Pentecost Newsletter 2015

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the congregational newsletter of

St. John’s Lutheran Church

1 2015 Pentecost Issue



The day of Pentecost—filled with the color red and flame and wind and multiple languages and accusations of drunkenness and powerful proclamation of the Holy Spirit poured out and the Church’s nativity—gives way to the l-o-n-g season of Pentecost. There are 182 days to gaze upon green paraments, to ponder growth through discipleship, to heed the teachings of Jesus, to participate in the Kingdom of God. Whether energized by the excitement of the day or overwhelmed by the expanse of the season, God awaits our response, entrusting the Kingdom work to you and me! At your workplace, in a softball game, on vacation…Look for kingdom moments.


On the lake, in the hospital, at a family reunion… Search out God’s activity in the world. All by yourself or smack in the middle of a huge crowd…Seek God’s dream for humankind. Sarah Bessey puts in this way: “Speak, breathe, prophesy, get behind a pulpit and preach, mark exam papers, run a company or a nonprofit, clean your kitchen, put paint on a canvas, organize, rabble-rouse, find transcendence in the laundry pile while you pray in obscurity, deliver babies for Haitian mothers in the midwifery clinic—work the Love out and in and around you however God has made you and placed you to do it. Just do it.” Days become weeks become months become a season; God is at work in and through us, the Church!


Pentecost is a Season for

Prior to Pentecost, the disciples stayed in Jerusalem, waiting “to be clothed with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). Pentecost hit – the giving of the Spirit, disciples speaking and understood by people from all over the world, thousands coming to believe (2:1-41) – and that energy exploded out, as disciples went, not just leaders but Christians generally, all around the world. What might we learn by their example? 1) Expect good things, even in challenging times. It was persecution that scattered the early church and led to its rapid growth (Acts 8:1-4). Small things can send us out as well: a new job opportunity, a chance to visit family, or a vacation. Whatever sends you, God will work good from it (Romans 8:28). 2) Follow nudges of the Spirit. Sometimes things that seem odd, like Philip’s sense that he should “get up and go toward the south” and “go over to this chariot and join it,” can lead to something amazing (Acts 8:26, Philip’s encounter with the Ethiopian court official). What might that be like today? Maybe, “Go walk on the beach” and “say hi to that person with the metal detector.” Not saying it’ll be that exactly, but whatever it is, an open mind and a willing heart can lead to great interactions. 3) Take an interest, start a conversation, and see where it goes. It’s amazing how hard this can be, but if the part of your heart that you use to pray is telling you to ask a question, ask. Philip saw the official reading Isaiah and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?” Philip got an invitation to

teach, a free ride, and a meaningful conversation, and the official was baptized that day! Again, I’m not saying it’ll be exactly that, but it’s not about repeating others’ experience. It’s about being open to the experience God has for you. 4) Welcome the traveler. Ananias changed Saul’s life by answering the call to welcome him. He also changed our lives, as Saul became Paul and wrote most of the New Testament! You never know what kind of difference God will make, with your willingness to welcome somebody! Why red? And why green? And why occasionally white? The Sunday of Pentecost (May 24), we wear red, symbolic of the flame of the Spirit and the blood of the martyrs. (“Martyr” originally meant “witness,” those bearing witness to God’s love in a world that responds with anything but love and needs the message all the more.) Sundays after Pentecost, the altar and other cloths are green, symbolic of growth. Occasionally, on high festivals especially focused on the person of Christ – Holy Trinity Sunday, when we celebrate Jesus’s union with God the Father and God the Spirit (May 31); All Saints, when we celebrate Jesus’s union with us (November 1); and Christ the King, when we celebrate that Christ leads by serving and commands us to do the same (November 22) – we dress our worship space in white, symbolic of Christ’s holiness and life-giving light.



