SCOME August Meeting 2018 Follow-Up Kit - Montreal

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1. Message from your SCOME Director Dear SCOMEdians, Each General Assembly is a unique experience and has its own peculiarities to make it memorable. In this August Meeting 2018, medical students from around the world joined to share, discuss, learn and break down barriers in medical education. Also, we promoted and worked with Social Accountability in Medical Schools, one of the IFMSA Global Priorities and theme event of this meeting. Together with the hard working SCOME Session Team, we designed and delivered sessions focused on the regional and worldwide medical education needs of the students and health systems. The new participants had the opportunity to learn about the basics of medical education, while in parallel sessions, the most experienced participants took part of discussions and more complex medical education topics. We had the opportunity to bring several external partners to our Sessions. These experts brought to our participants the best experience possible and gave a wider perspective of the application of the medical education concepts and tools in practical scenarios. I am confident that after this meeting, young leaders from all the regions will use this experience to continue advocating on medical education and keep “Educating the World�. Sincerely, Pablo Estrella Porter Director on Medical Education 2017/18

2. Take-home messages from the SCOME Sessions Team Matteo Cavagnacchi - SISM- Italy: Once again, we changed SCOME! From the new SCOME Documents we approved to the new network of friends and MedEd Passionates we bond, we took together a step further in the development of our Standing Committee. I had the pleasure to serve SCOME for the last few years, and I’m really proud of the work we all did to improve it. I can’t wait to see where all of you Pandas will take it in the next terms! With the sincerest love, Ximena Paredes - IFMSA Paraguay: To all MedEd lovers, congrats! You’ve been through your most amazing and life-changing experience! I hope that everything that you’ve seen, heard and learned actually works as tools for you to keep improving medical education in your LCs, NMOs and your regions! Panda hugs, Mime Marouane Amzil - IFMSA-Morocco: The amount of things I have learnt during the sessions from the participants was insane: I was amazed with the level of participation of SCOMEdians, who have come from all over the world to share their ideas and perspectives about Medical Education and students involvement experiences, most importantly through SCOME in their NMOs. It is through that process that we inspire and uplift one another to broaden our impact as medical students: I have myself been inspired and uplifted during AM18 SCOME Sessions, were you as well? Catarina Pais Rodrigues - ANEM Portugal: These SCOME Sessions set the bar for what we’ll be doing in the future. From a different way to organize the Sessions Team to a creative way to deliver feedback, we got the chance to get some team spirit going and hopefully get more involved in SCOME and with each other. I’m really looking forward to foster what we’ve started in Montreal. To see these participants going further. To see sessions develop even better. To see SCOME stronger in IFMSA. Katerina Dima - HelMSIC Greece: Despite not being in the SCOME sessions for the whole GA, and fluctuating between other SCs and LOs tasks, the time I spent in the room reminded me of how powerful SCOMEdians can be. We had very interesting and thought provoking discussions, introduced several new themes to our sessions and welcomed more external partners than ever! I sincerely hope you found the sessions useful to your work and that you will be taking all lessons learnt back home, to initiate positive change. Jurrien Loosveld - IFMSA-NL: And now it’s really over… I hope you’re looking back at an amazing week. I hope you got inspired, have new ideas and made friends from all over the world. Hopefully you can apply the knowledge you learned in Canada back home, at a local or national level. The August Meeting was only the beginning of the change you can make. I’m sure you can make a difference and improve your own Medical Education!

