Terrier - Fall 2009

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Fall 2009; Volume 73, Number 2

Remembering Brother George Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 M a r c h 2 , 1 9 3 4 – A u g u s t 1 7, 2 0 0 9

ST. F R A NC I S C OL L EG E 2 0 0 8 – 0 9 A N N UA L D O NOR R E P ORT

P age 2 8

Terrier St. Francis College Terrier

Board of Trustees

Alumni Board of Directors

Fall 2009 Vol. 73, Number 2

C h ai r man

P r esident

John F. Tully, Esq. ’67

Terrier, the magazine of St. Francis College, is published by the Office of College Relations for alumni and friends of St. Francis College. Linda Werbel Dashefsky Vice President for Government and Community Relations Dennis J. McDermott ’74 Director of Alumni Relations Michael J. Iadarola Director of Development E dit o r :

Brendan P. Considine Director of Publications and Grant Development C o nt r ib u t o r s :

Susan G. Messina Writer Richard Relkin Director of Media Relations Vanessa O. De Almeida ’00 Assistant Director of Alumni Relations David Gansell Director of Sports Information P lease add r ess all lette r s t o t h e edit o r t o :

Brendan P. Considine Terrier Magazine St. Francis College 180 Remsen Street, Room 7304 Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201-4305 O r via email t o :

Hector Batista ’84 Brother Michel Bettigole, O.S.F. Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. ’70 Carolyn Callahan Edward Constantino '68 Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F. ’71 Orville W. Dale Joseph F. D’Angelo Mary Beth Dawson, Ph.D. William Dawson '86 Vincent DeGiaimo ’72 Brendan J. Dugan ’68 Susan L. Huff Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. Gerard C. Keegan ’68 Michael C. Koffler Barbara G. Koster ’76 Jesus F. Linares ’84 J. Christopher Mangan ’83 Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 Victor J. Masi, D.O. ’89 Gino P. Menchini Denis J. Salamone ’75 Richard Silverman ’64 Brother Kevin Smith, O.S.F., Ph.D. Brother Robert Smith, O.S.F.* Sister Marilyn Trowbridge S.F.P. Thomas J. Volpe** Charles E. Williams III, Esq.

V ice P r esident

Robert L. Smith ’72 D i r ect o r s

James F. Bozart ’86 Brendan J. Cahalan ’92 John J. Casey ’70 Joan M. Coles ’94 Madeline Conway ’79 Franey M. Donovan, Jr. ’68 John E. Kiely ’76 Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 Patricia A. Logan ’78 Lorraine M. Lynch ’91 Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 James H. McDonald ’69 Martin T. McNeill ’63 Patricia M. Moffatt-Lesser ’77 Robert A. Oliva ’04 Danielle Rouchon ’92 Theresa M. Spelman-Huzinec ’88 Peter F. Spiess ’75 Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71

*Trustee Emeritus


** Chairman Emeritus

Table of Contents: Letter from the President Remembering Brother George Focus on Faculty Terrier Sports Alumni News Class Notes 2008 – 09 Donor Report

T r u stees

Joseph M. Hemway ’84

The opinions and viewpoints expressed in

1 7 11 16 19 24 28

Terrier are not necessarily those of St. Francis College, its trustees or administration.

Design: mNovakDesign, NYC Photo Credits: Greg Armstrong: p.18; Charles A. Bennett: p. 24; Brooklyn Cyclones: p. 20; Ken Brown: pp. 3, 21, 22, 23; Wolfgang Freithof: p.25; Frederick & Catherine Furman: p. 20; Anthony Furia: p. 20; Peter Gonzales: p. 22; Marty Heitner: front cover, pp. 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11; Joseph Hughes: p. 25; Lynne Jackson: p. 13; Bono Lee: p. 6; Edwin Mathieu: pp. 11, 12, 13; Richard T. Nolan: p. 24; Christina Bellini Portello: p. 25; Carl Quigley: p. 23; Jeanette Robertson: p. 25; Dr. Evelyn Rodriguez: p. 27; Audrey Tiernan: pp. 6, 12.

M essage from P resident B rendan J . D ugan ’ 6 8

At St. Francis College, 2009 will be remembered for many remarkable achievements and a profound loss that brought our community closer together.


hortly before classes resumed this fall, St. Francis College was again named by U.S. News and World Report as one of the top Baccalaureate Colleges in the North. Forbes.com also included the College on its list of America’s Best Colleges. We are extremely proud that our efforts to provide an excellent academic experience for our students are receiving such recognition. All this positive attention is helping to attract more students than ever to St. Francis. This fall we welcomed the largest incoming freshman class in the College’s history, exceeding last year’s record enrollment. We also received more applications than ever; an increase of nearly 18 percent over last year. Most impressive is the fact that 60 freshmen—more than 10 percent of the class— were admitted into the Honors Program, indicating the caliber of student that is choosing St. Francis College. The College’s sponsorship of the third annual Brooklyn Book Festival in September set the stage for the inaugural presentation of the St. Francis College Literary Prize, an award designed to encourage accomplished authors in mid-career to continue their work. This award, along with our recently established Walt Whitman Writers Series, is part of the College’s ongoing effort to honor the scholarship and contributions of well-known and emerging writers, many of whom for generations have called Brooklyn their home. Late September marked the dedication of the Frank J. and Mary Macchiarola Academic Center. Since its completion in 2006, the Academic Center has become a hub not only for learning and

student activities, but a place for community gathering as well. That was Dr. Macchiarola’s original vision for this building during its planning stages and it has clearly been realized. We are honored to recognize the Macchiarolas for their remarkable devotion to St. Francis College and to demonstrate how important they are to the entire St. Francis community. This issue of Terrier also recognizes the many individuals who supported St. Francis College during the 2008-09 fiscal year. As always, the support of alumni and other friends help the College make possible what sometimes seems impossible and we are deeply grateful for such generosity. Finally, we are sad to share the news that Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60, passed away in August after a brief illness. Brother George, who was dean of Admissions for nearly 40 years, touched the life of every student, faculty member, administrator and staff member who passed through our doors. His demeanor was gentle but his impact was powerful. His spirit will be with us always. Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year! Sincerely,

Brendan J. Dugan ’68 P r e s i d e nt

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  1

Volpe Lecture Series Sets the Stage for World Premiere of A Distant Love: Songs of John and Abigail Adams


early 300 people filled Founders Hall on October 19 for the world premiere of A Distant Love: Songs of John and Abigail Adams by Terry Quinn, adjunct professor of English, for the latest presentation of the Thomas J. Volpe Lecture Series. This event culminates the inauguration of this production, initiated in 2005 with the presentation of its first half at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands in attendance. Librettist Quinn, a noted author, playwright and poet, collaborated with composer Gary Fagin to express the passion of the Adams’s romance as well as the subtleties of a society on the verge of a major cultural shift. Baritone Peter Clark and soprano Elizabeth Dabney interpreted the long-distance and long-term love of John and Abigail Adams during the 11 years John spent overseas prior to being elected the second U.S. president. A string quartet composed of Broadway veterans, which included Karl Kawahara, violin; Sean Carney, violin; Liuh-Wen Ting, viola; and Ted Mook, cello, gave life to the accompanying musical arrangements. An introductory lecture by James Grant,

noted economist and author of John Adams: Party of One, set the stage for the performance. His talk, “John Adams: Junk Bond Salesman,” cast Adams as an unpolitical politician whose drive and determination prompted one British dignitary to characterize him as “the most ungracious man I ever saw.” Adams’s job was to rally support for a not-yet-unified collection of colonists against the world’s greatest military power. In accomplishing that task, he paved the way for the funding of America’s Revolutionary War. Guest speakers of the Volpe Lecture Series, which is supported by a generous gift from Thomas J. Volpe, chairman Soprano Elizabeth Dabney portrayed Abigail Adams in the world emeritus of the College’s board of trustees, offer an international premiere of A Distant Love: Songs of John and Abigail Adams in Founders Hall. perspective on a variety of topics hero of the real-life Hotel Rwanda; to the St. Francis community, Lech Walesa, former president of Poland from business leaders to world leaders. and Nobel laureate; and George Mitchell, Past speakers have included author Salman former U.S. senator and Nobel Peace Rushdie; Mariane Pearl, widow of slain Prize finalist. journalist Daniel Pearl; Paul Rusesabagina,

SFC TV Premieres on College’s Website S t u d e n t s P r o d u c i n g N e w s a n d F e at u r e S t o r i e s f o r t h e W e b


ecently, when nearly 200 youngsters from East New York Prep Charter School spent a day at St. Francis College, a camera and two Communications Arts students captured the experience, turning the video and interviews into a story similar to any seen on a local newscast. It was the latest effort of SFC TV, a burgeoning collection of news and feature stories about the College, reported, shot and produced by students for the website. “This is a great opportunity for students to get real-world experience and build up their resumes before graduation,” said Dr. Lynne Jackson, chair, department of Communications Arts. “They’re using state-of-the-art high-definition studio and editing equipment, the same tools profes2   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

sionals use in most entertainment fields.” Past stories include profiles on the Women’s NCAA Division I water polo team and Serbian basketball player Stefan Perunicic, as well as an interview with visiting author Salman Rushdie. New for the 2009-10 academic year are a series of new spotlights on students, faculty and alumni. Among those featured are Diana Greene, who works part-time with adults with Down Syndrome while studying to become a special education teacher, and Yolanda Singh ’00, who left a career directing television programs such as “Good Morning America” and “Nightline” to start her own food company. In addition to news and features, the work of students from all disciplines is

featured on a page devoted to films and videos created in their production classes. The videos come from the student film festivals scheduled at the end of each semester. To view student work on SFC TV, go to www.stfranciscollege.edu/about/sfctv.

Walt Whitman Writers Series Brings Author R ick Moody to SFC


“The work of writers such as n October 20, Rick Moody, Rick Moody and Darcey Steinke author of Garden State resonates with our students and The Ice Storm offered a sneak because of their willingness to peek at his forthcoming novel write about important subjects and also read from his short story like family and religion, which are collection, Demonology, as the important to our student body,” latest lecturer for the College’s said Dr. Timothy J. Houlihan, Walt Whitman Writers Series. He answered questions from vice president for Academic audience members prior to a Affairs and academic dean. reception and book signing. “They certainly can sense that Moody is the third author to intelligent, successful people appear on campus for the series, consider these topics in named for Whitman, a long-time On hand to participate in the third annual presentation of the Walt Whitman a thoughtful way.” Writers Series with author Rick Moody (2nd from left) were faculty members Brooklyn Heights resident who Rick Moody’s other works Athena Devlin and Ian Maloney. An interview by student Noel T. Jones often featured the then-city of include: Purple America, (2nd from right) is available at http://www.youtube.com/stfrancisny. Brooklyn in his work. Moody’s The Diviners; two collections collaboration with author Darcey Steinke, last year’s Walt of stories, The Ring of Brightest Angels Around Heaven and Whitman presenter, titled Joyful Noise: The New Testament Demonology; and a memoir, The Black Veil, winner of the Revisited, offers an anthology in which 21 prominent American PEN/Martha Albrand Award. He has also received the Addison writers look at the New Testament with a fresh eye toward its Metcalf Award, the Paris Review’s Aga Khan Prize, and a meaning for them today. Guggenheim Fellowship.

Author Aleksandar Hemon Wins Inaugural St. Francis College Literary Prize


leksandar Hemon, a novelist raised in Sarajevo in the former Yugoslavia and who wrote his first book in English in 1995, is the recipient of the first ever St. Francis College Literary Prize. The prize was awarded on September 12 during the gala opening night party of the third annual Brooklyn Book Festival. The purpose of the prize, which is among the most generous of its kind in the United States, is to honor mid-career writers, offering encouragement and significant financial support. “I was going to quit after this book; now it turns out I’m mid-career,” said Hemon in his modest and humorous acceptance speech. “Thank you all for coming tonight and exposing me to this embarrassing pleasure. I will keep writing, I guess I have no other choice.” From nearly 40 submissions, Hemon’s Love and Obstacles (Riverhead Books) was selected for the $50,000 award. He was chosen over finalists Chris Abani, Song For Night (Akashic Books); Jim Krusoe, Girl Factory (Tin House Books); and Arthur Phillips, The Song Is You (Random House).

The jury for the award is a literary all-star team featuring Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon (The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay), National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction winner Jonathan Lethem (Motherless Brooklyn), author and co-editor of The Believer magazine Heidi Julavits (The Uses of Enchantment: A Novel), author and professor at the MFA writing program at Columbia University Ben Marcus (Notable American Women) and New York Times bestselling author Ayelet Waldman (Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities and Occasional Moments of Grace). Hemon will conduct a short fiction workshop for a group of students and perform a reading from his novel later in the 2009-10 academic year. “St. Francis College is blessed to be situated in the middle of a remarkable community of writers,” said Dr. Timothy J. Houlihan, vice president for Academic Affairs and academic dean. “It is our responsibility to insure that these artists, who engage, amuse and inspire our students, have the support

Dr. Timothy J. Houlihan congratulated author Aleksandar Hemon upon being named recipient of the first St. Francis College Literary Prize.

they need to continue their work. We’re all very excited that Mr. Hemon’s writing reflects an experience so close to that of so many of our students.” Hemon moved to Chicago shortly before his home city came under siege in 1992. His collection of short stories, Love and Obstacles, piece together to tell the story of a young man coming of age and about to leave communist Sarajevo as the city is reeling from war. In 2004, he was awarded a “genius grant” from the MacArthur Fellowship Program of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and in 2008 was named a finalist for both the National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award.   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  3

Academic Center Named for Frank ’62 and Mary Macchiarola D r . M ac c h i a r o l a’ s V i s i o n h a s B e c o m e C e n t e r f o r C o l l eg e Ac t i v i t y


n September 25, the Academic Center that represented the centerpiece of the College’s Campaign for Big Dreams and primary capital improvement when the building opened in 2006, was named for Frank ’62 and

journey so wonderful, so meaningful.” President Brendan J. Dugan ’68

formally dedicated the building in honor of his predecessor. Board of Trustees Chairman John F. Tully ’67

emceed the event. In attendance were Mary Macchiarola alumni, trustees, in honor of their students, elected remarkable devotion officials and friends. and commitment to Among them were Three generations of Macchiarolas were on hand to celebrate the naming of the Frank and Mary St. Francis College. Brooklyn Borough Macchiarola Academic Center at St. Francis College on September 25. Dr. Macchiarola, President Marty who was president of the College at the Markowitz, Assemblywoman Joan ing—that’s pretty neat. It has a library, time of the Academic Center’s design and Millman, and State Senator Daniel a communications center. It is the heart construction, addressed the crowd of more Squadron, who each addressed the and soul of what this school is about. It is a than 300 friends and visitors in attendance. audience. Assembly members Joe Lentol, facility for our students. That you named it “Today is a piece of heaven because I see Alan Maisel and Helene Weinstein and for Mary and me is a wonderful honor.” people I love, admire, respect and rely on,” City Councilman Eric Ulrich ’07 offered “All of you have been an integral part well wishes and congratulations. he said. “You’ve been very generous to me of what’s happening today,” added Mary and the school. The naming of the buildMacchiarola. “You have made our life’s

Over $125,000 Raised For Scholarships at Annual Meadow Brook Golf Outing


n August 3, more than 130 golfers helped raise nearly $126,000 for scholarships at the 11th annual Meadow Brook Club Golf Outing in Jericho, NY. For the second year, in addition to the more than 30 foursomes who played in the tournament, a number of alumni and friends were able to spend the afternoon at a golf clinic learning the arts of driving, pitching and putting from PGA professional Jamie K ilmer and Meadow Brook Club staff. “Our alumni and friends of the College are a dedicated group who know the importance of giving back,” said Ed Travaglianti ’70 , president of TD Bank, Long Island, and co-chair of the event. “After 11 years, we are well on our way toward reaching the two-million dollar mark in total donations for 4   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Attendees included: Ed Travaglianti ’70, Ray Nash ’63, Joe DiMauro ’70, John Polera, Frank Franzino and President Brendan J. Dugan ’68.

scholarships. It’s a great feeling to be part of something that has such a positive and transformational effect on both students

and benefactors. At its core, this golf outing ref lects all that is best about the Franciscan spirit.”

Panel Discussion Explores New York State’s Political Future


n October 14, St. Francis College was the setting for an important political discussion relevant to all New Yorkers. “Can New York Government be Reformed?”, presented by a distinguished panel of economic and political experts and moderated by Chancellor Frank J. Macchiarola ’62 , explored the reasons state government broke down during the current economic crisis and whether political reform is necessary for economic revival. The panel included E. J. McMahon, director, Empire Center for New York State Policy; Gerald Benjamin, distinguished professor, SUNY, New Paltz; Tom Suozzi, county executive, Nassau County; and Fred Siegel, Ph.D., senior fellow, Manhattan Institute and contributing editor, City Journal, who is a visiting professor at St. Francis College for the 2009-10 academic year. “New York has always been a leader on the national and international stage by facing challenges head on,” said Dr. Macchiarola. “This discussion provided a venue for honest debate about a subject that is vital to the sustainability of that role.”

Fred Siegel Shares Expertise and Experience with St. Francis College Community Fred Siegel, Ph.D., senior fellow, Manhattan Institute; contributing editor to City Journal; and professor of History, Cooper Union for Science and Art, is a visiting professor for the 2009-10 academic year thanks to the generous contribution of an anonymous donor. In addition to teaching while on campus, Dr. Siegel, who is currently on sabbatical from Cooper Union, will help organize events at St. Francis College that inform participants about current local and national political and economic trends and ways to address them. These include the recent “Can New York State Government Be Reformed?”, as well as last spring’s symposium, “Keeping New York in the Black“. “St. Francis College is a warm and welcoming place,” said Dr. Siegel. “It’s exciting to be a part of events that will connect students to the larger public life of the city and country.” The gift that supports Dr. Siegel’s visiting professorship also funds the new St. Francis College Literary Prize. The purpose of the contribution is to support high-quality arts and cultural opportunities at the College for the benefit of students and the community.

Fred Siegel, Ph.D.

Help Make Big Dreams Happen! Support the Fund for St. Francis College For 150 years, St. Francis College has provided a bridge to a brighter tomorrow for generations of students from all walks of life who share a determination to make the most of their talents and abilities.

You can make a contribution by check payable to St. Francis College with the enclosed business reply envelope or on-line at https://gifts.stfranciscollege.edu.

While St. Francis’ tuition remains among the lowest of all private colleges and universities in the metropolitan area, in today’s economic climate many students are struggling financially, which threatens their ability to stay in school. Therefore, the Fund for St. Francis College has set a $1 million goal this year that will support student scholarships.

You may also make a gift to St. Francis College by:

Your gift to the Fund for St. Francis College—regardless of the size—will go a long way toward making the dream of a college education a reality for today’s students.

– Credit Card – Wire Transfer – Phone For more information please contact Olga Macolino ’01, director of annual giving, at 718.489.5483 or via e-mail at omacolino@stfranciscollege.edu. All gifts to St. Francis College are tax deductible.

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  5

Today’s Terriers Bono Lee ’11 Doubl e M a jor :

Accounting (Combined B.S./ M.S.) and Mathematics Hom e t o w n :

Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China C u r r e n t Hom e :

Brooklyn Heights

With the help of the Office of Student Activities and Leadership Development, I am helping to launch the International Students Association, an organization that provides students opportunities to learn about American and other cultures while having fun. We hope the association will be operating in early 2010. E x t r a c u r r ic u l a r In t e r e s t s :

Since the age of 12, I have been a competitive speed skater, representing Hong Kong in competitions all over the world, including Beijing at the 2008 Olympic Games, which was an amazing experience. When I have the chance to go home, I practice regularly, but here I concentrate on my studies. Wh at ’s Sp e c i a l A bou t S F C :

I came to the United States as an exchange student in Texarkana, TX for my final year of high school. After graduating, I enrolled in a local community college. The countryside was nice but I really wanted to experience American city life. After exploring colleges and universities in New York City, I was accepted to St. John’s University and New York University as well as St. Francis College. Ultimately, I chose St. Francis because of the availability of a partial scholarship, which was upgraded after the first year to a Presidential Scholarship, and the College’s proximity to everything in New York that I could possibly hope to experience.

The personal attention is really outstanding. Administrators and faculty really care about the students, making sure we understand the material and have a chance to learn as much as we can. I am particularly grateful to Dr. Geoffrey Horlick, chairman of the Accounting & Business Law department; Dr. Fotios Paliogiannis, chairman of the Mathematics department; and Dr. Erez Shochat, assistant Mathematics professor, for inspiring me academically and preparing me to use what I’ve learned in class in the real world. I’ve been fortunate to have some unique opportunities; for instance, I was able to present material at a math conference last year. That’s a real resume builder.

C a mp u s a c t i v i t ie s :

C a r e e r Asp ir at ion s :

In addition to serving as a tutor in the Academic Enhancement Center, I am also vice president of the Math Club and treasurer for the Accounting Society.

My goals are to pass the CPA exam and work for one of the leading public accounting firms or in the actuarial field. I can see staying in and working the U.S. at least for a while.

Pat h t o S F C :

Bono Lee ’11 in action

6   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Remembering Brother George Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 M a r c h 2 , 1 9 3 4 – A u g u s t 1 7, 2 0 0 9

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. — Mother Teresa

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  7

T h i s f a l l , f o r t h e f i r s t t i m e s i n c e 1 9 7 1 , s t u d e n t s a r r i v e d f o r t h e f i r s t d ay o f c l a ss e s at S t. F r a n c i s C o l l e g e w i t h o u t t h e l e g e n d a r y sm i l e a n d “ W e l c o m e ! ” at t h e m a i n e n t r a n c e f r o m B r o t h e r G e o r g e L a r k i n , O . S . F. ’ 6 0 . J u s t w e e k s e a r l i e r a f t e r a b r i e f i l l n e ss , t h e r e c o g n i z a b l e d e a n o f A d m i ss i o n s , “ t h e f a c e o f S t. F r a n c i s , ” h a d p a ss e d a w ay.


rother George, or “B.G.” as many students knew him, has been described as “the embodiment of the Franciscan spirit,” and “the first person to greet me when I first came to St. Francis and the one to see me cross the stage at commencement.” He is remembered fondly as an adopted uncle, grandfather or father figure by many of the thousands of students he personally recruited to the College over the years. For nearly four decades, Brother George was always visible on campus, accessible to students and proud of those he’d watched grow and learn. His boundless energy for helping others and commitment to education resulted in changing countless lives for the better. “Brother George’s greatest strength was what he will always be known for—his one-on-one attention to every student,” said John McAuliffe, director of admissions, who worked with Brother George for the past nine years. “He was one of only a few admissions deans who still conducted business in a personal way—he insisted on bucking the current trends that often make the admissions process more anonymous— and his influence will remain with all of us as we go about our daily work.”

Following are just a few of the hundreds of thoughts about Brother George, shared by his friends, colleagues, and current and former students:

produced in all of our lives is a gaping and excruciating one. That is the pain that accompanies great love. — — B r o . G e off r e y P. C l e m e nt , O . S . F .

I remember Brother George from my days at St. Bartholomew. He was caring and compassionate, loved and respected by teachers and students. When I misbehaved and was instructed to see the principal, I was not afraid of the potential punishment as much as the fact that I would disappoint him. The schools of the world need more Brother Georges.

Brother George gave me a chance to earn my degree after almost two decades away from the College. This opened doors to me that might otherwise have been closed and gave me a sense of accomplishment and completion that had been lacking in my life. Brother George “got it.”

— — G e o r g e B ou e

Brother George handed me a stuffed St. Francis Terrier doll when I was a child, an admissions application as a teenager, an employment application as a young adult, and a lifetime of insight, love and example.

Brother George set the standard for treating others with kindness and respect. His infinite impact lives on in the lives of all he has touched and inspired us to follow his example.

— — M i cha e l C r owl e y ’ 9 2

— — El i z ab e th Eam e s ’ 0 2

— — G a i l G i l r oy C h i a r ovano ’ 9 0

I can still scarcely believe that he is gone... but he’s not really gone, just temporarily absent awaiting the day when all who loved him and who love God will be reunited. He was like a father and a brother to me, a font of wisdom, strength, and solace. You are and were loved far more than perhaps you knew, and the void

From the moment I entered St. Francis College, Brother George has been a friend, teacher, mentor, and a great listener. Every Tuesday morning at the enrollment meeting he always ended by saying, “This is the best year ever.” — — I r ma G a r c i a ’ 8 0 d i r e cto r of A thl e t i cs

A special tribute to Brother George will take place during the annual Alumni Memorial Mass on January 30, 2010. To RSVP please contact Donna DeSiena at 718.489.5471 by January 25.

8   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

We in Campus Ministry were graced with his smile daily as he moved from his “welcoming” role in the lobby to his “encouraging” role for anyone in the cafeteria. Often described as the “Face of St. Francis,” he was also the “Ears of St. Francis.” He listened attentively and spoke simply, and remembered everything! He knew who needed a lift and who needed a push, and he shared his wise counsel with those of us in student services. He was, in essence, a model and true Brother. — — B r o . T homas G r ady , O . S . F . ’ 6 8 d i r e cto r of campus m i n i st r y

The mother of an SFC student reportedly said that when she goes to heaven she hopes St. Peter looks like Brother George. — — G r e g J ohnson ’ 7 2

He was truly an expert in what he did and for St. Francis, but he was even better as a person. His abilities to encourage and welcome made many students achieve their dreams. — — F a r i d K hassanov ’ 0 0

I have always felt that God was always working side by side with Brother George. — — K athl e e n K ub e r sk i

When I first met Brother George I was 15 but he spoke to me as if I were his age, about life, plans, what I intended to do with my future. After that he checked in on me periodically to see if I was making those plans happen or, if I wasn’t, if I had new plans. He was always encouraging and thoughtful. — — J os e ph i n e L e on e ’ 0 8

This start of this academic year at St. Francis lacked the presence of a Franciscan brother who for nearly 40 years, as head of our admissions office, was at the front door to welcome new and returning students. His untimely death shocked all of us who knew

and loved Brother George Larkin. A thin and handsome man, always in the black Franciscan robe and always with a smile and with words of welcome and encouragement was not at his usual post. The students who didn’t yet come to know him could not realize how much of the spirit of the College was missing. The ones who did know him were greatly saddened by his loss and felt it deeply. I cannot express adequately the personal loss that so many of us felt. Brother George was wise beyond belief and kind to a fault. He helped all of us – with every kind of problem imaginable. I had referred to him as my confessor because we could share so much in confidence, and plan strategies to provide help to others. We talked about grants in aid for students, scholarship strategies, how to enliven the Franciscan spirit at the College, how to help staff members who needed assistance of any kind. My most used expression was: “Speak to Brother George, he’ll help you.” We did talk about how to make Franciscan values an integral part of everything we did here, and although the modern world drifted further away from the traditional values that sustained Brother George, he never lost hope in the future and maintained a constant optimism that was truly joyful. Brother George and I talked about the meaning of life and the certainty of death. I brought the issue up frequently in our talks. For the last two years he was in the office next to mine and we spoke daily. In the face of an illness known to few, he maintained the joy of living and the hope of eternal life. What a marvelous man, wonderful friend to so many, a faithful Franciscan and now a living memory that those of us who knew him will keep forever.

I met Brother George in the summer of 1975. I had failed chemistry at another school and wasn’t going to be able to attend nursing school in the fall. I came to St. Francis and asked Brother George if he could help me. He smiled and said, “That’s what we do here.” I passed chemistry, became a nurse and in 2006 joined the nursing faculty at St. Francis College. — — L i nda P e r e z

Thank you… for allowing a kid from Brooklyn to come to St. Francis and become a young man… for being there for so many of us… for making us all feel comfortable in your presence… for being a real man... for always taking time for us... for making it easy on us when we found out we were closed out of a class… for being such a positive person… for supporting all the people who came after me… for being a true Franciscan… for being one of the most generous people we ever met... for giving everyone a chance… for praying for each and every one of us. — — B obby T r app ’ 7 7

I knew of Brother George long before I knew him personally. He was a legend in the St. Francis College community, a good and honest man who gave all he had to the College, with his primary focus on our students. Brother George supported and inspired generations of our graduates. While his presence will be missed, his spirit will continue to be felt. He was the embodiment of all that was good about St. Francis College. — — J ohn F . T ully ’ 6 7 cha i r man , S t . F r anc i s C oll e g e B oa r d of T r ust e e s

— — F r ank J . M acch i a r ola ’ 6 2 C hanc e llo r , S t . F r anc i s C oll e g e

As an international student, I always ran to him whenever I had problems. When others said no, he always said yes.

Donations in honor of Brother George can be made to the Brother George Larkin O.S.F. ’60 Endowed Scholarship fund at St. Francis College, 180 Remsen Street, Brooklyn Heights, NY 11201.

— — N atasha N o r ay ’ 0 4

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  9

Excerpts from the Eulogy for Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 D e l i v e r e d by B r oth e r R o be r t S c h aefe r , O . S . F . ’ 6 1 , A ugust 2 1 , 2 0 0 9

Now let us remember Brother George. What a beautiful Life! What a wonderful gentleman, brother, classmate, mentor, confidant and friend.


immy Larkin, as he was known before he became George, was chosen by God at a very young age. He was a freshman at St. Ann’s High School in Manhattan, taught by the Marist Brothers who now teach in Archbishop Molloy High School in Jamaica. His first year teacher asked students to write down what they wanted to be. Jimmy wrote, “I want to be a teaching brother.” A few days later a Marist Brother knocked on the door of the home of the Larkin Family. A few days after that Mrs. Larkin visited a Dominican sister who taught in the parish school and knew all the Larkins. The Dominican’s advice was to take Jimmy to the Franciscan Brothers. The next semester Jimmy transferred to St. Anthony’s Juniorate in Smithtown, Long Island, a prep school for young men wanting to be Franciscan brothers. Upon graduation he entered St. Bonaventure’s Postulate which was on the same property as the Juniorate. On February 1, 1951, we met in the Postulate with our 34 classmates. It was a time when vocations were booming. After six months we received our religious habits and entered the Novitiate. After two years we professed our vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. We were assigned to teach at St. Francis Xavier Parish School located in Park Slope. The Superior at that time told us to consider ourselves as chisels in the hands of the Great Sculptor and let Him use us to carve souls to His image and likeness. We enjoyed teaching our students and coaching the athletes who participated in the Catholic Youth Organization. From there, George was transferred to St. Bartholomew’s in Elmhurst. After a short stay he joined the founding brothers at Bishop Ford High School. Later he went back to St. Bart’s to be principal. In the early 70s, we were both assigned to St. Francis College. He went to the Admissions Office and I went to the Registrar’s Office. He loved meeting the young men and women who came to him for advice. How many of us said or heard, “Go see Brother George” or “Make an appointment to see Brother George.” Think of the thousands of people he met every year for 38 years. In recent years he was meeting the grandsons and granddaughters of his former students. At the Commencements, how many times did we hear the valedictorians thank Brother George for giving 10   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

them the opportunity to earn a degree? How many alumni returned and publicly announced that Brother George was instrumental in starting them on their careers? We all know the house that Babe Ruth built. I would like to suggest that “the Small College of Big Dreams” be called the house that Brother George built. Where did he get the energy? It was his daily participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. He was like the Franciscan Saint, Padre Pio, who said “It would be easier for the world to survive without the sun than to do so without the Mass.” He sat and knelt over there by the fifth and sixth station of the cross. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross and Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. How appropriate. How many crosses did Brother George help us to carry and how many tears did he wipe away? He was a great listener. A book that we both enjoyed and read and discussed regularly was Bread for the Journey written by Henri Nouwen. It is a collection of reflections for each day of the year. For March 11, a few days after Brother George’s birthday, Nouwen wrote “Listening as Spiritual Hospitality.” “To listen is very hard, because it asks of us so much interior stability that we no longer have to prove ourselves by speeches, arguments, statements or declarations. True listeners no longer have an inner need to make their presence known. They are free to receive, to welcome, to accept. Listening is much more than allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings. The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to, start feeling accepted, start taking their words more seriously and discovering their true selves. Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends, to get to know their inner selves more fully, and even to dare to be silent with you.” Doesn’t that portray Brother George? Go my friend. Join the angels and saints in the company of the Blessed Trinity in heaven. We will miss hearing your rosary beads rattling down the hallways of St. Francis College but your smiles and spirit will be with us forever. Amen.

