Women With Ambition - Issue 7

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An exclusive interview with






” - Rita Catolino 2


LETTER I believe that there is a defining moment in everyone’s life that ultimately shapes their future. That clear, distinctive moment that makes us realize that we deserve more, should be doing more or can become more. It all starts with a dream and a desire to change, followed by consistent action to bring those dreams to fruition. For some of us, it could be living a more healthy and active lifestyle. Or perhaps it’s time to change careers and pursue other endeavors. Maybe moving to a new home, a new city, or even a new country is what will ultimately bring you closer to your heart’s desire. Whatever it is, I believe that the minute we begin to let go of what we thought our life should look like, is this minute we begin to start living the life we are meant for. You don’t need permission to change; To upgrade your standards, elevate your life, and make the life changes necessary to bring you happiness, success, and genuine fulfillment. Our life’s journey is not meant to be lived on one single path so I encourage you to travel, switch direction, and even go off course every now again to see where it will lead you or if you’re destined to end up where you started. Take inventory of your life, your thoughts, and your desires. If you’re not where you want to be or haven’t yet achieved the goals you so eagerly want to attain, it’s time to realign yourself to match the end result you want. Change your habits, change your thoughts, change your physical and emotional state. Starting acting like the person you want to become so that you can begin to live a life that makes you feel good on both the inside and outside. Every small step will get you closer to your dreams and teach you the valuable lessons you need to learn along the way. Don’t rush. Don’t just take a giant leap and hope for the best. If you jump too far, you might miss out on most of the journey, and it’s what we learn along the way that ultimately defines who we become. Every day is a new opportunity. Take time to discover what it is you truly want, and don’t waste another minute wishing for it… start working for it! I believe in you,

LISA AQUILINA Editor-In-Chief of Women with Ambition™ and Founder of Stilettos and a Stroller MAY/JUNE 2018



INTRODUCTION Rita Catolino is a mother, wife, motivational speaker, certified personal trainer, and transformational coach. Her passion, purpose, and perseverance are the driving force behind everything she does and her journey is nothing short of incredible. Through her own personal and professional transformations, Rita knows what it takes to create sustainable change, push past the resistance, and trust the process. Her love for fitness, family, food, and health are the roots of her success and have helped grow her brand organically, as well as globally, to touch and transform the lives of many worldwide. Rita is living proof that it is never too late to start over, switch direction, and create the life of your dreams. It’s not about being easy… it’s about being possible. 4

Who is Rita Catolino and what is your business? I was born into an Italian immigrant family that was all about growth, love, music, food, and culture. Fitness was never a part of my life growing up. I would’ve never thought that I would end up in the health and wellness field as a Transformation Coach for the mind, body and, soul. I followed my parent’s wishes and pursued my secondary education in Spanish Literature and traveled abroad in Europe. I soon met my husband in Spain and decided to throw all of my preconceived notions of what I thought my life would look like out the window. I realized that it’s never too late to switch direction and hone in on who you really are and what you are meant to be.

What inspired you to create your brand? What is your “why?” My daughter is my ultimate “why.” I wanted to teach her through my actions, not through my words, what living a healthy lifestyle was all about. After many years of poor choices and unhealthy habits, I decided to join a gym and immediately became more interested in fitness and leading a healthier lifestyle. Everything good in my life came from that space. I soon discovered that the resistance that helped me push through the weights and reps, was the same resistance I needed to help push me through in life. I grew both personally and professionally and wanted to help create the same success for others. I further educated myself, becoming certified in various areas of fitness and nutrition so that I could begin helping others create the same positive changes. After my own

personal weight-loss and lifestyle transformation and seven years competing in the fitness industry, I wanted to share all that I have learned with others to help them live a more healthy, happy, and sustainable lifestyle. It became my passion and mission to serve and make a difference.

What made you finally pursue your dream and really go for it? So many women were struggling with the same challenges I had struggled with for years and I had the tools and knowledge to help them create sustainable change; physically, mentally, and emotionally. They needed guidance, structure, and a coach to help them every step of the way MAY/JUNE 2018


I’ve always had a fire inside of me since I was born. A burning desire to do more and be more.


and I soon created programs that not only included these elements but also celebrated their accomplishments with a photoshoot. Everything that I did in my life led me up to this point in my life now and I’ve allowed my brand to grow organically. I do what I do because at the end of the day when I am serving others, I’m fulfilling my own needs as well. I love to serve and feel that we all have a purpose in life which ultimately results in being of service to others in some which way or form.

