Advent 2015 newsletter

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the congregational newsletter of

St. John’s Lutheran Church

1 2015 Advent Issue




Wait. What?! Yes! Happy New Year! We just celebrated Christ the King Sunday, the last big hurrah of the Church year, where we see what kind of king Christ is (a servant, who leads by humble service that we might do the same), and now it’s… The End of the World! Umm… I thought you just said happy new year. Yes! The End of the World! The end of trying-tobe-better-than, the end of surface-level-trying-to-looksmarter or stronger or more-ready-than-we-are, the end of falsehood, of trying-to-earn-God’s-love… the beginning of acceptance — of accepting God’s fullon, uncompromising love… the beginning of our own acceptance of God, of each other, of ourselves. Really? Yes. Advent means Happening or Event or Becoming. It’s the beginning of the New Year for the Church and, by God’s grace, the beginning of an experience, in our life as Church and our lives as followers of Christ, of New Creation. So we hear Jesus’s words about “signs in the sun, the moon, and



the stars,” that “the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” We hear John the Baptist “proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” We hear Mary singing the greatness of God who “has done great things for me.” Sunday mornings are full of new life, and we decorate the halls and sanctuary with greens to remind us of God’s life. We gather to worship by candlelight Wednesday evenings, to sing the gentleness with which God comes to us. “In the stars that grace the darkness, in the blazing sun of dawn, in the light of peace and wisdom, we can hear your quiet song. Love that fills the night with wonder, love that warms the weary soul, love that bursts all chains asunder, set us free and make us whole.” Wow, that’s really different from what goes on in the rest of the world. Yes, it is. Happy New Year. Happy End of the World-as-it-was. Happy New Creation. Christ is coming!


Broad Strokes

We will lean into Advent, our season of anticipation and preparation, on November 29. The lectionary readings of Advent all point us to signs of God coming—whether we are ready or not—of days and times advancing toward us, of hopes and expectations for a future held in the promises of God. It may seem by November 29 that Advent will have already begun somehow, considering that at the end of the previous church year we have already been considering our lives in God’s future. Consider our November worship themes: • Celebration of All Saints Sunday in which we give thanks for those who have died and help us ponder death and what it means to live in Christ • Gospel passages that turn our hearts to final things through which God beings creation to completion. • Recognition of Christ the King who’s reign is “already but not yet.” • We acknowledge our need to imagine a future, living and dying while awaiting the fulfillment of promises, and wondering if the diminishing sunlight will ever fully return.

During the season of Advent in this year of the gospels of Luke and John, we have a feast of rich readings. On the first Sunday of Advent, Luke’s Jesus points to the fig tree to see the signs (Luke 21), and on the second and third Sundays, we proclaim the sequential narratives of John the Baptizer preparing the way with words of planetary reshaping–valleys filled, mountains lowered, trees felled, and wheat harvested (Luke 3). Only on the fourth Sunday of Advent do we begin the birth narratives from Luke with Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, leading to the canticle filled with the promises of God’s impending justice—Mary’s Magnificat (Luke 1). The first and second readings on each Sunday complement the gospel readings, with prophecy from Jeremiah, Malachi, Zephaniah, and Micah, and pastoral counsel and consolation from the epistles to Thessalonica, Philippi, and the Hebrews. Advent is not a four-week exploration of waiting only for a baby. Advent is rather an annual time to consider God’s coming in every way and time possible: in a meal, by a word, as a light, in the assembly gathered, as a complete surprise, following a long wait, suddenly, or as a child. ~Drawn from Sundays and Seasons~



Advent Reflection

How much older than Mary was Joseph? Was he young too, full of dreams, his whole life ahead of him? Did he talk and talk of all he hoped for, as they traveled to Bethlehem? Was he older, much of his life behind him? Were they close? We don’t know. What we do know is that God loved them, to the point of becoming a child, carried inside Mary as they made their way to the place where Jesus would be born. Advent is a time of expectant waiting, of walking with Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem. We too are young and old, with different kinds of wisdom, different kinds of hope to share, and God loves us, to the point of being born among us, in hearts opening to each other, in worship, and in loving service to the least of his children. This is what we carry inside us, God’s readiness to be born in us.


