Standing Committee on Medical Education Regulations Proposed by the IFMSA Standing Committee Directors 2013-2014, Taipei, Taiwan – August 2014 Amended by the Standing Committee on Medical Education Plenary at the August Meeting 2018 – Canada. The Standing Committee Regulations are proposed for the following reasons: •
The first is that no effective mechanism for institutional memory currently exists within IFMSA. As a student-run organization, turnover is fast, and experience is quickly lost within IFMSA. Progress is inhibited as Teams of Officials find themselves working on the same problems that their predecessors addressed a few years earlier.
The second is that if we want to institutionalize and keep the memory and experience that we have gathered working in IFMSA for this period of time, we need to put it in the bylaws, as this is the only way in which IFMSA will remember certain points of information over the years.
The history of IFMSA is that we consider and reconsider issues over time with startling frequency, and Regulations are designed to alleviate this. It is understood that the internal situation in IFMSA constantly changes, and that guidelines will not fully stand the test of time; but the point is that if we do not make an initial attempt to write some guidelines down on paper, then we have no institutional memory; the guidelines can always be modified later on. The Standing Committee on Medical Education Regulations will be voted upon during the Standing Committee sessions of the IFMSA General Assembly. The final document after approval shall also include the preface, index, annual working plan, and SCOME Strategy. Kind regards, The SCOME International Team
1. General Definitions 1.1 Name The official name of the IFMSA body regulated under this document is Standing Committee on Medical Education. The official abbreviation is SCOME, as it shall hereafter be referred to. 1.2. Nature Standing Committees are established under paragraph 9 of The IFMSA Constitution “to execute, co-ordinate and support the activities of the Federation”. 1.3 History of Standing Committee The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) has a dedicated organ that aims to implement an optimal learning environment for all medical students around the world – the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME). It was one of IFMSA Standing Committees from the beginning of its foundation, established as Standing Committee on Medical Exchanges in 1951 and assuming its final name in 1952. SCOME acts as an action forum for students interested in the different aspects of medical education in the hopes of pursuing and achieving its aims. 1.4 The Corporate Identity of the Standing Committee 1.4.1 The Corporate Identity of IFMSA, including the Standing Committee, is defined in the IFMSA Corporate Identity manual and referred to in the IFMSA bylaws. 1.5 Standing Committee Vision and Mission Statement 1.5.1 Vision Medical students are involved and actively participate in the development of their education and attain an optimal professional and personal development to reach their full potential as future doctors for better healthcare worldwide. 1.5.2 Mission Our mission is to be the platform where medical students come together to share, analyze and work in the development of their medical
education and student involvement experiences in order to improve it. SCOME promotes projects, trainings and advocacy activities that enable medical students to complement and effect change in their education, as well as to develop individuals on a personal and professional basis. We support active involvement in education on an individual level, encouraging students to take the initiative and responsibility for their education both on a curricular and extracurricular level, through: seeking educational experiences and opportunities for further development, participating in extracurricular activities that simultaneously enrich them and benefit their peers or the community, collaborating with the faculties by forming and expressing informed opinions and providing appropriate feedback in an effort to elicit necessary change, as well as with national and international bodies in order to contribute to global improvement of medical education. We organize projects that promote and provide opportunities and tools for medical students to improve their knowledge and skills and pursue their goals, provide information to students about relevant issues in their education, centralize students’ opinions, facilitate communication with the faculties or other institutions. We seek to promote best evidence medical education practices for efficient delivery, advocate for improvements in faculties, national medical education systems and international guidelines. Through all our joint efforts we work to create sustainable changes around the world, for ourselves as medical students, for the generations to come and for our future patients and our communities who are in fact the final beneficiaries of our education. 1.6 SCOME Strategy 1.6.1 The Standing Committee Strategy shall be annexed to this document and referred to as Annex 1.1. 1.6.2 The Standing Committee International Team (IT) shall base their Annual Working Plan
on the IFMSA and Standing Committee Strategy.
Organization (NMO) involved in the work of the Standing Committee.
1.6.3 The Standing Committee Strategy is open to amendments during the Standing Committee (SC) sessions of the March Meeting and August Meeting.
