Terrier Express - Winter 2008

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Winter 2008

Macchiarola Named Honoree of 47th Annual Charter Award Dinner Event Achieves New Fundraising Record


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lumni, students, faculty and friends of St. Francis College will gather for a festive evening at Cipriani 42nd Street in Manhattan to honor President Frank J. Macchiarola ’62 at this year’s Charter Award Dinner, which will take place on April 8. The honor recognizes Macchiarola’s four decades of devoted service to St. Francis College and the people of the City and State of New York. This year’s Dinner will also mark the beginning of the 150th anniversary celebration of St. Francis College’s founding by the Franciscan Brothers. The fundraising effort for the Dinner has already set a new record this year. As of March 1, more than $650,000 has been raised to support the College’s mission to provide an affordable, superior liberal arts education and scholarship aid to over 2,300 students, many of whom are the first in their family to attend college. St. Francis College’s success in grooming the young men and women who enter its doors with few advantages — other than intelligence and an intense drive to succeed and make a difference — is personified by Macchiarola’s career. A first generation college student, he graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in history. From the College’s former campus on Baltic Street, Macchiarola’s educational pursuits took him to Columbia University, where he earned his law degree in 1965 and his Ph.D. in 1970. Following his return to his alma mater in 1996, Macchiarola’s leadership has revitalized St. Francis College. New academic programs

have been added in growing fields such as nursing and information technology. The College will also award its first master’s degree in the spring of 2008, an M.S. in accounting. Educational opportunity has been expanded enormously through 196 endowed scholarship funds. Today’s students are also benefiting from the most ambitious campus expansion and improvement effort since the 1960’s, which is highlighted by the addition of the new Academic Center, which houses a new library, 14 high-tech classrooms and the Maroney Forum for Arts, Culture and Education, as well as the Anthony J. Genovesi Center, a multi-purpose athletic and special event facility. These improvements were largely funded by the recently concluded Campaign for Big Dreams, the capital campaign that raised a record $40 million for the College. Macchiarola’s service to the City and State of New York included an appointment by Mayor Edward Koch to the Chancellorship

(continued from front page)

Macchiarola Named Honoree of the New York City Public Schools, the largest system in the nation. He played a key role in shepherding the City out of the dire fiscal crisis during the 1970’s when he was appointed deputy director of the Emergency Financial Control Board by Governor Hugh Carey. As president and chief executive officer of the New York City Partnership, he oversaw an organization of business and civic leaders who had the ability and commitment to improve the City’s economic and social conditions. As chair of the New York City Districting Commission, he oversaw the reapportionment of city council districts in 1991. He played a similar role at the state level when he acted as a special referee in a case that resulted in new congressional district boundaries. He has served on numerous City Charter Revision Commissions, most recently as chair of the commission that was appointed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2003. At Bloomberg’s behest, Macchiarola effectively mediated a strike by theater musicians that shut down Broadway in 2002. Governor George Pataki tapped him to serve on the New York State Commission on Education

Reform and as chairman of the State’s Higher Education Services Corporation. His public service includes appointments as trustee to a number of civic institutions, such as the Academy of Political Science, the Manhattan Institute, the Brooklyn Children’s Museum and the New York City Police Department Board of Visitors. Macchiarola has also contributed his considerable expertise to business as a director of the Manville Personal Injury Settlement Trust and Jeffries Group, Inc. In addition, he serves as special counsel to the law firm of Tannenbaum, Helpern, Syracuse and Hirschtritt, L.L.P. The Charter Award commemorates the initial grant of a charter by the New York State legislature that empowers the College to confer diplomas, honors and degrees. The dinner is one of the College’s premier annual fundraising events. The 47th Annual Charter Award Dinner will be held from 6 –10 pm on April 8, 2008 at Cipriani 42nd Street, which is located at 110 East 42nd Street. You may register and purchase tickets, tables and journal ads on-line at www.stfranciscollege.edu. For more

One of the crowning achievements of Macchiarola’s tenure at St. Francis was the addition of the new Academic Center to the campus, which opened in 2006.

information, please contact the Office of Development at 718.489.5361 or by e-mail at development@stfranciscollege.edu.

