eNews @stgeorgesascot
Issue 100, Easter 2016
Head Girls Announced On Friday 4 March, the Head Girl Election for next year took place. Girls and staff had three votes for their favourite candidates. After a rigorous shortlisting process, the winning girls were announced at the end of term Easter Awards. We are proud to announce that Imogen S and Stephanie B will be joint Head Girls from September, with Alannah H as their Deputy. Congratulations Imogen, Stephanie and Alannah, all of whom have great determination and will thrive in this prestigious role at St George's. Mrs Owens, Headmistress commented "The quality and calibre of our girls is of the highest order. They are a source of pride to the school and a credit to their respective families. I have every confidence that Imogen, Stephanie and Alannah will make an excellent leadership team".
Mr Wright, Head of Sixth Form, Alannah H, Deputy Head Girl, and joint Head Girls Imogen S and Stephanie B
Lacrosse Success Success at Rendcomb College St George's 1st XIII lacrosse team had a very successful day in Gloucestershire on Saturday 19 March, at the Rendcomb College Challenge Cup in Cirencester. After five rounds of triumphant games against Sherborne, Peter Symonds College, Rendcomb College and The Royal School, plus an intense final coming from 0-2 down to winning 3-2, our girls claimed the Challenge Cup! The goal keeping from Eleanor H was outstanding, and there were lots of emotional tears from the following girls and their parents, because it was their last game for St George's; Anna M, Octavia M, Emma S, Olivia H, Caitlin M and Victoria R. A fantastic day was finished off perfectly by Mrs Owens, who took the whole team to Pizza Express for a well deserved celebratory meal.
Easter Awards 2016
Award Winners 2016 On Thursday 24 March, the Easter Awards took place in the Sue Cormack Hall. The award ceremony began with Head Girl, Caitlin M, giving an inspirational speech to her fellow pupils. Highlights included Becket House achieving the most Merits, the 2016/17 Head Girls' Team being announced, and Darwin House winning the House Debating Competition. Congratulations to Natalie P for being awarded a Music Certificate from the University of West London for Grade 3 Music Theory. Grace W and Emma S both celebrated their Sports Achievement Cups, and Grace G and Sarah M achieved the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. Bronze Ambassador Awards were awarded to Jennifer W for umpiring at the St George's Prep Schools Tournament, and Susannah A-N for winning two gold medals in her gymnastics competition. Congratulations to Esme F and Rosie F for achieving a Silver Ambassador Award for umpiring at the at the St George's Prep school Netball Tournament and well done to Ella D, Stephanie B and Emily H who were awarded a Gold Ambassador Award for umpiring at the St George's Prep School Netball Tournament. Well done to all of the girls awarded this year.
Caitlin M, Head Girl
Mr Wright, Head of Sixth Form, Alannah H, Deputy Head Girl, and joint Head Girls Imogen S and Stephanie B
Head Girl Head Girl Deputy Head Girl House Captain - A House Deputy House Captain House Captain - B House Deputy House Captain House Captain - C House Deputy House Captain House Captain - D House Deputy House Captain Admissions Prefect Senior Prefect Middle Prefect Junior Prefect Boarding Prefect Sports Prefect Charities Prefect Art Captain Drama Captain Music Prefect Head of Chapel Choir Senior Sacristan Library Prefect
Imogen S Stephanie B Alannah H Zoe S Hannah L Emily H Scarlet M Holly F Katherine M Isabelle W Lemonia K Bella H-V Scarlet M Ellen S Georgina A Juliette I Esme F Zafirah S Alice W Amber T Helen H Rosie F Alice R Robyn S
Head Girl Team 2016/17
Head Girl Team 2016/17
Congratulations to the girls below for being awarded a Scholarship or Exhibition. The girls have worked very hard and should be proud of their achievements. Third Year scholars Avah R - Academic Scholarship Adele C - Mathematics Exhibition Eliza A - Art Exhibition Sasha L - Performing Arts Scholarship (Dance/Drama)
Olivia C - Performing Arts Scholarship (Music/Drama) Aliyah M - Performing Arts Scholarship (Dance/Drama) Imogen R - Sport Scholarship Ella W - Sport Scholarship
Scholarship success
Religious Studies - Winchester Cathedral On Monday 14 March, the First Years had the opportunity to enrich their learning in Religious Studies with a trip to Winchester Cathedral. The girls were treated to a tour of the beautiful building, taking in sights such as the reconstructed stained glass of the West Window, Jane Austen’s grave and the shrine of Saint Swithun. The girls then took part in a workshop making badges like the pilgrims would have collected. After lunch and a quick visit to the gift shop, the girls learnt about stained glass windows and attempted to make their own. Great fun was had by all, and everyone learnt a lot about this historical site. Maia W commented "I really enjoyed learning about the Winchester Bible and I couldn’t believe how preserved it looked given its age."
