J u ly/ A u g u s t
INSIDE Mississippi
Pricey Tequila And The Hangover You Can’t Afford
A Gulf coast comeback
Gordon Ramsay’s Kitchen In Hell
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The soil is a living thing. And must be treated as such. It is a fundamental commitment to the land and to future generations of Jackson family farmers. We call it sustainable farming. Based on concepts of simple gardening, sustainable farming employs a variety of techniques, including planting our vines up and down the hillside, rather than across, to reduce erosion. We also use naturally filling reservoirs to recycle ground water and fish-friendly farming to control water runoff into our lakes and streams.
Having a family-run winery affords us the luxury of taking the long-term view. We believe it is critical to allow the earth the time to nurture itself. As a result, only half of the property we own is devoted to vines. Because it is not only our responsibility, it is our duty to ensure the soil remains healthy. It matters for the long-term quality of our wines and the future success of our children. I have been told that many of you enjoy our wines but you aren’t sure why. My goal is to help with A Taste of the Truth.
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{con ten t s} f e at u r e s :
23 Getting Labeled
Much of the New World’s wine industry is getting a break as a new global labeling agreement could save wine producers millions.
24 Young Blood
From opening wine shops to running wine bars to becoming sommeliers, plenty of today’s best young minds are choosing a career in wine. Wine Report looks at three of these vernal vino partisans.
28 Tequila Reborn
Tequila: It’s not just for shots and hangovers anymore. Take a jaunt through the agave fields of Mexico, where some producers now sell their tequila for several thousand dollars a bottle.
c olu m n s
& d e p a r t m e nt s
g u id e s
33 … Travel Guide
Wine News
49 … Wine Merchants Guide
Q&A with Gordon Ramsay
Columnist: Eric Lyman
Travel: Mississippi Gulf Coast
One-Hundred-Point Ratings; Umbrian Umbrage; Thanks for S. A.
Miliotes Brings Home The Bacon; N.C. and Ga. Top Wine Places; ATL Has Martini-Glass Winner; High Museum and Carter Center Score Big
Planning a trip? These destinations are great places to get lost for a weekend Need to pick up a bottle for dinner or a party? Search out one of these well-stocked shops, stores and grocers
50 … Wine Events Calendar
Hell hath no kitchen like Gordon Ramsay’s
A wine-centric listing that includes winery contact information, restaurants’ wine dinners and tastings, education programs and more
55 … Restaurant Guide
Aglianico, an Italian red, might be the best wine grape you haven’t heard of
Forget Katrina; Mississippi coast tourism is back with a vengeance
Check out these eateries for some of Atlanta’s best food and wine experiences
w i ne r e v ie w s 38 ... Oregon Pinot Noir 40 ... Monterey Chardonnay 40 ... American Riesling 42 ... California Mountain Cabernet 42 ... Australian Chardonnay
J u ly/ a u g u S t
45 ... Fortified Wine 47 ... Prosecco
inSiDe Mississippi
pRiCeY tequila and the hangoveR You Can’t affoRd
a gulf Coast CoMebaCk
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Gordon raMsay’s kitChen in hell
W i n es RevieWed
Wine shop owner Melanie Wilson has been on track for a wine career since her father began talking up the stuff around the family dinner table. Check out her place, Vino Libro, in Glenwood Park, near the East Atlanta Village. Cover Photo: Chris Rank
young, Hip & Hot Complimentary
Wine baR oWneR Melanie Wilson pRoves soMe things don’ t need ageing to iMpRove
at preferred establishments Display through Sept. 1, 2007
wine report // july : : august 2007 { }
july/ august 2007
Wine R eport ®
RE C E P T I O N L I N E .
Steve Stevens – Editor in Chief Chris Rank – Art Director Wes Dewhurst – Advertising Director Hope Philbrick – Assistant Editor Brent Winter – Assistant Editor Bill Burrows – Account Executive Jeff Piersol – Account Executive Michael Patrick – Tasting Coordinator Brent Schwarz – Distribution Manager Jaymi Curley – administrative assistant
Steve Stevens, Hope Philbrick and Mike Patrick Wine Reviews Writer & Tasting Panel Proctor
Rich Fuscia, Chris Rank &Debbi Smith Advertising Design Distribution Staff : Affinity Marketing, Richard Bush, Jack Wagner and Rodney White
Wine Report is published bimonthly. © 2006 The Wine Report. All Rights Reserved. Issues are complimentary when visiting our distribution points. Wine Report and the Wine Report logo are registered trademarks of Wine & Culinary, LLC, a company of LA Publishing & Media Group, LLC, 590 Madison Avenue, Floor 21, New York, NY 10022. To have the Wine Report delivered to your home or office, please contact us using the information below. Annual subscription rate: $18.
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{ let t ers}
Twilight tones of red and orange roll silently over the Namibian desert floor as a silhouetted couple shares a private moment and a bottle of sparkling wine.
There are several wine ratings systems out there and most of them seem to be based on a 100-point scale.
and also the qualifications and experience of our tasters. But different panelists will never have the exact same opinion on a wine. This is not simply the nature of judging wine, but the nature of judging anything.
I’m wondering how reliable your system is compared to the others. I’ll see a score in your magazine that is several points different than the score the same wine gets in Wine Spectator. How can the same wine get such different scores? Who’s right? -John S., Atlanta, Ga. A wine rating’s purpose is to give readers some point of reference as to a given wine’s quality. Rating systems themselves however vary widely. Some are based on a 20-point scale, some are based on a five-point scale but undoubtedly, the most popular scale among consumers has been the 100-point scale. No matter the point scale, remember all wine evaluation is subjective. Though there are specific traits that certain types and styles of wine should have, there are more variables than there are certainties. Factors like the condition of the bottle and tasters’ personal preferences will necessarily influence scores and reviews. Much like two film critics can see the same movie and come away with two totally different impressions, two wine critics can have differing opinions on the same wines. This does not mean one critic is right and the other is wrong. It only means that on one particular day, one particular bottle struck a certain taster one way while it struck another taster differently.
In the end, you are the best judge of the wines you like. Ratings and reviews are helpful guidelines and great learning tools, but the best judge will always be your own palate. If you like it, who should be able to tell you it isn’t good?
As someone who spent two weeks in Umbria several years ago, I discovered several
Sagrantinos at the local supermarket and the only wine shop in Castiglione del Lago [The Unknown Umbrian, February/March 2007]. The wines were wonderfully flavorful, almost chewy. On return to Atlanta, I was disappointed to find that it was almost impossible to find any Sagrantino di Montefalco. I browbeat the guys at Tower for a time, and then finally gave up. Apparently, they are at the mercy of the local distributors. The situation is one of the best arguments for purchasing over the Web I have found. -Donald C. O., Atlanta, Ga.
Speaking for Wine Report’s own system, our tasting coordinator and editing staff strive for consistency, fairness and accuracy in the scores and reviews we publish. Achieving this in a panel tasting format means maintaining the integrity of both the tasting and the scoring processes { 10 } wine report // july : : august 2007
On the point of Web sales and distribution of wine, you have found a sympathetic ear. The muddled maze of state and federal regulations governing the wines to which consumers have access is biased, antiquated and long overdue for change. Indeed, the notion that our governments can restrict what we are allowed to drink is not only personally offensive to many, but the legal underpinnings of such policies have become constitutionally questionable in recent years. Unfortunately, for now the political will does not exist to change such law.
However in some respects, the tide has turned and there is some hope the door to Web purchasing will be opened wider in the coming years. Wine lovers should take note on future election days of which candidates respect our freedom of choice and which ones don’t trust us to make our own purchasing decisions. Real change in this area will not happen otherwise.
Thank you for the wonderful story and pictures on South Africa
[A South African Diary, April/May 2007]. I have a friend that went to university there and invited my husband and me over for a week last year. We went and were absolutely stunned by the scenery and the wildlife we saw. And the wines really amazed us. They were fantastic and so affordable! The South African rand is not doing so well against the dollar which is good for us, bad for the South African winemakers I guess. -Sarah P., Atlanta, Ga. Thanks Sarah. The wines of South Africa are definitely a must-try for anyone in search of quality and value. And there is no doubt that the vistas to be seen there may be the most striking of any wine country on the world. We can only hope that the euro will someday be as friendly to the American dollar as is the rand.
If you would like us to publish your comments or questions about wine or Wine Report magazine, please e-mail us at winetalk@winesimple.com. To submit your question, you can also log onto winesimple.com or mail it to: Wine Talk Editor 2200 Parklake Drive, Suite 100 Atlanta, Georgia 30345
{ wine n e w s }
Atlanta Sommelier Earns Prestigious Wine Diploma George Miliotes, director of beverage and hospitality at Atlanta restaurant Seasons 52, passed the Court of Master Sommeliers’ Master Sommelier Exam, held March 17-22 in San Francisco. Miliotes began the certification process 10 years ago, progressing through three levels consisting mostly of classes and rigorous exams. The exam has three parts: restaurant services and salesmanship, which includes the presentation, preparation and service of wines, spirits, brandies, liqueurs and cigars; sommelier knowledge, including international wine laws and various distillation methods; and practical testing, which includes a blind tasting of three red and three white wines. Three Master Sommeliers, who take notes throughout the exam, score the testing. Reflecting on his accomplishment, Miliotes said, “It’s about the journey more than the destination. I’ve met so many cool people throughout the program and learned so much. There’s just an immense amount of satisfaction. I’m very proud to have passed. “And while it’s great to be acknowledged personally,” he added, “It’s even better to know that through Seasons 52 I can educate a whole new generation of servers. We can really change the way America looks at wine. That’s what I hope to do with this. I can’t tell you how excited I am.”
Seasons 52’s George Miliotes is one of only 142 people in the world to hold the Master Sommelier diploma, considered the wine industry’s ultimate professional credential
North Carolina and Georgia Recognized for Wine and Culinary Tourism Georgia and North Carolina are among the top U.S. states for wine and culinary tourism, according to United States leisure travelers surveyed by the Travel Industry Association. The states tied for fifth place among food-related travel destinations. The top state was California, followed by Florida, New York and Texas.
{ 12 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Michael Kritzer’s award winning martini glass
High Museum Wine Auction Raises $1.8 Million The 15th annual event pulled in record donations The 2007 High Museum Wine Auction raised an unprecedented $1.8 million in March through silent and live auctions of more than 250 lots. The event is the single largest fundraiser for the High Museum of Art, is one of the top charity fundraising events in Atlanta and is the largest charity wine auction in the United States benefiting the arts. Top bids included: * $90,000 for a wine adventure to Argentina for six, offered by Paul Hobbs of Paul Hobbs Wines and Vina Cobos. * $120,000 for a barrel of XV-anniversary Pinot Noir made by Jim Clendenen of grapes from a special plot in his vineyard.
photo: Alicia Hansen
Georgian Wins for Best Martini Glass Dahlonega man took top prize in national competition Georgia native Michael Kritzer took the top award in the Fourth Annual United States Designer Glass Competition for his inspired martini cocktail glass design, Palletini.
* $60,000 for a trip for eight to Blackberry Farm in Tennessee and Jonata Winery in Santa Barbara, Calif. * $45,000 for a weekend at Château Montelena in Napa Valley with private jet transportation and ten big bottles of Montelena. * $30,000 for a lot that included a case each of 1985 Château Haut Brion and 1989 Château La Mission Haut Brion.
The 16th annual High Museum Wine Auction is set Kritzer, the son of Craig Kritzer, who founded for March 27-29, 2008. Frogtown Cellars in Dahlonega, Ga., created a martini cocktail glass of blue and silver motherof-pearl-colored glass that is styled to resemble a painter’s palette.
Sponsored by Bombay Sapphire Gin, the annual contest is geared to give aspiring designers from around the United States the chance to break into the competitive world of design by interpreting the classic martini cocktail glass in their own distinctive style. “Winning the U.S. competition will definitely give me a jump-start to breaking into the design world,” said Kritzer. “I am thrilled to be recognized and supported for the work that I love.”
Beverage Alcohol Industry Continues to Grow Americans are drinking more alcoholic beverages and paying more for them, according to the justreleased 2007 edition of the Adams Handbook Advance, published by Adams Beverage Group. Spirits, wine and beer all showed sales gains in the United States. Helping drive the growth are an increasing number of wines designed to attract new customers, higher-priced spirits and steady sales of higher-priced imported and craft beers.
Carter Center’s Weekend Auction Raises $1 Million
Fundraiser supports humanitarian work around the globe The 15th annual Carter Center Winter Weekend auction netted $1,016,478 for the nonprofit center’s initiatives to advance peace and health worldwide. Held this year in Cancun, Mexico, all the money was raised in silent and live auctions. “I want to thank those who bought items at Winter Weekend and all of the Center’s supporters for their generosity,” said President Carter in a press release. “Their enthusiasm and belief in the work of the Carter Center is making a difference in the lives of people in more than 65 nations.” Other top bids included a baby cradle made of unusual tiger wood handcrafted by President Carter, which sold for $300,000; a North Carolina mountain fly-fishing weekend with President Carter, guided by Ted Turner, which sold for $43,000; a print of President Carter’s paintings of the Japanese Garden at the Carter Center, which sold for $30,000; and an autographed photo of five presidents, which sold for $26,000.
I take care to surround myself with the best of the best, and I know that they’ll look after me just as much as I look after them.”
In pursuit of
Credit: Frederic Aranda
The chef of Hell’s Kitchen puts out some heavenly cuisine at his Michelin-starred restaurants
{ 14 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Gordon Ramsay may be best known in the United States as the star of Hell’s Kitchen, but the star of six TV shows has also written six cookbooks and an autobiography, owns 10 restaurants and works as a consultant. In November 2006 he opened his first U.S. restaurant in New York City, Gordon Ramsay at The London. After a brief professional soccer career in his native United Kingdom, Ramsay completed a college course in hotel management. At age 31 he opened his first restaurant, which was named after himself. A year later he opened Pétrus, which won a Michelin star within seven months. Since then he’s racked up numerous awards and accolades, including Top Restaurant in the UK from the Zagat Survey, Best Fine Dining Restaurant from Harden’s Guide and a veritable constellation of Michelin stars. Wine Report recently talked with Ramsay about his accomplishments and goals. Wine Report: What appeals to you most about a culinary career? GR: The restaurant business is fast-paced and unpredictable. I thrive on competition and I am at my best under pressure, so to be working in the culinary industry is as satisfying as it is challenging. WR: How would you describe your philosophy as a chef? GR: I love fresh food cooked simply. When it comes to my restaurants, the customer is at the center of everything we do. The moment you lose sight of what it is to be on the receiving end, you are in trouble. This and the desire to create something totally different and exciting is always at the forefront of everything. WR: Who are your inspirations and influences? GR: Alain Ducasse is a huge inspiration. No other chef has been able to hold on to three three-star restaurants in different countries while simultaneously expanding his empire. WR: One of your cookbooks is titled Gordon Ramsay Makes It Easy. What tips do you have for making food-and-wine pairing easy? GR: I like simple dishes paired with clean, crisp wines that bring out the natural flavors of the ingredients on the plate. A rich Chardonnay, such as Cloudy Bay, is lovely with a simple fish supper or on a summer evening at home. A good glass of red wine, like a Cabernet Sauvignon, always pairs best with a grilled steak or lamb. When entertaining, canapés with Champagne cocktails are an easy and elegant option. My drink of choice is a chilled glass of Dom Perignon – it goes well with everything! WR: In November 2006 you opened your first restaurant in the United States, Gordon Ramsay at the London. Tell us about it. GR: I am thrilled to be in New York among the best chefs in the world. Gordon Ramsay at The London isn’t just one restaurant; it’s taking two of my most successful concepts — my first and last London restaurants — and combining them into a fantastic food-and-beverage offering. There is a more formal and intimate dining room that’s modeled after Restaurant Gordon Ramsay in London, with a la carte dishes and a seven-course prix-fixe menu. The casual dining option, The London Bar, is modeled after my latest London restaurant, MAZE, and serves small plates, traditional English tea service and excellent cocktails. WR: Our editor in chief is a vegetarian. Would he be able to find something to eat on the menus at any of your restaurants? GR: Absolutely. For the New York restaurant, we’ve created a fantastic seven-course vegetarian menu. I always try to prepare dishes that satisfy all tastes, whether you’re a vegetarian or if you fancy a nice steak every once in a while.
