Lenten Newsletter 2015

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the congregational newsletter of

St. John’s Lutheran Church

1 2015 Lenten Issue



A Word from Pastor Amy: Perhaps it’s a bit of a stretch, but I have a growing sense of Advent and Lent sharing significant similarities. Both are seasons of preparation, adding rich meaning to the seasons that follow. Both involve a time of waiting, one waiting for a birth and the other waiting for a rebirth. Both embrace the “inbetween-ness” of what is and what will be. Both lean into the promise that God is doing something, a new something that we can only anticipate, which leads us back to our preparation. Jan Richardson, a painter and poet puts it this way: “For now, we wait. With hope. With longing. With a patience that is not passive but that enables

us to perceive where God may be calling us to act for the healing of the world.” If we listen carefully, we can hear the promise of Isaiah who helps us believe with these prophetic words: “See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” Richardson points us on the way with these words: “May the path that Christ walks to bring justice upon the earth, to bring light to those who sit in darkness, to bring out those who live in bondage, to bring new things to all creation: may this path run through our life. May we be the road Christ takes. I offer my humble Amen.”

2015 Lenten and Holy Week Worship Schedule Ash Wednesday

February 18

12 noon & 6:30 pm

Midweek Worship February 25 6:30 pm Midweek Worship March 4 6:30 pm Midweek Worship March 11 6:30 pm Midweek Worship March 18 6:30 pm Midweek Worship March 25 6:30 pm Palm Sunday

March 29

Wednesday SAM’s Worship


8:45 & 11:00 am 11:30 am

Maundy Thursday April 2 7:30 pm Good Friday April 3 7:30 pm Holy Saturday April 4 Tyson House 1:30 pm Easter Sunday April 5 7:00 am, 8:45 am & 11:00 am 10:00 am Brunch & Flowering of the Cross


Wait for the Lord Wednesday Evening Worship During Lent

“Even youths will faint and be weary, and the young will fall exhausted; but those who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” -Isaiah 40:30-31


Wednesday worship during Lent is an opportunity to wait for the Lord, to be present to God’s presence, to be renewed and strengthened in grace. Ash Wednesday (Feb. 18) we gather at noon and 6:30 for Imposition of Ashes, a time to “remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” The following five Wednesdays (Feb. 25 - March 25), we gather again at 6:30, with music and prayers from Iona Abbey in Scotland, a community dedicated to shared life and work for justice. We’ve used their songs before, “Bring Your Best to Their Worst” and “Be Still and Know” being two, but recently students from our campus ministry, Tyson House, returned from an Iona retreat renewed, with books full of songs and prayers! We will have readings

from Thomas Merton, Thomas Keating, and others selected by members of St. John’s and Tyson House, to guide us into brief periods of silence. We will have physical items, colorful papers on which to write prayers or rocks to put in a bowl, to help our physical learners, especially children, to pray. And we will receive communion, the body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which he strengthens and keeps us in his grace. Each Wednesday, we will be provided a meal at 5:30 by our Tender Lovin’ Cookin’ (TLC) team! Dinner at 5:30, a chance to let down and be present; worship at 6:30, a chance to go deeper in presence: let us all take this opportunity to be present to God and each other, to wait for the Lord!





Saint John’s community of faith continues to welcome new brothers and sisters in Christ into this fellowship of believers. We have been blessed over the years to become a more diverse congregation as we receive people from all denominational backgrounds and a variety of religious experiences. We believe in one Lord, one faith and one baptism as we are all united in the one body of Christ. Members of Saint John’s are identified through our baptism, and the Spirit of unity binds us together in the midst of racial, gender, ethnic, theological and sexuality differences. Joined together in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, through water and God’s Word, we belong to Christ and one another. As Jesus calls us to love one another, please express your love in Christ as we welcome new members on Sunday, February 22. Please contact new members with a phone call, email, or postcard as we demonstrate holy hospitality and a warm, Spirit-filled welcome.


