Epiphany Newsletter

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the congregational newsletter of

St. John’s Lutheran Church

1 2014 Epiphany Issue





January is the perfect time to join a small group ministry or to begin your own group ministry. Why? Because the Body of Christ, this community of faith, needs you! And your life becomes abundant when you belong and contribute your God-given gifts to the life and ministry of Jesus Christ! Participation in a small group ministry moves us out of self-centered isolation. It’s the classroom for learning how to get along in God’s family. It’s a place to practice unselfish, sympathetic love. You learn to care about others and share the experiences of others: “If one part of the body suffers, all the other parts suffer with it. Or if one part of our body is honored, all the other parts share its honor” (1 Cor. 12:26). Only in regular contact with ordinary, imperfect believers can we learn real fellowship and experience the connection God intends for us to have in Christ. Through our shared ministry we can more clearly see Christ in one another and in the strangers we meet from day to day. Real Christian fellowship is being as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we are called to lay down our lives for one another. This is the kind of sacrificial love God encourages us to show one another, loving each other in the same way Jesus loves you.


Small groups help us develop spiritual muscles. During January, as you follow your New Year’s resolutions to exercise and get in shape, don’t neglect your spiritual muscles. You’ll never grow to maturity just by occasionally attending worship services and being a passive spectator or a self-appointed critic. One of the main tools of spiritual growth is participation in a small group, where your spiritual muscles get a regular workout. As each part of the body does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. Real maturity shows up in the hard work of relationships. We need more than the Bible in order to grow; we need other believers. When we take the risk of sharing what God is teaching us, we learn and grow! Small groups are the best way to share our God-given mission in the world. When Jesus walked the earth, even he had a small group! Today the church is Christ’s Body on earth. We’re not just to love each other; we’re to take that love together to the rest of the world. We’re his hands, his feet, his eyes, and his heart. “God’s work, our hands!” 2015 is a New Year for every member to take on one new ministry that challenges you to belong to a small group of faithful, supportive brothers and sisters in Christ.

Epiphany and Ordinary Time


A lot of times, we speak of the time after Christmas as the Epiphany season, and though it makes the liturgy police grumpy when we do that, I think it’s legit. Epiphany becomes a season following Christmas, much like Pentecost follows Easter, in which we emphasize mission. The first disciples receive the Holy Spirit and proclaim the gospel to all the world at Pentecost, and the magi or wise men see the Christ child and go to share the good news at Epiphany. But this year, I’d like to side with the liturgy police – they don’t actually exist as a group, but you know who they are by their delight in seeing significance in the smallest details about worship, the liturgical calendar, when and whether to cross one’s self or bow, etc. All ribbing aside, though it’s fine to name a season after the day that begins it, Epiphany, there’s another tradition worth exploring, one in which Epiphany is a day, and the season that follows is an all-too-often unrecognized delight called ordinary time. This year, I would like to make a case for the miraculous nature of the ordinary. Maybe we don’t have to work so hard all the time to make everything extraordinary. Maybe better would be to relax into and appreciate the beauty of

the everyday. Just the fact that something exists when nothing could have existed instead, that’s amazing. The fact that we can make meaning and understand each other and learn to love and care for each other, that’s a miracle. It’s also very ordinary. People talk and listen and form friendships all the time. Ordinary. And miraculous. In one sense, Jesus is absolutely extraordinary, the Son of God, the image of God, who bears the sin of the world, forgives it, and frees us from it. No one else has to do that, because he did. In another sense, we are all children of God, all made in the image of God, restored to that image beyond our sin by God’s love for us, given in Christ. Plain old, ordinary us, loved beyond measure in our plain old ordinariness, by God. What if we were to rest in that, in the absolute ordinariness of God’s love? Might it be sweet not to try so hard? With the wise men, we come to the manger and see the light of God’s love in the Christ child. We have that epiphany, on Epiphany. Then, with wisdom born of that love, we go to share the good news, news of the ordinariness of God’s love, in ordinary time!



