Women with Ambition - Issue 9

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Featuring CTV’s The Social




” - Melissa Grelo 2


LETTER “Leap and the net will appear.” These words continue to ring in my ear after my interview with the fabulous Melissa Grelo. I think that we can all agree that our lives are not always meant to go in one direction - especially when it comes to our careers. Sometimes we become so consumed with discovering our passion and purpose that we overlook the very experiences that exist in our present that are grooming us for our future. TRUST. THE. PROCESS. It’s not always easy but it is necessary in order for things to unfold as they are meant to. It’s human nature that once we determine our goals and what we want to see happen, we immediately begin to want everything to happen at rapid speed and are disappointed when things don’t seem to be happening as fast as we’d like them to. But what we need to remember is that all good things take time. They truly do. Some doors don’t open because what’s on the other side is not meant for us. In the moments that we feel rejected, we need to view it as being redirected to something better. Maybe there are lessons you still need to learn before reaching the next level. Maybe you are meant to go left instead of right and the resistance you’re feeling is the universe trying to steer you in the right direction. The clearer you become about what you really want out of life, the faster the universe will begin putting things in motion that align with your deepest desires. Try not to be in such a hurry for everything to happen at once. Enjoy each step, take in every experience, and in times of doubt, choose faith over fear. What is meant for you will never pass you. With Love, Lisa

LISA AQUILINA Editor-In-Chief of Women with Ambition™ and Founder of Stilettos and a Stroller




INTRODUCTION Women supporting women. We see it in quotes, in print on clothes, on social media, and the list goes on. But what does it mean to be a woman truly supporting another woman? Who better to ask than a remarkable gem like Melissa Grelo who shares the stage with an amazing group of women daily, who is a partner and co-founder of marQ, and a wife and mother to a little girl who she strives to inspire and empower in all ways possible. It was Melissa’s turn to be the guest of honor as we got up close and personal about the highs and lows of television, personal growth, family life, and entrepreneurship. An interview that will leave you with great advice, new perspectives, and what it takes to be a woman with ambition.


Who is Melissa Grelo and what is your brand and business? Melissa Grelo is a daughter, wife, mother, a host (CTV’s The Social and Your Morning), entrepreneur and friend. I’m as complex as most women in the sense that I live a relatively simple life, but in that life, I have to wear many different hats. I am a lot more like every other woman than what most people think, with the exception that I have a very visible job on television that I love very, very much. As a professional, I am extremely ambitious and very focused. I pride myself on being very ethical in all areas of my profession and always aim to do things with heart.

What inspired you to explore a career in television? Television was never something that I aspired to venture in, and I’m still amazed that I have pursued over ten years in this career. Growing up on a horse farm, we were very busy working with little time to watch T.V., and with having only a few channels to choose from, it was never a big part of our life. Fast forward to my young adult years, I pursued a career in education as a teacher; however, I soon discovered that being a teacher was not fulfilling a passion. I knew that I was meant for something more and broadcasting in journalism seemed to tick a lot of the boxes. I was a news junkie, I really enjoyed reading and writing, and

I was able to apply my skill set as a teacher to this new role making the transition so much easier than anticipated. Within 6-9 months after beginning my post education in broadcasting, I knew I had found my passion. There’s a saying; “Leap, and the net will appear.” and I just kept saying that to myself throughout the entire journey.

How do you find the transition between Your Morning and The Social? I don’t do Your Morning every day, so it has become a lot easier, however, when the show did launch, and I was apart of it daily, I realized that it was “mental game” and preparation was vital. If I am well prepared, I can handle almost anything. For example, when I was very active with Your Morning leading up to the Royal Wedding, I had to make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to be able to bring my best foot forward. I was going to bed much earlier, I made sure I was working out every single day for stress management and clarity, SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018


The mind is a muscle and every day I get to exercise it in ways that I can’t even predict with women who I truly respect.


I ate well, and I had the amazing support from my husband and daughter who are very understanding throughout these busier times. It’s so important to know what your mind and body need to perform at your sharpest and for me, it’s all about eating well, working out well, and sleeping well.

What do you love the most about being a Co-Host on The Social? There is so much that I love! I think one of the things that I love the most is the mental gymnastics that I get to engage in every day. As someone who needs to be on the cutting edge of everything from current events, news, Olympics, gossip, etc. and this also being an essential element of my job and role, I really enjoy engaging not just with the material, but also with the other incredible women who will have their own opinions, perspectives, and views. The mental gymnastics comes from being challenged and debating daily with people who help bend your mind and create a new way of thinking. I learn something new from my co-hosts every day, and I’m truly grateful for these experiences. The mind is a muscle and every day I get to exercise it in ways that I can’t even predict with women who I truly respect. I also love the fact that what we discuss on the show fires up conversation and debates amongst our viewers and I love that we are opening up views and perspectives this way as well. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to argue without anger, allow yourself to be challenged, and practice the art of compromise.