Science - The Young Scientist's Association A group of girls have set up a group called the Young Scientist's Association at St George's. The girls have been conducting experiments and showing their findings on Twitter. Additionally, they have created a newsletter of upcoming news and events run by themselves. Please follow the girls @SGA_YSA to follow their progress. Science - British Biology Olympiad From Wednesday 27 - Thursday 28 January, a selection of Sixth Form Biology students participated in the British Biology Olympiad. This competition challenges and stimulates students with an interest in Biology to expand their talents. It enables students to demonstrate their knowledge and encourages students already interested in this valuable and rewarding subject to continue their study beyond A Level. Almost 7,200 students entered nationally. It was a tremendous effort from all of the girls who took part, with special mentions going to Moe K and Chantal H who achieved gold medals, and will be invited to attend the 2016 awards ceremony at the Royal Institution in July. Congratulations also go to Yookyung L, Caitlin M, Francine W and Imogen S for being Highly Commended and also Anna M for a Commendation. Modern Foreign Languages - Projet sur la Mode During Mrs Burrows and Miss Figueira’s lessons this term, Second Year girls have been studying clothes and opinions, as well as dialogue about shopping in a Fashion Project: ‘Projet sur La Mode’. The girls worked in groups and produced videos, blogs, reference material, PowerPoint presentations, Instagram profiles, a fashion website, plays which they acted out in front of the class, posters about French fashion houses and a miniature shop! All the girls put a lot of effort into their group projects and created excellent final products whilst having a lot of fun.
Mathematics Intermediate Maths Challenge On Thursday 4 February, a selection of Fourth Year girls took part in the Intermediate Maths Challenge at St George's. The results below are excellent. Well done to all of the girls who took part. Several of the girls also attended the Regional Final at Wycombe High School on Thursday 3 March. We await the results of the regional final in anticipation! Thursday 4 February results Fifth Year Arina K Silver and Best in Year Grace D Silver Mariya I Silver Renata A Bronze Tiffany Y Bronze Seraphina W Bronze Fourth Year Punch S Silver and Best in School Alena T Silver Virginia S Silver Bernice K Bronze Tina W Bronze Catherine L Bronze Third Year Tejasvi M Silver and Best in Year Louisa H-P Silver Lizzie S Bronze Sadhvi S Bronze Poppy S Bronze
Girls ready before their challenge on Thursday 4 February
Amelie, Avah, Tejasvi and Louisa working hard at the Regional Finals
Classics On Thursday 3 March, the Lower Sixth Classicists made their way to the Conway Hall in London for a series of lectures. It was appropriate that on World Book Day, girls heard talks on Homer's ‘Odyssey.’ Although originally written as a poem, the ‘Odyssey’ has since come to be regarded as the forerunner of the modern novel. The lectures focused on 'Odysseus the Hero,' 'Odysseus the Leader,' 'Odysseus the Deceiver' and 'Odysseus, Favourite of the gods' and highlighted the importance of women and their role throughout the poem and in Homer's other well-known poem 'The Iliad' and certain Greek tragedies. The speakers were lecturers from universities such as Oxford and Kent and brought to light a more thorough understanding of the ‘books’ contained within the poem, as well as the structure and the characters. The girls had an educational and fun day out, and would like to thank Miss Fontes for taking them.