From our Council President, Jim Friedrich


It is a pleasure to pause and reflect on the completed year and to prayerfully think about the year ahead. I’m looking forward with excitement to the new year and all the promise it holds. Our son, Jacob, will complete his high school experience and set forth on his college adventure. Nancy and I will be official empty nesters. Our granddaughter, Sarah, turns two… hard to believe that amount of time has almost passed. Our son, Craig, will be married and his older brother, Stephen, will build on his third year of ministry in Amarillo. We have so much to give thanks for, and that includes SJLC. St. John’s is such an incredible church home for our family and has provided our boys with a welcoming place to grow spiritually and to serve God in so many ways. This past year has been pretty much a blur to me. I do clearly remember receiving a Friday afternoon phone call in January from Pastor Amy informing me of a (second big) leak in the sanctuary basement. I can still visualize the plumber with wet boots the next morning. The two floods of January contributed in part to a heightened focus on our facilities and important steps we will need to take soon in order to prepare for the next hundred years. After January, the blur begins. Between Council meetings, Saturdays baking bread in the church kitchen and Sunday worship and Sunday School, there has been time to simply watch and 4

encourage the ministries of the Church. SJLC is literally a beehive of activity, and the saying is true that if you have a passion for a ministry, it either already exists (and there’s an invitation for you to join in) or you have the freedom and encouragement to create the ministry. From Win Our World (WOW) Urban Ministry to the Senior Adult Ministry to 53 Loaves to (name your favorite ministry), there are countless ways to serve God. Serving as Council President is a humbling experience and makes you realize the incredible devotion and dedication of our members and staff. In this coming year, I pray that every member will be re-energized and rededicated not only to serve in special ways but also be motivated to invite other members and nonmembers to join in. I pray that we can all respond to the call to act justly, love justice, and walk humbly with our God. And I pray that we can all embrace the Prince of Peace and invite our God of Grace to help us create our own circle of peace in our hearts and lives. In His Love,



2015’s Christian Education Calendar begins SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 AT 10:00 1ST - 5TH GRADE CHILDREN

Come learn about the church season of Epiphany.

We’ll Celebrate the new year with stars, crafts, and a special house blessing for your home in 2015!

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed! -Matthew 2:10

Preschool and Kindergarten Meet in the Fleming Kindergarten Room A nursery is provided for the little ones!

Adult Christian Education NEW Beginnings, NEW Growth, NEW Epiphanies….. During the Season of Epiphany, come see what can be revealed to you through Scripture!


In a review for Christian Century, Charles Scriven writes: “For its potential usefulness in the congregation, We Make the Road by Walking by Brian McLaren is as good as sun on soil. Academics may find no theological breakthrough here, but the ones who care about church life may still do a double take. A leading voice of the so-called emerging church interprets the Bible story in a manner that is uncommonly accessible and arresting, and also conversant with contemporary scholarship. McLaren is aiming to draw both pastors and laypersons into conversation and conspiracy. Such faith is story-shaped, so in service to God’s reign it takes for its compass the whole drama that culminates in Christ. Faith aims for social transformation, seeking peace and justice without descending into violence. Engaging the whole life, it not only requires much, but also grants much. Discipleship is countercultural and hard; at the same time it’s a path to fellowship

and ‘true aliveness.’ If faith is participation in an ‘uprising,’ it is also the healing of the self.” Pastor Amy, along with Michael Holtz, Jennifer Roberts, and Jeremy Roberts, invite you to engage with this groundbreaking work as part of the Fellowship Christian Education class through Epiphany. The heart of the book is 52 short chapters, set forth with a view to both the liturgical year and the needs of discussion groups. Each chapter takes key Bible passages as a reference point. Interpretation centers first on Genesis and proceeds, along lines suggested by scripture itself, all the way to the book of Revelation. Following Epiphany, those who are interested in continued study will be invited to join small groups during Christian Education through the remainder of the year. Those who are interested may purchase the book at Barnes and Noble ($18.39) and Amazon ($17.95).







Pastor Steve invites you to join him at 10:00 AM on Sunday, February 1, 2015 to discuss the joy and blessing of belonging to this Saint John’s community of faith. “Inquirers,” those interested in knowing more about the life and ministry of this congregation, will meet in the Conference Room with the pastor and congregational leaders. Topics of interest include the Christian Faith, Lutheran traditions, and the ongoing mission of this inner city ministry.

New members are received by baptism, affirmation of baptism and letter of transfer. Our next group of new members will be received on Sunday, February 22, 2015. At Saint John’s, members are encouraged to become disciples through worship, faith formation, personal stewardship, and active involvement in mission and service. If you are interested in attending this “Inquirers” class, please notify one of the pastors.

Dove Tree Gifts


The Gifts have been delivered! We can only imagine the joy the parents are feeling knowing their children will have special gifts at Christmas! Imagine the excitement all children will be feeling as they receive the gifts purchased for them in love! There were several helpers who made the Dove Tree work this year by making Doves, wrapping, sorting and delivering gifts. Special thanks to Alice Garrison, Jane French, Linda and Tom


Godden, Judy McCarter and her cousin, Megan Venable and Ella Kate Smith, Sarah Lowe, Ruth Crowley, Nancy Maland, Neil and Sue Fischer, Jon Efteland, Bill Larson, David Trout and our children who helped shop with joy and carry the gifts to the Sparks Hall. We all learned from and experienced giving from the heart! Prayers of thanksgiving are reverberating in heaven for the generous, servant hearts of our St. John’s family of faith.


THE BROTHERHOOD: A Men in Mission Retreat


Years ago the men of Saint John’s had a regular monthly meeting of a small group called the Brotherhood. These men enjoyed food and fellowship with each other and discovered ways to serve Christ and the church. Workdays, painting classrooms, building Habitat houses, doing rehab and handy man work for senior adults, sponsoring golf tournaments, and a host of other mission ministry activities encouraged these men to grow closer in their relationship with Christ and one another. This year we are inviting the men of Saint John’s to experience the presence of Jesus Christ and the brotherhood we share on a Men’s Retreat scheduled for February 27-28, 2015. A planning team met in November to begin discussing the purpose, program, and promotion of the retreat, as well as the location and meals. The overnight experience will begin on Friday evening and conclude Saturday afternoon.

Women’s Retreat


“Come away with me…” What a beautiful invitation, whether offered by a loved one or a friend! Imagine the incredible gift to hear the same invitation offered by Jesus Christ, friend and brother and Savior! The women are St. John’s are invited to a time away, a one-night retreat that begins with dinner on Friday, March 6 and concludes with late afternoon worship on Saturday, March 7. Our retreat team includes Ruth Crowley (creative expressions), Pastor Amy (contemplative worship), Tara Gilbreath (creative expressions), Angie Hamstead (program), and Rose Perkinson (meal coordination). Reservations will be taken in the Welcome Center throughout the month of January, as well as in the Church Office. Please join us for intentional conversation, contemplative worship, compelling teaching, great food, and beautiful fellowship with the women of St. John’s.

Many new ministry ideas and new relationships are born in retreat settings. We believe this time together will lead the men of Saint John’s into deeper conversations regarding our spiritual growth, our role in mission ministry and our ongoing fellowship opportunities. Chris Wise, Rick Metelka, Adam Shultz, Jon Eftland, Clarke Hinkle, Dan Lee and Pastor Steve are helping plan the retreat. We will be providing detailed information in the New Year. Please save the date and let us know of your interest in attending. We will begin receiving reservations in January! 7






9 Brahamn Lane, Seymour, TN 37865.

____________________________________________________Preferred name____________________________________________ MIDDLE

__________________One ____________of ______the _________great ______________blessings _______________________in _____my _________life ________has __________been _________ CITY



my involvement with the Via de Cristo retreat ministry. My husband, David, and I attended _____________________________________ Phone #____________________________________________________________________ weekend #18 in 2007. It was a transformational weekend onNo. so of many levels d O Widowed Children _______for _______both _____________of ______us, ________but ____ for me the biggest impact was the blossoming of a ___________________________ Employer__________________________________________________________________________ deep and personal relationship with Christ. My Has your spouse made a Via de CristoVia retreat? O Yes weekend O No amazing and grace-filled de Cristo __________________was __________the __________catalyst ___________________to ______view ____________my ________role ___________within _______________my ________family, ______ my church, and my community in a whole new _________________ Spouse’s congregation_______________________________________________________ Christ-centered light. I am much more aware of __________________God’s _______________presence _______________________with ___________me _________at ______all _______times. _______________Since ______________2007, _____ I have served on more ttend a Via de Cristo retreat? ___________than ____________ten _________weekends _________________________as ______a team member. Every weekend is extraordinary __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and a gift. I am more than happy to share more of my experience with anyone who is curious, tion medications of medical conditions as I am sure David is, as well. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

In the springOof I will be serving as the Day program to you? Yes2015, O No rector, or lay leader, for Tennessee VDC weekend

__________________#33. ___________The __ Phone ______are _________April ____________23-26, ________________and __________the _________retreat _____________ dates

will be held at Carson Springs Retreat Center in Newport, TN.mayI am so excited this opportunity I may subsequently provide be shared within thefor Tennessee Via de ing the weekend retreat and want then it to willtake be returned to me or destroyed. to serve and this chance to ask each of you to keep this ministry in your prayers. I nt’s signature ___________________________________________________________________________________________ have___been praying that God will call those who are ready to deepen their relationship with Him __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ to attend this weekend. The governing body t? O Yes O No Please return this form to your sponsor. Cristo is particularly keen to engage be notifiedof ofVia yourde acceptance. the Sunday of the weekend. There of areour scholarship monies available. younger members faith community, and f you are in need of scholarship assistance. have generously offered a reduced rate of $100 to anyone who is 40 years old or younger. The normal rate is $160, but that should never hinder anyone who wants to attend a weekend, as there are scholarships available if needed.


(Date will be honored dependent upon availability.)


I would expressly like to invite parents to attend the weekend. Our children were eight and five when we made our weekend. I am not going to lie and say it was either logistically or emotionally easy to leave the kids at home for three full days. I can say that the payoff in our family’s relationships, both in our marriage and how we parent, has been priceless. We were fortunate to have several sets of grandparents willing to step in and help care for our kids while we were gone. If you are feeling led to attend this weekend, or one in the future, and need help with taking care of children, please know your church family will gladly support you. For couples with children, it may not work out for both of you to attend at the same time. It is fine to attend the weekend separately. If you are interested in learning more about Via de Cristo, please feel free to ask one of the pastors or myself. You can also find more information at www.tnvdc.org. You are in my prayers. Your sister in Christ, Laura Trout (Ltrout13@gmail.com or 865-654-1274)



Tender Loving Care F Following an illness or an accident or a significant life transition, one of the first questions to surface is “How can I help?” The St. John’s family has discovered a beautiful expression of tender care through meal delivery, electronically coordinated via www. takethemameal.com. Rhonda Campbell-Clay broke her leg in late October, and while life seemed a little overwhelming during those “non-weight bearing” days, the evening meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday were well managed as St. John’s members stopped by with yummy dishes. Rhonda puts it this way: Take Them a Meal was invaluable to our family during a very difficult time. It was so much more than just food. When people dropped off the food, the conversation and fellowship (even if it was

only 5 minutes) was as sustaining and filling as the meal!

We were truly able to feel the hands of God thorough the people of God at St. John’s. -Rhonda PS. people of St. John’s sure can cook!

In addition to Rhonda’s family, Bill and Martha Nelson, the Bocangel family, and the Parman family have experienced this expression of support! If you would like to participate, please look for e-mails sent from the church office. You can sign up electronically to provide meals, either homecooked or restaurant-provided!





St. John’s Lutheran members who are living out the commandment to go and serve through Kids Hope USA. Each mentor commits to spending 1 hour a week meeting with their “little.” Initially, mentors start with being matched with students at Christenberry Elementary, and their time together happens during school hours. Once the students move on the Middle and High School, the matches become what is called community based where they spend time with each other outside of the school setting. I hope you will ask these mentors about their experiences being a mentor. We have had 23 other members who have given any where from 1 - 6 years as a mentor. Would you consider spending one hour a week with a child who needs the love and attention of a caring adult? I would love to talk further with you about this wonderful opportunity to serve our community. Please email me at thea@sjlcknox.org or give me a call at 865 591-4803.

Connie Burkhalter - 5 years Amy Figg - 7 years Chad Gibson - 4 years Marcia Power - 4 years Mike Sweany - 4 years Matt Whitehead - 4 years Dani Warren - 4 months Caleb Warren - 4 months Phyllis Colllins - 4 years COMMUNITY BASED Linda Godden - 6 years Lynn Harrison - 3 years Pati McKinney - 8 years Steve Misenheimer - 8 years Thea Peterson - 8 years

FIRST ROW: Lynn Harrison, Linda Godden, Caleb Warren

SECOND ROW: Marcia Power, Dani Warren, Steve Misenheimer

THIRD ROW: Connie Burkhalter, Thea Peterson, Mike Sweany

FOURTH ROW: Matt Whitehead, Amy Figg, Pati McKinney

FIFTH ROW: Chad Gibson, Phyllis Collins




LTSS “J” TERM O Over the years, Saint John’s has been actively encouraging people to consider attending seminary and to give prayerful consideration to becoming ordained Lutheran pastors. Within the past twenty years, the results include twelve ordained pastors, three students currently enrolled in seminary, and one Saint John’s member making plans and submitting application to attend seminary next fall. The Spirit has obviously multiplied our efforts of encouragement and has led members of this faith community into significant roles of church leadership.