How do we open to this reality? Honestly, it’s not something any of us can do alone. For Emmanuel, “God With Us,” to be born, there has to be an “us.” Advent is an opportunity to reform as “us,” with God in our midst. Sunday morning worship is bright and challenging, Wednesday evening worship is gentle by candlelight, and both together form a foundation for our shared life in Christ, a place of healing and learning and discernment of what our next steps ought to be, steps with Mary and Joseph toward Bethlehem, toward Christ born again, in our hearts and our life together. We’re just as unlikely a bunch as Mary and Joseph were – every congregation is — God is an unlikely God, always ready to be born among unlikely people! This Advent, let’s rededicate to worship, to grow together in Christ, may Christmas truly be an arrival of God with us.

Advent Worship – Wednesdays in December at 6:30 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship – Festival Services at 5:30 and 8:30

Up on the Roof Top!

Prospects for a new roof on the Saint John’s sanctuary are looking up! On Christ the King Sunday, November 22, we received congregational commitments to our “Raise the Roof” capital campaign. If you responded with a financial pledge, we are thankful for your faithful partnership in ministry. If you have not offered your commitment, please prayerfully consider adding Saint John’s to your Christmas list!

Throughout the month of December, we will be following up our campaign to say thanks and to encourage additional commitments. The giving period of three years, 2016-2018, offers considerable time for pledges to be completed and our campaign goals to be accomplished. Saint John’s Lutheran is on the National Register as a historic place and is considered by all to be an architectural treasure. Beyond the beauty of our sanctuary, the ministry of this congregation has been a source of hope and inspiration for so many generations. Established in 1888, individuals and families have been called and gathered into a community of faith that will continue to proclaim the love of Christ for generations to come. In addition to replacing the sanctuary roof which is 102 years old, our “Raise the Roof” campaign will also provide exterior and interior improvements to our sanctuary, as well as renovations to our classrooms and our kitchen. Our SJLC Mission Endowment, debt reduction, and Mission Support will also be funded with a percentage of campaign contributions. We rejoice in the spiritual gift of generosity God has freely bestowed upon this congregation. Together, we look forward with great anticipation and Easter excitement to “Raise the Roof” in the New Year! To God be the glory!

“In Christ the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”

-Ephesians 2:21



St. John’s New Mobile App For those who are “tech savvy,” a mobile app is not a new thing. But for many of us, a mobile device application is the newest scary tech thing coming our way. And now – ST JOHN’S IS GETTING ONE??? What does it all mean? Well here’s a quick look at what a mobile app is and how it’s going to be a wonderful ministry tool for St John’s … What is a “mobile app?” A mobile app (or mobile device application) is a computer program, specifically designed to run on mobile devices like your smartphones, your tablets, and e-readers such as a Kindle. Some of these “apps” are simply games you play; others are information resources; and still others have the ability to complete tasks and calculations. Many mobile apps are preinstalled when you buy your device, and others can be downloaded to your device for free or for purchase. A recent study showed that the average consumer spends nearly three hours every day using his or her


mobile phone or tablet. Smartphones have replaced computers and laptops and their use is growing. Landline phones are diminishing, and people are using mobile phones and devices to stay connected to almost every aspect of life like paying bills, getting directions, making appointments, and now – addressing their spiritual needs and developing their faith. Mobile app usage is SURGING right now. Take a look at some statistics: • Mobile apps account for more than half (52%) of all time spent on digital media. • Mobile phone users spend 89% of their time on mobile ‘apps.’ • Mobile app usage increased by 21% in the last YEAR alone. Why does a church need a mobile app? A church can increase their ability to communicate with guests and members. Church leaders want to communicate with church members, and members want to communicate with each other. Mobile apps

provide many different methods that are more likely to be seen quickly and receive a response than more traditional methods. Apps provide members with an option called a push notification—short messages that notify users when there’s something new from the church—and members also can access social media posts and profiles, send messages to each other through the app, and keep up to date with the whole church community easily. Mobile apps can also allow sharing of schedules, programs and events, contact information, news, and updates. Think about it—time spent on a mobile device by the average US consumer is nearly three hours per day and apps are in the lead, taking 86% of the average US mobile consumer’s time. This makes it clear that applications are completely revolutionizing mobile communications, and any faith community interested in providing meaningful ministries and growing disciples will miss growth opportunities without a mobile app. A church can reduce expenses. For example, a church currently prints 300 newsletters that are distributed to members and friends via a monthly or quarterly mass mailing, but 200 of those folks who receive the newsletter are mobile device users who prefer to receive the information in the newsletter on their device. The church saves money on the printing and mailing of 200 copies every month, and the newsletter information is still distributed completely. Keep in mind: everyone has the opportunity to share their