When you first began The Social, did you have any reservations about opening up about your life? Yes, definitely! I still have to weigh how much I’m going to share and not share with the audience every single day. While I feel like I’m mostly an open book, a lot of personal stories involve other people, and they may not feel comfortable with

me sharing intimate details of their lives. The authenticity of the show comes from just that – being authentic. We’ve all lived through interesting experiences and sharing those on air helps connect us with our viewers. In return, they share equally amazing stories of triumph, challenges, and joy! We’ve created a beautiful community through mutual disclosure.

Who would you love to have as a guest on the show? So many people! Especially in the political realm. I would love to have Hilary Clinton on the show because she is a pioneer in so many ways to me. I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to making that happen. From the royal world, I welcome any royal member anytime! From the political world, I would love to have the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. She is a very powerful, unwavering, stoic woman and I would love the opportunity to pick her brain on The Social the second she leaves politics and is allowed to spill the beans!

What is the most surprising thing you’ve learned throughout your journey in television? The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know. Television is a very cut-throat industry in some respects, and ego can play a big role in that. There’s a dose of “know-it-all-ism” that can take over some people, and although confidence and having a thick skin is very important in the television world, I hope I never lose the humility and ability to have an open mind. There’s always so much more to learn, and I believe that the minute you feel you’ve learned it all, you’re actually creating an endpoint for yourself.

What inspired you to create your children’s clothing line, marQ? The inspiration behind marQ goes back to very early on in my pregnancy when I discovered the gender of my baby. I was sure that I was having a SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018


boy because of the “masculine vibes” I was feeling, however, when we found out I was having a girl through genetic testing, I was really surprised. I suddenly had this moment where I realized; “As a woman myself, I would be a role model for my daughter and I took that responsibility to heart.” When I began shopping for my daughter, I realized very quickly how far we haven’t come with regards to gender-wars. A baby store is a perfect example of the clear expectations that are set for boys and girls and this really disturbed me. The whole idea of “pretty like mommy, strong like daddy” really stood out to me and I didn’t support this underlying narrative that was already in place for these little beings who could barely even see yet. So I decided to challenge this age-old concept of “blue is for boys and pink is for girls” and created a gender-neutral line of clothing that allows kids to be defined by who they are, not what they are wearing. A line of high quality, stereotype-free, ethically inspired clothing that will enable kids to leave their own mark. Children will naturally gravitate towards what they love so why not let them discover that on their own. 8

What do you hope Marquesa says about you when she gets older? I hope that she says that I gave her critical thinking skills that surpassed what the world was telling her that she should or shouldn’t be as a girl and as a woman. I hope that she says; “My mother really opened up my eyes to the world and to my options.” Not just in regards to career paths, but also in the way she thinks about things. I want her to use these critical thinking skills to be able to decide for herself and make up her own mind about things, and not just be influenced by the media or be bound to the expectations that others or society has of her. To always ask questions and never lose the ability to wonder and discover.

If you could change anything about your business journey thus far, what would it be? What would you have done differently? This is an interesting question to answer because if I knew how challenging some moments of early entrepreneurship would have been, I may have

been spooked from taking the leap in the first place! I love the saying, “To begin, begin.” It’s so daunting and yet so simple. Just do it! Perhaps the only thing I would have done differently is sought out one or two mentors from within the business of clothing manufacturing. My business partner Shayna Haddon and I made a few very expensive mistakes at the beginning of our journey - mistakes that a seasoned veteran could have warned us about. Luckily, we learned a hard lesson and were still able to continue past it. “There is no such thing as a mistake, only a lesson learned.” Truth!

What are your future business plans? As I answer this, I’m preparing for a HUGE meeting that could steer marQ into the next year. Our business has shifted to mostly wholesale, and we are absolutely loving this! We have wonderful retail partners across Canada who carry our clothing line, and we want to continue reaching our customers in this way. Wish me luck because you may just see marQ in a very large national retailer in the near future!

What advice would you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting out? The idea of entrepreneurship and being your boss can be very alluring and dreamy, as it should be in the beginning stages, but it’s very important to do your research. Take time to discover who your competition is, what’s involved, and if your idea is redundant. You have to have a heavy dose of reality before jumping in and be open to the pros and cons. Entrepreneurship is a significant commitment on many levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and financially, and it will affect all other areas of your life as well. There’s dreaming when you’re asleep, but you have to do the work when your awake and it’s so important to know what you are stepping into. Secondly, if you are planning to go into business with someone, whether it is a business partner or investor, it’s important not to get caught up in the dream and the idea of everything being fun and

new. You have to know that business partnerships are often a surefire way of ending friendships so take your time and have tests runs. Really understand what you are getting into because it’s not an easy process. It’s so important to remain realistic, open and honest throughout the whole process and in the end, if your business plan seems to be solid and you pull through these tests runs successfully, that’s when you can start to hit “go.” Don’t put the cart before the horse.

