SCOME Strategy 2018 - 2021

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Standing Committee on Medical Education SCOME Strategy 2018 – 2021 Adopted by the Standing Committee on Medical Education Plenary at the August Meeting 2018 – Canada.

Introduction As the Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) seeks to develop itself, it is necessary to prioritize and organize its efforts by identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the Standing Committee and build on its vision and mission. Building on relevant ideas and having continuity in our work over more than one term is essential for the Standing Committee to truly make an impact and move us closer to achieving our goals. The strategic plan will guide the collective work of the International Team (IT), as well as the Standing Committee as a whole, to achieve SCOME’s long term strategic goals while at the same time leaving enough room for everyone to realize their own ideas and personal goals. SCOME will seek to achieve the strategic goals through annual working plans that cover different aspects of the goals and ensure proper handover of what was done and what still needs to be done by the succeeding International Team. This strategic plan was built on input from SCOME members, National Officers on Medical Education (NOMEs), IFMSA meetings, the SCOME International Team, the IFMSA Executive Board, and IFMSA members. The SCOME Strategy has 5 pillars (Advocacy and External Relations, Collaboration, Participation and Representation, Capacity Building, and Management and Sustainability), each having a number of goals that the Standing Committee is expected to work toward achieving by 2021. Each goal has a list of indicators of success to measure and evaluate the achievement of this plan both after each term and after 4 years of strategic plan. Sincerely, The SCOME International Team 2017/18 Alaa, Aqsa, Catarina, Linah, Katerina, Marouane, Matteo, Pablo and Ximena.

1. Vision Statement Medical students are involved and actively participate in the development of their education and attain an optimal professional and personal development to reach their full potential as future doctors for better healthcare worldwide.

2. Mission Statement Our mission is to be the platform where medical students come together to share, analyze and work in the development of their medical education and student involvement experiences in order to improve it. SCOME promotes projects, trainings and advocacy activities that enable medical students to complement and effect change in the education, as well as to develop individuals in a personal and professional basis.

3. Core Values ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Education Quality Continuous Improvement Meaningful Engagement Accountability Advocacy Global Collaboration

4. SWOT Analysis 2018 A SWOT analysis of SCOME was made in 2018, based on the SWOT analysis from NOMEs, LOMEs, SCOME members, SCOME Sessions at IFMSA Events, SCOME International Team 2017/2018 and ITs from previous terms.

Strengths: Internal

1. Clear Vision and Mission. 2. Diverse focus areas in Medical Education. 3. Diversity of activities done by the Standing Committee. 4. Have activities to build capacity of members. 5. Have 2 standardized different Capacity Building in Medical Education workshops (TMET/AMET). 6. Development of impact assessment and evaluation tools for activities implemented 7. Social Accountability as a strong internal and external area of work. 8. Inter Committees Collaboration.

Opportunities: External

1. Partnerships on local, national and international levels. 2. Collaboration with other NGOs. 3. Measuring outcomes and providing evidencebased data/reports to externals. 4. Interregional collaboration. 5. Externally-sourced funding.

Weaknesses: 1. Undefined and unestablished priorities of work at an international and regional level 2. Lack of integration between local, national and international levels. 3. Students involvement and motivation levels vary depending on the region 4. Advocacy efforts are not well and consistently developed throughout the regions and members. 5. Need of quality standards in Capacity Building. 6. Limited impact and institutional memory.

Threats: 1. Stakeholders resistance and rigid mindset when it comes to changes in Medical Education. 2. Cultural expectations of education, e.g. strong hierarchical models. 3. Conflicting interests among students/society and for-profit institutions. 4. Different representation structures among members (e.g. NMOs representing all medical students vs NMOs representing only members). 5. Lack of student leadership opportunities in Medical Education.

