Epiphany Newsletter 2015

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the congregational newsletter of

St. John’s Lutheran Church

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”

1 2015 Epiphany Issue


EPIPHANY The season of Epiphany is known for bold manifestations and orienting light and transcending Love. May this Ted Loder prayer provide rich images and compelling thoughts to welcome this time of potential growth. Teach me your Epiphany ways, Lord, that I may be open to the same Spirit who moved over the face of the waters in the first day of creation and moves also over the chaos of this time to fashion a day like this, a world like ours, a life like mine, a kingdom like leaven in bread like a treasure buried in the field of the daily I plow; And make me aware of the miracles of life, of warm and cold, of starkness and order, of streaming wind and impenetrable silences, of unfathomable mystery of amazing grace in which I am kept. Teach me your Epiphany ways, Lord, that I may praise you for all the surprising, ingenious ways you bless me, for all the wondrous gifts you give me, through artists who introduce me to the beauty of holiness, who usher me into awesome worlds in which I begin to live anew in fullness of pain and joy not possible before.


Teach me your Epiphany ways, Lord, that I may accept my talent openly, nurture it hopefully, and give it freely. Teach me your Epiphany ways, Lord, that I may love the kindness of prophets and practice it toward the hungry of the world the poor and sick and oppressed that I may learn the healing humility which responsibly tends the earth and all creatures therein. Teach me your Epiphany ways, Lord, that I may be swept up in worship with the saints, which surges in a wonder, gratitude, and obedience, and shapes my life into an irrepressible YES to you, to all my sisters and brothers, and to the presence of the kingdom among us until the ancient vision of mothers burn in me with a fire to light world and warm its heart through Jesus Christ, the singer of passionate songs, the teller of powerful stories, the artist of daring ways. Amen.


Manifestations. The Light of Christ. Shining Stars. Visiting Magi. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. God’s Mission to the Gentiles. A commitment to expressions of multi-culturalism. All of these images create a rich montage of Epiphany! Beginning with the Festival commemorating the Baptism of Jesus on Sunday, January 10 and concluding with the Festival commemorating the Transfiguration on Sunday, February 7, the season of Epiphany allows us to explore the ministry of Jesus including the following Gospel Lessons: • John 2:1-11 in which we celebrate Jesus’ first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding at Cana

• Luke 4:14-21 in which Jesus’ short sermon on an Isaiah prophecy invites controversy in the Temple • Luke 4: 21-30 in which the prophet Jesus is not accepted With all of the possibility for transformation, this prayer, known as the Holden Prayer seems most appropriate: “O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love is supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”



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MAKING ALL THINGS NEW: God’s People and a Sanctuary Roof

“In Christ the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.”

“Raising the Roof!” is a confident, joyful, and hopeful expression of ministry. The Holy Spirit has once again lifted up this community of faith with the inspirational gift of generosity. And through this three-year capital campaign, we will continue to experience the fruit of the Spirit as God makes all things new! We believe and trust we will not become poorer; we will become richer by giving and preparing this congregation for the future. We have received over 80 campaign commitments, which total over $650,000. We anticipate receiving many more pledges in the New Year as we continue to encourage everyone to participate. We confidently declare with the Apostle Paul, “You will be enriched in every way for your great generosity.” (II Corinthins 9:11) We anticipate replacing our sanctuary roof during the season of Easter. As we celebrate Christ being raised from the dead, we will also rejoice in Christ making all things new, including you and me and our sanctuary roof! Construction of a new roof could begin as early as March 28, 2016. Thanks for your faithful support in “Raising the Roof!”

-Ephesians 2:21

Congregational Meeting A Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 24 at 10 a.m. in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to elect new Church Council members and to express our appreciation for the ministry of Council members completing their years of service. We will also present an update from our “Raising the Roof!” campaign and provide a Stewardship outline for the 2016 Lenten season.