Congregational Meeting: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 12:00 NOON PURPOSE: To purchase First Christian Church parking lot


In order to “buy, sell or encumber property,” our Saint John’s constitution requires a vote of the congregation. The Church Council recommends that we purchase the First Christian Church parking lot that is located next to our Saint John’s educational building. This purchase will give our congregation an additional 16 parking spaces and ownership of property that is contiguous with our current property. In 2008 as we developed our current parking, we also made improvements to First Christians parking lot as a generous expression of being a “good neighbor.” In return, we received a signed agreement that gave us a 90-day option to purchase the parking lot in the event the First Christian Church was sold within ten years of the agreement. First Christian has a buyer/developer and a March 13, 2015 closing date to sell their building. The agreement indicates a purchase price of an appraisal plus 10%. The 45,000 appraisal brings our purchase price to 49,500. Your Church Council unanimously recommends this property purchase.


Lenten Kid’s Activity While you are attending the Wednesday evening Lenten services, send your precious kids to “Leap into Lent!” for preschool – 5th grade. Come to the Kindergarten Room for lessons led by Anita Barker. February 25 and March 4, 11, 18, 25* Beginning at 6:30 We’ll join our families for Communion at the end of the service. *Does not include Ash Wednesday or Holy Week

Adult Christian Education Sunday School Opportunities BRIDGES – JOIN THE JOURNEY OF PARENTHOOD! Bridges is back! Parents of children….babies through teens…please join us during the season of Lent. The Bridges room is located upstairs, first door on the right. FELLOWSHIP GROUP LENTEN STUDY New Lenten Series.....Lutheranism 101: A Practical, Not Particularly Rigorous, Working Understanding of Why We Say and Do the Things We Say and Do! Beginning on February 22, Pastor John Tirro and Dan Lee will present this Lenten series in the Sparks Fellowship Hall beginning at 10:00.

Easter Sunday Celebration April 5 -No Christian EducationFLOWERING OF THE CROSS ON EASTER SUNDAY Be sure to stop by the Cross in the courtyard to participate in this amazing annual tradition. Don’t forget to bring a few flowers from your garden or yard to place on the cross. This is a special activity to do with your children….a wonderful Easter tradition!

First Communion Family Celebration Sunday, April 12 Children who have completed Communion instruction with Pastor Amy will be honored the Sunday after Easter. Please contact Pastor Amy if you are interested in your child participating in the preparation activities. Please join us as we celebrate with these special children as they take this very important Stepping Stone of Faith! For more information, please see the article on page 6.

Prayer Shawl Ministry The Saint John’s Prayer Shawl Ministry invites you to join us on the second Thursday and second Saturday at 10:30 AM each month, beginning in March. Over 100 shawls have been given to people who are sick, grieving, facing major life changes, and who need to know someone cares enough to pray for them. Everyone is welcome to join us. Men, women, teens, even grandchildren! Just show up with yarn and a crochet hook or knitting needles. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet, come and learn!



Family Worship Leadership Training Sunday, March 8 at 12:30 pm Acolyte: an altar attendant in public worship Crucifer: a person who carries a cross, as in ecclesiastical processions Lector: a person appointed to read lessons in worship Communion assistant: one who administers the bread and wine at communion Could serving in worship be your family’s next expression of servant leadership? Please join us for worship leadership training on Sunday, March 8. We will gather for a light lunch in Sparks Fellowship Hall followed by hands-on instruction in the sanctuary. Following our training, families will have an opportunity to ask questions and to consider monthly opportunities to serve in either the 8:45 or 11:00 worship services. Please RSVP to Toni in the church office at 523-3330 or at toni@sjlcknox.org.

LENTEN COMMUNION INSTRUCTION February 25 at 4:30 P.M., March 25 at 4:30 pm, and April 2 at 6:00 pm. Sparks Fellowship Hall Children and families are invited to participate in this annual celebration which addresses God’s meal of Love; instruction will include three group sessions with Pastor Amy and family faith activities. Our Family Communion Celebration will be Sunday, April 12 at the 11:00 service. Please contact Pastor Amy at amy@sjlcknox.org to express interest in your family participation, to coordinate shared meals, and to prepare for your family’s faith activities at home.


THANK YOU To my church family,

From the bottom of my heart I thank each

of you who helped our family after John’s

death. The many calls, cards, food, and visits were special gifts of love. Our loving Pastor Steve walked with me through this difficult

time, and that gave me strength. The worship service was truly a Celebration of Life, and

John would have been in shock at the number of people who attended. Pastor Steve, your

meditation showed how well you knew John

and how much you loved him. He felt the same way about you. The music from the hymns, the anthems, and John Tirro was uplifting.