preferences, and the St. John’s staff stands ready to accommodate with hard copies mailed to homes, electronic copies sent via e-mail, or mobile copies pushed with the app. A church can offer up-to-date – even UP TO THE MINUTE - information about events, schedules, church news all in one place – a place that most folks are carrying around all the time. Push notifications can be sent as reminders for important events, schedule changes, cancellations, prayer requests, and other announcements. What will the St John’s mobile app look like and how will it work? Our mobile application will be available for download in the iTunes store and the Google Play store and will work on iphone and android devices. Once you’ve downloaded the app, there will be an icon on your device screen that looks like the beautiful window at the rear of our sanctuary. Once you tap the icon, the St John’s mobile app will provide a wealth of inspiration and information at the tap of your screen. We will be able to send messages to and from the church and to and from each other using secure and password protected tools within the app. We’ll be able to set up our individual giving to the mission and ministry of St John’s through the app if that is your preference. And finally – and this is one of the most exciting parts of the app – LIVE STREAMING of our worship. If there is a Sunday that you cannot get to St John’s for worship, you will be able to click the app and watch the Sunday morning service from wherever you are LIVE on your smartphone or mobile device! As church leaders and disciples of Christ, we’re called to be good stewards of what God has given us. That stewardship includes technology. Diversifying our digital presence is not just following trend; it’s serving the church, making disciples and strengthening believers.




A Theological Perspective

Busyness has become our business. We are consumed with activities, scheduled up to the minute, with little time for lunch or a break, let alone relationship or rest. Our spouses can feel more like a roommate with whom we divide the chores as we run past each other, passing children (and/or fur babies) like a relay baton, toward some distant and mythical finish line. Then you’ve scarcely moved the jack-o-lantern to the trash when suddenly everything is tinsel and jingle bells before you’ve made plans for Thanksgiving. “I can’t believe its already Christmas again,” we say with the same tone of voice as the Israelites must have used when they passed the same mountain again and again, realizing they had been walking in a circle.


Advent is an invitation to a different way of life, or at least a different way of thinking about life. Advent is a season of anticipation and preparation, of turning our hearts and minds to remember the coming of Jesus as a baby in Bethlehem and looking forward to his promised return. It is a time to refocus our attention on the things that matter, which the Bible calls repentance, and let the things that don’t matter fall away. This ancient-future Advent rhythm is really the rhythm of the whole Christian life; remembering God’s faithfulness and trusting in His goodness for a promised future. The past and the future meet in the present, and it is when we stop to look from this vantage point that we are able to see the futility of

living life like we are in a race. Focusing on either the past or the future alone robs us of the present moment by distracting us as these moments pass by unappreciated. So, how do we make the shift from a life that feels like walking up the down escalator to one that appreciates and receives each moment for the gift it is? The answer is that we begin to realign our thinking and our priorities to include a deeper investment in our faith community. Together we are better able to support the lifestyle changes that will produce healthier and happier versions of ourselves and better lives for our children and grandchildren (and probably our fur babies, too.) But how do we make a deeper investment when our schedules are so jam packed that we barely make it to worship on Sundays? Where could we possible add another thing to our week? St. John’s realizes that we are living in an age where the 9-5, Monday-Friday job rarely exists anymore. We realize the kids have practice, you sometimes have to travel or work a weekend. We realize making the trek downtown on a Wednesday night means driving in the dark or keeping the kids out too late. We realize you have other commitments, and it is not our goal to overwhelm you with or guilt you into new ones. Our goal is to support you in finding peace in the chaos of the meantime. We still strongly encourage you to make Sunday mornings a priority; at the same time, we want this unique, grace-filled experience to be a part of your daily life as well. To that end we are introducing the SJLC App. Available for Apple or Android, on smartphone or tablet, the app will be an invaluable tool for you and your family as you begin to make the shift toward a more humane approach to life. You can receive notifications of events and opportunities, livestream the 11:00 AM worship service—in the near future as we explore new technology—when out of town or home with a sick little one, give your tithe electronically, take