Sunday Morning Faith Formation Opportunities 2016 dawns with bright possibilities for personal discipleship and corporate learning! The following schedule beginning on Sunday, January 17 spells it out: Nursery (newborns through preschoolers) … ONGOING 9:00 a.m. Age-appropriate learning activity and group prayer 10:00 a.m. Free play 11:00 a.m. Age-appropriate learning activity and group prayer Elementary (Kindergarteners through Fifth Graders) … ONGOING 9:00 a.m. Lectionary-based learning during worship through Children’s Sermon and KinderChurch 10:00 a.m. Expression through music with Debby and Sousa and art 9:00 a.m. Lectionary-based learning during worship through Children’s Sermon and KinderChurch Youth (Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers) … January through March 10:00 a.m. Rob Bell Nooma Bible Studies with Isaac Taylor Adult I (Sparks Fellowship Hall) … January through February 10:00 a.m. By This Way of Life: Journeys into the Heart of Faith DVD Bible Study with Pastor John Tirro and Ashton Roberts In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Can we take these words seriously without denying the existence of other paths God may create for humanity? The future of Christianity and civilization may depend on our answer. In this challenging seven-part series, Dr. Eric Elnes explores how this question is being answer in surprising and hopeful ways.


Adult I (Sparks Fellowship Hall) … March 10:00 a.m. Ragman and Other Cries of Faith Book and Bible Study with Pastor Amy Figg

Updated with eleven new stories and meditations, this Gold Medallion–winning classic interweaves vivid stories, deep meditations, and provocative allegories that together explore the power and meaning of love within an often inhumane urban landscape. The opening chapter, “Ragman,” remains one of Walter Wangerin Jr.’s most beloved works and leads the reader to thirty–three other writings, all bearing the author’s trademark poignancy and lyricism. Ranging from gentle reflections to heart–rending invocations, these selections are powerful, thought–provoking explorations of the meaning of faith, the person of Christ, and the communion of believers. Again and again, Wangerin’s cries of faith touch our deepest pains with rays of joyful healing.

Adult II (Conference Room) … January through March 10:00 a.m. Finding God in the World-A Spiritual Revolution Book and Bible Study with Michael Holtz and John Rice The headlines are clear: religion is on the decline in America as many people leave behind traditional religious practices. Diana Butler Bass, leading commentator on religion, politics, and culture, argues that what appears to be a decline actually signals a major transformation in how people understand and experience God. The distant God of conventional religion has given way to a more intimate sense of the sacred that is with us in the world. This shift, from a vertical understanding of God to a God found on the horizons of nature and human community, is at the heart of a spiritual revolution that surrounds us – and that is challenging not only religious institutions but political and social ones as well. Grounded explores this cultural turn as Bass unpacks how people are finding new spiritual ground by discovering and embracing God everywhere in the world around us—in the soil, the water, the sky, in our homes and neighborhoods, and in the global commons. She brings her understanding of the latest research and studies and her deep knowledge of history and theology to Grounded, a book that observes and reports a radical change in the way many people understand God and how they practice faith. In doing so, Bass invites readers to join this emerging spiritual revolution, find a revitalized expression of faith, and change the world.

Ragman ($12) and Grounded ($20) will be available for purchase.



Stepping Stones of Faith Jumping in puddles on a rainy day, water from faucet to face as a morning ritual, and water balloons breaking in a battle between friends, all are beautiful ways to remember your baptism, to reorient yourself as a baptized child of God! Stepping Stones of Faith is another way to remember the baptismal relationship where God claims God’s children forever. The basics are fairly simple: bless the child, gift the family, and call the parents to the promises they made at the time of their child’s baptism. St. John’s Stepping Stones of Faith will include the following: • Baptism (Infants) • Prayer (Pre-schoolers) • Start of School (Kindergartners)

• Bible Exploration (Second Graders) • Holy Communion (Early Elementary Students) • Worship Leadership (Late Elementary Students) • Entrance to Confirmation (Early Middle School Students) • Rite of Confirmation (Early High School Students) • Graduation (Seniors) • Departure for College (College Freshmen – August) • Return from College (College Freshmen – December) Pastor Amy will work with your family to determine where your child should begin during this inaugural year. Be watching for a mailed promotion in middle January, and then call her for conversation!

Second Year Confirmation Schedule Sunday, January 10

Exploring Article Three of the Apostles’ Creed

Sunday, January 24

What and Who Is the Holy Spirit

Sunday, January 31

Spiritual Gifts

Sunday, February 7

Church: the People of God and Body of Christ

Sunday, February 21

Simil Iusus et Pecattor … Huh?