5. Pillars: Pillar I: Advocacy and External Relations 1. Ensure that SCOME is an important global stakeholder in Medical Education and its advancements IFMSA is present and involved in relevant meetings related to Medical Education and is recognized by Medical Education externals as an important stakeholder. a. Ensure IFMSA is represented in relevant meetings related to Medical Education. i. Indicator: IFMSA is represented in at least 4 meetings related to Medical Education annually. (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). b. Ensure the involvement of IFMSA members in relevant meetings related to Medical Education, through delegations or task forces. i. Indicator: IFMSA establishes at least 1 new delegation or task force for a relevant meeting related to Medical Education (2021). c. Strengthen IFMSA’s standing with the relevant Medical Education externals within their decision-making bodies and develop new partnerships with global Medical education externals i. Indicator: IFMSA is represented in at least 75% of the decision-making bodies’ meetings with whom there is an established partnership - AMEE Executive Board, World Federation of Medical Education and Youth Hub of the Global Health Workforce Network (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: IFMSA extends its representation by developing new partnerships with at least 1 Medical Education external per year (2019, 2020, 2021). d. Develop IFMSA’s external representation in medical education conferences and meetings at a regional level, in particular closer communication with the 5 regional offices of the World Federation of Medical Education. i. Indicator: Regular contact with all the 6 regional offices of the World Federation of Medical Education established (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: IFMSA is invited to at least 3 out of 5 regional offices Board meetings (2021). iii. Indicator: Internships established with at least 2 regional medical education organizations in the field of the defined priorities (2021).

2. Strengthen IFMSA’s positions related to Medical Education Develop IFMSA’s stances on Medical Education through IFMSA Policy Documents, developed in collaboration with NMOs and based on the latest global evidence. a. Restructure the Global Policy on Medical Education and develop the relevant policy documents from its key points. i. Indicator: All Global Policy on Medical Education areas are incorporated into separate policy documents (2020). b. Promote consultation and input processes with NMOs about the policy documents proposed. i. Indicator: Input received by at least 10 NMOs, during the drafting phase, for each policy document proposed (2019, 2020, 2021). c. Promote the policy documents amongst NMOs and assess the work being done on them. i. Indicator: Input collected through the NMO report SCOME section specifically on the usage of Medical Education policy documents (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: At least 3 policy awareness sessions organized across the IFMSA General Assemblies and/or IFMSA Regional Meetings annually (2019, 2020, 2021).

d. Promote advocacy in medical education amongst NMO’s and assess the work being done on it. i. ii. iii.


Indicator: Input collected on the different medical education externals that NMO’s work with through an International NMO database (2019, 2020, 2021). Indicator: Input collected through the NMO report and SCOME activity database on different advocacy activities carried out within at least 30 NMO’s (2019, 2020, 2021). Indicator: At least 3 advocacy in medical education sessions/trainings organized across the IFMSA General Assemblies and/or IFMSA Regional Meetings annually (2019, 2020, 2021). Indicator: 10% increase in SCOME-active NMOs considering their activity advocacybased or advocacy and projects-based among all SCOME-active NMOs (2021).

Pillar II: Collaboration 1. Collaborate between regions IFMSA regions collaborate together in the development of methods and strategies that assure the quality, equality and diversity of medical education projects and advocacy carried out through SCOME. a. Ensure application of activities that allow communication and collaboration between NMO representatives/NOMEs. i. Indicator: At least 2 activities per term are made by the different NOME Buddies groups (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Develop Inter Regional Collaboration Activities, such as projects, advocacy campaigns, between members of different regions and with common goals. i. Indicator: At least 2 inter-regional collaborative activities are organized each term and presented at the IFMSA August General Assembly (2019, 2020, 2021). 2. Integrate the SCOME Activities in the IFMSA Programs Promote enrollment of SCOME local, national and international activities in IFMSA Programs, while aligning the work of the Committee with the related Programs. a. Promotion of informative material (webinars, toolkits, manuals) about the Framework of the IFMSA SCOME related Programs and their benefits for NMOs i. Indicator: At least one online campaign/webinar on SCOME related programs and activity enrollment steps (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: At least 1 session during all Regional Meetings and IFMSA General Assemblies on SCOME related IFMSA Programs iii. Indicator: At least 80% of the activities from the SCOME Activities Database are enrolled under one or more IFMSA Programs (2019, 2020, 2021). iv. Indicator: 75% of all SCOME Activities in a SCOME Activities fair during GAs and RMs are enrolled 3 months after the respective fair. b. Promotion of Activities Database, as a source of new ideas for development of SCOME activities i. Indicator The database is updated in a collaborative effort between the IT and NOMEs, and shared with members, at least twice a year (2019, 2020, 2021). c. Involve SCOME Related Program Coordinators in the SCOME International Team work, including but not limited to IFMSA meeting preparations, SCOME Webinars and relevant calls for input. i. Indicator: Ensure SCOME related Program Coordinators provide their input in at least 80% of the requested SCOME related calls for input (2019, 2020, 2021).