St. John’s Endowment Fund A group of dedicated members have been meeting over the last several months about the possibility of establishing a way to ensure the perpetual care of our landmark historic facility and to make sure we can continue to fulfill our mission by supporting mission outreach activities. We have made significant progress and have recommended the establishment of a St. John’s Mission Outreach Endowment Fund, working in conjunction with the ELCA. The ELCA Fund calls for an initial minimum investment and this amount has already been attained! The next step will be organizing and setting campaign goals. During this process, we will also set a minimum dollar amount to be raised prior to any outlay. This way, our endowment fund will to continue into perpetuity. We have a terrific opportunity now to begin planting a legacy at St. John’s for future generations.


St. John’s revered home is a historic building and is listed on the United State’s List of Historical Landmarks. The building brings with it overhead and maintenance that cannot be determined in advance nor be covered by current operating budgets. In the past, these expenditures have required several capital campaigns, which over time, tend to reach out the same significant donors for funding. This endowment fund will provide funding for such expenditures without undue hardship on current and future congregations.

“We have a terrific opportunity now to begin planting a legacy at St. John’s for future generations.” Our downtown location in the very heart of the mission district provides us a significant call to provide Christian mission training and programming for the under-served and underprivileged population surrounding the church. The team is sensitive this endeavor not draw away from current giving by our members. Therefore, the endowment will rely heavily on deferred giving such as wills, trusts, and gifts of life insurance. We are currently working to organize this effort and develop collateral. Our hope is each member participates in this important effort. Any support, no matter how large or how small, is welcome. More details on the St. John’s Mission Outreach Endowment Fund will be available in the coming months. For more information, contact Tom McGalliard.

zling Summer Mini Sunday School for Kids of ALL ages! Beginning in June CHRISTIAN EDUCATION

per SUNday Kinderchurch Sizzling Summer Mini Sunday School for Our Kids Super SUNday Kinderchurch

Vacation Bible School

June 1, 2, and 3 Upstairs in the Central Station for Christian Education 6:00 to 7:30

Beginning in June 7 and running through July Kids of St. John’s, ages preschool through fifth grade will gather together during Kinderchurch for a mini Sunday School. Come join the sizzling fun!

(A light snack will be ser ved to

our hungry mountain climbers!) This summer (June & July) the kids of St. John’s preschool through fifth grade - will gather together during Kinderchurch Vacation Bible School a mini Sunday School series ALL SUMMER LONG!

Come join the sizzling fun!


June 1, 2, and 3


6:00 to 7:30


Upstairs in the Central Station for Christian Education

(A light snack will be served to our hungry “mountain climbers”.)

Youth Ministry

The youth of St. John’s are invited to participate in the following events:

Welcome Dinner for Rising Sixth Graders

Wednesday, May 27 at 6:00 PM Tomato Head (Gallery Shopping Center on Kingston Pike)

June 14-19 June 21-26

June 28-July 3 July 5-10

July 26-31

And please mark your calendar for Sunday, August 16 from 3:00 to 6:30 PM for our 2015-2016 Youth Ministry Kick-Off! There will be a BIG surprise you won’t want to miss!



WOW 2015: Grow

There are so many ways we grow: in size, education, wisdom, community, friendships, faith… The theme for WOW 2015 is: Grow. As part of the Kingdom of God, we hear the call to grow. We are using the image of the tiniest mustard seed becoming a sheltering tree and growing together toward the Kingdom of God. WOW is built on three main tenets: faith formation, leadership development, and urban mission work. All three areas offer avenues of growth for our youth and all of us. Please come and grow with us!

WOW Weeks 1 - June 7-12

• Join us in worship: 8:45 Monday - Thursday, 9:30 on Fridays • In the kitchen (being an extra set of hands, chop veggies, etc.) • Bring cookies and treats for the staff • Dig through your closets and find cool Bingo prizes (used at Guy B Love and VMC) • Drive to mission sites (driving a Mobile Meals route) • Serve a Friday meal to the WOW Team

To Sign Up to Help: Contact Liza Hawkins,

2 - June 14-19

Please Pray With and For WOW

3 - June 21-26 5 - July 5 - 10

We covet your prayers. We thank everyone at St. John’s for your partnership in this amazing ministry God has given us called: WOW.