Australian Exchange Trip
On Wednesday 20 January, two Georgians, Kiera and Ellie, set off for the annual exchange trip to Melbourne, Australia. During their time in Melbourne, the girls have been enjoying the culture in Australia and getting to know their new friends Emily and Millie and their families. Miss Jackson visited to meet the families, the girls and the staff at St Catherine's School in Melbourne in February. Please read the girls' blogs below and opposite, they provide an exciting insight into the experiences and adventures that they have had. Kiera O'H and Ellie P will return to St George's on Thursday 24 March, with the Australian girls joining St George's from Saturday 16 April. Blog by Ellie P This trip has been the best decision I have made in my life so far. My host and I get on really well. My trip so far has consisted of many incredible experiences, including going to the Australian Open and watching Andy Murray in his final. I also went surfing at Phillip Island, and by far my favourite part was going to the Melbourne Fashion Show in the VIP section, it was incredible. Home sickness only affected me during the first week, because my Australian family treat me like a part of the family. When they introduce me to people, they introduce me as their daughter! They have made this experience so much easier for me and everyone out here is so welcoming and all the girls at school are so pleasant. I have already made some friends that I will keep forever, and when I return home I will definitely keep in touch. I can’t wait to see everyone when I return! The previous St George's exchanges, Annabel and Izzy, have been so welcoming and helpful, but I owe a massive thank you to Elsa. If I needed anything it was nice to know there was always a familiar face I could go to; Elsa would keep saying that if I needed anything I could go to her. In two weeks I am going to Noosa with my family, Sophie (UK exchange from St Catherine’s Bramley) and her exchange Celia. I can’t wait because apparently it has one of the nicest beaches in Australia! I must say I don’t know what I would have done if Kiera wasn’t here; we have been supporting each other throughout the trip and I can’t thank Kiera enough. I highly recommend trying out for this exchange to all the future Third Year girls, because it has just been unbelievable. I have taken so much from it and I will return to share my experience with all my classmates and everyone at home. It has made me a more independent person, more tidy and organised, I have made new friends, I have experienced another culture and daily life, I have also learnt how to surf! Best of all I have another family and a new sister for life. I can’t wait for Em to come to the UK so that I can show her around England and Scotland. I know my family at home are extremely excited to have Em, and my bedroom has already been prepared for our new sister to move in! Thank you so much to St Catherine's and St George's for giving me this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
In my first week in Australia, Millie, my exchange host, took me to Melbourne. As soon as I got off the plane we were straight into shopping to buy some fashionable t-bar school shoes, we then bought ‘boosts’ the most amazing smoothie ever. Millie also took me to the beach at Sorrento, where I ate an ice cream that turned my teeth pink! I also went down to Point Lonnie with Ellie and Emily, where I got tricked into running through ‘sand’ which was more like quick sinking mud! We also visited Phillip Island for the weekend to see penguins, koalas, wallabies, kangaroos and have a surf lesson. I managed to stand up before falling off face first … a few times! Rowing has been a big part of this exchange; 4.00am wake up calls and on the river for 5.00am, something I’m not quite used to. My crew (the Flying Unicorns), have had the best time together; we may not have won many races, but we still tried our hardest. All of the rowers at St Catherine's headed down to Geelong for 3 days. We arrived on Friday, unloaded the trailer and prepared for an early morning start the next day. We had two days of racing and I can honestly say it was so much fun. Millie and I have spent lots of weekends shopping and trying new Australian foods. It turns out I really like Vegemite and Tim Tams, but the UK equivalent, Penguins, are better! I’ve made lots of promises to girls, saying if they’re ever in England to come stay with me, I’ve already planned our activities with my friend Mia. I am so glad I decided to do the exchange, and I highly advise the Second Years now to apply for it next year. You meet so many people, experience new things and end up not wanting to leave. Thank you for having me Australia. I hope to visit again soon.
