Osterday, 87, passed away Saturday, March 25, 2023, in Hastings, NE surrounded by his loving family. A private family burial will take place at a later date. There will be no viewing or visitation. Memorials may be given to the family for a memorial to be established at a later date.
Dick was born in Dell Rapids, SD on February 18, 1936, to Herb & Marie (Comstock) Osterday. He attended schools in Dell Rapids, Dempster, and Castlewood, SD, and attended Northern State Teacher’s College in Aberdeen, SD. Dick graduated from college in 1958 and did graduate work at the University of Northern Colorado and Chadron State College. He began his teaching
career in Redfield, SD, and met the love of his life, Elaine. They were married on June 4, 1961. In 1963, they moved to Sidney, NE where he taught for the next 35 years.
Dick coached cross country and track during the first twenty years of his career. He taught civics and computers at Sidney Middle School. During Dick’s early teaching career, he was involved in many state and local education committees and the Sidney Educators Association. Upon retiring from coaching, Dick entered the field of politics and served two terms on the Sidney city council and two terms as the mayor of Sidney. Dick also served on the Sidney Housing Authority and was an active member of Light Memorial Presbyterian Church where he served as an Elder and Deacon.
Dick was an avid fisherman and avid storyteller, but also a good listener and easily made friends. This combination led him to buy a camper after Elaine
Cord Eldon Gilman
7 lbs 13oz
21 1/2 inches long
Parents are Ethan & Kathleen Gilman, Gilman Shorthorns of Stuart, Iowa.
died in 2009 and he spent the next 14 years being a snowbird at Lake Havasu, AZ in the winters, and fishing at Bob’s Resort at Lake Oahe in South Dakota in the summers. He met many wonderful friends from all over the country. His favorite role was being “Gramps” to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Dick was preceded in death by his parents; four brothers; two sisters; an infant daughter; and his wife, Elaine.
Survivors include his son, Rick (Sandy) of Java, SD; daughter, Renee (Tom) Callaghan of Hastings, NE; four grandchildren, Blane (Liz) Osterday and Clay (Erin) Osterday both of Java, SD, Kelsey (Jake) Stokely of Hastings, NE, and Drew (Mikayla) Callaghan of Omaha, NE; five great-grandchildren, Gatlin, Callan, Quinnlee, and Deacon Stokely, and Vivian Osterday.
As of July 1, 2023, all Milking Shorthorn and Lincoln Red cattle that are to be brought into the American Shorthorn Association herd book as dual registered animals must be tested as an AI sire or donor dam prior to herd book acceptance, due to the lack of information available in their online registries.
Starting July 1, 2023, all animals tested through the American Shorthorn Association must have a registration or recorded number to be accepted for testing. This is only a slight adjustment to the current rule, which applies to samples sent directly to the lab. This rule adjustment includes any animal tested – whether the samples are sent directly to the lab or to the ASA office for pre-processing. Also starting July 1, 2023, a manual processing fee will also be incurred for those samples sent to the office for preprocessing. We are trying to encourage breeders to send their samples directly to Neogen, once their DNA submission form is approved and in their hands. If there is an error in the registry holding your animal up from being pushed through as registered, you would need to go the ‘recorded number’ route. In the birth entry screen, you can un-check the ‘Register?” box, re-validate, and commit your animal to the registry as recorded to receive that ‘U’ recorded number.
In an effort to reduce the amount of paper sent out of the office, statements will now be emailed, rather than printed. Please be sure to double-check that you have a correct email on file in the registry. If you wish to continue with the printed version, simply log into your DigitalBeef account and go to the ‘Prefs’ tab to update your Invoicing preference (see screenshot). You can also call the office to make the switch.
Sheraton West Des Moines :: 1800 50th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50266
King: $129.99/night | Doubles: $129.99/night | King Suite: $129.99/night
Reservation Cut-off: June 2, 2023. Complimentary internet and parking. Call 515-223-1800 to book, Reference American Shorthorn Block.
EconoLodge Inn & Suites :: 410 East 30th Street, Des Moines, IA 50317
Single King: $114/night | 2 Double Beds: $119/night | King Suite: $129/night
Reservation Cut-off: May 28, 2023. Complimentary internet and parking. Call 515-262-2525 to book, Reference American Shorthorn Block.
Sept. 2 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind.
Sept. 2 - Cornerstone Farms “Born to be Rockstars” Live Sale, Winchester, Ind.
