The SJLC Minute 4.19.2023

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The SJLC Minute

Church Events

April 21-22

Youth Lake Retreat

April 23 3rd Sunday of Easter

Children’s Music emphasis in Faith Formation

Adult Faith Formation

Guatemala Presentation

Parent's Night Out/Kid's Night In! We have some great activities planned, including a craft table/quiet space, a pretzel making project, and dinner and a movie. Please bring any special food they might need, a blanket, a stuffed animal friend, and a pillow (just in case we get sleepy!)

Because this has turned into such a successful event, and because we want to feed the teens who are volunteering their time, we're asking that parents contribute $10 per kid to cover food, snacks, nursery workers, etc. Hope that's ok!

Just sign up with the QR code, and let us know about any special needs or allergies. Please drop off your little person at 4:30 at the SJLC portico entrance, and pick them up at 8:00.

If your child has a cold or other symptoms, or if your family has had a close Covid contact recently, we kindly ask that you wait it out until the next parent's night out (more to come!) to keep all our friends safe.

Youth Cooking Breakfast for Dinner at Tyson House

April 30 4th Sunday of Easter




Children’s Music

Extravaganza at both services

May 6

Youth Council

Working Breakfast

Parents Night Out!

May 7

Stewardship Celebration

Sunday Potluck and Ministry Fair

Ms. Debby and Pastor John invite the children of St. John’s to a special musical exploration during Faith Formation on Sunday,April 23. The children will share musical offerings during both worship services on Sunday,April 30!

Sunday,April 23

Guatemala - Presentation by Valerie Taylor, Nancy & Jim Friedrich

Valerie, Nancy and Jim will share photos and stories from their recent visit with our companion synod ILAG.

Come and learn, enjoy, ask questions and learn how God is at work with our friends in Guatemala.

SJLC Mission Statement

s People.”

filled relationship with God and neighbor, we love inclusively, grow spiritually and serve faithfully

“...Grace Lavished on Us”

Week of April 23

• Temple Talk in Worship

• Stewardship Mailing with brochure

Sunday, April 30

• Temple Talk in Worship

• Presentation of Commitment Cards

Sunday, May 7

• Congregational Celebration Potluck at 12:15 PM in Sparks Fellowship Hall

• Ministry Fair throughout the church at 1:00 PM

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