Thank you, Debbie and choir and Pastor John, for sharing your talents. Thank you, Clarke

Hinkle, Jon Efteland, Tom McGalliard, and Dale

Teague for ushering. Thank you, Nancy Maland for coordinating the reception, and thanks to

all who helped set up, serve, clean up, and to all of you who brought food. The buffet

was so inviting and full of delicious food, and

thanks to members of SAMS, the tables were beautifully decorated. St. John’s is such a loving church, and I am so happy to be part of this church family. Thank you again for everything. God’s peace, Mary Neas Cole and our family—John, David, Christy, Jordan, Jessica, Johnny, Patrick, Joseph, Susan, Allen, Tricia and Tim


Please print or type all information

Summer Camp & “Campfirmation”

Mail your application to Danny Mitchell, 1539 Brahamn Lane, Seymour, TN 37865.

Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Preferred name____________________________________________ LAST



Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET




E-mail Address________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #____________________________________________________________________

O Married

O Single

O Divorced

O Widowed

No. of Children_____________________________________________

Occupation________________________________________________________________________________________ Employer__________________________________________________________________________ Spouse’s First name____________________________________________ Has your spouse made a Via de Cristo retreat? O Yes O No

If so, when and where_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Home congregation______________________________________________________________ Spouse’s congregation_______________________________________________________

June 14-20

Leadership positions held in the church____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you feel that you would like to attend a Via de Cristo retreat?_______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please describe any special diet, prescription medications of medical conditions _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

“Campfirmation” Pastor Steve will accompany our first year Confirmation students, plus a few second year folks, for an incredible week of faith formation at Campfirmation. Together with other teenagers and pastors from across the southeast, our St. John’s teens will explore the life and ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ through the Gospel of Luke. Has your sponsor explained the Fourth Day program to you? O Yes O No

Sponsor’s Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Phone___________________________________________________________________________ Date of retreat requested____________________________________________ (Date will be honored dependent upon availability.) Information I have provided on this form or which I may subsequently provide may be shared within the Tennessee Via de Cristo organization for use in preparing for and during the weekend retreat and then it will be returned to me or destroyed.

Date submitted_________________________________ Applicant’s signature______________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of your pastor_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Pastor has attended a Via de Cristo retreat? O Yes O No Please return this form to your sponsor. You will be notified of your acceptance. The cost of the weekend is $160.00, payable on the Sunday of the weekend. There are scholarship monies available. Talk to your sponsor if you are in need of scholarship assistance.

Summer Camp at Lutheridge At Summer Camp, your child will be part of a small cabin or adventure group with a college-age counselor always present. There are summer camp programs available for children in grades 1-12. With active Bible study and creative devotions, campers draw closer to Jesus. Throw in new friends, fun games, swimming, crafts, hikes, and special outing in the Pisgah Forest, and you have a week with life changing potential.



FIRE BURNING Reflections by Myra Haynes

I love to walk through the Sanctuary Parlor on a cold Sunday morning and stop for a moment by the fireplace and comfortable chairs. Nothing can lift your spirits quite like the warm flames of a beautiful, friendly fire! Maybe that is why Pastor Amy and Pastor Steve so often send us out on Sunday with the wish that “our hearts are set on fire” by the day’s worship. Sometimes life can be hectic, difficult, overwhelming, frustrating or all of the above and the perfect response is a chance to reconnect with our faith and reignite our own inner flame. Over 200 members of St. John’s have taken advantage of that very opportunity by attending a Christian weekend retreat called Via De Cristo (the way of Christ). And another such weekend will be held on April 23 – 26th at the Carson Springs Retreat Center in Newport, Tennessee. My husband, Mike, and I “made our weekends” in 1993 in North Carolina and along with lots of other St. John’s members were so impressed we helped to bring it over the mountain to East Tennessee. Ask yourself when is the last time you spent three days working on your own inner spiritual fire and flame? The answer for most of us is too long ago or never. If you have not experienced such a Grace filled weekend, I invite you to talk with Laura Trout (Weekend #33’s leader), Pastor Steve, Pastor Amy, or any of the many members who have participated. And if you have attended, think of others you would like to share this opportunity with and invite them to come. Maybe the best thing about a fire is the way it can warm you and bring a glow to everyone around it. If you would like to rekindle the Fire in your Heart and strengthen your own faith, please join us at Via De Cristo weekend # 33! God Loves You and so do WE!

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial March



“Living on Purpose” - Men’s Retreat

Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner

The men of St. John’s and friends are invited to a retreat February 27 around dinner time through early afternoon February 28. We will explore the blessing of Christ in our brotherhood, the joy of sharing life together, and the opportunities God presents through a holy plan of purpose.

February 27-28 • Eagle Rock – Maryville, TN • Men of all ages • $50 (overnight lodging/three meals/materials) • To Register: 1) https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Mens_ Retreat_Registration 2) Or, call or text Chris Wise @ 865-567-2366 Tuesday, February 17 5:30 – 7:30 pm Sparks Fellowship Hall

Blessed with Brothers, Sharing Life, Discovering God’s Plan.

Come Away with Me: A Women’s Retreat We are designed to be in community with one another. We are renewed by spending quality time with spiritual friends. We are nurtured by time with God, so that we can nurture all that we love. When was the last time that you broke bread over conversations with your sisters in Christ? Were the Great Smoky Mountains in your backdrop? Are you longing for some girl time that feeds your soul? Great news…we are headed to the Tukaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend on March 6th & 7th. Our time together will begin at 6:30 on Friday evening with a meal prepared for YOU. Our time together will be abundantly blessed with bible study, creative expressions, festive food and drink, group sharing and personal reflection time. We will conclude with worship and head home around 4:30 on Saturday. This will be come as you are, as who you are, with total acceptance and love abounding! Won’t you join us?


$5.00 per person or $20.00 per family Benefitting Win Our World (WOW) Urban Ministry

Fat Tuesday (also known as “Mardi Gras” and “Shrove Tuesday”) is the day before Ash Wednesday; traditionally it is known as the day in which families shared pancakes, butter, and rich syrup in an effort to use up the oil and fat before the penitential season of Lent. We see it as the PERFECT opportunity to host a fabulous party for you and your friends! So, check your closet for the colors of the day—purple, green, and gold—and then join us fluffy pancakes, spicy sausage, creamy butter, rich syrup, fresh juice, and hot coffee. All proceeds, tips, and donations will be matched 1:3—$1.00 donation for every $3.00 raised—by our local Thrivent chapter.

AFFIRM YOUTH CAMP The Southeastern Synod’s Leadership and Discipleship Event Sunday, June 14 through Friday, June 19 Berry College in Rome, GA


Saturday, February 21 Staff Retreat at the Friedrichs’ Home Sunday, March 8 WOW Family Meeting at 10:00 am in the Youth Room Saturday, March 27 - Sunday, March 28 Leadership Academy at St. John’s Saturday, April 17 - Sunday, April 28 Leadership Academy at St. John’s Thursday, May 28 - Friday, May 29 Staff Mini-Retreat at St. John’s Saturday, May 30 - Wednesday, June 3 WOW Team Retreat in Isle of Palms, SC Thursday, June 4 - Friday, June 5 WOW Team Retreat at St. John’s Sunday, June 7 - Friday, June 12 WOW Week 1 Sunday, June 14 - Friday, June 19 WOW Week 2 Sunday, June 21 - Friday, June 26 WOW Week 3 Sunday, June 28 - Friday, July 3 WOW Week 4 Sunday, July 5 - Friday, July 10 WOW Week 5 Sunday, July 26 - Friday, July 31 WOW Week 6

Grounded in Word and Sacrament, Affirm develops discipleship skills, leadership skills, and teaches Lutheran theology. We follow Christ; we live in a Christian community; we teach participants how to be God’s hands in this world. What makes Affirm unique from other camps is the experience of Christian community, nurtured through Word and Sacrament. Start your day with Morning Chapel and end your day with Worship. Spend about six hours a day in large and small groups, exploring topics such as discipleship, creative worship, the life of Christ, leadership, and the call to address social issues like racism, sexism, and ageism. You are invited to participate in community activities, including a concert, a talent show, a volleyball tournament, and swimming just to list a few. Volunteer staff are former youth participants; some are parents; some are youth directors and leaders in their congregation. Last year, over 30% of the staff members were pastors. Even Bishop Gordy serves on staff! For more information, please contact Pastor Amy or check out details at http://www.sesyouth. org/affirm-2015-registration.html.

Parents of St. John’s youth, please place these dates in your family calendar!



The Altar Guild

(Candles, Paraments, and Pews, Oh My!) The Altar Guild is a quiet place to serve at St. John’s, and many people probably do not know what kinds of things are done to prepare the sanctuary for worship every week. One of the greatest gifts in members of the Altar Guild is loyalty. We each take turns in volunteering our time, and on days we can’t work, we can call on someone to help. My second favorite Altar Guild gift is that of hospitality. Each member understands how beautiful and precious the sanctuary is, and working to make sure everyone feels welcome for worship is a priority. On Saturdays, Altar Guilders straighten pew nooks, refresh the candles, replace wicks in the candle lighters, and prepare the altar for Communion. Another Altar Guilder will reset and refresh everything between services on Sunday mornings. After the 11:00 worship on Sunday, another team of Altar Guild members clears the altar, cleans and stores the Communion ware, and carries the flowers to

the Welcome Center. We have a special member who launders and irons the linens and another who polishes the brass followers on the candles. In preparation for festival worship and special occasions, “work together” days are scheduled to refresh and clean. Whew! The gift of serving comes naturally to Altar Guild members. The work that we do honors the holiness of our time together at God’s table. We are all invited to eat and drink in remembrance of Jesus, and as we gather in the sanctuary, reminders of God’s love for us are all around us. Taking care of this special place helps us all remember why we come together to worship. If you would like to know more about the Altar Guild, or if you would like to share your gifts as a member of the Altar Guild, please let me know. Ruth Crowley Altar Guild Coordinator 405-3727 • RNVC@comcast.net

Welcome staff from Christenberry Elementary School on Sunday March 1 and March 8. Sunday March 1 during Worship, we will have an opportunity to hear from Principal Melissa Johnson about how Kids Hope has impacted Christenberry Elementary. On March 8, Assistant Principal and former teacher Tonya Cash will tell about the blessings that she experienced with mentors in her classroom. Tiffany Davidson, Community Schools Coordinator will join Tonya to answer any questions. Please welcome these partners in ministry and explore if you are being led to help transform the life of a child. If you have questions, please feel free to call Thea Peterson at 591-4803.


Senior Adult Ministry

KARM Meals Ministry Teams

Wednesday, March 4, 2015 St. John’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall • 11:30 am

St. John’s provides, prepares, and then serves a meal once a month to more than 200 of the poor and homeless folks in the Knoxville Community. The St. John’s KARM Meals Ministry is comprised of two teams. The first team is the Cooking Team, which comes to prepare the food. The second team is the Serving Team, which comes later in the morning. Every 7th Saturday, the two teams come together at the KARM Kitchen. What a great way to spend a small amount of your time and to do so much good for so many of those less fortunate. On Monday morning when you go to work or meet with neighbors or friends, some may ask “How was your weekend?” You can respond, “Fantastic! We are members of St. John’s and had the opportunity to cook for at least 200 of the poor and homeless.” I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face, and to theirs. Members of the cooking team are Stan Leib, Robin Leib, Katherine Pellek, Jessica Rochelle, Russell Kuhlman and Deaver Shattuck. Members of the serving team are Don McWilliams, Peter Crowley, Ruth Crowley, Sarah Crowley, Rachel Crowley, Leah Crowley, Mike Barnhill and Dotty Barnhill. The remainder of our 2015 schedule is as follows:

BLESSING BASKET Please bring small bottles of shampoo which will be shared with the residents of Guy B. Love Towers LUNCH $5.00 per person Entrée by Rosa Nussbaumer Salad, Dessert by Mary Cole RSVP Mary Cole---584-3153; memecole@comcast.net PROGRAM Soloist Mary Sophia Hawks will entertain us with selections from Spirituals SAM is a small group ministry for God’s older children. Join us for fellowship, good food, and an enjoyable program.

QUIET SERVANT LEADERSHIP We are in need of A/V volunteers for second service. Please contact Bill Larson. It’s a great way to serve the church virtually unnoticed! For more information: bill@thelarsons.info.

March 7, 2015 April 25, 2015 June 13, 2015 August 1, 2015 September 19, 2015 November 7, 2015 December 26, 2015 February 13, 2016

If anyone would like to be a part of these teams, please contact Stan Leib at stan7340@ comcast.net, or Don McWilliams at donkmcw@ yahoo.com.



Carry the Torch Luncheon In the last quarter of 2014, the people of Saint Johns Lutheran Church shared 2,460 donations with KARM Stores. Those donations helped provide 1,230 meals to guests at Knox Area Rescue Ministries. Thanks again for sharing the story of Corners Of Your Field and allowing your people to respond. Evan Crass Director of Partner Engagement Knox Area Rescue Ministries & KARM Stores 865-456-3978 ecrass@karm.org


On Wednesday, March 25, 2015, New York Times best-selling author Sue Monk Kidd will be the featured speaker at a luncheon at the Knoxville Convention Center. The event will begin with a Mission Fair at 10:00 am. Agencies which serve the homeless will present booths and interact with visitors who are looking for volunteer opportunities. The “Carry the Torch” luncheon will begin promptly at 11:45 in the Ballroom of the Knoxville Convention Center. The Volunteer Ministry Center (our neighbor across the street) is the Host Agency for this annual event. “Carry the Torch” aspires to not only raise funds but also raise awareness of the myriad factors surrounding the issue of homelessness. Don’t miss this event! Sign up early if you want to attend and sit at a St. John’s-sponsored table. Please consider donating funds to be applied toward our sponsorship—we are collecting for it at this time. Sponsorship is $1,000 per table and not in the annual budget, so any amount you contribute is gratefully received. Make checks out to St. John’s with “VMC Carry the Torch” on the memo line.

FORGING A NEW PATH: A Partnership with Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary Brings Seminarians to Knoxville By: Adam C. Schultz


When a student enters seminary, he or she has signed up for a journey with many opportunities that lead down different pathways to different experiences. One of those pathways in the form of a January Term class called Transforming Congregations for Mission led eight students and their professor Dr. Mary Sue Dreier from Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, SC to St. John’s Lutheran Church for a crash course in urban missional ministry. Over the course of four days, students were exposed to various ministries here at St. John’s including worshiping and breaking bread with Preacher Bob and Highways and Byways Ministry; working along side community mission partners like Volunteer Ministry Center, Minvilla, Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries, Serene Manor, Guy B. Love Towers, and more; engaging in dialogue and service with WOW Urban Ministries youth leaders; discussing the complexities of poverty and homelessness with Dr. Roger Nooe from the University of Tennessee and Jessica Bocangel and Grant Standefer from Compassion Coalition; providing worship leadership for St. John’s and Tyson House Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry on Sunday; and learning about the past, current, and future revitalization of our corner on Fifth and Broadway from faithful ministry leaders like Pastor Steve Misenheimer, Thea Peterson, Lee Ley and David Bocangel. I was fortunate enough to be able to shadow this class for most of those four days while playing host. I witnessed the Church’s future leaders eyes open to a new way of being the Church as they fed, clothed, and comforted our neighbors. At the

completion of these four days, one of the students commented, “While I could name MANY [closest moments to Christ], I think one that really sticks with me is meeting Preacher Bob and sitting in worship with Highways and Byways in the midst of ‘smell of humanity.’ It was humbling to recognize Preacher Bob’s gifts and to name my own wariness and tentativeness in working with the homeless brothers and sisters of our world.” Another person said,

“Standing in the greeting line on Sunday morning with everyone neat, nice, and clean but seated around us were several homeless people. I said to myself, ‘This is church. This is Christ!’” This was the first year for St. John’s to enter into this kind of partnership as an outpost for missional education for the seminary, and we could not be more pleased with the impact this experience has had on the pastoral formations of these future Church leaders. This partnership could not have been possible without months of careful planning from Nancy Friedrich, Thea Peterson, Liza Hawkins, Jeremy Roberts, Pastor Steve Misenheimer, Pastor Amy Figg, Pastor John Tirro, and me. On behalf of the planning team, we would like to extend a special thanks to Nancy Maland, Bill Wing and Linda Peterson, Tom and Nancy McGalliard, Neil and Sue Fischer, Dale and Barbara Teague, Ruth Crowley, Rose Perkinson, and everyone else who extended hospitality to our guests and kept them well fed during their visit.