sermon notes or photos and share them on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. The app will offer a daily devotion section with short meditations written by members of the congregation and guided prayers designed to be concise enough for a 15 minute break or a bedtime devotion with the kids. Each devotion includes two questions that can either be a guide for private contemplation or family/small group discussion. You can submit prayer requests, find information about numerous ministries and opportunities available, learn more about our history, contact the staff, read our weekly blog, and stay connected beyond Sunday morning. Our ultimate goal is to support you and your family in finding the gift of rest and relationship, with each other and with the faith community, by meeting you where you are and putting every tool possible right in your hip pocket as you live your daily life. Life is not a race, but an expedition, a journey of discovery. And we aim to help you find what you’re looking for.



Poinsettias for

CHRISTMAS WORSHIP The St. John’s Altar Guild needs you help adorning our sanctuary. Please purchase a beautiful poinsettia. It’s a wonderful way to help decorate our sanctuary for the holiday season, as well as honor or remember loved ones. Each plant costs $12, and you can take the plant home after the last Christmas Eve worship service; or you can arrange for your plant to be shared with someone homebound or hospitalized. Contact a member of our Altar Guild for details.

A New Kind of Dove Tree Each year, the members of St. John’s carry on with the tradition of the Dove Tree. We open our hearts and wallets and provide clothing, bicycles, and toys for children who may not have the fun of gifts on Christmas morning were it not for us. The Best Way to Help! The staff at Christenberry, who know the situation first-hand, has determined that our generosity is not the best gift we can give these children and their parents. They suggest we EMPOWER these parents by helping them invest in their children’s joy at Christmas themselves. Unfortunately, by providing every request on the Doves, we are enabling parents to avoid taking responsibility for their children’s needs and wants. What’s New? This year, in an effort to be better stewards, please provide ONLY two items of clothing and one toy. Please restrain your generosity for the good of these families and children.It’s always been a blessing to be a blessing to these families. Perhaps, we can do an even better job this year!


The Particulars • Choose your Dove(s) on November 22, 29, and December 6. • Gifts are due December 13. If you are not able to shop, there are SHOPPING DOVES on the tree. Place them in the offering plate with cash or a check designated “Dove Tree”, and we will shop for you. • Remember to sign your dove out in the sheet provided! We need to know who to contact if gifts are not returned for a particular dove. Thank you for your generosity and care for these little ones! Volunteers are needed to deliver the gifts to the schools on Monday morning, December 14th. Please call Marcia Power, 216-8551 if you are able to help!



December 4th Artisans Show and Silent Auction: Calling all artists, artisans, and patrons to join us in the Sparks Fellowship Hall Friday, December 4th for a First Friday Artisans Show and Silent Auction with all proceeds going to the Raise the Roof Capital Campaign. Details for the event are as follows:

have to donate to the silent auction to showcase your work. You will be able to set up your assigned showcase area Friday, December 4 beginning at noon that afternoon. Lindsay will be there to show you where to set up. • Patrons, please come ready to bid on amazing pieces of art & craftsmanship and enjoy seeing the talent amongst the members of St. John’s Lutheran church. Cash, checks, and credit cards will be accepted for winners of the silent auction pieces.

• If you are an artisan interested in donating a piece(s) to the silent auction, please contact Clarke Hinkle or Lindsay Cook and let them know the type, size, and estimated value of the piece(s) being donated. All donations must be received by Thursday, December 3. • If you are an artisan interested in showcasing your work (whether or not you are donating to the silent auction), please contact Clarke Hinkle or Lindsay Cook and let them know type, quantity, and any other details that will help them determine what size showcase area/table you will need. You do not

We will gather in the Sparks Fellowship Hall at 5:30 with light appetizers and wine. Please feel free to bring a wine of your choice to share with others. You may contact Clarke at and Lindsay at

Faith Formation Opportunities through the Christmas Season November 22

Advent Wreath Family Workshop (See accompanying announcement!)

November 29

Fellowship in the Welcome Center

December 6

First Sunday Brunch Rehearsal for Children’s Christmas Pageant

December 13

Children’s Christmas Pageant

December 20

Community Ministry Project Goodie Bags for the Staff at Christenberry Elementary School

December 27

No Christian Education

January 3

No Christian Education

January 10

First Sunday Brunch

January 17

Faith Formation 2016 Kick-off!



Faith Formation Overview: Opportunities for All of God’s Children

Faith Formation Overview: Opportunities for All of God’s Children January








Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Nursery 9:00 Lesson and Prayer 10:00 Play 11:00 Lesson and Prayer

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Elementary 9:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch 10:00 Music and Art 11:00 Christian Education through Kinderchurch

Youth 10:00 Bible Study with Nooma DVDs

Youth 10:00 Bible Study with Nooma DVDs

Youth 10:00 Bible Study with Nooma DVDs

Youth 10:00 Bible Study with Nooma DVDs

Youth 10:00 Bible Study with Nooma DVDs

Youth 10:00 God in Film and Theater

Youth 10:00 God in Film and Theater

Youth 10:00 Practical Gratitude

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Darkwood Brew: “Faith of Jesus in a Pluralistic Society”

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Darkwood Brew: “Faith of Jesus in a Pluralistic Society”

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Lenten Practices

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Devotional Classics *C.S. Lewis *Henri Nouwen *Martin Luther *William Law

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Devotional Classics *Thomas Kelly *Dietrich Bonhoeffer *St. Francis of Assisi *Brother Lawrence

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 God in Film and Theater

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 God in Film and Theater

Adult I (Sparks FH) 10:00 Book and Bible Study: 1,000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp

Adult II Adult II Adult II Adult II Adult II Adult II Adult II Adult II (Conference (Conference (Conference (Conference (Conference (Conference (Conference (Conference Room) Room) Room) Room) Room) Room) Room) Room) 10:00 Book 10:00 Book 10:00 Book 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 and Bible and Bible and Bible Darkwood Darkwood God in Film God in Film Book and Bible Study: Finding Study: Finding Study: Finding Brew: “RU Brew: “RU and Theater and Theater Study: 1,000 God in the God in the God in the Kidding? A Kidding? A Gifts by Ann World: A World: A World: A Study of Jesus’ Study of Jesus’ Voskamp Spiritual Spiritual Spiritual Parables” Parables” Revolution by Revolution by Revolution by Diana Butler Diana Butler Diana Butler Bass Bass Bass This is our current working draft for Christian Education during 2016. Please contact Pastor Amy if you have input.



Youth Ministry Update

It has been a pleasure working with and serving this congregation over the past few months. I am learning a lot about the inner functions of the church and how to be a church leader on my path to seminary. We have had a faithful first semester full of youth activities and services. We have had a lake party, Bible study, and dinner and worship at Tyson House, as well as three youth confirmed! We also participated in the All-TN youth gathering in November. We had originally planned to keep December open, with the holiday season generally being busy for most families. However, I am not opposed to getting an event together to spread some Christmas cheer and anticipating the coming of Christ! In January, we will be having Sunday School regularly, and I plan to watch some of the Nooma videos from Pastor Rob Bell. I have done this before with high school Sunday School classes, and it has worked quite well.

Now it’s time to look towards next semester. Luckily, I will finally be finishing my undergrad degree in Geography at UT in early December. This will allow me to be more present in my role as youth leader at St. John’s, which I am very excited about. I have brainstormed some dates for potential youth events. This is very tentative, but right now these are the dates/weekends I have in mind: January 30-31 February either 20-21 or 27-28 March is still a toss up because of spring break and Easter April 30-May 1 I am still brainstorming as to what events we should do, but I know I want to get in at least one or two outdoor activities during the spring time. I would also like to share a mission experience. If anyone has any thought or suggestions, please let me know! Much Peace and Love! Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate



Advent By Candlelight Monday, November 30 • 7:00 p.m.

A festive St. John’s Lutheran Women’s Ministry event, “Advent By Candlelight” will be held on Monday evening, November 30 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. The program this year, “All is Calm. All is Bright,” will lead us to learn more about God’s Light in our lives. Please plan to join us for an evening of fellowship, beautiful music, and delicious dessert as we prepare our hearts for the seasons of Advent and Christmas. There is no charge for the program, but an offering is optional. Make a reservation now and please extend an invitation to one of your sisters in Christ and make plans to be a part of this special event. The deadline for signing up to host a table was Sunday, November 15 and the deadline for signing up for the program is

Sunday, November 29. Sign-up sheets are available in the Welcome Center, or you may contact Ruth Crowley. Childcare will be available in the nursery, if needed. Please see Ruth Crowley to reserve a spot for your child/children. As a special treat, valet parking will be available beginning at 6:30 pm, with retrieval following the program. Please drive your car to the Portico in front of the Welcome Center for valet parking. We are looking forward to seeing you at Advent By Candlelight. For more information, please contact Ruth Crowley, 405-3727 or

Senior Adult Ministry (SAM) Christmas Party

Let the party begin! Bring your favorite appetizer or dessert to share. We will put it all together for our Christmas luncheon. Program Christmas music will be presented by the the “Forever Young Ensemble” from the John T. O’Connor Senior Center. Blessing Basket Please bring cleaning supplies such as handwashing soap for dishes and soap for mopping


such as Pine sol, Spic and Span, Mr. Clean, etc. This will be given to the residents of Guy B. Love Towers. Thank you for sharing with others! Please join us for good food, a great program, and the opportunity to experience fellowship with one another. Questions, call Mary Cole at 584-3153 or email to May each of you be filled with peace, joy, and love this Christmas.


Stephen Ministry Lunch and Service of Remembrance SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 12:15 p.m. - Lunch in the Sparks Fellowship • 1:00 p.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary Henri Nouwen writes: “When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.” Grief is a living reality, even during the holidays. And sharing that grief can be a gift you extend to yourself. Imagine the mix of emotions during this: joy of family gatherings tempered by the aching loss of one who is not sitting at his or her place at the table, hope for the new year dashed by the end of significant relationship, gifts wrapped in bright paper

dimmed by the gray shades of depression, the anticipation of gifts given drastically minimized by a job loss and the subsequent financial strain. Your Stephen Ministers understand and invite you to the 16th Annual Service of Remembrance. Together, we can remember the completed lives of so many cherished family members and friends. Sometimes through tears and other times with a gentle smile, we can think of those who filled our lives with such precious memories. At 12:15, the Stephen Ministers will host a light lunch in the Sparks Fellowship. At 1:00, the St. John’s family will remember those who completed life during the past year, celebrating the promise of resurrection in worship. We will light a candle in memory of those who enriched our lives by being present and who now remind us of a hope-filled eternity: parents, children, siblings, extended family members, and friends. Please plan to join us for a gentle time of reflection. RSVPs for lunch are requested; please contact Toni in the church office at 523-3330 or

KARM COOKING TEAM Our next date to cook is the day after Christmas, December 25. What a wonderful tie to feed God’s Children!



St. John’s Annual

Children’s Christmas Program “Lighting the Path of Adventure” December 13 at 10 a.m. Sparks Fellowship Hall The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. ~Isaiah 9:2~

Homeless Persons’ Memorial Service December 17, 6 p.m.

The spirit of the Christmas season is an opportunity for compassion and concern for all, especially the homeless. Once again, our faith community will be observing the 7th Annual Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day in Knoxville. It is observed every year around the country on or near December 22, the longest night of the year and first day of winter, to remember the deaths of people who experienced homelessness. In 2014, 17 people in our community were known to us by name to have died during the past year. The candle light walk will begin across the street at Volunteer Ministry Center proceed down to 5th Avenue and up through our parking lot and into our sanctuary. Our sanctuary is lit by candles and offers a refuge from the dark cold night and streets to many of


the homeless who come to remember their brothers and sisters who have passed away. The Memorial Day service is organized and conducted by homeless or former homeless individuals, and service providers in the area. Sponsoring the memorial service are: Lost Sheep Ministry, Volunteer Ministry Center, Cherokee Health Clinic on 5th Avenue, and St. John’s Lutheran. I would encourage you to come and share in this very meaningful service. If you would like to offer support, come be a part of the St. John’s community that welcomes our neighbors and visitors to our church home. We also need folks to help usher, carry candles, run sound, bring goodies for the reception and help serve and clean up. If you would like to help, please call Thea Peterson at 591-4803.