Focus on Faculty

Recruiting Faculty with the Right Stuff What does it take to attract highly qualified faculty members?


n today’s competitive academic environment, several factors stand out,” said Academic Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Timothy J. Houlihan. “Of course, a supportive professional environment tops the list of every job-seeking professor. The definition of that, however, is always changing.” So when St. Francis College set out several years ago to increase its number of full-time faculty members, the administration was confident that potential new professors would be eager as they always had been to work in an environment that offered the opportunity to get to know students personally; generous colleagues open to collaborating in interdisciplinary ways; and access to the cultural, civic and research resources that the College’s Brooklyn Heights location offers. The administration was also keenly aware that the opportunity to teach and conduct research in surroundings that are technologically rich would enhance the College’s appeal to potential new faculty members. As technology became increasingly more woven into the fabric of the College’s culture, both new and existing faculty have taken advantage of classrooms, laboratories, and media resources that are state-of-the-art in terms of teaching and learning. They also participate in professional development opportunities to maintain a high level of technological proficiency. Today, with 78 full-time faculty members on campus—a 35 percent increase since 2001—it’s clear that everything St. Francis College has to offer is hitting the mark when it comes to recruiting excellent teachers who are leading their fields. Whether their expertise is Economics, Life or Health Sciences, English, Information Technology, Health Promotion, Education, Psychology,

Law or Fine Arts, new faculty members are utilizing campus resources to engage their students and get to know their needs, work in innovative ways across disciplines, and collaborate with researchers and educators from all over the city and country. This issue of Terrier is pleased to introduce several recent additions to the St. Francis College faculty: Krist y Bio l si, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Psychology Joined the faculty in 2008

As a graduate student at the University of Santa Cruz, Dr. Biolsi explored and refined a unique expertise in cognition by studying the learning process of marine mammals. To effectively teach her students at St. Francis about the ways certain aspects of language learning in sea lions can be applied to human learning, among other possibilities, she is forging partnerships with local facilities such as the Mystic Aquarium, New York Aquarium, and Atlantis Marine World Aquarium in Riverhead, so they can participate in research directly rather than read about it. “I knew that at St. Francis I could make more of an impact on students in small group settings rather than large lecture halls. In my classes, sometimes I have to stop the questions to get through the material because students have such a desire to always know more. The motto ‘the Small College of Big Dreams’ certainly applies.” Dr. Kristi Biolsi

Filomen a C a lifa n o, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Physics Joined the faculty in 2005

After several years as a chemical engineer in Italy, Dr. Califano made the switch to teaching. Reinvigorated by the interaction among Dr. Filomena Califano

faculty and in the classroom, she is impressed by her students’ desire to learn, willingness to participate in extracurricular research projects, and ambitions regarding graduate programs and medical school. What is noteworthy is her recognition of herself at their age as the first person in her family to go to college. She understands fully that pleasing their parents motivates her students to succeed and appreciates their parents’ pride when they do well. “Beyond the satisfying classroom experience at St. Francis, the level of cooperation among faculty members is higher than most academic environments. This contributes to a strong sense of community and common purpose among colleagues within and across disciplines.” Sta rr E a ddy, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology and Health Promotion Joined the faculty in 2007

With an understanding of the needs of working Dr. Starr Eaddy adults, a significant population among St. Francis College’s student body, Dr. Eaddy is leading the way in designing hybrid courses that can be accessed online any time of the day or night from any location with Internet service. A proponent of putting the power to learn in the hands of the learner, she believes that if a student has the ability to access course materials while commuting or around the schedules of their children, learning becomes integrated into the fabric of students’ everyday lives. “As an educator, my job is to be a facilitator to learning, not its sole source. Empowering students to find information and refer to experts and colleagues fosters independent thought. This approach is rooted more deeply to how they will operate in their professional lives and relatable to the wonderful place St. Francis is for students to learn and grow.”

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  11

Focus on Faculty Irina Ellison, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology Joined the faculty in 2006

Dr. Ellison was looking for a small college that emphasized teaching Dr. Irina Ellison over research, preferring classroom dynamics to the solitude of the laboratory. Having conducted extensive research and written about the effects of cigarette smoke on peoples’ health according to their race, she understands how important it is for undergraduates to experience collaborative research, whether they plan to enter the workforce immediately after graduation or pursue graduate study. “My students are deeply serious about their education, particularly when it comes to applying what they’re learning to real-life situations. The curriculum at St. Francis prepares them completely for whatever they wish to pursue; in a warm, caring environment—beyond what is typical in academia—everyone is pulling for them to succeed.” Marina Gair, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education Joined the faculty in 2008

In addition to teaching a full course load, Dr. Gair advises the College’s Education Society. In that role, she draws on her own Catholic education to encourage students to build a community among themselves by reaching out to others, specifically youngsters who attend high needs schools. She knows that through backpack and school supply drives as well as organizing and participating in after-school literacy programs, those with a calling to teach will benefit from firsthand experience with challenging school environments and students from a variety of backgrounds. “What I find rewarding is that my students possess a profound sense of purpose. They love learning and continuously strive to do their best. My job, in addition to helping them become the kinds Dr. Marina Gair

12   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

of teachers their students will remember fondly, is to show them what they need to be equally thoughtful educators. I make sure they shine. In fact, I have a bunch of stars that could light up the night sky.” Julio Huato, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Economics Joined the faculty in 2008

In 2002, as an adjunct professor at St. Francis, Dr. Huato received the Faculty of the Year Award. Since then, he left to earn his doctoral degree and has returned as a full-time faculty member. Expertise in finance economics and economic development informed his study about the effect of assembly factories owned by foreign companies on Mexico’s economic development, results from which are scheduled for upcoming publication in Public Finance and Management. Dr. Huato, who was born in Mexico, is especially sensitive to the differences in his students’ educational and life experiences not only in countries other than the U.S. but among the various communities of New York City. “The diversity among my students is interesting and challenging. I work hard to understand their differences, similarities, backgrounds and experiences to make my teaching relevant to each of them.”

Dr. Klein recognizes potential for application of her classroom material across disciplines. “It’s wonderful to work in an environment where administration is committed to the notion that we’re striving not just to be up to date in terms of technology but leading edge. In this dynamic field, it’s the only way to assure that students are prepared to enter today’s workforce.” John Lennon, Ph.D.

Dr. Julio Huato

Esther Klein, Ph.D. Assistant Professor for Information Technology Joined the faculty in 2008

After more than 20 years in academic and corporate environments, Dr. Klein knows that technology is with us to stay and that it is imperative for students to have an understanding about how it affects and interacts with their chosen fields. With particular expertise in how organizations can best utilize collaborative technologies such as video conferencing and ways technology can neutralize the issue of gender in terms of professional achievement and the emergence of workplace leaders,

Assistant Professor of English Joined the faculty in 2007

Dr. Lennon is watching his students stretch Dr. John Lennon themselves in their writing as they learn to interpret the language of graffiti and its nuances. On this topic and others related to 20th century American literature, Dr. Lennon and his students are taking full advantage of the technology available to them and it’s paying off. More than 90 percent of his students are publishing their writing on the Web through blogs, sharing their thoughts and questions about coursework in discussion forums, and posting support materials such as photographs and other images to enhance the written word. “A large part of the undergraduate experience is developing critical thinking and communication skills. The investment administration has made in technology provides an exciting tool for students to use in that endeavor. The possibilities are very exciting and I’m happy to be part of it.” Nickie Phillips, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice Joined the faculty in 2006

Dr. Esther Klein

Dr. Phillips is happy to see the nearly overwhelming interest among students in criminal justice as either a major or elective. That enthusiasm was reflected in the turnout for a recent career day where students had the opportunity to ask questions of professionals from a number of law enforcement and governmental agencies about what working in the field

Dr. Nickie Phillips

Focus on Faculty is really like. With an extensive research background and publication history regarding the media’s portrayal of crime and justice, Dr. Phillips encourages her students to explore the causation of crime from a sociological perspective rather from only an individual one. “I appreciate the classroom technologies that make teaching and learning more effective. SmartBoards and PowerPoint get a workout, of course, but I find especially valuable the ‘clickers,’ electronic devices held by each student during class that allow us to take quick opinion polls during discussions or help us measure students’ immediate understanding of material being discussed.” Miriam Salholz, J.D., LL.M. In International Law Assistant Professor of Law Joined the faculty in 2005

Dr. Salholz came to St. Francis after 10 years in Paris as senior international counsel to TOTAL, the French multinational corporation. Having taught at the

Dr. Miriam Salholz

University of Houston Law Center and Seton Hall University School of Law, among other law schools, and serving since 2004 as an adjunct professor at Fordham University School of Law, she is embracing the opportunity to teach at the undergraduate level. Passionate about curriculum development, Salholz has added three new courses to the curriculum: International Business Law, Law of Death and Dying and, in cooperation with the Women’s Studies minor, Women and the Law. She is currently working with colleagues across various disciplines to develop several new courses, including Law and Literature and Religion and Civil Rights. “My students impress me in so many ways. They don’t have the sense of entitlement, evident elsewhere, about their education, and are extremely eager to learn. They truly appreciate their opportunities, take advantage of all that St. Francis offers to them and make possible a vibrant learning atmosphere in the classroom. St. Francis students make every day at school happy and fulfilling.”

Jennifer Wingate, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Joined the faculty in 2007

Dr. Wingate’s curatorial and museum education Dr. Jennifer experience sparked a Wingate passion not only for art historical research but also for teaching at the undergraduate level. In fact, it was the fine arts elements of St. Francis’ core curriculum and emphasis on teaching itself that attracted her to the College. She combines her love for art history with teaching by regularly taking advantage of the vast museum resources available in New York City with her students, finding them extraordinarily receptive to engaging in formal analysis of the art they study. With an expertise in public art, particularly World War I memorials, Dr. Wingate’s latest article profiles Bashka Paeff, a little-known woman sculptor who designed a controversial memorial for the state of Maine. “I’m lucky to have Dr. Francis Greene, who has taught at St. Francis for over 40 years, as a colleague and department chair. His dedication to teaching is incredibly inspiring.”

Small World

Communication Arts Faculty and Students Travel to Japan to Document Experiences of Five Alumnae


hen St. Francis graduates Haraku Mori ’93, Abbiola Ballah ’03, Kirel Marcelle ’06, Debra Alleyne ’04, and Melissa Hazelwood ’04 left New York for Japan to teach English they probably never expected to be the subjects of a documentary, especially one produced by faculty and students from the College. This spring, however, they were. With the support of a Faculty Development Grant from the College, Dr. Lynne Jackson, chair, department of Communication Arts, and Dr. Scott Weiss, assistant professor, traveled in May with students Joe Neri ’09 and Crecenciano Castellanos ’09 to interview the alumnae, and shoot video for a documentary-style film of their experiences living and working

in a culture so different from their own. “Shooting on location in and around the parks, museums, trains, and temples of Tokyo and Kyoto provided exceptional international production experience for our students, both of whom graduated and landed jobs in their field since returning,” said Dr. Jackson. “Of course it was also a thrill to see firsthand the lives these extraordinary young women have carved out for themselves so far away from New York where they went to school as well as their homeland.” Lessons learned from the experience have been integrated into the College’s basic and advanced Film and Video courses. The

interviews and a link to photos are available on the web at: http://bit.ly/sfc_japan.

Crecenciano Castellanos ’09 and Joe Neri ’09 used skills learned at SFC to create a documentary about several alumnae, including Melissa Hazelwood ’04, living and working in Japan. After graduating last spring, both students landed jobs in television.   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  13

Faculty Notes Prof. Darlene Aiken (Sociology and Criminal Justice) has published How to be a Young Lady: Your Total Guide for Being the Best Possible You! (iUniverse). The book is rooted in biblical principles that assist girls in developing positive self-esteem, with a particular focus on traditional freshman college women as they make the transition from high school to college. Aiken is also president/CEO of the global empowerment company, Inner Beauty Solutions, Inc. Dr. Kevin Brown (English) wrote an essay titled “Stealing Souls” that appears with one by Dr. Alison Watkins titled "The Imaginative Construction of the Soul in W.B. Yeats’ A vision," in the most recent edition of ASEBL Journal. Dr. James Corrigan (Biology) received a scientific research and collecting permit from the U.S. Department of the Interior. The research study will involve weekly collections of water and plankton samples at four separate sites in the Gateway National Recreation Area. The physical parameters of temperature and pH will be measured at each site and laboratory analysis of coliform bacteria and phytoplankton variability will be studied for each site. Dr. John Dilyard (Business and Technology) attended the World Emerging Multi-National Corporations Congress at the Metropolitan Club in Manhattan where he served as moderator and speaker for two segments: “Perspective: African Multi-National Corporation (MNC) Performance and Prospects” and “Ethical business and Corporate Social Responsibility— the new imperative for all MNC’s.” In addition, Dr. Dilyard and four students, Alan Stuto, Sanaa Farran, Christina Scotti, and Deidre Turner, presented “Student Perceptions on Viable Sustainable Businesses” at the Global Landscapes Conference at King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA. Dr. Starr Eaddy (Health Promotion & Sciences) spoke about Entrepreneurship in Public Health Education/Promotion at the 4th annual Health Leadership "Aha!" Conference at Kingsborough Community College. Dr. Suzanne Forsberg (Fine Arts) traveled to Prague, Czech Republic, for Mozart in Prague, a conference sponsored by the Mozart Society of America and the Society for Eighteenth Century Music. She also attended Maverick Concerts in Woodstock, NY, and the 20th annual Bard Music Festival in Annandale-on-Hudson. The New York Council for the Humanities recently invited Dr. Forsberg to continue participating in their Speakers in the Humanities program.

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Dr. Virginia Franklin (English) began work while on sabbatical in New Zealand for a textbook on indigenous literatures, which will include New Zealand Maori, Native American, Australian Aborigine, Inuit, Pacific Islanders, among others. She also served as a judge for the Waikato and Rotorua/Lakes regional performance competitions of the University of Otago Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival, a program whose winners attend a performance education program at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London. Dr. Franklin is co-authoring a digital photography instructional and lesson plan resource manual that will be distributed to teachers in 2,900 primary, intermediate, high school, special schools, and home schools throughout New Zealand. The manual will be made available by the Schools Visual Arts Charitable Trust. Dr. Marina Gair (Education) and several students presented at a conference on Visual Learning in Chicago. In addition, Dr. Gair was named Moderator of the Year for her outstanding work with the Education Society. Dr. Wendy Galgan (English) received an honorable mention for her poem, “Banishing the Muse,” at Key West Heritage House’s 15th Annual Robert Frost Poetry Festival Poetry Contest. In addition, she presented “Women in the Mountains: Katherine Stripling Byer’s Appalachia” at the PCA/ACA Annual Conference in New Orleans. Dr. Richard Giaquinto (Education) recently completed several professional development sessions on classroom management for teachers who are employed in charter schools in New York City. Dr. Uwe P. Gielen (Psychology) traveled to Konstanz, Germany, to present “The CrossCultural Validity of the Padua Moral Judgment Scale” at the International Conference: Can Morality Be Taught? Is It a Competence? He also served as a discussant in a symposium on Morality as a Competence. Subsequently, he discussed “Traditional Healers and Counselors in Buddhist Ladakh” at the Fifth Multicultural Counseling Conference at the University of Toronto and “Healers and Counselors in Traditional Ladakh, India” at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, where he also participated in a board of directors meeting of the International Psychology Division, American Psychological Association. In addition, he chaired two international symposia, discussed “The Status of Present Day International Psychology” at convocation at Yale University, and delivered “Research on Chinese Immigrants” at the 6th Annual International Gathering at Fordham University.

At St. Francis College, Dr. Gielen and Jonathan Palumbo, a Psychology major, presented “Dragon Seed: The Chinese in New York” as a part of Dr. Arnold Sparr’s lecture series Brooklyn Observed: History, Politics, Culture. Finally, he served as co-editor of a special issue of the Journal of Family Psychology titled “On New Shores: Family Dynamics and Relationship among Immigrant Families.” The issue contains 16 articles focusing on the psychosocial functioning of families that have migrated to a variety of countries located around the world. Many of the articles contained in the special issue will also appear in expanded form in a forthcoming book on immigrant families. Dr. Peter Gomori (Management) presented “The Global Financial Crisis and Central and East Europe: Focus on Hungary,” at the Financial Education Association conference and the Northeast Business and Economics Association conference. Mitch Levenberg (Academic Support) received a non-fiction award from New Millennium Writings for his essay “Cockfight in Manila.” Dr. Stephen Lipson (Biology) was an invited speaker at the 2009 Cranberry Health Research Conference; the topic of his presentation was “Cranberry Juice Drinks Affect Infectivity Titer in Cell Cultures, Integrity, and Pathology of Enteric Viruses in an Animal Model.” The meeting was attended by national and international agricultural scientists representing such organizations as the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Ocean Spray and Welch Foods, Inc. Dr. Lipson has penned chapters for two forthcoming books, Flavors and Health Benefits of Small Fruits (American Chemical Society Press) and Fruit Juices: Properties, Consumption and Nutrition (Nova Publishers). The books are expected to be in print this winter. Dr. Lipson’s research assistant, Biology major Maria Leon, presented her research the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Metropolitan Association of College and University Biologists (MACUB) at Kingsborough Community College. The title of her presentation was, “Grape and Cranberry Juices Inhibit Tight Junction Disorganization and Reduce Infectivity Titers in Monolayer Cultures of Rotavirus-Infected Monkey Kidney Epithelial cells.” Leon’s research was supported in part by a grant from the MACUB-Benjamin Cummings, Inc. Educational Foundation. Dr. John McNamara (Education) recently completed the American Red Cross Lifeguard Course and was recertified in First Aid and CPR/AED.

Faculty Notes Dr. Kathleen Nolan (Biology) presented “Field Biology Courses that Contribute to Sustainability through the Promotion of Ecotourism” at the Global Landscapes Conference at King’s College.

summer, she served as a table leader for a reading in AP European history and as an instructor for a week-long course for teachers of AP European history.

Prof. Terry Quinn (English) received an Equity showcase performance of his two-act play, Bad Evidence, in the Academic Center Theater. In October, at the University of Wisconsin, a play he co-authored with George Plimpton, Zelda, Scott & Ernest, received a production at the University’s theater facility on the Waukasha campus, featuring Professor Quinn in the role of Ernest Hemingway. In November, Manhattan’s Center for Contemporary Opera presented a fully staged reading of Professor Quinn’s most recent opera libretto, The Birthmark, at the New York Society Library, which featured three performers and director Kira Simring from the acclaimed Actors Studio.

Dr. Arnold Sparr (History) was awarded second prize from the 2009 Catholic Press Awards for Best Essay in a Scholarly Magazine for “The Most Memorable Labor Dispute in the History of U.S. Church-Related Institutions: The 1949 Calvary Cemetery Workers’ Strike against the Catholic Archdiocese of New York.” His review of James M. O’Toole, “The Faithful: A History of Catholics in America,” (Cambridge, 2008) was recently published in the spring 2009 issue of Journal of American History.

Patricia Rosof (History) had an article titled “The Quiet Feminism of Dr. Florence Sabin: Helping Women Achieve in Science and Medicine” published in the online journal gender forum (Apparatus XY 24. Over the

Dr. Gregory F. Tague (English) published editions of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice. Each book features, in addition to an academic introduction, a carefullyedited text and a range of study materials. He also published “Juror on Trial,” a piece of creative nonfiction that appears in the June-September 2009 issue of Subtle Tea. Other creative nonfiction, titled “Consistency of Milk,” appears in

Blue Print Review. Professor Tague’s fourth book, Origins of English Dramatic Modernism: 1870-1914, is a collection of scholarly essays. In addition to editing the book with Professor Daniel Meyer-Dinkrafe (University of Lincoln, UK), Dr. Tague is a contributor. He continues his work on ASEBL Journal and is always interested in submissions (see SFC website > Academics > Publications). Dr. Tague is also general editor of Editions Bibliotekos, a petit literary press he and his wife recently established. Dr. Alan Udoff (Philosophy and Religious Studies) organized the first International Philosophy Conference to be held at the College. Scholars from five countries, including the U.S., presented papers and discussed the theme “Vladimir Jankelevitch and the Question of Forgiveness.” Proceedings from the conference are to be published. Dr. Marilyn Verna (Education) was a member of the Advisory Board for the Annual Edition of Assessment and Evaluation Journal (2010/11), McGraw Hill New York.


A college grows in Brooklyn


St. Francis College’s top-notch faculty and academic programs, modernized facilities and great location in Brooklyn Heights are combining to attract more students to Remsen Street. The College is receiving more applications than ever and the number of students enrolled full-time is at an all-time high.


1,935 1,933 2009 -10 2008 -09 2007- 08 2006 -07 Source: St. Francis College Office of Planning and Institutional Research.

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  15

Terrier Sports Got Game? Assistant Coach Sue Wicks Leads Basketball Clinic in the Philippines


trio of prominent U.S. sports personalities that included Sue Wicks, assistant coach for the St. Francis College women’s basketball team, spent four days in the Philippines last July for a basketball clinic as part of the U.S. Department of State’s Sports Envoy Program. While in Manila and Zamboanga in Mindanao, Ms. Wicks, a former Naismith Player of the Year at Rutgers University and former WNBA All-Star with the New York Liberty, held clinics for players in selected colleges and high schools, out-of-school youth, and professional players and coaches. The Sports Envoy Program, offered in partnership with the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines, is designed to engage youth in discovering how success in athletics can translate to the development of life skills and achievement in the classroom. In addition, it provides Americans the opportunity to learn about foreign cultures and the challenges young people face in other countries.

She and other U.S. representatives, including Erik Spoelstra and David Fizdale, head coach and assistant coach for the NBA’s Miami Heat, also met with officials from various schools, athletic Assistant Women’s associations and Basketball Coach Sue Wicks professional groups. On her blog, Ms. Wicks expressed her feelings about the experience: “I know I speak for our entire envoy when I say that we were overwhelmed by the warmth and hospitality of these amazingly resourceful people. I feel truly blessed to have had this wonderful opportunity of sharing with the Philippine people.”

A New Era Begins for Men’s Water Polo


here was a new man heading the men’s water polo team for the just concluded 2009 season and already, Igor Samardzija proved he can lead the Terriers to the same successful result. Coach Samardzija took over for Carl Quigley ’75, who led the team for 34 years, most notably to six Northern Division championships and a trip to the NCAA Final Four in 2005. While filling the shoes of Coach Quigley is not an easy task, Coach Samardzija worked hard to make sure the Terriers were ready for the season, which included two trips to the west coast to face the nation’s top Division I college teams. Among the wins for the men this season were two victories over Air Force and wins over East Coast Rivals Bucknell and Brown. “Igor came to us with a proven track record of success and, more important, a deep understanding of personal and pool 16   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

dynamics,” said Irma Garcia '80, athletic director. “We are confident that his experience will help maintain and enhance the high standards established for our student athletes.” Coach Samardizija, of Serbian and Croatian descent, spent years in both the European and American water polo communities. He has coached the men’s and women’s club teams at Columbia University, where he led teams to three state titles between 2006 and 2008 and was twice named New York Coach of the Year. He is licensed as a water polo coach by the Italian Olympic Committee and also a volunteer coach at Tent (Obrenovac, Serbia) and played for both Tent and Red Star (Belgrade, Serbia). “It is a great honor to become a member of the St. Francis College community and to be given the opportunity to lead the College’s most successful athletic program,”

said Coach Samardzija. “I am truly excited about this position and hope I justified the confidence Irma Garcia has in me and SFC Men's Water Polo Coach the rest of Igor Samardzija. the team.” He added, “My mission is to prove that championship caliber water polo is played outside of California by eventually bringing the National NCAA title to Brooklyn Heights where it belongs. Our current roster is composed of the best available national and international talent whose past performance and stellar academic success make me very optimistic for the future.”

2009-10 Terriers Hit the Court Men’s Basketball Preview Last year, Coach Brian Nash’s Terriers overcame adversity to secure the final spot in the 2009 Northeast Conference (NEC) Tournament. This season, senior Kayode Ayeni returns with teammates junior shooting guard Ricky Cadell and sophomore forward Stefan Perunicic, who respectively earned spots on last year’s All NEC team and NEC All Junior Guard Ricky Cadell Rookie Squad. Seniors Nigel Byam and Herman Wrice, both junior college transfers last season, are expected to make contributions in 2009-10 after a year of Division I experience. Sophomore center Richard Clark and classmate Justin Newton, a lead guard, also return. Four newcomers are expected to make an immediate impact for the Terriers. Alexander Harrington, forward/center, will strengthen the Terriers in the front court alongside Ayeni and Perunicic. Akeem Johnson, forward, and Branden Fisher, point guard, both from Chicago, will also compete for playing time. Guard Akeem Bennett will provide additional support for the back court.

Up c o m i n g NEC C o n f e r e n c e G a m e s : Men’s Basketball


St. Francis University (PA)

7:30 p.m.

1/9/2010 Robert Morris University

4:30 p.m.


@Mount St. Mary’s University

7:30 p.m.


@Wagner College

7:00 p.m.


Mount St. Mary’s University

7:30 p.m.


Wagner College

4:30 p.m.


@St. Francis University (PA)

7:30 p.m.


@Robert Morris University

7:00 p.m.


Long Island University

7:30 p.m.


@Long Island University

2:00 p.m.


@Quinnipiac University

7:30 p.m.


@Sacred Heart University

3:30 p.m.


Monmouth University

7:30 p.m.


Farleigh Dickinson University

4:30 p.m.


@Bryant University

7:30 p.m.


@Central Connecticut State University

1:00 p.m.

Women’s Basketball Preview The women’s basketball team enters the season with a fresh outlook. With several exciting newcomers and four returning players, Coach Brenda Milano and her staff are confident that the Terriers will be alive for the post-season. Forward Kendra Williams, a senior who had a brilliant season last year, will be patrolling the paint. Three new additions to the frontcourt are Kim Snauwaert from Roeselare, Belgium, and Autumn Lau, a small forward from Mt. Wolf, PA. In the backcourt, junior guard Shannon Gantt and senior Melissa Weithman will provide leadership. After sitting out last season due to NCA A transfer rules, Jacinda Williams is expected to take over the starting point guard spot. Joining them are Amber Lau, Stefanie Bingham, Tiara Dunson and Kayla Williams.

Up c o m i n g NEC C o n f e r e n c e G a m e s : Women's Basketball


@Central Connecticut State University

7:00 p.m.


St. Francis University (PA)

5:00 p.m.


Robert Morris University

2:00 p.m.


@Mount St. Mary’s University

5:00 p.m.


@Wagner College

3:00 p.m.


Mount St. Mary’s University

5:00 p.m.


Wagner College

2:00 p.m.


@St. Francis University (PA)

5:00 p.m.


@Robert Morris University



Long Island University

5:00 p.m.


@Long Island University

2:00 p.m.


@Quinnipiac University

5:00 p.m.


@Sacred Heart University

1:00 p.m.


Monmouth University

5:00 p.m.


Farleigh Dickinson University

2:00 p.m.


Bryant University

5:00 p.m.


Central Connecticut State University

2:00 p.m.

Senior Forward Kendra Williams   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  17

Terrier Sports Women’s Bowling Ranks Among the Nation’s Top Programs


n its preseason poll released October 17, the National Tenpins Coaches Association (NTCA) ranked the Terriers women’s bowling team 18th in the nation. Since entering its second season last fall, the team has ranked among the country’s top 20 NCAA women’s bowling teams. For 2009-10, Coach Dawn Gugliaro has confidence in her mix of veterans and newcomers, a solid line up that is sure to make the Terriers a force in the Northeast Conference. “This will be, by far, our most powerful season,” said Coach Gugliaro. “All our girls deserve to start every match. It’s comforting to know that with such a deep well of talent I will be able to turn to any player without taxing someone who is struggling. Our line up is strong from top to bottom.” The women’s bowling team started the 2009 season, its third, with a victory in the Kutztown University Season Opening Baker Tournament in Reading, PA, for the first tournament win in the program’s history.

Men’s Soccer Team Concludes Successful Season with NEC Tournament Berth


he Terrier men’s soccer team earned its first NEC tournament berth since 2000 with a record of 10-6-1 overall and 7-2-1 in conference action to claim the second seed. The team reached the semifinals before falling to Quinnipiac University 4-3 in a tight contest decided by penalty kicks. The team’s overall success was due to several individual accomplishments. With five goals each (tied for eighth in NEC), junior forward Jeverton De Lorenzi and senior First Team All-NEC midfielder midfielder Semso Nikocevic paved the way for the Terrier offense. De Lorenzi, along with junior counterpart John Sallhag, also dished out four helpers apiece for a mark that shared sixth place on the circuit, while De Lorenzi’s 14 points ranked ninth in the NEC. Sallhag, the 2007 NEC Rookie of the Year earned Second Team All-NEC honors. From the midfield, Nikocevic distributed three assists of his own as his 13 points rounded out the conference’s top-10. Playing in all but one contest, senior goalkeeper Chris Antonino was a mainstay between

2009 Men’s Soccer Team

the pipes and finished the 2009 regular season with the conference’s sixth-best goals against average (1.22) and seventh-best save percentage (0.744). Antonino also kept five opponents off the scoreboard—four of which were fellow NEC teams. Anthony Matos was also named to the NEC First Team as he helped anchor a Terrier defense that blanked opponents on six occasions—a mark good for a share of third in the NEC—as four of those shutouts came during the league portion of their schedule. Senior defender Javier Gonzalez was also named to the NEC’s Second Team.

Watch the Latest Terrier Hoops Action with Live Streaming Video of Home Games As the 2009-10 Terrier basketball season heats up, fans can catch all home games on w w w.SFC athletics.com, the official website of St. Francis College Athletics.

