Lutheran Life Epiphany 2019

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Transition “Next Steps” ………………………….. page 2-3 Faith Formation ……………………………………… page 8 Council Nominees ...…….…………..………… page 10-11 Birthdays ……………………………………………... page 15 EPIPHANY 2019



ear St. John’s,

"Surprise is the theme of Epiphany: the surprise of the magi to see a star rise in the east, their surprise to find the babe in a manger in a cattle shed, the surprise of Herod to find the magi "went home be another way," and so on. That said, we also anticipate the delightful surprise of a whole new pastoral relationship as we welcome our Interim Pastor in the weeks to come. (And if we are surprised and this doesn’t happen for some reason, well, surprise is a theme of Epiphany: the surprise of the magi to see a star rise in the east, their surprise to find the babe in a manger in a cattle shed, the surprise of Herod to find the magi “went home by another way,” and so on. That said, we anticipate the delightful surprise of a whole new pastoral relationship!) As we enter this time of transition, it’s good to remember that life itself — breathing in, breathing out — is transition, as we receive from the air what we need, use it to heal and grow, and return the rest to the world. In that breath is God (Genesis 2.7), and with that breath and the strength it gives, we have every opportunity to speak God’s word and to do God’s work. “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life” (Ephesians 2.10).


I’ll say more in a Worship Theme article, but Epiphany is an especially good for transition, as the scripture is all about who Christ is, who we are as his church, and how he transforms us to be like him. It is an especially good time to worship weekly, join a Sunday school class, and serve together in the community. Jesus is always with us, whatever we do or choose, but he promises to be with us as we meet in his name (worship, study, and friendship) and in the least of those who need us (giving and serving). That’s where the star of Christ shines most brightly. This Epiphany, let’s follow the wise men to where Christ promises to be. With our new pastor, with each other, and with Christ, let’s be surprised by the transformation of new relationship! Your brother in Christ,



s the Church Council negotiates plans for our Interim Pastor, we continue to invest our time, talent, and treasure in the ministries of St. John’s. Thank you to the countless folks who have shared radical hospitality, led passionate worship, invested in intentional faith formation, participated in risktaking mission, and offered extravagant generosity. No doubt, God celebrates each of you with these words: “Well done, good and faithful servant!” We are now turning toward a new year, complete with exciting opportunities to take “One Step Up.” The basic idea behind this initiative is to consider your current involvement and then devote your passions and gifts to one new expression of ministry. Check out the opportunities below: Welcome … greet those you don’t know with a smile and an extended hand, ask visitors to join you at First Sunday brunch, introduce new members to longtime members, invite a visitor to lunch after church, volunteer to make follow-up phone calls to visitors, and send a note of welcome to visitors. Worship … prepare the sanctuary for worship, set communion greet worshippers, usher, read lessons, sing in the choir, play an instrument, administer communion, plan seasonal worship, join the students at Tyson House for dinner and worship at 6:04 on Sundays. Learn … share Bible stories and plan crafts with children, support faith sharing with teenagers, facilitate conversation with adults, participate in book groups, consider a Lenten discipline, and prepare for weekly wrship through daily devotions. Serve … worship with our neighbors at Highways and Byways, cook and serve with the Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM) Feeding Team, bake bread and share lunch with our neighbors at Minvilla, mentor with Kids Hope USA at Christenberry Elementary, provide tender loving care for a homeless family through International Hospitality Network, support the teaching ministry of Confirmation, bake a cake for a TLC meal, volunteer to serve as a youth group advisor, show up and talk to a teenager at WOW this summer, and answer phones and coordinate tasks in the church office. Invest … consider including St. John’s in your estate planning, sign up for automatic withdrawal for your tithe, invest in our seminarians through the St. John’s Fund for Leaders in Mission, and plan your sacrificial giving. Lead … identify your passion and spiritual gifts and then brainstorm new ministries you can initiate! God is up to something really good in and through he St. John’s family; let’s step up! Faithfully,



Worship Themes: Healing, Unity, and Transformation!


piphany (January 6) is about the light of Christ (the star that led magi to the manger) and the healing of relationship that comes from following that light (magi — Gentiles, outsiders — becoming helpers, fulfilling Isaiah’s vision, “Nations shall come to your light… They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord,” Isaiah 60:3, 6). The holy family flees to Egypt to escape Herod’s wrath, and the gifts from the magi fund their journey. Carrying this theme forward, in Ephesians Paul says his imprisonment is for Christ’s sake, enabling him to proclaim God’s love to Gentiles. Now, as we worship, we follow the light of Christ too, bringing our gifts to help and heal the world. Baptism of Our Lord (January 13) celebrates God’s unity with us. As God comes to us in the infant Christ at Christmas, the grown Jesus comes to us in the waters of baptism. As Jesus is baptized, the Spirit descends and a voice from heaven says, “You are my son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.” In Acts, as Peter and John pray and lay hands on recently baptized Christians, the Spirit comes to them too. When we baptize, we lay hands too, saying, “Child of God, you have been marked with the cross and sealed by the Holy Spirit forever!” The laying on of hands also comes in day-to-day moments, as we pat a shoulder giving comfort or steady an arm to help someone up a step. The Spirit is with us in our unity with one another. The next six Sundays (January 20, 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24) focus on who Jesus is and how this transforms us to be his church. Jesus blesses water to become wine, and the Spirit blesses us with gifts for ministry. Jesus proclaims his mission to to the poor, and we become his body to do the same. Transfiguration of Our Lord (March 3) brings all these themes to a head as Jesus leads James, John, and Peter to a mountain to pray, is bathed in light, walks and speaks with Moses and Elijah, and again is acclaimed by a voice from heaven, “This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!” I mentioned in the lead article that Epiphany is a good season for transition. It really is. As we discern our call as a congregation and what leadership we need to further our mission, the most important thing we can do is worship. As we worship, the Spirit forms us in God’s helping and healing image. From that center, all else will be provided.

Listen to sermons you’ve missed ONLINE at




s the St. John’s family embarks on the exciting journey of welcoming an interim pastor, articulating visions for ministry, and anticipating the call of new pastoral staff, we invite the St. John’s family to gather for a time of intentional prayer. Join us as we gather on Wednesdays in January and February at 6:00 PM in the Kindergarten Room. This expression of discipleship played a significant role in our church family for many years; we feel called to introduce it once again and see how God works in and through those committed to prayerful discernment. Any and all are welcome to join us, beginning Wednesday, January 9. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Amy at


elcome to the Respectful Dialogue Book Group. We will meet the last Monday of the month at 6:30PM and the last Tuesday of the month at 10:00AM, January through April As Pastor Amy cranks up her the research portion of her Doctoral Program, please consider the invitation to join this reading group which will meet once a month through the spring. Selected titles include: > Living Reconciliation by Phil Groves and Angharad Parry Jones > Jesus and the Disenhearted by Howard Thurman > The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone > Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times by Soong-Chan Rah We will meet in the Fireside Room for warm beverages and captivating conversation. If you have questions, please contact Pastor Amy at


e’re excited to announce that St John’s is LIVE STREAMING our Sunday worship services. The St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel has been created and we stream AND ARCHIVE our Sunday morning worship services. Anyone with access to Youtube on their computer, tablet or smartphone can view our worship services in REAL TIME and after the service has concluded. The services will be archived on the youtube channel along with other St. John’s and ELCA videos. So, no matter where you are - PLEASE WORSHIP WITH US!




congregational meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 3rd at 10am, following First Sunday Brunch provided by the gracious cooks of Tender Lovin’ Cookin’ (TLC); the St. John’s family will gather for an official congregational meeting. The agenda includes: * State of the Church address * Raise the Roof Capital Campaign final report * Transition Update * Recognition of Church Council Seniors * Election of four Church Council Members Please see the slate of Church Council Nominees, with biographical sketches and pictures, on pages 10 & 11. Thank you for making this gathering a priority for your family. If you have any questions, please contact Church Council President John Rice at or 864.420.5240.


Church Council New Member Orientation and Full Council Retreat is planned for Saturday, February 9, from 8:30 AM – 2:00 PM in Sparks Fellowship Hall. As the St. John’s family begins the faithful work of welcoming an Interim Pastor, forming a transition team, preparing a Ministry Site Profile, continuing comprehensive ministry at Fifth and Broadway, and articulating new vision for our community, the Church Council moves into a new year of leadership. Please keep these leaders in mind as we gather to welcome new members and look toward the opportunities of 2019. The schedule is as follows: 8:30 AM Continental Breakfast and New Council Member Orientation 10:00 AM Council Retreat 12:30 PM Fellowship Lunch Council members continuing to serve are: Lauren Kimzey, Jackie Tucker, Sally Robinette, Jeff Welch, Caleb Warren, David Bocangel, Matt Whitehead and Stan Leib.




AMs meets the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am in the Sparks Fellowship Hall at St. John’s for fellowship, prayer, laughter, delicious lunch, and a great program. Here’s what’s coming up: Wednesday, February 6, 2019 Lunch by Rosa’s Catering, your cost: $5 per person. RSVP is necessary for the caterer Our guest will be Bruce Spangler, CEO of Volunteer Ministry Center and Minvilla. Join us as we learn about the ministry across the street from St. Johns. Please contact Mary Cole to RSVP via email at or phone at 865-584-3153. Wednesday, March 6, 2019 We will begin at 11:00 am instead of our usual 11:30. Lunch is soup, salad, bread, and ice cream for dessert. Your cost is $5 per person. After lunch we gather together for Ash Wednesday Worship Service at 12:00 noon in the sanctuary. Mark your calendar and plan to join us.


outh Ministry News and Events are coming … the Youth Council promises! We just need a little extra time to nail down details. You can anticipate Epiphany Youth Ministry News in early January.

Thanks for understanding the reality of finals and end-of-the-year concerts and family commitments and … you get the idea!


he Men's B.E.E.R. group continues to meet every 2nd Wednesday evening of the month at a selected brewery near the church, around 6:00pm until whenever. We connect, share, and just generally have a good time. Please be sure to join us if you can. Direct any questions to Caleb Warren at 865-607-9350.

Stay tuned to the weekly informational email, the Sunday bulletin insert, and the Katie’s Sister facebook page for details on what’s coming up




Children For our young folks, we have an age-appropriate learning opportunity (Pre-School through Fifth Grade) that begins in the Kindergarten Room (next to the staircase, across from the Sparks Fellowship Hall) with music led by Ms. Debby and a devotion thought that helps everyone focus on the day's scripture lesson. Pre-Schoolers, Kindergartners, and First Graders then stay in the Kindergarten Room; older elementary students head upstairs to the Bridges room (at the top of the stairs, next to the Choir Room). The lessons during Epiphany include the following lessons: Luke 3:15-17, 21-22 … Jesus’ Baptism John 2:1-11 … Wedding at Cana Luke 4:14-30 … Jesus Goes to Nazareth Luke 9:28-36 ,,, The Transfiguration Our children are led by Chrystal Brewer, Hannah Gard, Amy Hamer, Marjorie Hansen, and Lauren Kimzey. Youth Our youth will explore their personal faith this spring as each is invited to share a story from scripture and the way it intersects his or her life. The schedule for Epiphany includes stories from the following folks: January 13 … Trevor Tirro January 20 … Ethan Zinser January 27 … Maddie Trout February 10 … Chloe Gibson February 17 … Sam Pressley February 24 … Sarah Morgan Adults During the month of January, we will explore thorny theological questions and suggested responses from Jacqueline Bussie’s Outlaw Christian. Topics include: January 13 … Tired of Dishonesty? Become an Outlaw Christian January 20 … Angry at the Alinghty? Tell God the Truth January 27 … Doubting Your Faith? Learn to Lament During the month of February, our very own Mary Cole will share her experience of growing up during the decades noted for the civil rights movement. We will draw from her book, Water is Water.




t baptism, parents make the following promises on behalf of their children: To faithfully bring them to the services of God’s house To teach them the Lord’s Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments To place in their hands the Holy Scriptures To provide for their instruction in the Christian faith To support them that they may lead godly lives until the day of Jesus Christ.

Our middle schoolers and early high schoolers continue their spiritual journey as parents and pastors provide instruction in the Christian faith through Confirmation. Our schedule is noted below: January 27 … The Church: the People of God, the Body of Christ February 10 … Simil Iustus et Pecattor … Huh? March 10 … Forgiveness April 14 … Resurrection and Eternal Life August 25 … Lutheran History with a viewing of “Luther” September 15 … Lutheran Theology September 29 … Big Questions



of FAITH aptism is always the 1st Stepping Stone of Faith! Throughout the year, we invite families to participate in a celebration of the baptismal promises, gifting the child and praying for the family.

January 27 February 3 March 10

Confirmation Kick-Off for Middle Schoolers (7th Stepping Stone - Family Pic in Frame) Prayer for Preschoolers (2nd Stepping Stone - Prayer Book) Worship Leadership for older Elementary Students & Teens (6 th Stepping Stone - Pectoral Cross) April 28 Holy Communion for Elementary Students (5 th Stepping Stone - Hand-Painted Pottery Plate) May 12 Graduation for High School Seniors (8th Stepping Stone - Palm Crosses) July 28 College Send-Off for rising collegiate Freshmen (9 th Stepping Stone - Quillow) August 4 Beginning Kindergarten for rising Kindergartners (3 rd Stepping Stone - Wall Cross) October 6 Bible for first and second graders (4th Stepping Stone - Spark Bible) December 22 Return from College for college students (10th Stepping Stone - Reunion Brunch) For additional information, please check your inbox for an e-mail from Pastor Amy or call the Church Office at 523.3330.



Anne Langendorfer has been a member of St. John’s for about a year and a half; prior to joining, she was a lapsed Catholic. She shares her life with her spouse, Ryan, and two cats. She works as a lecturer at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, teaching literature, research, writing, and rhetoric. She is actively involved in Faculty Senate and United Campus Workers, where she has been developing her leadership and organizing skills. At St. John’s, she serves in worship as an usher and provides leadership in Adult Faith Formation. She recently served as co-editor of the Advent and Christmas Devotion Book. On Church Council, she hopes to help work to make all people feel genuinely welcome at St. John’s.


Jessi Grieser has been a member of St. John’s since 2016, having come and fallen in love with first the wonderful music, and shortly thereafter the wonderful people, after moving to Knoxville in 2015 with her cats. She is an assistant professor of Linguistics at UT. She is a lifelong Lutheran with a retired ELCA pastor for a Dad, and has served the church through writing for Augsburg Fortress, and working in the planning team for two ELCA national youth gatherings. In Knoxville, she has been an active member of the Tyson House Council, and also as part of the Extravagant Generosity team here at St. John’s. She is looking forward to working with the people of St. John’s as we grow through this transition time as a congregation, and is particularly excited about helping our community practice radical hospitality in our presence as the inclusive, welcoming haven that we have been to both our physical and spiritual neighbors, and of course, experience our passionate worship through music.


Clarence Scott, a Knoxville native, has been a member of St. John’s since October 2017. Previously, he was a member of the Metropolitan Community Church for 22 years. Clarence spends his time with family, friends, and his rambunctious rescue, Eik, a Red Bone Coon Hound. Clarence is a graduate of UT Knoxville and Emory University School of Law. He is currently the HR Director & Counsel for S3 Perspectives. Clarence is a member of the St. John’s Choir, leads worship as a lector, and serves on a Tender Lovin’ Cookin’ (TLC) team . He previously served as a Deacon and as a member of the Board of Directors at the Metropolitan Community Church where he strengthened his skills and passion as a servant leader. Clarence has been involved in regularly feeding the homeless. He was one of the Founding Board Members of Positively Living and served on the Board for Knoxville Pride. Clarence wants to use his gifts to warmly welcome all people to St. John’s. Clarence looks forward to serving in our Faith Formation & Extravagant Generosity ministries.

Scott Krogmann has been a member of St. John’s Lutheran for 2 and a half years, having moved from Orlando as a result of a promotion with Regions Bank. Scott serves as the Area Investment Executive for N.C. and East Tennessee and is a Senior VP for the firm, managing a team of 20 Financial Advisors. Prior to relocation, the Krogmanns were active members at Spirit of Joy Lutheran in Orlando, participating in the construction of the congregations’ first permanent structure. Previously, Scott has served as Chairman for Rotary International’s Exchange Program in Florida, Georgia and the Bahamas as part of his volunteer work. Leading a diverse team of talented Rotarians in sending and receiving 80 HS students from 22 countries has helped him understand the importance of recognizing the talent that every person brings to the group, and fostering that gift. Scott and his spouse, Dr. Monica Krogmann, have been married for 25 years and have a 16year-old son, Adam, who attends West High. The move to Knoxville was made easier because his parents, Dick and Pat, have been members of St. Johns for the past 12 years. Over the next three years, it is Scott’s hope to provide spirit-filled leadership as the congregation prayerfully considers the new and exciting possibilities St. Johns embraces.




appy New Year! You might think WOW is a summer program, and it is. However, WOW activities also take place throughout the year.

> We are receiving applications and interviewing for our summer staff. > We are brainstorming theme ideas and preparing for our February Staff Retreat. > Teams are organizing the Pancake Supper on Tuesday, March 5th. > Plans are coming together for our Leadership Academies: March 30 and April 13. > Over 100 guests have registered for the summer, including groups from: Indianapolis, IN, Columbia, SC, Marietta, GA, Crestwood Hills, KY, Salisbury, NC, Sycamore, IL, and Gastonia, NC. > Budgets have been created, summer retreats reservations are being made, new members have joined the Board of Directors … Obviously, there’s never a dull moment in the life of WOW Urban Ministry!

Mark your calendars for the following - We will advise when online registration opens. PANCAKE SUPPER Tuesday, March 5th 5:30 – 7:30 (some to arrive at 4:00 to set up, prepare, etc) LEADERSHIP ACADEMY LA #1 March 30, 2019 LA #2 April 13, 2019 (Palm Sunday) TEAM RETREAT Monday, May 27 (Memorial Day) Friday, May 31 Training at Camp Kinard, SC. (We are headed to a wooded location this year.) WOW WEEKS June 2-7 June 9-14 June 16-21 June 23-28 July 7-12 July 14-19 July 21-26

Week 0 – Only for staff and SJLC youth. Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

Thanks to everyone at St. John’s and beyond for your support of this beautiful ministry. If you want further details about what’s going on with WOW, contact Nancy Friedrich via email at or Angie Hamstead via email at




ur congregation is absolutely amazing. I would like to warmly thank each and every person who worked on Pastor Steve and Jeanne’s celebration weekend events. Huge thanks to the many, many hands who donated an abundance of food and the many, many hands who helped prepared and serve it. Our December First Sunday Brunch was indeed a loaves and fishes kind-of day. Expecting 150 people, we served 245! We scrambled 24 dozen eggs, served a MOUNTAIN of pastries, a multitude of hash brown casseroles, bunches of French toast casseroles, TONS & TONS of fruit, and many, many cups of yogurt parfaits. What a beautiful bounty to share with our entire church community (we will continue to enjoy some of the food at our First Sunday Brunch in January—you were SO generous!). Special thanks to Ruth Crowley and her team who did a phenomenal job decorating the Sparks Fellowship Hall. It looked absolutely beautiful! And special thanks to Clarke Hinkle who created a beautiful Friday reception honoring Pastor Steve and co-chaired the bountiful Sunday Brunch. Please join us for First Sunday Brunch on January 6th and February 3rd. It is a wonderful time to share great food and fellowship with members of our church family. Lenten Suppers will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 6th and will be every Wednesday through Lent. Nancy Maland