WR: What measures do you take to ensure the quality of the ingredients that you serve? How about the quality of the wines on your wine lists? GR: I’m truly passionate about offering quality food made with the freshest vegetables, fish and meat. I especially enjoy visiting farmer’s markets early in the morning when the stalls are just opening, to get the best of the bunch. Having a top-notch dining experience often comes down to the quality of ingredients from the best purveyors. I am very lucky to have reliable suppliers, some of which have been working with us since the very beginning. And in the U.S., the meats and produce are extraordinary: beautiful wild mushrooms and truffles, Colorado lamb, fresh lobster from Maine, all top-notch. In the restaurants, we try to create wine lists that represent a range of tastes from around the world, from all different price ranges. In the New York restaurant alone, we have 5,000 bottles and a range of wines by the glass, and the list continues to grow as we travel and taste new and different things. WR: It’s been said that your Hell’s Kitchen TV series is mostly about humiliation. How do you respond to that? Do you believe that humiliation is an essential element of the professional kitchen experience, or is this just a way to draw an audience? GR: I work very closely with my staff and expect the best from them and from myself as well. With the high pressure of the kitchen, I keep them on their toes. I don’t want my staff to get too comfortable in the kitchen and lose their professionalism and edge. WR: What is the turnover rate among your employees? GR: I have an incredible core team that has been with me since the very beginning. Josh Emett, my chef at Gordon Ramsay at The London, has been an invaluable member of the team, as has Jean-Baptiste Requien. Mark Sargeant has been with me since the Aubergine days, and he now runs the show at Claridge’s. And Angela Hartnett — she is absolutely incredible. She was my chef at The Connaught, and she just opened her own restaurant, Cielo at the Boca Raton Resort and Club in Florida. I take care to surround myself with the best of the best, and I know that they’ll look after me just as much as I look after them. WR: You’ve racked up a number of Michelin stars. What motivates your pursuit of Michelin stars? GR: Michelin stars are the Oscars of the food world, so to be recognized by Michelin is an honor. But it’s also important to keep my feet on the ground and to not get too hung up and lose sight of the here and now. I want only the best to come out of my kitchens, so in that sense, I am the first person to admit that I’m a perfectionist.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 15 }
{v i e ws} Don’t look now, but a quiet revolution is taking place in Italy. Southern Italy’s Aglianico, known for its dense ruby color and its lusty, fruit-driven palate, is building a reputation that could put it in a league with the wine’s better-known cousins from the country’s north. For years, wines from southern Italy have been the country’s quaffing wines: often a good value and sometimes quite tasty, but rarely world class. It has been the great Nebbiolo-based titans of Italy’s Piedmont — Barolo and Barbaresco — and Tuscany’s Sangiovese superstars, led by Brunello di Montalcino, that have attracted headlines. Compared to those aristocrats of Italian wines, Aglianico is still a little rough at the edges, but with an obvious rustic elegance, like a gentleman farmer. At its best, food-friendly Aglianico boasts a smoky or earthy nose that can recall cigar
of other noteworthy southern Italian reds like Nero d’Avola, Primitivo, or Negro Amaro, but Aglianico rarely tops 13%. The grape needs cool nights — “It’s too cold to sleep with your window open here, even in August,” Mastroberardino says — combined with hot days. The result is a long growing season that often makes Aglianico the last red grape picked in Europe, with a harvest sometimes as late as mid-November. The late harvest date combines with volcanic or limestone soil and a relatively high altitude to give Aglianico its subtle and complex flavors and nose. There are only two places in the world where all the conditions intersect to make a healthy terroir for Aglianico: the previously mentioned Taurasi, southeast of Naples, and the hilly countryside around Monte Vulture in Basilicata, a region located in the arch of the Italian boot. While the higher-production Taurasi is dominated by Mastroberardino, there are several noted producers of Aglianico del Vulture, though two — Paternoster and D’Angelo — stand out in terms of quality and production levels.
S o u t he r n I t a l y ’ s S e c r e t
Eric Lyman
boxes or roasted herbs. On the palate, it tends toward black fruits, with fresh acidity and a peppery tendency that fills the mouth. The finish seems to last for minutes.
It can be tough to tell the difference between the wines made in Taurasi and Vulture. Taurasi wines sometimes have stronger tannins and a deeper color, while Vulture wines may display more of an acidic bite and extra perfume on the nose.
Aglianico used to be treasured by small numbers of enthusiastic devotees, but it is steadily gaining more attention from critics. In the years since I moved to Italy, I’ve tasted many examples of Aglianico’s robust balance between mineral and The best producers in both areas pull off acidity, fruit and tannins. But I wasn’t the neat trick of making a wine that is convinced of the wine’s greatness until I drinkable upon release and also worth aging. tried a series of old bottles, starting with a The finest Aglianicos can seem to evolve 1968 Radici Riserva from Mastroberardino, between sips, in effect giving you several the dean of Aglianico producers in Taurasi, wines in one bottle. one of the two great regions for this intriguing grape. After 39 years in the bottle, Producers in both areas are also fiercely the inky purple color of a young Aglianico proud of their faithfulness to indigenous had taken on an almost orange tinge, and grape varieties. These are two parts of Italy the ripe tannins had turned silky and more where international grapes like Merlot and nuanced. But the fruit was still vibrant, and Cabernet Sauvignon are hard to find. the finish still went on and on. I’d love to be able to try it again in a few years. “The person who is looking for a Cabernet Sauvignon can find one from “It’s true that 1968 was a great vintage almost anywhere,” says winemaker in Taurasi, but the long-lived qualities of Sergio Paternoster, who has been making this vintage are not unique,” said a proud Aglianico in Vulture for nearly half a century. Piero Mastroberardino, who directed the “But for people who want a nice glass of tasting. “A few weeks ago, we opened a Aglianico, there are only a few places they 1928 and it was still a young, healthy wine.” can turn. I ask myself: Should we work to be one of the many or one of the few?” One adjective you’ll never hear used to describe an Aglianico is “alcoholic.” A high Eric J. Lyman, a former chef with a passion for wines, level of alcohol is a signature characteristic is a freelance writer in Italy. His personal website is www.ericjlyman.com.
{ 16 } wine report // july : : august 2007
A New Mi s s i s s i p p i
Two years ago, a three-story wall of water pounded the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but now the area is awash with hope
by Hope S. Philbrick Images Courtesy: Mississippi Development Authority/ Tourism Division
This story has been two years in the making. I first visited the Mississippi Gulf Coast during Mardi Gras 2005 to research an article. But before that story ran, it become obsolete: Hurricane Katrina hit on August 29, 2005, with winds of up to 175 miles per hour and a 35-foot-high storm surge. More than 65,000 buildings were lost in the storm, 600 of which were listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hundreds of thousands more were damaged. Hundreds of lives were lost. Recovery started almost immediately. I kept in touch with people I’d met during my visit because I worried about how they fared, and also because I wanted to file a report telling when it was feasible for vacationers to return to the area. Tourism contributes $6.5 billion to Mississippi’s economy each year, one-third of that figure earned in the Gulf Coast region alone.
French, Italian and Creole cuisine in Gulfport; and Mary Mahoney’s Old French House Restaurant, a Biloxi tradition serving Gulf Coast seafood with a French Creole twist.
Lookout 49 was the first full-service restaurant to reopen in the area, a mere 30 days after the storm. The menu features an eclectic mix of Creole, Italian, To check on the progress of the recovery effort, I recently flew to the Biloxi- French and fresh-grilled items. Chef/owner Rob Stinson introduced the Gulfport area and found something unexpected: good news. new concept as a replacement for his Long Beach Lookout restaurant, which was destroyed by the storm. He pushed for a quick opening because “we “We are open for business,” says Craig Ray, director of the Mississippi had former employees living with us, since our house only lost its roof and Development Authority Tourism Division. “We were at 17,000 hotel was inhabitable,” he says. He and his houseguests needed jobs; bills were rooms pre-Katrina,” says Ray. “We’ve got 11,000 open now, and we plan piling up and insurance relief was uncertain. “Lookout 49 is considerably to be at 30,000 by 2010.” Twelve casinos are already open; six more are less expensive than Long Beach Lookout,” says Stinson. “I decided that scheduled to open by 2010. after the worst disaster in modern America, we should make a statement to the relief workers and residents that we are doing our share to give back A drive along the coastline reveals that traces of the storm still linger. Plastic to the community. We dropped our prices nearly 35 percent and have bags wave from treetops, porches sag toward empty spaces where houses kept them there.” His commitment has paid off: He’s drawing crowds to used to be, steel signposts are twisted and buckled, and former palm trees warrant opening an Italian restaurant named Salute this spring and has a are mere stumps. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or returning to familiar third concept in development. haunts, the experience can be an emotional one. Janice Jones, manager of media relations at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau, The restaurateurs I met consistently expressed ambitious dreams marked has advised some folks to be sure there’s a box of tissues on the car seat when by a sense of responsibility. “My goal is to bring downtown Gulfport back they roll into town. On my visit, I found that most of the trash has been to where it was,” says David Vickers, owner of the 27th Avenue Bistro, hauled away, and what locals want to talk about most is construction. where the menu features generous portions of Gulf Coast cuisine. Before reopening, his casual restaurant had to be “gutted from six feet down,” “We found a silver lining in the hurricane, if there is one,” says Jon Lucas, he says; whenever possible, he salvaged materials like the brick now president and general manager of IP Casino Resort & Spa. “It gave us an surrounding the bar. incredible opportunity to make improvements.” The efforts to rebuild and reopen not only relieved IP employees of any worry that they’d be out of jobs; “We’re going to end up so much better off,” says Stephen Richer, executive it meant hiring additional workers and pumping hope into the community. director of the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau. Located on Biloxi’s Back Bay, the IP received less damage than other hotel properties and was the first to reopen after the storm, housing FEMA employees and Katrina victims. The IP—formerly the Imperial Palace; such renaming is now common among recently reopened coastal businesses, as a public declaration of a fresh start—is better than before. The décor has been updated to reflect contemporary tastes with upgraded finishes like marble, rich woods, a warm color palate and plush fabrics. The result is an elegant yet comfortable space. There’s also a palpable enthusiasm among the staff. More than a friendly commitment to customer service—though that’s one element—it’s a combination of pride, survival and community. Thirty-Two, a new restaurant atop IP, is one of the superior dining options that have opened post-Katrina. The menu boasts creative preparations of fresh ingredients, with sophisticated options like charbroiled Hapu’upu’u (a Hawaiian fish) topped with lump crab, Gulf shrimp, fresh herbs and a Chardonnay beurre blanc sauce. “We joke that a lot of recipe books washed ashore,” says Jones, referring to the number of higher-caliber restaurants now open. Standouts include Olives, a Mediterranean restaurant run by celebrity chef Todd English in Beau Rivage Resort & Casino; Vrazel’s Fine Food Restaurant, serving
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 19 }
“We’ve had a phenomenal upgrade in terms of the market. This restaurant is an example of the good that came out of the bad luck of the storm,” he says, looking around Bragozzo, the Italian restaurant in The Isle of Capri Casino where we’re enjoying a delicious dinner. While fish dominates local menus, catching them is a tourist attraction. “Before Katrina, I’d fish a lot, be gone up to twenty days at a time,” says Bobby Williams, owner/captain of Three Sons IV Quality Fishing. For 25 years, he’s taken guests on deep-sea-fishing excursions, but business dropped 60 percent last year. However, he remains optimistic. “We’re back, and the fishing’s great,” he says with a smile. “We have some of the best fishing here. We have a good time.” He moved his Sportfish 46 Bertram during the storm to save it from destruction, and he updates it each year. The vessel is in impeccable condition, with plenty of space for up to six people for half- Top: Mississippi’s Gulf day, full-day or overnight expeditions. Coast is a playground
for deep sea anglers
Several businesses that were forced to shut down or relocate to temporary locations are now opening in renovated original or new permanent spaces, including Shearwater Pottery, a ceramics workshop and showroom; the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art, showcasing the work of Mad Potter George E. Ohr; and the Walter Anderson Museum of Art, exhibiting the works of brothers Walter Inglis Anderson, painter; Peter Anderson, potter and founder of Shearwater Pottery; and James McConnell Anderson, painter and ceramist. Katrina is a time stamp that locals weave into nearly every conversation. What’s surprising is how often before- and after-the-storm comparisons highlight the positive of the here and now. “We are tickled to be back in business,” says Katherine Paige Riley, owner of Hillyer House, a store in Ocean Springs that represents more than 200 regional artists. Riley relocated after running the business from her living room for four months. “In Ocean Springs, most businesses are back,” says Mary Alice Minor, owner of Minor’s Toy Store. “And we have a lot of new businesses, especially restaurants.” Dozens of coastal golf courses are open for play. Fallen Oak Golf Club, designed by Tom Fazio, features rolling greens, dramatic bunkers and thousands of trees. It’s an 18-hole, par-72 course with “five sets of tees for all levels of golf, from 7,486 yards to 5,300 yards,” says John Hurt, head golf professional. “We try to make it as comfortable and slow-paced an environment as we can.” The facility also houses a driving range, a shortgame range and practice chipping, putting and sand areas. The course is also available for guests of Beau Rivage. For relaxation, I prefer a spa. The spa facility at Beau Rivage is a great place to unwind and recharge. The hot-stone massage is therapeutic and deeply soothing. Next I tour the construction under way at Island View Casino Resort, where Emeril’s New Orleans Fish House is scheduled to open this summer. “We’ll have the biggest wine selection in the state of Mississippi,” boasts Laura Shelby, advertising and promotions manager. To hold that title, they’ll have to overcome some stiff competition from several area restaurants, including B.R. Prime at Beau Rivage, which boasts 3,500 bottles. Before heading to the airport, I visit Palace Casino Resort. I slide a few bills into a slot machine and pull the lever. The wheels spin and settle into place; no icons align. But knowing that Katrina cost Mississippi $1.5 billion in lost tourism in 2006 puts my loss of a few bucks into perspective. I shrug it off, knowing that my money is going into a community that really needs it.
Hope Philbrick is an assistant editor for Wine Report magazine.
{ 20 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Right: Brown, white and pink shrimp are the state’s three commercial shrimp types. But this tiny taster knows all shrimp is pink when you cook it. Bottom: Golf courses number more than 145 in Mississippi.
for More
I n f o r m at i o n IP Casino Resort & Spa 850 Bayview Ave. Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 436-3000 www.ipbiloxi.com
The Isle of Capri Casino 151 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, MS 39530 (800) THE-ISLE www.isleofcapricasino.com/Biloxi
Beau Rivage Resort & Casino 875 Beach Blvd. Biloxi, MS 39530 (228) 386-7111 www.beaurivage.com
Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention & Visitors Bureau 11975 Seaway Road Gulfport, MS 39503 (228) 896-6699 www.gulfcoast.org
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Spa photo courtesy of www.reynoldsplantation.com
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{wine info}
re-pressing A new international labeling agreement could liberate the Australians and other New World winemakers by letting them put their own labels on the wines they export
The business of wine is expensive business. Farmers farm the fruit, scientists make the wine and salesmen sell it. It all costs money, especially if international exporting is part of your business. Exporting outlays include footing the bill for tariffs, taxes and permits as well as developing and investing in new relationships. The Australians understand these difficulties as keenly as any wine industry in the world. They are the globe’s fourthlargest wine exporter, trailing only France, Italy and Spain. Recently, an informal organization called of the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG) brokered an agreement that might mean big savings for the Aussies. The Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, a government agency charged with advocating for and supporting Australia’s wine industry, estimates the changes contained in the agreement could save Australian wine producers as much as $25 million a year. What are the changes? They’re all in the label. Until now, winemakers have been required to create different labels for specific export markets reflecting each market’s regulations and preferences. If the WWTG signatory nations ratify the agreement, however, labeling requirements will be much less expensive. “Until now, Australian wine producers had differing label requirements when exporting wine to other signatory countries in the WWTG,” said Steve Tolley, CEO of the Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation. Despite the WWTG agreement, Australian exporters still face some labeling problems. The markets represented by the WWTG’s member countries make up only 47 percent of the Australian export market. The United Kingdom, which is the largest Australian export market, just ahead of the United States, is not involved in this deal. And neither are the French, who have decided to go a different direction by creating their own national label. The rest of the European Union is also not interested. Even within the WWTG, it remains to be seen how interested the signatory nations really are. Full ratification of the WWTG changes will require some serious politicking in the member states’ legislative bodies, so there’s a possibility that the agreement won’t become reality. But if it does, it’s a big deal. Because it’s not just about label laws. It’s one more step in the wine world’s long march toward global homogeneity. And it’s anybody’s guess what kind of world that will be.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 23 }
Text: Steve Stevens
Photos: Chris Rank
for w
Wine pros Phil Valentine, Melanie Wilson and Scott Shackelford enjoy the tools of their trade in Wilson’s East Atlanta wine bar, Vino Libro.