Sunday, February 28 Forgiveness


Sunday, April 3

Resurrection, Jesus and Me

Sunday, April 10

How Long is Eternal Life?

Sunday, April 17

Lutheran History


Youth Ministry

Hey St. John’s! Pastor Amy and I have finalized the dates and events for youth activities during this coming semester. Here they are: JANUARY 30

Lazer Quest


All Georgia Youth Gathering*


Good Friday Stations of the Cross


Abram’s Falls Hike


Youth Sunday

*A note about All-GA: The Lutheran musician Agape will be performing at All-GA this year, so the synod has decided to open the event to everyone in the synod.

Please go ahead and put these dates in your calendar. We have incredibly talented youth at St. John’s who participate actively in any number

of extracurricular activities. Hopefully with setting these dates early in your calendar, they will be able to be just as active in church as they are in their other amazing groups! Shalom, Isaac Taylor Youth Associate P.S. Pastor Amy here. Parents, Isaac recently graduated, and he is looking forward to spending more time with our teenagers! Please send him your child’s dates for sporting competitions, recitals, plays, etc. And you might want to think about inviting him to dinner, either at your house or at a cool restaurant after church on Sunday. So much of youth ministry is about showing up; let’s support Isaac in his showing up!



TYSON HOUSE UPDATE It’s no secret that college is hard on students. While the pressures of finals, papers, maintaining a good GPA, and attempting to have some semblance of a social life are stressful aspects of all students’ lives, some students are managing something no one should have to manage – hunger. The growing number of food insecure college students across the country has led many campuses to open food pantries for their communities. In the past eight years, over two hundred campus-based, student-centered food pantries have opened across the nation, and fifty of which opened their cabinet doors in 2015. And in January 2016, the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK) will open its own pantry in Tyson House, the Lutheran and Episcopalian Student Foundation. Feeding ministries have been significant to Tyson House for years; every Sunday, we provide two meals in our 6:04 service: first, a dinner from a local church, and then a meal in the form of the Holy Eucharist. We knew from students who joined us for 6:04 Dinner & Worship that many of them did not get enough to eat throughout the week. Though we were able to provide perhaps one to three meals to some of these struggling students, but we knew it was not enough. It wasn’t just what we were hearing from a few students that inspired us to open a food pantry at Tyson House. According to PBS, one in three freshmen have inconsistent access to adequate food. More and more undergraduates are also parents and very few students today are financially supported by their parents, according to the College and University Food Bank Alliance. The more that we learned about hunger among college students, the more we knew that this was something we had to do. Prayerfully, Pastor John and a group of students at Tyson House dedicated themselves to the idea of a food pantry in our building.


After we dedicated ourselves to the concept of the pantry, it began to feel as if there were a lot of coincidences happening around this new ministry. The very same day we decided this was what we wanted to do, we were approached by a student who had led a very similar initiative separately; she worked through the Student Government Association and Office of Sustainability to secure administrative support and some funding for this venture, but was struggling to find a space to put it in. It was the kind of “coincidence” that could only be God’s hand. Soon after, we were given amazing support by Messiah Lutheran Church, who donated food and shelving, and the Fish Hospitality Pantry of Knoxville, who has given us amazing guidance and a promise to supply food. “Coincidences” abounded. Not much was left to do besides preparing the room, deciding naming this ministry, and deciding on a day to open the cabinet doors to the world. We decided on Smokey’s Pantry (An Outreach of Fish Hospitality Pantry), and the first distribution day will be January 26. The story of the food pantry is familiar to believers everywhere; not because our specific story is widely known, but because it is the story of people faithfully wanting to do God’s work, and the doors being opened wide. Christ taught us that the ravens do not sow or reap, but God provides them with food, and that we are no different; God knows our needs, and will provide for us (Luke 12:22 - 34). Through our prayerful work and dedication to ministry, we are excited and hopeful at the prospect of being the hands that God uses to provide. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, please contact Robin Lovett at lovett.rc@gmail. com. We currently need donations of wire rack shelving, a dedicated refrigerator, and have other opportunities for volunteers.

Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary News & Updates

Over the years, the ministry of Saint John’s has actively encouraged people to consider attending seminary and to give prayerful consideration to becoming ordained Lutheran pastors. Within the past twenty years, the results include twelve ordained pastors and four students currently enrolled in seminary. There are members of Saint John’s presently in the seminary discernment process. The Spirit continues to multiply our efforts of encouragement leading members of this faith community into significant roles of church leadership. This past January, Saint John’s became a mission outpost for the seminary as a teaching congregation. The Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina is planning, once again, to send seminarians to Saint John’s in Knoxville! Over January 7-11, 2016, we will host a group of 8 students and two faculty members. The Rev. Dr. Mary Sue Drier, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Missional Leadership, will direct this “J” term seminary course which focuses on Missional Communities. A close look at urban mission ministry with SJLC ministry partners in downtown Knoxville will be

offered to these seminary students over their five day experience. Time will be invested with our SJLC pastors, the J-Term Team, and our congregation. The seminarians will worship at Saint John’s and also with the students at Tyson House, our Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Tennessee. We invite the SJLC congregation to welcome these seminarians on Sunday, January 10, 2016 as we gather at 10:00 AM in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for food and fellowship, as well as a mission ministry presentation. Our host team includes our Church Council along with Nancy Friedrich, Thea Peterson, Rita Schwartz, Ashton and Jennifer Roberts, Jeremy Roberts, Liza Hawkins, and Pastors Steve, Amy, and John. The involvement and participation of our Saint John’s family in sharing our mission ministry experience will make this a memorable and significant contribution of raising up additional leaders for the church. Please mark your calendar for this growing partnership with LTSS. Think about mission ministry stories you have to share and come welcome these future church leaders!



Katie’s Sisters Update

Collection of College Student and Seminarian Letters of Support Mail Date on Monday, January 24 As our college students head back to school, Katie’s Sisters invite your participation in an expression of love and support. This semester, we will be sending handwritten notes, drawings from our youngest members, and a $10.00 Starbucks gift card. So, what are the specifics? You can pick up a card from St. John’s and write to a specific college student; you can contribute a gift card; or you can do both. Katie’s Sisters will be signing folks up in the Welcome Center on Sunday, January 3 and Sunday, January 10. Thanks for your ongoing support of our students!

Resolution Reboot Saturday, January 23 9:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. New Year’s resolutions mark the turning of the calendar; there is hope in the air for a life more organized, a body more fit, relationships more fulfilling, and life more hopeful! And January 20 rolls around, and you realize, once again, your resolutions fell out of your life somewhere around January 8. UGH! Katie’s Sisters invite you to Resolution Reboot, a workshop about healthy living as a year-round lifestyle, led by Angie Hamstead who will help us better understand the natural rhythms associated with our physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual worlds. Join us for healthy food, great conversation, and hope-filled opportunities!

Save the Date for Spring Retreat Friday, February 26 and Saturday, February 27 Townsend, Tennessee Cost is $50.00 Our theme is Love Heals!


Men’s Retreat Save the Date A Saint John’s Lutheran Men’s Retreat… March 4-5, 2016

To make sure you know what’s up, here are a few details... • March 4-5, 2016 (SAVE THE DATE) • Eagle Rock – Maryville, TN (directions below) • Arrive anytime beginning at 4:45 p.m. on Friday afternoon (we’ll gather at 5:00 for a brief time and then dine at 6:00) • We will conclude by 3:00 on Saturday. • We will just meet at camp. If you would like to ride with someone, please work out those arrangements on your own. The fewer vehicles we have there, the better as parking is limited. • $50 (You will pay when you arrive. Covers overnight lodging/three meals/materials) • You will need to bring: sleeping bag and pillow or other bedding for single mattress, towel and wash cloth, toiletries, and your Bible For more information, see Chris Wise or Pastor Steve

Directions from Knoxville: • Go south on SR 129 (Alcoa Highway) past McGhee-Tyson Airport. • Just after Airport, do not take left fork in highway to 35, but keep straight on 129 so that you pass Super Wal-Mart on right. Go past Home Depot. • At next intersection, turn left on to Lamar Alexander Parkway (SR 321). • At fourth stop light, turn right on to Montvale Road (SR 336). Stay on Montvale Road for approximately 10 miles. After about 7 miles on Montvale Road, ST 336 will make sharp right turn at country store; BUT KEEP GOING STRAIGHT, passing horse fields, YMCA camp and switch backs on way up mountain. • At the top of the next left fork in the road, turn onto unmarked Flats Road (there’s a sign there pointing to Top-O-World; head that way!) • Go a few hundred yards up the mountain, and Eagle Rock Camp will be the first driveway on your right! Eagle Rock is a beautiful setting for our retreat!