(Two week break for National Youth Gathering)

Come grow with us!

4 - June 28-July 3

6 - July 26 - 31


How Can I Help?

Matthew 17:20


ELCA National Youth Gathering Detroit, Michigan • July 15-19, 2015

Gathering Style Guide

We are counting down the days until this lifechanging event! What is this life-changing event all about? • It is an event for high school youth that takes place every three years. • It is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers—30,000 youth—from across the United States and the worldwho share a common commitment and faith in Christ. • It is about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service, and play. • It is a five-day event that starts on Wednesday evening with a worship service and ends on Sunday morning with a service of communion. In between, the youth rotate through a day of service, a day of exploratory learning with groups from our synod, and a day of interactive learning in the Convention Center. • It will feature awesome music and speakers! Each day ends with all 30,000 youth and adults worshipping in Ford Field. Youth attending include: Will Boyd, Thomas Campbell, Jacob Friedrich, Beck Hamstead, Griffin Hamstead, Fred Perkinson and Will Trout.

Adults attending include: Pastor Amy Figg, Rhonda Campbell-Clay, Jim Friedrich, Nancy Friedrich and Sharon Stancher. We want to thank everyone who has invested in our youth and this event. Please keep us all in your prayers as we prepare to be transformed by the experience of walking with the people of Detroit and allowing Jesus Christ to guide us with love and grace.

ELCA Youth Gathering 2015 | Page 1


Pastor Steve and Confirmation students will travel to Lutheridge for an incredible week of faith formation. Please offer prays for Sarah Morgan, Maddie Trout, Lucy Page, Kylie Shattuck, Sydney Parman, Trevor Tirro, Morgan Hancock, JC Miller, Holden Giesecke, Matthew Long, and Pastor Steve as they explore the Gospel of Luke with other teenagers and pastors from across the southeast.



ELCA Synod Assembly This year we gather under the theme of “We are the Church.” As we explore what this means for us throughout the weekend, we are honored to welcome back Dr. Mark Allan Powell, Professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary. As our Bible Study Leader, he will lead us in a study called We Are the Church: Three Biblical Images. He will also lead a Pre-Assembly workshop on Friday. We are also excited to have the ELCA Global team with us and to host a Global event as part of our Assembly. They join us for plenary sessions and worship, and team members will lead several interactive workshops, including a Pre-Assembly workshop on Friday. The Reverend Ron Glusenkamp will be our Churchwide Representative. He serves as Director for The Campaign for the ELCA. New this year, we will live out what it means to be church together by partnering with Greater Birmingham Ministries to stock their summer shelves and prepare bags of nutritious foods to send home with children of families who are food insecure.


St. John’s own Sylvia Countess will be the Chaplin at the Synod Assembly Sister Sylvia Countess is a rostered member of the Deaconess Community of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. A graduate of Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA, she received a Master of Science in Foreign Language Education from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville and taught at Oak Ridge High School before running away after 37 years to earn a Master of Arts in Religion from the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. After a year of chaplaincy residency at the UT Medical Center in Knoxville, she worked as a hospital chaplain until her call from the ELCA Global Mission Unit to serve from 2005-2009 as Assistant to the Director of Education for the Lutheran Schools in the West Bank; she continues to volunteer in Palestine on an annual basis. After her return to the United States, she served from 2009-2013 as Director of Vocation and Education for the Deaconess Community and continued her training in spiritual direction. She is currently serving a term on the ELCA Discipline Committee and the Church Council of Saint John’s in Knoxville, where she is a member. A widow, she is the mother of two adult sons. Fulfilling the adage that “deaconesses never retire but just get recycled,” Sr Sylvia now divides her time between volunteering at the local hospital and at area congregations.