18   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Alumni News

Profile of a Terrier Evelyn Rodriguez ’78, M.D., M.P.H


use illicit drugs during their pregnancy, and that hen Evelyn Rodriguez ’78, M.D., they are more likely to infect their babies at birth M.P.H., says “Never let anyone tell compared with women who do not use illicit drugs. you that you can’t do something,” She also participated in the 076 Study that docushe practices what she preaches. mented the decrease in transmission to eight percent The first in her Puerto Rican family to go to of births when AZT was used during pregnancy, college, Dr. Rodriguez chose St. Francis after delivery, and the early life of an infant. Based on graduating in three years from St. Stephen’s High these findings, the number of babies born with School in Clinton Hill based on strict parameters HIV has decreased dramatically. set by her parents: she had to be able to commute The depth of Dr. Rodriguez’s work has been from their apartment in Park Slope to a Catholic recognized throughout her career. Among her college or university. achievements are a 2008 Hall of Fame Award from After graduating summa cum laude with a B.S. the Hispanic Scholarship Fund, one of five that in Biology and minor in Chemistry, she decided to year, as well as the Arthur Fleming Award for apply to Harvard Medical School, even though she Excellence in Science in 2000, which only 14 leaders knew that at the time only one other person from in government service are chosen every year to St. Francis College had ever been accepted. receive. She also has innumerable awards from the “I decided they’d have to tell me ‘no,’” she recalled. U.S. Public Health Service, including from the Harvard said yes, as did four other medical schools. Office of the U.S. Surgeon General. As her career evolved, Dr. Rodriguez made sure Now, shortly after founding Rodriguez Health all her professional endeavors were supported by Consultants, a corporation that delivers services to educational credentials equal to her experience at pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and Harvard. Specifically, her interest, research and other entities interested in medical product safety field work in public health is backed by a master of issues, medical product risk management and Public Health degree from Columbia University medical product regulatory issues, Dr. Rodriguez and her latest entrepreneurial pursuit is gaining sees the pathways of her career converging on several strength through the executive M.B.A. program at Evelyn Rodriguez ’78, M.D., levels. She’s finishing her executive M.B.A. and will Farleigh Dickenson University, which she will M.P.H with Frank D. Alvarez, president/CEO of the Hispanic apply those skills towards building her business. complete in December. Scholarship Fund. “I am known for asking novel questions. Because Experience as a pediatrician led to opportunities of this, solving problems—often previously unrecognized—is in public health, a field she decided to explore because she believed something I’ve always done well,” she said. “All I’ve learned she could influence positive health outcomes on a population level. The HIV virus got its name when she was an intern and she treated through practicing preventive medicine and public health, documenting the trajectory of infectious diseases, and observing many babies and children at a time when no real anti-retroviral the interactions between disease and medical products within the treatments were available. She practiced public health through contexts of private practice and public health settings makes me positions with the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the able and qualified to help the pharmaceutical industry responsibly Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food navigate the complex issues of its work.” and Drug Administration (FDA). Her work at the NIH involved Over the years, Dr. Rodriguez has observed that for those the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS, and at the CDC she trained as an without any or adequate health insurance, real health care is epidemic service officer assigned to Maryland’s Department of beyond their reach. Working with Physicians for a National Health Health and Mental Hygiene. There she conducted a detailed Program, Dr. Rodriguez hopes to influence heath care policy to epidemiological outbreak investigation, complete with acute and help ensure a safety net for those who land beyond the boundaries convalescent blood and stool samples, thereby helping her CDC of health insurance coverage. laboratory colleagues discover a new calcivirus, the Parkville virus, “When I speak to young people about following their dreams, a cause for viral gastroenteritis. She continued most of her federal I tell them that when faced with a barrier they must find a way service career as a U.S. Public Health Service commissioned to overcome it, go around it, jump over it or ignore it,” she said. officer, achieving the rank of captain while at the FDA. “Passion and persistence, with hard work, will invariably lead to Dr. Rodriguez considers among her most significant work the personal fulfillment and success.” research she conducted in pediatric HIV transmission in a multiDr. Evelyn Rodriguez may be contacted by e-mail center study that included New York City and Puerto Rico. She ER@EvelynRodriguezMD.com or through her website, was the author of a landmark article that was the first to document www.EvelynRodriguezMD.com. that HIV makes more copies of itself in the blood of women who   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  19

A Terrier in Seagull’s Clothing

Grateful Alumnus Shares Success with Alma Mater

Terrier alumni are well represented at Brooklyn Cyclones home games by Anthony Furia ’02 , who entertains fans at KeySpan Park as Sandy the Seagull.

students, Frederick D. Furman ’64 and his wife Catherine have included

In addition to establishing two scholarships for St. Francis College the College in their estate planning. Their reasons for doing so reflect the feelings of many alumni who believe St. Francis College provided a springboard to a successful career and life. Fred attributes the realization of his personal goals and professional success to the ethics of hard work, self-discipline and accountability that he learned from the Franciscan Brothers at St. Francis College, and earlier at St. Francis Prep. By applying these values early on, he was able to work full-time on Wall Street while attending the College as a full-time student. “My St. Francis College degree opened doors that otherwise would have remained closed,” said Fred. “Catherine and I hope that other alumni recognize the value of their Franciscan education and consider making a planned gift or bequest to the College.”

Frederick D. Furman ’64 and his wife Catherine encourage others to include SFC in their estate planning.

Onl ine E s tat e P l a nning Tool s Ava il a bl e t o SFC Donors A new website is available to help donors plan charitable gifts to St. Francis College—now and in the future. This tool illustrates how a gift to St. Francis can benefit donors as well as the College by increasing income, providing benefits to family and loved ones and delivering a tax deduction. The site features planned giving strategies that donors can learn about to help provide the benefits of a Franciscan education for students of today and tomorrow. These strategies include: • Making a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime and pays income for life. • Preserving your estate for your children while delivering years of income to St. Francis College. • Making a gift of appreciated securities while realizing greater tax savings. • Turning surplus life insurance into a gift and/or making St. Francis College the beneficiary of a retirement plan. For more information, visit http://www.stfranciscollege.edu/plannedgiving, or contact Edward R. Stewart, director of major and planned gifts, at 718.489.5249 or estewart@stfranciscollege.edu.

20   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Alumni Events National Science Honor Society Celebrates 40 Years at SFC September 18—During an evening ceremony eight new members were inducted into the Alpha Xi Chapter of the Chi Beta National Science Honor Society, which recognizes the academic achievements of science majors at St. Francis. The event also commemorated the 40th anniversary of the Chapter’s establishment at the College. The Alpha Xi Chapter began with 16 students and has since expanded to more than 550 alumni members, who are engaged in a wide variety of professions in the biological and chemical sciences, as well as medicine, health and academia. Chi Beta Phi has more than 35 chapters across the United States with a total enrollment of more than 60,000 members.

Alumni members of the Chi Beta National Science Honor Society’s Alpha Xi Chapter joined the eight new inductees after a ceremony in Gorman Dining Hall.

Brother Urban Gonnoud, O.S.F. Memorial Golf Classic September 22 ­—

The annual Brother Urban Gonnoud, O.S.F. Memorial Golf Classic was held at Dyker Beach Golf Course. Following a day on the links, golfers enjoyed a buffet dinner at Sirico’s Caterers.

Michael Sullivan ’67, Edward G. Dunn, Jr. ’74, Robert Alessandro ’67 and Paul G. Henning ’67.

Desmond Blaine ’73, Michelle Lee and Edward San Luis.

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  21

Alumni Events Latin American Society Reunion October 2—

Alumni from the St. Francis College Latin American Society returned to Remsen Street for a reunion.

Latin American Society Alumni.

Jose Rivera ’72, Irma Garcia’80, Thomas Torres ’96 and Miguel Lopez ’97.

Eileen C. Dugan Memorial Run/Walk October 4—Alumni and students participated in the annual fundraiser that benefits the Circle of Hope Cancer Foundation. Eileen C. Dugan, the late sister of President Brendan J. Dugan ’68, represented Brooklyn’s 52nd district in the New York State Assembly.

The Dugan family

Once again, the St. Francis College community came out in large numbers for the annual run/walk.

22   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Alumni Events The Big Splash October 16—St. Francis College celebrated more than 50 years of swimming and water polo at the Big Splash Swimming and Water Polo Alumni Reunion. Gerard Gillia ’59 was honored for his support and dedication to the aquatics program at the College and in New York State.

In a match following the reunion, alumni proved that they've "still got it," beating the varsity water polo team.

Water polo alumni.

Networking Night October 29—Alumni attended St. Francis College's Networking Night at the American Management Association (AMA) in Manhattan. The event was sponsored by Edward T. Reilly ’68, president and chief executive officer of AMA. Christoper S. Ruisi '70, a business and executive coach, served as guest speaker.

James H. McDonald ’69, Barbara Cashin and Edward T. Reilly ’68

Robert L. Smith ’72, Christopher S. Ruisi ’70, Dr. John Dilyard; chairman of the Business Management department and Glenn M. Huzinec ’84.   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  23

Class Notes 1940s Dr. Phil R. Harris ’48 invites fellow alumni to visit his website www.drphilipharris.com. At 83, he is teaching a graduate course at the California International Business School titled, Space Enterprise and Management. His book, Space Enterprise—Living and Working Offworld in the 21st Century is the course textbook. In addition to being an SFC alumnus, Harris also served at the College as director of student personnel services and founding vice president of development from 1956 -1961 before leaving for India in 1962 as a Fulbright professor on a U.S. State Department grant. He is endowing a scholarship at the College for women leaders in memory of his late wife, Dr. Dorothy L. Harris. He is among the most published members of St. Francis community, having edited or authored 47 published books and over 250 journal articles. His 48th book, Toward Human Emergence, which he considers his “magnus opus,” is due out in December, from HRD Press. His written works are housed in the SFC Library’s Harris Publications Collection.

Charles A. Bennett ’65 is the grandfather of twins, Magdalene Ann and William John, pictured with their parents, Julie and William.

St. Francis College alumni; John Casey ’77, Vinnie Catalano ’77, Mario DeLuca ’75, Frank Petrizzo ’75, Dennis McDermott ’74, Sandy the Seagull (Anthony Furia ’02), Peter Spiess ’75 and Richie Suarato ’75 met recently at a Brooklyn Cyclones game in Coney Island.

Peter T. King ’65 (right) and Richard T. Nolan ’55 met recently in Washington D.C., at the Congressional Fire Service Caucus 21st Annual Dinner. Peter is serving his ninth term in the U.S. House of Representatives and is chairman of the Caucus. Richard serves as counsel to the Suffolk County Fire District Officer’s Association and has been representing elements of the fire service in New York for more than 40 years, including as counsel to the Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York.


Karl T. Bednarek ’78 practices gastroenterology near Union Square in New York City. His son Daniel recently graduated from Bucknell University, while his daughter has just started kindergarten.

Jonathan F. Greene ’58 reports that his grandsons Liam, Conor, Dylan, Declan and Colin, all under age six, are already practicing for the Irish Olympic Basketball team.

1960s John P. Rooney, Jr. ’64 is a consultant/grant coordinator for the New York City Department of Education. He has eight grandchildren. John P. Smircich ’64 and his wife Janice are grandparents to Olivia Megan, born in August to Mary Ellen and Gary.

Edward J. Jaworski ’66 has residences in Brooklyn and Southampton, NY. He plans and executes public relations for his son’s band, Warm July, which recently released its first CD.

1970s George Brennan ’70 is grandfather to Francis Charles Flohr, born in June to Meagen and Charlie Flohr. Thomas McCormack ’71 retired from teaching English at St. Agnes Academic High School after 36 years. He and wife Maureen ’72 have five grandchildren, Kate, Clare, Lily, Vincent and Juliana. Patricia A. Bryant ’72 is executive director of GBS/CIDP Foundation International, the only nonprofit organization dedicated to serving

24   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Thomas G. Pellinger ’74 reports that after 35 years in Federal law enforcement, he has met many other St. Francis alumni and is proud of the College’s presence in the law enforcement community. Karen C. Scharbach ’74 announces the birth of her granddaughter, Mekayla Dores, in February to her daughter, Marilyn.

William J. Brooks ’51 lives in Shell Point, FL, in a 250 -acre waterside resort community near Sanibel Island.

Bernard J. Welsh ’58 is retired and spending time with his 11 grandchildren. He looks forward to the arrival in the spring of his 12th grandchild.

patients with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) and Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) and variants.

Joseph R. Ferrari, Ph.D. ’78 is professor of Psychology and St. Vincent dePaul Distinguished Professor at DePaul University in Chicago. Dr. Ferrari was the sole faculty member from more than 900 full-time members to be selected for the 2009 Excellence in Public Service Award. Noted was his work, internationally in Australia, Saudi Arabia and Peru, as well as nationally in substance abuse recovery programs. Dr. Ferrari also was among 20 liberal arts & sciences faculty of 450 to be nominated this year for the Excellence in Teaching Award. He was elected the 2009-10 leader of the elite St. Vincent dePaul Professor Society at DePaul.

1980s Anne Jackson Rasmussen ’80 recently worked as a medical consultant for the daytime drama “One Life to Live,” and reports that the operating room trauma scene she helped create for the show received a Daytime Emmy Award.

Class Notes Joseph Hughes ’83 is a partner in the law firm of Borrus, Goldin, Foley Vignuolo, Hyman in North Brunswick, NJ. He handles all types of litigation and is also in charge of human resources for the firm. In addition, he is a working musician and songwriter and owns a music production company known as J. Hughes Music Co, LLC. He is a member of ASCAP and the band Goldenseal, which has released two records. Their most recent release titled “Streets of America” is dedicated to American soldiers and donations from its sale are made to veterans in need of help. Last year Goldenseal performed at Fort Dix for New Jersey National Guard troops who were deploying to Iraq. More than 30,000 people attended the concert, including Governor Jon Corzine. The band’s music has been heard on many college radio stations in New Jersey and on Japanese television.

as manager, executive director and trader in the short-term institutional trading, municipal securities group. He previously served as an assistant vice president in the Retail Marketing and Underwriting, Municipal Securities Group at UBS Securities, LLC.

Kenneth Daly ’88 has been promoted to the position of global financial controller at National Grid and has relocated to London.

Meg Curtin ’07 is engaged to Jason Roth. The couple plans to wed in March 2011.

2000s Monica Michalski ’01 is assistant dean of freshman studies and academic enhancement at St. Francis College, and was recently featured in Diverse, a publication of the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC). Oraine R. Ramoo ’04 graduated from Lehigh University in 2007 with a master’s degree in Education in Counseling Psychology. Last year, she returned home to Trinidad and Tobago to open Camhanach Counseling Services. She also completed a book review of Woman Soul: The Inner Life of Women's Spirituality, which appeared in the International Psychology Bulletin (winter 2009) and is involved in research on spirituality in Maryland. She enjoys family, friends and travel.

Weddings And Anniversaries Megan S. McGinley ’00 recently wed Michael Roskowinski, Jr. at Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church in West Brighton, NY. Megan teaches fourth grade at P.S. 16 in Tompkinsville. The couple lives in Westerleigh, NY.

Births Christina Bellini Portello ’00 and her husband Anthony announce the arrival in August of their son, Anthony Benedict.

Anthony Benedict Portello

Jeannette A. Robertson ’00 and her husband Lionel announce the arrival of their son, Riley Desmond, in June.

1990s Lynn Scott Dillon ’99 holds a master’s degree in Childhood Education from Hunter College. She and her husband Kevin are the parents of Scott Kevin Dillon, who turned two in November. Christopher R. Long ’99 Has been appointed director and head of the Short-Term Institutional Trading Desk at the financial services firm Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC. Long will oversee all aspects of short-term institutional trading. Most recently Mr. Long supervised the trading operations of a $90 billion program while serving

Riley Desmond Robertson

Kelly A. Mac Lellan ’07 is assistant to the senior vice president of Worldwide Media Distribution at Sesame Workshop, and was recently featured in SFC Today, the College’s online newspaper.

Patrick J. Dugan ’01 and his wife Christina are the parents of Helena Eileen, born in October. Helena is the granddaughter of St. Francis College President Brendan J. Dugan ’68.

Need Career Guidance? Career Advice is Available to All SFC Alumni Looking for work, changing careers, exploring graduate school options or need career advice? St. Francis College’s Career Center is committed to providing appropriate, valuable career services and resources to all alumni. We welcome the opportunity to connect with you! For more information please contact the Career Center at 718.489.5360 or via e-mail at careercenter@stfranciscollege.edu

Career Center Alumni Services Career Counseling SFC Job Bank Career Fairs Resume Writing Interviewing Skills

Job Search Tools Self-Assessment Tools Career Field Resources Graduate School Information

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  25

We Remember The following alumni and friends of St. Francis College recently passed away. We pray for the repose of their souls. Requiescant in Pacem.

S t . F r anc i s C oll e g e A lumn i

F r i e nds of S t . F r anc i s C oll e g e

Eileen M. Ardesia ’82

Catherine Crumlish, mother of Sr. Kaye Crumlish, R.S.M. ’71

Rosanna Riker, mother of Jean Riker-O’Leary ’76

Fr. Henry Culkin, former faculty

John C. Roletter, father of Karen Roletter-Reilly ’91

George Argentieri ’37 John P. Cronin ’38 George E. Cunningham ’67 Gregory L. D’Ascoli ’65 Ralph D’Ascoli ’41 Frank X. DeBiasi ’49 Ciro F. Didonna ’76 Justin E. Doheny ’45 Raymond J. Fitzpatrick ’81 Joseph Giffuni ’77 William V. Graham ’42 Lillian R. Guilfoyle ’88

Joan Ebinger, mother of Edward ’82 Chara Hansford-Gitau, daughter of Amelia Cooper ’04 Peggy Harvey, mother-in-law to Myles Driscoll, Jr. Vincent Incorvaia, father of Noreen Linares ’84 and father-in-law to Jesus Linares ’84 Arthur Joseph Konop, former administrator Rose Jean Maresca, cousin of Joseph Nunziata ’58

Alexander J. Kopp ’39

Daniel Nigro, father of Daniel ’95

Bro. George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 Holly L. Massey ’84

Edna A. O’Neill, mother of Phyllis O’Neill ’81 and Joann O’Neill-Quinterno ’79

Walter McGuire ’60

Sr. Mary Immaculate O’Shea, R.S.M.

Martin C. Murray ’48

Margaret Outerial, aunt of Robert Sollitto ’09

Edward J. O’Halloran ’99 Victor Rafinski ’32

Bro. Charles Spreitzer, O.S.F. Louis Valentino, uncle of Dr. Victor Masi ’89 Mary Williamson, aunt of James Gildea ’76

David LaGrua, brother of Brian ’87

Kenneth J. Kiernan ’61

Clara L. Lewis ’77

Joan Ryan, sister of Dr. James Dougherty ’66, Vincent Dougherty ’68, Margaret Dougherty Russo ’73 & Mary Dougherty ’80†

Basdeo Ramoo, father of Oraine Ramoo ’04

Msgr. Raymond F. Rau ’43 Steven L. Reubens ’73 Kenneth J. Rivers ’75 Robert C. Senese ’73 Prof. Patricia A. Sisson ’82 Martin H. Smoak ’73 Frank X. Tierney ’62 Patrick Tonra ’60 Dr. Paul Urso ’50 Henry J. Vincent ’85

26   St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your souls.  —Matthew 11:28-29

Mark Your Calendar! Upcoming Alumni Events S at u r d ay, J a n u a r y 9

1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Reception for the Anniversary Classes of 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985 &1990. Alumni are welcome to attend the women’s and men’s Basketball games vs. Robert Morris University at 2 p.m. & 4:30 p.m., respectively.

S at u r d ay, J a n u a r y 2 3

1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Reception for Athletes, Cheerleaders, Couples and Grandparents Alumni are welcome to attend the women’s and men’s Basketball games vs. Wagner College at 2 p.m. & 4:30 p.m., respectively.

S at u r d ay, J a n u a r y 3 0

11 a . m .

Alumni Memorial Mass Join us on Saturday, January 30 as we remember our deceased alumni and friends. The Mass will take place at 11 a.m., followed by a luncheon at noon. If you would like to attend this event, please call Donna DeSiena at 718.489.5471. Please RSVP by January 25, 2010.

Alumni Reunion Dinner Friday, May 7, 2010 For more information please visit our website at www.stfranciscollege.edu. You may also contact the Alumni Office at 718.489. 5471.

St. Francis College Terrier  Fall 2009  27


ANNUAL DONOR REPORT A M e ss a g e f r o m D e n i s J . S a l a m o n e ’ 7 5 C h a i r m a n o f t h e D e v e l o pm e n t C o mm i t t e e

Alumni and community support meet the challenge of today’s economy. 2008-09 became the backdrop for a worldwide economic recession not experienced for nearly a generation. Through it all, St. Francis College has continued the pursuit of our mission and thrived. We have kept faith with our students by continuing to make scholarship support readily available and maintaining our academic quality. This has been possible because of the loyalty and generosity of our benefactors, who stepped up to the plate by responding generously in the light of our promise to apply all St. Francis annual fund gifts toward student scholarship support. Please take pride as you browse through the pages listing the names of this past year’s donors. Their generosity is a testament to the enduring power and value of a Franciscan education. The successful pursuit of our mission remains possible because of your generous support. On behalf of everyone here at St. Francis College, please accept our sincere gratitude.

Fundr aising Results F Y 2008 – 09 : $3,298,560 Chart represents private sources of support for St. Francis College (alumni, friends, faculty and staff, and corporate and foundation donors in fiscal year 2008 – 09)



Co rpo r atio ns & Foundations


28 St. Francis College Donor Report



Honor roll of donors The following pages list alumni, friends, faculty and staff, and corporate and foundation donors in fiscal year 2008-09

Le a d ership Gif t s While gifts of all sizes are gratefully received and carefully expended, St. Francis College extends a special thank you to donors listed below for their leadership gifts and helping secure leadership donations of $5,000 and more. Anthony Eugene ’69 and Rosemarie Amodeo Astoria Federal Savings Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball Bank of America John J. ’74 and Kathy Barry BDO Seidman, LLP Michael J. Beaury ’80 Bloomberg LP James F. Bozart ’86 Brooklyn Law School Brown Brothers Harriman Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne James A. Gibson, Ph.D. ’63 ✚ and Patricia Brozinsky, Ph.D. Peter J. Callahan ’63 Robert W. Carey, D.D.S. ’38 Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 John A. and Margo Catsimatidis Daniel J. ’64 and Carol F. Cavanagh Michael K. and Kathleen S. Clark Clark Dodge and Company, Inc. Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole Reverend Thomas J. Colgan ’45 CA, Inc. Con Edison Thomas E. Constance, Esq. Joseph P. ’63 and Joan Coppotelli Kenneth D. ’88 and Laurie Daly The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato William F. Dawson, Jr ’86 and Meredith Royall Dawson Michael P. ’58 ✚ and Kathleen DeBlasio Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo BT Deloitte Alexander A. ’78 and Chris DiGuido Joseph V. ’70 and Marie Christine DiMauro Daniel P. ’68 and Maureen Donovan James F., Ph.D. ’66 and Patricia Dougherty Brendan J. ’68 and Barbara A. Dugan BT Brian J. and Rose Dugan James D. ’66 and Susan Egan ExxonMobil Foundation Al Ferrara Salvatore Ferrera, Ph.D. Forest City Ratner Companies Fulbright and Jaworski, LLP Frederick Dennis ’64 and Catherine Furman Robert J. ’66 and Carolyn Gaites General Atlantic Corporation Michael J. ’62 and Cynthia Gibbons Angelo A. Giordano ’70 and Joann DeLenibus Goldman Sachs & Company Robert Gorton Gorton and Partners, LLC Edmund J. Greco ’79 Edward J. ’69 and Patricia Groarke William R. ’70 and Donna Guarinello

David E. Haverty ’81 Roger and Susan Hertog Richard P. Hoppe Hudson City Savings Bank ISS Facility Services J.M.S. Foundation, Inc. Gerard C. ’68 and Mary Jane Keegan BT Thomas J., Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen James I. Konkel, C.P.A ’57 Barbara G. ’76 and Robert Koster BT Kramer Levin Naftalis and Frankel, LLP Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich KPMG Jesus F. ’84 and Noreen M. ’84 Linares BT William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola J. Christopher ’83 and Carol Mangan BT Lawrence A. ’72 and Karen Marsiello BT Joseph J. ’69 and Mary Martingale Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 and Teresa ’91 Stuto-Masi BT Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Mattone John M. ’51 and Mary McCarthy Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella John P. Monaghan ’57 Thomas McManus ’70 Montoya-Rodriguez, P.C. Michael J. Moriarty ’69 National Grid John E. ’67 and Mary O’Connor Park Strategies, LLC William G. ’67 and Diane Foley Parrett BT Penske Automotive Group, Inc. Pricewaterhouse Coopers Walter A. and Kathleen Probst Prudential Financial, Inc. Bruce Ratner Roy L., Esq. ’51 and Patricia Reardon Red Apple Group, Inc. Edward M. Ricci and Mary E. Lupo John R. ’66 ✚ and Josephine Rinaldi Daniel Rodriguez William J. ’65 and Marguerite Ryan Denis J. ’75 and Joanne Salamone BT Carl J. Sardegna ’59 Josephine Foley Savastano ’87 and Richard Savastano Ellen M. Segriff ’77 Shell Oil Company Richard ’64 and Jane Silverman BT David D. ’64 and Ann Smith Sovereign Bank St. Francis College Tomasz Stachowiak David P. and Catherine Steinmann Philip and Evelyn Stenger Structure Tone, Inc. TD Bank Thomas J. and Alice Tisch Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti John F., Esq. ’67 and Maureen Tully BT Turner Construction Company George A. ’67 and Melanie Vecchione Thomas J. and Anita Volpe BT Leighton Waters Stephen Waldorf Waldorf and Associates

Board of Trustees 2008-2009

Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward Joan G. Wexler Xaverian High School Edward R. Zatorski ’82

Cl a s s Y e a r Givin g

1924 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 8 3 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 10 0 % Franciscans


President’s Circle

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 3,175 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 18 %

President’s Club

President’s Club

Myles Driscoll A s s i s i So c i e t y

Red & Blue Club

Edward J. Ritter

Joseph E. Castana Anthony Caulfield, Jr. John A. Costa Thomas R. Crowe Alfred J. Farnochi Robert S. Hathaway Anthony J. Mercogliano John J. Scibelli Dr. William H. Weir, Jr.

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 670 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 32 %

D o l l a rs R a ise d $10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 3 %

Red & Blue Club

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 5,10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 5 0 % President’s Circle

Robert W. Carey, D.D.S. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Zachary Ephraim, M.D.

1940 D o l l a rs R a ised $1,6 0 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 8 0 % B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Daniel M. Burns ✚ Jerome O’Neill ✚ Francis Roland A s s i s i So c i e t y

Reverend James A. Thompson

1942 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 6 6 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 31% Red & Blue Club

Anthony P. Braginetz Dr. John J. O’Neill A s s i s i So c i e t y

James F. Farrell, M.D.

Roy F. Bonner, K.C.H.S.




Remsen Street Club

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b


Victor Rafinski ✚

John J. Munnelly, Esq.

Philip R. Harris, Ph.D. Leonard Rose

Estate of Francis D. Stark ✚

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Roy L. Reardon, Esq.

James R. Brannigan A s s i s i So c i e t y

Dr. Alfonse Acciani Dr. Hugh T. McGowan William Tursellino Franciscans

Anthony J. Agoglia Joseph F. Byrne John J. Connor John E. Hennessy Dr. Frank J. Kerins Thomas C. Reed

1950 D o l l a rs R a ised $10,514 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 41% President’s Club

Andrew A. Castagliola Remsen Street Club

Reverend James McConnell James E. McHugh Colonel Walter McIntyre, U.S.A.F. B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Charles V. Gibilaro, C.L.U., C.H.F.C. Vincent M. Sclafani Red & Blue Club

James M. King William R. Schroeder William P. Shanahan

Francis X. McCormack

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Edward J. Burden Francis H. Dowd Dr. Joseph Frey Reverend William Gill Frederick J. Herrmann Raymond McGorry Thomas P. McHugh, D.D.S. Ernest J. Orlandini John P. Rowley, Jr. Ludwig Sabatino Raymond J. Supino Robert A. Walters Franciscans

George D. Balduzy John A. Bertone William J. Brooks William F. Casey John R. Corbett Paul H. Ducharme John J. McGrath William Moncrieff Walter C. Quevedo

1952 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 8 ,19 4 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 3 %

A s s i s i So c i e t y

President’s Club

Emmet J. Agoglia

President’s Circle

Daniel D’Errico Martin Fazio Thomas A. Fitzpatrick Daniel J. Golden George Hearn Edward J. Lynch The Honorable Christopher Mega Dr. Michael J. Monaco John R. O’Connor Joseph P. O’Donnell Angelo Patrissi John R. Ryan John P. Schofield Thomas F. Sharkey Paul Urso, Ph.D. ✚

Reverend Thomas J. Colgan



Henry C. Brustein

1943 D o l l a rs R a ised $75 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 14 % B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Dr. David Ballantine Red & Blue Club

Xavier J. Musacchia, Ph.D.

1945 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 5,10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 5 0 %

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Reverend John B. Cook

1946 D o l l a rs R a ise d $10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 10 0 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Blair Allen

1947 D o l l a rs R a ise d $10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 13 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Matthew A. Shannon

Rocco Agoglia Thomas F. Cacciola Joseph G. Deegan Peter P. Faiella Peter Hlinka Joseph Kennedy Raymond Kilanowski, Esq. William K. Mosca Michael J. Mulroy Francis V. Reilly Francis J. Sortino

Remsen Street Club

Martin D. Conway Roger J. Daly Ralph L. Gentile, M.D. Red & Blue Club

Frank A. Jurek, Jr. Eugene M. Lyons Thomas J. Quigley, Ph.D. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Vincent C. Bracco Joseph A. De Oliveira, Ed.D.

Givin g Le v el s Founders Circle

$50,000 and above C h a r t e r So c i e t y

$25,000 to $49,999 P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

$10,000 to $24,999 President’s Circle

$5,000 to $9,999 President’s Club

$2,500 to $4,999 Remsen Street Club

$1,000 to $2,499


B a lt i c S t re e t C lu b

D o l l a rs R a ised $ 24,15 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 6 %

Red & Blue Club

$500 to $999 $250 to $499

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

A s s i s i So c i e t y

John M. McCarthy

$100 to $249 Franciscans

Gifts to $99


St. Francis College Donor Report 29

Monsignor Michael J. Dempsey Robert F. Lee Michael S. Sciglibaglio Joseph S. Spiegel Patrick A. Tolve Reverend Emil Wcela, D.D. Franciscans

Sebastian T. Brancato Wladyslaw J. Cieslewicz Carmelo Colombo Salvatore T. Graziano

1953 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 4,98 5 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 6 % President’s Club

Cyril D. Tyson Remsen Street Club

Raymond G. Dawid Joseph Ferris Edward P. McCartney Harold F. McLeer Eugene T. Moran



John C. Gordon David A. Mathis Joseph S. Randazzo


Michael Gray Sister Mary Kenneth Lane, C.S.J. James D. Leonard Brother Ronald Moore, O.S.F. Patrick J. Russo

John C. Devir

D o l l a rs R a ised $19, 475 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 51%



President’s Circle

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 31, 4 25 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 4 %

Carl J. Sardegna

D o l l a rs R a ised $ 21, 495 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 0 %

Remsen Street Club

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Gerard Benford John J. Jordan Edward J. McDonough Mark W. Mooney


James I. Konkel, C.P.A. John P. Monaghan President’s Club

Albert G. Doumar Remsen Street Club

Joseph C. Wengler

John F. Goydas Thomas E. Powers, Jr.