Young people don’t care about wine. Beer and cocktails are much more fun. And isn’t wine for really old guys lounging in dimly lit rooms, comparing the sizes of their, er, stock portfolios? No, but apparently a lot of young people still see it that way. Vinexpo, the French wine trade organization, commissioned a study this year on young people’s wine attitudes. One hundred subjects ages 20-25 were surveyed, twenty each in France, Belgium, Britain, Japan and the United States. The sample is undoubtedly small, but the results still tell us something. The U.S. respondents were for the most part unfamiliar with wine, saying it sounded European and was only occasionally served by their families. Of course, the European survey subjects knew much more about wine. They were familiar with designations such as grand cru and had some understanding of the winemaking process. Despite their differences, all of the young people surveyed had plenty in common. None felt that wine had a young image. They felt wine signified that you were behaving more responsibly and becoming more civilized. How awful that prospect must seem to some 20-somethings. Regardless of what the surveys tell us, there are still young Americans who know wine and love it. A handful of them have even made successful careers in the wine industry. Wine Report would like to recognize a few of those young industry players who refuse to be pigeonholed by their age or even by the nation of their birth. Our congratulations to them. Maybe being a little civilized isn’t so bad after all.
wine? Scott Shackelford, 30 former sommelier at Bacchanalia restaurant and current owner of Brix Wine Merchant
Born in Houston, Texas, and raised in Lilburn, Ga., Scott had always been interested in wine but didn’t necessarily want to make it his career. In fact, he wanted to do something completely different: musical theater. So during his senior year at the University of West Georgia, he quit college, packed his bags and took off for the bright lights of Broadway, where he worked as a server at a fine dining restaurant and began learning about wine. Moving back home to Georgia, Scott ascended the ranks at wine-centric Bacchanalia restaurant until he became assistant sommelier. His time there was educational and fun but ultimately not for him. “Management is stressful,” says Scott. “It’s 70 hours a week of dealing with customer complaints and sweating in the kitchen if someone doesn’t show up. And I made less than I did working as a server.” So in December 2006, Scott and his wife Joanna opened up a wine shop, Brix Wine Merchant. “Nothing comes through this shop that I don’t taste,” says Scott. “I love it.” Brix Wine Merchant is located at 1230 Caroline St., Suite B-250, Atlanta, Ga. 30307. On the Web: www.brixwinemerchant.com
* Melanie Wilson, 26,
owner and operator of Vino Libro, a combination wine bar/bookstore/ wine shop
For someone whose life has so much to do with wine, it’s ironic that Melanie’s first wine memory is so disagreeable. “I was a high school student and we did an exchange program with a family in the Dominican Republic,” she recalls. “The family loved Spanish wines, and they had this big flask on the table. It was so — well, terrible! I never tasted anything so disgusting.” But over the years, Melanie’s father repeatedly challenged her on the best wine to pair with dinner and she eventually developed the same love for wine that her parents share. Melanie’s passion for wine burgeoned as she traveled across Europe managing projects for General Electric Co. Eventually she left corporate America and opened Vino Libro in August 2006. She has quaffed vino in every major wine region in the world, with the exceptions of Chile and Argentina, both of which she hopes to visit by the end of this year. Vino Libro is located at 933 Garrett St., Atlanta, Ga. 30316, in Glenwood Park, near East Atlanta Village. On the Web: www.vinolibro.com
*Phil Valentine, 26,
Georgia district manager for Majestic Fine Wines, a supplier providing Kendall Jackson wines
After getting his degree in management and international business from Emory University, Phil moved to California to take a merchandising position with Regal Wine Co. It meant waking up at 4:30 in the morning to set up grocery store displays — not exactly the glamorous side of the wine biz. After two years, he moved into sales and eventually ended up back in Georgia, managing his company’s portfolio of wines in area restaurants. “My age has never really been much of a problem,” Phil says. “The industry is so much about ‘now.’ It’s always, ‘What have you done for me lately?’” Phil does a lot of traveling, but his office is at 453 Montag Circle, Atlanta, Ga. 30307.
New World ingenuity meshes with Old World technology to create
{ 28 } wine report // july : : august 2007
A plantation worker chops up an agave cactus on a plantation in Arandas in the Mexican state of Jalisco.
e this unique spirit
Image credit: Daniel Aguilar/Reuters/Corbis
has it that tequila was created when the goddess of agave rode down to earth on a bolt of lightning. The myth has a kernel of truth: “What really happened is that a lightning bolt hit an agave plant,” says Anamaria Ceseña, senior brand development manager for Jose Cuervo International. “That was how people discovered that agave could be cooked and that the juice that came out of it was sweet.” So Mexico’s Native Americans started cooking agave on purpose and fermenting the juice. Many years later, when the Spanish invaded Mexico, “they brought disease and death,” says Rene Valdez, brand manager for Don Eduardo, “but they also brought distillation.” When Spaniards distilled the Native people’s fermented blue agave juice, tequila was born. Tequila was first produced commercially in 1795, and many current producers use techniques that have been passed down for generations. The Orendain family got into the business in 1840 and now produces 25,000 liters of tequila each day under a variety of brand labels, including Don Eduardo. “My grandfather, Don Eduardo, started with the company 70 years ago,” says Javier Orendain Lopez, a fifthgeneration tequila producer whose father, two uncles and an aunt currently helm the family business. Tequila is made from blue agave, one of the 136 species of agave that grow in Mexico. The plants, which look like cactus but are actually members of the lily family, take up to ten years to mature. Harvesting is done by jimadores using a coa, a razor-sharp disk at the end of a long stick. The entire plant is pried from the ground; then the tough, fibrous, thorn-edged leaves are cut away to expose the central piña, which weighs between 80 and 200 pounds. A jimador harvests an average of 100 piñas per day, loading them onto donkeys or trucks for transport to the distillery, where they are cut in half or quarters (depending on size) and the bitter
core is discarded. Next “we then put them in old-fashioned brick ovens,” says Lopez, “where they cook at 200 degrees Fahrenheit for 33 hours. The agave cools for 12 hours and then is crushed to extract juice that is then filtered.” To jump-start fermentation, “We use our own yeast, nothing artificial,” he says. After 48-72 hours of fermentation, the fermented juice is distilled. As with cognac, the bitter first and last liquids (or heads and tails) are discarded. Tequila is distilled at least twice and, depending on the style desired, is either bottled immediately or aged in wood. Many tequila producers employ the same basic techniques. The Tequila Regulatory Council sets certain requirements and has a representative on site at all tequila distilleries to verify that the guidelines are met, but there is some room for variation. For example, Herradura doesn’t add yeast to speed up the fermentation process of its tequilas. Gran Centenario selects blue agave plants that are 10 to 12 years old. Don Valente harvests blue agave after a couple of rains, so plants are moist but not bloated. Other factors that vary by producer and can influence a tequila’s taste include the type of soil where the plant
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grew; the cooking method; the size, volume and shape of stills used; characteristics of water added; types of barrels used and so on. The Orendains check quality at every step. “We have even stricter standards than the government,” says Carlos Orendain Hernandez, a fourth-generation tequila producer. Ask a simple question about quality and you may be escorted to the Orendains’ qualitycontrol lab, where technicians analyze color, sugar and alcohol levels. A few years ago, rumor had it that Mexico was running out of agave, but Don Eduardo’s Lopez sets the record straight. “Right now we have a lot of agave that has reached maturity. In five years, however, that will no longer be the case,” says Lopez, referencing the plant’s eight- to ten-year maturation cycle. “So we have to have a lot of stock of tequila ready to avoid problems supplying that future demand.” In 2006, U.S. tequila sales shot up by ten percent over the previous year, to approximately nine million cases, beating the one-year growth rates for vodka (6.7 percent) and rum (5 percent). Americans have discovered that tequila is tasty on its own, not just in a margarita.
How To
Taste Tequila “To get to the richness and sophistication of tequila, I suggest a snifter glass,” says Valdemar Cantu, brand business manager for Tequila Herradura. Pour the tequila into the glass and then “treat it like you would treat wine: swirl it, let it breathe, sip it.” “Use all of your senses,” says Ceseña, “Check for color and clarity, how it shimmers and sparkles in the glass.” Tequila shouldn’t appear cloudy and should form legs or teardrops on the glass. Hold the glass away from your nose a bit further than you would with wine, and sniff its contents with your mouth open to minimize burn. You should detect agave aromas, which are green and herbaceous. If sampling an aged tequila, you may also pick up some smoke or oak notes. Other common tequila aromas include toasted almonds, cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, butterscotch, red apples, chocolate and pepper. The mouthfeel is normally viscous. The finish should be warm and soothing, not bitter. “Never judge by the first sip,” says Ceseña. “It can be a bit of a shock. With the second sip, you can judge.” “Tequila has been misunderstood for some time,” says Cantu. “People have a perception that it’s a rough drink. It is as noble as other fine spirits.”
“To get to the richness and sophistication of tequila, I suggest a snifter glass,” says Valdemar Cantu, brand business manager for Tequila Herradura. Pour the tequila into the glass and then “treat it like you would treat wine: swirl it, let it breathe, sip it.”
Tequila Labels
Decoded As determined by the Tequila Regulatory Council, only spirits made in five Mexican states can qualify as tequila: Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michohacán, Nayarit and Tamaulipas. Tequila must be made of blue agave. Mezcal is not tequila; it is also made of agave, but can be made of any of five types of agave. Mezcal is sometimes bottled with a larva or scorpion, a gimmick often mistakenly associated with tequila. There are two types of tequila: 100 percent blue agave and mixto. Mixto is made from 51 percent blue agave sugars and 49 percent less expensive sugars such as sugar cane. Both of these types of tequila are then divided into the same five categories:
* Silver, Blanco or Plata tequila is bottled immediately after distillation. This clear spirit is “the purest expression of the agave,” says Lopez. Don Eduardo Silver is distilled three times, a process developed by TequilaOrendain that has now become a standard production method for several other tequila brands.
* Gold or Oro has colors and flavors, such as caramel or oak tree extracts, added prior to bottling.
* Reposado has matured or rested at least two months in barrels. * Añejo or aged tequila has spent at least 12 months in wood containers (typically used bourbon barrels) no larger than 600 liters.
* Extra Añejo is a new classification recently created to distinguish tequila that has been aged in wood for at least three years.
Which type is best? They’re equal in quality, insists Lopez. The difference is how the agave is expressed, so determining which tequila to drink is ultimately a matter of personal preference and your mood. Price is often a reflection of quality, “but not in every case,” says Bill Peryer, international sales and marketing director of Tequilera la Candelaria, which produces Don Valente Tequila. “Generally, the higher the price the better the quality. But one distiller may have ten brands, which can be like comparing apples to oranges.” At press time, there were 712 registered tequila brand names and 113 active tequila distilleries. Each producer is assigned a numerical code that will appear on all its labels no matter the brand name. A Mexican tequila worker checks for quality
The Most
Tequila in the World Last year, a private collector paid $225,000 for the first bottle of the exclusive Pasion Azteca Tequila, produced by Tequila Ley.925. The hefty price tag has much to do with the packaging. The spiky bottle, designed by Tequila Ley.925 CEO Fernando Altamirano, was handmade with gold and platinum and adorned with a label featuring original art by Alejandro Gómez Oropeza. The 100 percent blue agave tequila inside had been aged six years. Only 66 bottles of the limited-edition tequila were produced, the first of which sold for the world-record-setting price. Thirty-three others were listed at $150,000 retail (some of which are still available, if you’re interested). Thirty-two gold-and-silver bottles with the same exclusive tequila inside were made available at a lower price; one of these babies will only set you back $25,000.
CEO Fernando Altamirano holds a certificate of authenticity for the most expensive tequila ever sold
Image credit: Daniel Aguilar/Reuters/Corbis
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Putting Tequila To The Test To learn more about tequilas and the differences among them, Wine Report’s editorial staff met in our conference room for an informal tasting. For expert guidance, we invited Eric Simpkins, bartender at TROIS in Atlanta, to lead us through the tasting process. Our discoveries are described below. Tequilas marked with a * are the tequilas we most highly recommend.
Blancos/ Silvers
Asom Broso El Platino $40 Starts out cotton-candy sweet, then ramps up with notes of spice, earth and cocoa before a rough finish.
Asom Broso La Rosa Reposado $50 The unusual pink hue of this reposado is due to its being aged in used Bordeaux barrels. Flavors of strawberry, vanilla, white chocolate and butterscotch march along the palate pleasantly before an aggressive kick of heat.
Asom Broso Añejo $200 Masculine and aggressive, this tequila smelled and tasted like cream soda.
Don Diego Santa Tequila Blanco $38 Clean and smooth, this tequila has a somewhat oily mouthfeel and starts out bland but gains some complexity on the finish. * Don Eduardo Triple Distilled Silver $40 Smooth floral notes expand into cucumber, banana leaf, corn and white pepper before lingering long on spice with a touch of sweetness. Don Valente Licorera Blanco $60 A barnyard funk on the nose almost overpowers the earth and white chocolate notes that quickly open on the palate. The finish delivers a touch of cumin and smoke. * Fina Estampa Tequila Blanco $44 Subtle yet complex layers of earth and nutmeg roll over the palate then finish with rich, pleasant heat. * Gran Centenario Plata $50 As if tarnished, this silver has a distinct, unusual greenish-gold tint caused by spending 28 days in French Limousin oak barrels before bottling. Inviting fruity and floral aromas lead to layers of spice, caramel and subtle fruit flavors that are smooth yet pleasantly warm. J.B. Wagoner’s Ultra Premium 100% Blue Agave Spirits (made in the U.S.A.) $56 This aggressive spirit slashes and burns its way across the palate. Rubbery, overprocessed aromas and tastes seem to prove that only Mexico does tequila right. Quinta Penas Tequila Blanco $30 Clean but not boring, this tequila delivers a midpalate flash of paprika and floral notes.
Don Diego Santa Tequila Reposado $43 Agave takes a back seat to chocolate aromas, then almost disappears behind an unharmonious flavor mix of Brussels sprouts, malted chocolate and dusty earth. * Don Valente Licorera Reposado $69 A strong peat note makes this one smell and taste as if part of the production process mimicked Scotch whisky. This fresh and muscular tequila shows some alcohol heat without burning and boasts notes of grass, cotton candy and green vegetables. * Fina Estampa Tequila Reposado $49 Agave flavors consistently ride through subtle, exotic notes of spice, green vegetable, white pepper and minerals. * Gran Centenario Reposado $53 The cocoa, spice, caramelized pear and grilled pineapple notes in this complex tequila play all at once, jumping across the palate before settling into a pleasant, lingering finish. * Quinta Penas Tequila Reposado $35 Pretty pepper, spice and rose petal notes open up on the palate and build complexity while retaining smoothness through the finish. Voodoo Tiki Tequila Reposado $56 Notes of asparagus, cumin, cinnamon, rhubarb a nd processed fruit candy dominate the agave before lingering in a rather one-dimensional hot-sweet finish.
editor’s Notes: All the tequilas we tasted are made of 100 percent blue agave and prices are for a 750 ml bottle. We used a highly scientific to determine tasing order. We arranged bottles from shortest to tallest.
{ 32 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Cabo Wabo $55 Sharp and disjointed, this tequila smelled of caramelized onion, apricot and litchi fruit and tasted of smoke, vanilla and pepper. A sticky mouthfeel preceded a bitter finish. * Don Diego Santa Tequila Añejo $53 Nice after-dinner dessert flavors and scents like bananas Foster, dried apricot, chocolate and caramel are unified and softened by oak. * Fina Estampa Tequila Añejo $56 Soft and elegant, this tequila tickled the nose with a whiff of salty seaside air before opening up on the palate with vanilla, white oak and a hint of juicy peach. * Gran Centenario Añejo $59 Reminiscent of a fine cognac, this tequila sniffed and tasted of cinnamon, vanilla, apricot, caramel and nutmeg with well-integrated, balanced and elegant results. Voodoo Tiki Tequila Añejo $60 Notes of oak, spice, light cocoa and green vegetables are subtle and restrained. Not complex, and perhaps not trying to be.
Extra Añejo * Gran Centenario Leyenda Extra Añejo
This amber-hued tequila opens with fruity fresh orange aromas and lingers pleasantly on the palate with amazing flavors of orange, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg and cloves alongside light maple and almond flavors. Tasters described it as “tremendous,” reminiscent of “the world’s best carrot cake” and so complex it’s absolutely worth the splurge.
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Description: Private Membership resort offering four course dining including wild game paired with extraordinary wines. Located on 1,860 acres of pristine lakes and woodlands. Premier hunting, fishing, and sporting clay adventures. Features: 14 unique lodge rooms with private baths.Rejuvenate with full service spa and weekend packages for two. Come be pampered and watch our swans ducks and geese. Location: Swainsboro, GA / located in Southeast Georgia Contact: toll free (877) 352-8273 ; (478) 237-3474 Web/E-mail: www.flatcreeklodge.com or cmcdaniel@flatcreeklodge.com
If your establishment is an extraordinary destination for our readers and you would like to be a part of this page, call Wes Dewhurst at Wine Report office at (678) 985-9494 ext. 106 for details.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 33 }
Live Vicariously B 6 @ = C 5 6 G = C @ A 3 : 4
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this month in
{ re v i e w s } 38 ... Oregon Pinot Noir 40 ... Monterey Chardonnay 40 ... American Riesling 42 ... California Mountain Cabernet 42 ... Australian Chardonnay 45 ... Fortified Wine 47 ... Prosecco
wine *bottles report are not //tojuly scale : : august 2007 { 35 }
The following label reproductions are paid advertisements although an impartial tasting panel produced the reviews and scores contained therein.