How do you deal with negativity, obstacles, and lack of motivation? Dealing with negativity is all about resilience, and luckily, I’ve built up a lot of that working in television. Resilience and coping with negativity forces you to always go back to your WHY: Why did you decide to start this business? If there is ever negativity, either from within the business or from outside forces, revisiting your mission statement helps almost every time. Obstacles are inevitable, and I give all credit to my business partner for being one of the best problem-solvers I’ve ever met! She never sees obstacles, only a problem to solve and she’s the best at that. I rely on her heavily when we come up against a challenge. It’s always about the workaround. Identify the problem then come up with creative solutions that satisfy everybody involved. It’s also about creating an empowering narrative and reframing the issue. For example: if we are having trouble finding a great fabric for a new clothing item, we say things like, “The perfect fabric is out there, but we just haven’t found it yet. Let’s take our time and do it right. Nobody is in a race. Our customers deserve the very best.” The things you tell yourself are very powerful. Luckily, there is no lack of motivation to work on marQ, only a lack of time!!! Shayna and I are both mothers with demanding full-time jobs outside of marQ, so a lack of time actually motivates us more to do as much as possible when we get together. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2018


Also, having a daughter and a son between us that we must dress every day keeps us very motivated to create great designs that they (and we) will love. There is nothing more satisfying than creating something from nothing and watching it come to life – whether it’s a child or a great new sweater!

How do you balance being a mompreneur? I don’t think there is such a thing as balance - you just have to juggle. I think it’s just a matter of prioritizing what needs to be dealt with right now and tackling one thing at a time. I don’t believe in multitasking because I’ve learned that you’re not ever giving something 100% and therefore, never completing something very well. Don’t get me wrong, I still try to juggle ten things at once, but you soon realize that to be truly productive and present, you have to choose one role or task over the other. Setting healthy boundaries and having strong time management is so vital in order to complete what needs to get done while receiving the support from your loved ones to help make that happen. So I’ve let go of the idea of “balance” and focus more on allocating the right amount of time, creating those boundaries, and staying focused on the task at hand.

I’m a big believer in incorporating “little luxuries” into our everyday lives. When you’re not working, what do you love to do most? What are some of your little luxuries? Partaaaaayyyyy! Anybody that knows me knows that I love letting loose with my girlfriends. I love going to clubs, I love to dance, and I love to have fun. It’s a way to reconnect with my past-self and the things that brought me a lot of joy. I think everyone needs to recharge their battery and fill their soul with the things that make them happy and that are just for them. I love to travel! Although it is not a little luxury, it is definitely a necessity for me. I work hard, I play hard, and I love to relax hard. Every time we plan 10

a trip, I see it as a reward and something that gets me through the more robust periods. Traveling is truly a privilege and a luxury for me. And lastly, when I’m in need of stress relief or time to decompress, I love to be out in nature. I’m fortunate that my family owns a horse farm because I love to go for a ride, or a hike, or spend time with the horses and take in all the beauty around me. It’s the little, simple things that help us to reset.

What is your favourite life motto or quote? I often use; “Fail to plan, plan to fail.” I also frequently reference the saying; “You cannot pour from an empty cup.”

With such a thriving career and being such a positive influence to so many, what do you hope people take away from your words? What would you want your audience to say about you? Everyone is far more alike than different. Our struggles are pretty much all similar, if not the same. Nobody is any better or worse off, whether they are on television or not. On some level, I have the same struggles, the same challenges, and the same triumphs as everyone else does at home, and I believe that comparison is the thief of joy. Especially in today’s day and age, it’s so easy to get caught in the trap of comparing our lives to others and thinking that someone else’s life is so much better or more glamorous than our own. We are all just people trying to do our best.

Where can we get more of Melissa? Which platform are you most active on? I am very active on social media, so please follow me along on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. You can also catch me on THE SOCIAL weekdays at 1 p.m. (2 p.m. AT) on CTV, and on YOUR MORNING weekdays at 6 a.m. ET on CTV, CTV GO, and CTV News Channel.

Melissa’s journey is a beautiful reminder that it is never too late to change direction. There is always something to be learned. The only limits that exist are the ones that we create for ourselves. Believe in yourself with unwavering faith and you can achieve anything. Where there is passion, there is possibility so dream big, work hard, and never underestimate the power of a determined heart.

STAY SOCIAL WITH MELISSA @melissagrelo @melissagrelofanpage @melissagrelo



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