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Frank A. Silvestri Red & Blue Club

Joseph A. Gannon, Ph.D. Colonel Robert M. Keith, Jr., U.S.A.F. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Dino A. Belletti, M.D. Robert M. Nevin Thomas Pellegrino Franciscans

Robert W. Chambers Monsignor William J. Flood Thomas J. McCarthy

1954 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 2 ,05 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 8 % Remsen Street Club

Robert C. Minion Red & Blue Club

Gerard E. Lenze A s s i s i So c i e t y

Anthony Bertuglia Joseph A. Lategano John R. Lenze John J. McDonald Reverend Joseph Pfeiffer Franciscans

Thomas D. Lynch


Robert Varasano Red & Blue Club

Robert F. Thompson A s s i s i So c i e t y

Dr. Anthony D. Abbate Nunzio D. Cazzetta Reverend Kieran Fergus, O.P. Timothy D. Mahoney Frank V. Miniaci Ralph A. Pascucci John S. Quirke Donald L. Raymond John J. Rush, Ph.D. Stephen J. Travers Franciscans

Ronald F. Cunningham William Doherty Joseph M. Keane George F. Kehm, Esq. Jack C. Lawn Thomas H. Maher Michael J. McPartland John G. Melito Edward C. O’Brien Anthony J. Polemini, Ph.D.

1958 D o l l a rs R a ise d $136, 876 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 26 % Founder’s Circle

Michael P. DeBlasio ✚

D o l l a rs R a ised $1,525 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 26 %

President’s Club

Red & Blue Club

Remsen Street Club

John DeRiso John J. Hearn, J.D. Richard T. Nolan

Gerald A. Curtin William F. Morgan Joseph A. Nunziata, Jr. Herbert V. Ryan

A s s i s i So c i e t y

John J. Dietl

Gerard J. Baxter, U.S.M.C. Louis Demartino Joseph W. Goodey George F. Haggerty, Jr.

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b


Dr. Frank N. D’Ambra Frank J. Lonigan Dr. William I. Waithe

James F. Foster

1956 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 3,175 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 25 % Remsen Street Club

John F. Roache B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Dr. Thomas J. Wallace Red & Blue Club

Joseph P. Kramer William R. Travers A s s i s i So c i e t y

Neil F. Brogan, Jr. Leo P. Callahan

30 St. Francis College Donor Report

William D. Feimer William G. Hudson Red & Blue Club

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Connell J. Boyle Robert E. Duane Dr. Peter P. Frisko Charles A. Ludlow John B. McCarthy Thomas F. O’Sullivan Peter J. Purpura John P. Sheehy Lawrence Sullivan Joseph F. Wahl Bernard J. Welsh

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Ralph Cloppse Timothy P. Davey John M. Downing Dr. Francis T. Lang Edward J. Mullaney Vincent A. Sena, Jr. David J. Sheehan Red & Blue Club

George C. Bergleitner Francis Cassidy James V. Chatfield Ronald P. Fiske Paul Gale Gerard J. Gillia James A. Hynes John J. Lane Hugh A. McCloskey Joseph P. McQueeney Edward G. Reaney, C.P.A. Ernest J. Restivo A s s i s i So c i e t y

John F. Astarita Charles Butler Philip A. Buttling Dr. Charles J. Cain Leonard J. Connolly ✚ Denis J. Corrigan F. Peter Foti Robert J. Nolan James J. O’Neill Anthony A. Pellegrino Lawrence T. Sweeney Franciscans

Sister Mary Bradley, C.S.J. Charles Butler Edward Fitzpatrick James Rogan, Sr. Thomas F. Tierney Sister Mary Tropeano, C.S.J.

President’s Circle

Robert J. Ball President’s Club

Michael A. Henning BT Bernard P. Morgan Martin P. O’Donnell Brother Robert Schaefer, O.S.F. Remsen Street Club

Richard J. Thornton B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

John Wagnes, C.P.A. Joseph P. Walker William J. Weber Red & Blue Club

Arthur E. Beyer Thomas Hassett Kenneth J. Kiernan ✚ Dominic J. Molignano Joseph P. Murphy, L.C.S.W. Neil J. O’Carroll

John J. Gallagher Harold F. Kelly, Jr. Thomas J. O’Mara A s s i s i So c i e t y

William T. Barnewold Thomas P. Gilhooley Raymond Grossman Joseph T. Harte James M. Murray Michael Nastri John T. O’Friel James M. O’Kane, Ph.D. John M. Prenderville Conrad W. Reitz, Jr. Joseph P. Toto Donald J. Young, M.S.W. Franciscans

John P. Meudt Brother Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. Joseph T. Ponessa, Ph.D. James T. Heverin

1963 D o l l a rs R a ised $137,6 65 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 37 % Founder’s Circle

James A. Gibson, Ph.D. ✚ P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Joseph P. Coppotelli President’s Circle

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Peter J. Callahan

Benedict A. Carrozza Brendan J. Casey John J. Collins Timothy J. Courtney George C. Davey Richard A. Dreyer Joseph J. Egan, Ph.D. Vincent J. Emilio Robert C. Hackett Michael K. Jewell Francis P. Kehoe Robert Lambiase William Marmion Thomas J. Mason Reverend John J. McCormick Dr. Daniel C. Noonan ✚ Francis M. Scahill William K. Storey Dr. James E. Vincent

President’s Club

Thomas T. Meyer Peter J. Michel Thomas P. Napier, Jr. John B. Zurell Remsen Street Club

Martin P. McNally Raymond P. Nash B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Thomas N. Jones Martin T. McNeill Red & Blue Club

William P. Casey William P. Kinane Charles L. Novak William E. Spencer John P. Toner A s s i s i So c i e t y

President’s Club


Edward P. Aquilone James E. Corrigan, Ph.D.

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 20 8 ,116 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 3 %

Remsen Street Club

Founders Circle

Gerard H. Gannon

Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D.

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Charles V. Austin James D. Healy Joseph E. McLaughlin

Thomas F. Ward Michael J. Gibbons

Frank Dambeck William L. Dempsey Joseph C. Dettling Anthony J. Embriano Eugene J. Feldhaus Charles H. Harris William J. Higgins Gerard R. Kelly Francis A. Loughlin Brendan T. Mahon John R. Mathis Hugh J. McMenamin, Sr. David C. Moriarty Brother Roman Morris, O.S.F. Anthony J. Pagano Martin Pasquale James J. Raftery Brother Jeremy Sztabnik, O.S.F. Andre Zmurek

Red & Blue Club

President’s Club


1960 D o l l a rs R a ised $12 ,6 8 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 3 %

John P. McSherry John A. Pellegrino Frederick E. Schneider A s s i s i So c i e t y

Brother Emmett Corry, O.S.F. John J. Finan John M. Fitzgerald Dermot A. Flynn Donald M. Kelleher Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ✚ Dr. Joseph J. Rand


Sister Dorothy Geiger Sister Kathleen Kane, C.S.J. John F. Maguire Edward L. Martin John Milewski James E. Vincent William J. Walsh, Jr.

President’s Circle

Thomas J. McCormack Remsen Street Club

Edward A. Celano James E. Dwane Thomas J. Keller B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Edward D. O’Brien Red & Blue Club

Michael E. Browne Angel R. Colon, Jr., M.D. Donald J. Esters

Brother Alfred Bonanza, O.S.F. Bruce A. Buckheit Anthony J. Cali John T. Cronin John M. Dalton George P. DeGeorge Edward J. Dougherty, Jr. Thomas J. Hamm James M. Tharrington Joseph R. Torpey Anthony N. Vetrano Board of Trustees 2008-2009



Remsen Street Club

D o l l a rs R a ised $126,65 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 31%

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Founders Circle

David D. Smith C h a r t e r So c i e t y

Richard Silverman BT P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Daniel J. Cavanagh President’s circle

Frederick D. Furman President’s Club

John F. Coffey Dr. Dominick P. DePaola Gary J. Schneider John P. Smircich Remsen Street Club

Edward J. Hart Kevin J. Lyons Joseph M. Vislocky B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Bernard J. Casserly Walter J. Cook James F. O’Dea Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Ph.D. Stephen Wilantewicz, D.M.D. Red & Blue Club

John K. Carney Gerard C. DiStefano James E. Greiner Michael C. Healy Michael T. Humes James R. Mazzeo, C.P.A. Colonel John H. Morris, U.S.A.F. John J. O’Boyle A s s i s i So c i e t y

Alexander Conforti Robert de Zorzi Lt. Colonel Thomas J. Fitzgerald, U.S.A.F. John Fugelsang Michael A. Graziano Martin R. Hamburger Thomas J. Hoban John H. Humins, Ph.D. Brother Campion Lally, O.S.F. Donald A. Lomangino John D. Looney Francis Myskowsky Richard Randall John P. Rooney, Jr. John J. Sceppa Charles Schretzmann, C.P.A. Timothy F. Stafford Peter M. Swist Patrick F. Walsh Franciscans

Leonard A. Accardi John F. Bartley Raymond L. Bendici Rudolph A. Brabender Paul C. Donovan Raymond C. Makofske Edward J. Powers Hugh W. Rogan Joseph F. Sheridan Robert M. Suzansky Thomas E. Tilston


Dr. James J. O’Connell Walter J. Conklin Robert A. Ficarra Thomas J. Foley William Hanley The Honorable Peter T. King George R. Mayer Anthony Miserandino Michael J. O’Connor Red & Blue Club

Kenneth R. Allex John T. Leyden Lawrence J. Mulcahy Samuel A. Ramirez Anthony J. Witt A s s i s i So c i e t y

James M. Barling Sister Anne Veronica Beverly, C.S.J. James R. Borut Thomas J. Callaghan Thomas F. Clougher Leonard N. Florio Robert K. Johnson John J. McCabe Edward F. McCabe Thomas A. McLellan Edward T. Murphy Philip D. Murray Charles F. Noselli William R. Pearse Franciscans

William J. Bielefeld Dr. Richard Bonnabeau Robert J. Bousquet Walter G. Eggmann Thomas M. Fasano William Flinter Stephen P. Keller Joseph A. Lavezzo Thomas A. Loughrey James J. Maloney Blaise Marchese David Meyer Bruce A. Pizzimenti Hugh T. Potter Ralph Stinebrickner


Founders Circle

William J. Ryan P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Philip J. Mercorella President’s Club

Vincent A. D’Angelo

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

John R. Rinaldi ✚ President’s Circle

Reverend Michael A. Carrano James F. Dougherty, Ph.D. Robert J. Gaites President’s Club

James D. Egan Robert C. Sloane Remsen Street Club

Albert J. Kleinberg Richard J. Krauland Thomas M. Laquercia, Esq. Vincent J. Mignano B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

William A. Jandovitz Brian W. McTiernan Sean A. Fanelli, Ph.D. James A. Flanagan Edward J. Jaworski Dr. Robert E. Judge Robert J. Rafferty, C.P.A. Brother Norman Smercak, O.S.F. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Robert J. Allen Richard M. Bourne John J. Lawless

Board of Trustees 2008-2009

President’s Circle

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Daniel P. Donovan

Raul Peter Arroyo Daniel F. Barry Dennis J. Fallon Michael C. Korb Paul A. Murphy, Esq. Clifford B. Redden Thomas P. Reilly Kevin W. Schultz Richard J. Wendt


Franey M. Donovan, Jr. Thomas A. Dunne Monsignor John D. Gilmartin Dr. John J. Travers

Anthony Alaimo Sister Barbara Buckbee, C.S.J. John J. Comiskey Arthur DiClementi Sister Lois J. Keller, R.S.M. Anthony J. LaBello William G. Massimo Sister Joan McDonnell, C.S.J. Gerald J. Radioli William J. Walker, Sr.

1967 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 25 3, 8 4 8 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 16 % Founders Circle


President’s Club

Edward T. Reilly Charles F. Vadala, Jr. Remsen Street Club

Robert G. Bombara Thomas A. Dunne Raphael Scotto, Esq. B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Red & Blue Club

Robert T. Barlow Richard J. Collins Vincent J. Dougherty Joseph F. Marino, Ph.D. Michael G. McMahon Edward A. Putonti Donald E. Temple Brother Edward Wesley, O.S.F., Ph.D. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Robert A. Alessandro Raymond M. Feeney Michael T. O’Sullivan, Esq.

Donald G. Barton Michael G. Burke Dennis T. Christy Kevin M. Coffey Reverend Randolph J. Geminder Walter E. Gilpin Charles T. Gusman Donald N. Hayward Daniel Kenny, Sr. John A. Leone Brother Lawrence Makofske, O.S.F. Brother John Mark Minicozzi, O.S.F. Brother Patrick Murphy, O.S.F. John P. Raftery Patrick J. Reavey Michael T. Ridge Barbara Sullivan Patrick T. Sullivan

Red & Blue Club


Joseph M. DiTommaso Edward J. Duer Daniel T. Kane George M. Magliano

Vincent J. Ambrosio, Sr. Albert O. Benkert Edward J. Bligh Robert T. Conklin Sister Mary Coughlin John A. Fedele John H. Field Brother Joseph V. Gallagher, O.S.F. Sister Kathleen Geaney, R.S.M. John T. Gerace Brother Thomas Grady, O.S.F. Michael A. Graham Joseph P. Gribbin William Knipfing Dr. John J. Koster Charles Parente Dennis M. Reilly, L.C.S.W. Charles P. Scalzo Joseph J. Svirida Carmine J. Zummo

William G. Parrett BT John F. Tully, Esq. BT President’s Circle

John E. O’Connor George A. Vecchione Remsen Street Club

John V. Coughlin John P. Daley George W. Gaffney Jeffrey A. Gould Paul G. Henning John J. Lynch William P. Tyson B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

A s s i s i So c i e t y

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 55,781 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 24 %

Red & Blue Club

D o l l a rs R a ised $122 , 3 45 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 25 %

James D. McCann Sister Alice L. McVey, C.S.J. William A. Meyer Brother Antonio Montera, O.S.F. Thomas P. Murphy Peter C. Nies John S. Pereira George J. Pipino William Schilwachter John F. Tiernan

Frank P. Cannistra Richard C. Coccaro James F. Darcy Guarione Diaz Louis J. Dinnella Thomas D. Downes David Fallon William E. Giegerich, Jr. John R. Harold Joseph J. Marino Patricia K. McGowran James Palmer Jerold Rowan Robert S. Sarli Thomas A. Simonetti Franciscans

Sister Grace Ann Baran, C.S.J. John C. Donahue Cirino T. Lombard Patrick Rooney Sister Marie Scanlon, C.S.J. James M. Theisen


D o l l a rs R a ise d $116,728 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 20 % Founder's Circle

Brendan J. Dugan BT C h a r t e r So c i e t y

Gerard C. Keegan BT

1969 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 47,720 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 26 % P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Thomas J. Killeen, Esq.

Red & Blue Club

Edward J. Anderson Vincent Callagy Frank R. Delgiudice James F. DeVarso Richard M. Giammarco Patrick J. Kiernan Anthony A. Lombardo John Martinez, Jr. Henry Matuszewski James H. McDonald Joseph Striano Anthony Viola A s s i s i So c i e t y

Dave H. Bacchioni Neal Bennett ✚ John A. Blaine Edward D. Bova Thomas J. Brennan James F. Carroll Robert E. Christie John B. Conroy Robert L. Conway William Geasor Andrew J. Habermann Stephen J. Hayden John R. Jacques Patrick J. Kelly Michael P. Lombardi Patrick L. Marano Michael J. Martin Michael J. McCafferty D. Kevin McQuade Frederick L. Michaels Martin J. Michlik John B. Nelson Guy L. Rossiello Thomas J. Ryan Donald T. Siemer Franciscans

Henry G. Binger Thoms J. Brennan James A. Byrne James J. Cobb Dennis J. Farrell Sister Kathleen Hennessy, R.S.M. Charles J. Kelly Sister Margaret Lynch, O.P. Thomas F. McGarrity Thomas P. Mione

Givin g Le v el s Founders Circle

$50,000 and above C h a r t e r So c i e t y

$25,000 to $49,999 P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

$10,000 to $24,999 President’s Circle

$5,000 to $9,999

President’s Circle

President’s Club

Anthony E. Amodeo Edward J. Groarke Joseph J. Martingale Michael J. Moriarty

$2,500 to $4,999

Remsen Street Club

Michael T. Corcoran Joseph P. Forte Ronald S. Jendras

Remsen Street Club

$1,000 to $2,499 B a lt i c S t re e t C lu b

$500 to $999 Red & Blue Club

$250 to $499 A s s i s i So c i e t y

$100 to $249

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l


Joseph T. Browne

Gifts to $99

St. Francis College Donor Report 31

Patrick J. O’Mara Charles J. Pergola Brother Owen J. Sadlier, O.S.F. John T. Sundermier Paul F. Valenti

1970 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 5 6,6 30 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 2 3 % President’s Circle

Joseph V. DiMauro Angelo A. Giordano William R. Guarinello Thomas B. McManus Edward Travaglianti President’s Club

Peter T. Chingos Richard W. Merzbacher Robert P. Moore Alfred F. Thoben Remsen Street Club

Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. BT Leonard J. Cutrone Rolf B. Friedmann Richard C. Jewell Harry E. Macri B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Kevin J. Burke Stephen M. Cronin Mark Failla, Ph.D. Michael J. McInerney Peter E. Provenzale Salvatore P. Stallone Red & Blue Club

Dr. Brian Butler John J. Casey Nicholas A. Faraci William M. Mancini Thomas G. Oldis Edward J. Ormond Red & Blue Club

William Black Thomas J. Conlon Alan H. Hoffman George Brennan Kenneth P. Brown Francis A. Lofaso John C. Smith Richard P. Wagner John F. Darnowski Theodore Dymczynski George M. Gillan, C.P.A. George J. Johansen William T. Hentrich Vito J. Loiacono Brother Louis T. Miritello, O.S.F. Edward P. Morrissey Robert N. Pale Kevin J. Ryan Daniel J. Trucano Richard J. Zink Franciscans

Edgar A. Adamson Brother Thomas W. Barton, O.S.F. William D. Chomin Sister Dorothy Flynn, R.S.M. Joseph J. Giovaniello Michael H. Higginson Sister Theresa Kelly, R.S.M. Kevin F. Kempf John A. Krizel Daniel G. Lynch, Jr. Dr. Mary Maguire Frederick Meyers, Jr. Nicholas J. Miglino Thomas P. O’Brien Brian J. Putney Anthony J. Rizzi Marie L. Rizzi John A. Serrao

32 St. Francis College Donor Report

1971 D o l l a rs R a ise d $16, 3 3 4 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 17 % President’s Club

Patrick W. Condren Remsen Street Club

Dennis J. Burke Edward R. Curty Terrance J. Nolan Robert S. Shanley B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Louis A. Esposito Patrick B. McGovern Louis H. Roller Joseph M. Szkutnik Red & Blue Club

Daniel J. Brouder Robert F. Dunn Joseph M. Elhilow Francis X. Holt James P. Lawler James F. O’Sullivan Luis J. Rodriguez Joseph C. Trentacoste A s s i s i So c i e t y

John P. Brolly Philip A. Caserta James J. Castro Brother Leonard Conway, O.S.F. BT Raymond A. Convey John C. Ferraro Patrick A. Hanley Richard J. Illich Kevin J. Kelleher Dr. Peter A. Leonard Thomas B. Losquadro Peter M. McGann Raymond J. McKeough James H. Murphy, Jr. Robert J. Murphy Anthony P. Valenti Robert G. Zuccarelli Franciscans

James R. Barnett George C. Blanchard Stephen P. Chiarini John J. Connors John J. Dellasala Louis Dottrina Sister Martin M. Doran, O.P. Gerald J. Duerr James W. Egan James R. Farrell Commander Robert D. Hopping, U.S.N Shirley Kennedy Michael P. Magnavita Peter C. Mancuso Charles L. Mattina Thomas McCormack John M. Murphy Rory J. Quinn Joseph M. Rhatigan Terese M. Rouge

1972 D o l l a rs R a ise d $15 3,16 8 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 15 % Founders Circle

Vincent DeGiaimo BT C h a r t e r So c i e t y

Lawrence A. Marsiello BT President’s Club

Dr. Vincent A. Sawicki William P. Tully Remsen Street Club

Robert M. D’Amante Vincent F. Pitta, Esq. Michael J. Ranieri Charles R. Traina, Ph.D.

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Paul L. Magnano, C.L.U. Robert L. Smith Red & Blue Club

Alfonso Figliolia Stanley Galowski Edmond McTigue Frederick G. Wissemann A s s i s i So c i e t y

Vincent R. Aperawic Brother James B. Burke, S.M. Ernest V. DiFranchi Joseph A. Donnelly Thomas A. Garone Brian W. Kenny Charles P. Kowalski Nicholas A. Marano Edward J. Machinski Austin V. Murphy ✚ Anthony F. Nicodemo Walter D. Peyton Pauline Reid Robert Scharbach William Tamparo Joseph A. Turzo Robert D. Terry William R. Thoden Andrew F. Virga Thomas Von Essen Chun K. Yip, M.D. Sister Joseph Maureen Zick, O.P. Franciscans

Robert S. Burns John C. Codd Bart A. D’Ambra Richard M. Greene Kenneth Lam Michael P. Maida William A. Maltese, Ph.D. Maureen A. McCormack Francis P. Messano Michael J. Mulcahy James J. Murphy Michael A. Polito Jose M. Rivera Michael E. Salogub John A. Santoro

1973 D o l l a rs R a ised $18 ,721 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 9 % President’s Circle

Matthew J. Krsulich President’s Club

Samuel J. Fruner, Ph.D. Frank D. Petrizzo

William O’Brien Thomas F. Oftring Margaret M. Regan Margaret M. Robin Anthony C. Schiano Frank E. Scott

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Myrna H. Belgrave John E. Brandt Paul P. Chadason Paul R. Cronen Eileen E. Gittens Gary S. Jendras Mary D. Maynard Renee Miscione Steven Orlando Diane M. Trapp William E. Ulrich John F. Wall

1974 D o l l a rs R a ised $14,575 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 15 % President’s Circle

John J. Barry President’s Club

Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski Remsen Street Club

The Honorable Joseph J. Hennessy Dennis J. McDermott Catherine McDermott B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

John Burke Red & Blue Club

Paul V. Cucarese Edward G. Dunn, Jr. Michael G. Flanagan Fulvia M. Forbes Joseph A. Foulke John J. Lyons Martin J. O’Reilly, Jr. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Vincent M. Catalano Charles J. Eames Doreen S. Faga Antonio Farina, Jr. Michael V. Gilmartin Dennis P. Keating Elizabeth A. Keating Thomas S. McCabe John F. McCue Dennis Miller Peter J. Palenzona Karen C. Scharbach Alice Smiertka Randolph W. Titus Franciscans

Andrea E. Albanese Mary R. Coughlin Samuel R. Crescente Rita D’Ambrosio Angela A. Downes Edward J. Fata Gregg J. Izzo William G. Lederer Mary E. McKenna Benjamin D. Pride Robert Quartuccio, C.P.A. Dennis G. Riehman


Carlos Avendano Barbara H. Booker David Byrne Michael J. Carvalhido Stephen J. Delcasino Mario R. Deluca Donato A. DeSantis Richard M. Dougherty Thomas Dowling Mary V. Gilbride Claudette P. Glasgow Theodore Glikis Barbara E. Henry Antoinette M. Lauletta Anthony J. Lauriano Dominick Mancini Donald G. Mulligan Robert R. Rooney Joyce A. Willoughby, R.N.

1976 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 31, 4 25 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 13 % P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Barbara G. Koster BT President’s Club

Joseph A. Rosalie Raymond F. Keenan Remsen Street Club

Lynn A. Archiopoli June A. McGrisken B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Mary Browne-Ryan Marguerite E. Burke Johnny F. Charles John E. Kiely Red & Blue Club

Dr. Emil Baccash


B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

D o l l a rs R a ise d $111, 8 2 9 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 14 %

Joseph C. Caldarella Anne C. Dagenais Brian Dennigan Peter E. Maloney Mary McGovern-Morris Michael P. Morris George A. Wahlert

Founder’s Circle

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Denis J. Salamone BT

Vincent A. Bagarozza Stephen M. Bruce Brian J. Campbell Margaret M. Casey Anne Tully-Conlon Richard D’Allesandro Joseph DeFalco Stephen J. Figliozzi Marie Geisel Margaret A. Healy-Horan, C.P.A. John J. Hogan Philip LaSpisa George M. Lovaglio Anne M. McCafferty Harry C. Norum Richard J. Piccininni Glenn T. Rivano Kevin F. Sullivan Joseph Tricarico John M. Zaborskis

Pasquale C. DePalma John A. Rowinski Remsen Street Club

Vincent Kucich, M.D. Monsignor Michael J. Reid Red & Blue Club

Albert T. Jaronczyk Thomas F. McDonough Joseph T. Penzone James J. Petruzzi Francis W. Ryan A s s i s i So c i e t y

Mark C. Clark Gerard P. Conlon Brother Myles Davis, O.S.F. Richard Faga Jack L. Fellin Nicholas J. McCauley James F. McKenna Thomas Raleigh Franciscans

Margaret M. Dougherty-Russo Joseph T. Freisen

C h a r t e r So c i e t y

William J. Lovejoy President’s Club

Vincent A. Gardino Terrence F. McManus Remsen Street Club

Kevin R. McCabe B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Michael L. Andreola John A. McAuliffe Cathal P. Quigley Christabel A. Quigley Edward J. Ryan Mary Ellen Scala Peter F. Spiess Red & Blue Club

Salvatore V. Barbuzza Joseph T. Brady

Board of Trustees 2008-2009



Clarence Brown, Ph.D. Ruby M. Burt James G. Courage Patricia Carucci-Kerner Richard G. Danderline John J. Ferrante Robert Genalo James P. Gildea Michael J. Mandel Alfred J. Risicato Ellen Burke Soliwoda William H. Wojcik

1977 D o l l a rs R a ised $12 ,0 6 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 8 % President’s Circle

Ellen M. Segriff B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Denise Garrido-Squeri Silvio Squeri Red & Blue Club

Lawrence K. Becker Joseph M. Buercke Mary Keane-Spiess Patricia M. Lesser Katherine R. Russell Francis P. Tricamo A s s i s i So c i e t y

Thomas K. Alesi Claire J. Baker Christopher M. Broughton John B. Casey Thomas A. Dougherty Donald J. Faughnan Farrell Fleming Nicholas J. Gismondi James F. McElroy, Jr. Robert J. Trapp Margaret Zaborskis, D.D.S. Franciscans

Margaret K. Alwon William Boyle Thomas J. Cassidy Patricia Dray Christina Gargiulo Jayne B. Godlewski Carmelo P. Lisotta Terrence C. McCormick Kevin M. O’Donnell Elaine M. Smith Alice Timbers, R.N.