Indicator: Ensure SCOME related Program Coordinators or Program Representatives are involved in the relevant SCOME Sessions preparations at the General Assemblies (2019, 2020, 2021).

3. Collaboration between Standing Committees IFMSA Standing Committees develop working groups in different overlapping areas and promote collaboration initiatives between them. a. Promotion of work between SCOME and other Standing Committees i. Indicator: 2 joint sessions at each General Assembly and at least 1 Joint Session at each Regional Meeting (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: at least 1 joint Small Working Group with another Standing Committee per term (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Implementation of strategies for joint work and advocacy with other Standing Committees i. Indicator: Development of at least 1 related document or activity per term about joint focus areas with other Standing Committees (2019, 2020, 2021). c. National and Local SCOME activities enrolled in IFMSA Programs together with other Standing Committees i. Indicator: 10% of SCOME active NMOs developed at least 1 national or local activity under overlapping areas between two or more Standing Committees, according to the NMO report (2019, 2020, 2021).

Pillar III: Participation and Representation 1. Ensure maximum representation of all NMOs and Regions across the IFMSA Increase the number of NMOs and Regions currently represented in SCOME and establish efficient communication platforms for members to raise their voice and participate. a. Ensure that all IFMSA Medical Education-related opportunities are shared and promoted in all regions. i. Indicator: IFMSA international SCOME Facebook group share an average of 400 posts related to opportunities and updates each year (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: The IFMSA Global Medical Education Events map is promoted throughout the terms and updated monthly. It contains all external and official SCOME Meetings. (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Ensure that regional communication channels are active and used efficiently. i. Indicator: SCOME regional social media platforms maintained and updated at regular intervals (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) ii. Indicator: Regional online meetings organized twice per term (2019, 2020, 2021). iii. Indicator: Increase in X% of new members and views in the SCOME Regional Facebook groups (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). c. Establish yearly regional priorities, that include both internal and external objectives, that reflect the needs of each region and streamline the work. i. Indicator: At least 1 regional priority with respective goals established each year after consultations with NMOs (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: 75% of the set goals are achieved (2020, 2021). 2. Enhance NMO participation in SCOME related activities (sessions, workshops, etc.) Increase the visibility, understanding and involvement of SCOME-led initiatives by IFMSA members, with a particular focus on reaching non SCOME active NMOs. a. Activate NMOs currently not active in Medical Education. i. Indicator: At least 1 new NMO activated SCOME per term as per NMO report (2019, 2020, 2021).

ii. Indicator: 110 of IFMSA NMOs are active in SCOME (2020). b. Increase members’ participation in Small Working Groups, Medical Education delegations, workshops and SCOME Sessions during IFMSA Official Meetings. i. Indicator: Medical Education related Small Working Groups include members from at least 3 out of 5 IFMSA regions, when 5 or more members are needed (2019, 2020, 2021). (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: At least 55 participants in total attend Medical Education relevant workshops in pre-General Assemblies and pre-Regional Meetings per term (2019, 2020, 2021). iii. Indicator: At least 51 of SCOME-active NMOs with a delegation to the respective meeting, have delegates attending SCOME Sessions during all Regional Meetings (2019, 2020, 2021). iv. Indicator: At least 60 NMOs with a delegation, have delegates attending SCOME Sessions during General Assemblies (2019, 2020, 2021). v. Indicator: Medical Education relevant delegations include members from at least 3 out of 5 IFMSA regions (2019, 2020, 2021).