Who are Katie’s Sisters? Katie’s Sisters are a group of beautiful, spirit-filled, passionate women that want to serve others with the love of Christ. Katie’s Sisters is named after Martin Luther’s wife, Katharina von Bora. Like Luther’s Katie, we embrace the incredible talents of individuals and the collective group to design fellowship and service opportunities. Katie’s Sisters at St. John’s has been revived after a long, multi-year pause. It is with gratitude that the planning committee has outlined the following activities: Early August Collection of School Supplies for College Student Send-Off Packages Mid August Congregational Picnic August 28 Sips and Strokes October 24 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure

Mid November Collection of Cookies for College Student Care Packages Early December Advent by Candlelight Early January Collection of Starbucks Gift Cards for College Student Back-To-School Packages January 23 Resolution Reboot March 4-5 Katie’s Sisters Retreat Mid-April Collection of Cookies for College Student Care Packages

How do you join? What do you need to do? It’s simple: be wonderful YOU as God created you to be and join any or all of the upcoming activities! Look for more details in the weekly bulletins, upcoming newsletters and emails.

Banded Brothers In February, undaunted by an ice storm, 29 men of the church rescheduled their mountain retreat to the Sparks Fellowship Hall. The gathering was Spirit-led, a bonding experience to get to know our brothers in new and different ways. As part of the “retreat,” we brainstormed ways the group can provide a meaningful vehicle for fellowship, faith development, and service to the congregation and community. A follow-up meeting was held on May 2, and several ideas were discussed and developed for the future. One of the projects will be associated with the

Habitat House. Others involve engagement with First Fridays, community meals, social events on the parking plaza. We will be working to finalize these thoughts in future meetings and are very pleased to share the formation and momentum of this aspect of life at St. John’s. This is a welcoming group, and all men of St. John’s 18 years and older are free to become associated. Many thanks to Chris Wise, Jon Efteland, Clark Hinkle, Rick Metelka, and Adam Schultz for providing leadership for these recent gatherings.



Habitat House Build St. John’s House #8

We will need 30 volunteers for the Blitz on Saturday, October 17th! We have had a very busy month planning and recruiting individuals for several of the positions needed for our October House Build. This is an opportunity for all members of the congregation to become involved. Preparing meals, delivering meals, cleaning up the job site, and constructing during all phases are ways you can participate. In July and August, we will be announcing our fund raising efforts. Thanks to a partnership with Church Street United Methodist and David and Sandy Martin, we will be raising 1/3 of the funds or $15,000. We are looking forward to the kickoff! We have a strong team assembled and they, with your help. are ready to move forward.

Project Coordinators Neil Fischer Dale Teague Volunteer Coordinators Matt Whitehead Family Nurturer Dale Teague Food/Refreshment Coordinator Nancy Maland Fund Raising Coordinator Jim Ley Project Chaplain Bill Lawhon Publicity Coordinator Anna Beth Meccia (Habitat) Recycling Coordinator Open

We urge you to be involved - Join the fun and support a worthy cause! Contact: or for more information.

Brunch Themed Cooking class taught by Rosa Nussbaumer of Rosa’s Catering The class will be held on June 18 from 6:30-8:30 pm, and we will learn to cook 6 recipes with a brunch theme. The class will be held at Rosa’s home. Cost is $45. If interested, please call Rosa Nussbaumer at 659-0393.


(l-r, Matt Whitehead, David Sweany, Mike Sweany)

Please welcome our newest Kids Hope Mentor – David Sweany. David responded to the March 1 and 8 Kids Hope emphasis saying he felt a tapping on his shoulder on March 1, and when March 8 came around, and there was a second emphasis he knew he had to volunteer. David and his wife, Debbie recently moved to Knoxville to be closer to the children and grandchildren and David moved from full-time to part-time employment. David follows in the footsteps of his son-in-law, Matt Whitehead, who became a mentor in January 2011. Matt was matched with a very outgoing and friendly young man named Everette who will graduate from 5th grade this month and move on to middle school. Matt will continue to mentor Everette.