Khansa Azzahra - CIMSA-ISMKI Indonesia: Dear everyone, congratulations for another life-changing experience accomplished within IFMSA! SCOME Session had been a platform for us to connect with fellow medical students working in medical education field, discuss certain topics given, promote our activities & involvement in local and national level,as well as introduce the resources, policies, toolkits, and the works that SCOME IFMSA had been working on for the past years. Now, it’s time for you to go back home and implement everything you’ve gained and learned through. All you need to do is start and continue what you have done within the field! Looking forward for more IFMSA journey with you guys along, cheers :) Mindaugas Galvosas - LiMSA Lithuania: We all, SCOMEdians, are a community built on trust and respect for the ideas we share and job we do. I hope that the information you got and relations you made during the sessions will help you in the long- and short-range planning, enriched by regular conversations and collaboration. Use what you have learnt and harmonize the goals of SCOME back in your country! Collective agreement among the stakeholders in MedEd is essential to maximum goal achievement, so do not be afraid to start advocating on local, national and international levels! See you next time, you are all future leaders. With the warmest Panda regards, M. Ximena Nuñez - AEMPPI Ecuador: This GA, and specially this SCOME sessions, will stay in your memory FOREVER. You are going to remember the team, your friends, and mainly the knowledge and experience you acquired. Now, you have the power to change your medical education step by step with the tools you need. Don’t forget the excitement and motivation you have after the meeting, that's the force that will guide you in your career. Panda Hugs! Linah Hassanin - IFMSA Egypt: When you look back at these sessions, remember all the people you’ve met and all the ideas you shared together. Remember that you can change the world and your medical education system to be better. This is why you’re in SCOME after all. Alaa Abu Sufyan - MedSIN Sudan: Every experience you step out of, adds to you ! After the amazing sessions, fruitful discussions and the tremendous fun you had, take the time to think through the strongest messages you will carry on with you from this GA and how you will help spread them to others as well ! As students, we are at the core of medical education, and our voices need to resonate to help shape the future of our education ! so yes ! I hope you’ve stepped our passionate, inspired (as we were by you) but most of all motivated to join your voice and efforts with students from all around the world to advance SCOME, and your medical education system ! See you again, ahead ! Hugest hugs! Aqsa Shafique - IFMSA Pakistan: All of us with the love and passion of Medical Education hold this powerful and strong determination to work for it in our hearts. And i feel these SCOME sessions have fuelled the spark in you for ME and uplifted your enthusiasm to work for it. This was not just an experience which gave you loads of memories and friends to look forward to even in future but also a platform to know such a diverse collection of nationalities from around the globe. The training content

might have seemed similar to something you might have attended elsewhere but the way of facilitation would have left the actual impact on your minds. I hope you continue to put your energies and efforts in seeking knowledge on how to take SCOME to newer height and hence be the change makers. We believe in you :)

3. SCOME Sessions Agenda and Statistics 78 Delegates and 45 NMOs 13 Sessions team 4 Externals Topics - 17 sessions (3 Parallel) + SCOME plenary + SCOME Debate

4. Sessions Outcomes and Resources All the resources used on the SCOME Sessions can be found at this Google Drive Folder.

Day 1 Topic and Link


Outcomes and Action Points


Welcoming to the SCOME Sessions


SCOME Introduction and IFMSA Programs

The introduction of SCOME and IFMSA was presented. Also, the presentation of the SCOME working areas, including the impact assessment results of the TMET and AMET. These results showed that statistically, the workshops have a Understand what SCOME and IFMSA are significant improvement in knowledge, skills, and confidence and what they work for. Get to know the in most medical education topics. As well the updates of some SCOME Structure, what is the general of the SCOME Small Working Groups. areas we work on, and what is the relation between SCOME and medical students. Participants were as well introduced to the IFMSA Programs framework, through a better understanding of the SCOME related Programs and their respective focus areas, so they would understand the tracking system of activities within IFMSA.

Medical Education 101

Participants can clearly understand and bring home the idea of what is medical education, what are the most important qualities of a doctor, how are they defined in the CanMeds framework, how these values could be taught and how can SCOMEdians be involved in shaping the future specialist.

Participants were introduced to what a definition of Medical Education is accordingly to a most popular search in google. It followed by participants playing a “puppet” game as they had to depict the qualities of the future health care specialist on the spreadsheets in SWGs. After the discussion of their artworks, we moved to the presentation of CanMEDS framework, giving examples of each skill and how this can be applied.

Medical Education 2.0

Getting to know the different kinds of selection methods of medical schools Learn about the pro’s and con’s of the different methods

Participants got to know the different kind of selection methods for medical students and got to know some research results from this topic. They also had the chance to think about their ideal selection system.