Blog by Kiera O'H I can tell you now that this exchange has been the best thing I have ever done. I have made so many new friends and created bonds that will last forever. I’m excited to see everyone at home and of course my family, but I am not ready to say goodbye. I’ve experienced things I’ve never experienced before, such as having to go to school in 40 degree weather and everyone thinking it’s normal. Also getting extremely burnt, then hoping it will turn to tan.
Geography study day Sixth Form Geography students attended a series of lectures called 'Around the World in Five Case Studies', at Logan Hall, University College London Institute of Education on Tuesday 8 March. The lectures, organised by The Training Partnership, covered subjects including the issues of climate change, flooding, migration, global economy and climbing Everest. This fantastic opportunity helped the girls gain a broader understanding of the topics they are learning in their A Level course, and to prepare for their upcoming examinations. The girls found the trip very helpful with their studies: thank you to Mrs Johnson for organising the trip.
MUN Bath On Friday 4 March, girls from the Model United Nations club, accompanied by Mrs Kratt and Ms Schmidt, set off to Bath to attend the 25th International Schools' Model United Nations conference. Hundreds of students from the UK and around the world were taking part, with St George’s representing Israel and Tunisia on a variety of committees, including Disarmament, Political, Economic, and Human Rights. From the moment the girls arrived, they were immersed in political life, lobbying for their resolutions with delegates from other schools. Once lobbying had finished, the girls took part in debates on different resolutions, getting involved with points of information and offering amendments. The girls bravely offered their opinions on a range of issues and ‘crisis scenarios.’ They also heard some more outlandish amendments for resolutions, such as an amendment to change the theme song of the UN to ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ by Bon Jovi, one to change the currency of all countries to quinoa and an amendment to get rid of all international borders, and instead to just have one big country.
The conference provided lots of opportunity for the girls to practise their debating and public speaking skills, taught them more about the working of international relations, and provided the opportunity to interact and socialise with students from other schools.
After school clubs
School clubs and activities take place daily around the school and off-site, which all of the girls sign up to. The Cardmaking club runs on a Thursday with Mrs Phipps and on a Friday with Ms Johnston. The girls in this club recently created lovely cards for their mothers for Mother's Day. All of the girls very much enjoyed making the cards and all were well received.
On Thursday 25 February the annual Spring Concert was held in the Sue Cormack Hall. This event showcased the great achievements and progress the girls have made in Music. With performances as diverse as songs from Disney and Adele, to more traditional renditions from Chapel Choir, there was music for everyone to enjoy. Congratulations to all soloists, Chapel Choir and the First Year choir for their brilliant performances.
Art Art on display The pieces on display in the South Lawn Room showcase the best of the art from this term. You are warmly invited to see these stunning works of art when you are next in school.
Third Year Greek pottery inspired drawings and ceramics First Year ceramic masks and prints
Third Year Textiles corset project
Art in reception Fifth Year student Georgia O'B, has been chosen as the featured artist whose work is displayed in Reception this month. The GCSE piece was developed with the use of a variety of mediums with applied cotton wool and individual foam board feathers. During your next visit to the school, please do take a look at this impressive work.
Social highlights enjoyed by our boarders this term have included paintballing, playing board games, a Harry Potter night, a tie-dye workshop, Chinese New Year celebrations and visiting a trampolining park and tree-top adventures at Go Ape! in Bracknell.
Boarding Fun
Darwin House Party On Friday 26 February, Darwin House held its annual House Party. This year’s theme was Peter Pan and Captain Hook and many Lost Boys joined parents in the beautifully decorated Dining Room for dinner. After a delicious meal, complete with chocolate mousse containing buried treasure, everyone made their way to the Sue Cormack Hall for the evening’s entertainment. Parents were treated to a performance of the House Drama Competition-winning ‘Peter Pan’ (with Mrs Dorey as Captain Hook!) as well as solos by Chloe S and Lily C, a duet by Lydia W and Isabel K-S and performances from the upcoming House Music competition. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the evening, and massive thanks go to the catering team, Mr Esling, Mr Pearn, Mrs Dorey and the girls themselves for all their hard work.