Lorraine J. Carlozzi Jeanmarie Costello Marjorie Drennan Richard A. Greene Margaret Guthrie Regina E. Guthrie Janet F. Hayden-Cusimano, L.C.S.W. Margaret M. Kennedy Maureen T. Leo Debbie Letts Edward C. McGarrity, Jr. Kevin M. Nash Patricia M. Ola-Chukwu Anthony J. Orlando Jorge E. Palacios Albert C. Wiltshire Claudeth Wylie Franciscans

Karl T. Bednarek, M.D. Etta R. Brooks-Smith Eugene P. D’Amore Vincent Grillo Vincenza Levantino Ierardi Lunette James Thomas E. Kennedy Joseph Morangelli Georgianne Nardi Anne M. Petsche Kevin J. Redden Gerard Trapp Marion F. White

1979 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 20,161 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 12 % President’s Circle

Edmund J. Greco Remsen Street Club

William C. Armstrong Mary Anne Early Nancy D. Krzemienski Robert J. Lindsay Stephen P. McInerney B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Stephen E. Albright Pat A. Mallozzi Joann M. O’Neill-Quinterno Louis G. Pastina Red & Blue Club

John J. Colgan Anne M. Kelly Julie F. Kelly Nancy A. Lento-Misseri A s s i s i So c i e t y

D o l l a rs R a ised $ 3 3,916 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 10 % President’s Circle

Timothy J. Cole Alexander A. DiGuido President’s Club

Frank P. Frattini Leonard G. Lubrano Remsen Street Club

Raymond Dowling Thomas Early Patricia A. Logan, C.P.C.U. B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

James Clifford Mary Anne P. Killeen Christopher R. Reidy Red & Blue Club

Elizabeth A. Becker Mary T. Buercke Margaret M. Costa James P. Dolan Vincent A. Ferraioli Kathleen M. King James F. McCue, C.P.A. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Joseph A. Cacchioli

Lorraine F. Altmann Joseph A. Aveni Karen A. Cottone Anthony J. Cusimano Patricia Darragh Joyce E. Hunter Eugene J. McArdle Michael Palmiotto Sheila M. Pickard Judy Ann Rice Muriel Wilkinson Franciscans

Dr. Claudia P. Attardi-Pisano Thomas R. Brady Madeline Conway Gloria M. Decrescenzo Eugene Gerard Eames Giovambattista Eramo Dorothy Gurreri Theodore Heinrich Michael F. Laffey Joseph Malewich Cecile M. McKesey-Braxton Michael P. Musante Anne E. Neverett Herman M. Petsche Joyce A. Reynolds

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Angela Keenan John J. Kelly Grace McEvoy Alice M. McTague William J. Mulrooney, C.P.A. Andrew S. Poulos Michael Schwerdtman James P. Shea Robert B. Silvestri Michael F. Wilson



Hector Batista BT Joseph M. Hemway

Marjorie Driscoll

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 8 , 25 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 6 %

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Remsen Street Club

President’s Circle

Ann M. Sauter Annabel Chan Tan, R.N. Nilsa Torres

1980 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 5 0, 324 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 10 % C h a r t e r So c i e t y

Anthony S. Tortorelli President’s Circle

Michael J. Beaury President’s Club

John J. Frawley, Jr. Ronald H. McGrisken Roseanne McInerney Anne Jackson Rasmussen B a lt i c s t r e e t C l u b

Mary P. Byrnes Irma Garcia Edward McNally Red & Blue Club

Maureen F. Connell Edward J. Hanley Madalyn M. Hanley Edward J. Quigley, Jr. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Rebecca B. Armstrong Eugene C. Assencao Patricia B. Fallon Claudia A. Gilchriest Brian McKeon Daniel B. McManus Robert H. Mulvena Armand M. Patella, Jr. Katherine M. Schettini Steven Zuccaro Franciscans

Elza J. Alvarez Renee Augustin Mary E. Callahan Louise K. Colotti John H. Keenan Mary E. Murtagh Peter Paguaga Laura J. Pietro Margaret Schwerdtman James Sclafani Joycelyn R. Stephenson Albert Tannis


Edward R. Zatorski

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 35,6 4 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 7 % P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Jesus F. Linares BT Noreen M. Linares President’s Club

Carol A. Menchini Remsen Street Club

Dr. Charles G. Garlisi Jo Ann Stonier Red & Blue Club

Joanne C. Devine Veronica A. Mallozzi

Michael F. Henschel Holly L. Massey ✚ Dragan Radovich

Red & Blue Club

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Kevin M. Maroney

Joseph Crifasi Josephine Hutton Althea McAuley Dr. Menkina Pesce Maureen A. Pickard

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

A s s i s i So c i e t y

E. Kevin Agoglia Patricia A. Brennen Christine A. Cirillo Mark J. Long Elia G. Malara Richard F. McCahey Reverend Emmet J. Murphy, O.F.M. Neil A. O’Donnell Michael J. Orlay John J. Paguaga Pasquino J. Vitiello Franciscans

Beverly E. Asante Edward DeRosa, Ph.D. Maureen A. Finnerty Peter A. Fountaine Maureen F. Madden John J. Morano Robert Sieber Michael W. Wald

1983 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 25,920 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 8 % P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

J. Christopher Mangan BT Remsen Street Club

Patricia K. Cassidy Dolores Ferro Mark Ferro B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b


Elizabeth Cammarosano, R.N. John Cascio Stacy Feldman Robert Lentchitsky Rosemary D. McCullagh Lois H. McGibbon Vincenzo Randazzo Julie Spinelli Mary Vagovic


D o l l a rs R a ised $78 5 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Sallyann G. Bartels George Corchia Michael Curti Violet C. Higgins Claudiette B. James Dr. Laura Mieszerski Franciscans

Mary Ann Byrnes Glenn M. Huzinec Raymond J. Young

1986 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 69,70 8 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 7 %

D o l l a rs R a ised $17, 25 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 6 %

Jean O’Brien Gayle A. Lombardi

Founders Circle

P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Red & Blue Club

David E. Haverty

President’s Circle

President’s Club

John J. Ferro Barbara A. Johnston

Walter R. Leong

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Elizabeth G. Mindlin Susan E. Sheehan

Brian Cosgrove Deborah A. Cregan Pat F. Figueroa Virginia Flahive Kathryn Laffan-Micklin Kathleen M. Malara Jacqueline S. Paguaga Walton D. Pearson Nicole Pluviose Nicholas Polimeros

A s s i s i So c i e t y


William P. Muzyka Mary J. Stark Michael J. Taunton Betty Yung Ma

Lisa M. Andersen-Yurman Anthony J. Chille Stephanie M. Cohen Roseann V. Henry Steven J. Mullins Susan L. Push Michael P. Sweeney Charles J. Zammit

Remsen Street Club

Phyllis C. O’Neill B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Martin P. Regan Angela Curreri-Vindigni Andrew Vindigni, C.P.A. Red & Blue Club


Dominick S. Cappolla, Jr. Margaret A. Cronin Jeanette Dowdell Alexander Havriliak Lee Anne Infantino

William F. Dawson, Jr. James F. Bozart

Givin g Le v el s Founders Circle

$50,000 and above C h a r t e r So c i e t y

$25,000 to $49,999 P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

$10,000 to $24,999 President’s Circle

$5,000 to $9,999 President’s Club

$2,500 to $4,999 Remsen Street Club

$1,000 to $2,499 B a lt i c S t re e t C lu b

$500 to $999 Red & Blue Club

$250 to $499 A s s i s i So c i e t y

$100 to $249 Franciscans

Gifts to $99

St. Francis College Donor Report 33

Red & Blue Club

Maria Cestaro Maria Donini Damiano Mazzone Marguerite Moran A s s i s i So c i e t y

Colonel Edward Daily, Jr. Catherine Finocchio Rogan Robert Mazzella David M. Monroe James J. Paguaga Robert C. Salerno Anita L. Siew Franciscans

Nicolina Calabrese Patricia J. Ekelund James Fazio Patricia C. Greene James E. Harrington Mary Kawas Rotolo

1987 D o l l a rs R a ised $15,702 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 % P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

Josephine Foley Savastano Remsen Street Club

William C. O’Connell James H. Rogan, Jr. B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Vincent F. Catalanotto Red & Blue Club

Theodore Graham Lisa Mays Robert J. Wisniewski A s s i s i So c i e t y

Yvonne M. Flesche Kevin Woods

Chris Ross Palermo Sister Paul M. Videtich

1990 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 49 4 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Henry A. Giron Anthony Baranello Betty Shepherd Franciscans

Cleon T. Hardy Chiara Rotondi Imogen E. Squires Kathleen Tomaszewski Lorraine F. Zapin, R.N.


Joan M. Coles Tara A. Hodgens Leslie M. McNamara Windell Moore Keisha N. Robinson-Lovell

1995 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 2 ,795 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %


Richard B. Aviles Ingrid J. Basnight-Chosson Kevin P. Comer Lynn Scott Dillon Anthony J. Jelcic Larry V. Medina Carolyn R. Mounir Kim M. Yanceytheodore

Mary Belknap Mark E. Loughlin Red & blue Club

Terrence V. Mulligan

Andrew F. Bertalli Carmela A. Cona Edward M. Joyce, Jr. Sheila J. Thomas Marie F. Zangari

Red & Blue Club


Mary C. Shaw, C.P.A.

Christine M. Azzolini Nancy Cena Patrick S. O’Hara, U.S.A.F.

Susan M. Ignaciuk Lorraine M. Lynch Colleen A. Meade-Edwards Joseph A. Raftery Karen Reilly Margaret Zatorski-Woods Franciscans

John P. Imbriale Joseph R. Maresca Carmen Torres

1996 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 525 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 1% Red & Blue Club

Christopher M. Gibbons A s s i s i So c i e t y

James J. Quigley Franciscans


Raffaela J. Cestaro Francine N. Kollydas

Margaret M. Alaimo Kimberly V. Restaino

D o l l a rs R a ise d $1, 30 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 %



Red & Blue Club

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 3,78 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 %


D o l l a rs R a ised $ 31,149 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 % C h a r t e r So c i e t y

Kenneth D. Daly, C.F.A. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Joseph J. Belmonte Joanne Fiorillo Joyce Wierzbowski Franciscans

Lawrence R. Carlucci Rodrigue Domingue Kim M. Doyle Janet S. Hopkins Claire T. Horgan Thomas E. Medurga Theresa Spelman-Huzinec John H. Spina, D.P.M. Toby L. Zimmerman

1989 D o l l a rs R a ised $7,125 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %

Katherine D. Paolo Joseph J. Paolo A s s i s i So c i e t y

Brendan J. Cahalan Jercienne Laurencin, R.N. Antoinette Palazzi Danielle Rouchon Honey Marie E. Theogene Franciscans

Kenneth J. Coffin Karina C. McDermott Diane Rayo

1993 D o l l a rs R a ise d $75 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 2 % Red & Blue Club

Shernette C. Walters A s s i s i So c i e t y

Serafin Ayllon Jennifer S. Mayers-Chiles Franciscans

President’s Club

Deborah A. Holt Dr. Erez Shochat A s s i s i So c i e t y

Joanne B. Cambridge Kathleen B. Fraser Parkinson T. Small, Jr. Jennifer Woods Franciscans

Tricia A. Francisci Anna L. Mavrianos Mary S. O’Hara Madeline Perez

1998 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 2 ,0 6 3 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 % B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Jaroslaw Cyfra


A s s i s i So c i e t y

D o l l a rs R a ise d $1,16 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %

Mario Fava Carl Mariano U.S.N. (Retired) Major Ambrose Mbonu Robert W. Rose, Jr. Franciscans

Monica K. Berry Georgia Davis David Phillip LaViscount Najat A. Coye

34 St. Francis College Donor Report

William Beuther, Jr. James P. Cahalan Thomas W. Comer Robert V. Fina Elizabeth A. Gatto Marisa S. Giliberti Michael Theogene Erica J. Zawrotniak

Anthony J. Kurtin Red & Blue Club

Michael Jaworsky Christina M. Portello A s s i s i So c i e t y

Jeannette Bartley-Robertson Laura L. Eisenzopf Elizabeth Gallo Eddie Murria Deborah E. Schreiner Franciscans

Vanessa O. De Almeida Robert J. Currie Amanda V. Finigan Vivian Mazzella Deborah J. McDougald Kimberly M. Rutherford Anthony C. Tomasulo Eulene A. Workman

D o l l a rs R a ised $ 3,516 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 5 %

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

A s s i s i So c i e t y

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Red & Blue Club

Dr. Victor J. Masi BT

A s s i s i So c i e t y

D o l l a rs R a ised $ 2 ,015 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %


Red & Blue Club

Diane Helmy Catherine L. Wornom


Michael A. MacIntyre

Andrea G. Spanakos

President’s Circle

A s s i s i So c i e t y

B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

A s s i s i So c i e t y

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Danielle T. Battista Matthew B. Doyle Erinn Jaworsky

Brian L. Raimondi

D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 6,9 65 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %

Remsen Street Club

Red & Blue Club

Nicholas A. Gaus Dennis Weisenreider


Teresa Stuto-Masi

D o l l a rs R a ised $1,18 5 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 %

President's Club

Jacqueline C. Dockery Ian J. Goodwin

President’s Circle


Bevin K. Meade-Gibbons Sharon M. Cumberbatch Reverend Josephjude C. Gannon Myriam Folkes Virginia L. Hanson, R.N. Leonard T. Jordan, Jr. John N. Wlaysewski Franciscans

Michael S. Flanagan Mary Ellen Gambino-Mannino Carol A. Matteo Mariaelena L. Modica Michael T. Quinn Deborah Slavicsek

Remsen Street Club

Patrick J. Dugan Red & Blue Club

Olga M. Macolino A s s i s i So c i e t y

Christopher J. Bozzolo John F. Conforti Matthew P. Dory Matthew C. Hogan Angela K. Manekas Srdjan Mihaljevic Benisha A. Singleton Dinnadra J. St. Louis Antonia A. Vomvolakis Franciscans

Erin M. Bogart-Johnson Ronald Castorina, Jr., Esq. John B. Comer Sean Y. Degidon Renee J. Hertz Christopher G. Manukian Nicole E. Ricci Alice M. Salome-Patton

2002 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 2 , 265 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % Remsen Street Club

Anthony H. Zalak Red & Blue Club

Julio A. Agosto Jennifer Graziano, C.P.A.

A s s i s i So c i e t y

Juanita M. Bennett Sonia Caiazza Ryan P. Clark Yadira A. Ramos Franciscans

Jamila A. Alkaifi Gladimir Ambroise Elizabeth C. Eames Brian W. Johnson Jennifer L. Sideri

2003 D o l l a rs R a ised $1,74 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 2 % B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Peter E. Felvegi Red & Blue Club

Anthony J. Fasano, Jr. A s s i s i So c i e t y

Borislav G. Guenov Thomas M. Rivera, Jr. Sean B. Rooney Joseph J. Williams Franciscans

Carol T. Decina Patrick J. Dillon Andrew C. Fisher Wahid B. Joel Edward P. Long

2004 D o l l a rs R a ise d $ 2 ,10 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Jose A. Marengo Robert A. Oliva Red & Blue Club

Charles A. Giardino A s s i s i So c i e t y

Ruben N. Gonzalez Oraine R. Ramoo Jose I. Ramos Franciscans

Phlaure V. Cadet Matthew E. Davide Ruben N. Gonzalez Natasha Green Steven J. Gutierrez Charles E. Handley Edna Kelly Nermeen Louis Raymond J. Ridore Meredith L. Rubenstein Borislav K. Tomassini Sanielle C. Worrell Albana Zegullaj

2005 D o l l a rs R a ised $1,9 45 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % Remsen Street Club

Kol You B a lt i c S t r e e t C l u b

Michael A. Correra Danny Plaza A s s i s i So c i e t y

Carl P. Esposito Gerard McEntee Gregory J. Schatz Franciscans

Jessica C. Baeza Stoil G. Kostov Tiffany A. Livingstone Diana Martucci Glenn R. McCartney Marco L. Principato John D. Viggiano

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


2006 D o l l a rs R a ised $ 619 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 3 % Red & Blue Club

Jennifer Acosta A s s i s i So c i e t y

Lauren K. Bekesh Elizabeth T. Khalevich Franciscans

Jason V. Attard Rosemary C. Camilo Fern Y. Foster Erin S. Golembiewski Christopher C. Nicoli Lisa M. Paolucci Anthony J. Trimboli

2007 D o l l a rs R a ised $1, 26 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 6 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Sheree E. Alexander Tara M. Flood Brendan J. Forray David P. James Thomas S. Pento Judith C. Ricciardo James Rudden Franciscans

Catrina E. Avvento Terrance Chariandy David P. Corbino David A. Frey Adanna T. Jones Richard C. Migliorisi Marisa A. Morale Anthony James Mosco Christina M. Patti Cindy Ramsaroop Samuel M. Rivera Jenna T. Scotti Robert T. Shea Allan Sheppard

2008 D o l l a rs R a ised $74 0 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 4 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Michael J. Aiello Cora D. Clark Josephine B. Leone Thomas N. Lipkin Shelly Mohammed Franciscans

Katja Bavendam Matthew G. Bertolotti Minjuan Cai John D. Grande William T. Hanauer Megan E. Husak James R. Oliva Maria K. Napenas Joanne Samaha Melissa B. Spearman

2009 D o l l a rs R a ised $1,5 6 8 C l a s s pa r ti cipati o n 20 % A s s i s i So c i e t y

Carlos R. Hernandez Shameeka A. Kane-Maysonet Mattew S. Kumm Franciscans

Frank J. Amato Christin M. Ambrogio Rene F. Andino Karen P. Angelo Kara C. Ayers Karla I. Babica Anita M. Barbier

Joseph J. Buccheri Giuseppe G. Buscemi Lauren M. Caporimo Angela Como Martina Cziraky Salvatore P. Demma Laura M. Donodeo Jason A. Dumont Antoinette N. Elcock Katherine R. Ferrand Christopher J. Ferrari Thomas J. Fiorella Iwona Dorota Fryzel Sean E. Ghazala Or Y. Gil Sonia Gutkin Pierre D. Hinds Richard S. Kuberski, II Kiana Y. Layne Joseph J. Leone Edith S. McKenzie Richard B. McLean Kristen J. Miah Stela V. Mihneva Michael Misiriotis Sabrina M. Montanez John P. Montes Laura R. Mulcahey Kevin T. Mullen Lisa M. Norton Jessica S. Pagano Dominic J. Palastro Joseph Pandolfo Nicholas J. Paratore Angela C. Pellechia Deanna M. Petrucci Danise M. Pimpinella Nicholas C. Pomo Nemanja Pucarevic Brittany Ryburn Thomas Sacerio Nicholas W. Scotto Elizabeth Seemungal Isaiah J. Shaw Charles P. Squeri Deirdre A. Turner Jack J. Velez Amanda S. Veres Kristine N. Vessey Frank V. Villani Jonathan D. Williams Jamaal G. Womack Stamatis C. Xenakis

Current Stud ent GiVING C l a s s of 2 010

Albert T. Bui ’10 Stephanie D’Agostino ’10 Albert L. Dicostanzo ’10 Robert A. Ehresman ’10 Stephen A. Greico ’10 Assad Ishtiaq ’10 Andrew J. Kalnberg ’10 Daniel P. McGrisken ’10 Ryan M. McGrisken ’10 Aleksandra Milanova ’10 Toni M. Palmiotto ’10 Jonathan Palumbo ’10 Venanzo Papandrea ’10 Matthew C. Pavone ’10 Michael A. Pitch ’10 Victoria P. Reinhardt ’10 Alexander Semotan ’10 Ryan F. Sheehan ’10 Andrew W. Slips ’10 Jaime F. Squeri ’10 Leigh-Ann L. Zagami ’10 C l a s s of 2 011

Matthew D. Anderson ’11 Max Barnhart ’11

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Amanda P. Basile ’11 Jeremie P. Borrero ’11 Nicole T. Buccheri ’11 Anthony Caraccio ’11 Robert L. Ceglecki ’11 Ronald T. Defranco ’11 Matthew J. Dempsey ’11 Anthony R. Giannone ’11 Noel T. Jones ’11 Dana M. Lamothe ’11 Dana M. Liveris ’11 Christian M. Luhrs ’11 Joseph A. Luhrs ’11 Andrew R. Martin ’11 Jeanine M. McGovern ’11 Nicole M. Montoro ’11 Alexander J. Mora ’11 Kristen F. Morale ’11 Francis M. O’Neill ’11 Nicole E. Porcelli ’11 Jessica A. Provenzano ’11 Peter Radziwon ’11 Jack F. Re ’11 Anthony C. Sideli ’11 Roxanne B. Tan ’11 Alexandra M. Tricamo ’11 Elizabeth L. Velotta ’11 Matthew J. Wasson ’11 Reca J. Williams ’11 Emily E. Wisener ’11 Chantal L. Wright ’11 Erica J. Zaragoza ’11 C l a s s of 2 01 2

Zeina’h S. Abuasi ’12 Joseph M. Acciarito ’12 Bryan A. Anderson ’12 Pablo D. Andino ’12 Rafael Angobaldo ’12 Camille Armando ’12 Christopher D. Ayre ’12 Elizabeth A. Belluomo ’12 Brittany L. Bologna ’12 Matthew R. Brady ’12 Kenneth J. Brennan ’12 Andrew J. Carazo ’12 Christopher Castellanos ’12 John J. Ciotola ’12 Christina M. Coladonato ’12 Brian A. Collier ’12 Victoria F. Corbo ’12 Alexander A. Cosentino ’12 Jonathan Crafa ’12 Agatha M. Cremona ’12 John C. Cruz ’12 Grace A. Curatolo ’12 Brielle L. Dalton ’12 Andrew P. Davids ’12 Rosanna M. Degliuomini ’12 Michael Deutchman ’12 Jovana DiPrisco ’12 Jonathan M. Dubreuse ’12 Szabolcs Z. Erdei ’12 Pennee Fazzalare ’12 Steven Fileccia ’12 Michelle Franco ’12 Frank J. Gallo ’12 Sarah Gelo ’12 Carmine J. Giannotto ’12 Daniel J. Giannusa ’12 Heather M. Greco ’12 John G. Grogan ’12 Louis A. Hall ’12 Michael P. Hanley ’12 Chantel B. Harewood ’12 Brett E. Harkins ’12 Brittany I. Heaphy ’12 Paul Hudak ’12 Catherine M. Illuzzi ’12 Marco C. Intrabartolo ’12 Oliver J. Jacques-Simon ’12 Kimberly A. Joyce ’12 Maria Katsougrakis ’12

Christopher E. Kienzle ’12 Julianne Kuberski ’12 Danielle A. Leblanc ’12 Geanine M. Leone ’12 Joseph A. Lombardo ’12 Matthew T. Martin ’12 Joseph A. Mendola ’12 Richard W. Milbouer ’12 Michael J. Miranda ’12 Daniel M. Murdoch ’12 James D. Orlando ’12 Marissa Padovano ’12 Elizabeth Palumbo ’12 Andrew Pedicino ’12 Julia F. Petosa ’12 Lisa M. Pimpinella ’12 Peter D. Piroso ’12 Victoria G. Placido ’12 Vincent S. Polizzi ’12 Tina Pollio ’12 Megan M. Pynn ’12 Admir Radoncic ’12 Natalia Rak ’12 Jeremis H. Rodriguez ’12 Matthew I. Rosen ’12 Michael C. Rubino ’12 Christina M. Russo ’12 Joseph J. Sabatelli ’12 Jenna G. Salop ’12 Tara D. Santos ’12 Michael G. Scannell ’12 Chantal Schiller ’12 Samantha L. Shanley ’12 Bridget A. Slowik ’12 Christine E. Spellman ’12 Leonardo J. Tartamella ’12 Aisha L. Thomas-White ’12 Raymund Tishiba ’12 Dylan W. Tribble ’12 Danielle C. Tricamo ’12 Rajendri P. Triestanto ’12 Raymond J. Vann ’12 Jonathon C. Varveris ’12 Robert A. Vega ’12 Lauren E. Ventrone ’12 Elisa M. Viesta ’12 John F. Whelan ’12 Daniel P. White ’12 Tamara R. Williams ’12

F rIEND S Anonymous Academy Bus Acquista Food Services Rosario Acquista Lanita Adams ADP John L. Afton, Esq. AKF Grace A. and Adam Alberico Rey Allen Edward W. and Selma L. Altman Lucy Altobelli Amalgamated Bank of New York Alexsa L. Amen American Beer Distribution Company, Inc. American Express Charitable Fund American Housewares Supply Depot, Inc. Andrea Arcarola Willard and Eleanor Archie Arms Acres, Inc. George Arzt Assumption Church John Astarita Astoria Federal Savings Greg Atkins Theodor and Kathryn August Aunt Suzie Restaurant Aviator Sports and Recreation, LLC B.T. Puppy Records, Inc.

Pamela Babb Jeanette B. Baker Robbin L. Balfour-Austin Bamonte’s Restaurant Corportion Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Bank of Canton The Bank of New York Mellon Foundation Earl S. and Birther L. Bannister Barnes and Noble Catherine Barrett John and Patricia M. Barry Raymond Basil Priscilla H. Baskerville Borislav Bazala BDO Seidman, LLP John Beck Bernard P. Beglane Reckitt Benckiser Ann Bender Michael Bendjouya Robert S. Bennett Marguerite Bergin Oscar B. and Camille Bering Justin Bernbach Alan S. and Joan Bernikow Brother Michel Bettigole, O.S.F. BT Jane Betz Marilyn H. Betz Madelyn O. Biggs James Bingham Bishop Ford High School Bishop Loughlin High School Patricia and Ronald R. Black Randy C. Blackstone Bloomberg LP Bluewater Communications Group Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Eileen A. Bohn Scott Bojer Karen Booker Anne Bove Edward Bowes S. A. Bowman Damion J. Boyer BP Fabric of America Fund Alan J. and Kristie Braun Leon and Elsie Brazel Breezy Point Lumber Company Madeleine Brennan Stanley Brettschneider Patricia Briscoe Bristol-Myers Squibb Britzkenzie Corporation The Honorable Richard L. Brodsky Brooklyn Law School Brooklyn Voice of the Faithful Brown Brothers Harriman Kenneth Brown Myra Brown

Givin g Le v el s Founders Circle

$50,000 and above C h a r t e r So c i e t y

$25,000 to $49,999 P r e s i d e n t ’ s Co u n c i l

$10,000 to $24,999 President’s Circle

$5,000 to $9,999 President’s Club

$2,500 to $4,999 Remsen Street Club

$1,000 to $2,499 B a lt i c S t re e t C lu b

$500 to $999 Red & Blue Club

$250 to $499 A s s i s i So c i e t y

$100 to $249 Franciscans

Gifts to $99

St. Francis College Donor Report 35

Patricia Brozinsky, Ph.D. Bruno’s Hardware Daniel Bryan, Jr. Rita Bryant Brother Jude Byrne, O.S.F. James J. and Kathleen A. Buckley Buckley’s Restaurant and Catering John Buglino Adele Burns Sophie Burns Business Relocation Services, Inc. Albert T. Bui Sheila Byrd Long C&B Consulting C&C Catering Service, Ltd. CA, Inc. Cadman Travel, Inc. Caffe Buon Gusto Mary Cahalan Richard Calcaterra Lawrence Calia Alice A. Callaghan Carolyn Callahan BT Laura Camelo Agnes Camini Julio Campuzano Dr. Valerie Capers Anthony Caraccio Guy and Carol Carlsen Jennifer Carlson Custom Carpentry Janet M. and James Carroll Thomas J. and Margaret M. Carroll Brendan Casey Gerard and Kathleen S. Casey Mary E. Casey Monsignor David L. Cassato Patricia Castro Steven and Lori Catalano Catholic Cemeteries John A. and Margo Catsimatidis Michelle Cavell CC Controlled Combustion Lawrence Cenatiempo Derrick D. Cephas Chadwick’s Restaurant Jaime Chauca ChevronTexaco Mary Jo Chiara Chubb Group of Insurance Companies Elizabeth Cifrodella Carmela D. and Donald J. Cimmino Craig J. Cimmino CITE Citigroup Foundation Richard Clancey Clark Dodge and Company Arthur Clark Ida Clark Michael K. and Kathleen S. Clark Morris J. and Francine M. Clarke Clavin Funeral Home Albert W. Cleary Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York Kevin Cody Cody’s Ale House Grill Diana Cohen The Honorable Jerome D. Cohen Barbara J. Cohens Sister Colleen Colbert, O.P. Carolyn B. Cole Colgate Palmolive Company Martin F. Collins Brian and Gina E. Collins John T. and Patricia A. Comer Committee for Hispanic Children Con Edison Hermione Connelly Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. Edward W. Connolly Thomas E. Constance, Esq.

36 St. Francis College Donor Report

KAM Construction Janie F. Cooke Jerry Cooper James Cosares Dr. Maureen Coughlin Court Order Court Street Funeral Home Court Street Office Suppies Edward F. and Patricia N. Cox Brother Dennis Cronin, O.S.F. Crown Trophy, Inc. CTSI Corporation Cullen and Dykman, LLP Patricia Curley Arnetha Curry Dominic J. Cusimano Stephen Dadourian Orville W. Dale BT Ellen Daly The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato D’Amico Foods Joseph F. and Marcia D’Angelo BT D’Arcangelo and Company, LLP Bruno D’Ascanio Linda Werbel Dashefsky and Lowell Dashefsky David Shannon Florist, Inc. Kathleen DeBlasio Chris and Robin P. Deissler Esther Del Busto Lillian Del Seni-Brown Louis N. and Camille Del Vecchio Deloitte Deloitte Foundation The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Foundation Robert S. Dennison Lawrence and Lisa M. Derrico Donna and Nicholas J. DeSiena Jennifer Desroches Angel Devarez and June Sadowski-Devarez DF Restoration, Inc. James Dibenedetto Blaise Didio Amy DiFilippo Marcella DiFilippo Rocco DiFilippo John R. Dilyard, Ph.D. Blanche D. Dingle Beatrice and Dante S. Dini Ruthann Drewitz James Doktor Joseph and Eileen Dorinson The Dow Chemical Company Foundation Edward Drayton Justin E., III and Susan M. Driscoll William T. and Marie Driscoll Brian J. and Rose Dugan John P. and Kathleen Dugan Timothy V. Dugan Julian R. and Thelma C. Dugas Rose F. Dunn Mary M. Dunne Eamonn’s Restaurant Eastern New York Soccer Association, Inc. Patricia Eaton Patrice Edison Alexandria M. Egler Stephen E. Einson Elhilow and Maiocchi, LLP Donald H. Elliot Jean Ende Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Inc. Esposito and Sons, Inc. John and Kim Esposito Lisa and Joseph H. Esselborn Jenette R. Eure ExxonMobil Foundation Janet Fabiyi

Mauro N. and Frances E. Fanelli Jonathan Farkas Ann Farrell Farrell Fritz, P.C. Farrell’s Bar Faughnan Financial Network, Inc. Caroline Fazio Peter J. Fazio Ferrantino Fuel Al Ferrara Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Corporation Salvatore Ferrera, Ph.D. Robert Ferrilli Ferrilli Information Group George Fiala Paula Fichtner Lillian Fina Joan Fogarty Ed Fogarty Danny Fontana Michael Fontana Maria Fontanez Forest City Ratner Companies Limas Forte Monifa Foster Arden Fowler Nora Fox Charles and Carol B. Francescani Verna M. Francis Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Manuel Franquinha Richard and Doris Friend Fulbright and Jaworski, LLP Kathryn Fullins Stacy Gaines Rocco and Marcy Galatioto Gerald J., Ph.D. and Wendy W. Galgan Arthur J. Gallagher and Company Mary E. Gallagher Vincent Gallagher James and Bernadette Geissler General Atlantic Corporation Anthony J. Genovesi Joyce Genovesi Dr. Mark Genovesi Joseph G. and Maria E. Genovesi Charlotte Gershowitz David J. Gewirtz Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. David Gibbs Helen Gibbs Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. Raymond and Jane M. Gill Sean P. Gilleran Paul Gitto Walter Godfrey Margaretta B. Goines Simeon Golar Steven and Susan Gold Mary Ellen Golden Goldman Sachs & Company Gail Bolt Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. and Jannette Katz-Gomori Brandi Goodman Yvette Goodman-Ross Billy Goodspeed Renee Goodstein, Ph.D. Robert Gorton Gorton and Partners, LLC Grand Canyon Restaurant Kathleen Grant Grant Thornton S. Alonzo, Jr. and Diane R. Graves Angela Gray Francis J. Greene, Ph.D. Terence Greene Bryan X. and Suzanne Grimaldi Veronica and Michael J. Grippo

Dr. Thomas P. and Gwendolyn B. Grissom Paul H., Esq. and Kathleen A. Grosvenor Gruppo Esponenti Laziale, Inc. John Gugliemo Thomas F. and Linda Guinan Yetta Guy Raymond C. Habib Florence Haggis Ursula Hahn Dr. Donald H. and Jean W. Haider Michael Halkias Leslie-Ann M. Hall Stephen A. Harkavy Janet B. Harris Thomas V. and Anne M. Hartnett George A. Hassoun John K., Ph.D. and Sue Hawes Frank Haye Dwight A. and Yvette Heffelfinger Heights and Hill Funeral Home Heights Café Heights Chateau, Inc. Robert E., Esq. and Jacqueline E. Helpern Henry Luce Foundation Ann L. Henry George Henry Herff Jones David Herlands Roger and Susan Hertog Jeffrey Hill Lyn S. Hill Kylie Hillman Hillman and Partners Grace N. Hinds Joel S., Esq. and Nancy I. Hirschtritt Maureen Hogan Donald Holder Michael J. Holmes Leonard and Saundra Honig Richard P. Hoppe James Houlihan Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D. Michael A. Howard Bill Howell Cheryl A. Howell Hudson City Savings Bank Susan L. Huff BT Arthur J., Ph.D and Irene Hughes Carl Hum Hunter’s Steak and Ale House Hugh T. Hurley Thomas Iadanza IBM Corporation Edmund H. Immergut Nina Ingargiola Ingram and Hebron Realty Corporation Bruce and Roberta Irushalmi ISS Facility Services Rita S. Itzkowitz J.C. Huizenga Corporation J.M.S. Foundation, Inc. Stephen and Sophia Jablonsky Sister Jo-Ann Jackowski, SFP BT Cynthia S. Jackson Dr. Florence A. Jackson Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. Robert and Lucile Jacobsen Barbara Jacobson Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. BT Rosetta Jefferson Eugene L. and Regina W. Jesinkey John Henry’s HVAC James Weir Flowers Corporation John Wiley Sons John M. Jones Brother Brian J. Jordan, O.F.M. Ingrid Joseph