Thank you from LTSS

To all the pastors, staff, ministry teams, and lay leaders at St. John’s, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You exemplify the communal life that the future church leaders like ourselves hope to foster in whatever context God calls us to serve. Because of your enthusiasm, hospitality, generosity, selfless giving, and open hearts, we felt inspired by what God is doing in and through your community. Your partnership with God is one that will continue to shape us as we reflect upon this experience and become partners in ministry with you regardless of our future paths. In Peace, Will Wing, Rev. Dr. Mary-Dreier, Diane Cline, Jenny Bramble, Joseph O’Donnell, Annie White, Joanie Holden, Jared Lee, Brandon Heavner & the rest of the LTSS community!

To the LTSS Visit Planning Committee,

We had a small amount of money left after paying our bills for the “Transforming Congregations for Mission” class and trip. Therefore, in honor of St. John’s Lutheran Church, the class has voted to give $180 to the Columbia “Transitions” program. It is similar to KARM, and we felt this was both a fitting “thank you” and a testimony to the ways you have inspired us to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God in our own communities. Thank you again for everything! God bless you, The Transitioning Congregations for Mission” Class


Alternative Spring Break Visitors Gonzaga University is a liberal arts college in Spokane, Washington, and for years now, Knoxville has been a destination site for their alternative spring break. Gonzaga is a Catholic university, seeking to support “all members of the Gonzaga community in their professional and personal exploration of Gonzaga’s mission; faith and intellectual life; Jesuit higher education; Ignatian spirituality; social justice; and her or his own spiritual journey.” So an alternative spring break to serve in urban ministry is not just an ‘add on’, it’s central to what Gonzaga is all about! We have that in common. In past years, they’ve worked a good bit with Operation Backyard doing “everything from painting houses to yard work” and with the Boys and Girls Club just down the road. We expect them to be in town March 8-14. Please make them welcome and find out what they’re up to this year!

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James McCay Merle Wolfe Ruth Mullen Marilyn Fahringer Jean Dasher Gary Morgan Sonya McWilliams Liam Wittenberg IV Mika Vaden Lynda Maples Jocelyn Miller Jennifer Vermeulen Robert Vermeulen Sydney Kessler Laura Trout Brad Parman Erin Ramsey Josh Brown Claire Blankenship Angela Fowler Kelly Parman Bailey Morgan John Lawhon David Kessler Ruth Petersen Robin Leib Haley Bernard Sandra Jessel Dan Bernard Amy Figg Wayles Haynes Ashton Roberts Michael Grider Alexandra Bernard Julie Glibbery Will Wittenberg III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee Heidi Mathews Tom Stinnett Haley Fields Skip Wells




2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 28 29 30

Brooks Brittain V Kris Hepler Rachel Rogers Elissa Glibbery Jim Ley Joel Forker Angela Long Virginia Shaffer Sonja Krautner Amy O’Hatnick Ashley Kessler Lindsey Kessler Charles Robinette Connie Burkhalter Angie Hamstead Anna Wood Frederick Perkinson III Karen Rieger Cora Lynn Bamberg Kelley Westphal Elizabeth Menendez LaReau Carlson Mary Kline Linda Godden Rob Rieger Kristen McFarland Asha Warren Jared Eisenhower Bob Metelka Ella Gibson Michael Holtz Lucy Page Emily Sousa John Jessel Emily Bast Anna Elizabeth Lee Laura Stancher Katha O’Hatnick Beverly Martin Blair Demmink Bill Larson Larry Seivers Katie Brooks Matthew Glibbery Graham Ley


St. John Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917



Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor steve@sjlcknox.org Amy C. Figg Pastor of Family Ministry and Caregiving amy@sjlcknox.org John Tirro Pastor of Congregational Life and Campus Ministry john@sjlcknox.org Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music Krista Lee Christian Education Director

Sheila Radford Financial Assistant finance@sjlcknox.org Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell facility@sjlcknox.org Stephen Douglas Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org 2015 NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Issue

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February 12

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March 26

Pentecost I

May 11

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