MLK Parade Monday, January 18, 2016

The annual Martin Luther King Memorial Parade is scheduled for January 18. You are invited to be a part of the St. John’s delegation in this meaningful community activity. The parade begins at 10 a.m. on Martin Luther King Boulevard at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. In addition to walking in the parade, join us for an 8:30 a.m. breakfast in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. At 9 a.m., we will drive to the Mabry-Hazen House (1711 Dandridge Ave) for parking, then walk down the hill to where the two-mile parade route begins. The Lady Vols softball team will be walking with us again this year. A red cross will be lifted to help members find the St. John’s group in the parade lineup. At the end of the parade route, transportation is provided to get participants back to the Mabry-Hazen House parking lot. This is a special experience to walk as a family or individually with fellow church members on a fun day. Mentors at Christenberry Elementary School are encouraged to include their “little” in the parade walk.



Another Faithful


Thanks to your generosity and a core group of helpers, St. John’s has once again provided Christmas for a number of children in the Knoxville community. Additionally, your financial gifts will support several children in the spring when the Christenberry safety patrol members make their annual trip to Washington, D.C. It was a wonderful gift for Jon Efteland, Nancy McGalliard, Sue Fischer, Tom and Linda Godden, and Marcia Power to deliver the gifts to Christenberry and

Sarah Moore Greene Elementary schools. Thanks to Nancy Maland, Ray and Phyllis Collins, Kate Marsh, Dianne and Keith Eichenberg, and Alice Garrison for helping prepare the doves and sort gifts. The Thursday Reunion Group decorated the Sand Dollar/ Dove Tree. With so many folks giving of their time, talent, and treasure, the Dove Tree truly allows us to participate in the Joy of Giving during the Advent Season.

“…the Lord loves a cheerful giver!”

-II Corinthians 9:7



HABITAT HOUSE BUILD #8 Complete Soon! What a series of blessings and giving we have witnessed over the past few months as members of St. John’s, Church Street, other churches and friends have given so willingly. The fundraising was a success; the roof raising was a success; and soon the completion will be a success. The remaining heart-warming event in January will be the dedication and blessing of the house. We are grateful for the Covenant Partners, Church Street United Methodist and David and Sandy Martin. Collectively, we raised the necessary $45,000, with over $25,000 coming from St. John’s. Here is what we accomplished as a team: Date Activity Volunteers Status Oct. 17

Blitz - Walls & Roof



Oct. 24

Interior Walls



Oct. 31




Nov. 21




Dec. 5

Interior Trim



Be on the lookout for that special day when we gather, pray, and turn the keys over to Yalanda McDaniel. Dreams can become a reality with the willingness and love given by the Covenant Partners and Volunteers. Many Thanks….Neil Fischer & Dale Teague – Project Leaders



To my St. John’s Family, This letter is to thank everyone for the ongoing aid I have received through the St. John’s Lutheran Church Seminary Scholarship. I only have one semester of classes left before I graduate with my M.Div, and this support means more to me now than ever as I look forward to graduation, internship, and the challenges of accepting a call and becoming established somewhere as a first call pastor. Of course, financial aid isn’t the only way SJLC has made their support for me known. I have felt tons of love and encouragement through everyone’s phone calls, text messages, and Facebook contact. On top of all that, SJLC sends me regular care packages with school supplies and study snacks to keep me fueled and prepared for all my papers and exams. An exciting bit of news: I was selected to participate in a senior seminarian fellowship over the course of this year. This fellowship is to aid my education by exposing me to cluster congregations that participate in various ministry programs together. I will be traveling to six congregations in the Newberry-Prosperity area (about an hour north of LTSS) to meet new people, to preach on Sunday morning, and to learn from them how they “do church” together. As I approach my final semester at seminary, I am thankful that I still have a yearlong internship to complete. I feel prepared to enter the call process in some ways, but I know that God is still forming me for ministry of Word and Sacrament. (Not that God is ever “done” forming us in our vocations!) Right now, I feel called to be a partner or an associate in ministry focusing on community outreach and missional transformation, but I’m excited to see how God helps me focus and discern that calling on internship! Thank you all for holding me in your hearts! Will Wing