Joseph P. Clavin Sons, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Foundation Nancy H. Judd David Kahn, Esq. Michael, Ph.D. and Marianne N. Kaminski Renata Kammerer Mitchell and Margie N. Kapnick Kappa Delta Pi Xi Rho Chapter Louis G. and Ensi Kaufman Kaufman Organization Robert Kelleher Donald Kennelly Donald E. Kent Brother Robert Kent, O.S.F. Sharon L. Kerrigan Loman and Lars Loman Thomas Kiley Kingsborough Community College Dr. Philip Klein John E. Klemm Harry and Beatrice S. Klug Michael C. and Lori Koffler BT Jack, Esq. and Beth Kolpen Robert Korn John Kotowski KPMG Kramer Levin Naftalis and Frankel, LLP Henrik and Elaine Krogius Richard S. and Kathleen M. Kuberski Tamah M. Kuchynskas Mattew S. Kumm Frank Kurre La Bagel Delight La Traviata Restaurant Angelo Labella Vincenza LaBella Maria F. Laezza-Moggioli Peter and Portia O. Lagares Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. Reverend Mark J. Lane Nino F., Ph.D. and Elizabeth Langiulli Michelle LaRose Dorothy Lasher Michael Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn Lassen and Hennings Catering Barbara A. Laurencin Law Offices of Joseph M. Mattone Elliott P. Laws Francis P. and Barbara A. Layden Dr. E. C. and Nicoletta Lazzaro Thomas P. Leahy and Guillermina Gomez-Leahy Barbara Lechtanski Mary A. Ledermann Robert J. and Eleanor P. Ledogar Albert C. Lee Vincent Lee, Ph.D. Leone Funeral Home Joseph J. Leone Tommy Leong Robert and Mary B. Levine Arlene Lieberman Jeff Lichtman Cassandra A. Lilienthal Lockheed Martin Corporation Joseph D. Lodispoto Josephine Logan James Long Michael R. Long Michael Longo Michael J. Longo Zoraida Lopez Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Elena M. Lovell Allan Lowenkron Norman E. Lubin Donette Lucas Mildred L. Lugo

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Carmelo and Suzanne Macannuco Henry J. and Susan T. Macchiarola James D. and Denise Macchiarola Robert E. Mackoul Mackoul and Associates, Inc. Marco Polo Ristorante James Mahon Lillian Maida Mainco Elevator Company Anthony H. and Joanne Majewski Mallozzi and Dwyer, P.C. Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Ellie Mandell Robert C. and Ann Mangone Louis A. Manzelle Paige A. Mapphias Guy and Joan A. Maranga Stephen Maresca Marine Park Social Committee Marriott New York at the Brooklyn Bridge Harry J. Martin Ululy Martinez Wilson Martinez Joseph B. and Carolyn E. Marvel Sister Jacqueline Mary Dr. George C. and Barbara R. Mask Nikiforos and Lambrina Mathews Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Mattone Heather Mayone MBIA Foundation Inc. Francis X. McArdle Dollie McArthur McCabe and Associates McCabe, Collins, McGeough and Fowler, LLP Carolyn McClair McDonald Avenue Acquisition, LLC Michael McDonnell Raymond McEvoy William C. McGarry John F. and Constance McGillicuddy Thomas, Sr. and Eileen M. McGrail Dr. Joseph Machnik Steve McInnis Raj McIntyre Clive McKay Joseph Kevin McKay James McKenna Rose McKenna Patiricia McKinney Martin J. McLaughlin Rhonda J. McLean Tom McMahon McManus Funeral Home Gerry and Heidi McNamara John McNamara, Ph.D. The Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts Gino A., Sr. and Fran Menchini Gino and Carol ’84 Menchini BT Drew and Linda M. Menta Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation, Inc. Cathy M. and Joseph Messina Midhattan Woodworking Corporation Gifford Miller Robert J. and Dr. Estelle Miller Dan and Cindy Mishael Owen Mitchell Rex and Susan G. Mixon MMC Matching Gifts Program mNovakDesign Patrick and Kathleen Monachino Joseph and Cathy M. Monaco Salvatore S. Monaco Michael Mondschein Gusebio Montanez Monte’s Trattoria, Ltd Montoya-Rodriguez, P.C. Monty Q’s Ristorante

Ursula Moran Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Program Andrea H. Morris, Ph.D. Frank Motley, Esq. Thomas J. Motley Victoria Motley Washington Wilbert S. and Gloria Motley Margaret T. Mullany Kevin P. Murphy Natalia Murphy Alice Murray Charles and Marjorie W. Murray Dr. Joseph P. and Ann Murray Antoinette Musarella Joseph and Karen Musicus Lou Mustacchio, Jr. Louis J. and Rose Ann Mustacchio My Little Pizzeria Lorraine Nardi National Grid The National Heritage Academies Elizabeth Negron Neighborhood Counseling Center Carol Neiman Damian Neuffer Susan G. Neuffer The New York City Partnership, Inc. New York Life Insurance Company Dr. Eugene Newman Pamela J. Newman Evarist Nicholas Nick’s Fine Jewelry Ralph M. Nigro Ronald and Ella Nigro Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. The Northrop Grumman Foundation Lisa M. Norton Allison J. Oakes Sarah O’Brien Ed O’Connor Peter O’Donnell Lovye G. and Rudolf Oesterlin O’Farrell’s Bar Office of Dr. Joseph C. Stuto Office of Dr. Victor J. Masi Mary O’Hara O’Keefe’s Bar and Grill Steve Oliver One Stop Promotions Yvonne O’Neil Ann O’Neill Open Valley Consulting Optec Communications, Inc. Kevin S. O’Rourke Stuart Osnow Tneko Ota Emma Owens Laura T. Palmer Park Strategies, LLC Carole J. Parker Parkway Florist Louis A. Pastina Patcon Group Dianne Patterson Gloria Pearce Penske Automotive Group, Inc. Penzone and Company Ross Pepe Robert R. and Brenda Pepper Valerie Perez Richard Perricelli Reverend Michael Perry Anne Perzeszty Pete’s Downtown Maureen Petrie Florence A. Pettersson Pfizer Corporation Kenneth H. and Judith A. Pforr Maryann Phelan Carol Phillips Reverend Michael J. Phillips

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Photographic Excellence Photoreal, Inc. Reverend Nigel Pierce Anthony L., Jr. and Maura J. Pinnavaia Piper Jaffray Companies Pipin’s Pub Pitta and Giblin, LLP PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. P.J. Hanley’s PKF Sophia Pollotta Douglas P. Posluszny Marlin S. Potash, Ed.D. and Thomas Ivanyi BT Patricia B. Power Pratt Institute Carlos D. Prescod Pricewaterhouse Coopers Castlereagh Printcraft Walter A. and Kathleen Probst Prudential Financial, Inc. The Prudential Foundation Steven Quadrino Queen Ristorante Quentin Travel Patricia M. Quick, Ph.D. Sarah J. Quigley R.P.T. Physical Therapy, P.C. John M. and Maureen M. Raber Barbara Rafinski Barbara Rando Michael and Paula Rantz Bruce Ratner Robert H. and Carol L. Ray Red Apple Group, Inc. Lawrence F. and Keara E. Reilly Patricia Reilly Richard Relkin Remsen Graphics Steven E. and Lisa R. Renna Rhythm and Booze Edward M. Ricci and Mary E. Lupo Frank Ricci Susan L. and Barry D. Richards Betty J. Ricks Ridgewood Savings Bank Sal, Ph.D. and Mary K. Rinaldi Laurie Rios Arlene Roberts Arcola Robinson Giovanna Robinson Patricia F. Robinson Sarah A. Rodgers Efrain Rodriguez, III Jeffrey and Robin L. Rodus Andrew S. Roffe Dr. Kathie Rogers Roman Catholic Diocese of Brookyn Ira Z. Romoff Angela Rosania Eric Rose Robert M. and Kim E. Rozzi Dino F. Rufo Brother Becket Ryan, O.S.F. Anne F. Ryan Rose Sabatine The Honorable John D. Sabini Stephen A. Sacks Lavoizier Saint Jean Miriam Salholz, Ph.D. Edward and Evelyn Salzano James P. and Francesca Sammon Samuel A. Ramirez and Company Violet Santini Francis J. Sanzillo Larry Sarf Roy C. Savastano Reuven Savitz Terry Schaffer Gregory Schanck Schering-Plough Foundation

Carolyn B. Schnall Beverly Schnipper Charles W. and Dorothy M. Schroeder Thomas F. Schutte Natalie Scolamiero Ellen Scott Linda R. Scott Scotto Funeral Home Dorothy A. and Thomas P. Seery Frank Selamie Select Mail Daniel Senie Reginald D. and Sheryl A. Shell Shell Oil Company Maritza Shelley Yma S. Sherren Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood Ivy S. Simons Joy S. Simons Merle Simpson Robert D. and Jean B. Simpson Charlene Sims Norma Sinckler Judith Skinner Cynthia B. Skolnik Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith Brother Kevin Smith, O.S.F. BT Elnora Smith-Watson Ethan A. Smythe Carol Solovay Sovereign Bank Arnold J. Sparr, Ph.D. Ira Spaulding Noel and Rona J. Spiegel Marvin Spieler Theresa Spinelli Patrick S. Spranger St. Athanasius Fund St. Francis College St. Francis Preparatory High School Tomasz Stachowiak Stage 6 at Stenier Studios Stanley B. Tunick Foundation Kevin A. Stasa Janet Steele David P. and Catherine Steinmann Philip and Evelyn Stenger Alphonso D. Stephens Sterling Affair Edward R. Stewart Mildred Stansky Jean M. Stonier Irene Stovall Peter J. and Carol Striano Structure Tone, Inc. Margaret J. Studdard Joseph C. Stuto, D.P.M. Francis X. Sullivan Herminia Sullivan Superior Printing and Litho Warren A. and Lois T. Sweeney Tara Sweet Monica G. Sylvester T. Rowe Price Associates Behrouz H. Tabrizi, Ph.D. Supoj Tanchajja, M.D. Jeffrey Taveras TD Bank Mark Tempro Third and Long Bar Deborah Thomas John A. and Jean T. Thomas Patricia Thomas Stuart Thomas Marilyn Thompson Rosemarie Thompson Winerfred Thompson Eddie Thomson Terri Thomson

Peter Thristino Thyssenkrupp Elevator TimeWarner Thomas J. and Alice Tisch The Honorable Paul A. Tokasz Agnes Tomaselli Albert L. and Gail J. Torello Claudia Trahan Haratia Trahan Biagia Tramontozzi Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Vincenzo Tramontozzi Margaret Travers Mario Treglia Triboro Elevator Consultants Corporation Taryn N. Trincilla True Value Hardware Deirdre A. Turner Robert J. Turner Richard D. Tunick Turner Construction Company Tuscany Grill Carpenters and Joiners Local Union 157 Unity International Group Anthony and Catherine Urso Josephine Urso USB Group USI New York Joyce Vaccarella James P. Vafeas Lorenzo F. and Dolores A. Valenza Dominick F. and Andriana Valletta Joni Yoswein and Glenn VanBramer The Vanguard Group Foundation Verizon Marilyn A.Verna, Ed.D. Edward J. Vierling Richard Vierling Villa Mosconi Restaurant, Inc. John L. Viverito Vocational Foundation, Inc. Volare Restaurant Thomas J. and Anita Volpe BT Wachovia Bank Stephen Waldorf Waldorf and Associates Althea and Michael B. Walker Annie B. Walker James H. and Susan L. Wall Robert J. Wallace Bernard Walsh Carol A. Ward Alexander Wasserman Leighton Waters Jaclyn A. Weber Weeks Lerman Group Geoff Weir and Josephine B. O’Leary-Weir Alan Weisberg Susan Weisman Michael A. and Ella J. Weiss Scott Weiss, Ph.D. John Welch Wellpoint Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Karolina J. Wentland The Honorable Mark Weprin Victor West Joan Wexler Paul B. Wheatley James and Gail Whelan Wholesale Marble Charles E., III, Esq. and Margaret E. Williams BT Camilla Williams Delora Williams Jonathan D. Williams Julius P. Williams Paul G. Williamson Lisa M. Willis

St. Francis College Donor Report 37

Leonard H. and Dulcina Willoughby Winfield Security Corporation Donald B. Winston Walter Wnykowski Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff Ray Wong John J. Woods Kathryn Wylde Vanessa Wyndham Xaverian High School James and Penny W. Yates Elmer E. Yearwood William Yellin Yellow Hook Grille Yoswein New York Jane T. Young Andrew and Barbara G. Zambelli Larry S. Zilavy BT Nicholas Zinno Mark Zulli

Facult y a nd Sta ff Andrea Arcarola Jeanette B. Baker Bernard P. Beglane Stephen M. Bogart Marguerite E. Burke ’76 Guy Carlsen Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 Thomas J. Carroll Steven Catalano Jaime Chauca Sister Colleen Colbert, O.P. James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 Kenneth D. Daly ’88 Linda Werbel Dashefsky Esther Del Busto Angel Devarez Arthur DiClementi ’66 John R. Dilyard, Ph.D. Brendan J. Dugan ’68 BT Timothy V. Dugan Alexandria M. Egler Jean Ende James P. Fazio ’86 Brendan J. Forray ’07 Gerald J. Galgan, Ph.D. Wendy W. Galgan Irma Garcia ’80 David J. Gewirtz Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. Christopher M. Gibbons ’96 Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. Sean P. Gilleran Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. Ruben N. Gonzalez ’04 Renee Goodstein, Ph.D. Brother Thomas Grady, O.S.F. ’68 Francis J. Greene, Ph.D. John K. Hawes, Ph.D. Yvette Heffelfinger Lyn S. Hill Matthew C. Hogan ’01 Leonard Honig Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. Timothy J. Houlihan, Ph.D. Cheryl A. Howell Arthur J. Hughes, Ph.D. John H. Humins, Ph.D. ’64 Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. Michael Kaminski, Ph.D. Sharon L. Kerrigan Loman Robert Korn Jennifer M. Lancaster, Ph.D. John J. Lane ’59 Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 ✚ Vincent Lee, Ph.D. Joseph S. Louzonis Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D. ’62 Olga M. Macolino ’01 Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Stephen Maresca

38 St. Francis College Donor Report

John J. McCabe ’65 Dennis J. McDermott ’74 John McNamara, Ph.D. Brother Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62 Kathleen A. Nolan, Ph.D. Kevin S. O’Rourke James J. Paguaga ’86 Danny Plaza ’05 Christina M. Portello ’00 Patricia M. Quick, Ph.D. Thomas J. Quigley, Ph.D. ’52 Cathal P. Quigley ’75 Richard Relkin Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 Susan L. Richards Miriam Salholz, Ph.D. Erez Shochat, Ph.D. ’97 Arnold J. Sparr, Ph.D. Edward R. Stewart Dr. Behrouz H. Tabrizi, Ph.D. Robert J. Turner Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D. Richard Vierling Jaclyn A. Weber Susan Weisman Scott Weiss, Ph.D. Brother Edward Wesley, O.S.F., Ph.D. ’68 William Yellin

Copo r atio ns a nd Fo undatio ns Academy Bus Acquista Food Services ADP AKF Amalgamated Bank of New York American Beer Distribution Company, Inc. American Express Charitable Fund American Housewares Supply Depot, Inc. Arms Acres, Inc. Arthur J. Gallagher and Company Assumption Church Astoria Federal Savings Aunt Suzie Restaurant Aviator Sports and Recreation, LLC B.T. Puppy Records, Inc. Bamonte’s Restaurant Corportion Bank of America Bank of America Foundation Bank of Canton The Bank of New York Mellon Foundation Barnes and Noble BDO Seidman, LLP Bishop Ford High School Bishop Loughlin High School Bloomberg LP Bluewater Communications Group BP Fabric of America Fund Breezy Point Lumber Company Bristol-Myers Squibb Britzkenzie Corporation Brooklyn Law School Brooklyn Voice of the Faithful Brown Brothers Harriman Bruno’s Hardware Buckley’s Restaurant and Catering Business Relocation Services, Inc. C&B Consulting C&C Catering Service, Ltd. CA, Inc. Cadman Travel, Inc. Caffe Buon Gusto Carpenters and Joiners Local Union 157 Castlereagh Printcraft Catholic Cemeteries CC Controlled Combustion Chadwick’s Restaurant ChevronTexaco

Chubb Group of Insurance Companies CITE Citigroup Foundation Clark Dodge and Company Clavin Funeral Home Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York Cody’s Ale House Grill Colgate Palmolive Company Committee for Hispanic Children Con Edison Court Order Court Street Funeral Home Court Street Office Suppies Crown Trophy, Inc. CTSI Corporation Cullen and Dykman, LLP Custom Carpentry D’Amico Foods D’Arcangelo and Company, LLP David Shannon Florist, Inc. Deloitte Deloitte Foundation The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Foundation The Dow Chemical Company Foundation DF Restoration, Inc. Eamonn’s Restaurant Eastern New York Soccer Association, Inc. Elhilow and Maiocchi, LLP Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Inc. Esposito and Sons, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation Farrell Fritz, P.C. Farrell’s Bar Faughnan Financial Network, Inc. Ferrantino Fuel Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Corporation Ferrilli Information Group Forest City Ratner Companies Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Fulbright and Jaworski, LLP General Atlantic Corporation Goldman Sachs & Company Gorton and Partners, LLC Grand Canyon Restaurant Grant Thornton Gruppo Esponenti Laziale, Inc. Heights and Hill Funeral Home Heights Café Heights Chateau, Inc. Henry Luce Foundation Herff Jones Hillman and Partners Hudson City Savings Bank Hunter’s Steak and Ale House IBM Corporation Ingram and Hebron Realty Corporation ISS Facility Services J.C. Huizenga Corporation J.M.S. Foundation, Inc. James Weir Flowers Corporation John Henry’s HVAC John Wiley Sons Joseph P. Clavin Sons, Inc. JPMorgan Chase Foundation KAM Construction Kappa Delta Pi Xi Rho Chapter Kaufman Organization Kingsborough Community College KPMG Kramer Levin Naftalis and Frankel, LLP La Bagel Delight La Traviata Restaurant Lassen and Henning Catering Law Offices of Joseph M. Mattone Leone Funeral Home Lockheed Martin Corporation

Mackoul and Associates, Inc. Mainco Elevator Company Mallozzi and Dwyer, P.C. Marco Polo Ristorante Marine Park Social Committee Marriott New York at the Brooklyn Bridge MBIA Foundation, Inc. McCabe and Associates McCabe, Collins, McGeough and Fowler, LLP McDonald Avenue Acquisition, LLC McManus Funeral Home The Medtronic Foundation Matching Gifts Merrill Lynch and Co. Foundation, Inc. Midhattan Woodworking Corporation MMC Matching Gifts Program mNovak Design Monte’s Trattoria, Ltd Montoya-Rodriguez, P.C. Monty Q’s Ristorante Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Program My Little Pizzeria National Grid The National Heritage Academies Neighborhood Counseling Center The New York City Partnership, Inc. New York Life Insurance Company Nick’s Fine Jewelry The Northrop Grumman Foundation O’Farrell’s Bar Office of Dr. Joseph C. Stuto Office of Dr. Victor J. Masi O’Keefe’s Bar and Grill One Stop Promotions Open Valley Consulting Optec Communications, Inc. P.J. Hanley’s Park Strategies, LLC Parkway Florist Patcon Group Penske Automotive Group, Inc. Penzone and Company Pete’s Downtown Pfizer Corporation Photographic Excellence Photoreal, Inc. Piper Jaffray Companies Pipin’s Pub Pitta and Giblin, LLP PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. PKF Pratt Institute Pricewaterhouse Coopers Prudential Financial, Inc. The Prudential Foundation Queen Ristorante Quentin Travel R.P.T. Physical Therapy, P.C. Reckitt Benckiser Red Apple Group, Inc. Remsen Graphics Rhythm and Booze Ridgewood Savings Bank Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn Samuel A. Ramirez and Company Schering-Plough Foundation Scotto Funeral Home Select Mail Shell Oil Company Sovereign Bank St. Athanasius Fund St. Francis College St. Francis Preparatory High School Stage 6 at Stenier Studios Stanley B. Tunick Foundation Sterling Affair Structure Tone, Inc. Superior Printing and Litho

T. Rowe Price Associates TD Bank Third and Long Bar Thyssenkrupp Elevator Time Warner Triboro Elevator Consultants Corporation True Value Hardware Turner Construction Company Tuscany Grill Unity International Group USB Group USI New York The Vanguard Group Foundation Verizon Villa Mosconi Restaurant, Inc. Vocational Foundation, Inc. Volare Restaurant Wachovia Bank Waldorf and Associates Weeks Lerman Group Wellpoint Foundation Wells Fargo Foundation Wholesale Marble Winfield Security Corporation Xaverian High School Yellow Hook Grille Yoswein New York

1859 So cie t y Co n s i s t e n t do n o r s 5 y e a r s +

Dr. Alfonse Acciani ’49 Anthony J. ’49 and Lillian Agoglia E. Kevin ’82 and Dianne Agoglia Emmet J. ’52 and Carroll Agoglia Julio A. Agosto ’02 Anthony ’66 and Evelyn Alaimo Margaret M. ’87 and Steven Alaimo Stephen E. ’79 and Joan S. Albright Robert A. ’67 and Mary Alessandro Blair ’46 and Dorothea A. Allen Kenneth R. ’65 and Joyce Allex Anthony Eugene ’69 and Rosemarie Amodeo Edward J. ’69 and Eileen Anderson Vincent R. ’72 and Dorothy Aperawic Edward P. ’60 and Carmen Aquilone Andrea Arcarola Lynn A. Archiopoli ’76 William C. ’79 and Rebecca B. ’80 Armstrong Astoria Federal Savings Renee Augustin ’80 Charles V. ’60 and Eileen Austin Serafin ’93 and Blanca R. Ayllon Claire J. ’77 and Leonard Baker Jeanette B. Baker George D. Balduzy ’51 Robert J. ’61 and Mary Ball Anthony ’90 and Linda Baranello Salvatore V. ’75 and Serena Barbuzza James M. ’65 and Irene A. Barling Robert T. ’68 and Patricia Barlow William T. ’62 and Lois Barnewold Daniel F. ’69 and Maria Barry John J. ’74 and Kathy Barry Sallyann G. ’85 and Richard Bartels Donald G. ’68 and Catherine Barton Danielle T. Battista ’99 Michael J. Beaury ’80 Mary ’95 and Robert Belknap Dino A., M.D. ’53 and Karen Belletti Neal P. ’69 ✚ and Mary Bennett George C. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner John A. Bertone ’51 Anthony Bertuglia ’54 William Beuther, Jr. ’94 Sister Anne Veronica Beverly, C.S.J. ’65 Arthur E. ’61 and Eleanor Beyer

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Madelyn O. Biggs Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Roy F. Bonner, K.C.H.S. ’51 James R. ’65 and Linda Borut Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. ’70 BT Richard M. ’66 and Linda Bourne Edward D. Bova ’69 Connell J. ’58 and Claire Boyle James F. Bozart ’86 Vincent C. Bracco ’52 Sister Mary Bradley, C.S.J. ’59 Anthony P. Braginetz ’42 Sebastian T. ’52 and Pauline Brancato James R. ’49 and Delores Branningan Leon and Elsie Brazel George ’70 and Deborah Brennan Neil F., Jr. ’56 and Eileen Brogan John P. ’71 and Kathleen P. Brolly Daniel J. ’71 and Mary Brouder Clarence, Ph.D. ’76 and Annye Brown Kenneth P. ’70 and Kathleen Brown Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne Edward J. Burden ’51 John J. ’63 and Alicia Burke Michael G. ’68 and Pamela Burke Robert S. Burns ’72 Sophie Burns Brian J. Butler ’70 Philip A. Buttling ’59 Mary Ann Byrnes ’85 Mary P. Byrnes ’80 Joseph A. ’78 and Maryann Cacchioli Sonia Caiazza ’02 Charles J. ’59 and Mary Cain Joseph C. ’76 and Janet Caldarella Anthony J. ’63 and Phyllis Cali Thomas J. ’65 and Eileen Callaghan Brendan J. ’92 and Virginia Cahalan Leo P. Callahan ’56 Peter J. Callahan ’63 Elizabeth, R.N. ’84 and Carmine Cammarosano Dominick S. Cappolla, Jr. ’81 Robert W. Carey ’38, D.D.S. Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78 Lawrence R. ’88 and Patricia Carlucci Guy and Carol Carlsen Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 Michael J. ’75 and Linda Carvalhido Philip A. ’71 and Joann M. Caserta Brendan J. ’61 and Maeve Casey John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey Margaret M. Casey ’76 William P. ’63 and Elizabeth Casey Bernard J. ’64 and Eileen Casserly Patricia K. ’83 and Howard Cassidy Joseph E. ’51 and Marilynn Castana Steven and Lori Catalano Vincent M. ’74 and Mary K. Catalano Anthony ’51 and Margaret Caulfield Daniel J. ’64 and Carol F. Cavanagh Robert W. ’53 and Elanor Chambers Dennis T. ’68 and Margaret Christy Wladyslaw John ’52 and Obdulia Cieslewicz Mark C. Clark ’73 Ryan P. ’02 and Alyson Clark Thomas Francis ’65 and Sandra Clougher Richard C. ’67 and Anne Coccaro John F. ’64 and Anne Coffey Kevin M. Coffey ’68 Timothy J. ’78 and Celeste Cole Reverend Thomas J. Colgan ’45 Brian and Gina E. Collins

John J. Collins ’61 and Dorothy Morrison-Collins Martin F. Collins Richard J. ’68 and Mary Collins Carmelo ’52 and Anna Colombo Louise K. ’80 and Domenick Colotti John T. and Patricia A. Comer Con Edison Patricick W. Condren ’71 Gerard P. ’73 and Anne T. Conlon ’76 John T. and Maureen F. Connell ’80 Hermione Connelly Neil J. ’75 and Elizabeth Connolly Martin D. ’52 and Dawn Conway Robert L. Conway ’69 John R. ’51 and Ursula Corbett Michael T. ’69 and Margaret Corcoran James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 John V. ’67 and Helen Coughlin Mary R. Coughlin ’74 Deborah A. ’83 and Brendan Cregan Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen John T. ’63 and Margaret A. ’81 Cronin Ronald F. ’57 and Katherine Cunningham Michael ’85 and Lisa Curti Gerald A. ’58 and Linda Curtin Leonard J. ’70 and Concetta Cutrone Anne C. ’76 and Victor Dagenais Orville W. Dale BT Kenneth D. ’88 and Laurie Daly Roger J. ’52 and Jane Daly Robert M. ’72 and Eileen Damante The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Frank ’63 and Ednamae Dambeck Bart A. ’72 and Jane D’Ambra Frank N. D’Ambra ’58 Rita ’74 and Michael D’Ambrosio Eugene P. D’Amore ’78 Linda Werbel Dashefsky and Lowell Dashefsky George C. Davey ’61 Timothy P. ’59 and Jane Davey David Shannon Florist, Inc. Raymond G. ’56 and Rosaria Dawid Joseph A., Ed.D ’52 and Joan De Oliveira Gloria A. ’79 and Frank DeCrescenzo Vincent ’72 and Denise DeGiaimo BT Chris and Robin P. Deissler Deloitte William L. ’63 and Beverly Dempsey Michael J. Dempsey ’52 Pasquale C. ’73 and Joann M. DePalma John DeRiso ’55 Donna and Nicholas J. DeSiena Joseph C. ’63 and Della Dettling James F. ’69 and Kathleen Devarso Robert ’64 and Barbara de Zorzi Blaise Didio Ernest V. ’72 and Ann DiFranchi Louis J. ’67 and Grisell Dinnella Gerard C. DiStefano ’64 William ’57 and Dorothy Doherty Franey M., Jr. ’68 and Barbara Donovan Paul C. ’64 and Sandra Donovan Edward J., Jr. ’63 and Maureen Dougherty James F., Ph.D. ’66 and Patricia Dougherty Vincent J. Dougherty ’68 Albert G. Doumar ’57 Francis H. ’51 and Margaret M. Dowd Angela A. ’74 and Joseph Downes

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Thomas D. ’67 and Linda Downes John M. Downing ’59 Patricia Dray ’77 Joseph E. and Marjorie Drennan ’78 Myles ’48 and Marjorie ’80 Driscoll Paul H. ’51 and Barbara Ducharme Gerald J. ’71 and Carolyn Duerr Brendan J. ’68 and Barbara A. Dugan BT Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan Edward G. Dunn, Jr. ’74 Thomas A. ’68 and Nancy J. Dunne James F. ’62 and Kathleen Dwane Theodore ’70 and Pamela Dymczynski Thomas ’78 and Mary Anne Early ’79 James D. ’66 and Susan Egan James W. ’71 and Diane Egan Joseph J., Ph.D. ’61 and Mary Joan Egan Walter G. ’65 Eggmann Alexandria Egler Stephen E. Einson Laura L. Eisenzopf ’00 Patricia J. ’86 and Richard W. Ekelund Anthony J. ’63 and Leslie Embriano Zachary, M.D. ’38 and Judith Giovambattista Ephraim Giovambattisa T. ’79 and Antonella Eramo Carl P. Esposito ’05 Louis A. ’71 and Pauline Esposito John and Kim Esposito Peter P. Faiella ’50 Sean A., Ph.D. ’66 and Marion Fanelli Nicholas A. Faraci ’70 Alfred J. Farnochi ’51 Ann Farrell James F., M.D. ’42 and Margaret Farrell Donald J. ’77 and Kathryn Faughnan Martin ’50 and Sara Fazio Judy Latta and Raymond M. Feeney ’67 Eugene J. Feldhaus ’63 Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin Peter E. Felvegi ’03 Reverend Kieran Fergus, O.P. ’57 Vincent A. ’78 and Theresa Ferraioli John J. ’76 and Arlene Ferrante John C. ’71 and Eileen Ferraro Joseph ’56 and Joan Ferris Mark ’83 and Dolores ’83 Ferro Alfonso ’72 and Roseann Figliolia John J. ’60 and Dorothy Finan John M. ’60 and Carol Fitzgerald Thomas A. Fitzpatrick ’50 Virginia ’83 and Thomas F. Flahive Monsignor William J. Flood ’53 Leonard N. ’65 and Angela Florio Dermot A. ’60 and Margaret Flynn Thomas J. ’65 and Valerie Foley Joseph P. ’69 and Dorothy Forte Franciscan Brothers Frank P. ’78 and Teresa Frattini John ’80 and Mary Frawley Farrell Fritz, P.C. Samuel J., Ph.D. ’75 and Maryann Fruner John ’64 and Mary Fugelsang Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Robert J. ’66 and Carolyn Gaites Paul ’59 and Marie A. Gale J. Vincent Gallagher ’41 John James Gallagher ’62 Gerard H. ’60 and Charline Gannon Joseph A. Gannon, Ph.D. ’53 and Helena Lacey-Gannon