MTV Comes to Remsen Street


hen six foot seven inch tall Czech basketball player Barbora (Bara) Galandakova ’11 got off the plane from Prague last August and met the Terrier women’s head coach Brenda Milano, it was the first time the incoming college freshman had ever set foot in the United States. The MTV documentary series True Life was there to capture the beginning of Bara’s journey to her home of the next four years at St. Francis as well as all the ups and downs she will face playing for the College’s NCAA Division I basketball program. “We were nervous about letting the cameras follow Bara around,” said Coach Milano. “It can be hard for any student to make the transition from high school to college. When you throw in that she’s 2   St. Francis College Terrier Express  Winter 2008

in a new country, using her second language and has all the commitments and responsibilities of playing basketball, you can see why we were concerned. But Bara’s handled it great, she’s already very mature.” “I’m looking forward to watching the show and I’m certain that the program will present me, as well as St. Francis College, in a good light,” Galandakova said. “The process was sometimes difficult, but the MTV crew was very nice and we have even become good friends.” The cameras were rolling for everything from her first day of classes to her first points of the season; with phone calls home, road trips and site-seeing in between. MTV’s True Life: Coming to America premiered on MTV Saturday, February 2. The episode may be viewed at www.mtv. com/ontv/dyn/truelife/series.jhtml.

Bara Galandakova ‘11 in action.

Alumna Joins SFC Board of Trustees


SFC Board of Trustees

t. Francis College industry) and is a recently appointed board member of Barbara G. (O’Brien) Pramerica Systems Koster ’76 to the board of Ireland, Ltd., a trustees. Koster is senior vice technology subsidiary president and chief informaof Prudential that is tion officer of Prudential based in Ireland. Financial, a Fortune 500 Prior to joining company. She oversees the use Prudential, Koster of information technology was employed with companywide, including the Chase Manhattan formulation of policies, Bank in a variety of establishment of standards and technology-related architectures and the developpositions, including SFC Trustee Barbara Koster ‘76 ment of guidelines and managevice president, financial ment practices. systems, vice president of information In 2006, Koster was named to technology and president of Chase Computerworld magazine’s list of “Premier Access Services. IT Leaders” and was named as one of the top Koster, a Duns Scotus Society 20 financial management technologists by the member, has served on the College’s CIO Forum in 2003. She was selected to the women’s scholarship committee and “Elite Eight” by Insurance & Technology is a 2006 recipient of the “Alumni magazine in 2001 and received the “Women Achievement Award.” She is also a in Science & Technology” award from the trustee for the Liberty Science Center Smithsonian Institution in 1999. She has in New Jersey. been a featured speaker at dozens of national Koster and her husband Robert and international industry conferences. Koster have two daughters, Kathryn and is a past chairman of the board of ACCOR D Diana. (a standards body for the life insurance

Chairman Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Hector Batista ’84 Bro. William Boslet, OSF ’70 Bro. Leonard Conway, OSF ’71 Orville Dale Joseph D’Angelo Vincent DeGiaimo ’72 Vincent A. Gardino ’75 Stuart Greenspon Michael Henning ’61 Susan Huff Sr. Jo-Ann Jacokowski, SFP Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. Gerard Keegan ’68 Michael C. Koffler Barbara G. Koster ’76 Jesus Linares ’84 Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D. ’62 J. Christopher Mangan ’83 Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 Gino P. Menchini William G. Parrett ’67 Marlin S. Potash, Ed.D. Denis Salamone ’75 Richard Silverman ’64 Bro. Kevin Smith, OSF Bro. Robert Smith, OSF* Albert H. Swanke John F. Tully ’67 Thomas J. Volpe** Charles E. Williams, III Larry Zilavy * Trustee Emeritus ** Chairman Emeritus