Now, the Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in Columbia, South Carolina is planning to send seminarians to Saint John’s in Knoxville! January 8-12, 2015, we will host a group of 13 students and their professor from LTSS. The Rev. Dr. Mary Sue Drier, Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Missional Leadership, will direct this “J” term seminary course which focuses on Missional Communities. An urban mission ministry experience with our ministry partners in downtown Knoxville will be offered to these seminary students along with a visit with our Lutheran Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Tennessee. We invite the SJLC congregation to welcome these seminarians on Sunday, January 11, 2015 as we


gather at 10:00 AM in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for food and fellowship, as well as a mission ministry presentation. The seminary students will also join us for worship on that Sunday. Our host team includes our Church Council along with Nancy Friedrich, Thea Peterson, Adam Schultz, Jeremy Roberts, Liza Hawkins, and Pastors Steve, Amy, and John. The involvement and participation of our Saint John’s family in sharing our mission ministry experience will make this a memorable and significant contribution of raising up additional leaders for the church. LTSS seminarian Will Wing, a member of Saint John’s, will be one of the students in attendance. Please mark your calendar for this exciting next step in partnership with LTSS. Think about mission ministry stories you have to share and come welcome these future church leaders!


Recently Tom Holladay died suddenly, and his life was celebrated here at St. John’s. That experience was made easier as Tom had done a thorough job of providing his wishes and desires regarding the funeral service. This forethought on Tom’s part was organized and well-ordered and made the preparation and execution of those wishes clear. Stephen Ministry is in the process of providing an additional ministry to the St. John’s congregation in the form of a Personal Emergency Record. This record is a means of providing information for the Pastors if the need arises. Because many of us live a distance from relatives and/ or because a discussion with relatives regarding our desires for funeral, etc is an uncomfortable discussion, the Personal Emergency Record will provide that information.

The information is simple and will be kept confidential until it is needed. If the information is never needed, it will be destroyed. Some of the suggested information includes: • Who to contact and telephone numbers • Funeral arrangements • Worship service • Additional instructions Again, the information will be kept strictly confidential in a sealed envelope and will only be accessed by one of the Pastors when the need arises. The information is yours. Stephen Ministry’s desire is to provide a way in which we, the Church, can be of service to each of us and our families and loved ones in case of an emergency. The Personal Emergency Record will be available to each congregation member on January 4, 2015.






The annual Martin Luther King Memorial Parade is scheduled for January 19. You are invited to be a part of the St. John’s delegation in this meaningful community activity. The parade begins at 10am on Martin Luther King Boulevard at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. In addition to walking in the parade, join us for an 8:30 am breakfast in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. At 9 am, we will drive to the Mabry-Hazen House (1711 Dandridge Ave) for parking, then walk down the hill to where the two-mile parade route begins. The Lady Vols softball team will be walking with us again this year. A red cross will be lifted to help members find the St. John’s group in the parade lineup. At the end of the parade route, transportation is provided to get participants back to the Mabry-Hazen House parking lot. This is a special experience to walk as a family or individually with fellow church members on a fun day. Mentors at Christenberry Elementary School are encouraged to include their “little” in the parade walk.






Sally Robinette Michael Barnhill

Jan Larson Suzanne Brown Ian Daugherty

Frank Wilson



Jada Parman


Susan Dowling Max Giesecke


Mary Cole Todd Mullins



Joe Lee Jr. Dick Krogmann Josh Ley

David Bocangel 4 Alice Garrison Tom Godden Dayne Cook 5

Terry Burkhalter Elliott Schwahn 14 Tara Gilbreath

23 Griffin Hamstead 24


Steve McGaffin 25


Charlsie Counts Shelly Whitehurst Rachel Bast

Russell Kuhlman

David Wayland Maddison Ragle




Lynn Harrison Steve Misenheimer Andrew Perkinson

Billy Good Jessica Sousa-Lewis Lilly Hancock



Katelyn Murphy

Tom McGalliard



Erik Clark Kyle Metelka Hudson Ley

Rita Schwartz Zane Robertson

Alex Pursiful Patrick McWilliams

Rick Metelka Nick Altic 8 Samantha Murphy 9 Bill Good Don Ray Will McCarthy Mitchell Rieger 10 Leota Harr

19 Judy McCarter Ashley Hopkins Danielle Sweany

31 David Martin


St. John Lutheran Church 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917



Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor steve@sjlcknox.org Amy C. Figg Pastor of Family Ministry and Caregiving amy@sjlcknox.org John Tirro Pastor of Congregational Life and Campus Ministry john@sjlcknox.org Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Krista Lee Christian Education Director Claudia Wise Parish Administrator claudia@sjlcknox.org Sheila Radford Financial Assistant finance@sjlcknox.org Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director

Mary Elizabeth Peterson & Lisa Minton Nursery Assistants Lisa Foxwell facility@sjlcknox.org Stephen Douglas Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Phone: 865-523-3330 Fax: 865-524-7895 E-mail: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org

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