Josephjude C. Gannon ’98 Irma Garcia ’80 Vincent A. Gardino ’75 Christina Gargiulo ’77 Charles G. ’84 and Ann ’84 Garlisi Sister Kathleen Geaney, R.S.M. ’68 James and Bernadette Geissler Reverend Randolph J. ’68 and Donna Geminder Ralph L., M.D. ’52 and Teresa Gentile John T. ’68 and Camille Gerace Richard M. ’69 and Judy Giammarco Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. Christopher M. ’96 Gibbons and Bevin K. ’98 Meade-Gibbons Charles V., C.L.U., C.H.F.C. ’50 and Viola Gibilaro Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. Mary V. Gilbride ’75 Claudia A. Gilchriest ’80 James P. ’76 and Margaret Gildea Thomas P. ’62 and Louise Gilhooley George M., C.P.A. ’70 and Suzanne Gillan Angelo A. Giordano ’70 and Joann DeLenibus Henry A. Giron ’90 and Elizabeth Diaz de Giron Eileen E. Gittens ’75 Claudette P. Glasgow ’75 Jayne B. Godlewski ’77 Daniel J. ’50 and Elizabeth A. Golden Joseph W. ’55 and Eileen Goodey John C. ’58 and Barbara Gordon Gorton Associates John F. ’57 and Barbara Goydas Brother Thomas Grady, O.S.F. ’68 Michael A. ’68 and Patricia Graham Bernard F. ’50 and Angela Gray Michael ’60 and Jacquelyn Gray Jennifer Graziano, C.P.A. ’02 Salvatore T. ’52 and Joan Graziano Richard A. Greene ’78 E. James ’64 and Frances Greiner Edward J. ’69 and Patricia Groarke Raymond ’62 and Marie Grossman Borislav G. Guenov ’03 Thomas F. and Linda Guinan Gary J. and Dorothy H. Gurreri ’79 Charles T. ’68 and Phyllis Gusman Margaret Guthrie ’78 and John Boudreau Raymond C. Habib Robert C. ’61 and Charlotte Hackett Edward J. ’80 and Madalyn M. Hanley ’80 William ’65 and Deborah Hanley Philip R., Ph.D. Harris ’48 and Janet Belport Edward J. ’64 and Kathleen Hart Joseph T. ’62 and Mary Harte Robert S. ’51 and Joan Hathaway David E. Haverty ’81 Stephen J. Hayden ’69 Donald N. ’68 and May Hayward James D. Healy ’60 George Hearn ’50 John Joseph, J.D. ’55 and Theresa Hearn Diane ’89 and Mohsen Helmy Joseph M. Hemway ’84 John E. ’49 and Georgine Hennessy Sister Kathleen Hennessy, R.S.M. ’69 Michael A. ’61 and Catherine J. Henning BT Paul G. Henning ’67 Roseann V. Henry ’83 William T. ’70 and Maureen Hentrich James T. ’62 and Anne Heverin

William J. Higgins ’63 Joel S., Esq. and Nancy I. Hirschtritt Thomas J. ’64 and Anne Hoban Matthew C. Hogan ’01 Leonard and Saundra Honig Thomas M. Horan and Margaret A. Healy-Horan,C.P.A. ’76 Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood William G. ’58 and Grace Hudson Hudson City Savings Bank Susan L. Huff BT John H., Ph.D. ’64 and Paula Humins Theresa M. ’88 Spelman-Huzinec and Glenn M. Huzinec ’85 IBM Corporation Susan M. Ignaciuk ’91 Edmund H. Immergut Lee Anne Infantino ’81 Bruce and Roberta Irushalmi Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. BT Barbara Jacobson William A. ’66 and Maureen Jandovitz Edward J. ’66 and Kathleen Jaworski Gary S. ’75 and Joanne M. Jendras Ronald S. ’69 and Peggy Jendras Eugene L. and Regina W. Jesinkey Robert K. ’65 and Joan Johnson Barbara A. Johnston ’83 John J. Jordan ’59 Frank A. Jurek, Jr. ’52 Daniel T. ’67 and Mary Ann Kane Mitchell Kapnick Joseph M. ’57 and Marieanne Keane Dennis P. ’75 and Elizabeth A. ’74 Keating Gerard C. ’68 and Mary Jane Keegan BT Raymond F. ’76 and Marianne Keenan George F. Kehm, Esq. ’57 Colonel Robert M., Jr., U.S.A.F. ’53 and Patricia Keith Thomas J. ’62 and Adrienne Keller Anne M. Kelly ’79 Charles J. ’69 and Noreen Kelly Gerard R. ’63 and June Kelly Harold F. Kelly, Jr. ’62 Julie F. Kelly ’79 Patrick J. ’69 and Beverly Kelly Sister Theresa Kelly, R.S.M. ’70 Joseph ’50 and Veronica Kennedy Margaret M. Kennedy ’78 Patricia C. Kerner ’76 John E. ’76 and Susan Kiely Kenneth J. Kiernan ✚ Raymond, Esq. ’50 and Sophie Kilanowski Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 Thomas J., Esq. ’69 and Eileen Killeen William P. ’63 and Judy Kinane Kathleen M. King ’78 William ’68 and Annette Knipfing James I. Konkel ’57, C.P.A. Dr. John J. Koster ’68 Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Richard J. ’66 and Maria Krauland John A. ’70 and Lorraine Krizel Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich Vincent Kucich, M.D. ’73 La Traviata Restaurant Maria Fernanda Laezza-Moggioli Sister Mary Kenneth Lane, C.S.J. ’60 Dr. Francis T. Lang ’59

St. Francis College Donor Report 39

Nino F., Ph.D. and Elizabeth Langiulli Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 ✚ John J. ’66 and Patricia Lawless Robert F. ’52 and Judith Lee Gerard E. ’54 and Ann M. Lenze John R. ’54 and Theresa Lenze Maureen T. ’78 and Donald Leo James D. Leonard ’60 James E. ’83 and Patricia A. Leonard John A. ’68 and Eileen C. Leone Walter R. Leong ’81 Patricia Moffatt ’77 and Jeffrey Lesser Jesus F. ’84 and Noreen M. ’84 Linares BT Robert J. Lindsay ’79 Lockheed Martin Corporation Vito J. ’70 and Carol Loiacono Frank John Lonigan ’58 Francis A. ’63 and Lillian Loughlin Thomas A. ’65 and Margaret Loughrey Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis George M. ’76 and Maureen R. Lovaglio William J. ’75 and Geraldine Lovejoy Leonard G. ’78 and Maryjane Lubrano John J. ’67 and Stephanie M. Lynch Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons John J. Lyons ’74 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Michael A. ’97 and Kerry MacIntyre Harry E. ’70 and Ida Macri Paul L., C.L.U. ’72 and Angelina Magnano John F. ’61 and Veronica Maguire Brendan T. ’63 and Mary Mahon Timothy D. ’57 and Carol Mahoney Raymond C. ’64 and Nancy Makofske Kathleen M. ’83 and Elia G. ’82 Malara Pat A. ’79 and Veronica A. ’82 Mallozzi Peter E. ’76 and Susan W. Maloney Dominick J. Mancini ’75 William M. Mancini ’70 Michael J. ’76 and Dianne Mandel Ellie Mandell Robert C. and Ann Mangone Blaise ’65 and Ruth Marchese Carl Mariano, U.S.N. (Retired) ’89 Lawrence A. ’72 and Karen Marsiello BT Joseph J. ’69 and Mary Martingale Joseph B. and Carolyn E. Marvel Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 and Teresa ’91 Stuto-Masi BT Thomas J. Mason ’61 Holly L. Massey ’84 ✚ Nikiforos and Lambrina Mathews David Albert ’58 and Mary E. Mathis John R. ’63 and Mary Mathis Carol A. ’98 and Vincent Matteo Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Mattone Anna L. Mavrianos ’97 Mary and George R. ’65 Mayer Mary D. Maynard ’75 John A. ’75 and Mary E. McAuliffe Edward F. ’65 and Monica McCabe Thomas S. ’74 and Maureen McCabe John B. ’58 and Julie A. McCarthy John M. ’51 and Mary McCarthy Thomas J. ’53 and Roberta McCarthy Edward P. ’56 and AnneMarie McCartney Reverend James McConnell ’50 Thomas J. ’62 and Carol McCormack

40 St. Francis College Donor Report

John F. ’74 and Elizabeth Mccue Rosemary D. ’84 and Frank McCullagh Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott James H. ’69 and Frances McDonald John J. ’54 and Lois J. McDonald Sister Joan McDonnell, C.S.J. ’66 Michael McDonnell Edward J. ’59 and Gabrielle McDonough Thomas F. ’73 and Catherine McDonough James F., Jr. ’77 and Joan McElroy Peter M. ’71 and Donna McGann John F. and Constance McGillicuddy Raymond ’51 and Grace McGorry Hugh T., D.D.S. ’49 and Alice McGowan June A. ’76 and Ronald H. ’80 McGrisken Thomas P., D.D.S. ’51 and Emily McHugh Stephen P. ’79 and Roseanne ’80 McInerney Colonel Walter, U.S.A.F. ’50 and Joan McIntyre Brian ’80 and Mae McKeon Raymond J. ’71 and Nora McKeough Joseph E. ’60 and Rosemarie McLaughlin Thomas B. McManus ’70 Hugh J., Sr. ’63 and June McMenamin Martin P. McNally ’63 Martin T. ’63 and Joanne McNeill Richard W. McParland ’76 D. Kevin ’69 and Kathleen McQuade Joseph P. ’59 and Claire McQueeney John P. ’60 and Joan McSherry Alice M. McTague ’81 Edmond ’72 and Gail McTigue Sister Alice L. McVey ’66 The Honorable Christopher ’50 and Madelyn Mega Anthony J. ’51 and Louise Mercogliano Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella Richard W. ’70 and Joyce Merzbacher Francis P. Messano ’72 Cathy M. Monaco and Joseph Messina David Meyer ’65 and Antonia Lamoureux-Meyer Thomas T. ’63 and Penelope Meyer William A. ’66 and Barbara Meyer Frederick L. ’69 and Anne I. Michaels Peter J. Michel ’63 Dennis ’74 and Josephine Miller Elizabeth G. Mindlin ’81 Frank V. ’57 and Domenica Miniaci Brother John Mark Minicozzi, O.S.F. ’68 Robert C. ’54 and Maureen Minion Thomas P. ’69 and Josephine Mione Dominic J. ’61 and Mary Molignano Brother Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62 Patrick and Kathleen Monachino John P. Monaghan ’57 William ’51 and Patricia A. Moncrieff Brother Antonio Montera, O.S.F. ’66 Mark W. Mooney ’59 Robert P. ’70 and Patrice Moore Eugene T. ’56 and Lorraine Moran Joseph ’78 and Rose Morangelli

Bernard P. ’61 and Jane G. Morgan William F. ’58 and Eileen Morgan David C. ’63 and Nancy Moriarty Michael P. Morris ’76 and Mary’ 76 McGovern-Morris Edward P. Morrissey ’70 Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 William J. Mulrooney, C.P.A. ’81 John J., Esq. ’51 and Theresa Munnelly Austin V. ’72 and Mary Murphy Edward T. ’65 and Laura Murphy Emmet J. Murphy ’82 James H. Murphy, Jr. ’71 and Gretchen Menn John M. Murphy ’71 Joseph P., L.C.S.W. ’61 and Camille Murphy Robert J. ’71 and Mary E. Murphy Philip D. Murray ’65 Xavier J., Ph.D. ’43 and Betty Musacchia Michael P. ’79 and Debbie Musante Louis J. and Rose Ann Mustacchio Francis ’64 and Marian Myskowsky Thomas P. ’63 and Marion Napier Georgianne ’78 and Joseph J. Nardi Raymond P. Nash ’63 National Grid Robert M. ’53 and Jeanne Nevin Nick’s Fine Jewelry Anthony F. ’72 and Elaine Nicodemo Eileen ’84 and Richard C. Nolan Terrance J. ’71 and Irene Nolan Dr. Daniel C. ’61 and Carol Noonan Charles L. ’63 and Alison Novak Joseph A., Jr. ’58 and Ann Nunziata John J. ’64 and Mary O’Boyle Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien Thomas P. ’70 and Elizabeth O’Brien William C. O’Connell ’87 John E. ’67 and Mary O’Connor John R. ’50 and Ann O’Connor Michael J. ’65 and Maura O’Connor James F. ’64 and Eileen D. O’Dea Joseph P. ’50 and Norma T. O’Donnell Martin P. ’61 and Catherine O’Donnell Thomas F. ’73 and Suzanne Oftring Mary S. O’Hara ’97 James M., Ph.D. ’62 and Margaret O’Kane Thomas G. Oldis ’70 Robert A. Oliva ’04 Patrick J. ’69 and Elizabeth O’Mara Thomas J. ’62 and Donna O’Mara Jerome J. ’40 ✚ and Ann O’Neill Dr. John J. ’42 and Ruth G. O’Neill Phyllis C. O’Neill ’81 Martin J., Jr. ’74 and Marilyn O’Reilly Anthony J. ’78 and Maryellen Orlando Michael J. ’82 and Patricia Orlay James F. ’71 and Patricia O’Sullivan Thomas F. ’58 and Dorothy O’Sullivan John J. ’82 and Jacqueline ’83 Paguaga Peter ’80 and Maria Paguaga Robert N. ’70 and Anita Pale James ’67 and Kathleen Palmer Michael Palmiotto ’79 Joseph J. ’92 and Katherine D. ’92 Paolo Park Strategies, LLC William G. ’67 and Diane Foley Parrett BT Martin Pasquale ’63

Armand M., Jr. ’80 and Jeanne M. Patella Angelo ’50 and Dorothy Patrissi William R. ’65 and Kathleen Pearse John A. Pellegrino ’60 Charles J. ’69 and Rose M. Pergola Monsignor Joseph Pfeiffer ’54 Pfizer Corporation Laura J. ’80 and Thomas R. Pietro Vincent F., Esq. ’72 and Antoinette Pitta Bruce A. ’65 and Concetta Pizzimenti Nicole Pluviose ’83 Nicholas Polimeros ’83 Michael A. ’72 and Kathleen D. Polito Joseph T., Ph.D. ’62 and Joan Ponessa Marlin S. Potash, Ed.D. and Thomas Ivanyi BT Edward J. ’64 and Michelle Powers Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers John ’62 and Mary Prenderville Marco L. ’05 and Palmina Principato Walter A. and Kathleen Probst Susan L. Push ’83 Brian J. ’70 and Sarah Putney Walter C. ’51 and Mercedes Quevedo Cathal P. ’75 and Christabel A. ’75 Quigley Sarah J. Quigley Thomas J., Ph.D. ’52 and Mary C. Quigley JoAnn M. O’Neill-Quinterno ’79 and Steven Quinterno R.P.T. Physical Therapy Robert J. Rafferty, C.P.A. ’66 Victor ’32 ✚ and Barbara Rafinski James J. Raftery ’63 John P. Raftery ’68 Joseph A. ’91 and Sharon Raftery Angel Ralph, Jr., M.D. ’62 and Patricia Colon Yadira A. Ramos ’02 Michael J. ’72 and Joyce Ranieri Edward G. Reaney, C.P.A. ’59 Patrick J. ’68 and Jeanne Reavey Clifford B. ’69 and Doris Redden Kevin J. ’78 and Maureen Redden Thomas C. ’49 and Marion Reed Martin P. ’81 and Eileen K. Regan Dennis M., L.C.S.W. ’68 and Marie Reilly Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly Francis V. ’50 and Doris Reilly Conrad W. Reitz, Jr. ’62 Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo Joseph M. ’71 and Virginia Rhatigan Ridgewood Savings Bank Dennis G. ’74 and Rita Riehman John R. ’66 ✚ and Josephine Rinaldi Alfred J. ’76 and Joan Risicato Edward J. ’48 and Helen Ritter Glenn T. ’76 and Linda Rivano Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. ’70 Rizzi John F. ’56 and Patricia Roache Jeannette A. ’00 and Lionel A. Robertson Luis J., Ph.D. ’67 and Janet Rodriguez James H., Jr. ’87 and Catherine ’86 Rogan Francis Roland ’40 John Patrick, Jr. ’64 and Dorothy Rooney Patrick ’67 and Sheila Rooney Sean B. Rooney ’03 Joseph A. Rosalie ’76 Leonard ’48 and Anne Rose

Terese M. Rouge ’71 and Patrick Dolan John A. ’73 Rowinski and Mary Ann Curnan-Rowinski ’74 John P. ’51 and Lucretia Rowley Brother Becket Ryan, O.S.F. Francis W. ’73 and Geraldine Ryan Herbert V. ’58 and Mary Ryan William J. ’65 and Marguerite Ryan Ludwig ’51 and Anna M. Sabatino Denis J. ’75 and Joanne Salamone BT Michael E. ’72 and Michelle Salogub Robert S. ’67 and Kathleen Sarli Josephine Foley Savastano ’87 and Richard Savastano Francis M. ’61 and Mary Scahill Charles P. ’68 and Rita Scalzo Brother Robert Schaefer, O.S.F. ’61 Robert ’72 and Karen C. ’74 Scharbach Frederick E. ’60 and Jacqueline Schneider Gary J. Schneider ’64 Dorothy M. and Charles W. Schroeder William R. ’50 and Veronica Schroeder Kevin W. ’69 and SaraAnn Schultz John J. ’51 and Margaret T. Scibelli Michael S. ’52 and Eleanor Sciglibaglio Vincent M. ’50 and Lydia Sclafani Frank E. Scott ’73 Raphael ’68 and Mary Scotto John A. ’70 and Felicia Serrao William P. Shanahan ’50 David J. ’59 and Mary Sheehan John ’80 and Joyce Sheehan John P. ’58 and Susan Sheehy Shell Oil Company Erez ’97 and Rosalin Shochat Richard ’64 and Jane Silverman BT Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Ph.D. ’64 Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane Parkinson T., Jr. ’97 and Tracianne Small Brother Norman Smercak, O.S.F. ’66 John P. ’64 and Janice Smircich Francis and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith Brother Kevin Smith, O.S.F. BT Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Arnold J. Sparr William E. ’63 and Sara Spencer Joseph S. ’52 and Virginia E. Spiegel Peter F. ’75 and Mary K. ’77 Spiess John H. Spina, D.P.M. ’88 Salvatore P. ’70 and Marysue Stallone Ralph ’65 and Diana Stinebrickner Jo Ann Stonier ’84 William K. Storey ’61 Peter J. and Carol Striano Kevin F. ’76 and Barbara ’68 Sullivan Michael T. Sullivan, Esq. ’67 Raymond J. Supino ’51 Joseph J. ’68 and Frances Svirida Lawrence T. ’59 and Catherine Sweeney Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 Jeremy Sztabnik, O.S.F. ’63 T. Rowe Price Associates Michael J. ’81 and Toniann Taunton Donald Edward Temple ’68 James M. Tharrington ’63 Honey Marie ’92 and Michael Theogene ’94 Reverend James A. Thompson ’40 Robert F. ’57 and Virginia Thompson John F. ’66 and Diane Tiernan

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Thomas J. and Alice Tisch Patrick A. ’52 and Eleanor Tolve Borislav K. Tomassini ’04 Anthony C. Tomasulo ’00 Kathleen Tomaszewski ’90 John P. ’63 and Margaret Toner Anthony S. Tortorelli ’80 Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 Edward ’70 and Patricia Travaglianti Stephen J. ’57 and Lorraine Travers William R. ’56 and Rose Mary Travers Joseph C. ’71 and Elaine Trentacoste Joseph ’76 and Jane Tricarico John F., Esq ’67 and Maureen Tully BT Cyril D. ’53 and Sunchita F. Tyson U.S.I. New York William E. Ulrich ’75 Paul Urso, Ph.D. ’50 ✚ Charles F., Jr. ’68 and Maureen M. Vadala Paul F. ’69 and Giuseppina Valenti Verizon Richard Vierling James E. Vincent ’61 Andrew, C.P.A. ’81 and Angela C. ’81 Vindigni Joseph M. ’64 and Maureen E. Vislocky Thomas J. and Anita Volpe BT Thomas ’72 and Rita VonEssen Richard P. ’70 and Beverly Wagner John, C.P.A. ’61 and Mary Wagnes Waldorf and Associates Stephen Waldorf Joseph P. ’61 and Clare Walker William J. Walker, Sr. ’66 Dr. Thomas J. ’56 and Ann Wallace Patrick F. Walsh ’64 William J. ’61 and Jane S. Walsh Robert A. ’51 and Anne Walters Thomas F. ’62 and Rita-May Ward Reverend Emil A. Wcela ’52 William J. Weber ’61 Dr. William H., Jr. ’51 and Ruth Weir John Welch Bernard J. ’58 and Patricia Welsh Richard J. ’69 and Mary Wendt Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler Brother Edward Wesley, O.S.F., Ph.D ’68 Joyce Wierzbowski ’88 Stephen Wilantewicz, D.M.D. ’64 Anthony J. ’65 and Dorothy Witt Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff Eulene A. ’00 and Ira Workman Catherine L. ’89 and Thomas Wornom Claudeth L. Wylie ’78 Xaverian High School Chun K., M.D. ’72 and Joanne Yip Joni Yoswein and Glenn VanBramer Yosewin New York Inc. Anthony H. Zalak ’02 Lorraine F., R.N. ’90 and Ira Zapin Edward R. Zatorski ’82 Toby L. Zimmerman ’88 Andre Zmurek ’63 and Barbara Barlow, M.D. Mark Zulli

Endowed S ch o l a rship s The following donors are recognized for their generosity to the Endowed Scholarship Program. Ac a d emi c S c h o l a rship fo r Wom en

Lynn A. Archiopoli ’76

A n d re a a n d M a r g ie A c a r o l a S c h o l a rship

Lucy Altobelli Andrea Arcarola Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Joseph B. and Carolyn E. Marvel D r. Ja me s Ada ms S ch o l a rship

Joseph B. and Carolyn E. Marvel P r of e s s o r J o h n A l l eg r a S c h o l a rshi p

James H. ’69 and Frances McDonald Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Donald B. Winston D omini c k P. ’6 4 a n d Ro sem a ry D e Pa o l a S c h o l a rshi p

Dr. Dominick P. DePaola ’64 and Rosemary DePaola J o h n ’5 8 a n d M a r g e D ie t l S c h o l a rshi p

John J. Dietl ’58

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

Bish op Ni c h o l a s D iM a r z i o S c h o l a rshi p

Ri c hie A l l en ’ 9 6 S c h o l a rshi p

Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn

Patricia Castro The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Thomas V. and Anne M. Hartnett Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons D r . A n n Amo re S c h o l a rshi p

Jamila A. Alkaifi ’02 Jeanette B. Baker The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Dr. John K. and Sue Hawes James H. ’69 and Frances McDonald Judith C. Ricciardo ’07 Mary C. ’91 and Edward B. Shaw John P. ’64 and Janice Smircich Wachovia Foundation C a rm en a n d Ed wa rd ’6 0 A q uil o n e S c h o l a rshi p

Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers Bernard J. ’58 and Patricia Welsh P e t er N . A q uil o n e S c h o l a rship

Paul R. ’75 and Virginia Cronen Virginia ’83 and Thomas F. Flahive Brother Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62 Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers J o e B r o w n e ’6 8 S c h o l a rshi p

Joseph T. ’68 and Karyn Browne D r . J o h n Bu rk e ’4 0 S c h o l a rship

Mary Jo Chiara P hilip A n d re w C a rr a n o ’70 S c h o l a rship

Sen at o r P e t e V. D om eni ci S c h o l a rshi p

CA, Inc. The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Park Strategies, LLC A n n e a n d B ri a n D u g a n S c h o l a rshi p

John and Patricia Barry Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Brooklyn Law School Brian J. and Rose Dugan John P. and Kathleen Dugan Brendan J. ’68 and Barbara A. Dugan BT Patrick J. ’01 and Christina Dugan Alexandria M. Egler William ’65 and Deborah Hanley Sharon L. Kerrigan Loman and Lars Loman Brother George Larkin, O.S.F. ’60 ✚ Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Robert H. and Carol Ray Susan L. and Barry O. Richards Dr. Kathie Rogers Roy C. Savastano Brother Robert Schaefer, O.S.F. ’61 Theresa Spinelli St. Francis College Faculty House Richard D. Tunick Stanley B. Tunick Foundation Dean Joan G. Wexler

Lorraine J. Carlozzi ’78 Joann M. O’Neill-Quinterno ’79 and Steven Quinterno

Ho n o r a b l e Eil een C . D u g a n S c h o l a rshi p

Re verend Michael A . C a rr an o ’66 S ch o l a rship

D un s S c o t us S c h o l a rshi p

Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola D e a n J o h n C liffo rd S c h o l a rship

Thomas K. ’77 & Mary Alesi Bank of America Foundation Thomas B. McManus ’70 Renee Miscione ’75 Alfred J. ’76 and Joan Risicato Rita a n d Mi c h a el Co l lin s S c h o l a rshi p

Martin F. Collins Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola J o Co n way S c h o l a rshi p

Martin D. ’52 and Dawn Conway B r o t her H en ry C u ddy, O. S. F. ’4 0 S c h o l a rship

Dennis J. Burke ’71 and Martha L. Mackey Michael J. McInerney ’70 and Maureen Foley McInerney C u r tin Fa mily S c h o l a rshi p

Gerald A. ’58 and Linda Curtin Ja c k ’70 a n d K at h y D a n a h er S c h o l a rship

James F. Bozart ’86 John J. ’70 and Elizabeth Casey George J. Johansen ’70 and Gail Hessler Johansen

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Daniel W. Correa ’68 Ronald F. ’57 and Katherine Cunningham Albert G. Doumar ’57 Dr. Zachary ’38 and Judith G. Ephraim Dr. Charles G. ’84 and Ann M. Garlisi Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D. Peter Hlinka ’50 and Ellen R. Hillman James I. Konkel, C.P.A. ’57 Francis X. ’51 and Margaret V. McCormack Dr. Donald A. ’63 and Susanne McQuade Michael P. Morris ’76 and Mary ’76 McGovern-Morris Edward D. ’62 and Anne O’Brien Schering-Plough Foundation Matthew A. ’47 and Edna Shannon Emp l oy ee S c h o l a rshi p

Jeanette B. Baker Fa c u lt y S c h o l a rshi p

Dr. David ’43 and Agnes Ballantine Stephen M. Bruce ’76 Sister Barbara Buckbee, C.S.J. ’66 Ryan P. ’02 and Alyson Clark John J. ’79 and Susan F. Colgan Karen A. ’79 and Allan J. Cottone Edward R. ’71 and Angela Curty John R. Dilyard, Ph.D.

Edward J. , Jr. ’63 and Maureen Dougherty Richard A. ’61 and Elizabeth Dreyer Samuel J., Ph.D. ’75 and Maryann Fruner Christopher M. ’96 Gibbons and Bevin K. ’98 Meade-Gibbons Jeffrey A. ’67 and Barbara Gould Martin R. Hamburger ’64 Joyce E. Hunter ’79 Richard S. and Kathleen M. Kuberski Maria Laezza-Moggioli Robert ’61 and Cecilia Lambiase Dr. Nino and Elizabeth Langiulli Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Carl Mariano ’89 George R. ’65 and Mary Mayer Dr. Thomas P., D.D.S. ’51 and Emily McHugh James ’73 and Theresa Mckenna John ’61 and Mary Milewski Renee Miscione ’75 David M. ’86 and Scarlet Monroe Joseph P. ’61 and Camille Murphy Peter C. ’66 and Patricia Nies Robert A. Oliva ’04 Ernest J. ’51 and Elva M. Orlandini Pfizer Foundation Laura J. Pietro ’80 Michael A. ’72 and Kathleen D. Polito Thomas E., Jr. ’57 and Mary Powers James J. Quigley ’96 Maureen M. and John M. Raber Anthony J. ’70 and Marie L. Rizzi ’70 John J., Ph.D. ’57 and Theresa A. Rush Dr. Vincent A. Sawicki ’72 Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Ph.D. ’64 Parkinson T., Jr. ’97 and Tracianne Small William E. ’63 and Sara Spencer Dr. John H. Spina, D.P.M. ’88 Jaime F. Squeri Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 Charles R. Traina, Ph.D. ’72 Joseph C. ’53 and Barbara Wengler Donald J. ’62 and Patricia Young P e t er P. Fa z i o ’6 0 S c h o l a rshi p

Mauro N. and Frances E. Fanelli Peter J. Fazio Nicholas J. Paratore ’09 Cynthia B. Skolnik P r of e s s o r Ni c h o l a s A . Fi o ren z a ’36 S c h o l a rshi p

Bank of America Foundation Patricia Darragh ’79 and Tahn Nguyen Eugene M. ’52 and Maureen Lyons Thomas B. McManus ’70 F r a n cis c a n B r o t h ers S c h o l a rshi p

Jeanette B. Baker Clarence, Ph.D. ’76 and Annye Brown Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. F re d eri c k D en nis F u rm a n ’6 4 S c h o l a rshi p

Frederick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Shell Oil Company

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 Ho n o r a b l e A n t h o n y J. G en o v e si S c h o l a rship

Willard and Eleanor Archie Greg Atkins Justin Bernbach Stephen M. and Kim Bogart Damion J. Boyer Stanley Brettschneider Britzkenzie Corporation The Honorable Richard L. Brodsky Jennifer Carlson Albert W. Cleary Jerry Cooper James Cosares Stephen Dadourian Justin E., III and Susan M. Driscoll William T. and Marie Driscoll Ferrara Brothers Building Materials Anthony J. Genovesi Joseph G. and Maria Genovesi Joyce Genovesi Dr. Mark Genovesi Billy Goodspeed Stephen A. Harkavy David Herlands Jeffrey Hill Bill Howell Carl Hum Bruce and Roberta Irushalmi Brian W. ’02 and Theresa M. Johnson Thomas Kiley John Kotowski Robert and Mary B. Levine Jeff Lichtman James Mahon Guy and Joan Maranga Ululy Martinez Francis X. McArdle Steve McInnis Martin J. McLaughlin Tom McMahon Gifford Miller Dr. Estelle and Robert Miller Dan and Cindy Mishael Michael Mondschein Stuart Osnow Ross Pepe Douglas P. Posluszny Steven E. and Lisa Renna Frank Ricci Jeffrey and Robin Rodus Andrew S. Roffe Robert M. and Kim Rozzi The Honorable John D. Sabini Francis J. Sanzillo Reginald D. and Sheryl Shell Yma S. Sherren Eddie and Terri Thomson The Honorable Paul A. Tokasz Geoff Weir and Josephine B. O’Leary-Weir Michael A. and Ella J. Weiss The Honorable Mark Weprin James and Gail Whelan Albert C. Wiltshire ’78 Ray Wong James and Penny W. Yates Joni Yoswein & Glenn VanBramer Yoswein New York Andrew and Barbara G. Zambelli K at h l een Co rri g a n G i a l l a n z a ’ 9 0 S c h o l a rshi p

D r . G er a rd G a l g a n S c h o l a rshi p

James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 Samuel J., Ph.D. ’75 and Maryann Fruner

Gerald J., Ph.D. and Wendy W. Galgan

A n n a a n d J o se p h Giaq uin t o S c h o l a rshi p

Richard A. Giaquinto, Ph.D.

