SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015 March 2nd- March 8th Antalya, Turkey
IFMSA Imprint March Meeting Monsters Abdulrahman Nofal Ahmad Badr Katerina Dima Maria Golebiowska Nezi Nizamova Rachel Bruls Rashad Fadhil Sabrin TahEleonora Leopardi Sabrin Tahri Stijntje Dijk Ying-Cing CHEN (Angel) Zamzam Publications Support Division Firas Yassine - Lebanon Haleema Munir - Pakistan
The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worlwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 123 National Member Organizations from more than 100 countries across six continents. With over 1.3 million members, IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization. It is also the student chapter of the World Medical Association. For more than 60 years, IFMSA has existed to bring together the global medical students community at the local, national, and international levels on social and health issues.
Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)
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Message from SCOME March Meeting Monsters page 3
Introduction to IFMSA page 4
Introduction to SCOME page 5
SCOME Structure page 6
SCOME International Team 2014/2015 page 7
TMET page 8
SCOME Agenda page 9
Day 1
page 10
Dya 2 page 11
Day 3 page 12
Day 4 page 13
Day 5 page 14
SCOME Sesions Evaluation page 15
Stay in Touch page 19
Message from SCOME March Meeting Monsters Dearest SCOMEdians, It was our pleasure to be with you through 5 days of sessions in Antalya. Although it was really stressful with a lot to prepare, with everyday passing, we realized how much we loved being there, and how much fun we had. We almost wanted the sessions never to end. We hope that the sessions met your expectations. We believe these sessions were just a start , and now is the real time to read more into medical education , and inspire yourself and others to be the change We are looking forward to meeting you in another event With Love, Your March Meeting Monsters
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
Introduction to IFMSA “A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally” - IFMSA Vision Statement The year was 1951, as the world was rebuilding itself after the World War II, when medical students from eight countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, England, The Netherlands and Austria) gathered in Copenhagen to start a non-political organization that would represent medical students. The purpose of such an organization was to “study and promote the interests of medical student cooperation on a purely professional basis, and promoting activities in the field of student health and student relief.” Hence, the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) was born.
IFMSA unites medical students worldwide to lead initiatives that impact positively the communities we serve. IFMSA represents the opinions and ideas of future health professionals in the field of global health, and works in collaboration with external professionals in the field of global health, and works in collaboration with external partners. IFMSA builds capacity through training, project and exchange opportunities, while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future. The core purpose of IFMSA is to bring together the global community of medical students at the local, national and international level on social and health issues.
Initially three committees were formed: Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME), Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), and Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH). One year later the first General Assembly (GA) took place in London, 30 students participated, representing 10 countries. Over the years, the original eight member countries have been joined by many more. IFMSA is the world’s largest and oldest student organization representing medical students, maintaining 123 National Member Organization (NMOs) from over 100 countries.
Introduction to SCOME There are six existing Standing Committees within the IFMSA: Professional Exchanges (SCOPE), Research Exchanges (SCORE), Public Health (SCOPH), Human Rights and Peace (SCORP), Sexual & Reproductive Health including HIV and AIDS (SCORA) and finally: Medical Education (SCOME). Medical Education should be a concern of every medical student as M.E includes both curricular activities and extracurricular activities; hence, it shapes not only the quality of future doctors, but also the quality of healthcare. As medical students are directly exposed to medical curricula, they are the first quality check of medical education and they should rightfully have an influence on the creation of new curricula and curriculum development. It is often the medical students who are the strongest proponents for adapting their education to the needs of their community. We are concerned with facing the needs of healthcare in a modern society and are willing to commit to make sure our education prepares us for them. Here SCOME enters the game.
impact on the local level through projects and advocacy, and on the other hand forms a tool that represents the voices of medical students worldwide through international organizations such as the World Health Organization, World Medical Association, World Health Organization, World Federation for Medical Education and many others. Throughout the year, our members come together in two General Assemblies (March and August) and in five Regional Meetings, can participate in online meetings or in Small Working Groups on specific topics, and are constantly updated by the International Team on activities that are going on globally. In this annual report you will find the highlights of the activities from this term.
The purpose of the SCOME is to gather students from all over the world who would be interested in playing an active role in their medical education; how to analyze it and then advocate adapting it to the present and future needs as future doctors. As medical students are direct SCOME offers an international platform for medical students to come together, to be empowered and receive capacity building trainings to enhance their
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
SCOME Structure IFMSA Director on Medical Education (SCOME-D) (S)He is elected on a yearly basis by the IFMSA General Assembly during the August Meeting. As per IFMSA bylaws, the SCOME-D oversees and coordinates the work being done within SCOME, be it by the National Officers or the International team. The SCOME-D is also in charge of preparing and guiding the Standing Committee meetings during General Assemblies and Regional Meetings. At the start of the term in October the SCOME-D appoints members of the international team to assist carry out these tasks.