2003 Panther Creek Shea Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This Madeira presented itself with elegance and flamboyant grace showing intense aromas of ginger-spice, burnt orange and fresh ground espresso beans tossed with green herbs. The perfectly balanced acidity supports an infrastructure of roasted autumn fruits, giant caramel and toasted almonds over brown sugar until the finish. Needs nothing but itself.
Deep, black and inky, this wine has deep aromas of dark brooding fruits mixed with hints of mushroom. The impressive depth is matched on the palate. Notes of tobacco accompany powerful flavors of blueberry, oak and blackberry. This wine would kick the crap out of most food. Maybe a T-bone steak.
2004 Cherry Hill Winery Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2005 Redhawk Vineyard, Grateful Red Pinot Noir, (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Light red with a pink rim, this wine shows clean aromas of strawberry, cherry and earth. It has a smooth mouthfeel with restrained hints of fresh strawberry and finished long. Try with grilled pork chops.
Warm spicy blackberry aromas mix with deep red and black cherries for an aromatic masterpiece while the palate filling flavors of cocoa-berry, cinnamon, leathery wood and wild strawberry show great support from still youthful tannins. Save it or serve with stuffed veal breast.
Broadbent, Malmsey 10-Year-Old Sweet Madeira, Portugal
2005 Wente Vineyards, Riva Ranch Reserve, Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, California)
This chardonnayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s aroma of kumquat and lemon follow a clean line of simple elegance. The flavors of apple blossom, lemon curd, and honeysuckle balance acidity while keeping focus till the end. Great for wood roasted quail or cedar planked salmon.
2004 Willamette Valley Vineyards, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2005 J. Lohr Winery, Arroyo Vista Vineyard, Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
Plenty of complexity on the nose with berry, smoke, clove and mild barnyard notes drifting up from this garnet wine. Notable tannins and alcohol heat are well-balanced with black cherry and pie spice flavors for a wonderful palate. Serve with smoked goose.
2006 Penfolds Wines, Koonunga Hill, Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia)
Juicy aromas of green and red apple greet you up front before supplying clean, crisp, balanced flavors of pear and mango infused vanilla. Try on a sunny day with smoked salmon.
This clear yellow wine boasts aromas of butterscotch, jasmine and pineapple. Balanced with decent acidity, initial flavors of crisp apple and tart kiwi fade into wood on the finish. Cedar planked salmon is the perfect pairing for this food-friendly wine.
- s p e c i a l a dv e r t i s i n g s e c t i o n -
2001 La Jota Vineyard Company Cabernet Sauvignon (Howell Mountain, Calif.)
2005 The Little Penguin, Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia)
A great bang for your buck, floral scents dance with hints of uncomplicated tropical fruits before heading into a casual mĂŠlange of spiced granny smith apple and butterscotch. Serve by itself or with grilled pork chops.
A deep blackish-purple, this wine whiffs of blackberry jam, plum, smoked cedar and flint. Robust raisin, plum and leather flavors feel smooth in the mouth then transition to oak and tannin on the finish. Serve with pepper crusted prime rib.
Mionetto, Brut, Prosecco Italy
A clear, pale yellow with a watery rim, this wine shows clean aromas of citrus and geranium. Off-dry with flavors of dried fruit, cloves and lemon, this wine would go well with a spicy Thai dish.
2005 J. Lohr Winery, Riverstone, Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
The nose balances aromas of green apple and lime set against gentle honeysuckle as flavors of energetic pineapple, white pepper and tropical melons amalgamate with balanced acidity. Try with grilled and veggies.
2005 Wakefield Wines, Promised Land, Unwooded Chardonnay (South Australia)
A light medium straw color, aromas of kiwi, lychee and honey are prominent. Light-to-medium bodied with flavors of oak, apple and lemon. Try with linguini and clams in a butter sauce.
2006 J. Lohr Winery, Bay Mist, Riesling (Monterey County, Calif.)
A very pale yellow, this wine shows lots of fruit and orange blossom aromas. Sweet apples, lychee and a touch of honey blend with a smooth mouthfeel. Try sautĂŠing a flaky white fish in lemon butter
2005 Shelton Vineyards, Riesling (Yadkin Valley, N.C.)
Gold yellow, this wine has sweet aromas of lychee and honeysuckle. Bold banana flavors blend with hints of raisin and strawberry. A touch of minerality leads to a medium length finish. Try with herb roasted chicken.
- s p e c i a l a dv e r t i s i n g s e c t i o n -
2004 Cherry Hill Winery Papillon, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Opens with a whiff of rich cherry and mild oak followed by a trace of strawberry and spice. Dry tannins bully the simple red fruit flavors. Serve with thyme crusted salmon.
Oregon Pinot Noir
Shea Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Deep, black and inky, this wine has deep aromas of dark brooding fruits mixed with hints of mushroom. The impressive depth is matched on the palate. Notes of tobacco accompany powerful flavors of blueberry, oak and blackberry. This wine would kick the crap out of most food. Maybe a T-bone steak.
2004 Dobbes Family Estate
Quailhurst Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Rogue Valley, Ore.)
2005 King Estate
Domaine, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2003 Panther Creek
Nysa Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2004 Domaine Serene
Evenstad Reserve, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2005 Elk Cove Vineyards
Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2003 Panther Creek
Anden Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A deep purple black, this wine has aromas of black cherries, coffee and alcohol. Flavors of mushroom and blackberry compliment a silky mouthfeel. Medium tannins with a bit of alcohol heat on the finish. Go with smoked salmon with this winner.
2003 Panther Creek
Temperance Hill Vineyard, Pinor Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A deep red wine with a scarlet rim, it shows aromas of raspberry, cherry and mushroom. Coffee and wood flavors compliment the strawberry and cherry. A medium finish ends the show. Go with plank-smoked salmon.
2003 Dobbes Family Estate
Griffin’s Cuvée, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This dark purple wine has intoxicating plum, raspberry and cherry cola scents. Tannins seem to knock out some fruit in the glass, yet heavenly plum and cassis flavors fight through. Likely to taste even better in a year. Serve with beef tenderloin.
{ 38 } wine report // july : : august 2007
2004 Willamette Valley Vineyards Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2004 Domaine Drouhin
2005 Torii Mor Vineyard & Winery
2004 The Four Graces
2003 Panther Creek
Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This Pinot offers refreshing spiced pomegranate and baked berry aromas. Flavors of dark cherry, dried flowers, damp earth and anise are pleasing and well integrated with tannins. The finish lingers on dried strawberry. Pair with porcini risotto.
Cherry cola meets herbs on the nose of this purple wine. Elegant cherry, tobacco and menthol flavors dance across the palate with grace before lingering into a pleasing finish with a tannic bite. This versatile, food-friendly wine invites creativity into the kitchen.
2005 Torii Mor Vineyard and Winery Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Grateful Red, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Plenty of complexity on the nose with berry, smoke, clove and mild barnyard notes drifting up from this garnet wine. Notable tannins and alcohol heat are wellbalanced with black cherry and pie spice flavors for a wonderful palate. Serve with smoked goose.
This deep brick red colored Pinot gives up rich aromas of raisin, black currant, earth and cloves. Balanced raisin, earth, toast and berry flavors continue to develop on the finish and make for a full-bodied crowd pleaser. Try it with mushroom ragout and blue cheese mashed potatoes.
2005 Redhawk Vineyard
Lush red fruit aromas of juicy strawberry and raspberry pie arouse the senses before discharging a palate full of balanced dark spice and smoke filled cherry jam all wrapped in a perfect package. Serve with duck confit tacos and napa cabbage slaw.
A black center bleeds out to a scarlet rim and leads to flavors of cherry, bacon and oak. A little spice on the palate has tones of vanilla, cherry, tea and mushrooms. A long finish shows a touch of heat. Try a flank steak with this one
Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Light red with a pink rim, this wine shows clean aromas of strawberry, cherry and earth. It has a smooth mouthfeel with restrained hints of fresh strawberry and finished long. Try with grilled pork chops.
A deep crimson color, this wine shows complex aromas of cold meat, musty tea and red fruit. A burst of fruit at the front that included banana, blackberry and blueberry encased in a silky mouthfeel. Extraordinary balance with notes of tobacco on the finish. Just fine by itself.
2004 Cherry Hill Winery
Warm spicy blackberry aromas mix with deep red and black cherries for an aromatic masterpiece while the palate filling flavors of cocoa-berry, cinnamon, leathery wood and wild strawberry show great support from still youthful tannins. Save it or serve with stuffed veal breast.
A dusty dark purple color, this wine sniffs of blackberry pie, bramble fruit and cedar. Robust, balanced flavors of black cherry, vanilla, spice and oak are well integrated and roll pleasantly around the mouth. Serve with roast meat drizzled with a balsamic reduction sauce.
Complex forest floor earthy tones mix with subtle cherry to waken up the senses in the nose. Rich tannins and a balanced acidity support an elegant infrastructure of dried porcinis and forest fresh blackberries giving great textural pleasure before finishing smoothly. Bold enough for a steak.
2003 Panther Creek
2005 Langhe Estate Winery and Vineyards Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills, Ore.)
Reserve, Deux Varres, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This plum black pinot has aromas of fresh blackberry and cinnamon spice. The flavors, balanced violet infused raspberry meets notes of pepper and super fresh cherry making this so easy to pear with food, try with sautéed calves liver.
Reserve, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This elegant Pinot smelled of dried cherries dusted with cocoa -porcini powder. The tannins, kept this dry and rustic while appealing, not covering the sweet black cherry character, perfect for roast venison loin.
Freedom Hill Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A brick red color with a deep black core, this wine shows complex aromas of earth, fruit, blackberry and cherry. The black and red fruits show well on the palate. Tannins are medium and the finish is medium length. Try ravioli with wild mushrooms.
2005 Chehalem Wines 3 Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This ruby red wine offers up aromas of strawberry, pomegranate, earth, cedar and espresso beans then follows with a dry mouthfeel of mixed berries, white pepper and earth with a hint of cassis. Serve with veal scaloppini and mushroom ragout.
2004 Dobbes Family Estate
2004 Dobbes Family Estate
2005 Erath Vineyards
2003 The Eyrie Vineyards
2005 The Four Graces
2005 King Estate
2005 Dobbes Family Estate
Cuvée Noir, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2004 Cherry Hill Winery, Papillon Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills, Ore.)
Opens with a whiff of rich cherry and mild oak followed by a trace of strawberry and spice. Dry tannins bully the simple red fruit flavors. Serve with thyme crusted salmon.
Starts with cherry, bay leaf, rosemary and raspberry jam notes. The thin body gets strength from acidity and smooth tannins. Cola and cocoa flavors build to dark cherry on the finish. Roast duck will pull out the fruit flavors.
Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
2005 Erath Vineyards
A reddish purple color, this wine displays aromas of tart raspberry, cherry, fig and damp earth. Soft tannins dry the strawberry, cherry and currant notes touched with mild spice and herbal tones. Match with roasted game bird.
A dark eggplant color, this wine sniffs of cherry, fig, strawberry jam and pepper. Soft tannins balance round black cherry, allspice, white pepper and candied fruit flavors. Try with duck.
Prince Hill, Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills, Ore.)
Estate Selection, Pinot Noir (Dundee Hills, Ore.)
This Pinot combines dried plum, cherry, rose petal and bay leaf aromas with a hint of nutmeg. Smooth, balanced, well-integrated cherry and tobacco flavors are easy to drink, despite a metallic note on the finish. Serve with meatloaf.
This wine has some contradictory aromas like vanilla and strawberry jam meets mold and petrol. But flavors of earth, sweet fruit and medium tannins are balanced and finish with a good concentration of fruit. Perfect with blue cheese.
Skipper’s Cuvée, Pinot Noir (Rogue Valley, Ore.)
2005 Erath Vineyards
Refreshing aromas of red fruits, prunes, dusty earth and herbs precede a dry, intense blend of fruit, alcohol, mint, and must. The finish is a bit flabby, but good. Think beef kabob sprinkled with rosemary.
Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This Oregon Pinot is deliciously rich with out being overripe, full of aromatic dried cherries and roasted spices without the excessive alcohol. In the mouth an elegant mouth feel of silky tannins set off by allspice and woodland berry. Serve with pork belly and grits.
Signature Collection, Pinot Noir, (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
This wine is a medium-red brick color with classic Pinot Noir aromas of strawberry and cherry. A smooth mouthfeel lead to oak, raspberry and cherry flavors that finish medium length. A braised pork dish would be a winner.
Grande Assemblage Cuvée , Pinot Noir (Rogue Valley, Ore.)
Aromas of green vegetables, earth and chocolate-covered cherries drift up from this burgundy hued wine. The body is a bit thin, but flavors of black currant, strawberry and clove are pleasantly tart. Try with peppered beef.
2004 Chehalem Wines
2003 Ponzi Vineyards
Reserve, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
Aromas of woods, dark berries and spice. This wine offers refined flavors of dried cherry and earthy espresso with firm cocoa black tannins holding on to the finish. Try with seared tenderloin and truffle butter topping.
Reserve, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A dusty brick red color, this wine opens up with bold black cherry, cinnamon and tobacco notes. A bit thin but anchored in black cherry cola flavors and quickly equalized by tannins. Try with a roasted pork loin or turkey.
2003 Ponzi Vineyards
Tavola, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A clear dark eggplant color, this wine has a Burgundian nose with musty cherry and blackberry aromas. Wild mushroom flavors lead to a medium finish. Go with thyme encrusted salmon.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 39 }
{re views}
2005 Bernardus Winery
2005 Estancia Winery
2005 Hess Collection Winery Chardonnay (Monterey, Calif.)
2004 J. Lohr Winery, Arroyo Vista Vineyard Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
2005 Five Rivers
2005 Mandolin Vintners
2003 Ventana Vineyards
2005 Lockwood Vineyard
Chardonnay (Monterey, Calif.)
A shimmering golden yellow, this wine opens up with aromas of kiwi, melon, apple and pear. It’s balanced tart green apple and mineral flavors could please a crowd. Try it with raw oysters.
2003 Stangeland
2005 Torii Mor Vineyard & Winery
2005 Willamette Valley Vineyards
Stand Sure Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A deep dark burgundy color, this wine showed a little alcohol heavy o the nose. Dry and earthy on the palate, it showed hints of red fruit and medicine. Try with a smoked salmon.
Hawks View Vineyard, Pinot Noir (Chehalem Mountains, Ore.) $30
Whole Cluster Fermented, Pinot Noir (Willamette Valley, Ore.) $18
Brick red with a tart nose of pomegranate, cranberry, cherry and fall leaves. A bit thin, but cherry, stem and black pepper flavors balance on the palate before a fast finish. Serve with mild cheeses and light meats.
2005 Jekel Vineyards
2005 Wente Vineyards
2005 J. Lohr Winery, Arroyo Vista Vineyard Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
2005 J. Lohr Winery, Arroyo Vista Vineyard Riverstone, Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
Chardonnay (Monterey County, Calif.)
This wine offers aromas of soft oaky vanilla and spice infused tropical fruit. The flavors, sweet golden apple and pear bolstered by a clean acidity to support the mild spiciness. Try on a spring day with an array of cheeses. Gravelstone Chardonnay (Monterey County, Calif.)
This is quite pretty on the nose with sweet scents of melon, cloves and eucalyptus. Firm and fruity in the mouth the acidity carries through notes of quince, pear, ripe apple and distant cloves. Great match for Roasted Turkey.
Riva Ranch Reserve, Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
This honey hued wine sends up grapefruit, lime, vanilla and talcum powder aromas. Well-balanced vanilla, lemon, toffee and cinnamon flavors fade into wood on the finish. Wood-roasted pork, chicken or fish would pair nicely.
Chardonnay (Monterey County, Calif.)
Chardonnay (Monterey, Calif.)
A hint of mild citrus touches the nose before dishing out heart warming flavors of balanced spiced vanilla, green citrus and Bartlett pear. Serve by the pool with olive oil poached salmon.
Chardonnay (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
Chardonnay (Monterey, Calif.)
This is crisp and snappy on the nose with notes of lime pith and green apple. The flavors of green herbs and pineapple are subtle and carefree. Seared scallops may do the trick.
This clear yellow wine boasts aromas of butterscotch, jasmine and pineapple. Balanced with decent acidity, initial flavors of crisp apple and tart kiwi fade into wood on the finish. Cedar planked salmon is the perfect pairing for this food-friendly wine.