What does this number represent?

39 is the number of St. John’s members who have joined the Kids Hope Mentoring team over the last eight years. Celebrate the commitment to making a difference in the lives of more than 39 children in our community. Currently we have 10 members mentoring including: 2 @ Christenberry Elementary 1 @ a different elementary school 4 @ middle school 2 @ high school 1 serving as support staff in the community school program -Are you or have you been part of the St. John’s Lutheran Church team of 39? -Would you be interested in becoming a part or reactivating your status in this elite group?

-Are you feeling the nudge of the Holy Spirit to get involved in our community? -Is God calling you to build a relationship and make a difference in the life of an elementary student? To explore this opportunity further, please give Thea Peterson a call at 591-4803.

Church Council Nominations Every year, one third of our Church Council members rotate off the council, and new congregational leaders are nominated to serve three year terms. The nomination process is conducted by current council members, and calls are issued to four people who agree to have their names placed before

the annual congregational meeting where their call to this ministry is affirmed. If you would like to make a personal nomination, get the person’s permission to be nominated and inform the council president, Mary Cole by Sunday, January 10.



Habitat House Build #8

A picture collage speaks volumes! Many thanks to the 70+ volunteers who worked over the course of three successive Saturdays to make Yalanda McDaniel’s future home become a reality. Her Dad, Thomas McDaniel, brother, brother-in-law, and sisters all pitched in. We are also grateful for the Covenant Partners, Church Street United Methodist as well as David and Sandy Martin. Collectively the necessary $45,000 was raised with over $25,000 coming from St. John’s. Here is what we accomplished as a team ministry: Date




Oct. 17

Blitz - Walls & Roof



Oct. 24

Interior Walls



Oct. 31




Nov. 21




Dec. 5

Interior Trim


Sign Up Now!

Over the next several weeks more work will complete the inside with paint, cabinets and trim work. We look forward to the continued support and will keep everyone posted to take part in the dedication after the first of the year.

The Webb School of Knoxville’s Madrigal Singers will perform at St. John’s on Monday, December 7. Check the website at www. for details.


Many Thanks….Neil Fischer & Dale Teague – Project Leaders


Mary's Song by Luci Shaw

Blue homespun and the bend of my breast keep warm this small hot naked star fallen to my arms— rest, you who have had so far to come— now nearness satisfies the body of God sweetly. Quiet he lies whose vigor hurled a universe. He sleeps whose eyelids have not closed before. His breath—so slight it seems no breath at all— once ruffled the dark deeps to sprout a world. Charmed by doves' voices, the whisper of straw, he dreams, hearing no music from his other spheres. Breath, mouth, ears, eyes he is curtailed who overflowed all skies, all years. Older than eternity, now he is new. Now native to earth as I am, nailed to my poor planet, caught that I might be free, blind in my womb to know my darkness ended, brought to this birth for me to be new-born, and for him to see me mended I must see him torn.

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Al Gill Nicki Nye Beth Callo Shirley Fogarty Floyd Daniels Dick Fahringer Quinn Chappelle Christine Jessel Lee Sinnott Tony Maxwell Chase Leatherwood Rose Perkinson Brooke Bohannan Jo Anne Roning Heather Mullins Tanner Jessel Keith Solt Debby Jones Landry Bernard Susanna Sutherland Lindsay Cook Sue Fischer Sam Hancock JC Miller John Tirro Nancy Friedrich Dotty Barnhill Myrna Perkins David Anderson Velma Hendrix Pat Hunsicker Greg Stafford Neil Fischer Todd Sharp Michael Westphal Paul Anderson Lisa Kalmon Joseph Ray Connor Kalmon Mary Elizabeth Peterson Benny Smith Owen Peterson


St. John Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917



Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy C. Figg Pastor of Faith Formation and Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Isaac Taylor Youth Associate Krista Lee Christian Education Director Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell Stephen Douglas Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Phone: 865-523-3330 • Fax: 865-524-7895 • E-mail: • Website:

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