National Officer on Medical Education (NOME) Each National Member Organization (NMO) of IFMSA elects a NOME. Tasks of NOMEs include encouraging and promoting SCOME activities within their respective countries and reporting back to the Regional Assistant and/or SCOME-D. NOMEs are recommended to attend IFMSA General Assembly meetings in March and August, where they can network with each other, exchange ideas and expertise, and gain new knowledge to bring back to their national and local committees.
Liaison Officer on Medical Education Issues (LOMEi) This position was established in 2000 to represent IFMSA and SCOME towards international associations in the field of medical education. The LOMEi is also elected on a yearly basis by the IFMSA General Assembly. The SCOME-D and LOMEi work closely together during the year and at the GAs.
Local Officers on Medical Education (LOMEs) LOMEs are in charge of local improvement in Medical Education and related activities at the different local medical faculties of a National Member Organization. They are elected locally based on their NMOs’ respective bylaws and are responsible for tackling local problems.
Regional Assistants (RAs) RAs are appointed by the Medical Education Director. The main tasks of the Regional Assistants are to keep in touch with the national SCOME-groups in their region, provide SCOME-members of the region with personal and professional support, encourage and assist the development of SCOME in the region, establish priorities and work on the development of a regional plan of action.
SCOME International Team 2014/2015
Ahmad Badr (SCOME-D)
Stijntje Dijk (LOMEi)
Abdulrahman Nofal (RA EMR)
Rachel Blurs (RA Europe)
Zamzam (RA Africa)
VÃctor Echeveste (RA Americas) SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
Ying-Cing CHEN (Angel) (RA Asia-Pacific) 7
TMET In the Pre-GA in Istanbul, SCOME had the Training of Medical Education Trainers Workshop or the TMET. The TMET is a training for medical education trainers, an interactive and fruitful workshop with both skills of training and knowledge of medical education issues combined. By using the skills gained throughout TMET, every TMETee needed to prepare for a 10-minute introduction for a specific topic in pre-GA, and also gave a 50-minute training on another topic for twice in SCOME sessions. Together with their TMETee buddy/buddies and the supervisors, participants shared opinions and materials to work out unique and amazing sessions in March Meeting 2015. During the workshop, participants learnt about different topics for medical education, also the application of theories and future development. The topics which were introduced to the participants in TMET included assessment & evaluation, outcomebased education, teaching & learning skills, curriculum development, professionalism & ethics, leadership, student representation, student involvement and advocacy. Moreover, basic skills of training also help participants to deliver their idea in a concrete way, making medical education knowledge alive. “TMET was amazing! It had some basic content on many topics and left a lot out for you to search yourself, but still showed you the way on medical education topics. It was highly interactive and nothing was set in stone.” said Huma, TMETee from Pakistan.
Besides, Gem Wu from Taiwan also shared her experience to people from Asia-Pacific, “For me, what is more important is friends that share common interest and desire for better medical education.” The goal of the TMET is to not only give an introduction to essential skills in medical education for students, but also to give an introduction in the world of creating and giving trainings. With a wonderful balance between trainings in the medical education topics and trainings in giving trainings, TMET is definitely worth a visit.
SCOME Agenda Throughout 5 days of sessions , a lot was discussed and we wanted to give you a brief summary on how each day went.
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
DAY 1 First day was the introductory part to SCOME sessions this GA: we started with a short introduction of the SCOME March Meeting Monsters Team, then due to the big amount of participants we split into two Teams (Nezi + Rashad and Maria+Katerina) and we started the sessions simultaneously in both rooms. After the division of the participants, we set the ground rules, we described the idea of SCOME Gift Swap and the Photographer Contest (every person with a camera, who wanted to win a prize had to take pictures during the SCOME sessions and hand them to the Monsters on the last day of the GA). Then we started a getting- to- know each other game. This was followed by the SCOME quiz, during which our participants found out lots of new and important information about SCOME international work. Finally, Day 1 ended with an overview of the SCOME Policy Statements and discussions of possible changes
DAY 2 We started the day with a lovely opening game, during which we got to know each other better as well as get some candy treats The second day’s topics were Curricula in Medical Education and Assesment and Evaluation. During Curricula in ME part we discovered the differences between the curricula in our NMOs, discussed the advantages and disadvantages between them. Then we found out the differences between assessment, evaluation, we talked about who to evaluate, when and how. After the break we discussed the TMET Operating Guidelines ( thankfully due to participation of new and old TMETees we had the opportunity to exchange the ideas of how a perfect TMET should be prepared).
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
The most important suggestions regarded the Trainers points, who should be in a Trainer Team, how should the team prepare the Agenda and how to make the amounts of hours applicable to NMO realities. After the TMET discussion, we had some free time to work on SCOME Poster Fair – the presentation of SCOME work for each NMO. After that we had a guest speaker from Projects Support Division – Ljiljana, who explained to us the necessity of the IFMSA Programs, how can it implement our work as the Federation, how can SCOMEdians can be involved, and what SCOME Programs are planned to be introduced.