SCOME Poster Fair

Participants got the chance to see what other NMOs are working on and how these can actually fit in the SCOME Participants will prepare a poster to Related Programs. The posters were categorized according to present an activity done locally. the IFMSA Programs related to Medical Education - Medical Education Systems, Teaching Medical Skills and Ethics and Human Rights in Health

Day 2 Medical Education Systems

Participants got the chance to discuss about different Medical Introduction to what is a Medical Education Systems, as well as to reflect on the organization of Education System, how are the relevant their own. Additionally the World Directory of Medical Schools stakeholders and the role of the MES was introduced to the participants, as well as the work done IFMSA program. under the Medical Education Systems IFMSA Program

Exploitation of Medical Students

1) Understand the aspects of exploitation of medical and pre-medical students 2) Come up with a plan of action for IFMSA together with WFME to act on this issue 3) Prompt participants to discuss this issue on a national scale

Prof.D.Gordon and LME gave a nice introduction to the session talking about different stages of medical studies and the exploitation of medical students respectively. Undergraduate, during the studies and postgraduate exploitation of medical students was discussed, participants shared stories and issues they face in their countries, feedback was provided by the Professor. Participants also started developing a plan for the IFMSA and WFME to tackle the issue in every stage, it was also introduced that in the long run, any input for the LME is welcome.

Scholar IFMSA

The ScholarRx Curriculum framework was presented, which is a modular and flexible system composed by “bricks”. In this way, educators and students can be empowered, by increasing productivity and creativity.



The brick system was presented, and some examples were given. You can find them in the materials folder. SCOME will follow-up on this project to integrate this system in some of the Committee work. Also, the Scholar Rx/IFMSA collaboration was presented, which includes the scholarship for the TMET/AMET preGAs workshops.

Filling the learner's gap

Understand what are the different needs of medical schools and medical students, and how local and national students organizations can help to fill the learner's gap through different activities..

Participants started to reflect on different learner’s gap by being confronted with the different generational approaches. There was also an introduction to Outcome Based Education and LASO Steps (Learner, Assessment, Standards and Outcomes).

Accreditation and Quality Assurance

Participant aware with the importance of quality assurance within medical education system & process, understand how accreditation plays role in that, and medical student's involvement in initiating system. Take home message and conclusion with practical approach so they can apply it back to their country

Participants understood the difference between Quality Assurance and Quality Control, which was relevant to the final understanding and motivation to be part of the process of accreditation in their medical schools.

Day 3

Program Stream

Participants understand the basic Programs Structure; participants are The participants understood the enrollment process by introduced to Program Coordinators and learning activity management components, programs understand the processes to enroll their structure, programs benefits and coordinators. activity into the Programs. And learn about activity management.

Strategic Plan

Participants understand the importance of The new vision and mission of SCOME were presented and adopting a new Strategic Plan and are explained. As well as the 5 pillars of the SCOME Strategy, with aware of the different pillars and structure. a brief explanation each one of them and their components.

SCOME plenary

With the help of the Plenary Team and Sessions Team Participants understand the Plenary members, the SCOME plenary took place with 45 NMOs with procedures, and are able to actively voting rights. 3 documents were discussed, amended and participate in the Session. adopted: the SCOME Strategy 2018/21, the SCOME Regulations and the SCOME Regulations.

Day 4

Social Accountability

- Articulate their own beliefs and attitudes towards the role of Social Accountability in Medical Schools. - Determine key elements and values of Social Accountability in Medical Schools. - Explain the importance of redirecting health professions’ education towards addressing communities’ and patients’ needs, as well as the obligation of governments and faculties to follow the right principles to facilitate this process.

SCOME Debate

The SCOME Debate was facilitated by the SCOME Director and a plenary team member. Questions were asked in a Participants meet their Candidates for written and oral way to the 3 candidates (2 SCOME Director SCOME D and LME and are able to raise and 1 LME candidates). questions and open a discussion table. Some of questions that were not asked because of time were raised in the NOME server.

The participants got to know the definition and five values of Social Accountability. After that we talked about the three key principles. At the end of this session with made the link with global health workforce and assessed our own medical schools regarding Social Accountability.

Presentation of the Canadian Organization Choosing Wisely and their work with medical schools/students.

Choosing Wisely


The learning objectives are: Understand the role of medical education and training culture in shaping resource stewardship competencies Consider opportunities for medical students and residents to get engaged and involved in Choosing Wisely internationally

The role of medical students and physicians in resource stewardship was presented and how Choosing WIsely Campaigns work worldwide.

Participants understand the influence of pharmaceutical companies in the medical education, and learn what strategies they can implement locally and nationally to avoid it. Representatives from Formindep and Prescrire will present this session.

Barbara Mintzes, the invited speaker, presented the work Prescrire has been doing on the influence of pharma in medical education. Thought provoking data and statistics were presented, as well as the various conflicts of interests between drug development and market profit. This topic will be addressed in upcoming meetings as well.