Tell us more about your coaching and training programs. I created a variety of fitness programs that are suitable for different stages of fitness. I offer one-on-one coaching for women who are very new to fitness and health and are looking for guidance on where to begin and how to sustain a healthier lifestyle. I also have programs for women who are very familiar with fitness and eating healthy, however, are looking for that extra push to get them to the next level as a fitness competitor. These programs are very detail oriented as they require a lot of time, tracking, and coaching. What’s been great about including Isagenix as an essential part of my nutrition programs is that my clients can not only enjoy the convenience and health benefits of these amazing products, they also receive additional guidance with customized meal plans and workouts tailored to their specific goals. I’m with them every step of the way.

I see that you’re also quite the chef! When did you develop a passion for cooking and what are your plans? I was born with an apron on haha! I was raised in an Italian household where everything was made from scratch so I learned from a very young age how to cook authentic Italian food. We made everything the good old fashion way and I truly developed a love for food. I still enjoy making wine

with my father every September. Food was a very big part of our family – it wasn’t just about eating, but rather a sense of tradition and culture. So naturally, as I grew up older, I developed even more of a passion for cooking and when I traveled to Spain, I was exposed to even more flavor, culture, and culinary traditions. My husband’s mother is an amazing cook and she taught me so much as well. I’ve spent years learning, practicing, and experimenting in the kitchen. For me, cooking relates back to my passion for serving others. I take pleasure in spending a full day in my kitchen preparing different dishes for my guests just to see their reaction as they enjoy my food. After seven years of competing in the fitness industry and labeling foods “good or bad”, I’ve released myself from such limiting beliefs and learned to truly enjoy and appreciate the beauty in all things culinary.

What is your motivation? Who and what inspires you to keep moving forward? I’ve always had a fire inside of me since I was born. A burning desire to do more and be more. As an entrepreneur, you have to hold yourself accountable and be your own push because there’s no one there telling you what to do and giving you deadlines. When I think of what ultimately motivates me, my family comes first and foremost. Being able to provide financially and give my daughter everything she deserves in life and more is my daily fuel and fire to keep growing. My clients and being able to serve others is another huge source of motivation because I am very passionate about what I do and making a positive difference in people’s lives. And lastly, I use the resistance I receive from others as a source of motivation rather than discouragement. My experiences have taught me to use doubt and disbelief as fuel, and have helped me to produce and perform at an even higher level. It’s my personal way of turning a negative into a positive and pushing myself through all of the resistance. MAY/JUNE 2018


How do you deal with negativity, obstacles, and lack of motivation?

What advice would you give to those who are just starting their health and fitness journey?

I try to turn the negative into a positive and have learned to “bless and release”. This mantra and mindset have allowed me not to get caught up in the negativity and to understand that “it” is always about the other person. The only thing we have control over is our own reactions to life. For example, if the source of negativity comes from me, as we all have those off days, I try to do things that put me back in a positive funnel. Things like working out, spending time with my daughter, or reading a beautiful note from a client will put me back in place of gratitude and abundance almost immediately.

The first thing I would advise is to stop looking at the overall big picture and focus more on daily, sustainable practices that can be used for their entire life. Trying to create massive change all at once is setting you up for failure and cause most people to throw in the towel too soon. Instead, I would suggest choosing one thing to change and implement into your daily lifestyle and when that one thing becomes second nature, then move onto the next. Small, attainable goals always lead to more successful results. One bite, one step, one rep at a time.

I think we all need obstacles because if they weren’t there, we would become complacent. Roadblocks force us to push through and make it out stronger on the other side. I think we all get caught up in the social media versions of people’s lives which of course, always project a sense of “perfect” or “flawless”, and although I try to show the most authentic side of myself, it’s hard to really capture in a single square the real-life obstacles and struggles we all face in order for us to put forth that post. At the end of the day, I truly believe that obstacles exist to teach us lessons and make us stronger.

With so many years of experience in the health and fitness industry, what do you feel is the biggest misconception when it comes to weight loss?

When I’m feeling a lack of motivation, the first thing I do is ask my body what it needs. Do I need movement or stillness? And then I choose the physical outlet that will recharge my batteries and help shift my mindset. The second thing that I do is review my list of to-do’s and although I may not feel like taking action, I quickly realize how much joy all of these things bring me and it helps me to shift gears and puts me in a more motivated state.

