Lutheran Life the congregational newsletter of
In the midst...
by Rev. Amy Figg
translated literally as “in the midst of things,” is a beautiful storytelling technique in which the audience is dropped in the middle of the story, immediately engaging the heart with emotion and the mind with questions. Characters will be introduced and developed later; circumstances and plot nuances will be explored in detail but not necessarily right away. Perhaps you recall this device from The Odyssey introduced with a journey nearly complete. One of my favorite movies, Crash, begins on a dark night when Detective Graham Waters makes an unsettling discovery. With a rewind of a mere twenty-four hours, the viewer sees countless lives, intertwining and ripping apart, unfold as a commentary on race in the United States. Advent is also an in medias res season. Our new church year begins at a dramatic point in the midst of the story, complete with Markan texts that speak of end times and then direct us back to John the Baptist as a herald of the world-shaking event that was to come in the birth of Christ. The writers at Sundays and Seasons, a worship planning resource, put it this way: This is why repeating the church year year-after-year is cyclically appropriate. There is a profound sense in which Christ is always coming again and again, more and more, layer upon layer, both in his arrival and in our continuing expectation. Expectation and fulfillment are woven together, and the liturgical calendar witnesses to it in our worship practice. So the coming of Jesus is promised. The coming of Christ is prayed for. In a way, the Son of Man is always coming. Mark more than any other gospel illustrates the truth that everything is in medias res. Everything is always in the middle of things, even the beginning and the end. Once again, we jump into the Story with the anticipation of a birth. And as we rest quietly at the manger, we hear echoes of what has led to this point: creation, rebellion, reconciliation, exile, homecoming, songs of praise, and prophetic warnings. We also sense the shadow of a cross falling long as the words “Christ has died; Christ is risen; Christ will come again” begin to find voice. Always in the midst. During this season, hear the invitation to be intentionally conscious of the beautiful events as they unfold, as they hearken both backward to what has been and forward to what will be, all because God is in our midst … always, ALWAYS working to bring about good!
In need of rebeginning.
by Rev. John Tirro
for preschool – 5th grade Upstairs in the Central Station of Christian Education
Let’s celebrate the expectation of hope found in Advent, together! Why do we use the color blue? What do the candles mean? How can we use our Advent wreath? We’ll discover these answers and more. On December 3, 10, & 17. After learning together, we will join our families during the Advent Worship service for Communion.
Monday, December 1 7:00 - 9:00 pm
A Women’s Ministry Event Sparks Fellowship Hall Please plan on joining us for an evening of “Angels Among Us,” that includes fellowship, beautiful music, and delicious dessert as we prepare our hearts for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. There is no charge for the program. 3
Have you noticed something different about the cover to your Sunday morning worship service bulletin? The Radical Hospitality Team, in conjunction with the church’s pastoral leadership, has decided to try something new. Along the right side, there is now a perforated section asking for contact information that can be torn off and either placed in the offering plate or handed to an usher. These take the place of the pew registries that were sometimes passed down the pew during worship and sometimes not. While you might think this is simply for guests who attend worship, we would like to invite you to make use of this tool to update and confirm your contact information. The church office would like to update our records as much as possible, so whether you have attended St. John’s for one week or half a century or whether you have lived in the same location for more than a decade or have moved residences five times in five years, please fill out the perforated section. Additionally, for your convenience you can make specific prayer requests on the reverse side of the perforated card. Please feel free to make use of these cards as often as you like to update your information, request information or a meeting, or make a prayer request. If you have feedback concerning this change, please contact the lead of the Radical Hospitality Team Adam Schultz at 216.440.0961 or 4
Sunday, November 23 DOVE TREE by Marcia Power
In our midst are families who cannot provide their children with housing, utilities, food, and transportation, let alone special Christmas gifts. In our midst are teachers and staff who see the needs of their students, but who can't possibly meet them all. In our midst are loving, generous givers who are Christ to those who are without. Each year, St. John's puts up the Dove Tree around Thanksgiving. Our congregants are offered the opportunity to provide clothing and a special gift for one or more students at Christenberry Elementary or Sarah Moore Greene Academy. This year, we will be providing gifts for approximately 70-75 children. Please, take a moment to stop by the Dove Tree, choose your Dove, and sign your name on the check-out list. Should you have questions, please contact Marcia Power at 216-8551 or Often the most important gifts we give come from our time and treasures - right here in our midst.