Sept. 2-3 - R-C Show Cattle “Early Bird” Online Sale & Open House, Eaton, Ohio, sconlinesales.com
Sept. 2-3 - Turner Shorthorns “Somerset Sensations” Open House and Private Treaty Sale, Somerset, Ohio
Sept. 11 - Smith Family Farms “Cattleman’s Cut” Online Sale, Pendleton, Ind., wlivestock.com
Sept. 11 - Berg’s Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, Iowa, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 12 - Meyer Family Shorthorns “Elite Heifer & Steer” Online Sale, Greensburg, Ind., amsonlinesales. com
Sept. 14 - Bonnell Cattle Company Online Sale, Columbus, Ind., sconlinesales.com
Sept. 17 - Farrer Stock Farms, “50th Annual Club Calf Sale, Royal Center, Ind.
Sept. 18 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, Texas, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 19 - Moore Shorthorns Show Heifer Online Sale, Jerseyville, Ill., amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 19 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle/Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, West Middleton, Pa., sconlinesales.com
Sept. 23 - The Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich.
Sept. 30 - Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make A Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, Ohio
Oct. 1 - Du-Lynn Farms “Share The Vision” Production Sale, Berlin, Ohio
Oct. 2-3 - Sugarbird Shorthorns at Respite Farm “Roan for the Roses” Fall Edition Online Sale, Paris, Ky., dponlinesales.com
* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
Sept. 2 - Cates Farms “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, IN
Sept. 2 - Cornerstone Farm “Born to be Rockstars” Production Sale, Winchester, IN
Sept. 11- Berg’s Shorthorns Online Sale, Osage, IA, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 12 - Meyer Family Shorthorns Online Sale, Greensburg, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 7 - Schrag/Nikkel “Family Event” Sale, Marion, South Dakota
Oct. 9 - Bollum Family Shorthorns “Red, White and Roan” Online Sale, Goodhue, Minn., amsonlinesales. com
Oct. 10 - Bishell/Nollswood Online Sale, Mineral Point, Wisc., amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 12 - Beach Family Shorthorns “Horns in the Heartland” Online Sale, Sycamore, Neb., amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 14 - Studer Family Shorthorns “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Anita, Iowa
Oct. 14 - “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, Okla.
Oct. 21 - Six’s Shorthorns “Legends of the Fall” Sale, Waynesburg, Pa.
Oct. 28 - Bedwell Cattle Co and Lost Diamond B Ranch “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, Okla.
Nov. 4 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, N.D.
Nov. 11 - Four State Shorthorn Association Sale, Diamond, Mo.
Nov. 12 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Future Generations Are Created, Louisville, Ky.
Nov. 18 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance” Sale, Sidell, Ill.
Nov. 19 - Farrer Stock Farms “28th Annual Dynamic Dams” Sale, Royal Center, Ind.
Dec. 5 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales.com
Dec. 9 - Paint Valley Farms, Byland Polled Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, Ohio
Dec. 12 - Gilman Shorthorns Customer Appreciation Semen Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 18 - Tadmore Farms Show Heifer, Bred Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Caldwell, TX, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 19 - Moore Shorthorns Show Heifer Online Sale, Jerseyville, IL, amsonlinesales.com
Sept. 23 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, MI
Sept. 25 - Nelson Farms Maternal Icons Show Heifer and Genetic Online Sale, Seneca, IL, amsonlinesales. com
Sept. 30 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, OH
Oct. 1 - Du-Lynn Farms “Share the Vision” Sale, Berlin, OH
Oct. 3 - West Fork Ranch Club Calf Sale, Loup City, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 4 - Millbrook’s Northern Exposure Vol IV, Brome, Quebec, Canada, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 7 - Schrag-Nikkel “Family Event” Sale, Marion, SD
Oct. 9 - Bollum Family Shorthorns Red, White, and Roan Online Sale, Goodhue, MN, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 10 - Bishell/Nollswood Online Sale, Mineral Point, WI, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 12 - Horns in the Heartland Sale, Syracuse, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 14 - Double J and Crow Creek “Heart of the Prairie” Production Sale, Rush Springs, OK
Oct. 24 - Missouri Shorthorn Assocaiton Fall Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Oct. 28 - Bedwell Cattle Co. & Lost Diamond B Ranch “Lasting Impressions” Sale, Isabella, OK
Nov. 4 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND
Nov. 6 - KAW Red Angus Maternal Magic Sale, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Nov. 12 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, KY
Nov. 18 - Norman/Ripberger “Breeders Alliance” Sale, Newman, IL
Dec. 5 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com
Dec. 9 - Paint Valley Shorthorns and Byland Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Sale, Millersburg, OH
Dec. 12 - Gilman Shorthorns Customer Appreciation Semen Sale, amsonlinesales.com
What is your one must-have item at a cattle show?
What is your favorite show product?
What is your favorite activity outside of AJSA? Attend draft horse shows, cattle shows, and play football
What do you want to be when you grow up/ future career plans? be a large animal chiropractor, raise cattle, draft horses, and farm Atlantic, IA