Celebrating Uncommon Generosity and Academic Excellence


t. Francis College hosted a festive reception in the Anthony J. Genovesi Center to thank the many generous individuals and families who have established endowed scholarship funds that benefit St. Francis students. The annual event provides an opportunity for the talented young men and women who receive scholarships through these funds to meet donors and personally thank them for their remarkable generosity. Scholarship funds are the cornerstone of St. Francis College’s mission to provide a quality education to young men and women from all walks of life, particularly those of limited financial means. For many St. Francis students, the availability of a scholarship is the decisive factor in their ability to attend college. For Aleksandra Milanova ’10, an

economics and finance major who is the recipient of the Gladys Brooks Scholarship, the availability of a scholarship enables her to devote as much time as possible to her studies and her “dream of pursuing a challenging career in business and to learn more about different cultures.” Presently, 191 scholarships have been created at St. Francis, of which 140 are fully endowed. Most of these funds memorialize family members, friends, fellow alumni and professors. If you would like to learn more about creating an endowed scholarship fund at St. Francis, please contact Sharon Kerrigan, vice president for development and alumni affairs, at 718.489.5443 or via e-mail at skerrigan@stfranciscollege.edu.

John J. Dietl ’58 and the recipient of the John and Marge Dietl Endowed Scholarship fund, Christina Ng ’10.

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Alumni Events Alumni Spirit Weekend St. Francis College hosted an Alumni Spirit Weekend, featuring a variety of special activities and events supporting the Terrier athletic teams, as well as a Yearbook Distribution Party, which welcomed back the 2007 graduates.

November 9 – 11, 2007

Pictured right: Our alumnae and mascot share a moment with Bro. George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60, director of admissions. Pictured bottom left: Ronald H. McGrisken ’80 (center), pictured here with Director of Athletics Irma Garcia ’80 and Jerry Antonino, received an award in recognition of his years of service to the St. Francis de Sales Soccer Youth Program in Belle Harbor. Pictured bottom center: Yearbook Editors-InChief David P. Corbino ’07 and Jenna T. Scotti ’07. Pictured bottom right (L-R): Richard A. Dreyer ’61, Charles L. Novak ’63, Raymond P. Nash ’63 and James Raftery ’63 returned to Remsen Street to enjoy the opportunity to get together.

Class of 1958 50th Anniversary Luncheon Members of the Class of 1958 returned to St. Francis College for a luncheon celebrating the 50th anniversary of their graduation. November 13, 2007

Seated (L-R)): William I. Waithe, John B. McCarthy, Frank J. Lonigan, James G. Keller, John J. Dietl, Anthony J. D'Elia, Connell J. Boyle, Joseph Crivelli, William D. Feimer, John C. Gordon and Jonathan F. Greene. Standing, (L-R): Lawrence Sullivan, Peter N. Smith, John Sheehy, Thomas F. O'Sullivan, Raymond A. McCartney, Frank McCluskey, Roy G. McGowan, William F. Morgan, Joseph M. Morino, Joseph Nunziata, Albert Pineda, Thomas J. Powers, Peter J. Purpura and Jack Reilly.

4   St. Francis College Terrier Express  Winter 2008

Alumni Events Young Alumni / Young Track Alumni Night Young SFC alumni and young track alumni gathered at Third and Long Saloon in Manhattan to reminisce. December 6, 2007

(L-R): Hector F. Justinico ’05, Christopher J. Bozzolo ’01, Ernest E. Fuchs ’06, Craig D. Smith ’03, Thomas M. Rivera, Jr. ’03, Kieran F. O'Neill ’05 and Valentin Benitez ’04.