Several examples of student's initiatives were presented and how new countries can start a similar campaign.

Day 5


IFMSA Priorities



Participants gathered together on 5 different groups to talk Participant divided into SWGs and discuss about the following topics: certain SCOME/ME Topics, get to know New ideas/ projects for SCOME each country's perspective, and SCOME Exchanges brainstorm possible SCOME Camps solution/strategy/practical approach to Formindep/Prescrire that Postgraduate student exploitation The current Global External Focus Areas (GEFAs) were explained, followed by the explanation and rationale of the Participants understand the new structure Global Priorities. This GPs are the way to align the external and of Global Priorities, how they help in the the internal work of SCOME and IFMSA. internal and external alignment of IFMSA and how can they apply them in a local An activity was made for participants to find strategies in which level. they can implement the SCOME Related GPs in their local and national work. A movie from WHO about HRH was played at the beginning of the session to give the participants a general view what HRH are about. It followed by some data of HRH in numbers about the differences in rural and urban areas/ population. Later the goals of HRH management were introduced highlighting “the right number, at the right place with the right skills”. The session was concluded by having a SWG activity for advocacy promotion, working on how medical students can advocate towards: better working conditions, labour protection and rights at work. After the discussion of the ideas some resources were mentioned (WHO WISN; Comission’s on Health Employment and Economic Growth Five-year Action Plan.

Human Resources for Health (HRH)

Participants understand that HRH is a global problem, they know which stakeholders should be involved in a change; what are the possible solutions, understand the possible solutions, suggested by the Commission on Health Employment and Economic Growth.

Meaningful Student Involvement

Participant understand the role of Medical Student within their Medical Education Participants got basic concepts on their involvement as medical System, Student Involvement Concept, students in their education process, in order to know how to and get practical advice & discussion tackle and improve it about MSI experience/cases.

Closing Evaluation

Closing and Evaluation


Pictures Folder here.

5. SCOME Regional Sessions SCOME Americas Regional Session During regional sessions, we worked on the update of participants about the current situation of SCOME in our region. Also, we talked about how external representation can be done in medical education in NMOs at the national level. Finally, we worked in SWGs where participants developed new ideas to improve the representation of NMOs in internal and external IFMSA meetings. Also, the time was used to discuss possible regional collaboration projects between NMOs and the step by step process of enrolling activities in IFMSA Programs. SCOME Asia-Pacific Regional Session Asia Pacific Region have two Regional Sessions in August Meeting. In day 1, along with 11 SCOMEdians from Asia Pacific Regions, we discussed about SCOME conditions within our NMOs, what are the main obstacle we face at the national level, and what kind of SCOME programs, activities, and advocacy plan we’ve been working in each country. In day 2, we discuss about how to develop SCOME in our NMO based on SCOME Strategy, how to improve SCOME-related capacity building aspect, and strategy to increase the initiatives & participation in medical education-related workshop within Asia Pacific. SCOME European Regional Session SCOME European sessions were focused on the work developed this year by the Regional Assistant and how it could be improved. There was also a space for participants to discuss topics they were interested and share ideas on each other’s work. Then we reported on the work done throughout this term, in order to get participants acquainted with what actions and efforts have been taken. Afterwards, we discussed about what could be improved in the region in each area - communication, capacity building, NOMEs, social media.

6. Theme Event This year’s Theme Event tackled Social Accountability and Health Beyond the Hospital, topics very close to the core work of SCOME. 2 days of sessions and more than 10 invited speakers gave the opportunity to our members to explore the social aspect of medicine deeper. With varied and interesting speeches, from the effect of Climate Change in Health, to the importance of Accreditation in establishing Socially Accountable curricula (as well as the potential pitfalls), participants learnt, shared and challenged individual beliefs. As a final outcome, the IFMSA Action Plan on Social Accountability was drafted and will be finalized by September 2018, giving clear outlines for IFMSA’s work on the topic in the next 2 years. Lastly, a global competition by one of the main partners on Social Accountability, the Training for Health Equity Network (THEnet) was announced - stay tuned for more details!