3. SCOME International Team (IT)
1.6.4 On the year that the SCOME Strategy is about to expire, the IT is responsible to prepare a new Strategy for the next 4 years to be adopted in the General Assembly SCOME Sessions. 1.6.5 To prepare the SCOME Strategy, the SCOME IT should collect input from relevant stakeholders including but not limited to online call for input, Regional Meetings and General Assemblies sessions. 1.7 Annual Working Plan: 1.7.1 The International Team should write an Annual Working Plan (AWP) for the term with details regarding priorities, objectives and indicators of success for each item.
3.1 General 3.1.1 The SCOME International Team (IT) is the structure within the IFMSA that is working to execute the Annual Working Plan, support the NMOs in their activities related to Medical Education, develop IFMSA action in the field of Medical Education, and oversee all the activities of the Standing Committee. 3.2 Functions and duties of the International Team (IT) 3.2.1 Standing Committee Director (SCOMED) Functions a. Be responsible for the development of the Standing Committee through activities that are in line with the strategic plan, vision and mission of the Standing Committee and IFMSA.
1.7.2 A call for input from members of the Standing Committee is to be sent via email (the standing committee group) by the 14th of September (before the start of the term).
b. Be responsible for maintaining contact between the SCOME members and the Team of Officials.
1.7.3 The AWP is to be created within the one month of the start of the term (November 1st) for the International Team.
c. Develop an annual evaluation procedure and needs-assessment for the Standing Committee.
1.7.4 The AWP is to be evaluated against the indicators for success, reviewed and renewed by the Standing Committee International Team twice per year – two weeks after the IFMSA General Assembly March Meeting and August Meeting.
d. Appoint the General and Development Assistants in collaboration with the Liaison Officer for Medical Education (LME) by the 1st of October.
1.7.5 The AWP is to be made accessible to all members of the IFMSA-Standing Committee through the mailing list.
2. Members 2.1 Members of the Standing Committee are members/volunteers of a National Member
e. Appoint the Regional Assistants in collaboration with the LME and Regional Directors (RD), by the 1st of October. f. Follow up on the work of the International Team. g. Work with the International Team to assist the National Member Organizations in establishing the Standing Committee within their organizations.
h. Collaborate with the LME for the external representation of SCOME. i. Continue to perform these tasks until the term ends and provide a full and complete handover to their successor. j. Provide SCOME members with relevant manuals, toolkits, and documents for all SCOME activities and events, when possible. k. Be responsible for setting the agenda and organizing SCOME sessions in both IFMSA General Assemblies and oversee the preparations of the SCOME sessions in Regional Meetings, providing any type of support the RAs may need. l. Provide along with the International Team quarterly updates to the standing committee members explaining the work that has been done within the past 3 months. m. The Standing Committee Director along with the International Team should provide monthly reports of their activities. 3.2.2 Liaison Officer for Medical Education issues (LME) Functions a. Sustain and develop the relationship with existing partner organizations and seek strategic new collaborations. b. Provide IFMSA members with information about the partner organizations through the external meetings calendar,, externals database, MoUs and social media. c. Facilitate and initiate contacts between IFMSA members and partner organizations when requested and needed.
f. Work together with the Regional Directors for the communication with partner organizations on a regional level. g. Encourage the NMOs to report on collaborations with external organizations on a national level. h. Disseminate policy documents to IFMSA related external partners and promote them within IFMSA. i. Seek contact and establish new formal strategic relationships with relevant organizations, taking into consideration the input gathered from the NMOs. j. Report on representation.
k. Act in accordance to MoUs signed with partner organizations. l. Directly collaborate with the SCOME International Team by being an active participant in the implementation of the annual working plan and support the IT members activities. m. Be responsible for establishing contact between the IT, SCOME members, and the Liaison Officers Team. 3.2.3 Regional Assistants (RAs), General Assistant (GA) and Development Assistant (DA) General a. Regional Assistants are appointed for a term of one year by the SCOME-D, starting on October 1 , in consultation with the LME and the respective RD. st
d. Develop the Medical Education relevant external goals under the IFMSA Global Priorities.
b. There should be at least one Regional Assistant per IFMSA Region.