Caribbean Alumni Reception St. Francis Caribbean alumni returned to campus for a special reception. The Saturday afternoon event took place prior to the women’s and men’s basketball games vs. Monmouth University. January 19, 2008

SFC Caribbean Alumni

Alumni Memorial Mass The annual Alumni Memorial Mass, which honors all of the College’s deceased alumni and friends, was attended by alumni, friends and family members. Following Mass, lunch was served in the Genovesi Center. February 2, 2008

Rev. Michael A. Carrano ‘66

Keep in touch through

St. Francis College e-mail updates Would you like to receive e-mail updates on all upcoming St. Francis College alumni events? If so, please e-mail Vanessa De Almeida ’00 at vdealmeida@stfranciscollege.edu and include your full name, graduation year and e-mail address. It’s fast, it’s easy and it will keep you informed on all that is happening at your alma mater.

St. Francis College Terrier Express  Winter 2008  5

2007–2008 Annual Giving Update St. Francis College is grateful to everyone who has supported the Fund for St. Francis College this year. For those who have yet to make a gift, there is still time to participate and help St. Francis make 2007 – 2008 a record-setting year by reaching its $750,000 goal. A gift of any size — be it $25 or $25,000 — enhances the quality of a St. Francis College education. Equally important, alumni participation is vital to the College, as the number of alumni who support their alma mater each year is factored into college rankings, such as the annual nationwide survey that appears in U.S. News & World Report.

Your Participation in the Fund for St. Francis College Matters! Participate by making a gift online at: https://gifts.stfranciscollege.edu You may also mail a check payable to St. Francis College to:

Fund for St. Francis College

FEBRUARY $ 471,540

July 1, 2007 — June 30, 2008

JANUARY $ 431,855

July August












You may also make a gift to St. Francis College by:



Credit Card Wire Transfer Gift of Stock By Secure Phone: 718.489.5843



$ 750,000

DECEMBER $ 402,175


Olga Macolino ’01 Director of Annual Giving Office of Development St. Francis College 180 Remsen Street Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201


NOVEMBER $ 167,494 OCTOBER $ 112,088 SEPTEMBER $ 101,909 AUGUST $ 43,302 JULY $ 18,250

May June Goal


All gifts to St. Francis College are tax deductible. Gifts received by June 30, 2008 will be recognized in St. Francis College’s annual donor report.

Alumna Returns to Direct the Fund for St. Francis College St. Francis College has appointed Olga (Minakakis) Macolino ’01 as director of annual giving in the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs. Macolino assumed her new post in November 2007. She brings considerable fundraising expertise that will help the College strengthen the annual fund, which enables it to minimize tuition increases while making investments in the programs,

facilities and scholarships that define academic excellence. “St. Francis is truly fortunate to have someone with Olga’s skill and character in the Development Office,” noted Sharon Kerrigan, vice president for development and alumni affairs. Prior to her return, Macolino was the director of annual giving & alumni relations for six years at The Town School in

Manhattan. She also worked for Carnegie Corporation of New York, one of the largest grant making foundations in the United States, while attending St. Francis.

Olga Macolino ‘01

Perspective of a First Time Donor to the Fund for St. Francis College Vincent Belcastro ’89 shares his perspective below on why the Fund for St. Francis College is so important to today’s students. Belcastro graduated from St. Francis College in 1989 with a major in business and minor in history. He currently works in commercial lending. His fond memories of St. Francis College include the “smallness and community feeling of the College,” and “the great afternoons relaxing in the cafeteria with my fraternity brothers and sisters.” He 6   St. Francis College Terrier Express  Winter 2008

was involved in the Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity and the Finance Club. Belcastro still keeps in contact with friends he made at St. Francis. After being encouraged by fellow alumni, Vincent started giving to the Fund for St. Francis College. Supporting the Fund is important to him because he wants to “to see a necessary and good institution survive and thrive to serve the community.” He believes his donation will enhance the

College’s programs and improve campus facilities for those who have followed in his footsteps. By providing much needed resources for scholarships, the library, athletics and general necessities, such as maintenance and enhancement of facilities, the Fund for St. Francis College achieves the margin of excellence for the students of today and tomorrow.