{ 40 } wine report // july : : august 2007
This clear yellow wine sniffs of fresh cut hay, butterscotch, lemon and oak. Kiwi, apple, banana and wood flavors are smooth and mellow. Pick mild dishes that won’t risk overpowering this wine.
This chardonnays aroma of kumquat and lemon follow a clean line of simple elegance. The flavors of apple blossom, lemon curd, and honeysuckle balance acidity while keeping focus till the end. Great for wood roasted quail or cedar planked salmon.
The nose balances aromas of green apple and lime set against gentle honeysuckle as flavors of energetic pineapple, white pepper and tropical melons amalgamate with balanced acidity. Try with grilled and veggies.
Soft buttery banana notes rise from the glass on this unpretentious, fresh, smooth Chardonnay. Flavors of blanched almonds and green apple amalgamate with a youthful acidity making this a winner for grilled spiny lobster.
Fresh lemon and cool, ripe kiwi aromas greet you before the fleshy citrus- orange character takes over the palette. The balanced acidity and ripe finish make this an easy pairing for raw oysters.
Monterey Chardonnay
Clean, juicy pear and white peach aroma start this wine off while pleasing, balanced fruit flavors of apple, melon and buttery apricot bring it to a comfortable finish. Serve with any assortment of seafood’s.
The color of clear cranberry, there are hints of black cherry on the nose and flavors of cooked green veggies leading to a simple licorice finish. Try a hearty beef Burgundy.
2005 Blackstone Winery
Pinnacles Ranches, Chardonnay (Monterey, Calif.)
American Riesling
2006 Namaste Vineyards, Dry Riesling
Tranquility Vineyards (Willamette Valley, Ore.)
A clear yellow with a green tint, this wine showed rich, full aromas of butterscotch and banana. A light-to-medium bodied wine with flavors of butter, almond and asparagus, medium strength acid balanced a creamy palate to long finish. Try with hard white cheeses.
2005 Fetzer Vineyards
2006 J. Lohr Winery, Bay Mist
2005 Shelton Vineyards
2005 Mirassou Winery
Riesling (California)
A medium straw color, aromas of wet stone, lemon peel and apples introduce and off-dry palate with flavors of sour apple and honey. Medium alcohol and finish. Would make a lovely mate for a spicy Thai dish.
Riesling (Monterey, Calif.)
A very pale yellow, this wine shows lots of fruit and orange blossom aromas. Sweet apples, lychee and a touch of honey blend with a smooth mouthfeel. Try sautéing trout in lemon butter.
Riesling (Yadkin Valley, NC)
2005 Blackstone Winery
2005 Genesis
Riesling (Monterey, Calif.)
Aromas of citrus, sage, wet stone and petrol arise from this golden hued wine. Sour apple, pear and mango flavors fall a bit flat due to lacking acidity. Pair with chicken glazed with fruit.
Gold yellow, this wine has sweet aromas of lychee and honeysuckle. Bold banana flavors blend with hints of raisin and strawberry. A touch of minerality leads to a medium-length finish. Try with herb roasted chicken.
Riesling (Monterey County, Calif.) A clear lemon color, medium intense aromas of apple and citrus lead to light tropical fruit, spice and banana flavors. Hints of honey ride a medium-to-long finish. Go for grilled grouper drizzled in fresh lemon.
Riesling (Columbia Valley, Wash.)
This wine emanates gentle tree fruit, citrus blossoms and fuel oil aromas. Offdry with a soft mouthfeel, flavors of ripe apple, kiwi and lime zest finish on a kerosene note. Serve with roasted peaches and ice cream.
2005 Hogue Cellars
Late Harvest, Riesling (Columbia Valley, Wash.) A pale gold, this wine has a citrus laced nose of honey and pear. Flavors of ripe melon, honey and pineapple go to a medium length finish. Would be an excellent summer aperitif.
2005 Smith-Madrone
2005 Ventana Vineyards
Riesling (Spring Mountain District, Calif.)
Pale yellow this wine has clean aromas of vanilla and oak. Spicy flavors of clove, wood and flowers and a touch of lychee, tropical fruit and caramel make this wine a good match for a spicy rotisserie chicken.
Riesling (Arroyo Seco, Calif.)
Clear, medium intense yellow, this wine a slight petrol scent with notes of gooseberry and lime. Tart flavors of lemon and lime tingle the tongue and a hint of peach accents the finish. Try with sautéed flounder or trout.
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2005 Hogue Cellars Riesling (Columbia Valley, Wash.)
Stone fruit aromas drift up from the glass while balanced acidity unifies the green apple, lime zest and pear flavors of this golden colored wine. Crack it open for a grilled pork chop.
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2005 Jekel Vineyards
2005 Mandolin Vintners
Riesling (Monterey, Calif.)
A medium gold color, this wine shows aromas of peach and orange blossoms. Round and juicy, there is a notable tartness on the tongue and it finishes with a bit of tingly minerality and citrus. Go with seared scallops.
Riesling (Monterey, Calif.)
This golden wine sniffs of lemon zest, sour apple, wet stone and kerosene. Dry and velvety lemon-lime and peach flavors get a zip of heat from acidity. Pair with chicken braised with wine wine and herbs.
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wine report // july : : august 2007 { 41 }
{re views} California Mountain Cabernet
â&#x20AC;&#x153;think Paris
flea market
2002 Clos Pegase Palisades Vineyard, Cabernet Sauvignon (Calistoga, Calif.)
This rich Cab boasts complex blackberry, cedar, mocha and earth aromas. Flavors of caramel, mocha and jam start out big and chewy then smooth into a dry classic with a complex finish. Savor on its own or with portabella mushrooms topped with blue cheese.
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2002 Ilona
2003 J. Davies Vineyards
2001 La Jota Vineyard Company
Cabernet Sauvignon (Howell Mountain, Calif.)
A brick-red hue, this wine smells of chocolate covered cherries, vanilla, cedar and overripe bananas. Boasting a full body and smooth integrated tannins, flavors of nuts, black olives, chocolate and black currant please the palate. Pairs perfectly with a rare rib eye.
Cabernet Sauvignon (Diamond Mountain District, Calif.)
This Cabâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s black fruit, vanilla and wood aromas are slightly overpowered by the smell of alcohol. Herb and cherry jam flavors will improve over the next two years. Pair with juicy prime rib and a dollop of horseradish.
Cabernet Sauvignon (Howell Mountain, Calif.)
A deep blackish-purple, this wine whiffs of blackberry jam, plum, smoked cedar and flint. Robust raisin, plum and leather flavors feel smooth in the mouth then transition to oak and tannin on the finish. Serve with pepper crusted prime rib.
Australian Chardonnay
2006 Jacobâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Creek
2006 Penfolds Wines
2003 Devilâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lair Vineyard
2005 Evans and Tate
Chardonnay (Australia)
A medium straw color, this wine has clean aromas of apple, pear and jasmine. Flavors of lemon, lime and gooseberry balance nicely with medium acidity and a soft mouthfeel. Shrimp scampi pasta or an herb roasted chicken would go well.
Koonunga Hill, Chardonnay (South Australia)
Juicy aromas of green and red apple greet you up front before supplying clean, crisp, balanced flavors of pear and mango infused vanilla. Try on a sunny day with smoked salmon.
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{ 42 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Chardonnay (Margaret River, Australia)
A clear damp straw color, this wine has aromas of sour apple, butter and toast. Flavors of lemon and artichoke are balanced with medium acidity and a round mouthfeel. Try it with an herbed shellfish platter.
Chardonnay (Margaret River, Australia) $18 When first opened this wine greets you with an almost Asian pear quality before subtle scents of orange blossom and well rounded spice buzzes the senses. The palette, gives you dry pineapple sweetness before turning into a zesty lemon-lime finish. Perfect pairing for striped sea bass.
2005 Hardyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, Nottage Hill
2005 The Little Penguin
Chardonnay (South Eastern, Australia)
Rich tropical notes of litchi, cocoa butter and toast run through the bowl on this wine while ripe melon citrus and creamy stone fruit provide contrasting richness. Good balanced acidity and length of mineral notes set this one up for grilled quail.
Chardonnay (South Eastern, Australia)
A great bang for your buck, floral scents dance with hints of uncomplicated tropical fruits before heading into a casual mĂŠlange of spiced granny smith apple and butterscotch. Serve by itself or with grilled pork chops.
2006 Oxford Landing Chardonnay (South Australia)
+6-: "6(645 &7&/54 +6-: 45
Scents of tart limey chardonnay fill the bowl on this Aussie. In the mouth, a plethora of fresh crisp scents from muskmelon to soft candied apricot touched by just a hint of balanced peach. The structure will compliment roasted pork loin.
2003 Stonehaven Limestone Coast, Chardonnay (South Australia)
This wine boasts lemon, stone fruit, bell pepper and slight hay aromas. Complex flavors of fresh vegetables, dried fruit, oak and leather are balanced and ready to drink. Enjoy with Chinese noodles with chicken and broccoli.
2005 Vasse Felix Adamâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Road, Chardonnay (Margaret River, Australia)
This appealing Australian opens with sweet grapefruit, gooseberry and honey aromas. Light citrus flavors linger pleasantly into floral, herb and green bean notes with a mild tannic kick on the finish. Serve with creamy seafood pasta.
2005 Grant Burge Wines
2003 Jacobs Creek
Barossa Vines, Chardonnay (Barossa, Australia)
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Intensely aromatic when first poured, this wine gives waves of lemon grass; pear and chamomile before showing off its citrusy fruit touched by a hint of honeysuckle and dried apricot. Any white meats will do perfectly.
Reeves Point, Chardonnay, (Australia)
Clean, light and simple, this Chard expressed aromas of tart lime, lemon, and sage. The soft flavors of lingering tropical fruits, crisp acidity and mellow spiciness make this easy to drink with anything, especially a goat cheese, spinach and walnut salad.
2005 Penfolds Wines Rawsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Retreat, Chardonnay (South Australia)
A clear golden straw color with aromas of lemon grass and white peach. Flavors of spice, dried fruit and fresh mint lead to a warm, oaky finish. Try nutty cheeses with this one.
2005 Redbank Fine Wines The Long Paddock, Chardonnay (Victoria, Australia)
A clear pale yellow with a green tint, this wine has aromas of peach and apricot. Dry with bracing acidity, flavors of tropical fruit and eucalyptus lead to a buttery, oaky finish. Go with chicken piccata.
2005 Red Belly Black Chardonnay (South Australia)
This chard from the southern end of Australia shows exuberant toasted tropical notes accented by a buttery undertone. Honeyed lemon, lime pith and rich baked apricot continue to fill out the flavor profile while leaving an opening for something succulent, like breaded veal chops.
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wine report // july : : august 2007 { 43 }
10:06 AM
Page 1
Beechwood Inn Clayton,Georgia
Relax at the Beechwood Inn
GEORGIA'S PREMIER WINE COUNTRY INN Voted “Number One Inn in North America for a Weekend Escape.”
2005 Wakefield Wines
2003 Wynn’s Coonawarra Estate
2005 Angove’s
2006 Banrock Station Wines
2005 Black Swan Vineyards
2004 Grant Burge Wines
2005 Hardy’s
2005 Oomoo
2005 Rosemount Estate
2004 Wakefield Wines
2004 McWilliams
Promised Land, Unwooded Chardonnay (South Australia) A light medium straw color, aromas of kiwi, lychee and honey are prominent. Light-to-medium bodied with flavors of oak, apple and lemon. Try with linguini and clams in a butter sauce.
Coonawarra, Chardonnay (Australia)
A robust buttery color, aromas of dried fruit and vegetables lead to flavors of asparagus and green olive. A good bit of oak on the palate. King crab legs would be yummy with this wine.
Limestone Coast, Chardonnay (Australia)
Pale yellow with a green tint, this wine shows aromas of tropical fruit and bell pepper. Flavors of apricot, green apple and mineral end on a warm finish. Roasted chicken would do this wine well.
FINE DINING • WINE TASTINGS • WINE CELLAR • Romantic guest rooms have fine linens, private porches or balconies and fireplaces, private baths, wonderful views, and cozy privacy. • 63 ft. front porch with view of Black Rock Mountain • Gourmet breakfast each morning • Afternoon wine and appetizers • Gourmet wine dinners and wine tastings by reservation • Historic terraced gardens
David and Gayle Darugh • Owners/Innkeepers BEECHWOOD INN P.O. Box 429, Clayton, GA 30525 • 706.782.5485 or toll-free 866.782.2485
Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia) A pale golden color, this wine shows clean fresh aromas of lemon zest and kiwi. Dry and herbaceous with light citrus flavors and a crisp mouthfeel. Perfect for grilled chicken.
Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia)
A clear lemon color, subtle aromas of hazelnut and honeysuckle lead to light flavors of melon and vanilla and a bit of a metallic note. Roast chicken brings out citrus on the palate.
Summer’s Chardonnay (Barossa, Australia)
This pale wine sniffs of lavender, honey, hay and earth with a slight tar note. Bitter grassy, citrus, apple and oak flavors have a pungent sour wood aftertaste. Serve with grilled vegetables.
Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia)
Aromas of ripe melon and buttered popcorn set the stage for palette notes of tropical fruit, vanilla and tart lime. The finish, short and to the point, pair with something simple like soups or salads.
Chardonnay (McLaren Vale, Australia)
Weak aromas of tropical fruits and grass touch the nose before this Australian’s youthful palate kicks in with grapefruit, melon and caramel flavors. The finish is a bit harsh. Serve with a vegetable salad.
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Diamond Label, Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia)
A bright golden yellow with medium aromas of cut grass and mango lead to flavors of lemon and white peach. A short, clean finish. A grilled grouper topped with a mango salsa would be a winner.
Clare Valley, Unwooded Chardonnay (South Australia)
A medium yellow color, this wine smells of cut grass. Subtle flavors of melon and honey lead to a brief finish. Keep the food simple with this one—sole broiled in butter perhaps.
Hanwood Estate, Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia) This pale gold colored wine uncorks complex aromas of grapes, green apples, violets and melon. Raisin, violet and tart citrus flavors are dry, medium-bodied and well-balanced. Serve with white fish.
2005 Black Swan Vineyards
Chardonnay (South Eastern Australia) This straw colored wine offers light lemon and dried flower and fruit aromas. Simple green olive, prune and grapefruit flavors taste dry and finish quickly. Match with olive and tomato bruschetta.
2005 Penfolds Wines
Thomas Hyland, Chardonnay (South Australia) There’s a cool, spicy edge to the lemon lime aromas of this chardonnay. Simple notes of balanced subtle green fruits and lilac finish abruptly on the finish. Serve with a cheese plate.
2004 Stonehaven Winemaker’s Selection, Chardonnay (South Australia)
SINCE 1947
“No Bones About It, Shield’s Beef Is Superb” -Elliott Mackie, Food Critic, Atlanta Journal Constitution
Voted Best Meat Market -Atlanta Magazine
This pale wine has a weird, harsh blend of sulfur, pineapple, grass and wood aromas. Chemical, smoke and green olive flavors are generally disagreeable. Try with white pizza.
Osborne, Pedro Ximenez 1827
Sherry, Jerez, Spain
A deep toasted amber color, this wine showed aromas of vanilla and lemon. Flavors of lemon zest and toasted almonds rode medium acid to a medium finish. Dried fruits or a platter of toasted nuts would pair well.
Osborne, Pale Dry Fino
Los Arcos, Sherry, Jerez, Spain
Lustau, Solera Reserva, Dry Amontillado
Fortified Wines
ES • D RY -A
(4 0 4) 3 7 7 - 0 2 0 4 1554 North Decatur Road (In Emory Village)
This is a classic sherry with brisk aromas of toasted almonds and fresh green thyme accented by just blossoming gardenias. The palate shows dry smooth flavors of ripe pear and pine nuts anchored by a clean line of acidity. Drink with Spanish style tapas.
Sherry, Jerez, Spain $17 Fresh tea leaves start the first wave of aromas the rest is a deep cut of prunes, leather, cocoa and citrus. The structure is earthy and syrupy with almost cigar like qualities balanced by a thick coffee ingrained acidity. Please, only by itself.
Lustau, Solera Reserva, Deluxe Cream Capitaz, Andrés, Sherry, Jerez, Spain
Soft and refined notes of blanched almonds, fresh coffee beans and burnt citrus shows off this wines elegant side before green olives, smoked citrus and hazelnuts boss the palette around. Balanced and smooth acidity make this perfect for post tapas events.
Osborne, Amontillado Medium
Osborne, Manzanilla Fina
Osborne, 10RF Medium Oloroso
Sherry, Jerez, Spain
Simple, fresh, creamy toast notes pair with nutty aromatic toffee notes before jumping into a ring of hazelnut, cooked candy and roasted coffee beans on the palate. Serve with an espresso for dessert.
Sherry, Jerez, Spain Firmly wrapped in aromatic grassy green notes touched by hints of blanched almond this sherry gives palate warming flavors of green fruit pith and hazelnuts in the mouth. Serve with a hard dry salty cheese and toasted almonds.
Sherry, Jerez, Spain A deep mahogany color, this wine shows clean aromas of toast and dried lemon peel. It has firm acidity with flavors of caramel and coffee. Try vanilla ice cream with candied walnuts.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 45 }
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Lead faculty Ophelia Santos
Bodegas Dios Baco, Pedro XimenĂŠz
Osborne, Amontillado Medium
Lustau, Solera Reserva, Light Manzanilla
Sherry, Jerez, Spain, Spain 500 ml.
This PX shows sweet smelling creamy aromas of cocoa and almond paste. In the mouth, toffee, brown sugar, and roasted baked apples swept by dark honey. How about flourless chocolate torte.
Sherry, Jerez, Spain
This rich Spaniard shares toasty nutty aromas balanced by hints of grey sea salt and chalk. In the mouth rich green apples amalgamate with salty almonds and a tangy acidity for a fine finish. Try with fresh seafoodâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s accented by Spanish spices.
Papirusa, Sherry, Jerez, Spain
A pale straw color, this wine shows lemon aromas with medicinal undertones. Flavors of grapefruit and cut grass blend with heavy notes of alcohol to a short finish. Try with a Greek salad.
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CONTINENTAL WINE SHOPPE i n t h e h e a r t o f S t o n e M o u n t a i n Vi l l a g e 941 MAIN STREET â&#x20AC;˘ 770-413-2045
Let us help with your selection of wine for your 4th of July Cookout
Fortified Wines Madeira
Broadbent, Malmsey
10-Year-Old Sweet, Madeira, Portugal $45 This Madeira presented itself with elegance and flamboyant grace showing intense aromas of ginger-spice, burnt orange and fresh ground espresso beans tossed with green herbs. The perfectly balanced acidity supports an infrastructure of roasted autumn fruits, giant caramel and toasted almonds over brown sugar until the finish. Needs nothing but itself.
Cossart Gordon & Co
Cossart Gordon & Co
Cossart Gordon & Co
Medium Rich, 5-Year Bual, Madeira, Portugal
A clear amber color, this wine shows aromas of caramel and butterscotch. Rich flavors of lemon and orange lead to long, toasty finish of dark caramel and honey. Try with a crème brulÊe.
Medium Rich, 10-Year Bual, Madeira, Portugal $32 Ageing for 10 years has given this wine layers of nutty port like aromas touched with a hint of butterscotch. The mouthwatering acidity carries flavors of dark citrus, toasted spices and pleasant stewed cherry all the way to the finish. As an aperitif.
Rainwater Medium Dry, Madeira, Portugal
A clear, light amber with an orange tint, this wine has pronounced aromas of caramel and nuts. Sweet orange with candied lemon flavors lead to a brief finish. Serve with a dark bread pudding or salted nuts.
Come Visit Our Store for a Large Selection of Boutique Wines and Unbeatable Customer Service. '3&& 8*/& 5"45*/(4 */ 5)& 7*--"(& &7&3: 3% 4"563%": t 1. 8F DBSSZ B GVMM MJOF PG +JN #FBN ##2 4BVDFT BOE (SJMMJOH 4BVDFT
{ 46 } wine report // july : : august 2007
5-Year-Old Rich, Madeira, Portugal, 500 ml. $16 Aromas of sweet caramel and roasted spiced coffee catch your attention while the palate of balanced orange-infused cocoa, simple syrup and dried apricot keep you wanting more. Serve by itself as an aperitif.
Rainwater Medium Dry, Madeira, Portugal
A charming infusion of anise, deep woods and roasted citrus scents rise from the glass, grabbing your attention. Flavors hint at salted nuts with dried orange and caramelized citrus with a fully balanced acidity. Maybe a chocolate cake.
WORLD’S GREATEST SELF-TAUGHT ART SHOW & SALE Sandeman Fine Rich Madeira, Portugal, 500 ml
Deep brown amber with aromas of dark molasses. Medicinal flavors of orange, molasses and vanilla finish somewhat short. A pecan pie could do the trick.
1995 Cossart Gordon & Co Bual Colheita, Madeira, Portugal 500 ml.
August 17-19
Friday, 5pm - 10pm • $15 Show Opening
Deep brown amber with aromas of dark molasses. Medicinal flavors of orange, molasses and vanilla finish somewhat short. A pecan pie could do the trick.
Includes Weekend Readmission
Saturday, 10am - 7pm • $7 Sunday, 10am - 5pm • $7
Atlanta, GA North Atlanta Trade Center I-85 & Indian Trail Rd. Exit 101 Information: 404.403.4244 folkfest@bellsouth.net www.slotinfolkart.com
Fortified Wines Muscat
Campbells Wines
R.L. Buller & Son
2004 Landskrooon
2005 Bonterra Vineyards
Rutherglen Muscat (Victoria, Australia), 375 ml. $19 A rusty orange color, this wine shows clean complex aromas of nutty caramel and green tea. Flavors of tree fruit honey and orange finish long and sweet. Try crème brulée or a cheese plate.
Premium Fine Muscat (Victoria, Australia)
Dark caramel and chocolate colored, this wine shows clean toasty aromas of dried cherry and caramel. Flavors of vanilla and dried fruits. Serve with a rich caramelized bread pudding.
Jerepico, Morio Muscat, (Paarl, South Africa) A clean golden color, this wine has clean aromas of wet grass and ethanol. Flavors of dried fruit, caramel and bell pepper lead to a sweet finish. Try with a cheese and fruit plate.
Muscat (Lake County, Calif.) 375 ml
A pale straw color, this wine displays aromas of ripe pear, lemon zest and vanilla. An off-sweet wine, this wine has pomme fruit flavors and a short sweet finish. Try as an aperitif.
Nino Franco Rustico, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
Pale yellow with a green tint, this wine is rich with aromas of biscuits, honey and pear marmalade. Fat flavors of apple pie, apricot and just a hint of oak, ride long-lasting bubbles to a lingering finish. Pair this one with scallops seared in butter and lemon.
Prosecco, Spumante, Italy This youthful sparkler has scents of limestone and fresh picked green fruit. The soft mouthfeel balances perfectly with prominent acidity to support flavors of white peach, heady lime and a mild chalkiness. For any lightly dressed fish.
Nino Franco Prosecco Primo Franco, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
A brilliant pale yellow with a golden green tint, honeys and apples show in this wine’s aromas. Full flavors of Granny Smith apple, pear and butterscotch showed with supple acid and a medium finish. Go with a grilled grouper.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 47 }
Moletto Prosecco, Marco Trevigiana, Italy
Sweet golden apple aromas dance on the crest of foam while inside the mouth, this plump youthful wine offers white peach, a slight stoniness and just a touch of candied lime all wrapped in a balanced package. For oysters and antipasto platters.
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Nino Franco
Rive Di San Floriano, Prosecco Brut, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
A brilliant golden green with wood and yeast aromas, strong pear and apple flavors show through with a hint of ginger and soy sauce. Medium acid and finish. Would pair well with a fresh ceviche.
Brut, Prosecco, Italy
A clear, pale yellow with a watery rim, this wine shows clean aromas of citrus and geraniums. Off-dry with flavors of dried fruit, cloves and lemon, it will go well with a spicy Thai dish.
Frizzante, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
A golden apple color with perfect bubbles, this wine has clean aromas of apple and lemon. Flavors of lime zest, fig and green apple make for an easy albeit brief finish. Try with antipasto.
800-847-4474 â&#x20AC;˘ OregonPinotNoir.com WINE REPORTâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
POINT Sy s t e m
90 to 100 Points: Outstanding 80 to 89 Points: Very Good 70 to 79 Points: Average
Brut, Prosecco, Conegliano, Italy
Vibrant bubbles send up lemon, floral and vanilla aromas. The mouth tingles with short but sweet green apple, lemon zest, pineapple and peach flavors. A splendid pairing with angel hair pasta drizzled with butter and lemon juice.
Extra Dry, Sergio, Prosecco, Italy
Minetto â&#x20AC;&#x153;IL,â&#x20AC;? Prosecco, Italy
This wine is clear with a pale yellow rim. It has subtle aromas of dried fruit. Flavors of bitter almonds and smooth citrus are pleasing but finish somewhat short. Try a mozzarella and tomato salad.
Our Rating System
Wines are selected based on their availability in the Atlanta, Charlotte and Birmingham areas. In most cases, the wines reviewed are available in at least one of the three cities. The prices listed are suggested retail prices provided by the winery, winery representative or distributor.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 48 }
A very pale yellow, this wine shows medium-intense aromas of citrus and minerals. Strong notes of vanilla and tropical fruit follow on the palate. A mild creamy finish is satisfying but brief. Try with a simple pork chop.
60 to 69 Points: Flawed
All wines are tasted blind in our Atlanta office by a panel of four to six tasters. Qualified tasters must meet criteria set out by the magazine. The wines are rated on a weighted 100-point scale in four categories: appearance (5%), aroma (20%), taste (60%) and food friendliness (15%). To gauge a wineâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s food friendliness, panelists taste the wine with roasted chicken for white wines or rare roast beef for red wines. Once the tasters have completed their sensory evaluation of the wines, they are given the price of the wines so they can determine whether the wine is an exceptional value, overpriced or neither. In case of a tie, the editorial staff makes a determination. Tasters are not allowed to change their comments or scores once the prices have been announced.
Nino Franco Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
Consistent bubbles push up sour apple, lemon zest, straw and herb scents. Flavors of crabapple, lemon peel and mild asparagus are balanced with acids yet fade quickly. Calls for goat cheese or shrimp.
Santa Margherita
Col Del Sole
Brut, Prosecco di Valdobbiadene, Italy
This pale sparkler sniffs of unripe pear, lemon peel and peach fuzz. Tart citrus, green apple and mineral flavors refresh before a short finish. Serve with fresh fruit salad and light cheese.
Prosecco Brut, Prosecco Di Connegliano-Valdobbidene, Italy
A clear pale yellow, this wine shows aromas of wood and yeast. Brief flavors of toast and honey show through to a medium finish. Would be a good mate for shrimp scampi.
Area: Brookhaven, Buckhead, Atlanta, GA Wine selections in stock: French, Spanish, Italian, Australian, USA, Portugal, S. America & Champagne Wine consultant on duty: John, Jeff & Alice Wine specials: Frequent Shopper Program, case discounts Newsletter/events: Wine classes, private tastings Other: Monthly Wine Club, Cellar Management, Party Planning Contact: 4062 Peachtree Road, Atl., (404)949-9945 Web/e-mail: www.sherlocks.com or john@sherlocks.com
Wine Merchants Guide the South’s Finest wine shops, stores and specialty grovers
Area: Buckhead, Atlanta, GA Wine selections in stock: French, Spanish, Italian, Australian, USA, Portugal, S. America & Champagne Wine consultant on duty: Brendon, Jeff & Tom Wine specials: Frequent Shopper Program, case discounts Newsletter/events: Wine dinners, private tastings Other: Party Planning, Wine Accessories, Gifts Contact: 3401 Northside Parkway, Atl., (404)233-1514 Web/e-mail: www.sherlocks.com or brendon@sherlocks.com
Area: Midtown/Buckhead (Ansley Mall), GA Wine selections in stock: Extensive selection, nice Burgundies Wine consultant on duty: Jim Mead Wine specials: Staff Favorites, great wine information Newsletter/events: Yes Other: Great wine specials, unpretentious store Contact: 1544 Piedmont Rd., Atlanta (404) 876-6790 FAX: (404) 872-8326
Area: Downtown Decatur/Atlanta, GA Wine selections in stock: French, Spanish, Italian, Australian, USA, Portugal, S. America & Champagne Wine consultant on duty: Don & Jessica Wine specials: Frequent Shopper Program, Case Discounts Newsletter/events: Wine classes, Complimentary Tastings Other: Monthly Wine Club, Cellar Management, Party Planning Contact: 180 W Ponce de Leon Ave, Decatur, GA30030 (404)377-4005 Web/e-mail: www.sherlocks.com or don@sherlocks.com
AREA: Edgewood Retail District WINE CONSULTANTS ON DUTY: B. Scott Shackelford WINE SPECIALS: 30% Buyer’s cost of assorted wines NEWSLETTER/EVENTS: See our website for complete list of events OTHER: The place to special order special wine. ADDRESS/PHONE: 1230 Caroline St., Suite B-250 WEB/EMAIL: www.brixwinemerchant.com
Area: East Cobb, Marietta, GA Wine selections in stock: French, Spanish, Italian, Australian, USA, Portugal, S. America & Champagne Wine consultant on duty: Bob, Ben & Paul Wine specials: Frequent Shopper Program, Case Discounts Newsletter/events: Wine dinners, private tastings Other: Spirits, Beer, Party Planning, Wine Accessories,Gifts Contact: 2156 Roswell Rd, Marietta (770) 971-6333 Web/e-mail: www.sherlocks.com or bob@sherlocks.com
Area: Top End Perimeter/ Dunwoody/ Sandy Springs Wine selections in stock: Wide Selection of Domestic & Import Wine consultant on duty: Burke, Jason & Melissa Wine specials: Monthly Specials & Case Discounts Newsletter/events: Newsletter and Events are in the works! Contact: 5479 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd (Dunwoody Village); (770)394-3496 E-mail/ Web: dbottle@bellsouth.net or www.dunwoodybottleshop.com
Area: Marietta, Kennesaw, GA Wine selections in stock: French, Spanish, Italian, Australian, USA, Portugal, S. America & Champagne Wine consultant on duty: Bob, Lars & Kristal Wine specials: Frequent Shopper Program, Case Discounts Newsletter/events: Wine dinners, private tastings Other: Spirits, Beer, Party Planning, Wine Accessories, Gifts Contact: 135 Barrett Pkwy, Marietta (770) 426-6744 Web/e-mail: www.sherlocks.com or bob.harper@sherlocks.com
AREA: Buford, GA WINE SELECTIONS IN STOCK: You source for rare, hard-tofind and highly rated boutique wines from around the world WINE CONSULTANT ON DUTY: Jim Mudge WINE SPECIALS: 2% off 2 bottles, 3% off 3 up to 12% off 12 bottles NEWSLETTER/EVENTS: See our website for complete list of events OTHER: Wine and cigar accessories, walk-in humidor with over 80 fine cigars, import and microbrew beer ADDRESS/PHONE: 2725 Hamilton Mill Road, Suite 600 WEB/EMAIL: www.jandlwine.com
Area: Smyrna/Vinings, GA Wine Selections In stock: Hand selected quality wines from around the world Wine Consultant On Duty: Renee Rowe Wine Special: Monthly featured sales Newsletter/Events: Complimentary wine tastings every Saturday Other: Atlanta’s largest selection of wine accessories Contact: 1295 W Spring Street, Suite 100, Smyrna, GA (770)437-1753 Web/e-mail: www.winecellarsonline.com or info@winecellarsonline.com
AREA: Buckhead, GA WINE SELECTIONS IN STOCK: Your source for rare, hard-to-find and highly rated boutique wines from around the world WINE CONSULTANTS ON DUTY: John Liotta,Nate Wooden WINE SPECIALS: Full and case discounts NEWSLETTER/EVENTS: See our website for complete list of events OTHER: Gourmet deli, large selection of cheeses & meats, wine accessories, largest selection of magnums & splits in Atlanta ADDRESS/PHONE: 2625 Piedmont Rd, Ste 51 ATL 404-869-3508 WEB: www.winegallerymarket.com
Area: Flowery Branch, GA/ Lake Lanier Wine selections in stock: Huge inventory to serve the community Wine consultant on duty: Thomas Lanford, Patrick Copeland Wine specials: See Hometownspirits.com Other: Serving Buford, Flowery Branch, Gainesville, and the shores of Lake Lanier Contact: 4856 Hog Mountain Road, Exit 12 off I-985, Call for directions: (770) 965-6058
Area: Heart of Buckhead, Atlanta, GA Wine selections in stock: One of the most extensive selections in GA Wine consultant on duty: Four trained consultants on duty Wine specials: Popular California wines greatly reduced Newsletter/events: Email your wine questions to: mailbox@pearsonswine.net Contact: 3072 Early St. (next to Johnny Rockets), Atl., (404) 231-8752 Watch for our new web site launching soon!