by Jan Larson
Advent – a time of preparation. What better way to get in the spirit of the season than to participate in the traditional “Hanging of the Greens” at St. John’s! All members, especially those new to St. John’s, are encouraged to participate, and no special skills, creative or otherwise, are required. All you need is a desire to experience with other members the magnificence of being a part of the family who adorns St. John’s with the symbols of the seasons. Each person is free to choose their particular task–hanging garlands, placing candles, attaching Chrismons, decorating the Fireside Room, Welcome Center, and Sparks Fellowship Hall. Experienced folks and photos from previous years are available to help those new to the process, but new ideas are always appreciated as well. This wonderful spirit-filled event will take place on Sunday evening, November 23. We begin at 5:30 pm with a meal prepared by TLC, followed by a Litany and the Hanging of the Greens at 6:00. We should be finished before 8:00.
by Krista Lee
When evening comes, there will be Light. Zechariah 14 : 7 The Blessing and Lighting of the Advent Wreath In Your Home
Begin workshop at St. John’s with the Celebration of the Hanging of the Greens to follow.
Register by Thursday, November 20 with the Church Office (523.3330) or by email ( Approximate cost per family is $15.
Contact Pastor Amy Figg or Krista Lee with questions.
A Christmas Party Bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share. We will put it all together for our luncheon.
Wednesday, December 3 11:30 am St. John’s Lutheran Church
Please join us as we wish each other peace, joy, and the love of the Christmas season!
PROGRAM The Singing Seniors Ensemble from the
John T. O’Connor Senior Center
will entertain us with Christmas music!
Questions? Contact Mary Cole at 584-3153, or Beginning in August, members and friends of St. John’s were invited to experience a new opportunity for food and fellowship. We have gathered in the Sparks Fellowship Hall on the First Friday of every month in the belief that relationships in Christ give people the strength to serve as God calls. The First Friday gatherings in August, September, October and November have produced new and growing relationships of faith. First Friday on December 5th beginning at 5:30 pm, is our congregation’s opportunity to celebrate our relationship with each other and new members that have been received during 2014. Appetizers, water, tea, and lemonade provided along with Advent and Christmas music and decorations. You are invited to BYO/wine and beer to share with the group.
First Friday is also your opportunity to introduce a friend to your St. John’s family. You have been invited, so now you invite someone to join in the joy that we share as God’s people. Come when you can and leave when you must. This is our last First Friday until next year!
Lunch and Service of Remembrance Sunday, December 7, 2014 12:15 pm Lunch in the Sparks Fellowship 1:00 pm Worship in the Sanctuary by Rev. Amy Figg
Henri Nouwen writes: “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” Grief is a living reality, even during the holidays. And sharing that grief can be a gift you extend to yourself. Imagine the mix of emotions during this: joy of family gatherings tempered by the aching loss of one who is not sitting at his or her place at the table, hope for the new year dashed by the end of significant relationship, gifts wrapped in bright paper dimmed by the gray shades of depression, the anticipation of gifts given drastically minimized by a job loss and the subsequent financial strain.
Your Stephen Ministers understand and invite you to the 15th Annual Service of Remembrance. Together, we can remember the completed lives of so many cherished family members and friends. Sometimes through tears and other times with a gentle smile, we can think of those who filled our lives with such precious memories. At 12:15, the Stephen Ministers will host a light lunch in the Sparks Fellowship. At 1:00, the St. John’s family will remember those who completed life during the past year, celebrating the promise of resurrection in worship. We will light a candle in memory of those who enriched our lives by being present and who now remind us of a hope-filled eternity: parents, children, siblings, extended family members, and friends. Please plan to join us for a gentle time of reflection. RSVPs for lunch are requested; please contact Toni in the church office at 523-3330 or
Homeless Memorial Service by Thea Peterson
St. John’s is hosting the Community Homeless Memorial Service on Tuesday, December 16th at 6 pm. Each year St. John’s, in collaboration with our partner organizations and neighbors, host a candlelight service to remember the homeless who have died during the past year. This very tender service of remembrance means so much to our neighbors who have lost friends. It is also a time for service providers, community leaders and St. John’s members to come and support our neighbors. I hope you will plan to attend and be a part of the gathered community on December 16th.
