Nature Notes from
The Walled Garden by Julia Monro
Early April and blue skies welcome in the symphony of Tulips that welcome in Spring into the Garden. What a difference a month will make! It has been beautiful to sit under the Silver Birch and watch all the leaves unfold and Robin’s, Goldfinches, Collared Doves, Blue and Great Tits and the occasional Woodpecker and more recently Starlings come to the feeders. (And a cheeky Squirrel!)
The Robin’s I know I probably shouldn’t personalise them, but we have a very tame Robin this year who has been following me around, I call him Bertie. He and Hattie were inseparable earlier in the month, but of late, he’s very busy back and forth many times a day, I’m guessing over to their nest over in Orchard House. I’ve never known such a tame Robin, it’s so lovely! They like the bird bath, and loved coming to check out what grubs and ants where under the path when I was weeding.
I really enjoy relaxing from my PreTeacher Training studies with gardening and woodcarving. This little Robin I made for my Mum’s Birthday. Inspired by the blossoms!
Lovely Lilac! Which always smells so beautiful in the evening was a lovely Easter Surprise to me, as I tend to associate it from childhood with May.
Mystery Peas! Last year I came home from school to find a mystery packet of peas in my letter box, and delighted to see they seem to be coming up well! Unfortunately the Sweet Peas seem to be very slow to get going this year if at all, but I do hope so. I’ve been attacking the brambles and cleared this bed now which is fully of courgette and marrows, and hopefully California Poppies.
Venus has been very prominent in the sky during April, and the photograph doesn’t do it justice but it was of the moon and Venus in alignment.
The Wonderful Walnut Tree and Amazing Azaleas
Incredible Iris’s
Welcome May! The first Peony! Stay safe and well everyone and look forward to us all returning to enjoy a good cuppa and cake in the garden together soon.
Warm wishes Julia