e. Find points of possible collaboration, in alignment with the IFMSA and SCOME strategies, between IFMSA and partner organizations in close cooperation with relevant officials working in the concerning fields.
c. In special cases, and only upon agreement with the relevant RDs, more than one RA can be chosen, however the RA tasks should be distributed between the co-RAs with each RA reporting on their specific tasks, whilst at the
same time, supporting their co-RA in carrying out their tasks.
b. Fulfill any tasks requested by the SCOME International Team related to their tasks.
i. In the case of more than one General or Development Assistants, the agreement should be done with the LME.
c. Actively engage themselves in supporting NMOs within their region that are working within the field of SCOME.
d. All SCOME International Assistants can be appointed for a term of one year by the SCOME-D, starting Oct 1st and ending with the term for the next year and are part of the SCOME International Team.
d. Report, investigate, and assist in solving any SCOME-related problems within their region with the help of the Regional Team and International Team.
e. A call will be sent on the IFMSA-mailing lists for the Standing Committee and Region by the Standing Committee Director. Applications must include: i. Motivation Letter. ii. Plan of action. iii. Technical Data Card for Assistants. iv. Curriculum Vitae. v. Official IFMSA Candidature form for Assistants signed and stamped by NMO President. g. The appointment of a DA and GA, and possible other assistants, is the decision of the SCOME-D, in consultation with the LME. h. Each application should be shared with all SCOME members and remain open for comments from all SCOME members. These comments can only be seen by the applicants themselves and by the person responsible for appointing the Assistant. The identity of the commenters remains known only to the person responsible for appointing the Assistant. Candidates can only reply to comments related to their own application. The comments will be taken into consideration by the person responsible of appointing the Assistant. i. If needed, further assistant positions can be created and appointed by the SCOME-D in consultation with the LME. Functions of the Regional Assistant (RA) a. Provide link between their region and the SCOME-D and LME, as well as actively and regularly check the status of the work within the field of SCOME in each NMO in their region.
e. Encourage inter-regional cooperation between NMOs and inter-standing committee collaboration. f. Assist NMOs to present projects, activities and encourage their participation during SC Sessions in General Assemblies. g. Actively searching for NMOs who wish to carry out international activities and assist them with preparations, as well as providing information on procedures, deadlines and organizational details. h. Be responsible for planning, facilitating and following up on the Regional SCOME Session in Regional Meetings and General Assemblies. i. Be responsible for recruiting NMOs to start work within the Standing Committee and provide all relevant tools for them to do so. j. Attend any relevant Online Meeting, such as the Regional Team, SCOME International Team and of their own region. k. Promote, assist and encourage National Officers to enroll activities under the IFMSA Programs. l. Be in contact with SCOME related Program Coordinators. m. Encourage National Officers to take part in input and data collection, organized by the SCOME IT, throughout their term. Functions Assistant (DA)
a. Assist the SCOME-D in documents related to SCOME.
b. Update and revise current resources for the SC working with the SCOME-D and the LME.
f. Coordinate timing of SCOME IT OLMs and ensure presence of as many IT members as possible.
c. Search for NMOs that have not established the SC and assisting them together with the respective RA to establish it.
g. Coordinate the IT reporting system and share it with the SCOME Servers.
d. Assist NMOs in the preparations of projects and issues in their NMO related to SCOME. e. Work with the SCOME-D in setting agendas and assisting in reports for recruitment of NMOs and their progress. f. Follow up on the SCOME Strategic Plan and its implementation. The SCOME DA must prepare an evaluation of the Strategic Plan on a biannual basis. g. Follow up on the SCOME related workshops to ensure abidance by the regulations. h. Collaborate with the VPCB to develop capacity building in the field of Medical Education, within IFMSA. i. Follow up on SCOME workshops, their certification processes, and update the internal trainings databases. Functions of the General Assistant (GA) a. Assist SCOME-D and LME in the general management of SCOME. b. Handle SCOME Social Media and General SCOME interaction. c. Collaborate with the VPPRC to update the IFMSA website with relevant SCOME Information in coordination with the publications team. d. Support Regional Assistants in preparations of their Regional Sessions
e. Coordinate the production of any documents relevant to SCOME.