Greetings St. John’s, I can hardly believe I am almost half way done with my degree at Yale Divinity School. This past semester has been an adventurous one! This past August, I began my internship at Trinity Lutheran Church in Manhattan under the mentorship of Pastor Heidi Neumark. Between helping to lead worship, teaching Sunday School, and serving as a general pastoral presence, my work at Trinity is a wonderful opportunity to put into practice the things I have learned at YDS. The congregation has been amazingly warm and supportive while I learn and grow in my gifts for ministry. This semester, I also began working as a Marquand Chapel Minister. This means every day I help lead worship for the community at Yale Divinity School in collaboration with a small team of students. These services are widely ecumenical. We do everything from Catholic foot-washing to Pentecostal praise. The space functions as a sort of liturgy lab with an impressive amount of resources. On a personal level, my work in Marquand is both creatively thrilling and delightfully fulfilling. My classes continue to be challenging and engaging. I have particularly enjoyed my coursework focusing on liturgy and worship. A seminary education is truly an abundance of blessings! Joyfully in Christ, Emilie Casey
by Thea Peterson, SJLC Kids Hope USA Director
Back in our Pentecost 2 issue of Lutheran Life, we shared a picture of our newest mentors, Caleb and Dani Warren. Since then, they have each been matched with a precious child of God. Both are in the early stages of getting to know their “littles,” and little they are as both are in Kindergarten! Please don’t hesitate to talk to Dani & Caleb about their experience.
Is God calling you to be a mentor?
Dani Warren and her “little,” Keyaira
(pictured with her husband, Greg Stafford) Caleb Warren and his “little,” Gabriel
Christmas Program CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Sunday, December 14 10:00 am
LIGHTING THE PATH OF ADVENTURE! You are invited to attend the Annual Christmas Program, performed by the children of St. John’s on Sunday, December 14, at 10:00 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall.
by Rev. Amy Figg
Following a non-scientific, yet incredibly informative survey, WE HAVE A PLAN! Our goal is to plan, promote, facilitate, and celebrate one youth ministry event each month, with help from as many as youth ministry families as possible. Occasionally, there are some additional events within a month, in order to address a specific need or invite folks into a special event. Please take a look, put the dates on your family calendar, and consider making these events a top priority! Additional details will follow via e-mail! Thanks for your ongoing support!
Sunday, November 23 (5:30-7:30)
Thanksgiving Dinner
Sunday, December 21 (12:30-2:30)
Family Lunch and Christmas Caroling to Shut-Ins Sunday, January 4 (5:30-7:30)
Family Bowling Tourney and Chili Cook-Off Sunday, February 1(6:00-8:30)
Super Bowl Party
Tuesday, February 17 (5:00-7:00)
Goodie Bags
Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner Sunday, March 1 (5:00-7:30)
Cooking for Tyson House Sunday, March 8 (12:30-2:30)
COMBINED COMMUNITY CLASS Sunday, December 21 10:00 am
All classes, (young and old) will meet together in the Sparks Fellowship Hall to create and assemble
WELCOME BACK TO 2015 GOODIE BAGS for the staff of Christenberry Elementary School. We'll listen to Christmas music, eat candy canes and create goodie bags to show our appreciation for the amazing partnership between St. John's Lutheran Church and Christenberry Elementary School through Kids Hope USA. Be sure to check the Christian Education Bulletin Board for a list of requested items.
Lunch and Worship Leadership Training Friday, March 27-Sunday, March 29
WOW 2015 Leadership Academy Sunday, April 12 (5:30-7:30)
Progressive Dinner
Friday, April 17-Sunday, April 19
WOW 2015 Leadership Academy Wednesday, April 22 (5:00-7:00)
Youth Sunday Planning
Wednesday, April 29 (5:00-7:00)
Youth Sunday Planning
Sunday, May 10 (both services)
Youth Sunday and Graduate Reception
Raising up Leaders!
by Rev. Steve Misenheimer
This October, LTSS Provost Clay Schmit and his wife, Carol, as well as Dr. Mary Sue Dreier and The Reverend Gary Dreier, came to Knoxville to plan for expanding our partnership with LTSS in bringing seminarians to Knoxville. Mary Sue and Gary Dreier are new members of the LTSS community. Mary Sue is a professor of Missional Theology and Pastoral Care, and Gary is the Pastor to the seminary community.
exploring new and creative ways to prepare leaders for the church. Southern Seminary has come to be seen as an innovative school with an eye on the future. Our conversations in October have continued to develop the “mission outpost” approach to experiential learning for seminarians. A current St. John’s seminarian at LTSS, Will Wing, is planning to assist Dr. Dreier with this first immersion experience.
