The SJLC Minute 6.1.2023

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JUNE 2023


In abundant gratitude for the way our congregation has stepped up and grown our pledged giving amount for the 2023-2024 proposed budget, we are pleased to offer opportunities to share plans for an exciting year of ministry at St. John’s. We will vote on the new budget at the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 25th at 10:10 AM in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Please join us!

Budget Conversations:

Wednesday, June 7 at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Saturday, June 10 at 10:00 AM via Zoom

Sunday, June 11 at 12:15 PM in the Fellowship Hall (light lunch provided)

ZOOM Meeting ID for June 10: 884 0771 7027

Password: 1888

Church Events

June 4 Holy Trinity Sunday

June 5-9 Lutheridge Day Camp* (Messiah Lutheran Church)

June 7 Budget Meeting

June 8 WINE Meeting

June 10 Zoom Budget Meeting

June 11 Budget Meeting

June 18 Father’s Day

June 19 Juneteenth/ Martin Lutheran King Parade*

The church office will be closed.

June 25 Congregational Meeting

June 27 BEER Meeting*

Items Needed for Lutheridge Day Camp

• 25 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Snack Packs

• 25 Fruit Chewies Snack Packs

• 25 Nature Valley Granola Bars (no nuts, please)

• Toppings for Ice Cream for a Sundae Bar (syrups, sprinkles, and crushed Oreo’s)

• Boxes of Kleenex

• Kitten Food for Visitors from Tennessee Valley Humane Society

Donations will be collected in front of the fireplace in the Fireside Room THIS SUNDAY!

This June and July, Adult Faith Formation will meet in its regular place and time Sparks Fellowship Hall at 10:10 AM to look at the tenets of our Lutheran faith by exploring a series called Baptized We Live: Lutheranism as a Way of Life. It’s based on a short book (just 28 pages with illustrations) by Daniel Erlander, a Lutheran pastor who’s also both a writer and illustrator. The book will be available for $5 for those who would like to have a copy.

In this slim yet remarkable book on Lutheranism, Pastor Daniel argues Lutheran identity must be rescued from a way of life defined primarily by belonging to a particular ethnic group or participation in an American cultural trend. Instead, he calls us to return to an understanding of faith as a way life rooted in the living gospel of Jesus. What holds us together is “our baptism, a shared identity as children of God that calls us into a particular way of life.” We hope the series will be thought-provoking and engaging for long-time Lutherans, those who may have become members more recently, and those who may be considering joining the congregation. As usual, we’ll have coffee and something to munch on, as well as a team of facilitators who will both present key concepts of our faith and leave ample time for discussion and relationship-building. Because we know schedules in the summer may include travel, you’re welcome to make the sessions you can. Each session should make sense even if you haven’t attended the previous one. We hope you’ll join us!

W.IN.E. Meeting

June 8, 6:30 pm

Women Inviting Narrative Exploration

You don’t want to miss our June W.I.N.E. Meeting! Break out your big hats, and everyone bring a teacup that has a story to share. Natasha Patchen will be sharing all kinds of teas with us!

Monday, June 19

Calling Families with Children and Youth!

Join us in the Kindergarten Room at 10:15 for F3

(Family Fellowship Fun) on Sunday, June 4

Sunday, July 2

Sunday, August 6

This Sunday, following breakfast yummies and a scriptural thought, parents and youth will head to the Conference Room for some hoping and dreaming with Joe, and parents and children will remain with Pastor Amy and Debby for songs and crafts.

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