Special Rememberances St. Francis College Mourns the Passing of Two Much Admired Members of its Community. Brother Thomas O'Neill, O.S.F. ’68 passed away on December 29,

2007 at Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village. Professor Francis J. Greene perhaps best summarized the virtues Brother Thomas brought to St. Francis College, fondly remembering his “professionalism, concern for each individual and his strong will and determination, all balanced by great gentility and, always, a wonderful sense of humor and a radiant smile.” Generations of St. Francis students were touched by Brother Thomas’ devoted service to his alma mater, which lasted nearly 30 years. He served the St. Francis College community as the Campus Minister and as a counselor and eventually director of the Financial Aid Office. Most recently he served as the director of the College’s Study Abroad programs. A member of the Franciscan Brothers for 52 years, Brother Thomas entered the Community from St. Anthony of Padua in Greenpoint. He received the habit in 1956 and was professed in 1958, after which he began his teaching career at Saint Francis Xavier in Park Slope. During the next 10 years he taught at St. Brigid in Ridgewood, Our Lady of Angels in Bay Ridge and Notre Dame in New Hyde Park. In 1968, he was assigned to St. Francis Prep and became Assistant Principal in 1973. In addition to his degree from St. Francis College, Brother Thomas attended graduate school at St. John's University and New York University. Brother Thomas was the son of the late Ellen and John O'Neill, and the brother of Mary Ellen Wlaysewski, Edward and James Quackenbush and the late Betty Ann Flanagan. He was brother-inlaw to Michael J. Flanagan. He was the uncle of Mary, Ellen, Kelly and Michael S. Flanagan, John and Anne Wlaysewski, and Timothy, Erin, James, Laura and Mark Quackenbush. Following a mass on January 4 at Queen of Peace Residence, Brother Thomas was laid to rest at Holy Cross Cemetery in Brooklyn. Memorial contributions in memory of Brother Thomas may be made to St. Francis College, which will benefit the Brother Thomas O'Neill, O.S.F. Scholarship. If you would like to support the scholarship, please send a check payable to St. Francis College, with the notation "Brother Thomas O'Neill, O.S.F. Scholarship." For more information, please contact Olga Macolino ’01, director of annual giving, at 718.489.5483, or via e-mail at omacolino@ stfranciscollege.edu.

Brother Michael Russo, O.S.F., ’70, who served his fellow St.

Francis alumni as the College’s director of alumni relations from 1986 until his retirement in 1999, passed away on December 11, 2007. A Brooklyn native, Brother Michael was the son of the late Michael and Marie Russo. He graduated from St. Brigid’s grammar school in Ridgewood, Queens and entered the Franciscan Brothers Juniorate in Smithtown, NY. He received he Franciscan habit in1958 and made his profession of vows in 1960. He began his ministry as an elementary school teacher, first at St. Patrick’s on Kent Avenue, where he taught from1960 until 1962. He also taught at Our Lady of Lourdes in East New York from 1962 until 1964 and St. Joseph’s in Babylon, NY from 1965 until 1969. In 1969, Brother Michael was assigned to St. Anthony’s High School in Smithtown and began working in the areas of alumni relations and development. He returned to Brooklyn in 1976 to assume the role of director of development at Bishop Ford High School. He moved to Syracuse in 1981 to become the alumnae director at Maria Regina College for five years before returning to Remsen Street. During his retirement years, Brother Michael lived in Melbourne, FL. Gifts in memory of Brother Michael may be made to St. Francis College. For more information, please contact Olga Macolino ’01, director of annual giving, at 718.489.5483, or via e-mail at omacolino@stfranciscollege.edu.

Published by the Office of Government and Community Relations St. Francis College Editor: Brendan P. Considine Director of Publications and Grant Development 718.489.5466 terrier@stfranciscollege.edu Copyright 2008 St. Francis College

St. Francis College Terrier Express  Winter 2008  7

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