h. Organize the SCOME Archives i. Fill in for the SCOME Director when unavailable. 3.3 Monitoring and Evaluation for the international team 3.3.1 At least twice a year the SCOME-D initiates an official evaluation of the work of the SCOME international team. This evaluation can be included in the NMO report or it can be done separately. This evaluation shall contain the following: a. Anonymous evaluation of the work of the SCOME-D, the LME and the International Team that should be sent to the NMOs. b. Anonymous evaluation form of the work of the SCOME-D and LME that should be sent to the international team. c. Evaluation of the work of the members of the International Team done by the SCOME-D. 3.4 Resigning/Missing in Action 3.4.1 Resigning/Missing in Action in regard to the SCOME-D/LME a. Resigning: If the SCOME Director or the LME wishes to resign they must submit a full report to the Standing Committee official networks, TO and International Team stating why they wish to resign at least 2 weeks before they leave their position. b. Missing in Action i. If an NMO or a member of the TO has doubts that the SCOME-D or the LME is not performing their tasks, a report should be sent to the SupCo to investigate the claim.
ii. Procedure for suspending and removing Officials is stated in section 6.6 of the bylaws. iii. Procedure for replacing members of the TO is in section 6.14 of the bylaws. 3.4.2 Resigning/Missing in Action in regard to the rest of the International Team a. If a member of the International Team fails to perform the tasks within their duties for the year, the assistant will be given a written formal warning from the SCOME-D. i. If there is no improvement after assessment within 2 weeks, the SCOME-D can suspend the International Team member after consultation with the respective Official(s), the rest of the IT and the EB. ii. If an International Team member is suspended, the SCOME-D will conduct an investigation in his or her work, taking into consideration the respective Official(s), International Team and NMOs evaluation of the mentioned International Team members work. iii. If deemed necessary, the SCOMED is allowed to relieve the International Team member from duty and a call for vacant positions can be reopened by the SCOME-D to replace the suspended International Team member. b. After completing the term, members of the International Team will be given a certificate to recognize their efforts and commitment to the SC as well as their region, signed by the SCOME-D.
4. The Standing Committee on the National Level a. National Member Organizations are encouraged to create a National Team that works within SCOME or medical education field.
b. The SCOME National Team can be the official structure of the National Member Organizations working on developing and sustaining the work of the Standing Committee at a national level. It is suggested that the National Team comprise of the National Officer, Local Officers and and any other officer or assistant deemed necessary by the NMO. c. The NMO should at least appoint one official National Representative for the Standing Committee to participate in its international work. 4.1.1 Suggested Functions a. Coordinate all SCOME activities on the National Level. b. Ensure proper planning and execution of (trans)national and local projects and activities related to the mission, vision and strategic plan of the SC. c. Coordinate the work of all Local Committees within an NMO in the field of Medical Education. d. Hold SCOME sessions during relevant National Meetings, including National General Assemblies. e. Assist, support and keep in contact with SCOME Local Officers. f. Request regular reports from the Local Officers. g. Encourage Local Officers to attend SCOME sessions at National General Assemblies and/or other SCOME related National Meetings h. Encourage Standing Committee members within the NMO to attend International IFMSA SC sessions or international events relating to Medical Education. i. Keep the national and local SCOME groups updated on any relevant information from the regional and/or international SC server. j. Ensure proper handover of all relevant documents to the incoming National Officer after the term of office expires. These
documents should at least include the latest SCOME manual, current plan of action (ongoing projects) and contacts of the SC international team. k. National Officers are advised to attend the Regional Meetings as well as IFMSA meetings in March and August respectively. At these meetings, they can network with other National Officers, exchange ideas and attain new knowledge and motivation to bring back home to the Local and National Committees. l. Liaise with external bodies so as to garner support for SCOME on a national level as well as coordinate with the relevant Liaison Officer to help if necessary. m. Provide, upon request from the SCOME IT, input regarding the status of any Medical Education related issue within their NMO. n. Maintain active communication with their relevant RA and NOMEs from their region. 4.1.2 Reporting of the NOME or NMO Medical Education Representative The NOME or NMO Medical Education Representative shall: a. Send regular reports to, and keep in contact with, the SCOME Regional Assistant and SCOME-D, through the official emails. b. The National Officer is highly encouraged to fill his/her Standing Committee section in the NMO report or assist the National Responsible for the NMO report in doing so. c. Submit a detailed report of the activities of the Standing Committee and other relevant activities of the administrative year to SC Regional Assistant no later than one month after handing over.