AREA: Buckhead, GA (Lennox Mall) WINE SELECTIONS IN STOCK: 100 small boutique wines priced @ $25 or less WINE CONSULTANTS ON DUTY: Grant, Adam & Matt WINE SPECIALS: 5%off 6 bottles, 10%off 12 bottles, mix & match both NEWSLETTER/EVENTS: See our website & sign up for events OTHER: Large selection of cigars and cigar accessories ADDRESS/PHONE: 3393 Peachtree Road NE (Lennox Mall) Atlanta 404-231-9853 WEB: www.vino100atl.com
- s p e c i a l a dv e r t i s i n g s e c t i o n -
Check This Out In
NASHVILLE The l’Eté du Vin is America’s oldest charity wine auction. Since 1980 the Nashville event has raised more than $13 million to fight against cancer. The Grand Vintner’s Tasting on July 12 will be held at the Hilton Nashville Downtown and starts at 5:30 p.m. with a reception. Le Grand Dinner is scheduled for July 13. The Grand Auction will be held on July 14 at Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. Auction lots range from one-of-a-kind dinners and trips to large-format wines and wines not generally available through retail. The silent auction begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the live auction at 7 p.m. Nashville’s l’Eté du Vin hosts international wine guests each year, such as 2006 honoree Marchese Leonardo Frescobaldi, to support the fight against cancer.
For details call (615) 329-1760 or visit www.nashvillewineauction.com.
Check This Out In
Get ready to cha-cha along with the mariachi band at the March of Dimes Georgia Chapter’s 8th Annual Salsa for Dimes on Sept. 9, 5-9 p.m. at Nuevo Laredo Cantina.
Atlanta Brewing Company has moved to 2323 DeFoor Hills Road in Midtown. Brew house and tasting room open to those aged 21+ on Weds., Fri. and Sun. at 5 p.m. www.atlantabrewing.com. Hot Stix Stir-Fry Kitchen is open at Lindbergh City Center, 570 Main Street in Atlanta. Along with custom stir-fry dishes, the menu features authentic Asian dim sum, signature sake-tinis and wine pairings by the Atlanta Wine School. www. hotstixstirfry.com. Noir is now open in Castleberry Hill at 264 Peters St. Décor recalls Old Hollywood. Wine list is 30% French. (404) 223-2999. www.noiratlanta.com.
(Left to Right) Chair Lisa Fuller and Nuevo Laredo Cantina proprietor Chance Evans
For more information or to purchase tickets, visit www.marchofdimes.com/georgia or call (404) 3509800, extension 224.
Annie Leibovitz Courtesy of Vogue
Check This Out In
ATLAN TA Atlanta’s High Museum of Art will host a touring exhibition commemorating Annie Leibovitz, perhaps America’s most celebrated photographer. Annie Leibovitz: A Photographer’s Life, 1990–2005, shows both Leibovitz’s professional photographs and her personal photographs of family and friends. The exhibition, sponsored by American Express, debuted at the Brooklyn Museum in October 2006, and will be on view at the High from May 12 through Sept. 9, 2007. “This exhibition demonstrates the breadth of Leibovitz’s artistic concerns during a 15-year span and presents for the first time many highly personal images that show a side of her we have not seen before,” said Julian Cox, Curator of Photography at the High Museum of Art.
{ 50 } wine report // july : : august 2007
at l a n ta
July Events
The $75/person cost to attend the annual fundraiser supports the March of Dimes, a national voluntary health agency founded in 1938 to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality through research, community service, education and advocacy.
Nicole Kidman, New York, 2003
Now Open
The Tasting Room is now open in East Point at 3560 Camp Creek Parkway. Retail package store adjacent to restaurant, where the menu features Mediterranean Coast and Southern flavors. Closed Sun. (404) 346-0697.
ATLAN TA “This is the most fun event of the year!” promises Lisa Fuller, chair. The party boasts all you can eat and drink of Nuevo Laredo Cantina’s authentic Mexican cuisine and margaritas, plus live entertainment and celebrity bartenders.
July 1 — 5th Annual Reds, Whites and Bluegrass Brunch at Wolf Mountain Vineyards & Winery. Seatings at 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. $30/person + tax/gratuity. Advance reservations required: (706) 867-9862. www. wolfmountainvineyards.com. July 4 — 4th of July Fireworks at Château Élan. Enjoy a picnic on the winery lawn. Fireworks at dusk. Come early; parking is free. (678) 425-0900. www. chateauelanatlanta.com. Sherlock’s Wine Merchant hosts free wine tastings every Sat., 3-5 p.m. Brookhaven schedule: July 7 — Great Party Wines July 14 — Burgundy: Rouge and Blanc July 21 — Fire Up The Grill: Bold Reds July 28 — Cool Whites Decatur schedule: July 7 — The Summer of Spain July 14 — South American Sizzle July 21 — White, Bright & Outta Sight! July 28 — Grillin’ & Chillin’ Wines For more information, call the Brookhaven store at (404) 949-9945 or the Decatur store at (404) 377-4005, or visit www.sherlocks.com.
{calendar} August Ev en ts July 7, 14, 28 and Aug. 11, 13 — Summer Concert Series at Château Élan. 8:30-11:30 p.m. Free dance lessons before each concert at 7:30 p.m. $30/person. Cash bar; no outside alcohol. (678) 425-0900. www.chateauelanatlanta.com.
July 21 and Aug. 18 — Concert Series at Shelton Vineyards. 6-9 p.m. Tickets $25 at the gate or $20 in advance; $15 for wine club members (limit 4 per member). (336) 366-4724. www.sheltonvineyards.com.
July 7 and Aug. 4 — Summer Concert Series at Crane Creek Vineyards. Enjoy live music. $15; tickets sold at the door. Children under 13 and outside alcohol prohibited. Call for details: (706) 379-1236.
S o u th C a r o l i n a
July 8, 15, 22 and 29 — A Tribute to Tuscany at Wolf Mountain Vineyards & Winery. Seatings at 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. $30/person + tax/gratuity. Advance reservations required: (706) 867-9862. www.wolfmountainvineyards.com. July 14 and Aug. 18 -- Main Street Walk and Wine Tour in Stone Mountain Village. 6-8 p.m. Explore the shops and galleries of the historic village while sampling wines at the restaurants. For details visit http://stonemountainvillage.com/events.htm. July 21 and Aug. 18 — Farmer’s Pasta Dinner at Crane Creek Vineyards in Young Harris. Enjoy wine, pasta and Italian music. Advanced reservations required. (706) 379-1236. www.cranecreekvineyards.com.
Alabama July 4 — Annual Beadles’ Blowout with the American Wine Society’s Birmingham Chapter. Bring a dish and wine to share. Starts at 2:30 p.m. For details contact Lee or Jene at (205) 664-5583 or e-mail winemaker@att.net. July 4 — Independence Day Celebration at Morgan Creek Vineyards. Hear live music at 6 p.m. and see fireworks at 9 p.m. Call for details: (205) 672-2053. July 17 and August 21 — Wine Dinner at Standard Bistro. (205) 995-0512. www.standardbistro.com.
N o r th C a r o l i n a July 4 — Independence Day Picnic at Childress Vineyards in Lexington. Call for details: (336) 236-9463.
chefs and restaurants. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tickets sold at the door. Call for details: (706) 379-1236. Aug. 26 — 11th Annual Château Élan Vineyard Festival. 12-5 p.m. (wines available after 12:30 p.m.). Features 100+ wines. Overnight packages available. (678) 425-0900. www.chateauelanatlanta.com.
July 14 and Aug. 11 — Concert Series at Victoria Valley Vineyards. 6:30-10:30 p.m. $15 in advance; $17 at the gate. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and costs $12.50/person. (864) 878-5307. www.victoriavalleyvineyards.com.
Alabama Aug. 5 — American Wine Society’s Birmingham Chapter monthly meeting. Starts at 2:30 p.m. Contact Lee Beadles at (205) 664-5583 or e-mail winemaker@att.net.
Aug. 6 — Basics of Wine Part I at The Wine Cellar of Vestavia Hills. Class features 8 wines with cheese, bread, fruit and olive oil. 6-8 p.m. $25/person. Call for details: (205) 979-2151.
Early August — 2005 Cabernet Franc Release Party at Tiger Mountain Vineyards. Date and details will be posted online at www.tigerwine.com. Aug. 2 — A Taste of Germany hosted by the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern U.S. Pfifferling gourmet dinner. (404) 586-6800. www.gaccsouth.com.
N o r th C a r o l i n a Aug. 1 — Vine to Wine. Learn all aspects of winemaking by making wine with a winemaker. Create your own blend and take home a bottle. $50/ person. Space limited; reservations required. (336) 945-5032. www.westbendvineyards.com.
Sherlock’s Wine Merchant hosts free wine tastings every Sat., 3-5 p.m. Brookhaven schedule: Aug. 4 — Brown Bag Blind Tasting Aug. 11 — Summertime Sparklers Aug. 18 — Great Values from Italy Aug. 25 — Wines to Kick Off Football Season
Aug. 23 — Caymus Vineyards Wine Dinner at The Farm by Old Edwards Inn & Spa. $169/ person + tax/gratuity. Starts at 6 p.m. Limited seating. Call for details: (828) 787-2604. Special room rate $185 + tax. www.oldedwardsinn.com.
Decatur schedule: Aug. 4 — Sherlock’s World of Rosé Aug. 11 — California Dreamin’ Aug. 18 — Warm Weather Reds & Whites Aug. 25 — The Satisfying Southern Hemisphere
Aug. 24 — Play in the Vineyard at Childress Vineyards in Lexington. Call for details: (336) 236-9463.
Ongoing Ev en ts
For more information, call the Brookhaven store at (404) 949-9945 or the Decatur store at (404) 3774005, or visit www.sherlocks.com.
Aug. 5, 12, 19 and 26 — 5th Annual Regional Artisan Cheese Month and Vineyard Luncheon Buffet at Wolf Mountain Vineyards & Winery. Seatings at 12:30 and 2:30 p.m. $30/person + tax/ gratuity. Advance reservations required: (706) 8679862. www.wolfmountainvineyards.com.
Big Bottle Nights in Park 75 Lounge at Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta. In July and Aug. champagne and red wine poured by the glass from a 1.5-liter magnum. Open Sun.-Thurs., 4 p.m.-12 a.m. and Fri.-Sat., 4 p.m.-1 a.m. (404) 253-3840.
Aug. 25 — 4th Annual Bierfest hosted by the German American Chamber of Commerce of the Southern U.S. will be held at Atlantic Station. (404) 586-6800. www.gaccsouth.com. Aug. 25 — Tomato Festival at Crane Creek Vineyards. Enjoy tomato dishes from local celebrity
Cocktails in the Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden every Thurs. 6-10 p.m. through Sept. $12/adult, $9/senior. Cash bar with complimentary hors d’oeuvres. (404) 876-5859 or www.atlantabotanicalgarden.org.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 51 }
{calendar} Classes/Clubs Marietta Wine Market hosts wine tastings every Weds. 5-7 p.m. and Sat. 2-4 p.m. Includes complimentary hors d’oeuvres. $5-$10 donation suggested; different local charity benefits each month. (770) 919-1574. www.mariettawinemarket.com. Sherlock’s Wine Merchant hosts free wine tastings every Sat. in Brookhaven and Decatur, 3-5 p.m. Also offering wine education classes, frequent shopper program and monthly wine clubs. (404) 949-9945. www.sherlocks.com.
• Dessert Tasting — 3 dessert wines paired with 3 minidesserts. Now available all day, any day. $12 nonmembers/$10 wine-club members. For details call (770) 393-1110 or visit www.winestyles.net/perimeter. WineStyles Snellville hosts: * Corporate Monday – business networking and wine tasting 6-8 p.m. * Ladies’ Night – wine by the glass ($5 per glass) and complimentary massage by Origins
Wind Down at Villa Christina every Wed. night. Enjoy food and wine indoors or al fresco with jazz entertainment. Visit www.villachristina.com for details, including scheduled performers.
* Wine Tastings every Thurs., 6-8 p.m. (8 wines with appetizers. $7/wine club members/$10 non-wine club members Located at The Avenue Webb Gin, 1350 Scenic Hwy, Suite 424, Snellville, GA 30078. (770) 985-8356. www.winestyles.net/snellville.
WineStyles Cascade hosts: Tuesday Ladies Night at 7:00 PM - Bring your girlfriends & enjoy wine for just $5/glass! Thursday Weekly Tasting at 7:00 PM - Taste up to 8 wines and light appetizers for just $10 Friday Weekend Wine Down 6:00 PM until close - Featuring wine by the glass for $7/glass For more details call (404) 472-WINE (9463) or visit www.winestyles.net/cascade Or go to 3752 Cascade Rd * just 1/2 mile outside of 285 Perimeter at Cascade Rd Exit 7
WineStyles Perimeter Place hosts: • Tuesday Tastings — 6 wines and light fare. 6-8 p.m. $6 nonmembers/$4 wine-club members. • Drink in Style Thursdays — 12 wines with appetizers. 6-8 p.m. $12 nonmembers/$8 wine-club members. • Wine-a-rita Fridays — Enjoy wine-a-ritas for $6.50 each with chips and salsa. 6-9 p.m. • Saturday Wine Down — 6+ wines and light fare, 6-8 p.m. $8 nonmembers/$6 wine-club members.
Alabama The Wine Cellar of Vestavia Hills hosts tastings the 2nd and 4th Tues. of every month, 5:30-7 p.m. $3/person for 6-8 wines. Also holding monthly classes; $25/person. Call for details: (205) 979-2151.
N o r th C a r o l i n a Corkscrew Wine Shop in the Lake Norman area (N. of Charlotte) holds educational wine tastings every Thurs., 6-8 p.m. Sample 4 wines for $5. Call Joe at (704) 987-0011 or visit www.4corkscrew.com. The Wine Room at Afton Village in Concord hosts wine tastings every Tues. at 7:30 p.m. Live music on Weds., Fri. and Sat. nights. (704) 782-9463. www.wine-room.net. The Wine Shop – Park Road hosts free tastings on Fri. 5-7 p.m. (704) 377-5373. wineshop@carolina.rr.com. Zebra Restaurant & Wine Bar hosts $15 wine tastings every Weds. During July the entire wine list is 50% off. Reservations suggested. (704) 442-9525.
N at i o n a l Blackberry Farm in Tenn. hosts food-and-wine weekends. Themes vary. For more information call (865) 380-2081 or e-mail awilliams@ blackberryfarm.com. www.blackberryfarm.com. The California Wine Club hand-selects wines from the best small family-owned wineries. Shipped with a risk-free, money-back guarantee. $32.95/mo. + shipping includes 2 bottles of Calif. wines and the magazine Uncorked! Call (800) 777-4443 or visit www.cawineclub.com.
At l a n t a A r e a Anita LaRaia’s Wine School diploma course begins Sept. 18 and runs for 6 Tues. evenings at Hinton’s. Tastings and Anita’s new book included. Credit cards accepted. Call (770) 901-9433 to register. www.anitalaraia.com. Also offering CWE Study Course. Atlanta Wine School helps build your wine knowledge and confidence. Novice to Advanced courses available. (770) 668-0435. www.atlantawineschool.com.
B i r m i n gh a m Area American Wine Society is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to wine education. Chapter conducts monthly tastings, usually 1st Sun. at 2:30 p.m., averaging $15 per event. Contact Lee Beadles for more information: (205) 664-5583.
C h a r l o tt e A r e a American Wine Society is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to wine education. For more information, call (704) 344-8027, e-mail info@carolinawineclub.com or visit www.carolinawineclub.com. Carolina Wine Club holds classes at the Westye Group SE Showroom Southend, 6:30-8 p.m. Topics vary. For details, call (704) 344-8027, e-mail info@carolinawineclub.com or visit www. carolinawineclub.com. The International Sommelier Guild course will begin in the fall. Details at (866) 412-0464 or www.internationalsommelier.com.
{ 52 } wine report // july : : august 2007
{calendar} National Events Every Fri. in July and Aug. — Wine Tasting at Sandestin Wine World & Liquors in Sandestin, Fla. Starts at 5 p.m. Experts on hand to answer questions and help with selections. (850) 622-0802. Every Fri. and Sat. in July and Aug. — Wine Tasting at Seagrapes Wine Bar & Gifts in Sandestin, Fla., at The Village of Baytowne Wharf. Starts at 5 p.m. $7.50/person. (850) 267-2526. Summer Concert Series at Rodney Strong Vineyards in Healdsburg, Calif., features Chris Isaak on July 14, David Sanborn on July 28, Dave Koz on Aug. 5 and Madeleine Peyroux on Aug. 25. For details call (707) 869-1595 or visit www.rodneystrong.com. July 19 — Christie’s Auction of “End of Season” fine wines in London, England. Visit www.christies. com to browse illustrated catalogues and leave absentee bids. July 20-22 — Finger Lakes Wine Festival showcases 75+ N.Y. state wines. (866) 461-7223 or www.FLWineFest.com. July 23 and Aug. 18 — Comedy under the Stars at SL Cellars in Kenwood, Calif. 6-9 p.m. $45. Also wine education every Fri., 5:30-7:30 p.m. $35. (707) 833-5070. Aug. 3-5 — 7th Annual Natchez Food & Wine Festival in Natchez, Miss. Special guest Paul Burrell, who recently launched Royal Butler Wines (www. royalbutlerwines.com). For event details visit www.natchezfoodfest.com.