Matt followed in the footsteps of Mike Sweany, who became a mentor in July 2008. Over the past seven years, Mike has been matched with two young men. This second match has survived Mike being deployed to the Middle East with the U.S. Army and a 9-month period where Josh moved to South Carolina. In February Mike and his wife Danielle and their two children were transferred by the Army to Alabama. Josh will graduate from 5th grade and move on to middle school. Mike plans to keep up with Josh through phone calls and email and will see him occasionally when he comes to Knoxville. Oh yes – do you see the family pattern? Mike is the son of David! What a family legacy and what an impact these men have/had/will have on these young men.

Safety Patrol Trip Generosity Through the generosity of St. John’s, five additional fifth grade students will be able to participate in the Safety Patrol Trip to Washington DC. These five students, their families and the school staff worked hard at various fund raisers, but were still short having enough money to pay for the trip. They are so excited and hope to come and share their experience with us.



FIRST FRIDAY with St. John’s Lutheran Church

First Fridays with St. John’s Lutheran Church are back for 2015! Mark your calendars for: June 5 July 3 August 7 September 4 October 2 November 6 Beginning at 5:30 PM on the first Friday of each month, we will gather in Sparks Fellowship Hall for about an hour or so of food, fellowship, and festivities before breaking off into smaller groups and exploring what downtown’s art galleries, restaurants, and shops have to offer each First Friday. This event is BYOB (Bring Your Own Beer or Bottle of wine). We will provide the glasses. If you would like to contribute some food for sharing, be sure to sign up online using PerfectPotluck. Contact Adam Schultz at or 216.440.0961 for more information.

Also, once you are out and about downtown on First Friday, be sure to be on the lookout for St. John’s Street Compliment Booth. We will be offering passersby the opportunity to spread a little more kindness in the world by sharing compliments with each other. One person stands in a booth outfitted with a speaker while another person stands at a podium 8-10 feet away. The person at the podium speaks compliments about the person in the booth into the microphone. Then the two switch positions and repeat. It is really just that simple. As Jacob Friedrich reminded us in his part of the sermon on Youth Sunday, small acts of kindness bring glimpses of the Kingdom of God here and now. We are looking for volunteers to recruit people from the street to use the Street Compliment Booth and assist them in explaining or demonstrating how it works. For more information on how to help in this new ministry opportunity, please contact Adam Schultz at adamchristianschultz@gmail. com or 216.440.0961.

KN O X AR EA R ESU C E MI N I S T R I E S Re sto ri n g L i ve s In J e su s ’ Na me

Outstanding Service Award

During a recent KARM Recognition Dinner, St Johns was recognized with an Outstanding Service Award for our volunteer support of Knox Area Rescue Ministries.


New Testament Scholar Amy-Jill Levine with Students & Faculty at Tyson House!

It’s been another huge year at Tyson House, our campus ministry at the University of Tennessee! We started a brand new internship program (young adults post-graduation, living at Tyson House, exploring life in ministry), funded by generous grants from the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee’s Opportunity Fund and an ELCA-Southeastern Synod Campus Ministry Grant for New Ministry, with our very own Jeremy Roberts as one of our first interns! We had a student baptism, Robin Lovett, who will serve as an intern next year! Justin Crisp ordination, with friends Emilie Casey and Zack Nyein

We had an ordination, Justin Crisp, now Father Justin Crisp, who is continuing at Yale toward a Ph.D. in Theology. Our other two at Yale, Zack Nyein and our own Emilie Casey, completed their ‘middler’ year reviews with great affirmation of their excellent work and development as leaders. We also had three weddings, including Emilie’s marriage to our own Greg Stafford.

In addition to these moments of personal growth, we hosted New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine for conversation at Tyson House, had our first-ever Food Drive for Second Harvest Food Bank, and launched Prof. Maggi Dawn VideoChats with Worship Leaders!