Alexander House Party On Friday 4 March, Alexander House held its Welsh-themed House Party in honour of St David’s Day which was on the preceding Tuesday. After a delicious Welsh-themed meal in the wonderfully decorated Dining Room, everyone was seated in the Sue Cormack Hall for the evening’s entertainment. All the girls took part, with the First Year dancing to ‘Spice Up Your Life’ and the Second Year performing a sketch, girls from all years performing solos and every girl in the house belting out the house song ‘Mamma Mia'. Thank you to all the girls for their massive effort, as well as to Miss Jackson, Mr Pearn, Mr Esling and the catering team for making this such a wonderful evening.
On Tuesday 22 March, the annual House Music Competition took place in the Sue Cormack Hall. The whole School takes part in the competition, with girls and staff cheering them on in the audience. Performances included a House song, a solo piece, duet, ensemble and a group performance of the girls' choice to complete their entries. The competition began with Darwin House, followed by Churchill House, Alexander House and finally Becket House. Mr Hillier was joined by noted prize-winning violinist and former leader of the orchestra of St Martin-in-the-Fields, Mr Jonathan Rees to help adjudicate the competition. After much deliberation, Darwin House were announced the winners. Congratulations to Darwin House, and Karyna D for being awarded the best individual performer. Well done to all of the girls who entered the competition; your music skills were very impressive! Parents were invited to see highlights from the competition on Wednesday 23 March, the evening was very much enjoyed by all.
Winners, Darwin House
Head of Darwin House, Mrs Dorey, performer Chloe S, Mr Rees and Darwin House Captain, Emma C
Mr Rees, Karyna D and Mrs Owens
House Lacrosse
On Monday 14 March, on a bright but blustery afternoon, girls gathered on the sports fields for the annual House Lacrosse competition. Girls from all year groups participated (some staff even tried out their lax skills) and some excellent play was seen. After some tough competition, Becket House was victorious in both the Junior and Senior competitions, with only one goal scored against them by each team. Congratulations to Becket and to all the girls who took part.
House Music
Opening of the Luker Building Luker Building Champagne Reception St George's recently celebrated the official opening of its prestigious new building. This fabulous new building provides state-of-theart educational resources and facilities including a library, language laboratory, classrooms and smaller tutorial rooms. The entrance lobby provides a gallery for the pupils' outstanding art work. After a lavish Champagne and Canapés event for parents, friends and donors on Tuesday 1 March, the official opening and ribboncutting ceremony was held on 10 March in the presence of the School Governors. The Luker Building, named after the school’s Chairman of Governors Edward Luker, is the brainchild of Headmistress Rachel Owens and the product of several years’ planning. The jewel in the crown of the stunning building is the library, which has already become a hub of learning and research within the school. The library itself is named after former pupil Elaine Vagliano, who was a part of the French Resistance and aided the Allies in World War Two before being captured, tortured and killed by the Nazis. This excellent new resource has also been staffed with a passionate new Head Librarian, Alison Kennedy who commented “I feel privileged to be able to develop a space which not only provides girls with resources, but encourages them to study, research and develop the skills necessary for university and life beyond St George's."
Mr Luker cutting the ribbon to reveal the commemorative plaque
Mrs Hewer, Headmistress - Elect, Mr Luker, Chairman of Governors, and Mrs Owens, Headmistress
World Book Day On Thursday 3 March, the Library was alive with activity on World Book Day. Teachers read excerpts from their favourite books to girls and staff. Girls enjoyed a speed treasure hunt and were also given a World Book Day token and a free book at the end of the day. Everyone enjoyed the activities: thank you to Ms Kennedy for organising the fun day.