Lenten Preview Frederick Buechner observes: “In many cultures, there is an ancient custom of giving a tenth of each year’s income to some holy use. For Christians, to observe the forty days of Lent is to do the same thing with roughly a tenth of each year’s days. After being baptized by John in the river Jordan, Jesus went off alone into the wilderness where he spent forty days asking himself the question what it meant to be Jesus. During Lent, Christians are supposed to ask one way or another what it means to be themselves.” During the Lenten season, we will gather for contemplative worship and reflective experiences. Please mark your calendar for the following dates:

Tuesday, February 9 … Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 10 … Ash Wednesday • Worship at 12:00 Noon (St. John’s) • Worship at 2:30 p.m. (Children’s Hospital) • Dinner at 5:30 p.m. • Worship 6:30 p.m. (St. John’s) Wednesdays, February 17, February 24, March 2, March 9, and March 16 • Dinner at 5:30 p.m. • Worship at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, March 20 through Sunday, March 27 … Holy Week

The Stewardship of Lent The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 10, 2016. TLC (Tender Loving Cooking) will provide meals every Wednesday evening during Lent from 5:30-6:30 p.m., and our Lenten worship will begin at 6:30 p.m.. Throughout the 40 days of Lent, we will emphasize the stewardship of time, talent, and financial resources. We will approach the stewardship of our lives by taking a close look at the many opportunities we


have to give ourselves to Christ in ministry. Radical hospitality, passionate worship, faith formation, risk taking mission, and extravagant generosity will be the weekly themes for our time together. Members of Saint John’s will be challenged to consider their personal inventory of spiritual gifts and to discern God’s calling upon their life and their resources. This experience of Lent will spiritually prepare us for Holy Week and Easter.


JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11

Sally Robinette Michael Barnhill Jada Dixon David Bocangel Alice Garrison Tom Godden Dayne Cook Patrick McWilliams David Wayland Maddison Ragle Rick Metelka Samantha Murphy Bill Good Don Ray Jan Larson Suzanne Brown Ian Daughety

12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20

Mary Cole Todd Mullins Terry Burkhalter Elliott Schwahn Tara Gilbreath Charlsie Counts Rachel Bast Lynn Harrison Steve Misenheimer Andrew Perkinson Erik Clark Kyle Metelka Hudson Ley Judy McCarter Ashley Hopkins Danielle Sweany Frank Wilson

21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31

Susan Dowling Max Giesecke Joe Lee Jr. Dick Krogmann Josh Ley Griffin Hamstead Steve McGaffin Russell Kuhlman Billy Good Jessica Sousa-Lewis Lily Hancock Tom McGalliard Rita Schwartz Zane Robertson David Martin

16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25

Kelly Parman Parker Hamer Bailey Morgan John Lawhon Ruth Petersen Robin Leib Sandra Jessel Amy Figg Ashton Roberts Michael Grider Alexandra Bernard

26 27 28 29

Julie Glibbery Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee Heidi Mathews Tom Stinnett Haley Fields Skip Wells

FEBRUARY 2 3 4 5 7 10 13

Merle Wolfe Marilyn Fahringer Jean Dasher Gary Morgan Julia Dittrich Sonya McWilliams Mika Vaden Jocelyn Miller Laura Trout Brad Parman Erin Ramsey Josh Brown


St. John Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917



Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor steve@sjlcknox.org Amy C. Figg Pastor of Faith Formation and Leadership Development amy@sjlcknox.org John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry john@sjlcknox.org Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Isaac Taylor Youth Associate Isaac@sjlcknox.org Krista Lee Christian Education Director Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator Chris@sjlcknox.org Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell facility@sjlcknox.org Stephen Douglas Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Phone: 865-523-3330 • Fax: 865-524-7895 • E-mail: INFO@sjlcknox.org • Website: www.sjlcknox.org

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