Children's Partnership Newsletter 2008

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September 2008

PPartnership Newsletter Stirling Children’s

Dear Partner, Welcome to the third edition of Stirling Children’s Partnership Newsletter, which we hope you will find informative and accessible. Stirling Children’s Partnership Newsletter is produced twice a year. The newsletter seeks to share important news and developments with you from both national and local level, to disseminate research, thinking and practice, to highlight news of developments in your organisation and to celebrate your successes. As you will see in this edition, we have items from playgroups, from partners in health, from SPPA, SCMA and Homestart. We have information on Stirling Council’s Children’s Information Service, from the Care Commission, Playwork and Business Gateway. We have included information on national research initiatives such as Growing Up in Scotland, and we have shared information on the exciting Health Promoting Early Years Establishments pilot being taken forward by Stirling Council Children’s Services. Keep in touch with these and other developments by reading this newsletter and accessing the Stirling Children’s Partnership website

Contents Health Promotion < Research <

Stirling Childrens Partnership News < Commissioned Partners News < CHIS <

This is a busy and exciting time for the Stirling Children’s Partnership as it revises its Framework for Action, taking into account national developments such as the Early Years and Early Intervention Framework, changes to Care Commission regulation, Curriculum for Excellence and local developments on out of school care, early years health and workforce development. We look forward to continuing to update you on these and other areas of importance, and the newsletter is one way of doing this.

Out of School Care <

And finally, as always, in order for the newsletter to truly meet your needs, we need to hear from you and to receive your contributions, whether these be articles, key issues, or news items at strategic or service delivery level.

Integrated Inspection <

Let us know what you think - we are interested in your news and your views on both the newsletter and the website – please share these with us, by contacting Elizabeth Foster, Children’s Partnerships Officer on

Juliet Hancock Senior Early Childhood Link Officer

delivering quality services

Homestart < SCMA < SPPA <

Opportunities & Training <


Stirling Area Health Promoting Nursery Pilot 2006 – 09 This innovative Health Promoting Nursery Pilot being undertaken by Stirling Council Children’s Services has now reached the halfway mark, and findings to date, along with learning points have been recorded fully in the Interim Review Report (February 2008). The original three early years participating establishments have been joined by a further three, creating a representative range of establishments, which includes two playgroups, two Council standalone nurseries, a private sector provider and nursery class. The final report is due for publication in December 2009, by which time a great deal of knowledge will have been gained on working with and exploring health issues for very young children in their own terms. For further information and copies of the Interim Review Report please contact Elizabeth Foster, Children’s Partnerships Officer on

Health Promoting Nursery - Quality Assurance Criterion for Partnership Autumn 2009 Stirling Council Children’s Services is committed to working in partnership to support the provision of early years education and is conscious also of its responsibility to ensure that children and families in Stirling have access to the highest quality of service possible. The annual partnership registration process, therefore, is rigorous and from autumn 2009 will include an optional “Health Promoting Nurseries” criterion, which will require the development of a rolling 3 year plan to address national early years health priorities, for which a self evaluation toolkit has been developed. Further information from Elizabeth Foster, Partnerships Officer on

Healthy Start for Dunblane’s Youngest Children Children and Playleaders at Dunblane Pre-school Play Association are looking forward to a healthy year ahead as they take part in Stirling Council’s pilot to become a Health Promoting Early Years Establishment. The playgroup, based at Braeport Centre, Dunblane has 5 health priorities for 2008/09: l l l l l

To involve parents in taking forward health promotion priorities To develop links with other agencies To enhance a physical development programme To develop a healthy eating programme To investigate the “Tooth Brushing Programme” in practice

The playgroup has a well-equipped garden and hopes that the children can grow their own fruit and vegetables from seed this year as part of the healthy eating programme. There are a lot more ideas, but playleaders are looking for parents to become involved and would like to visit other playgroups that have health initiatives in place to share ideas and best practice! If you can help or would like to get involved please contact Morag Campbell at Dunblane Pre-school Playgroup 07751976903 or email:


Do you know about GUS? Beginning in April 2005, Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) is an ongoing longitudinal research project tracking the lives of a cohort of Scottish children from the early years through childhood and beyond. The purpose is to elicit information predominantly to support national policy-making but also for use by local Councils, service providers and the wider community. What Scottish parents know, think and feel about a range of important topics such as Childcare, pregnancy, and early parenting are reported in a series of linked, accessible research reports, which can be visited on the web at and Search GUS.

Stirling Community Health Partnership Implementation Group Developing a Breastfeeding Support Programme Plan In terms of reducing health inequalities, the social patterning of breastfeeding poses considerable challenges for Scotland. Whilst 78% of Scottish mothers who have partners in non-manual occupations initiate breastfeeding at birth, this compares with only 56% of mothers whose partners have manual occupations and 47% of those in the most deprived households. Stirling reflects this national trend. In Stirling, a Community Health Partnership Implementation Group has been established, with a number of key objectives: l To promote development of breastfeeding friendly nurseries in a health promoting nursery context.

l To disseminate Breastfeeding Policy and support its implementation l To develop the Peer Mothers Project in one Regeneration area l To identify priorities for policy implementation in rural areas. Related to these objectives, and based on the NHS Forth Valley Parents Guide to the Policy on Breastfeeding, the Implementation Group is taking forward a piece of work over 18 months, asking local mothers: l what would/does support and encourage mothers to breastfeed?

l how this can be supported? l what would/does prevent and discourage mothers from breastfeeding? The work is centred around Hillview Nursery in the Cultenhove area, which provides a key setting for health improvement activity, is currently a pilot health promoting early year’s establishment and has identified breastfeeding as a priority for partnership work within its action plan. It is hoped that by developing the topic of breastfeeding, with the support of a nursery which adopts a health promoting settings based approach, the numbers of women choosing to breastfeed can be increased in a population group which experiences health inequalities. Further information from Anne Currie, Public Health Practitioner on or from the Children’s Partnerships Officer on

STIRLING CHILDREN’S PARTNERSHIP (SCP) After several years addressing the Framework for Action 2005-08, Stirling Children’s Partnership is at a point of change. Nationally, we await the publication of the new National Framework for Early Years and Early Intervention, due November 2008. Locally, Stirling Council will shortly produce, For Stirling’s Children, the Partnership Plan for Children’s Services in Stirling for the next 3 years. Within Stirling Children’s Partnership there have been several changes of personnel. Heather Douglas, Service Manager within Children’s Services in Stirling Council for the last 12 years, has moved to take up the post of Principal Officer (Early Years) with Glasgow City Council. Joan Savage, Service Manager within Children’s Services and Stirling Children’s Partnership chair for the last 3 years, has moved to a new post within Stirling Council Children’s Services. Juliet Hancock, who many of you will know from her work as Link Officer and previously with Learning and Teaching Scotland, has been appointed as Senior ECLO, and is now leading on areas of work previously undertaken by Heather and Joan. In the light of these changes, the process to appoint a new Chair of Stirling Children’s Partnership is now well underway. In the course of the last year, Stirling Children’s Partnership maintained a close focus upon: l workforce development and expansion, particularly in the light of the new BA Early Childhood Practice Requirements; l sustaining and developing out of school care; l grading and inspection by the Care Commission; l health developments and the potential for interagency co-operation and collaboration; l early childhood service mapping and needs assessment across the Stirling area There were also individual presentations on Childminding and the work of Job Centre Plus. Stirling Children’s Partnership will continue to pursue its roles: l To act as the Strategic Advisory Group for Early Childhood and Out of School Care, and l Building and Sustaining Capacity within the Early Years and Out of School Care Sector Stirling Children’s Partnership looks forward to sharing information with you through the newsletter and a re-launch of the Stirling Children’s Partnership Website, which can be found at stirlingcp, and which will be reported on more fully in the next Newsletter.

COMMISSIONED PARTNERS Quality Assurance Criteria for Partnership Partner providers with Stirling Council attend 3 meetings each academic year to address items of business and development and to have an opportunity for networking. Last year, the meetings focused on the revised quality assurance assessment process, which introduced several new quality assurance criteria including Information and Communication Technology, Transition and ECO establishments, and the new Quality Assurance Criteria for Partnership Portfolio. Completion of the Portfolio by Partner establishments represented a major change in the assessment process and was welcomed and reviewed positively by Partner providers. Feedback on the new process will be reviewed internally and discussed at the first Commissioned Partners meeting, scheduled to take place from 7.00-9.30pm on 5 November.

Stirling Children’s Information Service (ChIS) The Stirling Children’s Information Service has been established for almost 10 years. It not only acts as a Public Information Service for parents, carers and those seeking work within the childcare sector, but also provides a service for the providers of childcare within the Stirling Council area. ChIS informs parents and carers on: Child minders Nurseries l Playgroups l Out of School care l Play Activities and Events




As well as signposting parents to voluntary and national organisations, which are involved with families and young children, ChIS holds details on Training Opportunities, Jobs within the Childcare Sector, Advice Helplines and much more! Without up-to-date information and advice, it is hard for parents and carers to choose the right childcare option It is imperative, therefore, that if you are a child care provider you inform the Service of changes to your provision such as: l l l l l l

Commissioned Partners Meetings meet with Approval In a recent survey, Commissioned Partners were asked for their views on the format and focus of Commissioned Partners meetings which, in addition to the quality assurance criteria and process, last year included health and safety issues, forthcoming SSSC requirements and the Curriculum for Excellence. The outcome of the survey was very positive. In light of the results, Commissioned Partners Meetings will be held again at a range of times in a central location and, in addition to the planned programme for 2008-09, Partners will be invited to suggest and present on further topics of interest as they arise in the course of the year. For a list of commissioned partners, please turn to back page.

Crèches Parent & Toddler Groups l Stirling Children’s Partnership l Family Support & Community Childcare Initiative


Crèches Parent & Toddler Groups Stirling Children’s Partnership Family Support & Community Childcare Initiative Age ranges you can look after Maximum number of places you are registered for Information on whether you provide before and after school care, and which local schools you can collect from

Changes to your provision i.e. opening times/costs/staff qualifications etc. l Two-way contact regarding any vacancies you have or letting the Service know if you have NO vacancies (this could save enquirers contacting you unnecessarily) l

How does it work for a Childcare Provider? Once fully registered the Children’s Information Service can offer providers: FREE marketing and publicity Funding information l Information on Training Opportunities l l

Recruitment Support/Job vacancies in childcare l Regular updates of play events and activities l Signposting of enquirers to childcare services l

The number of calls to the Information Service is growing each year. With a dedicated helpline number and email address, as well as a Website, the Children’s Information Service is more accessible than ever and its main aim is to provide good quality and accurate information for everyone involved in or seeking childcare. Further information from June Campbell, Children’s Information Officer: Call 01786 442626 Email: Website:


Charity gets a new look Support and friendship for families

Out of School Care (OSC) Autumn 2008 OSC is back in the swing of things after the summer break. Following Joan Savage’s move to a new post within Stirling Council Children’s Services, Janet Gowran, whom many of you will know from her extensive work with PlayServices, has assumed the role of Team Leader and can be contacted on OSC network has a busy programme of activities planned for the coming months. A new Manager’s Forum will meet termly to discuss issues, share information and provide mutual support. At the first session, Anne Emerson Smith led on training, whilst Anne-Marie Mackin discussed the provision of support. Diane Davidson is replacing Anne Watson in providing OSC admin and can be contacted at 01786 430120 or on Planned Training includes “Working with Boys”, first aid sessions for Childcarers and “Loose Parts” play. Training for committees is being developed, and a 3-part Playwork training course will include one session, which will be suitable for committee members as well as Playwork staff. Individual Learning Accounts, which can pay up to £200 pa, are being explored to help pay for training. For the second year, clubs have been working on the “Quality Counts” Quality Assurance scheme. The application period has closed for Additional Resources funding, which is linked to the Quality Assurance framework and includes support visits from Anne-Marie Mackin or Margery Mansell. Susan Rodger of PLUS will be visiting groups to explore the best ways of supporting children with additional support needs in their settings. A new National Progression Award pilot is scheduled to begin early in 2009, as a focused, useful way to support inexperienced staff towards SVQ3. Further information from Anne-Marie Mackin, OSC Development Officer on or

Along with Home-Start branches across the U.K, Home-Start Stirling has a new logo, to help position Home-Start in a distinctive, fresh way in the eyes of supporters, volunteers, funders and the public, and to reflect its friendly, inclusive, family-centred approach. “…Home-Start volunteers visit families at home, supporting parents in situations as diverse as isolation, bereavement, multiple births, illness, disability or who are just finding parenting a struggle. They provide non-judgmental, practical and emotional support and help to build the family’s confidence and ability to cope…” Further information from Home-Start, 6 Munro Road, Stirling FK7 7UU, call 01786 445314

Useful Websites The Scottish Social Services Council Care Commission Scottish Executive Skills for Health NES (NHS Education for Scotland) NHS Scotland Learning and Teaching Scotland


News New Childminding Development Officer

Mairi Macleod has taken over the role of Childminding Development Officer covering the Stirling Council Area. Mairi has worked with the Scottish Childminding Association for 8 years and has lots of experience in all matters relating to childminding. Mairi s role is to provide a service for Childminders, Parents and other interested parties; developing and promoting childminding as a quality childcare service. Mairi can provide support and information as well as promoting and providing training. If you have any childminding queries please contact Mairi on 01796 481667 or

Self Assessment & Grading

The SCMA forum has been inundated with messages from childminders who have already had their inspection. Most of them have been extremely positive about their experiences of the new grading system, which was introduced by the Care Commission in April 2008. To aid childminders through the change, SCMA have been providing workshops throughout Scotland, with several being held in Stirling. Information on the new system has also been relayed through SCMA website and briefing sheets. More information can be found on

Fire Prevention

The Chief Fire Officers Association have issued new guidance on fire safety in domestic childminding premises. The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 places a duty of care in relation to fire safety. In the case of childminding this duty of care lies with the childminder. In most cases the guidance will be little different from current practice and childminders should check with their Care Commission Officer and Fire Safety Officer before making any changes. The guidance can be downloaded from

SCMA AGM & Conference

Sat 25th October 2008, Ayr Racecourse, Ayr To reflect the growing diversity of Scotland s population, the theme for this year s conference is Culture. It is not uncommon to hear more than five languages in school playgrounds in Scotland, not to mention numerous different dialects. How we continue to meet the needs of such a diverse cross section of children and families within our communities requires us to understand and celebrate cultural differences. The conference will offer you the opportunity to share in debate regarding how developing knowledge and skills in the use of storytelling, drama, music and food will enhance children s learning experiences. Booking forms can be downloaded from

SPPA continues to support 10 registered providers of early years care and education in the Stirling area, 5 of which are partner providers. All playgroups aim to provide the highest quality of childcare and continued partnership with Stirling Council in 2008-09 reflects the high standard offered. Whilst all parents, carers and staff in playgroups are busy settling in new children, 2 partner playgroups are involved in the Health Promoting Nurseries Pilot and non-partner playgroups continue to offer a valuable service, mainly in small rural communities, where children and parents begin to build relationships ahead of the important first day at school.

Parent and Toddler groups SPPA also supports over 30 Toddler Groups in the Stirling area. From Fallin to Kinlochard, Dunblane to Strathblane more than 300 children enjoy play and socialisation opportunities whilst parents and carers share the ups and downs of looking after young children. SPPA welcomes the establishment of the new Group in the Cornton area, offering support along with a copy of the SPPA Resource Folder specifically for Parent and Toddler Groups.

SPPA National Conference, AGM and Exhibition…Young and Healthy in Scotland Friday 14 November 2008 in the Radisson SAS Hotel, Glasgow With a particular emphasis on how pre-school providers and parents can give their children the very best start in life Young and Healthy in Scotland includes an excellent line up of keynote speakers. Booking forms have been sent to SPPA groups and pre-school organisations and bookings can be made directly on or by contacting SPPA’s National Centre on 0141 2214148

If you’re bringing up children on your own and considering a return to work, Jobcentre Plus is asking you to get in touch! Jobcentre Plus is confident that an Adviser can give you all the support you need to get back into work: l help you decide what you want to do l work out how much better off you’ll be in a job l identify the skills you need l arrange training for you l help you to find childcare or extended school care l help and support you for up to 6 months after you start work Jobcentre Plus also has access to financial incentives to help with the transition into work and runs Options and Choices events where you can meet local employers on an informal basis. For more information on New Services for Lone Parents, call 01786 432600 and ask to speak to a lone parent adviser.


The Care Commission Regulating for Improvement Why Change? “…To put people at the heart of what we do, it is essential that people can directly engage with us and not just on the day we inspect..”. For care services in Scotland to continue to improve, the Care Commission has changed how it regulates: inspections are more targeted and more focused on people using services and their carers The main changes are: l More involvement from people who use care services and their carers, in assessing quality of care l Introduction of a grading scheme to help us report on the quality of care services l Improving how we register and inspect care services l Having a system to assess how much inspection time you need from us as the regulator, and l Spending more inspection time on services that need to improve and less time on services that are performing well. Regulation for improvement also includes what the Care Commission is doing to increase participation from people who use services and their carers in the regulation of care services. Better information, more involvement with people who use care services and clear grades will help people make more informed choices about the care services they want. For further information, including Inspection Reports, visit


Business Start-Up Support This support service is provided by Business Gateway Stirling and is designed for prospective childminders who are setting up in business. Topics Covered Include: l Confidence Building l How to promote your childminding business l Advisory support l Business support mechanisms l Simple record keeping l Tips and hints for the Taxman Further information from: Business Gateway, John Player Building, Stirling FK7 7RP Tel: 01786 63416

Professional development opportunities and training

Stirling Council Childrens Services Playwork and Childcare Training Service This Service is based in Baker Street with a training suite and lending library. Approved to deliver a wide range of vocational and professional childcare qualifications, the Service currently offers Scottish Vocational Qualifications at levels 2, 3 and 4 in Playwork and Childrens Care Learning and Development, and the Professional Development Award (PDA) in Children’s Early Education and Childcare.

The Integrated Inspection Experience Cambusbarron Playgroup received an integrated inspection in June last year, the Report of which was officially published in December 2007 and can be viewed online at and Find an Inspection Report. The Playgroup reported that, “…we were delighted to receive many “good” and “very good” results across the range of Standards inspected. We were particularly proud of the comment, “Staff had created a happy and caring environment where children and parents were made to feel welcome,” as this is at the centre of our efforts and ethos for the Playgroup. Additionally, we were pleased with the note “Children were highly motivated and engaged well with what had been organised for them”. Staff had worked hard for this result, supported by the Management Committee, but wished to record particular thanks to their now-retired senior playleader, Sylvia Lockhart.

The service provides a flexible resource. Times and dates of workshops and courses are arranged in consultation with candidates, one off workshops can be provided and enrolment for individual units is encouraged to update theory and practice, and contribute to continuous professional development. Individual Learning Accounts are being explored to enable students to apply for this funding. Recruitment 2009 is now open, and an information evening arranged for the PDA on 2 October. For further information, call Anne Emerson-Smith on 01786 473453 or 07821 315440 or write to: Playwork and Childcare Training Service, Stirling Council Childrens Services, 64 Baker Street, Stirling FK8

Name of Nursery

Tel. No.

Contact Tel. No./E-mail

35 Colquhoun Street Stirling

01786 462621

Keir Estate, Dunblane

01786 822391

Kenilworth Road, Bridge of Allan

01786 832146

Beech Drive, Killearn

01360 550162

Bright Beginnings Nursery (Stirling)

2 Polmaise Road Stirling

01786 462233 (bbstirling@aolcom)

Hummingbird House

Ramoyle, Dunblane

01786 821950

The Old School House, Henderson Street, Bridge of Allan, Stirling

01786 834596

Torwood Road, Auchenbowie, Stirling

01786 815554

_joivatt@aol.com_ (Temporary)

12 Balfron Road, Killearn

01360 550916

4 Old Doune Road Dunblane, Stirling

01786 822854

31 St. Ninians Road, Stirling

01786 475533

Acrewood Nursery Arnhall Day Beaconhurst School Beech Drive

Lecropt Nursery

The Meadows Nursery School Ltd Mulberry Bush Old Doune Road Whitecraigs





North Parish Church Springfield Road, BraeheadStirling FK7 7QW

Cambusbarron Doune Dunblane Pre-School Play Association St. Ninians

Playgroup Tel. No. Playgroup Mobile: Mobile: 0781 344 2319

Cambusbarron Community Centre, St. Ninians Road, Cambusbarron, FK9 9NU

Centre Number: 01786 450538 P/group contact 0752 385 8928

Muirhall, George Street Doune, FK16 6JG

Playgroup Mobile: 0781 885 3476

Braeport Centre, Dunblane FK15 0AT

Playgroup Mobile: 0775 1976 903

St. Ninians Old Parish Church, Kirk Wynd, St. Ninians, Stirling FK7 9AY

Curriculum for Excellence Update in next Newsletter If you would like to comment on this Newsletter or the Stirling Children’s Partnership Website, suggest topics or contribute an article or news item, please contact Elizabeth Foster, Children’s Partnerships Officer, on or call 01786 443132.

Playgroup Mobile: 0775 774 1073

If you need this information in large print, Braille, audio or in another language please contact 0845 277 7000 and quote reference number 7699.

Early Years Network Meetings Session 2008-09 AUTUMN TERM: SESSION 1 Supporting Effective Transitions: Home to nursery. Within nursery for children moving from one room to another, Nursery to primary Dates and Venues Tuesday 7th October Killin Nursery Thursday 23rd October East Plean Nursery Thursday 27th November Borestone Nursery SPRING TERM: SESSION 2 Supporting Health Awareness among staff, children and families: Diet, Exercise & Emotional Wellbeing. Dates and Venues Thursday 22nd January Park Drive Nursery Thursday 26thFebruary Bannockburn Nursery Thursday 19th March Croftamie Nursery SUMMER TERM: SESSION 3 Developing a Curriculum for Excellence: Linking Early Outcomes to Curriculum Planning Dates and Venues Thursday 23rd April Newton Nursery Thursday 21st May Raploch Nursery Wednesday 3rdJune Aberfoyle Nursery To attend, please call Linda Stevenson on 01786 442674 or email

CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING DATES: Where and When? 6th & 7th October 2008, Dunblane 11th & 12th November 2008, Haypark Business Centre, 25th & 26th November 2008, Dunblane

0845 277 7000 0845 277 7000

1st & 2nd December 2008, Alloa, 13th & 14th January 2009, Dunblane 3rd & 4th February 2009, TBC 11th & 12th March 2009, Alloa 21st & 22nd April 2009 Dunblane

0845 277 7000

6th & 7th May 2009, TBC, 9 & 10th June 2009, Alloa th

0845 277 277 7000 7000 0845

Further information from Susanne Goetzold, Forth Valley Child Protection Training Facilitator, on 01786 442508 or email Lorraine Meldrum on

Stirling Council Children’s Services Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET email: text: 0771 799 0001 phone: 0845 277 7000 web:

Designed and Printed by Stirling Design & Print (Stirling Council) Sept 2008 7699


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