Parent Surveys
As from January 2016, our parental surveys are now online and will be emailed to parents following Parent Evenings. We value your comments and hope that this change will make completing the surveys more convenient. We kindly ask that if you have recently changed your email address, to please let us know.
Luker Building
Third Year Charity Fair On Thursday 25 February, Third Year girls held a charity fundraising fair for girls and staff. Fundraising activities included 'Guess the staff baby photos' and a cake sale with delicious cakes of all shapes and sizes for sale. The highlight of the fair was to buy a strip of tape to secure Ms Kennedy to the Sports Hall wall. Ms Kennedy was placed on a bench and secured to the best of the girls' ability to a wall. A large crowd gathered towards the end of the fair when the strength of the tape was tested and the bench was taken from under her. It was a lot of fun, and Ms Kennedy was not harmed during this activity! Over £90 was raised for the nominated charities; Make a Wish International, Dementia UK and Riding for the Disabled (and their Slumber Group). Thank you to Miss Jackson and of course to the girls for their involvement in the fair.
Marie Curie Daffodil Appeal St George’s took part in this year’s Great Daffodil Appeal for Marie Curie on Friday 11 March. All girls and staff were invited to wear something yellow to school and also purchase a daffodil pin. Marie Curie provide care and support for people living with any terminal illness, and their families. They have been carrying out this vital work for over 65 years – last year alone they cared for over 40,000 people across the UK. A fabulous £180 was raised - a superb effort everyone! Sport Relief Recently St George's Sports Department organised fundraising activities for Sport Relief. On Wednesday 16 March, staff played against the Sixth Form at Dodgeball in the Sports Hall, with a donation fee of £1 for spectators. Staff won 5-3. Additional money was raised on Friday 18 March with all staff and girls wearing sports themed mufti, and paying a £1 donation for doing so. Staff played against Girls’ teams in the Sports Hall with donations of £1 each to come and watch. Overall, Staff won 18-14. Over £190 was raised for Sport Relief.
Sports at St George's
SUPA Girls Polo Nationals On Sunday 13 March, two polo teams from St George's took part in the Girls School Polo Championships at Westcroft Polo Club in Chobham.
The second team, Izzy, Edina and Henrietta came third in the intermediate round and only lost to Marlborough College, the eventual winners. The first team, consisting of Alexia, Chloe and Alannah, won overall and became national champions in girls English polo. Congratulations to the girls, and thank you for making St George's the best girls school team in the country!
Alexia, Chloe and Alannah
Henrietta, Izzy and Edina
Fast Net tournament After eight nail biting matches, having won seven and On Wednesday 16 March, the St George's U18 netball team took part in only lost one, the girls had no idea where they had our first ever Fast Net tournament held at the Abbey School in Reading. come. When the results were read out, the girls were delighted at winning their last netball match of the Fast Net rules are slightly different to regular netball, with the game season and for the Upper Sixth, their last netball match being played at greater speed and for a shorter duration. At any time for St George’s. Mentions go to the whole team. Well you can substitute players on and off the court and the centre pass goes done girls! to the team that conceded the goal. There is also the 'Power Play' card which your team is allowed to use in only two matches and gives your team double points each time they score. The girls had only seen a three minute video of the game in the school minibus before the start of the tournament, so they were all very nervous and excited to get playing. Their first match was against Downe House, who had also not played Fast Net before. Very quickly our girls took control of the game and were victorious 10-0. With each game lasting only seven minutes with only a short rest in between, the girls continued to play tremendous netball, each highly motivated to play their best for the team. Throughout the afternoon, two mothers acted as highly encouraging assistant coaches helping score Back row: Mrs Collingwood, Scarlet M, Anna M, and time the games and give instructions. Caitlin M, Octavia M, and Stephanie B Front row: Olivia H, Megan D, Emily H and Rosie F
+44 (01344) 629920 St George's School admissions@stgeorges-ascot.org.uk Ascot Berkshire SL5 7DZ