DAY 3 First subject of the 3rd day was educational mobility. We discussed in groups the challenges and possibilities of the mobility of students, how can it affect the national education systems, how can it implement our education when we come back home and how can it influence our future. The next part was the Advocacy training. We found out what advocacy means, how can we use advocacy in our SCOMEdians life, the roles of the advocate, what are the steps which lead us to advocacy and the basics of leadership and negotiation skills (how to communicate persuasively with the Dean to promote our work and ask for support in several cases). During day 3, we also discussed SCOME Regulations. Each of the Standing Committees has developed.
The regulations including the responsibilities of the LOMEi, SCOME Director, Regional Assistants, the cooperation within the Medical Education Organizations etc. The most important suggestion was to make the regulations more recognizable and share them in follow-up kits, survival kits and all of the important social media places for the SCOMEdians (so that everybody can review them before the GA and come up with some suggestions before the international meetings, when they are being updated).
DAY 4 First part of the day 4 was Teaching Medical Skills and Non-formal education. We learned about the different styles of teaching strategies – andragogy, pedagogy, the features that a perfect teacher should have. We also had a practical part, during which teams had to develop the best way of educating kids about reproduction in different styles of teaching. We watched a short Ted Talk about how social techniques can influence our perception of the speaker. This was followed by a training on Students’ Rights & wellness were we approached what are the rights and responsibilities of students in medical school and how to involve them in decision making. The day ended with joint sessions on a variety of different topics.
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
DAY 5 The last day started with Human resources for health, the session during which we learned about the problems and challenges of the human resources in healthcare sector, general information about planning, development, management and research on health workforce. Then we had a session on External Opportunities – so the follow up on the cooperation between IFMSA and AIMEE, FAIMER etc. and the possibilities for SCOMEdians all over the world to join the international activities. This was followed by an Open Space where members freely shared on different topics of interest, such as: fundraising in SCOME projects, Surgical International Project, Communication between the NOMEs, Peer Education. Each discussion brought some interesting conclusions (on communication improvement between the NOMEs within the region, fundraising opportunities for medical education issues, transnational collaboration within the surgical international initiative, peer education guidelines etc).
This day each NMO had also a chance to show how SCOME works in their country. We presented the outcome of the preparations to the SCOME Poster Fair. SCOME is the most diverse Standing Committee among all of the NMOs and is involved in different areas of medical education (medical workshops, theoretical lectures, medical conferences, advocacy and student involvement in changing the curricula, debates with Ministry of Health, publications and medical education research). Due to this part, lots of NMOs could get some more ideas of how to improve the work of SCOME in their countries and start a cooperation within similar projects. Finally , the sessions ended with some evaluation and feedback , then the SCOMEdians headed outside to exchange gifts , love , and memories during the closing session , hoping that these 5 days drive a motivation of a lifetime for medical education work
SCOME Sessions Evaluation As you all know your opinion is extremely important to us! We need to know the impact of our SCOME Sessions on the SCOMEdians who attended them. That’s why, you were asked several questions in the evaluation forms and now it’s time for you to see what the common thoughts were. We looked through your answers really carefully in order to improve and provide BETTER , more EFFECTIVE and EFFICIENT SCOME Sessions the next time.
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
Below , is a summary of the responses for the questions in the evaluation form:
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
Additional & General Comments:
Participants overall would like to be created a big online group for the attendants.
SCOMEdians shared that at first they didn’t like the separation part but later they realized that it was necessary.
They think that Regional Assistants can attend SWGs more than now
Participants overall think that energizers and team building is important to create a friendly atmosphere and to enjoy the sessions. They would like more practical information which can be applied directly to their NMOs.
They believe that follow-up groups are essential in order to keep people motivated.
SCOMEdians suggest including a list of people who attended the MM’15 – name, country, position, email contact in the follow-up kit.
Stay in Touch The SCOME International Team has created a google drive that is public to all SCOMEdians and has relevant information and documents regarding medical education , as well as materials and links for the sessions in the March Meeting. The folder also has the different manuals , regulations , and working plans developed by the SCOME International Team . You can access the google drive through this link: ing Furthermore , you can stay in touch with us through the following media: Contact the SCOME International Team Your lovely international team is always here to help you. You can always find them on the following emails
IFMSA-SCOME mailing list Do you want to follow all the latest news of SCOME? Do you want to get informed of all the opportunities, deadlines and the events that are happening within SCOME? Join the IFMSA-SCOME mailing list by sending an empty email to ifmsa-scome-subscribe@ IFMSA SCOME Facebook group Keep in touch with more than 5000 SCOMEdians from all over the world on the Facebook group by clicking this link. Follow IFMSA online : Website: click here Wordpress blog: click here Facebook page: click here
SCOME Director: Liaison Officer for Medical Education: lme@ Regional Assistant for Africa: ra.scome. Regional Assistant for the Americas: ra.scome. Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific: ra.scome. Regional Assistant for EMR: ra.scome.emr@ Regional Assistant for Europe: ra.scome.
SCOME Follow Up Kit March Meeting 2015
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