If you could change anything about your business journey thus far, what would it be? What would you have done differently? Nothing! 8

I think the biggest misconception is that there is only “one way” that will work for everyone. There are so many diets and fads out there and what may work for your girlfriend, may not necessarily work for you. Results aren’t going to happen overnight, and you can’t expect to have instant gratification. I believe that you have to find what works for you – your body, your lifestyle, and your well-being. We have to tailor our weight-loss goals for what works for us and know that our journey is going to be so different from somebody else’s journey.

What are your future business plans? I plan on continuing to build and grow my team within Isagenix. We are in the process of expanding our team and network within the European market which is extremely exciting for us as Isagenix is expanding in Spain in the near future. I also plan on doing more with my love for food which is to be announced. All very exciting!

I’m a big believer in incorporating “little luxuries” into our everyday lives. When you’re not working, what do you love to do most? What are some of your little luxuries? I love massages! Massage therapy is the ultimate form of relaxation and rejuvenation for me. I also love to walk around a farmer’s market with no agenda or recipe in mind and allow myself to be inspired by the foods around me that are in season. Following the market, I love to come home to

a clean house (must be clean!) with my full groceries bags, turn on my favourite music, pour a glass of wine, and just cook for the rest of the day. That is such a luxury for me. And lastly, what I consider to be a luxury is the quality time I spend with my husband and daughter just enjoying all aspects of life – especially time spent at the beach. There is something about the water and the sand with the sun beaming down on us that always feels like a piece of heaven! MAY/JUNE 2018


From everything that you have experienced thus far in both your personal and professional journey, what are your most important takeaways and life lessons? To stay on your own path no matter how tempting other people’s paths may seem. When doors don’t open, create your own windows. Don’t wait for others to create an opportunity for you – you have to create them yourself. Perseverance is everything! So many people are one second short of success and then they give up. You have to keep going! No matter how long it takes you to get there. If you have a dream and a burning desire, you know in your heart-of-hearts what is meant for you and you owe it to yourself to bring those dreams to fruition.

What is your life motto or favourite quote? “Jump off a cliff and build your plane on the way down.” Action and confidence trump fear and skill. When I first started my fitness journey, I didn’t know how to properly lift a weight – I just showed up and learned along the way. I didn’t wait for somebody to teach me or hire a personal trainer, I just showed up – which is the first and most important step. When you show up in life, that’s half the battle. You can ask questions along the way and learn from your mistakes, but first, you have to show up with an open mind and open heart.

Where can we get more of Rita? Which platform are you most active on? I’m definitely most active on Instagram @ritacatolino which is where I share my dayto-day life. You can also learn more about me on Facebook @ritacatolino, and on my website, ritacatolino.com

Surround yourself with the Rita’s of the world…the women who inspire you daily through their own transparent struggles and triumphs, and their insatiable drive to be more and do more. It’s not just about creating a physical change, but rather a complete life renovation to help you look, feel, and perform your best so that you are able to achieve all that you desire and more. To learn more about Rita and to join her tribe, visit her website and take the first step to a creating a new life and a new you!







When doors don’t open, create your own windows.



Rita’s Nutritous and delicious recipes the entire family can enjoy.


LOAF Ingredients: • 1 cups almond flour • 1/4 cup coconut flour • 1 tsp baking soda • 2 scoops Vanilla Isalean Pro • 1/2 cup shredded coconut • 1 cup applesauce • 4 eggs • 1/4 cup melted coconut oil • 1 tbsp honey or maple syrup • splash of pure vanilla bean or extract

Instructions: 1. Preheat oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Combine first 4 ingredients (dry) in a bowl and mix. 3. In a separate bowl, combine the wet ingredients until smooth. 4. Combine both dry and wet until smooth. 5. Pour into a standard loaf pan lined with parchment paper. 6. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top. 7. Bake for 30 min until toothpick comes out clean and edges are golden. Yields 6 servings. 12


BOWL Blend: 2 scoops vanilla or chocolate Isalean PRO or 1 pack Plant Based Vanilla Chai 1/2 cup water or unsweetened cashew milk (cashew milk provides a thicker consistency) 2-3 ice cubes

Top with choices of: unsweetened shredded coconut variety of nuts cinnamon cocoa nibs 1/4 thinly sliced banana PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter



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