St. Francis College Donor Report 41

D r . Ja m e s A l oysius G ib s o n ’6 3 a n d Pat ri cia B r o z in sk y S c h o l a rship

Dr. Patricia Brozinsky D r . U w e Giel en S c h o l a rshi p

Uwe P. Gielen, Ph.D. B r o t her Aus tin Gil l , O. S. F. ’62 S c h o l a rship

Reverend William Gill ’51 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Brother Becket Ryan, O.S.F. Glenn M. Huzinec ’85 and Theresa M. Spelman-Huzinec ’88 M a l c o l m W. Go rdo n S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola D r . F r a n cis G reen e S c h o l a rship

Mary ’95 and Robert Belknap Francis X. ’71 and Deborah A. ’97 Holt Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

Ro n nie M u rr a ry Ko n k el S c h o l a rshi p Lorenzo F. and Dolores A. Valenza D r . Nin o L a n g iu l li S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 17 t h of Jun e ( E v ely n M a r g a re t L a q uer cia ) S c h o l a rship

Thomas M. Laquercia, Esq. ’66 T h om a s Mi c h a el L a q uer cia ’6 6 S c h o l a rship

Thomas M. Laquercia, Esq. ’66 M a rie a n d Bil l L ed erm a n n S c h o l a rshi p

Mary A. Ledermann Ridgewood Savings Bank Ro s a a n d F l o re s Lin a re s S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola D a n n y Ly n c h , S r . ’3 8 S c h o l a rship

M a r g a re t a n d T h om a s G r oa rk e S c h o l a rship

Robert E. ’69 and Eileen Christie Edward J. ’59 and Joan Mullaney

Edward J. ’69 and Patricia Groarke

F r a n k J. M a c c hia r o l a S c h o l a rshi p

Hel en a n d Ri c h a rd H a lv ers o n S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola D r . D o r o t h y Lipp H a rris S c h o l a rship

Philip R. Harris, Ph.D. ’48 and Janet Belport Eliz a be t h a n d Bern a rd H av er t y S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola J o se p h a n d Mi c h a el a M a c c hia r o l a S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Lu cy a n d J o se p h M a c c hia r o l a S c h o l a rshi p

David E. Haverty ’81

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

Sus a n a n d Ro g er Her t o g S c h o l a rship

M a ry a n d F r a n k J. ’62 M a c c hia r o l a S c h o l a rshi p

Roger and Susan Hertog B r o t her J o h n Hoff s c hmid t, O. S. F. S c h o l a rship

Mary T. ’78 and Joseph M. ’77 Buercke Richard S. and Kathleen M. Kuberski James P. Lawler ’71 Anthony ’69 and Elaine Viola B r o t her Edm un d Ho l m e s, O. S. F. ’28 S c h o l a rshi p

Brother Patrick Murphy, O.S.F. ’68 D r . A r t hu r Hu g he s S c h o l a rship

Camille and Oscar B. Bering Mary P. Byrnes ’80 Susan M. Ignaciuk ’91 David P. James ’07 Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Ian S. Maloney, Ph.D. Robert C. ’66 and Pam Sloane Arnold J. and Jane A. Wolff B r o t her C ecilia n of Je sus F. S.C . S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola M o n si g n o r J o h n K e a n S c h o l a rship

Manuel Franquinha Richard and Doris Friend Eugene L. Jesinkey and Regina Weber Jesinkey James J. ’72 and Patricia Murphy Ralph M. Nigro Thomas J., Ph.D.’52 and Mary C. Quigley K e ySpa n Ac c o un tin g S c h o l a rship

Kenneth D. ’88 and Laurie Daly National Grid

42 St. Francis College Donor Report

The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Peter E. Felvegi ’03 Sean E. Ghazala ’09 JPMorgan Chase Foundation Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Ellie Mandell Mi c h a el a n d Jen nif er M a c c hia r o l a S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola B r o t h er A l fo n sus M a h er , O. S. F. S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola J o se p h M . M at t o n e S c h o l a rship

Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Mattone M a ry A n n M at t o n e S c h o l a rship

Joseph M., Esq. and Mary Mattone M er c o rel l a Fa mily S c h o l a rship

Philip J. ’65 and Margaret Mercorella D r . D o n a l d M e t z ’47 S c h o l a rship

Dr. David ’43 and Agnes Ballantine Matthew J. ’73 and Mary E. Krsulich Pfizer Foundation D r . J o h n M o t l e y S c h o l a rship

Lanita Adams Rey Allen Edward P. ’60 and Carmen Aquilone Kathryn August Theodor and Kathryn August B.T. Puppy Records, Inc. Pamela Babb Robbin L. Balfour-Austin Priscilla H. Baskerville Camilla Williams and Borislav Bazala Patricia and Ronald R. Black

Randy C. Blackstone Gail Bolt Karen Booker S. Angela Bowman Alan J. Braun Kristie and Alan J. Braun Madeleine Brennan Myra Brown Dr. Valerie Capers Carmela D. and Donald J. Cimmino Craig J. Cimmino Arthur Clark Morris J. and Francine M. Clarke Barbara J. Cohens Carolyn B. Cole Janie F. Cooke Arnetha Curry Louis N. and Camille Del Vecchio James Dibenedetto Blanche D. Dingle Ruthann Drewitz Julian R. and Thelma C. Dugas Patricia Eaton Patrice Edison Jenette R. Eure Janet Fabiyi Michael Fontana Maria Fontanez Limas Forte Monifa Foster Arden Fowler Charles and Carol B. Francescani Dr. Charlotte K. Frank Kathryn Fullins Stacy Gaines Christopher M. ’96 Gibbons and Bevin K. ’98 Meade-Gibbons Walter Godfrey Margaretta Bobo Goines Simeon Golar Brandi Goodman Yvette Goodman-Ross Renee Goodstein, Ph.D. Brother Thomas Grady, O.S.F. ’68 Diane R. and S. Alonzo Graves, Jr. Gwendolyn B. and Dr. Thomas P. Grissom Paul H., Esq. and Kathleen A. Grosvenor Leslie-Ann M. Hall Frank Haye Grace N. Hinds Donald Holder Geoffrey Horlick, Ph.D. and Sally Sherwood Rita S. Itzkowitz Stephen and Sophia Jablonsky Cynthia Smith Jackson Dr. Florence A. Jackson Robert and Lucile Jacobsen Lavoizier Saint Jean Rosetta Jefferson John M. Jones Michael, Ph.D. and Marianne N. Kaminski Peter and Portia O. Lagares Michelle LaRose Elliott P. Laws Robert J. and Eleanor Ledogar Albert C. Lee Robert F. Lee ’52 Arlene Lieberman Cassandra A. Lilienthal Sheila Byrd Long Michael Longo Zoraida Lopez Joseph S. and Valerie Louzonis Donette Lucas Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Paige A. Mapphias Dr. George C. and Barbara R. Mask Dollie McArthur Carolyn McClair

Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Raj McIntyre Clive McKay Patricia McKinney Rhonda J. McLean Leslie M. McNamara ’94 Gino A., Sr. and Fran Menchini Owen Mitchell Brother Joseph Moloney, O.S.F. ’62 Gusebio Montanez Ursula Moran Andrea H. Morris, Ph.D. Frank Motley, Esq. Thomas J. Motley Frank Motley, Esq. Wilbert S. and Gloria Motley Elizabeth Negron Carol Neiman Susan G. Neuffer Damian Neuffer Dr. Eugene Newman Evarist Nicholas Lovye G. and Rudolf Oesterlin Yvonne O’Neil Tneko Ota Emma Owens Jose L. Pagan Laura T. Palmer Carole J. Parker Dianne Patterson Gloria Pearce Florence A. Pettersson Reverend Nigel Pierce Anthony L., Jr. and Maura J. Pinnavaia Carlos D. Prescod Barbara Rando Betty J. Ricks Laurie Rios Arlene Roberts Arcola Robinson Patricia F. Robinson Sarah Ann Rodgers Efrain Rodriguez, III Brother Becket Ryan, O.S.F. Violet Santini Gregory Schanck Carolyn B. Schnall Linda R. Scott Lillian Del Seni-Brown Daniel Senie Sheryl A. Shell Joy S. Simons Ivy S. Simons Robert D. and Jean B. Simpson Charlene Sims Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Ph.D ’64 Judith Skinner Ethan A. Smythe Ira Spaulding Kevin A. Stasa Janet Steele Alphonso D. Stephens Irene Stovall Lois T. and Warren Sweeney Monica G. Sylvester Mark Tempro Deborah Thomas Stuart Thomas Marilyn Thompson Rosemarie Thompson Winerfred Thompson Claudia Trahan Haratia Trahan Althea Walker Carol A. Ward Victoria Motley Washington Victor West Paul B. Wheatley Julius P. Williams Lisa M. Willis Vanessa Wyndham

Elmer E. Yearwood Jane T. Young Albana Zegullaj ’04 J o se p h Ni c h o l s o n , P e t er Spin el li, C at herin e a n d D av id S t ein m a n n S c h o l a rshi p

David P. and Catherine Steinmann J o h at h a n Ni g r o ’ 9 6 S c h o l a rshi p

Paul Gitto Joseph F., Ph.D. ’68 and Jane M. Marino Ronald Nigro J o h n C a rd in a l O ’ Co n n o r S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Kevin J. ’78 and Maureen Redden B r o t h er T h om a s O ’ N eil l , O. S. F. ’6 8 S c h o l a rshi p

Martin Pasquale ’63 John N. ’98 and Mary E. Wlaysewski P r of e s s o r Ern e s t P e t ru c el li S c h o l a rshi p

Leonard and Saundra Honig Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Nancy A. Lento-Misseri ’79 and Vincent Misseri William Yellin D r . C a r o ly n P l o n sk y S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola D r . K y r a n P o w ers S c h o l a rshi p

Edward M. Ricci and Mary E. Lupo B r o t h er L eo Q uin n , O. S. F. ’26 S c h o l a rshi p

Thomas J. ’64 and Ann M. Fitzgerald William F. ’58 and Eileen Morgan Francis Roland ’40 J o h n “Jay ” Ridd el l ’6 6 S c h o l a rshi p

Arms Acres, Inc. Walter J. ’65 and Linda L. Conklin John Wiley Sons Carol Phillips William J. ’65 and Marguerite Ryan Albert L. and Gail J. Torello Courtney M. Williams Iren e a n d V in c en t S a l a mo n e S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola B r o t her Rober t S c h a ef er , O. S. F. ’61 S c h o l a rshi p

Dorothy Ann Seery C h a rl e s S c h a em ’4 0 S c h o l a rshi p

Dennis T. ’68 and Margaret Christy Richard T. ’55 and Barbara Nolan P r of e s s o r Ed wa rd Se t r a kia n S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Christina M. Portello ’00 P r of e s s o r F r a n cis Sl a d e S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Joseph M. Szkutnik ’71 B r o t h er Rober t Smit h, O. S. F. S c h o l a rship

Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. ’70 BT Sister Mary Kenneth Lane, C.S.J. ’60 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola The Northrop Grumman Foundation Francis Smith and Lorraine M. Allen-Smith

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Timo t h y M . S tac kpo l e ’01 S c h o l a rship

Citigroup Foundation Richard ’76 and Regina D’Allesandro The Alfonso L. DeMatteis Family Marjorie ’78 and Joseph E. Drennan Kappa Delta Pi Xi Rho Chapter Margaret M. Kennedy ’78 Maureen Petrie Karen Reilly ’91 Michael ’81 and Margaret ’80 Schwerdtman Marilyn A. Verna, Ed.D C a rl o T r a mo n t o z z i S c h o l a rship

Edward P. ’60 and Carmen Aquilone Carlos Avendano ’75 Johnny F. ’76 and Regine Charles Bruno D’Ascanio Amy DiFilippo Marcella DiFilippo Rocco DiFilippo Eastern New York Soccer Associates Mario Fava ’89 Rolf B. ’70 and Judith Friedmann Gruppo Esponenti Laziale, Inc. Charles P. Kowalski ’72 Philip ’76 and Alida LaSpisa Dennis J. ’74 and Catherine B. ’74 McDermott Herman M. ’79 and Anne M. ’78 Petsche Sheila M. Pickard ’79 Dragan ’84 and Dorothy Radovich Vincenzo Randazzo ’84 Giovanna Robinson Dino F. Rufo Robert L. ’72 and Margaret Smith Biagia Tramontozzi Carlo and Flora L. Tramontozzi Vincenzo Tramontozzi Mario Treglia Joyce Vaccarella Pau l U rs o ’5 0 S c h o l a rshi p

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola F r a n k a n d M a ry Wa l k er S c h o l a rship

William J. Walker, Sr. ’66 Wo rl d T r a d e C en t er V i c tim s S c h o l a rship

Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

Specia l E v ent s Alumni Reunion dinner / dance

American Beer Distribution Company, Inc. Assumption Church Aunt Suzie Restaurant Bamonte’s Restaurant Corportion Daniel F. Barry ’69 Bishop Ford High School Blue Water Communications Group James F. Bozart ’86 Breezy Point Lumber Company Bruno’s Hardware Buckley’s Restaurant and Catering John Burke ’74 Dr. Brian Butler ’70 C&C Catering Service, Ltd. Caffe Buon Gusto Catholic Cemeteries CITE Clavin Funeral Home Ralph Cloppse ’59 Kevin M. Coffey ’68 Sister Colleen Colbert, O.P. Colbert Family

Committee for Hispanic Children Con Edison Walter J. Cook ’64 James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 Court Order Court Street Office Suppies Crown Trophy Custom Carpentry John M. Dalton ’63 Kenneth D. Daly ’88 D’Amico Foods David Shannon Florist, Inc. Vincent DeGiaimo ’72 BT Deloitte William L. Dempsey ’63 Donna and Nicholas J. DeSiena Alexander A. DiGuido ’78 Ann Dolan Albert G. Doumar ’57 John M. Downing ’59 Dunn Family Eamonn’s Restaurant Stephen E. Einson Elhilow and Maiocchi, LLP Louis A. Esposito ’71 John Esposito Kim Esposito Esposito and Sons, Inc. Martin Fazio ’50 Ferrantino Fuel Ferrilli Information Group Joan A. Fogarty Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn Joseph A. Gannon, Ph.D. ’53 David Gewirtz Peter S. Gomori, Ph.D. Brother Thomas Grady, O.S.F. ’68 Grand Canyon Restaurant Heights and Hill Funeral Heights Café Heights Chateau Joseph M. Hemway ’84 Michael A. Henning ’61 BT Paul G. Henning ’67 Hunter’s Steak and Ale House Ingram and Hebron Realty Corporation Lynne K. Jackson, Ph.D. James Weir Flowers Corporation Herff Jones Kaufman Organization Dennis P. Keating ’74 Thomas J. Killeen, Esq. ’69 Mary Anne P. Killeen ’89 Kingsborough Community College James I. Konkel, C.P.A. ’57 La Bagel Delight La Traviata Restaurant Lassen and Hennings Catering Leone Funeral Home Jesus F. Linares ’84 BT Robert J. Lindsay ’79 Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 Paul L. Magnano ’72 Mallozzi and Dwyer, P.C. Marco Polo Ristorante Marriott New York at the Brooklyn Bridge Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 BT Thomas J. Mason ’61 McCabe and Associates McCabe, Collins, McGeough and Fowler, LLP John F. McCue ’74 Dennis J. McDermott ’74 James H. McDonald ’69 Edward J. McDonough ’59 McManus Funeral Home Martin T. McNeill ’63 Drew R. Menta Midhattan Woodworking Corporation

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


John P. Monaghan ’57 Monte’s Trattoria, Ltd Monty Q’s Ristorante My Little Pizzeria Lorraine M. Nardi National Grid Neighborhood Counseling Center Nick’s Fine Jewelry Anthony F. Nicodemo ’72 Joseph A. Nunziata, Jr. ’58 John E. O’Connor ’67 James F. O’Dea ’64 O’Farrell’s Bar O’Keefe’s Bar and Grill Robert A. Oliva ’04 James R. Oliva ’08 Open Valley Consulting Edward J. Ormond ’70 Gloria Ormond P. J. Hanley’s Patcon Group Angelo Patrissi ’50 Penzone and Company John S. Pereira ’66 Frank D. Petrizzo ’75 Photoreal, Inc. PKF Pratt Institute Queen Ristorante Quentin Travel R.P.T. Physical Therapy, P.C. Jose I. Ramos ’04 Regan Family Richard Relkin Remsen Graphics Rhythm and Booze Samuel A. Ramirez and Company Josephine Foley Savastano ’87 Scotto Funeral Home Select Mail Robert L. Smith ’72 St. Francis Preparatory High School Sterling Affair Joseph C. Stuto, D.P.M. Tim Sullivan Diane M. Trapp ’75 Robert J. Trapp ’77 Triboro Elevator Consultants Corporation True Value Hardware Tuscany Grill USI New York Villa Mosconi Restaurant, Inc. Volare Restaurant Joseph P. Walker ’61 Weeks Lerman Group Wholesale Marble Xaverian High School B r o t h er U rb a n Go n n o u d, O. S. F. Go l f O u tin g

Adam Alberico Robert A. Alessandro ’67 Michael Annuci Edward P. Aquilone ’60 Raul P. Arroyo ’69 Artie E. Beyer ’61 William J. Bielefeld ’65 William Black ’70 James F. Bozart ’86 Christopher M. Broughton ’77 Kenneth Brown Julio Campuzano Thomas J. Casal Larry Cenatiempo Anthony J. Chille ’83 Kevin Cody Timothy J. Cole ’78 Brian Coleman Brian Collins Gerard P. Conlon ’73 Thomas J. Conlon ’70 Jack J. Connors ’71

Ray A. Convey ’71 Reverend John B. Cook ’45 Mike T. Corcoran ’69 James E. Corrigan, Ph.D. ’60 Paul V. Cucarese ’74 Dominic J. Cusimano Christopher Deissler Lawrence Derrico Blaise DiDio James F. Dougherty, Ph.D. ’66 Richard M. Dougherty ’75 Thomas A. Dougherty ’77 Vincent J. Dougherty ’68 Raymond Dowling ’78 Thomas Dowling ’75 Patrick J. Dugan ’01 Robert F. Dunn ’71 John Esposito Kim Esposito Louis A. Esposito ’71 Donald J. Faughnan ’77 Peter J. Fazio Mark Ferro ’83 George Fiala Al G. Figliolia ’72 Farrell Fleming ’77 Ed Fogarty Gerard H. Gannon ’60 Irma Garcia ’80 Frank Giglioli Robert Graham Terry Greene John Gugliemo Deborah Hanley William Hanley ’65 Paul G. Henning ’67 James Houlihan Hugh T. Hurley Anthony J. Jelcic ’99 Tom Jones ’63 Daniel T. Kane ’67 Mary Anne Kane Mitchell Kapnick Harold F. Kelly, Jr. ’62 Paul Kelly John E. Kiely ’76 Kenneth J. Kiernan ’61 ✚ Mary Anne P. Killeen ’78 John E. Klemm ’71 Loy Kroch Anthony J. Kurtin ’00 Angelo La Bella Robert J. Lindsay ’79 Patricia A. Logan ’78 Ron Lombardo James Long Thomas B. Losquadro ’71 Mark E. Loughlin ’95 Leonard G. Lubrano ’78 Carmelo Macannuco Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 J. Christopher Mangan ’83 BT Chris G. Manukian ’01 Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 BT John R. Mathis ’63 Nicholas J. McCauley ’73 Michael McDonnell Gerry McNamara Martin T. McNeill ’63 John Meekins Fredrick L. Michaels ’69 Brenda M. Milano Patrick Monachino Bernard P. Morgan ’61 David C. Moriarty ’63 Donald G. Mulligan ’75 Kevin Murphy Dr. Wayne P. Muscarella Joe Musicus Louis J. Mustacchio Raymond P. Nash ’63 Mike Nastri ’62

John J. O’Boyle ’64 Jeffrey O’Brien James F. O’Dea ’64 Peter O’Donnell Steve O’Donnell Office of Dr. Joseph C. Stuto Office of Dr. Victor J. Masi Robert A. Oliva ’04 Stephen Oliver Jorge E. Palacio ’78 Michael Palmiotto Joseph T. Penzone ’73 James J. Petruzzi ’73 Kenneth H. Pforr Joe Pignatano James J. Quigley ’96 Brian L. Raimondi ’95 Tom Raleigh, Sr. ’73 Michael Rantz Martin P. Regan ’81 Connie W. Reitz, Jr. Mike Remus Raphael Scotto, Esq. ’68 Margaret Shannon Robert Sieber ’82 Joseph C. Stuto, D.P.M. Brother Donald Sullivan, O.S.F. Kevin F. Sullivan ’76 Larry Sullivan ’58 Michael T. Sullivan, Esq. ’67 Peter Thristino Kevin Tohill Joseph P. Toto ’62 Gerard Trapp ’78 John F. Tully, Esq. ’67 BT Edward Vierling Andy F. Virga ’72 John L. Viverito John Wagnes ’61 Michael W. Wald ’82 Robert J. Wallace Alan Weisberg John Welch Michael E. Wilson ’81 Kevin Woods ’87 Kol You ’05 Nicholas Zinno C h a r t er Awa rd D in n er

Amalgamated Bank of New York Astoria Federal Savings Bank of America BDO Seidman, LLP Michael Bendjouya Bishop Loughlin High School Stephen M. Bogart Kim Bogart Brother William A. Boslet, O.S.F. ’70 BT Brown Brothers Harriman Carolyn Callahan BT Monsignor David L. Cassato John A. Catsimatidis CC Controlled Combustion Derrick D. Cephas Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York Con Edison Patrick Condren ’71 Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. Thomas E. Constance, Esq. Joseph P. Coppotelli ’63 Edward Cox Cullen and Dykman, LLP Orville W. Dale BT Kenneth D. Daly ’88 The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato Vincent DeGiaimo ’72 BT James Doktor Brendan J. Dugan ’68 BT Jonathan D. Farkas Al Ferrara Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn

St. Francis College Donor Report 43

Fulbright and Jaworski, LLP Robert Gorton Gorton and Partners, LLC Grant Thorton Edmund J. Greco ’79 Kylie Hillman Hillman and Partners Richard P. Hoppe Hudson City Savings Bank Susan L. Huff BT ISS Facility Services Sister Jo-Ann T. Jackowski, SFP BT Leslie S. Jacobson, Ph.D. BT Gerald C. Keegan ’68 BT John Klemm Barbara G. Koster ’76 BT Kramer Levin Naftalis and Frankel, LLP Law Offices of Joseph M. Mattone Allan Lowenkron Michael A. MacIntyre ’97 Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 BT Joseph M. Mattone William McGarry Gino P. Menchini BT Midhattan Woodworking Corporation Montoya-Rodriguez, P.C. Terrence V. Mulligan ’91 National Grid Pamela Newman Office of Dr. Joseph C. Stuto Office of Dr. Victor J. Masi Park Strategies, LLC Valerie Perez PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. Peter E. Provenzale ’70 Prudential Financial, Inc. Red Apple Group, Inc. Ridgewood Savings Bank Daniel Rodriguez Dr. Eric Rose Cosmo Saginario Denis J. Salamone ’75 BT Edward Salzano Larry Sarf Josephine Foley Savastano ’87 Richard Silverman ’64 BT Sovereign Bank St. Athanasius Fund Stage 6 at Stenier Studios Philip Stenger Structure Tone, Inc. Joseph C. Stuto, D.P.M. Supoj Tanchajja, M.D. TD Bank The National Heritage Academies The New York City Partnership, Inc. ThyssenKrupp Elevator John F. Tully, Esq. ’67 BT Thomas J. Volpe BT Thomas Von Essen ’72 Stephen Waldorf Waldorf and Associates William Walker ’66 Leighton Waters Kathy Wylde Joni A. Yoswein Yoswein New York, Inc. M E a do w B r ook Go l f O u tin g

Rosario Acquista Acquista Food Services Theresa Ahlstrom AKF Stephen E. Albright ’79 Edward P. Aquilone ’60 Rebecca B. Armstrong ’80 Astoria Federal Savings Aviator Sports and Recreation, LLC Hector Batista ’84 BT BDO Seidman, LLP John Beck

44 St. Francis College Donor Report

Stephen M. Bogart Kim Bogart Scott Bojer Brown Brothers Harriman Cindy Burns Business Relocation Services, Inc. C&B Consulting Peter J. Callahan ’63 Carpenters and Joiners Local Union 157 Castlereagh Printcraft Steven Catalano Clark Dodge and Company Coca-Cola Bottling Company of New York Thomas A. Conniff, Esq. CTSI Corporation Cullen and Dykman, LLP DF Restoration, Inc Kenneth D. Daly ’88 The Honorable Alfonse M. D’Amato D’Arcangelo and Company, LLP Lawrence Derrico Joseph V. DiMauro ’70 James Doktor Marjorie Driscoll Drennan ’78 Brendan J. Dugan ’68 BT Thomas M. Early ’78 David L. Eigen Farrell Fritz, PC Al Ferrara Danny Fontana Fulbright and Jaworski, LLP Sean Gilleran Joseph M. Hemway ’84 Michael A. Henning ’61 BT John Henry George Henry Richard P. Hoppe Hudson City Savings Bank Thomas A. Iadanza William Iafe ISS Facility Services John Henry’s HVAC KAM Construction Gerald C. Keegan ’68 BT Thomas J. Killeen, Esq. ’69 KPMG Tommy Leong Jesus F. Linares BT Noreen M. Linares ’84 Patrica A. Logan ’78 Allan Lowenkron Robert E. Mackoul Mackoul and Associates, Inc. Veronica A. Mallozzi ’82 Mallozzi and Dwyer, P.C. Lawrence A. Marsiello ’72 BT Harry J. Martin Dr. Victor J. Masi ’89 BT Kevin R. McCabe ’75 William McGarry Richard W. Merzbacher ’70 Montoya-Rodriguez, P.C. National Grid Joseph A. Nunziata, Jr. ’58 Office of Dr. Victor J. Masi Phyllis C. O’Neill ’81 JoAnn M. O’Neill-Quinterno ’79 Optec Communications, Inc. Park Strategies, LLC Vincent F. Pitta, Esq. ’72 Pitta and Giblin, LLP PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc. Peter E. Provenzale ’70 Steve Quadrino R.P.T. Physical Therapy, P.C. Brian L. Raimondi ’95 Susan L. Richards Ridgewood Savings Bank Eunice Ro Daniel Rodriguez

Ira Romoff Denis J. Salamone ’75 BT Michael Sammut Josephine Foley Savastano ’87 Frank Selamie DeWitt M. Smith Sovereign Bank Tomasz Stachowiak Philip Stenger Edward R. Stewart Peter J. Striano TD Bank Alfred F. Thoben ’70 ThyssenKrupp Elevator Edward Travaglianti ’70 John F. Tully, Esq. ’67 BT William P. Tully ’72 Turner Construction Company Unity International Group Vocational Foundation, Inc. Wachovia Bank Stephen Waldorf Waldorf and Associates Leighton Waters Jaclyn Weber Richard J. Wendt ’69 Winfield Security Corporation Kol You ’05

John R. Rinaldi ’66 John T. Sheehan ’40 Edward J. Sloan Raymond C. Sullivan ’68 Paul Urso, Ph.D. ’50 Louis A. Valentino, Jr. ’79 Brother Timothy Walsh, O.S.F. Michael D. Willoughby Michael Yannotti

In - Kind Gif t s CDW-G Gerard C. ’68 and Mary Jane Keegan BT Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola

PA rent s John T. And Patricia A. Comer Beatrice and Dante Dini James and Bernadette Geissler Michael Lasky, Esq. and Margaret Einhorn June A. ’76 and Ronald H. ’80 McGrisken Robert J. ’71 and Mary E. Murphy John F., Esq. ’67 and Maureen Tully BT

In Ho n o r O f Kenneth D. Daly ’88 Brendan J. Dugan ’68 BT David and Helen Gibbs Francis J. Greene, Ph.D. Michael J. Iadarola James I. Konkel, C.P.A. ’57 Matthew S. Kumm ’09 Josephine Logan Christian S. Macolino Frank J. Macchiarola, Ph.D. ’62 Olga M. Macolino ’01 Dennis J. McDermott ’74 Thomas J. Quigley ’03 Joseph T. Skerrett, Jr., Ph.D. ’64 Edward Travaglianti ’70 William Yellin

St. Cl a re So cie t y The St. Clare Society honors those visionary alumni and friends of St. Francis College who have provided for the future of the College through a bequest or planned gift including charitable trusts, retirement plan benefits, or life insurance. The following members of the Society are recognized for their generosity and foresight: James A. Gibson, Ph.D. ’63 ✚ and Patricia Brozinsky, Ph.D. George C. ’59 and Betty Bergleitner Madelyn O. Biggs Reverend Michael A. Carrano ’66 John J. Dietl ’58 John M. Downing ’59 Jack L. ’73 and Beverly Fellin Fredrick D. ’64 and Catherine Furman Philip R. Harris, Ph.D. ’48 and Janet Belport John J. Jordan ’59 James P. Lawler ’71 Frank J., Ph.D. ’62 and Mary T. Macchiarola Lawrence A. ’72 and Karen Marsiello BT Reverend James McConnell ’50 Peter J. Michel ’63 William C. O’Connell ’87 Edward T. ’68 and Susan Reilly Ernest J. ’59 and Mary Restivo Robert W. ’63 and Patricia M. Sheehan, R.N. Nicholas L. ’68 and Susan Trivisonno Paul Urso, Ph.D ’50 ✚ Dr. Philip C. ’50 and Joan Valenti Thomas J. and Anita Volpe BT Dr. Francis E. ’65 and Patricia M. Wakely

In Memo ry of Ann M. Amore, Ph.D. Peter N. Aquilone Neal P. Bennett ’69 John P. Bergin James P. Carroll ’40 Brother Camillus Casey, O.S.F. Santo F. Catalano John Clark Brother Daniel Conway Charles Curcio Edward G. Dunn ’44 Dr. James Flynn The Honorable Kevin C. Fogarty Dr. Enildo A. Garcia Mary Gitto-Amrheim Brother Edmund Holmes, O.S.F. ’28 Brother Pascal Kelly ’33 Dally A. LaRosa Mary Lategano John Lyons Richie Marquardt Roseline Mbonu Peter McManus Joseph C. Murphy ’74 Dr. Francis T. Murray ’43 Robert C. Nolan, Esq. ’70 Edna A. O’Neill Brother Thomas O’Neill, O.S.F. ’68 Brother Pacificus Fortune, O.S.F. Peter Paguaga Edward J. Quigley, Sr. ’54 Brother Leo Quinn, O.S.F. ’26 Francis J. Riddell ’66

Is yo ur n a me n ot listed ?

It could be because: • You made your gift after June 30, 2009, the end of the fiscal year. Gifts received after June 30 will be recognized in the next annual donor report. • You asked that your gift be anonymous. • While every effort goes into the accuracy of this report, an error can occur. If we have made an error or omission please accept our sincerest apologies and notify us to ensure that our records are corrected. You may make a gift to the College online at: www.stfranciscollege.edu Please call the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at (718) 489-5361 or e-mail development@stfranciscollege.edu with any questions, comments or concerns.

Board of Trustees 2008-2009


Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2009, with comparative totals for 2008


Temporarily Restricted

Permanently Restricted



O per atin g re v enue s a nd suppo rt Student tuition and fees




College and endowment funded scholarships









and government funded assistance Net tuition and fees Government appropriations


Gifts and private grants





Investment return used for operations




Other Net assets released from restrictions Total operating revenues














O per atin g e x penditure s : Instruction


Academic support




Student services




General administration




Institutional support




Total operating expenditures




Change in net assets from operations












No n oper atin g ac tivitie s : Gifts and private grants Capital campaign expenses Capital project expenses Investment loss in excess of amounts to support operations Early retirement expense

(1,161,739) (963,730) (13,893,939)








Change in net assets from non-operating activities






Changes in net assets
















Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

St. Francis College Donor Report 45

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