Pillar IV: Capacity Building 1. Assure the Quality of Medical Education Workshops Assess Medical Education capacity building activities through standardization of the documents. a. Create and consistently update regulations and guidelines for Medical Education workshops in order to standardize them and assure their quality. i. Indicator: all Medical Education workshops regulations and guidelines are updated yearly (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: at least 90% of Medical Education workshops follow the regulations and guidelines (2020). iii. Indicator: the SCOME International team supervises that all the Medical Education workshops follow the regulations and guidelines before issuing the certificates (2019, 2020, 2021). iv. Indicator: Medical Education workshops follow a similar structure in their regulations and guidelines as other Standing Committee and IFMSA workshops (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Create standardized evaluation tools that include assessment and follow up methods for all Medical Education Workshops. i. Indicator: The evaluation framework is ready at the beginning of each term and reviewed at the end (2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: at least 90% of Medical Education workshops use the evaluation tools (2020, 2021). c. Hold a yearly assessment on the global impact of the medical education workshops. i. Indicator: Produce an annual impact report each August Meeting, that summarizes the global impact assessment of Medical Education Workshop (2019, 2020, 2021).

2. Improve follow up and development of medical education advocates

Create an efficient and sustainable follow up system of the Medical Education workshops and activities. a. Create a dynamic tracking sheet for Medical Education workshop participants in order to track and support their progress. i. Indicator: 50% of the participants of workshops implemented after 2017-2018 use the online platform (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Develop indicators to update the TMET trainer database, according to the activity and experience of the members. i. Indicator: The database is categorized by 2019 and it is updated two times per term (2019, 2020, 2021).

3. Increasing the accessibility of Medical Education Capacity Building Continuously develop and update a central resource database that includes open access materials of most fields of work of SCOME. a. Reorganizing and updating the SCOME Public folder. i. Indicator: The SCOME Public Folder is updated by each August Meeting (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: Have a comprehensive document to keep track on the database and the missing materials from the previous term (2019, 2020, 2021). iii. Indicator: All the materials and resources of the SCOME Public Folder are open access or/and free of copyright (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Create more IFMSA tools (manuals, toolkit, webinars and videos) to be shared on the SCOME Public Folder and SCOME communication channels. i. Indicator: At least one new manuals or toolkit and one webinar or video material is created each term (2019, 2020, 2021).

Pillar V: Management and sustainability 1. Implement impact assessment tools in SCOME workshops and activities. SCOME related workshops and international activities will have a pre and post assessment tool, to evaluate the impact that the intervention is having on a defined target group. a. Create a template for pre and post assessment for the SCOME workshops and relevant Standing Committee activities. i. Indicator: Pre and post assessment tools are created by the SCOME IT (2019) and are used in all SCOME related workshops and relevant activities (2019). ii. Indicator: Pre and post assessment tools are used in all SCOME related workshops and relevant activities (2019, 2020, 2021). iii. Indicator: Impact assessment tools are updated and reported by the SCOME IT in each term (2019, 2020, 2021). b. Promote the templates and their implementation with Activity Coordinators and the enrollment in the relevant IFMSA program/s. i. Indicator: Activity Coordinators have access to the impact assessment tools and use them for their local, national or international activities (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: At least 50% of international activities held by National Member Organizations implement the impact assessment templates (2019, 2020, 2021). iii. Indicator: at least 90% of SCOME workshops and related activities are enrolled in relevant IFMSA Program/s. c. Collect reports from Activity Coordinators and related workshops and share the results of the impact assessments and report them in the relevant IFMSA Program.


Indicator: At least once per year, the results from the impact assessment tools used in the SCOME workshops and activities are publicly shared (2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: at least 90% of SCOME workshops and related activities are reported in the relevant IFMSA Program/s. d. Evaluate the impact assessment tools each 2nd year, by the SCOME IT. i. Indicator: The SCOME IT evaluates the impact assessment tools and creates a public report of the results and changes that will be made (2019 and 2021). e. Assess the implementation of SCOME Global Priorities by collecting and analysing the objectives data, to ensure that the set goals are being achieved. i. Indicator: At least 60% of the Global Priorities’ objectives are achieved. 2. Guarantee transparency and accountability in SCOME International Team’s work . The SCOME International Team will share and promote consultations on the documents produced throughout the term, as well as report monthly to the members and share the outcomes of the international meetings. a. Share and promote a call for input for the Annual Working Plan. i. Indicator: The call is shared and promoted in a proper time, considering time for the input collected to be taken into consideration (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). b. Promote consultation and input processes on relevant SCOME documentation. i. Indicator: All considered relevant SCOME documentation is put to consultation and input process (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). c. Share International Team monthly reports through the SCOME server. i. Indicator: The IT monthly report is shared in the proper time frame, through the appropriate channels (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). d. Elaborate and share outcomes for Regional Meetings and General Assemblies. i. Indicator: An outcome document is produced after every international meeting SCOME Sessions and shared through the appropriate channels (2019, 2020, 2021). e. Ensure SCOME’s regulations are properly reviewed and are up to date and coherent with the members views and IFMSA’s work. i. Indicator: Develop a clear and thorough reporting mechanism to be implemented (2020). ii. Indicator: The development of the reporting mechanism is done through consultation with the members or by setting a Small Working Group (2020). 3. Visibility and communication with members and NOMEs Develop and implement a communication plan with members that sets out goals for each of the channels and integrates members at a local, national and regional level. a. Analyze the communication work from the previous terms, understanding the impact of the efforts made. i. Indicator: An impact analysis of the communications is conducted within the first month of the term (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). b. Develop a communication plan and setting goals for each of SCOME’s channels. i. Indicator: A communication plan is elaborated within the first two months of the term c. Implement the communication and reevaluate every 4 months in the term. i. Indicator: An evaluation of the communication plan is conducted every 4 months (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). d. Promote awareness and engagement campaigns amongst SCOME members. i. Indicator: SCOME implements at least 2 campaigns to promote awareness and engagement of members in each term (2019, 2020, 2021).

4. Institutional Memory The relevant SCOME documentation is archived, transmitted and promoted within the committee members, fostering institutional memory. a. Properly archive relevant SCOME documentation in accessible databases. i. Indicator: All SCOME related documentation like manuals, kits, regulations, meeting minutes, discussions, SWG outcomes, among others are uploaded in accessible platforms (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). b. Deliver relevant and accessible SCOME documentation during the SCOME IT handover period. i. Indicator: All the SCOME manuals, kits and reports are shared and accessible for the upcoming International Teams (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). ii. Indicator: Create and/or update the International Team handover manual by the SCOME IT (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). c. Update the SCOME public folder during each term. i. Indicator: The SCOME Public folder is updated once per term (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021). d. Ensure the accountability of the SCOME International Team towards members i. Indicator: Monthly reports are made on time by all the International Team members and shared on the different networks (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021).

6. Timeline 1. March 2018: Sharing the first draft of Strategic Plan 2018-2021 in the SCOME Sessions. a. First round of consultations. 2. April 2018 - June 2018: Final draft of strategic plan 2018-2021 ready and open consultations. 3. August 2018: Adoption of Strategic Plan 2018-2021. 4. October 2018: First AWP based on the strategic plan. 5. August 2019: Assessment of the implementation of the Strategic Plan and report. 6. October 2019: AWP based on the strategic plan. 7. August 2020: Assessment of the implementation of the Strategic Plan and report. 8. October 2020: AWP based on the strategic plan. 9. August 2021: Final Evaluation of the Implementation of the Strategy 2018-2021 and report. a. Adoption of Strategy 2021-2024.

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