5. Standing Committee Sessions 5.1 SCOME Assemblies 5.1.1 General
General The responsibility to plan and lead the SC sessions falls under the SCOME-D with the help of the LME, Support Person(s), Sessions Team, and the IT. In the event that the SCOME-D is not available, the work should be delegated to the LME, Support Person(s), Sessions Team and the International Team. In the event that both the SCOME-D and the International Team are either unavailable or in small numbers, the SCOMED is responsible for finding a suitable replacement to lead the SCOME sessions. 5.1.2 Requirements for holding a SCOME session are: a. Call for input to SCOME sessions with particular focus on international, regional and national areas of interest and on internal issues by sending out a call at least 2 months prior to the General Assembly. b. A survival kit has to be sent out 2 weeks prior to the start of the General Assembly. This should contain the most relevant information for members on what to expect, how to prepare and what to bring to the General Assembly and the SC sessions. c. Appoint facilitators for each session. d. Find relevant externals to hold sessions with the support of the LME. e. Hold at least one session to discuss relevant documents up for voting during the SCOME Plenary sessions and have the possibility to rediscuss the Regulations when needed. f. Hold at least one session to discuss the SCOME Strategy (with a focus on how it translates to SCOME regional strategies, if applicable), SCOME communication channels as well as needs assessment of each NMO represented at the SCOME session. g. Coordinate materials and specific logistics arrangements with the OC. h. Evaluation of both sessions and facilitators.
i. Sending a Follow Up Kit of the session which includes the outcomes of the session as well as a summary of the evaluations one month after the closure of the meeting. j. A final comprehensive report of the SCOME session should be sent to the SCOME communication channels and all relevant externals by the LME 4 weeks after the General Assembly. 5.2. Standing Committee Sessions during Regional Meetings 5.2.1 General The responsibility to plan the SCOME session falls to the RA in consultation with the SCOME-D and with the added aid of the LME and the Sessions Team. The final agenda needs to be approved by the SCOME-D.
d. Appoint facilitators for each session. e. Coordinate materials and specific logistics arrangements with the OC. f. Evaluation of both sessions and facilitators. g. A draft report of the Standing Committee session at the RM should be sent to the SCOME-D and RD no later than 2 weeks after the RM. h. A Follow Up Kit of the sessions, which includes the outcomes of the session as well as a summary of the evaluations, has to be sent 4 weeks after the conclusion of the meeting. 5.3 Voting in-session (during the General Assemblies) 5.3.1 Voting Procedure If a Sessions Team is needed, a call should be sent by the relevant RA prior to the Regional Meeting in coordination with the Regional Team and the RM OC.
a. To gain voting rights, a National Member Organization must have filled in the SCOME section of the NMO report at the latest on the 1st of February for the March Meeting and the 1st of July for the August Meeting. In the event that the RA is not available, it is the responsibility of the SCOME-Director, consulting the RA, to find a suitable replacement.
i. The SCOME section of the NMO report needs to be filled in at least 50% of the questions.
5.2.2 Specific requirements for holding a Standing Committee Regional Meeting session are: a. A Call for inputs to SCOME sessions with particular focus on regional/national issues should be sent out at least six weeks prior to the Regional Meeting. b. The draft agenda shall be sent to the SCOME-D and RD at least 1 month prior to the Regional Meeting (RM) for inputs and recommendations. c. A survival kit has to be sent out 2 weeks before the start of the RM. This should contain the most relevant information on what to expect, how to prepare and what to bring to the RM session.
b. Each National Member Organization with voting rights that is present during the Standing Committee Sessions will receive one vote. c. Members of the Standing Committee International Team are not allowed to vote, unless they are representing their NMO. d. Changes in the SCOME related Regulations and adoption of the SCOME Strategy require two thirds majority in case of a single motion, and simple majority in case of alternative motions. Amendments to motions are accepted by simple majority. i. Changes to the SCOME Regulations and Workshop Regulations will take effect immediately after the General Assembly unless otherwise specified in the proposal.
e. Majorities will be defined as follows i. Simple majority: more votes in favor than against. Abstentions do not count. ii. Two-third majority: The number of votes in favor is at least the double of the number of votes against. Abstentions do not count. 5.3.2 Calling a vote within the session shall be called for by a. The Standing Committee Director. b. Any member with voting rights during the SCOME session. 5.3.3 Situations in which a vote can be cast
Regulations Changes Proposal to all their members. i. Proposals received after the deadline will need to be approved by the SCOME IT. ii. 4 weeks before the GA, the SCOME IT has to share all proposals received and open an online space for discussion and amendments. b. 4 weeks before the GA, the SCOME IT has to open a call for SCOME Strategy amendments. c. Updated Regulations and SCOME Strategy have to be shared maximum one month after the SCOME Plenary is over.
a. Amendments to the SCOME Regulations. i. Changes to the Regulations that are purely lingual, related to the template of the document or the inclusion of the necessary annexes (such as attaching the Annual Working Plan) shall not require to be voted upon. b. Amendments to the SCOME Strategy (during General Assemblies as per section 1.6.2 of the SCOME Regulations). c. Amendments to any of the SCOME related workshop regulations (during General Assemblies). d. Any occasions deemed fit by the SCOME-D /International Team or attendees. e. A call for an official vote, including but not limited to an amendment or a candidature, needs to be sent to NMO server and SCOME server at least 2 weeks prior to the General Assembly. 5.3.4 Call for Regulations Changes Proposal and SCOME Strategy Amendments a. At least 7 weeks before the General Assembly, the SCOME IT has to open a call for SCOME Regulations and Workshop
6. Media Channels
6.1 Standing Committee Communication Channels shall be 6.1.1 SCOME Section of the website ( a. Shall contain background information of SCOME: History, announcement of the International Team, reports of conferences or meetings attended. 6.1.2 Mailing Lists a. Two official mailing lists shall be used in SCOME, one public for all SC members and one restricted to NOMEs, SCOME International Team and related Program Coordinators. b. All official calls and communications should be shared on the relevant Mailing Lists. c. Moderating the SCOME Mailing Lists is the responsibility of the SCOME-D. 6.1.3 Social Media Channels:
a. There should be only one official SCOME Facebook Group managed by the SCOME-D and LME with the support of General Assistant b. Each Region has one official Facebook Group managed by the Regional Assistant. c. Calls for input and announcements relating to the internal functions of the SC should be sent through the internal communication channels only. c. All official calls and communications can be shared on the official SCOME Facebook Group after they have been shared on the mailing lists.
7. Violation of the Regulations, Penalties and Complaints 1. Implementation a. Keeping to the Regulations is the responsibility of any member of the Standing Committee. b. Upholding the Regulations falls under the responsibility of the Standing Committee Director, failing to do so shall be considered as not fulfilling the tasks of the position. c. Strong or repetitive violations by the SCOMED or LME can be reason to request a SupCo investigation. d. Violations by the SCOME International Assistants are investigated by the SCOME-D and the rest of the International Team. Strong or repetitive violations of the Regulations can be seen as reason for suspension as mentioned above in suspension and replacement of the SCOME International Assistants. 7.2 Formal Complaint 7.2.1 Formal complaints about the SCOMED/LME shall be sent to the IFMSA SupCo and Executive Board. 7.2.2 Formal complaints about the International Assistants shall be sent to the SCOME-D.
7.2.3 All formal complaints have to be investigated.
8. Role of the IFMSA Executive Board 8.1 The Executive Board oversees the work of the SC and offers advice in issues related to the management of the Standing Committee. 8.2 The Executive Board ensures that the work of the Standing Committee is in accordance with the Strategic Plan and Mission and Vision of IFMSA. 8.3 The Executive Board shall make sure that the SCOME-D and LME are working in accordance to the IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws.