Easter 2021 Lutheran Life

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Holy Week Worship Schedule…………….……………….. page 3 “GET CONNECTED” Online Ministry listings ..……………. page 4 Diversity and Justice Team ……..…………..…...………... page 6 Birthdays ………………………………………………...…... page 11




ne of the many gifts I cherish about life together at St. John’s is the liturgical rhythm that combines waiting and anticipation with realizing and celebration. This is most palpable for me as the long, heavily shadowed days of Lent give way to Holy Week, with pageantry and praise and intimacy and betrayal and violence and brokenness and dark nights and bright mornings. Pastor Steve Garnaas-Holmes writes about it this way: In Holy Week we hear a story that we want to suppress but is always lurking in our hearts. We participate in a feast of forgiveness that we desperately need, and we are drawn into a community of love that is created in the midst of our worst brokenness and our darkest sorrow. We are invited to enter the suffering of the world. We experience the mystery that in our loneliness and agony we are accompanied; in our sorrow we are blessed; in our sin we are forgiven; in our messed up lives we are changed; in our death we are given new life. Easter is not merely about the cycle of life and the return of greenery after its hibernation through winter. It's about God's radical transformation of us and our lives, about how when we surrender to God's grace, we are changed into new people. When we give ourselves in love, God gives us new life. Resurrection is no mere happy ending, a return of life that was there all along but hiding: it's about a beginning, about new life, life out of actual total death, life that really wasn't there before at all. In Holy Week we experience the love that saves us from our fear and liberates us into a new life. Moving into new realities of our COVID-informed world, Easter this year really is about new life … together with Christ whose wounds tell a resurrection story and with one another as we see everything—life, ministry, hope, and vision—in light of the empty tomb.




oly Week is a time of entering, with Jesus, into some of the more difficult emotional spaces of life. As we do, he brings healing to those places, takes them to the cross and the grave, then rises, bringing us with him, in the Easter dawn.

Maundy Thursday (April 1), Jesus and his disciples gather in the upper room for the meal of forgiveness that becomes Communion, which we share. This is the night Judas slips away to betray Jesus, and worship ends with the stripping of the altar, then silence. 7:30pm Sanctuary service with livestream.* Good Friday (April 2), we read the Passion – Jesus’s betrayal, trial, crucifixion, and burial – in its entirety. The service ends with the strepitus, a loud closing of a door, signifying the sealing of the tomb. 7:30 Sanctuary service with livestream.* Easter Sunday (April 4), we exclaim, “Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!” 7am Sunrise service in the Old Gray Cemetery,** 9am Sanctuary service with livestream*, 11am Outsoor service in the back parking lot.** *Sanctuary services with livestream allow for 50 worshipers, distanced and masked, in the sanctuary (number to be set by our COVID Team doctors), spaces offered by reservation at the following link: https://rsvp.church/r/4tkEGGWS Sanctuary services will be live-streamed to YouTube and FaceBook Live. **Outdoor services, both Easter Sunrise and back parking lot services, require masks and distancing but are open to all, no reservations needed.





e continue to find different ways to connect and experience community together here at St. John’s. Here is a snapshot of the ways we are providing ministry opportunities and creating connection for ALL AGES!

NoonDay Prayer Weekly prayer at 12noon will be broadcast via FACEBOOK LIVE every Wednesday. Access by going to the St. John's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sjlcknox

NoonTime Bible Study Tuesday 12Noon Bible Study continues via ZOOM. The virtual meeting is easily accessed by logging on to Zoom.com, then entering a Zoom Meeting ID number which we share on the home page of our website at https://www.sjlcknox.org and our Facebook page.

Sunday Worship Online Sunday at 9am. We provide a LIVE worship experience led by our Pastors at 9am on Sunday mornings on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page. The service is archived & can be viewed at any time after the service. Log onto Youtube.com and search for St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville.

Sunday Faith Formation Sunday at 10:15am and 11am. Join us for Faith Formation via Zoom on Sunday mornings. There are two offerings, the first at 10:15am and the second at 11am. Join us for one, or both. The Meeting IDs are shared on our website and Facbook page. I’m frequently updating the website and posting to our Facebook page, so I suggest you make regular checks to both places for updates or changes to scheduled events/connections. As Communications Director of St. John’s, I’m happy to assist in getting you connected with any and all these options. Reach out via email at chris@sjlcknox.org or you can call or text me at 404-246-2795 and I’m happy to troubleshoot any problems or simply help you GET CONNECTED! Director of Communications and Technology



The 2021 Southeastern Synod Assembly Saturday, June 5th 9:00am– 4:00pm ET / 8:00am-3:00pm CT on a DIGITAL PLATFORM All voting members will be given log in information and instructions on how to participate through the digital platform. Visitors to the Assembly are able to participate through the live stream on the Synod’s Facebook page and YouTube channel throughout the day. Registration will allow you access to the digital platform being used for the 2021 Synod Assembly. Special notes for registration:

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Previously, Synod Assembly registration has been set up as "GROUP" registration. For 2021, everyone will register in an INDIVIDUAL format. EVERY voting member must register with a unique email address. You will eventually use this email address to log in to our digital Synod Assembly on June 4, 2021. Costs are as follows:

Early Bird registration (through March 31, 2021) for voting members (Rostered/Lay) with a credit card is $80, or $75 if paying via check. • Standard registration (through April 30, 2021) for voting members (Rostered/Lay) with a credit card is $90, or $85 with a check. • Late registration (through May 21, 2021) for voting members (Rostered/Lay) with a credit card is $100, or $95 with a check. • Checks need to be postmarked by May 24, 2021. Visitors may view the sessions via the live stream to the Southeastern Synod Facebook Page and YouTube Channel. Here’s the link to register: https://se-reg.brtapp.com/2021Assembly717171



Check It Out: New Diversity and Justice Task Force Formed!


ast summer, Bishop Strickland prayed into being the new Diversity and Justice Task Force of the Southeastern Synod. Together, we are charged with lifting up issues around race, gender, disability, and sexual orientation and gender identity. In the working vision statement, we are:

Aspiring through the Holy Spirit, imagining what the community of God looks like Comprehending and challenging our privileges and biases to break down barriers that exclude anyone Transforming our beliefs, value, policies, actions to be a more racially just church, inclusive of all people The synod task force of twelve, including Church Council President Jessi Grieser, is representative of all the diversity mentioned above. In addition, the task force is geographically diverse, also representing a wide variety of ages, congregations, and life experiences. Bishop Strickland hopes the task force looks like what the ELCA can become. At the same time, the synod is not trying to reinvent the wheel. Much good work in the areas of diversity and justice is happening across the synod and the larger church. The goal is to partner with and shine a spotlight on many existing efforts to work for a more inclusive and just church. If you’d like a deep dive into the formation of the synod task force and some guiding principles for the formation of St. John’s team, please check out the following link: https://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/Strategy_Toward_Authentic_Diversity.pdf St. John’s is establishing a Diversity and Justice Team with Jack Wells providing initial leadership as our Church Council Liaison. If you have questions, please reach out to Jack at wellskj929@gmail.com.

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he St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Facebook page and Youtube channel streams our worship services live and archives them -- so you can re-visit a worship

LUTHERAN LIFE Stephen Ministers are available to help as life returns to ‘normal’


s more people get vaccinated against the coronavirus and life slowly opens up like the petals of a tulip in the sunshine, the emotional impacts of the last year may linger. Returning to whatever is the new normal may bring about fear or feeling of post-traumatic stress. It is painfully obvious to say the pandemic has had a major impact on all of our lives. The challenges of the pandemic can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Social distancing measures, while necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus, can also make us feel alone. The Centers for Disease Control anticipates that millions of people are experiencing the stress of the pandemic in ways that include but are not limited to: > Feelings of fear, anger, sadness, worry, numbness, or frustration > Changes in appetite, energy, desires, and interests > Difficulty concentrating and making decisions > Difficulty sleeping or nightmares > Physical reactions, such as headaches, body pains, stomach problems, and skin rashes You are not alone. The Stephen Ministers at St. John’s Lutheran Church are specially trained to offer a helping hand for those who need one. Whether you are impacted by the stress of the pandemic, the loss of a relationship, the death of a loved one, the diagnosis of a disease, or other life-changing event, Stephen Ministers can walk with you through the journey. Stephen Ministers will pray with and for you, listen and talk to you about your situation for as long as you need someone. Stephen Ministers can meet with you using technology, after all we’ve all become used to Zoom meetings. We can also meet in person while masked and safely distanced. When the time is right, we will resume inperson, indoor meetings. To be matched with a Stephen Minister, please contact Pat Krogmann, Michael Holtz, or Pastor Amy.


bring you Easter greetings from some of the feeding ministries of St. John’s. St. John’s continues to be The Church @ 5th and Broadway in a big way!

In August, we welcomed a new feeding partner, A Place At The Table (APATT), a local non-profit whose mission closely aligns with our feeding ministry. APATT serves mostly hot meals and provides a place of welcome each Monday. APATT volunteers have been using the church’ kitchen to warm, prepare and bag the meals inside. Since August, they estimate that they have served several thousands of meals right here at St. John’s with 10-15 volunteers each week. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, please contact Clarence Scott @ 865-803-1574 or send him an email. sistermaryclarencenknox@yahoo.com. SJLC continues its collaboration with Highways and Byways (H&B) as they provided a unique service on Thursday nights. Thankfully, St. John’s, H&B, and our new friends, APATT, collaborated to create a new way to serve our Neighbors by providing meals on Thursday evenings outside on the church property during this stressful pandemic. Since H&B started serving outside in early August, this ministry has grown to provide meals, clothes (especially as Continued on page 10 ...




n the quote to the right, Martin Luther captures the essence of faith formation, highlighting the journey that begins with baptism and moves through Confirmation in which one professes, “What my parents and God started at the font, what my church family nurtured, I now take on as my own. It is not the end….” We begin our next Confirmation series on Sunday, July 25 at 12:30 PM with a Family Confirmation Kick-Off Lunch for middle schoolers, their parents, and siblings. Together, we will explore the dates, the texts, and the study program. Together, we will give voice to our shared faith. Additional dates for your family calendar include: August 15 … Martin Luther and the Reformation September 12 … Apostles’ Creed Overview September 26 … Exploring Article One October 10 … Creation October 24 … The Human Condition November 14 … Introduction to The Ten Commandments During the months of January, February, and March, each confirmand will engage in relationship building and faith sharing with a Confirmation mentor; details will follow. Our confirmation students will also participate in a Ten Commandments Retreat in spring 2022. We will send out additional details once Lutheridge updates its website. Parents, please let Pastor Amy know if your family plans to attend or if you have any questions.


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he ADULT FAITH FORMATION TEAM will resume its offerings on the Sunday after Easter. In the meantime we encourage you to worship during Holy Week, and on Easter Sunday in the manner that best works for you. We’re all looking forward to celebrate on Easter!



tepping Stones of Faith is a milestone ministry in which a beloved child of God, the child’s parents, and the congregation celebrate developmental steps along the baptismal journey. Each milestone celebration invites those who are supporting the child to a remembrance of baptism; each child receives a gift of faith, and the congregation prays specifically for the families who are celebrating. As we anticipate slowly returning to life together, we have rescheduled this year’s Stepping Stones during the months of June and July, and we hope your family will participate. Please consult the chart below to see where your child falls in the suggested age column, and if he or she has not participated, sign them up with Pastor Amy at amy@sjlcknox.org or 865.805.9805. Celebrations will take place during Sunday morning worship, though we can be creative if your family is not able to join us, Stepping Stone


Suggested Age


Baptismal Promise


Determined by parents

Determined by parents

Candle and certificate

Nurture faith


Sunday, June 13


Book of prayers

Nurture prayer

Family Devotions

Sunday, June 20


Wall Cross

Teach the Lord’s Prayer

Bible Reading

Sunday, June 27

Early Elementary

Age-appropriate Bible

Place the holy Scriptures in the child's hands

Holy Communion

Sunday, July 11

Determined by parents

Hand-painted pottery chalice

Bring the child to the Holy Supper

Worship Leadership

Sunday, July 18

Late Elementary

Pectoral Cross

Live with the child among God’s people

Confirmation Kick-Off

Sunday, July 25

Early Middle School

Frame for Family Picture

Nurture faith

Rite of Confirmation

October 2023


Late Middle School or Frame for Confirmation Early High School Picture

Nurture faith

Sunday, August 1

High School Graduates

Palm Cross

Nurture faith

College Send-Off

Sunday, August 1

High School Graduates


Live with the child among God’s people

College Reunion

December 2021

College Students


Live with the child among God’s people




elebrating VISION 2020 and looking toward the future of renewed life and ministry as the people of St. John’s, the Vision Team kicked off its work on Tuesday, March 30. Vision Team members include:

Jessica Bocangel (Team Co-Leader) Nancy Friedrich Peyton Hairston (Team Co-Leader) Michael Holtz (Advisor) Amy Figg Ley (Pastor) Benny Smith

Neil Fischer (Advisor) Jessi Grieser (Ex-Officio as Church Council President) Angie Hamstead Greg Kidwell Chelsea Pressley John Tirro (Pastor)

We offer this prayer for all of God’s people as we discern next steps in ministry: Lord God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. MEALS FOR THE HOMELESS Continued from page 7 ... the cold weather has arrived), Bibles, Flu shots, the Eucharist, candles to provide warmth, a prayer table, and warm smiles to our unhoused neighbors. But the “Thank You” and other warm expressions of appreciation including helping clean up the area after the meal has been served have been “payment in full”. We are looking forward to continuing to serve on Thursday nights and I know our new friends with APATT who serve on Monday night are as well. And we look forward to the time when both H&B and APATT can move their ministries into the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Anyone interested in providing food, warm clothing, blankets, Bibles, candles, meal preparation, or serving or just interested more information please contact Jon Efteland via phone call (if no answer please leave mgs) or text at 865-406-6645. St. John’s, even in a pandemic, continues to do our small part to celebrate this Easter Day Alleluia. St. John’s members can contribute any of the following items and deliver them to the church office. We will be sharing them between H&B, APATT and Tyson House Smokey’s Pantry: Feminine Hygiene items Individual Soap


Candles Socks

Toothpaste Deodorant

LUTHERAN LIFE 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 1 2 5 6 7 9 10 14

Tony Brewer Ron Woodward Nancy O’Callaghan Kira Krusenklaus Elizabeth Gibson Herm Gerbig Penelope Nicole Leatherwood Chris Brooks Kurt Zinser Landry Thrasher

22 23 25 26 29 30

13 14 15 16 17 18 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12

Jennifer Barnett Jacob Friedrich Rosa Nussbaumer Greg Kidwell Andrew Kyle Leah Crowley Anne Gerbig Emmett Kimzey Maxine Whistler Cam Ogle Erica Greene Johnson Jonathan Pressley Clarence Scott Nancy Maland Greg Reichart Carson Vandergriff Brent Collins Miriam Jagels

19 20 21 23 24

Sandy Cantrell JD Chapman Sydney Parman Olivia Ann Schmidt RuthAnn Henry Ragan Holloway Laura Morgan Martha Nelson Debbie Sweany Trevor Tirro Ethan Zinser David Chapman Ray Collins Sandy Bender Margareth Olsson Jeff Welch Andrew Cooter Jody Freeman Andrew Glibbery Bob Bast Jonathan Burkhalter

Toni Wise Laura Mallette Matt Whitehead Wendy Thrasher Ruth Crowley Christian Vandergriff Misty Anderson Connor Bernard Chloe Gibson Ruthie Kuhlman Steve Kyle Mari Brooks Bob Draime Carrie McCollum Chelsea Kyle Pressley Don McWilliams Sarah Anderson Stephanie Anderson Sherry Draime Noel Kuck Krista Lee Larry Robbins Stephen Schwahn Carmen Solt Nancy Wilson

28 29 30 31

Mason Bucklin Benjamin Holt Andy Tirro Nancy McGallaird Jeannie Reed Jerry Ballard Liam McCarthy Gabe Thrasher Gregg Vandergriff


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


WORSHIP WITH US to celebrate EASTER Easter Sunday — April 4 7am Sunrise service in the Old Gray Cemetery 9am Sanctuary service with livestream 11am In-Person Outdoor worship in the back parking lot

CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Ley Senior Pastor amy@sjlcknox.org

John Tirro Pastor of Worship & Campus Ministry John@sjlcknox.org

Christopher Clay Director of Communications chris@sjlcknox.org

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music sousa@esknoxville.org

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff facility@sjlcknox.org

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Thea@sjlcknox.org

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org

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