While in Knoxville, these seminary partners helped lead worship on Sunday, October 19, and Dr. Mary Sue Dreier led our Adult Fellowship Sunday School class with the topic, “Apostolic Mission, Then and Now.” We also met with St. John’s ministry leaders on Saturday and Monday to continue developing plans to bring seminarians to St. John’s, Knoxville January 8-12, 2015. We are excited to announce our plans for a January course introduction of this inner city opportunity for seminarians to experience urban mission ministry as well as campus ministry and the University of Tennessee.
As a congregation, we are honored to be a part of this seminary initiative, and we are excited about this next step in developing our ministry of raising up leaders. Over the past twenty years, 15 members of St. John’s have been involved in pursuing theological education, with twelve members in the discernment process. Our congregation has become fertile ground for developing future church leaders.
Meeting with Dr. Schmit and Dr. Dreier were Nancy Friedrich, Thea Peterson, Liza Hawkins, Jeremy Roberts, Pastor Figg and Pastor Tirro, and myself. For the past two years, I have served on the Advisory Council for the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, (LTSS), Columbia, SC. With the merger of LTSS and Lenoir-Rhyne University, our new school of theology is leading the way in
Please offer to help and assist with this new ministry as we welcome these seminarians and partners in ministry to Knoxville on Thursday, January 8, 2015. There will be significant opportunities for the congregation to demonstrate hospitality and to share our experience of mission ministry with these students. A congregational brunch on Sunday, January 11, 2015 will be an opportunity for us to welcome, encourage and support these future pastors.
St. John’s Altar Guild invites you to adorn the sanctuary on Christmas Eve by purchasing poinsettias. These blooming plants are a beautiful way to honor or remember loved ones during the holidays. Poinsettia envelopes are available in the pew racks beginning in December, or you may call the church office to place your order. Each plant costs $12. The poinsettias will be available for you to take home after the late worship service on Christmas Eve, or it may be arranged for the plants to be shared with those who are homebound or hospitalized. Thank you for helping make the sanctuary at St. John’s even more welcoming (and gorgeous!) on Christmas Eve. The Altar Guild extends wishes of joy and love to you during the Advent and Christmas seasons.
Happy Birthday!
December Birthdays
Wishing you many reasons to celebrate on your birthday...this year and every year. 1
Al Gill Nicki Nye Beth Callo
Shirley Fogarty Floyd Daniels Dick Fahringer
Wayne Yoder Jo Anne Roning Heather Mullins Tanner Jessel
John Tirro
Paul Anderson
Nancy Friedrich
19 Dotty Barnhill Myrna Perkins
David Anderson
Christine Jessel Lee Sinnott
Susanna Sutherland
Lindsay Cook
Tony Maxwell Chase Leatherwood
14 15
Sue Fischer Sam Hancock Jackie Kessler JC Miller
Lisa Kalmon Joseph Ray
Keith Solt Debby Jones Landry Bernard
Quinn Chappelle
Doris Quickel
Connor Kalmon
Velma Hendrix Pat Hunsicker Greg Stafford
Mary Elizabeth Peterson
Benny Smith
Neil Fischer Todd Sharp Michael Westphal
Owen Peterson
Missional Communities: Joining God in the Neighborhood A Life Together Conference 6 Advent Gathering The popularity of the word “missional” has been on the rise over the last decade. But, what is it that we mean when we say “missional”? And, what does it look like to be a “missional community”? This gathering is for laity and rostered leaders of the Life Together Conference of the ELCA-Southeastern Synod. Plan now to gather with your Life Together Conference in worship, fellowship and learning as we seek to “join God in the neighborhood”.
Keynote: The Rev. Dr. Mary Sue Dreier, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Missional Leadership, Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary To register, by contacting Pastor Eric Murray at 865-588-9753, or and bring payment along on Dec. 6.
Saturday, December 6 9:30AM - 2:30PM Messiah Lutheran Cost: $15/person includes program, refreshments and lunch. Childcare provided by request, in advance.
St. John’s Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917 Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: Website:
Contact Information St. John’s Lutheran Church—544 N Broadway—Knoxville, TN 37917— tel: 865-523-3330 Website: Senior Pastor— J. Stephen Misenheimer: Pastor of Family Ministries & Christian Caregiving—Amy C. Figg: Pastor of Congregation Life and Campus Ministry—John Tirro: Minister of Music – Deborah Dunne-Sousa: Kids Hope USA Director – Thea Peterson: Director of Christian Education— Krista Lee: Minister of Administration and Finance – Claudia Wise: Communications Specialist – Mindy Abell: Administrative Assistant— Toni Denton: