2014 newsletter pentecost 2

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Lutheran Life the congregational newsletter of

"What does this mean?" is the often asked question from Martin Luther's Small Catechism, yet is applicable to Christians of all traditions. A series of videos, produced by Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University, is for use by individuals, churches, and other groups who are interested in engaging in dialogue about issues of the day. It is being made possible in part through an LTSS initiative, the Academy of Faith and Leadership.

by Rev. Steve Misenheimer

The purpose of the “What Does This Mean?” series is to help equip lay and clergy alike for their lifelong work as ministers of the gospel. We believe all Christians are called to the vocation of ministry in the world, and we hope to provide the people of Saint John’s with resources that will empower and equip women and men to be faithful leaders in the 21st-century church.

Paul says “the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. For in HOPE we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:22-25

On Wednesday, September 3 at 6:00 pm the congregation is invited to a covered dish meal to kick off our nine week series entitled “What Does This Mean?” Following food and fellowship and a brief overview of our fall program, we will conclude with worship and Holy Communion.

As people of God, we hope that all of creation will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. That freedom is a gift we have been promised through our baptism into Christ. We have received the Holy Spirit, and we have been equipped and empowered to live with the hope and promise of all things being made new.

The following Wednesday evenings in September and October will include dessert and coffee and a “What Does This Mean?” video at 6:30 pm. Each video is approximately 5 minutes in length. An accompanying study guide will be used to facilitate small group discussion. This is a great way for us to grow in relationship as we gain a better understanding of our Christian life and ministry in a very complex world. What does it mean for us to be “living with hope” in a world filled with questions and concerns about today and tomorrow? Saint


Our fast-paced world is dramatically changing from day to day. As “the grass withers and the flowers fade,” we live with the hope that God’s Word and promise endures forever. The purpose of the “What Does This Mean?” series is to help us live faithful, abundant lives as people of hope! Please arrange your Wednesday evening schedule this fall to join the conversation, discover new relationships and ask the question, “What Does This Mean?”

Fall Wednesday Programming Wednesdays, September 3 through October 29 by Rev. Amy Figg

When Martin Luther published the Small Catechism in 1529 as an opportunity for the instruction of children in the home, he chose a teaching tool embodied in one profoundly simple question:

“What does this mean?” Each of the Ten Commandments … what does this mean? Each Article of the Creed … what does this mean? Each Petition in the Lord’s Prayer … what does this mean?

This exemplary question brings teaching into clear focus, then and now. The Pastors of St. John’s Lutheran Church invite you to weekly gatherings for Bible study and spirit-filled conversation. The schedule is as follows:

Wednesday, September 3 Kick-Off Potluck Dinner and Worship Wednesday, September 10 Postmodernism (with Dessert and Coffee) Wednesday, September 17 Missional Theology (with Dessert and Coffee) Wednesday, September 24 Living with Non-Christian Neighbors (with Dessert and Coffee)

Wednesday, October 1 God Created All Things (with Dessert and Coffee) Wednesday, October 8 Wednesday, October 15 Wednesday, October 22 Wednesday, October 29 Wrap-Up Potluck Dinner and Worship We will gather at 6:00 pm and conclude by 7:30 each week. What does this mean? Let’s gather to explore the answers!


by Rev. John Tirro

at St. John’s Lutheran Church Let’s Go Together to

Knoxville First Fridays, starting August 1! I wish I could recall who said this. I remember he was a pastor of a largely African American church, with a history of advocacy for justice. Asked what he saw as his most important task, he said, “to help my parishioners have a strong social life, because relationship gives people strength to serve as God calls.” Whether we’re working for civil rights, trying to be faithful spouses, parents, and children, or all the above, God works through relationship to give us strength we would never have on our own. Social life is not an add-on. It’s central, God’s call to grow in loving relationship. Also, it’s fun! August 1, September 5, October 3, November 7, and December 5, Pastor Amy, Pastor Steve and I ask you to make it a priority, to join us for fun, at Knoxville First Friday! Knoxville First Fridays are wonderful gatherings, with art gallery openings and restaurant specials all along Gay Street, the Old City, and Market Square, as people walk about, enjoying the sights and each other’s company. And St. John’s is


only four blocks away! Every First Friday of the month, at 5:30pm, we’ll gather in our fellowship hall for wine and cheese. (BYO favorite wines and beers. St. John’s Ministry Council teams provide appetizers, water, tea, and lemonade.) Then we’ll walk to Market Square together, between 6:15 and 6:30. It’s a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other, to make new friends and renew old friendships. It’s also an easy time to invite a friend who isn’t already part of St. John’s: free parking and a readymade, sweet group of people to share the experience of Knoxville’s First Fridays! Knoxville First Fridays, (August 1, September 5, October 3, November 7 and December 5) at 5:30pm: park at

St. John’s, gather for wine & cheese in the fellowship hall (BYO wine/beer; appetizers, lemonade, and tea will be provided) 6:15-6:30pm: walk together to Market Square! For more on Knoxville First Fridays, see knoxvillefirstfriday.com.

blessing of back to school school the backpacks supplies drive back sale SUNDAY, AUGUST 10



We invite all students and educators to bring their backpacks and totes as we pray for our students, teachers, and schools Sunday, August 10, during the Childrenʼs Sermon in each worship service.

A School Supply Drive for the students and staff at Christenberry Elementary.

The children of St. John’s are sponosoring a Bake Sale to celebrate and support the partnership between St. John’s and Christenberry Elementary School. Enjoy cookies and homemade treats that support the ABCʼs!

All school supplies are needed (pencils, crayons, spiral notebooks, folders, backpacks, etc)! Collection bins are available in the Welcome Center.

Fellowship Sunday School August Series Facilitated by Dan Lee Sundays at 10:00 am Animate: Faith is an adult course that creatively explores the central topics of Christianity through group discussion and videos featuring prominent voices from the Christian faith.

Begins Sunday, August 10.

Can you help? YES!! Donate baked goods or make a monetary donation! The proceeds from this event go to support the Christenberry School Fund.

Bring your bake sale items at 10 am on Sunday, August 24. All items must be on/in a disposable container. Pies/ Cakes should be on display, but wrapped. Cookies should be plated by the dozen or wrapped (3 at a time) for individual sale.


by Thea Peterson, Kids Hope USA Director

Let’s CELEBRATE! On Sunday June 29, we celebrated Kids Hope Sunday as part of the Passionate Servanthood Series. Both Dani and Caleb Warren felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to become new Kids Hope Mentors! Despite the busy schedules they keep with work and their seven children, they are excited about sharing their incredible love with two young children at Christenberry Elementary School. Dani and Caleb are fairly new to our SJLC family and are finding ways to get involved in ministry to those who live and attend school in our neighborhood.

WAYS YOU CAN SUPPORT KIDS HOPE USA TEACHER LUNCHEON: MONDAY, AUGUST 4 Monday, August 4, at 11:30 am, we are providing lunch for the teachers and staff on their first day back to school. This is a fun time to welcome the staff back and provide them with a special meal. If you would like to help, please contact Sharon Stancher (719-2135) who is heading up our team of volunteers. BLESSING OF THE BACKPACKS & SUPPLY DRIVE SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 If you are a student, teacher, or mentor, bring your backpack or work bag for a special blessing at both services. Purchase school supplies for Christenberry; bring them to St. John’s, and place them in the plastic bin in the Welcome Center. All types of school supplies are needed: notebooks, large ruled paper, pencils, pens, glue, folders, scissors, staplers, etc. BAKE SALE: SUNDAY, AUGUST 24 The Annual Back-to-School Bake sale has been a tremendous success. The funds raised from this event help to provide the larger items not in the budget, yet, very necessary for a good education. What a gift to be able to meet needs at the school through the generosity of those baking and buying at this supportive event!


UNDERWEAR The school nurse, Mrs. Hill, is always in need of new underwear and gently used pants for those children who need them. Please leave these in the bin with school supplies in the Welcome Center. Below you will find out a little more about how four of our mentors have showered their “littles” with love this summer: Lynn Harrison and Adrienne have gone camping at Cumberland Falls, KY and done some hiking. They also went to see Elk in Lafollette, but didn’t find any. Near the end of the school year, they shared a day watching a pair of bald eagles feeding their two almost grown eaglets. Marcia Power and Makenzee have already been planning rewards for consistent school attendance next year! Makenzee had a wonderful week at zoo camp, and she even spent the night. Makenzee loves animals, so learning about habitat, foods, and care of the zoo animals was a great experience for her. Thea Peterson and Thalia made a trip to Memphis to celebrate Thalia’s achievement of getting on the honor roll. She loved seeing the Mississippi River and learning about all of the tributaries that feed into it. “We also visited the National Civil Rights Museum which is built around the Lorraine Motel, the Memphis Zoo, and a home that was part of the Underground Railway. Of course, we enjoyed Memphis BBQ at Corky’s, Paletas (Mexican popsicles), lunch at The Arcade, (the oldest restaurant in Memphis), and saw the ducks at the Peabody Hotel. It was great fun to share these experiences and create memories for a life time.” Pati McKinney and Caitlin have been going to lots of movies this summer. They have seen Endless Love and The Fault in our Stars, both of which made them cry. Movies are followed by a trip to McDonald’s for milk shakes, french fries and other ‘comfort food’ while crying some more and discussion about the movies. Pati declares: “We love it!”

SERVING WITH HOPE by Ruth Crowley, Altar Guild Coordinator 405-3727, rnvc@comcast.net

The Altar Guild members are a thoughtful bunch! They want others to feel welcome, and hospitality is one of their spiritual gifts. Whether they provide clean, fresh and pressed linens, polished brass, refreshed candles or a beautifully set table, they are part of the invitation we all receive to share in communion with one another. Preparing our hearts and minds for worship begins before we come together in the sanctuary, before we see the candlelight, and before we sing and pray and share Holy Communion. The preparation

begins in the ritual of the Sabbath, in the struggles of our own lives and in being called to love and be loved by the Holy Spirit. Being a part of the Altar Guild team offers us a chance to prepare for and respond to a loving God who offers us a Meal of forgiveness and a glimpse of the Feast to come. When the sanctuary is refreshed, when the candles are glowing, when the altar is set, and when we are gathered for worship, our hearts and our minds open to what God has in mind for us. He ignites our passions for serving and loving. As we are filled with the

Holy Spirit, we are empowered to live with hope. The Holy Spirit knows our hopes. Whether we are hoping to find health or peace or security or respect, we have the reassurance that we do not hope in vain. One of my hopes is to continue to help make St. John’s a place where everyone is welcome. If you are someone who shares this hope, I would love to invite you to be a part of our thoughtful team of servers. We serve with the blessing and hope of belonging.

Sample and vote for your favorite pasta. Bid at the live and silent auctions of scrumptuious desserts. Enjoy live music, awesome face painting, balloon animal creations and loads of family fun in the children’s area. Watch us crown the “Pasta Grand Champion.” All proceeds go to Family Promise of Knoxville : Uniting our interfaith community and local resources to help children and their families without homes become self-sufficient. To become a sponsor or for more information please contact us at 584-2822 or director@familypromiseknoxville.org


NEW INTERNSHIP PROGRAM AT TYSON HOUSE! This summer, Tyson House is beginning a new Post-Grad Resident Internship program! For years, Tyson House has been a place for students to explore their sense of God’s call, and many leaders have come through just in the past decade: Fr. Brett Backus and Deacon Amy Morehous (Episcopal Church of the Ascension); Fr. Bob Leopold (Southside Abbey in Chattanooga); Sinéad Doherty (youth leader at Good Samaritan); Emilie Casey, Zack Nyein, and Justin Crisp (studying at the Yale Institute of Sacred Music); Will Wing (Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary); Blaire Hamilton (Candler Divinity School); and of course I came through as well (initially as a volunteer piano player, now as the chaplain)! Student leaders lead students, who then become leaders! This year, we extend our leadership development to include three young adults post-college. They will live at Tyson House, together with four undergraduates and one graduate student. We will meet weekly for reflection and enrichment, focusing in topics such as rest, prayer, relationship, worship, service, and giving. Tyson House will be a place for them to learn, to explore their gifts in ministry, and to receive mentoring. It will also be a place for them to serve as mentors, to use their gifts for the good of others, and to teach. Now, let me introduce these three, wonderful young adults!

by Rev. John Tirro

David Burman

David Burman was a student leader at Tyson House, graduating in 2012, spent the past two years serving in the Episcopal Service Corps in New Haven, and is in discernment toward Episcopal priesthood. He has wonderful gifts in listening and as a parish administrator and will serve fulltime at Tyson House, counseling and leading students, preaching and leading worship, and helping coordinate the many details involved in keeping a ministry running healthily! Keli Shipley graduated from Maryville College in 2014 and comes highly recommended by our own Preston Fields, who worked with her in campus ministry there. She majored in Political Science, is working on a Masters in Youth Ministry 5 hours per week through Memphis Theological Seminary, and will serve part-time at Tyson House, building relationship and intentional community. Her other ministry site will be First Presbyterian Church downtown, where she serves as a youth leader!

Keli Shipley

Jeremy Roberts graduated from Carson-Newman in 2014, has been a leader for years at WOW Urban Ministry, and worked as an alpaca farmer and river rafting guide. He is personable, insightful, excellent at leading games and service projects, and will serve part-time at Tyson House, growing community service and the ‘brass tacks evangelism’ of inviting and welcoming people into ministry. His other ministry site will be working with master gardeners as an AmeriCorps VISTA, teaching Knoxville youth and young adults about urban agriculture! As the best of what we offer interns is non-monetary (intentional community, guided reflection, mentoring and collaboration, and a chance to develop and grow), costs are low. That said, there are costs! If you would like to support this ministry financially, let me know (johntirro@mac.com), and I will happily put you in touch with our treasurer!


Jeremy Roberts

Join us for the kick-off event of our 4th year!


$5 Lunch Catered by:

John William Cole III* BBQ Pork, Buns, Slaw, Baked Beans, & Dessert

Cooking Demonstration by Rosa Nussbaumer

Tarte a La Tomato (tasting available)

Hymn sing-along & Speaker: Janie Bitner “Backyard Bird Feeding” How can you attract birds to your yard?

Mark Your Calendars: October 1 Lunch Potluck: Oktoberfest Program: Karen and Ralph Weekly*

(Co-coaches UT Lady Vols Softball Team)

November 5 Lunch: Tastes of Thanksgiving $5/person, Caterer: Kimmie’s Kitchen Program: St. John’s Roadshow, John Coker, Ltd appraiser (Bring a treasure and find out about it)

December 3 Lunch: Christmas Party Potluck Appetizers Program: O’Connor Center Singing Seniors* Small Group Ensemble

The Senior Adult Ministry of St. John’s Lutheran Church is a gathering of God’s older children for fellowship, laughter, prayer, guest speakers, and a delicious lunch the first Wednesday of each month September –May. Please consider joining us. Questions? Contact Mary Cole,

memecole@comcast.net or 584-3153. *Suggestions from your evaluations to be included.


Christian Education

Celebration Rally 2014 Sunday, September 7 Brunch at 10:00 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall

Christian Education is more than just attending Sunday School. Christian Education is a blessing given to us in finding your place to grow in faith, to make connections between worship and life, to grow friendship, and to care for and support each other.

Christian Education Sunday School Calendar August / September Sundays at 10:00 AM August 31 – Christian Education will not meet September 7 – Brunch & Celebration Rally 2014 September 14 – Fall Christian Education Begins!

Sunday, September 7 from 12:30-3:00 pm “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America — one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. On Sunday, Sept. 7, 2014, the nearly 10,000 congregations of this church gather to serve communities in ways that share the love of God with all of God’s people. Whether it’s 30,000 young people doing community volunteer work at an ELCA Youth Gathering, the passionate volunteers of the ELCA homeless ministry network or the devoted members of our congregations who fight for peace and justice in their communities every day, we are a church that boldly does God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities. You work every day to love your neighbors and make your community a better place. Now let’s do it together! St. John’s will participate, so please be looking for upcoming details via e-mail. “When one congregation or a group of congregations gather for service in their local communities, they are the church in that place, taking care of that part of God’s vineyard. But this is all work that we do together. When one congregation works to feed people who are hungry, that is also the entire church coming together,” says ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton. “‘God’s work. Our hands.’ Sunday reminds us that we are church together for the sake of the world. Our lives have been changed by our relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and it’s that encounter with Jesus that frees us to make a difference. As you participate Sept. 7, 2014, in the dedicated day of service, may you witness the love of God, who knows and loves each one of us.”


Introducing your Radical Hospitality

Passionate Worship

Intentional Faith Development

Risk-Taking Mission and Service

As an outcome of St. John’s visioning process, entitled “Vision 2020,” the St. John’s Ministry Council was created to breathe life into the plan. The visioning team that developed “Vision 2020” based the plan on the book Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations by Robert Schnase. The five practices listed in the book are: Radical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional Faith Development, RiskTaking Mission and Service, and Extravagant Generosity. “Vision 2020” lists specific objectives under each of those five areas. In order to meet those objectives, the Ministry Council works to engage the Body of Christ at St. John’s in each of these practices. The goal of each area is to create teams of people to engage in providing ministry that relates to that area.

Extravagant Generosity


A WOW Shout-Out! Dear Amy, Nancy, and all the WOW Folks, So this past week, I was a camp counselor at the Cathedral Domain. Amy, I think I remember you being familiar with this camp and their "Happening" weekend, which is really similar to what TEC was. Anyway, I was a counselor for middle schoolers, and for the entirety of the week, I just kept remembering being a middle schooler when I attended WOW for the first time; I also remember all of the awesome counselors who were then about my age now. I kept thinking I needed to give these kids the same awesome experience I had at WOW, and with God’s help, I think it worked. I grew so close to my campers, and it was absolutely crazy (in the best sense of the word) seeing all of these young faces looking up to me and asking me for advice and coming to me if they had a problem or needed someone to talk to. Had I never gone to WOW and had the amazing experiences I did in Knoxville, I would have never had amazing role models to prepare me for this past week. It was absolutely amazing, and I just kept thinking how I had to go back and thank everyone for being there during those awkward middle school years ‌ and even after that! Thank you so much, and I really hope that sometime soon (or at least by next year) I can pay all of my Tennessee friends a visit and stop by for a little WOW loving! Faithfully, Callie Budryk


A Retreat for the Development of Christian Leaders October 16-19, 2014

What is a Via de Cristo Weekend? The Via de Cristo weekend is a three-day experience of living in a Christian community in a retreat setting. It begins with a send-off early Thursday evening and ends with a closing late Sunday afternoon. The major focus of the weekend is a series of 14 talks, given by pastors and lay persons. Each of these talks is followed by small group discussion. The pastors' talks are aimed at a better understanding of the breadth and depth of God's grace, while the lay talks deal with different aspects of our response to that grace. The weekend also includes morning and evening worship services each day, communion, music, laughter, prayer, and good food. Pastor Amy Figg is the Spiritual Director for the October retreat. If you would like to learn more about Tennessee Lutheran Via de Cristo please contact a pastor at St. John's.


Looking For Green Thumbs St. John’s is offering portions of it’s campus landscaping for “adoption” by families, individuals or ministry groups who have an interest in gardening type activities and maintaining the beauty of the property. An adoption means a commitment to planting, pruning, and/or weeding. Please contact Pete Crowley about adopting a spot at St. John’s: planl@comcast.net

Spots Available for Adoption:

Donations for landscaping plants welcome; include “landscape” on the memo line of your check.

Spotlighting Areas A and C

A C A 14


September Birthdays

August Birthdays

Wishing you many reasons to celebrate on your birthday...this year and every year. 2 Konnie Anderson Garry Menendez 4 Debbie Sousa Turner Rogers Brady Hopkins 5 Karalyne Ley

10 Ann Crytser Marva Solt Toni Denton 13 Edna Seivers Elizabeth Lewis

7 Marjorie Hansen

14 Nancy Wolfe Tom Wainner Beth Llewellyn Lisa Beckman Lars Cooter Ryan Cooter

8 David Cash Christopher Hegseth Shannon O’Hatnick

15 Karen Robbins Sharon Stancher Ella Kate Smith

9 Deanna Lloyd Christine Oehler

16 Betty Kyle Mike Pursiful

1 Mike Haynes Tia Kalmon

7 Sylvia Countess Lynn Menendez Todd Whitehurst

6 David Jagels

2 Norma Bradley 3 Phyllis Collins Eunice Carlson Candy Robertson Aubrey Metelka Nathanial Kimzey 4 Linda Cash Gene McKinney Josh Misenheimer Matthew Long 5 Jimmy Reed 6 Katherine Rutherford David Maples

9 Laura Cash 10 Jennifer Kessler Frank Metelka 11 Gary Anderson Jean Smith 12 Caleb Parton 13 Preston Fields 14 Odessa Clark Carolyn Ray Jessica Bocangel Cody Parton Morgan Hancock

17 Katherine Perkinson

24 Lakiea Chapman

18 Jackie Tucker Keith Beckwith

25 Mary Eikenberry Jeanne Misenheimer David Trout Victoria Schwahn

19 Lisa Minton Connor Gilbreath 20 Maddie Trout Loudon Rogers 21 Ron Rimer 22 Dexter LaBrooy Darrell Murrell 23 Aaron Delgado Emilie Casey

15 David Lynn 16 Scott Rogers 18 Cami Brewer 19 Jennifer Rieger 21 Herman Demmink Cindy Krusenklaus Pam Lawhon Chuck Maland 22 Peter Keyes

26 Mary Constantine 27 Holden Giesecke Conner Williamson 28 Olga Eisenhower August Warren 30 Gabriel Shell Joaquin Bocangel 31 Renee Busse Thomas Westphal 26 JT Maland Brittney Greene 27 Don Hansen Emlyn Cobble Pam Shealy Carrie Click Abigail Busby 28 Lee Ley 29 Louise Hegseth 30 Sheri Swan

24 Pete Crowley 25 Mary Rimer Scott Schwahn Shaunta’ Ray Benson Hopkins


St. John’s Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917 Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org


August 26 at 6:30 pm Meet us at Senor Taco located at 3325 N Broadway

An opportunity to gather for dinner with your St. John's family that is easy, flexible and FUN! You’re invited to join your fellow church members for dinners at various restaurants on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm. Each month, a different restaurant is chosen in a different part of town. Come for dinner every time, or just when it’s convenient for you.

Knox Heritage Presents:

Saturday, September 6, 2014 7:00-10:00 pm Tickets Available Online

Contact Information St. John’s Lutheran Church—544 N Broadway—Knoxville, TN 37917— tel: 865-523-3330 Website: www.sjlcknox.org Senior Pastor— J. Stephen Misenheimer: Steve@sjlcknox.org Pastor of Family Ministries & Christian Caregiving—Amy C. Figg: Amy@sjlcknox.org Pastor of Congregation Life and Campus Ministry—John Tirro: John@sjlcknox.org Minister of Music – Deborah Dunne-Sousa: sousa@esknoxville.org Kids Hope USA Director – Thea Peterson: Thea@sjlcknox.org Director of Christian Education— Krista Lee: kblee123@aol.com Minister of Administration and Finance – Claudia Wise: Claudia@sjlcknox.org Communications Specialist – Mindy Abell: Mindy@sjlcknox.org Administrative Assistant— Toni Denton: Toni@sjlcknox.org

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