Women With Ambition - Issue 12

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” - Natalia Kern 2

Editor’s Letter There is something so energizing about the summer season. Liberating actually. Aside from the sunny days and dreamy sunsets, this is the season that reveals our harvesting goals and blooming ideas. Where all of the seeds we’ve planted throughout the cooler months begin to blossom and form, proving that our dreams are always in motion even if we don’t see what’s growing under the soil. As we enter into the second half of the year, take inventory of your goals and what’s necessary to move you past the finish line. Sustainable results come from sustainable practises so now is the time to amp up your efforts and take things to the next level. Don’t distract yourself with other people’s accomplishments or get caught up in the comparison game. Stay true to yourself and your vision. You are in this for YOU. And you deserve to see all of your dreams come to fruition so make sure to nourish those seeds and let your dreams bloom to their fullest potential. Live beautifully,

Lisa Aquilina Editor-In-Chief of Women with Ambition magazine and Founder of Stilettos and a Stroller




BEAUTY & GRACE N atalia Kern is recognized globally as a successful fitness model, writer, life coach and multi-faceted entrepreneur. She is a mother of four, two of which are her bonus daughters, and wife to one of the most sought after and renowned internet marketing consultants, Frank Kern. Everything about Natalia exudes beauty and grace. Her insatiable passion for life, love, people and family is evident in everything that she does, and her relentless commitment to excellence is nothing short of admirable. What I love most about Natalia is how real and raw she is about sharing the not-so glamorous times in her life and how much she’s learned through all of her struggles and triumphs. A very transparent, tell-all interview about how she took her painful past and turned it into a prosperous future.



Who is Natalia Kern and what family and couldn’t understand is your brand and business? how the people you’re supposed Professionally speaking, I am a passionate entrepreneur who is continuously creating different products and services in health, beauty, and personal growth spaces, and I’m currently working on my new skincare line. I’m the founder of Quadrants of Happiness; a coaching system for women, and partners with my husband, Frank Kern, with our ad agency. I enjoy every part of this multi-dimensional process because it gives me an opportunity to work with people on so many different levels. In particular, I really enjoy working with women and empowering them in all areas of their life. I believe we are all looking for permission to start living a truly fulfilled life and I’m here to give them that permission and lead by example. Through my coaching program, we explore every area of your life from mind, body to spirit in a systemized way, and learn how to create sustainable rituals that allow you to make decisions from a place of instinct rather than impulse.

to trust the most could treat you a certain way. Because of this, at the young age of eight years old, I started studying everything I could on psychology, astrology, and human behaviour and became obsessed with what motivates or drives a person’s actions. For example, I wanted to understand why some people quit on themselves versus those who have an unbelievable work ethic. My years of studying and searching have made me so passionate about learning languages, working with people, and the art of communication and connection. We all have a dark side and weaknesses or are dealing with difficult things such as depression or anxiety, and I believe we shouldn’t hide these parts of ourselves or rid of them, but rather tame them and use them as fuel. We can use them as leverage to learn more about ourselves and become stronger in all areas of our lives.

What inspired you to explore a career in health and fitness? I was an overweight teenager

What inspired you to create and struggled with an eating your brand? What is your disorder for many years - espe“why”?

cially when I first began modelMy why stems from all the ques- ling. I grew up with very unhealthy tions I had as a child because eating habits and little knowlI had a very tough upbringing edge about proper nutrition. and I was really confused about At that time, it was more about people’s behaviour and choices. survival and making the most of I grew up in a very dysfunctional what we had so my parents fed 6

I believe we are all looking for permission to start living a truly fulfilled life.




us a lot of carbs to “fill us” and I had no idea what that was doing to my body. After years of being unhealthy, my eating disorder began to really take a toll on my health - both emotionally and physically - and I decided it was time to change my habits. I began going to the gym and started lifting weights and my body responded really well to it. People started asking me if I wanted to compete in fitness competitions, which is what exposed me to the world of fitness modeling. At that point, I found the modeling industry very challenging because I was the shortest and curviest model and was constantly being told that I wasn’t good enough. But I loved it, and when you believe in yourself, anything is possible. So, I continuously practised and learned how to take better pictures and develop my confidence. I was determined to excel and find my place in the modeling world, and I did just that! When I moved back to the U.S, I sent out my photos to everyone in the industry and quickly established a successful career in modeling. I created a brand for myself and was relentless in the pursuit of my goals. I won several competitions including Miss. Bikini Universe, and soon after, landed over thirty magazine covers and became a featured columnist within many renowned publications worldwide. I had established myself as a successful model, writer, and business woman and although it took years of hard work, I never gave up on my myself or my dreams.

we tend to lose sight of that inner child. Very often, we go after something we really want – an image, a title, a goal - and we become so obsessed with getting this “thing” that we become disconnected from that little girl. I think as women, we share this in common. But the closer you are to that inner child, the truer you remain to yourself.

What is your motivation? Who and what inspires you to keep moving forward?

What is the most surprising thing you learned throughout your career so far?

My biggest motivation is the little girl who I promised that I would never, ever abandon again - and that’s me. The little girl that left the small town she grew up in and was disconnected from her family with no one to protect her but herself. The little girl who was limitless, who looked into her future with wide opened eyes and knew she could get anything she wanted. She might be timid or not know the “how-to” yet, but she had no doubt in her heart that she could accomplish anything. But as we grow up,

That people care less than I think. We get so worked up about what people think but the truth is, they may talk about you for a minute but then they forget and move on. We think it’s all about us but really, it’s not about us at all. (laughing) This is so liberating because it gives us permission to fail and make mistakes and know that no one really cares. And if they are watching you and waiting for you to fail, it’s because they need to see someone else lead the way and take a chance.

When I look back on where I started, how far I’ve come, and where I want to go, I’ve learned to stop saying goodbye to that little girl, and instead, take her with me and keep her close in my heart as motivation every day.

If you could change anything about your business journey so far, what would it be? I wouldn’t second-guess myself. I feel that mistakes are necessary in life and act like road-signs, telling us which way to go or not to go. I think if we spent less time trying to prevent things and instead, just go for it and see what’s happens, we would learn so much more about ourselves. Every experience, good or bad, whether it’s a toxic marriage, relationship or friendship, shapes us as individuals and helps to create our own blueprint. So often we tend to quit on ourselves when instead, we need to learn how to embrace the challenge. I try to instil this in my children who are watching and learning from me daily as I strive to lead by example. I want my children to look at me and know that anything is possible.



Another very valuable thing that I’ve learned is that we, as women, wear many hats. As we grow, we become wives, mothers, sisters, partners, and entrepreneurs, and so often we want to identify with one thing. But we don’t have to. We don’t have to limit ourselves or our capabilities by fitting into one box. As human beings, we are continuously evolving and becoming. We all long to grow and connect and I believe we really can have it all… because we already do! Everything we want already exists within us. The things we haven’t discovered yet about ourselves are just dormant, and we need to wake them up! We are multi-faceted beings and we need to give ourselves permission to embrace every role - fully and unapologetically.

so supportive, uplifting and loving. They live with an abundance mentality. And usually, the negativity comes from people who are watching you grow into something they never could.

What do you hope that your children say about you?

“She was present.” I want them to experience unconditional love and know that I tried my best to exude that. But I think that’s only possible when you are present, when you truly love and accept yourself, and forgive and free yourself by choosing to let go of all the crap that doesn’t serve you. I am very conscious of the blueprint I’m responsible for my children to model. They’re always watching - how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, how How do you deal with we go after something we’re truly passionate about, how we negativity? deal with conflict, and how we I don’t like it. I’ve realized that once accept others. Specifically, how we again, it’s not about you. We all accept them when they’re not operate from our own perception being easy to accept. Children of the world. People are negative change and go through many for their own reasons or dissatisstages that present challenges. It’s faction in life. Sometimes people important that throughout it all, are intentionally cruel, while they always know they’re loved, others haven’t been taught how to even though you may not like how love by not receiving love. I believe they’re behaving at that time. My that a person who is self-conchildren know that I adore them nected, self-aware, conscious and I want them to see me as their and very accepting of themselves guardian angel. would never impose that kind of negativity onto someone else. What has the journey of being I’ve never heard someone who a step-parent taught you? is happy, fulfilled and successful ever speak poorly about another It’s learning how to put your ego person. Instead, they are always aside. It’s not about you, it’s about 10

We don’t have to limit ourselves or our capabilities by fitting into one box.



them and their lives, and how we influence their lives. Whether we want it or not, we’re responsible for our part in their life. It’s already very difficult for children to go through a divorce. It’s confusing, it’s challenging, and there’s a lot of emotional manipulation that goes on. I went through it as a child and I know how difficult it can be. To me, the most important thing is to be there for them and do whatever is necessary to make it work as a cohesive family. I also believe that how you show up for them is everything. Your part is not to replace their parents, but rather to guide and be their role model and provide them with choices. To lead by example on how you choose to handle conflict and change and to help them navigate through the process and come out stronger. It’s not easy, but it’s a very rewarding journey. I feel very lucky to have been embraced by my bonus-daughters from the very beginning. Our bond as an entire family is a beautiful thing and I’m so proud of our relationship and the young women they’ve become.

target different skin concerns and needs. My inspiration came from understanding that we use on our skin is absorbed and metabolized by our liver and I was tired of looking at these long lists of harmful ingredients. Skincare has become so complicated and I want to simplify it. I don’t believe that we have to compartmentalize products as that’s just marketing. I want to create something more accessible, simplified, safe and effective for women, using only top-quality ingredients and essential oils that deliver superior results. I’m really excited to share my new line soon!

What are some of the little luxuries you love to do for yourself ? I love quiet time. That uninterrupted time where I can “just be” without attending or answering to someone. I love to read a good book and enjoy a pot of tea, or just disconnect from the world and be still with myself.

How do you balance being a mompreneur?

I find the flow and try not to interrupt it. Balance isn’t about reaching a certain point, it’s about being in a fluid state, and I believe that the more flexible we are, “She gave me the courage to go after what I was scared the more momentum we create. You just have to go of.” Very often people are so worried about how with the flow and stay really connected with yourself things sound, so I really try to see past their words so you can push yourself through the highs and lows. and hear what their soul really wants so I can help them go after it. It’s really hard for me to watch What is your favourite life motto? people quit on themselves. I want to encourage Everything starts and ends with you. When we take full them to be more, do more, want more, and to go accountability for everything we do, choose, decide, after everything they truly desire. I want to help consume, or our part in something, we can learn them to believe in themselves and question that so much about ourselves and understand that we inner voice and figure out who it belongs to... them responsible for putting an end to the things we want or someone else? to change. We give so much power to the past when it doesn’t matter anymore. The only reason why it still Tell us more about your new skincare line. exists is because we give energy to it, and we have I’ve always loved skincare and had a desire to create the ability to invest that energy into something that my own brand. I love multipurpose products that supports and fuels us instead.

What do you hope people take away from your words and mentorship?


Where can we find more Natalia? I’m most active on Instagram but I’m available on all social media platforms. I have so many exciting things planned so make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel!

STAY SOCIAL www.NataliaKern.com









t’s no secret that Frank and Natalia Kern share an insatiable passion for family, business, and above all, each other. Together, this dynamic duo are raising a family, creating a global empire and setting a new standard on how to sustain a thriving marriage. As with all things in life, nothing is ever is easy, but with an unshakeable bond and unwaivering faith, these two love-birds teach us that anything is possible if you’re willing to put in the work. Read on as we get up close and personal with Frank and Natalia Kern.





It’s important to never compare your relationship or marriage to anyone else’s or to your past ones.



How did the two of you meet? We met at work. I was a creating fitness products and wanted to learn how to market, and Frank was one of the experts teaching at the event my mentor held in California. It was absolutely unexpected and at first glance, badly timed. Well, I don’t think anybody times such a thing like falling in love, as we both were going through breakups and vowed to ourselves not to date any time soon. We were wrong.

three small children - a huge responsibility. Because of that, we never took for granted our time alone together, as well as the danger of not surviving the trenches of the routine and gradual drifting from each other just because there’s a lot on your plate with kids, bills, jobs, etc. We were consciously entering this union, utterly in love and happy. We promised each other not to give up on ourselves, on each other and never cross the boundaries of our mutual vows.

How did you know you wanted to spend the We both had some non-negotiable things that we rest of your lives together? Frank insists that it was love at first sight, well, at least for him (like a lightning bolt in the movie ‘God Father’ where Mike Corleone meets Apolonia in Sicily… he is very romantic and funny). For me, it was his letters, actual letters he wrote to me and no matter how hard I tried to refuse him, he never took my NOs for an answer. He pretty much proposed to me on our second phone conversation (we NEVER had a date) telling me that he sees me as his wife and the mother of his children. He wanted a son. Nine months later I gave him our first baby son Alexander. So, for me, it was his firm and undeniable commitment, honesty and transparency. He was willing to put everything out there, risking getting hurt and judged, just to show me his intentions and strong will to make it work. It was the act of unconditional love and trust. I didn’t stand a chance. It was meant to be and we made it work.

What are some of the secrets to a successful marriage? Your presence in the marriage. We both had practice marriages prior to ours. We started our marriage with two kids; Frank’s daughters who found themselves in a blended family all of a sudden. And I got pregnant immediately with our son, therefore our family quickly grew with

were very honest about it. Hey, it’s important to state the rules of the engagement before they’re broken. We come from different parts of the world; culture, religion, upbringing, etc. Love is not enough to go through life together - you need to be committed to the work that it takes to keep your love burning. We also believe that it’s so important to never compare your relationship or marriage to anyone else’s or to your past ones. It’s good to learn from your mistakes and apply your lessons going forward. It’s also great to get inspired by people who are successful in their relationships. But don’t let anyone ruin your marriage by constantly projecting their life onto you. Don’t let anyone take the ability to trust and love away from you, and always remember to nourish the connections you want to keep. Where your focus goes, your energy flows, and you are in charge of this process. We attract what we believe we’re worthy of, so dream big and love fully.

Being a blended family is not always easy. How do you make it work? I think it’s never easy whether you are in a blended family or not. Family is a lot of work and a huge responsibility, but it’s the best thing ever! I love being a mom and a wife - LOVE it. We always put our children first and put our egos aside. The only reason people don’t get along in a blended family is EGO. JULY/AUGUST 2019



Exes are exes for a reason, so know those reasons, take mental notes and move on. It’s not easy to co-parent when you’re not on the same page. We have four children together and it’s a process of continuously reminding yourself that I am here to guide and not to control these young souls. Whether I want it or not, I influence them so I choose to give my children a choice - I do my best in demonstrating my values, my standards, and my own choices versus pointing out the mistakes of other parents involved, or even worse, vocalizing my judgment in front of the children. Here’s the thing: no matter what people say, children see EVERYTHING and what they don’t see, they FEEL. Our job as parents and co-parents is to talk the talk and walk the walk you want them to repeat. This is their first behavioural blueprint. It’s not about YOU (parent), it’s about THEM (children). Period.

What made you decide to explore a career together?

a legacy to leave behind for our children and grandchildren. There’s no such thing as complaining about one’s absence or lack of gratitude for each other’s work. We are in it together. We are focused on what we can do instead of how much praise we get for it. However, we never forget to praise each other, show affection and small gestures of love and care, and always acknowledge our efforts!

What do you find to be the most challenging about working together? Nothing really. We don’t drag the business into the bedroom and never bicker about our business. We truly are a team, and when I see Frank being tired or stressed I make sure to remove the stressors if I can, to keep him balanced, where he’s my rock in everything I do. The things to remember are to not drag boardroom issues into the bedroom and have enough stuff to talk about outside of work goals. We have that, and we continue adding more experiences and dreams to the bucket list.

We are a great tandem together. I’ve learned so much from Frank and have been by his side in everything for eight years. It was never my goal to work together unless my input was necessary and of value to our audience. It happened organically and we never looked back.

Also, when we need to go all out and get up super early and work through the night, we buckle up and do that. Flexibility is important in any process of success.

plies our efforts, but also the contribution and value we bring to the market, how we help people on different levels and watching each other backs along the way.

The most important things to Frank and I as a couple is to stay connected, to hear, to see and to acknowledge each other as humans first. Another part is intimacy. A lot of people lose this by comparing themselves to others and by taking each other for granted. We promised each other to never jump out of the car that drives our marriage through life, to never give up and to always stay present in our marriage.

What are some of the most important things to We can attest that working together not only multi- you as a couple, parents and business partners?

What is the best part about working together? We understand each other’s drive and concerns. We’re on a similar schedule that accommodates us both, and we can push each other further in life while protecting each other from negative people, things and choices. We are a team. We are building 18

I have to add physical intimacy. It’s a fundamental language between spouses and we need to practice it daily, where you’re learning to give and receive





pleasure without any inhibition and judgment, freely and openly. This keeps the passion alive and grows love deeper instead of thinner.

forget that, we have each other to cut through the crap and remind each other about our mission.

What are some of your future What would people find the most surprising business plans? about the two of you? Most people who don’t know us are surprised to hear about both of us coming from nothing and building our lives from scratch. Somehow, people expect an explanation for any success in business and love and the ”luck” it takes. And we are both certain that it all takes work, patience and dedication to your love, your craft, and your mission. Another thing that most people don’t know is that Frank was a professional musician and a very good self-taught guitarist, and I can dance and cook my heart out. We are also both ferocious readers. I guess many things would be surprising to an outsiders eye based on where people are coming from, but for us, it is our ”normal” that we are committed to infusing our world with daily magic. It’s all about keeping the feeling of a pleasant surprise between us.

Our main mission is to grow our Advertising Agency www.CardoneKern.com where we are two families, two companies with an incredible team, together helping people to get their message across to their perfect audiences worldwide. We help them grow their businesses and create this massive positive ripple effect that changes the world around us and improves lives of people we work with and the people they help. Our plans are to grow globally to have the ability to help more people around the world. We are also launching a new business, my skincare line, this summer. It’s a very exciting project that we can’t wait to share. No matter what we do, our goal is to help people who need a solution to their problem, and our mission is to improve their business and their life.

How do you balance love, family and work life? How do you “tune out the noise” with being in How do you find time for Frank & Natalia? such a competitive industry? We try to not engage in it, to begin with. Between the two of us, we have over 32 years of experience in this industry and after being in this industry for over twelve years, and for Frank, twenty years, one thing we’ve learned is to never assume that the grass is greener on the other side. It’s greener where you water it and it’s never about what you have and how you look, it’s about HOW ARE YOU GOING TO HELP YOUR AUDIENCE. So, if you don’t waste your time on over thinking about how people might perceive you and spend your efforts on creating value, it’s hard to pay attention to any drama. Singular thinking and massive action taking is our motto in life. And, whenever we happen to 20

We schedule our time alone and like to stay in. It may not sound like much, but we are very romantic on our dates. We are very disciplined about the things that are non-negotiable when it comes to growing as a human, as a person, as a mommy and wife, papa and husband. For example, I wake up, work out, plan my work and attend to things that need my undivided attention before my kids wake up. I have a great team. Any woman who wants to conquer her business and life goals need to become a CEO of her household first and learn to delegate and to stop micro-managing. I believe that balance is a fluid state that requires clarity about your direction in life and goals, focus on your priorities, boundaries


We promised each other to never jump out of the car that drives our marriage through life, to never give up and to always stay present in our marriage.




around what keeps you aligned, and staying vigilant in protecting those boundaries. Frank and I get to play while working and contributing, building connections and wealth for our family by helping others to do THAT first. Our kids are with us most of the time, watching and learning the HOW and establishing their own WHY. What helps us with parent-guilt is a laser focus on whatever we are doing at the moment. When we are on a date, we are not diluting it with phones or other distractions; when we are with children, we are WITH children playing, talking, hanging out; when we are working, we are working until we are done or until we run out of time. Discipline is paramount in having all the freedom to do whatever you want in life.

Is there anything you would change about your business journey so far? We wouldn’t change anything. Of course, we want to have everything immediately, like any other human, but practicing discipline and patience daily is the way to go for us. We have very big goals so everything needs to be structured properly and reflect the standards of our brand. The only advice we’d give anyone who’s starting or on a similar journey is don’t wait - do it, act now and learn ferociously and never give up!

My role is to help him do THAT and not distract him with anything that chips away from his magic by being his partner in business and in life. I take care of the household, children and our staff. I don’t need him to come back home at six or to buy groceries or do anything domestic. I married a hunter and I want him to hunt. I’ve got the rest. I’m a woman and it’s my superpower. When we respect each others spirit, we don’t try to tame it, control it or cage it. I need a man who can run with me not control me, luring me into the golden cage. I always wanted a partner, an equal, and someone I could respect and admire, who would be secure enough to want the same traits in his woman. It’s in his DNA to provide and protect, it’s in my DNA to nurture and grow the crops we plant and harvest together, as a team, and as a family. Knowing our roles helps us to not only be very productive in life but also helpful with each other’s responsibilities. This allows us to have fun with the time that is freed by not running in circles around each other and trying to do and be everything for everyone at once all by yourself. It’s unnecessary. Divide and conquer instead, and choose to be a team and a team player you’d be happy to play alongside while building a life worth living.

What advice do you have for other couples wanting to partner in business? Make sure your partner is on the same page with you and find your roles in your tandem. Roles are very important. My unique ability and skill is communication and connecting with people. I love talking to people and working with them one-on-one or in a crowd. Frank is an introvert, he’s a master of systemizing the business process, he’s arguably (I wouldn’t though) the best copywriter and ad man in the world today. 22

TO LEARN MORE ABOUT FRANK AND NATALIA, PLEASE VISIT: www.frankkern.com @frankkern www.nataliakern.com @nataliakern www.cardonekern.com @cardonekern


Frank always says, “I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.



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