WorshipWorks, a music-sharing workshop for area worship leaders, with Rev. Dr. Maggi Dawn, Dean of Yale’s Marquand Chapel, and composer Mark Miller joining by video chat! Additionally, we put new leadership structure in place: new student-led Worship and Outreach Councils; a new Finance Team to build transparency and use of resources, with our own Dale Teague serving; and a new Fundraising Team, with our own Ruthie Kuhlmann, Rhonda Clay, and Michael Holtz serving. We renovated our common room, with carpentry by our own Clarke Hinckle and painting by our own Misty Anderson, who is also our faculty advisor! We’ve fed many, many UT students and visiting youth (96 one Sunday!), with great cooking Continued on page 14



and serving by Nancy O’Callaghan, the Fischers, the McGalliards, the Teagues, Pastor Amy, St. John’s youth, and many, many more. For three years now, Jim Friedrich has baked delicious communion bread for Tyson House each week! The level of support from St. John’s, for Tyson House, has been breathtaking! It really has been an amazing year. There are a whole lot of people giving thanks to God for all you have done at Tyson House. Thank you!


Worship Schedule Worship during June and July is scheduled for 10:00 AM every Sunday. These eight summer Sundays will give our congregation the opportunity to meet and greet one another and spend additional time in fellowship and conversation. So often people who attend the 8:45 AM worship and those who attend the 11:00 AM worship may go extended periods of time without seeing or greeting each other. We hope this opportunity to worship together will lift up the oneness we share in Christ and the wonderful Spirit that binds us together in this community of faith. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called, one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all…” and one worship at 10:00 AM during June and July!


In Christ, with you,

The Rev. John Tirro St. John’s Lutheran Church, Knoxville Tyson House Campus Ministry, UT-Knoxville

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Brenda Wainner Kelly Page Virginia Grace Connor Gibson Clarke Hinkle Lisa Smith Sarah Crowley Josh Reed Thomas Clay Tatum Mullins Leah Zinser Sara Whitehead Doug Thompson Joe Laney Susan Bradford-Callo Sara Daugherty Reed Solt Nicole Leatherwood Christina Racek Mike Sweany Chesney Burkhalter Loreley Sinnott Dale Teague Bill Nelson Rachel Crowley Alex Moore Heath Woods Declan McWilliams Darin Clark Wanda Costen Betsy Wittenberg Mary Critselous Pat Counts Linda Peterson Kitty Sharp Julia Wittenberg Bill Lawhon, Jr. Kaye Williams Brandon Hopkins Mary Gagle Emily Skaar Sherry Barry Debra Wainner-Morin David Moore




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Tom Martin Blake Gilbreath Ralph Hendrix Caleb Warren Claire Robinette Darby Bernard Sam Swan Rachel Delgado Grace Sweany Jackson Ragle Betsy Moore Brenda Wayland Michael Eisenhower Nancy Delgado David Glibbery Sally Seivers Spencer Bradford Larry Eikenberry Teresa Greene Sonja Fowler Jill Lawrence Kiryn Walker Natalie Graves Karen Johnson James Barker Butch Fischer J.E. Henry Brad Long Pam Rogers Alan Shattuck Raney Shattuck Joe Mathews Gina Vandergriff Tracie Lefler Diana McElhaney Brennan Whitehead Zion Roberts Stan Leib Anita Barker David Moore Cathy Converse Kevin Kimzey Mike Eisenhower Kandis Shepherd Lauren Kimzey Sally Osborn Benjamin Sousa Chad Gibson Carole Romeiser Gregory Robertson Emelia Warren Trista McCarthy


St. John Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917



Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy C. Figg Pastor of Family Ministry and Caregiving John Tirro Pastor of Congregational Life and Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music Krista Lee Christian Education Director

Sheila Radford Financial Assistant Toni Denton Administrative Assistant Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell Stephen Douglas Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: Website: 2015 NEWSLETTER PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Issue

Article Deadline

Mail Date


February 6

February 12

Holy Week Easter

March 16

March 26

Pentecost I

May 11

May 21

Pentecost II

July 20

July 30

Pentecost III

September 21

September 30

Advent Christmas

November 9

November 19


December 7

December 17

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