ife events like death of a loved one, diagnosis of a disease, or the end of an important relationship are emotionally challenging. No one has to navigate these challenges alone. That’s why St. John’s has been a Stephen Ministry congregation since 2005. Stephen Ministers are trained lay caregivers who walk sideby-side with people who might need a little help. The Stephen Leaders at St. John’s feel God is calling us to find additional men and women in our congregation who are willing to answer Christ’s call to serve as Stephen Ministers, beginning with 50 hours of stimulating and useful training in Christian caring skills. This time of continuing education, led by trained Stephen Leaders, will include a variety of topics such as listening, Christian assertiveness, maintaining boundaries in caregiving, and grief. The training is distinctively Christian and focuses on God as the one who cures as we care. When the Stephen Ministers have completed their training, the St. John‘s family will commission them, and they will be ready to begin their ministry. Working within the supportive boundaries of peer supervision, these Stephen Ministers will be available to meet weekly with persons experiencing challenges such as bereavement, single parenting, job loss, terminal illness, long-term hospitalization, and natural disasters. Stephen Ministers commit to at least two years for training, service, and regular supervision. Drawing from the experience of those we met during our Stephen Leader training, we know many Stephen Ministers enjoy their ministry so much they choose to serve beyond the two years. Stephen Minister Training will begin Sunday, January 6 and run through mid-May with breaks for Holy Week and Mother’s Day. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please reach out to Pastor Amy at, Pat Krogmann at or Michael Holtz at



Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Parade


he annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Parade is scheduled for January 21. You are invited to be a part of the St. John's delegation in this meaningful community activity. The parade will begin at the Chilhowee Park midway, located on the south side of Magnolia Avenue (3300 Magnolia Avenue). The entrance to the midway is at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and North Beaman Street. The parade ends at the intersection of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Harriet Tubman Street. Those wishing to park at the beginning of the parade route may use the parking lot across from the midway entrance on Beaman Street or on nearby streets. To park at the end of the parade route, the Family Justice Center parking lot on Harriet Tubman Street will be available. Please join St. John’s members for breakfast at 8:30am in the fellowship hall prior to the parade and then carpool over to the parade lineup and begin marching in the parade at 10:00am. This is a special experience to walk as a family or individually with fellow church members and friends on a fun day. Mentors at Christenberry Elementary School are encouraged to include their "little" in the parade walk. The Lady Vols softball team will be walking with us again this year.


he Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission of Knoxville has selected our own CHRIS CLAY as the commission’s 2019 MLK Award Recipient in the area of The Arts. Award recipients are honored for their contribution towards the betterment of the City of Knoxville and surrounding areas in the following categories: Community Service, Advocacy, Education, Business and The Arts. The award will be presented to Chris at the commissions annual “Night With The Arts” on Sunday evening , January 20th at the Tennessee Theater. The evening features music from the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra. BRIAN CLAY 2019 Arts Award Recipient


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Marilyn Fahringer Gary Morgan Nick Oge Sonya McWilliams Mika Vaden Jill Rosberg Brad Parman Laura Trout Erin Ramsey Parker Hamer Kelly Parman Adam Krogmann Bailey Morgan John Lawhon Haley Bernard Tony Harris Robin Leib Ruth Petersen Sandra Jessel Dan Bernard Amy Figg Emelia Lewis Ashton Roberts Alexandra Bernard Michael Grier Julie Glibery Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee

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Jessi Grieser Kris Hepler Elissa Glibbery Jim Ley Joe Brown Jane French Angela Long Sonja Krautner Virginia Shaffer Amy O’Hatnick Connie Burkhalter Angie Hamstead Ashley McDermott Nathan Miller Frederick Perkinson III Kylie Shattuck Kaye Bultemeier Karen Rieger Elizabeth Menendez Kelley Westphal LaReau Carlson Mary Kline Ryan Sweany Linda Godden Kristen McFarland Rob Rieger Asha Warren Dianne Eichenberg Jared Eisenhower Ella Gibson Bob Metelka Michael Holtz Lucy Page Emily Sousa Emily Bast John Jessel Anna Elizabeth Lee Karen Bertollini Katha O’Hatnick Beverly Martin Matthew Glibbery Larry Seivers Graham Ley


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Christopher Clay Director of Communications

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Darrell Murrell Facility Staff Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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