Revenge #1

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Revenge Chapter One

Written by Anthony Sherratt & Stewart Cook Art & cover by Stewart Cook Big thanks to Lucas House for all his support with Revenge. Thanks to Joel VDK for his amazing cover artwork on the first print run. (for more of his awesome check out Thanks to the ‘San Andreas’ for the genesis of this project, Anthony for getting me pages amidst a sea of nappies, cuddles and midnight feedings and to anyone who’s ever offered a word of support for my scribbles.

Revenge and all characters are copyright Stewart Cook and Anthony Sherratt © 2013 - Second Printing

f l amingoes bar. 2am.

hey Baby!

Baby your father must have been a thief, cos...

seriously! When you fell from heaven god shed a tear! I’m here to escort you to a world of pure bliss. wanna go for a ride in my car?

ugh.. what the fuck!!



the blood washes away so easily.

but not the memories...

never the memories...

the 15th precinct.

this is bullcrap!

First off Martins, head of a special task force isn’t bullcrap and Second, this isn’t a debate.

Seriously? You’re taking me off regular assignment for this political handbag crap? Anti-Violence Task Force? What the fuck is that? Aren’t we already anti-violence or did I miss the memo?

Look Martins, the mayor has promised voters something will be You have done to curb the two weeks to make violence. his johnson look bigger. be it Arrests, a plan of action... ...hell even a safety tips sheet for all I care, just get it done!

Do I at least get a budget? staff? SWAT team?

You've got Taylor and half a dozen uniforms.

Any idea where we start this fantastic voyage Taylor?

I pulled fi F i les on recent assaults, muggings and rapes. I thought we could look for patterns! awesome.

or we could respond to a homicide call at the f lamingo?

yeah, let’s do that

f lamingos

Martins, I got someone out here you might wanna talk too.

ma’am I’m detective martins and you’ve met detective taylor. do you feel up to walking me through what you saw tonight?

yeah I guess. I don’t really know anything, just I was out with the girls and it was all god and this guy, the one who died, he was kinda all over me and it was a bit annoying, but I was dealing with it yeah and then this big guy, real big, like really solid, a body builder or something, just turns around from his drink and starts beating the shit out of this guy and then he throws him into the bathroom and I just didn’t want anything to do with it you know and then I’m pretty sure I saw the big guy leave and then someone said that creepy guy had died in the urinal and I just can’t believe it you know? I’m so upset. uh... totally.

I think that about covers it. we’ve got your details so you can go. taylor, why is it that these guys shorten all their written language to a bunch of indecipherable letters and yet ask them a question and you get an essay? LOL!

and A good morning to you. who’s your guest was it him?

C’mon tommy! it’s been ages since you’ve heard from, let alone seen him! and from the sound of it you didn’t waste any time getting ‘re-acquianted’

Annie I don’t want to talk about it.

Tommy!! Gossip is the least I deserve! I haven’t even seen him!

It’s... look not now... It’s, he’s... different.

What? He’s norman bates now? Did he tell you why he’s been gone so long? Where’s he been?

We hardly spoke, it was... he’ll be back tonight. We’re going to talk then. He’s already gone?

...I’m not sure if he’s really returned.

it’s a slow burn.

a smolder.

this anger of mine.

i swore they’d pay.

they’d burn.

a slow burn.

so it hurts longer.

i catch him with his pants down.

poor girl.

you never got your head around consent did you asshole?

that’s ok. i’m pretty sure you won’t consent to what I’m about to do either.


fuck you.

dumb move asshole!

dumb move asshole.

a picture tells a thousand words so they say.

well, you’re not the mona lisa, asshole.

but you do say something.

like a f i fty cent ‘get well’ card... the sickness of this town.

dear assholes,

you’re all going to die.

love and bullets...


First print cover - released in 2011 Art by Joel van der knaap

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