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On-Site Shooting

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Avoid Deadly Techniques!

Avoid techniques such as these to keep your shots high-quality and visually appealing:


+ Firehosing — panning all over the scene

+ Rule-of-thirds — don’t place every subject in the center of your frame unless otherwise specified

+ Backlighting — too much light falling on the background instead of on the subject

Preparing for Video Shoot Day

The key piece for creating a great professional video is making sure that your footage collected is also of sound quality. Properly lighting and shooting your subject is integral for having an engaging video. Here are some key points to keep in mind when shooting:

+ Plan your shoot! If you are going to have multiple subjects, make sure you have the appropriate equipment to accomodate them. For example, if you have two people speaking on camera, you should have 2 lavalier mics for each person, a boom mic for natural sound, and a ZOOM to capture audio with a memory card.

+ For selecting an ideal studio location, make sure it is a quiet, clean setting. Avoid windows if possible because sunlight can cause unflattering light on (cont)

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