Tours/Trips The Inn on Charlotte (circa 1918) in St. Augustine, Fla., is offering a special Fun with Food & Wine package during 2007. For details call (904) 8293819 or visit www.InnonCharlotte.com.
Wineries & Tasting Rooms Alabama Bryant Vineyard, Talladega. Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Please call ahead: (256) 268-2638. Morgan Creek Vineyards, Harpersville. Free winery tours and wine tasting Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (205) 672-2053, info@morgancreekwinery.com or www.MorganCreekWinery.com.
Crane Creek Vineyards, Young Harris. Open year round. April-Dec., Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Jan.-March, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tastings $3. Check website for special events and dinners. (706) 379-1236. www.cranecreekvineyards.com.
Ozan Vineyard & Cellars, Calera, just off I-65 at exit 228. Open Fri. and Sat., 12-6 p.m. and by appointment for tasting and vineyard tours. (205) 668-6926 or (678) 908-6007. www.ozanwine.com.
1810 Country Inn & Winery, Thomson, 20 minutes W. of Augusta on I-20 at exit 172; turn right at the Texaco. Tasting room open Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. (706) 595-8311. www.1810winery.com.
Perdido Vineyards, Perdido. Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (251) 937-9463. www.perdidovineyards.com.
Frogtown Cellars, Dahlonega. Open every Fri., 12-5 p.m.; Sat., 12-6 p.m.; Sun., 12:30-5 p.m. Bistro lunch every Sat., 12-4 p.m. Cheeseand-wine pairing every Sat. and Sun. Winetaster brunches every Sun., 12-2:30 p.m. $35/person + tax/gratuity. Reservations required. (706) 865-0687. www.frogtownwine.com.
Vizzini Farms Winery & Market, Calera. Open for visitors Mon.-Thurs., 10 a.m.-6 pm.; Fri. and Sat., 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Fine dining 6-10 p.m., Fri. and Sat. (205) 685-0655. www.vizzinifarmswinery.com. White Oak Vineyards, Anniston. Open Fri., 16 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; and by appointment. (256) 231-7998. www.whiteoakal.com. Wills Creek Vineyards, Attalla. Open for free tastings Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (256) 538-5452, willscreekwinery@aol.com or www.willscreekvineyards.com. The Winery on Main, Clanton. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (205) 280-0482.
Georgia Appalachian Kitchens & Winery, Blairsville. Selling handcrafted wine-inspired jams and savories. (706) 745-8660. www.appalachiankitchens.com. BlackStock Vineyards and Winery, Dahlonega. Open year-round. Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 12:30-6 p.m. Live music every Sat. Call (706) 219-2789, e-mail david@bsvw.com, or visit www.bsvw.com. Butterducks Winery, in Guyton at 3332 Blue Jay Road, 20 miles west of Savannah. Open Fri.Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. Free tastings and deluxe tastings. (912) 728-WINE. www.butterduckswinery.com.
Château Élan, north of Atlanta at I-85’s Braselton exit 126. Free self-guided tours, Mon.Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; wine tasting $5. Guided tour and tasting, Sat.-Sun., noon, 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m., $5. No reservations required. (678) 425-0900. www.chateauelanatlanta.com.
The Georgia Winery, Ringgold, is located at 6469 Battlefield Parkway, 300 yards west of I-75 at exit 350. Call (706) 937-WINE, or visit www.georgiawines.com. Habersham Vineyards & Winery, Helen. Open daily for tastings at 7025 Main St. (Ga. 75), half a mile south of Helen in Nacoochee Village. Tasting rooms around Ga.: Highway 365, Baldwin, (706) 778-9463; on the square in Dahlonega, (706) 864-8275; Southern Grace, Juliette, (478) 994-0057; Underground Atlanta, (404) 522-9463. Call the winery at (770) 983-1973 or (706) 878-9463, or visit www.habershamwinery.com. Persimmon Creek Vineyards, Clayton. Open Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and by appointment. Call (706) 212-7380 or visit www.persimmoncreekwine.com. Sharp Mountain Vineyards, Jasper. Open Thurs.-Sat., 12-6 p.m. (770) 735-1210. www.sharpmountainvineyards.com. Still Pond Vineyard & Winery, Arlington. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (800) 475-1193. grapes@stillpond.com. www.stillpond.com.
wine report // july : : august 2007 { 53 }
{calendar} Three Sisters Vineyards & Winery, Dahlonega. Complimentary tastings and tours. Special vintner’s tastings start at $10; includes wine glass. Open Thurs.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m.; and by appointment. Special Mother’s Day tasting in May. (706) 865-WINE or www.threesistersvineyards.com. Tiger Mountain Tasting Room is open at Naturally Georgia, 6579 Highway 52 E., Murrayville, 6 miles E. of Dahlonega. Tastings, gourmet gifts, Sweetgrass Dairy cheeses. 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Thurs.-Mon. (706) 864-0832. www.naturallygeorgia.com. Tiger Mountain Vineyards, Tiger. Tasting room open year-round, Sun.-Mon. and Wed.-Fri., 1-5 p.m.; Sat., 11-6 p.m. Closed Tuesdays. Other times by appointment. Free wine and cheese for tasting. Group picnic area overlooking vineyards available by reservation. (706) 782-4777. tigerwine@windstream.com. www.tigerwine.com. Wolf Mountain Vineyards & Winery, Dahlonega. Wine tastings $10. Educational tour and cellar tasting Sat. and Sun., $15. (706) 8679862. www.wolfmountainvineyards.com.
N o r th C a r o l i n a
Leibovitz at
t h e
Annie Leibovitz, whose photographic work is on exhibit at the High Museum through Sept. 9, 2007, is seen here far right in an undated photo with her parents and sisters. Leibovitz has taken portraits of myriad public figures including a famously pregnant Demi Moore; rock star Mick Jagger; actors Chris Rock, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino and Scarlett Johansson; George W. Bush with members of his Cabinet at the White House; and William Burroughs in Kansas. Assignment work includes the siege of Sarajevo in the early 1990s and a series of landscapes taken in the American West. Born in Westport, Connecticut, in 1949, Leibovitz had her first photographs published by Rolling Stone in 1970, becoming the magazine’s chief photographer in 1973.
{ 54 } wine report // july : : august 2007
Château Laurinda, Sparta. Open Tues.-Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 10a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m. (800) 650-3236. www.chateaulaurindawinery.com.
Chatham Hill Winery, Morrisville. Open Mon.Fri., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 15 p.m. or by appointment. Closed major holidays. $5 tasting fee includes glass. (919) 380-7135. www.chathamhillwine.com. Childress Vineyards, Lexington. Open Mon.Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 12-6 p.m. Lunch served daily at The Bistro: Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sun., 12-3 pm. Free tours. Tastings, $7-$15. (336) 236-9463 www.childressvineyards.com. Duplin Winery, Rose Hill. Open Mon.-Sat., 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Fri., 9 a.m.-9 p.m. (800) 774-9634 or www.duplinwinery.com. Garden Gate Vineyards, Mocksville. Open Weds.-Sat., 12-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. or by appointment. Free wine tasting and special hours available on July 4th; just call ahead: (336) 751-3794. www.gardengatevineyards.com. Old North State Winery, Mt. Airy. Open Mon.Sat., 10-6 p.m.; Sun, 1-6 p.m. (336) 789-9463. www.carolinaharvestwines.com.
Old Stone Vineyard and Winery, Salisbury. Open Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. (704) 279-0930. www.osvwinery.com. RayLen Vineyards & Winery, 3577 Hwy. 158, Mocksville. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (336) 998-3100 or www.raylenvineyards.com. Rockhouse Vineyards, Tryon. Open Thurs.Sun., 1-5 p.m. (828) 863-2784. www.rockhousevineyards.com. Round Peak Vineyards, Mt. Airy. Open Thurs.Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m. Please call ahead: (336) 352-5595. www.roundpeak.com. Shelton Vineyards, Dobson. Open Mon.-Sat., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 1-6 p.m. (336) 366-4724. www.sheltonvineyards.com. Silver Coast Winery, Ocean Isle Beach at 6680 Barbeque Road. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.6 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m. Tastings $5, includes souvenir glass. (910) 287-2800. www.silvercoastwinery.com. Stony Knoll Vineyards, Dobson. Open Sat., 126 p.m.; Sun., 2-6 p.m.; Mon.-Fri. by appointment. (336) 374-5752. www.stonyknollvineyards.com. The Vineyards of Swan Creek Association incorporates 4 wineries in the Yadkin Valley: •Buck Shoals Vineyards, Hamptonville. Tastings Weds.-Thurs., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. (336) 468-9274. www.buckshoalsvineyard.com. •Laurel Gray Vineyards, Hamptonville. Open Weds., 1-6 p.m.; Thurs.-Fri., 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. Tastings $5, includes souvenir glass. (336) 468-8463. www.laurelgray.com. •Raffaldini Vineyards, Ronda. Open Weds.-Sat., 11-5 p.m.; Sun., 1-5 p.m. and by appointment. (336) 835-9463. www.raffaldini.com. •Windy Gap Vineyards, Ronda. Open Thurs.-Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 10-6 p.m.; Sun., 12-5 p.m.; and by appointment. (336) 984-3926. www.windygapwines.com.
S o u th C a r o l i n a
Irvin-House Vineyards, Wadmalaw Island at 6775 Bears Bluff Road. Open Thurs.-Sat., 10 a.m.5 p.m. Free tours Sat. at 2 p.m. Mon.-Sat., private tours by appointment. Tastings $2.50/person. (843) 559-6867. www.charlestonwine.com.
Victoria Valley Vineyard, Cleveland at 1360 S. Saluda Rd. Open Mon.-Sat., 11 a.m.-6 p.m. (864) 878-5307 or (877) 612-WINE. www.victoriavalleyvineyards.com.
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wine report // july : : august 2007 { 55 }
C a l e n da r P o l i c y Wine Report (a publication owned by LA Publishing & Media Group, LLC) publishes the above information on a space-available basis as a service to the wine communities in cities where the magazine is distributed. We check the accuracy of information submitted by third parties but cannot be responsible for any errors or consequences arising out of mistakes in published information. Please be a responsible drinker and always consume in moderation. Never drink and drive. Pick a designated driver when attending wine events, or make other arrangements for transportation. Wine Report assumes no responsibility in consequences arising from events serving alcoholic beverages published in its pages. The publishers and staff cannot attest to the proper legal and lawful responsibility of the hosts of said events or their legitimacy in law abidance in either possessing or obtaining proper legal permission, licensing or other such permits from official state, county or city authorities to sell, resell, give away or in any fashion pour alcoholic beverages at their events.
As a service to readers and advertisers, Wine Report publishes calendar announcements for wine-related events that occur primarily in our main distribution areas of Atlanta, Ga., Charlotte, N.C. and Birmingham, Ala. If you have an event or program related to wine, Wine Report may publish your information. Please send details to Wine Report, 2200 Parklake Drive, Suite 100, Atlanta, GA 30345; fax to (678) 985-9644; or e-mail Hope S. Philbrick, calendar editor, at hopesp95@yahoo.com. Listings are provided at no charge for the following types of events and organizations: wine-related charity events, wineries, B&Bs with wine or culinary programs, wine festivals, wine schools and wine societies. Also listed are organizations that either advertise in Wine Report or purchase a calendar listing. The editorial staff reserves the right to choose which national and international events and organizations appear in the calendar, to decide which events and organizations are eligible for free listings and to limit the number of listings
by any one organization. For more information about our calendar policy, contact our calendar editor as detailed above. Rates for purchased listings begin at $25. To purchase a listing, contact Jaymi Curley at jcurley@winesimple.com or (678) 985-9494. The Designer of Wine Report magazine would like to thank the following for their inspiration in the creation of this magazine: Ren and Stimpy (in particular, the Space Madness episode), Pan’s Labyrinth, Max Fleisher’s Superman, Jeff Klein’s constant dedication to opening the avenue of music, Thomas Pynchon’s “V”, Cormac McCarthy’s “The Road”, Stranger than Fiction, Miles Davis’ Bitches Brew, the complete sessions opened up new jazz vistas, The Wild One, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club’s, Baby 81, The stiff seats on planes in the coach section crossing the Atlantic ocean, Les Crayeres, vodka tonics with extra lime, The Field, “From here to Sublime”, and above all, but not least, black coffee.
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{ 56 } wine report // july : : august 2007
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5 Metro Atlanta Locations
3 Metro Atlanta Locations
2 Metro Atlanta Locations
2565 Delk Road Marietta
1544 Piedmont Road Ansley Mall
Wine Departments Everywhere
DC BEVERAGE WAREHOUSE 10950 State Bridge Rd, Alpharetta
1220 Clairmont Road Decatur
SMYRNA WORLD OF BEVERAGES 4474 S. Cobb Drive, Smyrna
2 Metro Atlanta Locations
Smokerise Bottle Shoppe Stone Mountain Alpharetta
Publix in the Peachtree Shopping Ctr., Buckead
The Dunwoody Bottle Shop 5479 Chamblee Dunwwody Rd
21-A Peachtree Place Midtown Atlanta 30309
BEVERAGE WORLD PACKAGE STORE 6737 P'tree Ind. Blvd. Doraville
CANDLER PARK MARKET 1642 McLendon Avenue, Atlanta
OAKWOOD PACKAGE STORE 4856 Hog Mountain Rd. Flowery Branch, GA
I-985 @ Exit #16, Gainesville
Shield's Market
PACES BOTTLE SHOP 3599 Atlanta Rd., Smyrna
3900 Peachtree Ind. Blvd, Duluth
Hartigan's Beverage Mart Peachtree City, GA
Dekalb Farmers Market Decatur
3072 Early Street, NW in the heart of Buckhead
10500 Alpharetta Hwy Roswell
3890 Pleasant Hill Rd. , Duluth
Spalding Wine & Spirits
1554 N. Decatur Rd. Emory Village, Decatur
Windward Beverage Mart, Alpharetta, GA
Village Spirits 5462 McEver Rd Flowery Branch, GA
2 Atlanta Locations
7748 Spalding Dr., Norcross
Georgia World of Beverages, Peachtree City, GA
1272 Johnson Ferry Rd. East Cobb
Gwinnett County
7T g]c` ab]`S e]cZR ZWYS []`S W\T]`[ObW]\ OP]cb PSQ][W\U O >`STS``SR @SbOWZS` ^ZSOaS QOZZ $%& '&# '"'" eee eW\SaW[^ZS Q][
Wi n e R e p or t â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Index to Advertisers Art Institute of Atlanta www.aii.edu
Georgia Backyard www.georgiabackyard.com
Old Edwards Inn & Spa www.oldedwardsinn.com
Atlanta World Market www.atlantaworldmarket.com
Greene County Tourism www.lakeoconeefuncountry.com
Oregon Pinot Noir Club www.oregonpinotnoir.com
Brunswick & Golden Isles www.bgicvb.com
HADCO www.hadco.net
Sherlockâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Wine Merchants www.sherlocks.com
Château Elan www.chateauelan.com
J. Lohr Vineyards and Wines www.jlohr.com
Shieldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Market www.winesimple.com/advertisers.htm
Continental Coffee, Sweets & Wine www.winesimple.com/advertisers.htm
Kendall-Jackson Wines www.kj.com
Slotin Folk Art www.slotinfolkfest.com
Crown Luxury Coaches www.crownluxurycoaches.com
Kenwood Vineyards www.kenwoodvineyards.com
UV Vodka www.uvvodka.com
Decatur BBQ Festival www.decaturbbqfestival.com
Malibu Rum www.malibu-rum.com
Victoria Valley Vineyards www.victoriavalleyvineyards.com
Kahlua Liqueur www.kahlua.com
Montalvina Vineyard Estates www.montalvina.com
Vino 100 www.vino100.com
Kono Baru Wines www.donandsons.com
Marquee Artisan Wines www.marquee.com
WineStyles www.winestyles.net
Freixenet USA www.freixenetusa.com
MontGras Wines www.palmbayimports.com
Wolf Mountain Vineyards www.wolfmountainvineyards.com
Frogtown Cellars www.frogtownwine.com
Nadaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Italy Tuscan Tours www.nadasitaly.com
{one for the road }
light Let There Be
A sunset shines on a centuries-old church just outside the village of PeĂąafiel in Spainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ribera del Duero region. Tempranillo vineyards and orange poppies stretch across the hillsides surrounding the church.
{ 58 } wine report // july : : august 2007