7. Stay in touch IFMSA-SCOME mailing list: Do you want to follow all the latest news of SCOME? Do you want to get informed of all the opportunities, deadlines and the events that are happening within SCOME? Join the IFMSA-SCOME mailing list by sending an empty email to IFMSA-NOME server: A space just for NOMEs to open and follow discussions, share unique opportunities and start new streams of work. Are you a NOME and are not yet subscribe to the server? Do it today with your official email, sending an empty email to: IFMSA SCOME Facebook group: Keep in touch with more than 11900 SCOMEdians from all over the world on the Facebook group by clicking this link. IFMSA SCOME World of Medical Education: In this public Google Drive folder, you can find important documents on medical education. You can access by clicking this link.

Algeria (Le Souk) Argentina (IFMSAArgentina) Armenia (AMSP) Aruba (IFMSA-Aruba) Australia (AMSA) Austria (AMSA) Azerbaijan (AzerMDS) Bangladesh (BMSS) Belgium (BeMSA) Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia) Bosnia & Herzegovina (BoHeMSA) Bosnia & Herzegovina – Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC) Brazil (DENEM) Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil) Bulgaria (AMSB) Burkina Faso (AEM) Burundi (ABEM) Cameroon (CAMSA) Canada (CFMS) Canada – Québec (IFMSA-Québec) Catalonia - Spain (AECS) Chile (IFMSA-Chile) China (IFMSA-China) China – Hong Kong (AMSAHK) Colombia (ASCEMCOL) Costa Rica (ACEM) Croatia (CroMSIC) Cyprus (CyMSA) Czech Republic (IFMSACZ) Democratic Republic of the Congo (MSA-DRC) Denmark (IMCC) Dominican Republic (ODEM) Ecuador (AEMPPI) Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt)

El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador) Estonia (EstMSA) Ethiopia (EMSA) Finland (FiMSIC) France (ANEMF) Gambia (UniGaMSA) Georgia (GMSA) Germany (bvmd) Ghana (FGMSA) Greece (HelMSIC) Grenada (IFMSAGrenada) Guatemala (IFMSAGuatemala) Guinea (AEM) Guyana (GuMSA) Haiti (AHEM) Honduras (IFMSAHonduras) Hungary (HuMSIRC) Iceland (IMSA) India (MSAI) Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI) Iran (IMSA) Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq) Iraq – Kurdistan (IFMSAKurdistan) Ireland (AMSI) Israel (FIMS) Italy (SISM) Jamaica (JAMSA) Japan (IFMSA-Japan) Jordan (IFMSA-Jo) Kazakhstan (KazMSA) Kenya (MSAKE) Korea (KMSA) Kosovo - Serbia (KOMS) Kuwait (KuMSA) Latvia (LaMSA) Lebanon (LeMSIC) Lesotho (LEMSA)

Libya (LMSA) Lithuania (LiMSA) Luxembourg (ALEM) Malawi (UMMSA) Malaysia (SMMAMS) Mali (APS) Malta (MMSA) Mexico (AMMEF-Mexico) Montenegro (MoMSIC) Morocco (IFMSAMorocco) Nepal (NMSS) The Netherlands (IFMSA NL) Nicaragua (IFMSANicaragua) Nigeria (NiMSA) Norway (NMSA) Oman (MedSCo) Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan) Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine) Panama (IFMSA-Panama) Paraguay (IFMSAParaguay) Peru (IFMSA-Peru) Peru (APEMH) Philippines (AMSAPhilippines) Poland (IFMSA-Poland) Portugal (ANEM) Qatar (QMSA) Republic of Moldova (ASRM) Romania (FASMR) Russian Federation (HCCM) Russian Federation – Republic of Tatarstan (TaMSA) Rwanda (MEDSAR) Saint Lucia (IFMSA-Saint Lucia) Senegal (FNESS)

medical students worldwide

Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia) Sierra Leone (SLEMSA) Singapore (AMSASingapore) Slovakia (SloMSA) Slovenia (SloMSIC) South Africa (SAMSA) Spain (IFMSA-Spain) Sudan (MedSIN) Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden) Switzerland (swimsa) Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA) Taiwan - China (FMS) Tajikistan (TJMSA) Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand) The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA) Tanzania (TaMSA) Togo (AEMP) Trinidad and Tobago (TTMSA) Tunisia (Associa-Med) Turkey (TurkMSIC) Turkey – Northern Cyprus (MSANC) Uganda (FUMSA) Ukraine (UMSA) United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (SfGH) United States of America (AMSA-USA) Uruguay (IFMSA-URU) Uzbekistan (Phenomenon) Venezuela (FEVESOCEM) Yemen (NAMS) Zambia (ZaMSA) Zimbabwe (ZIMSA)

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