Lutheran Life Pentecost III

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Pastoral Transition Update ………..………………….. page 4-5 Faith Formation ……………………………………………. page 8 Tyson House ………..…………………………………..…. page 13 Birthdays ………………………………………………...…. page 15




y dad believed in sharing his heart. His heart was filled with grace and love, it was overflowing with compassion and generosity, but must of all his heart was filled with Jesus. It was a way of life. He taught us kids that you give where your heart is, and giving meant a lot of things: doing for others, gifting others, how we treated others, tithing, serving with no pay in return. I personally find it extremely important to make my giving a way of life. Like my dad I invest in what I believe because I the heart of Jesus is so very awesome and amazing, I want Jesus for all people. It is my priority to give in as many ways as possible. It’s a lifestyle that I continually strive for. Why? Because the cross changes everything - anything I can do to make a difference is worth the investment.


hen I was in pre-school, my parents gave me coins each week to put in the church-shaped piggy bank in my Sunday school class. I didn’t think about it then, but this illustrated for me what God does all the time. I only have something to give, because God gave me everything, including myself. Over time, I moved from a young adult in the pew, scrambling for the check book as offering plates passed; to sitting in the choir, tithing electronically; to sitting in the pastors’ chair, grateful to my spouse for handling our giving, reviewing the amount together annually, and adding more as our income grows or needs arise. Giving has changed me. For thirty years, giving 10% of our income to church has invested me in the choices we make as a church, and it’s blessed 100% of my life. It’s all grace, a gift.


The pastor’s of St. John’s share with us why they give.


rederick Buechner writes:

“A crucial eccentricity of the Christian faith is the assertion that people are saved by grace. There's nothing YOU have to do. There's nothing you HAVE to do. There's nothing you have to DO. The grace of God means something like: "Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are, because the party wouldn't have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. It's for you I created the universe. I love you."

These words have shaped my spiritual life for nearly thirty years, from relationships to community to ministry. All I bring to the world is a gift provided by a gracious God. My expression of “thank you” falls painfully short; I could NEVER repay the faithfulness of so many! So, having been graciously gifted over and over again, I now understand the beauty of giving. What does that look like? Some days, it is interpreting another in the best light possible. Other days, it is investing time in the mundane like a phone conversation that becomes sacred when hearts connect. At the first of the month, it is a 10% tithe to St. John’s via electronic giving. And at the end of every day, it is a grateful prayer for being saved by grace, which is simply another word for Love.




ransition is moving along at a quick pace. The gathering of history, the review of policies and procedures, the updates to the constitution and the writing of the bylaws is all moving nicely. The various teams are reviewing the synods risk management document and understanding what we as St. John’s need to do so that we are in compliance with our insurance company and our synod, as well as the ELCA and the IRS. Finance has put in place dual control for the counting of our Sunday morning offering, in addition to safeguarding the offering moneys with key locked bags and the deposit of such. They and the bank are wrapping our line of credit into our long-term debt, increase the long term debt to about 550,000. Finance has reviewed our trend reports for giving and for debt: they are currently reviewing the budget to put it in line with our income, as well as anticipated expenses not previously included in the budget. The revised budget will be voted on at the January Congregational Meeting. Both Finance and Stewardship are working diligently on finishing up the last capital campaign; there are roughly $124,000 pledged dollars that have not been received. Finance’s goal is to have reserves in the bank so that we do not have to rely on the line of credit, this will increase our fiscal responsibility to the dollars received. The Finance Team has also put in place pre-approval on expenditures, this way we can monitor our finances and keep a check on our line of credit. Stewardship is busy developing an educational plan for empowering our discipleship, that is living out the heart of Jesus in how we serve, in how we grow in our faith, in setting priorities, and in how we bless as we have been blessed. They are working with Finance on the capital campaign, as well as helping us all understand the joy and the blessing of tithing. Look forward to reading stories about faith in action. Property team is working on risk management by making the building safer. This includes landscape improvements; replacing crash bars; new job descriptions for greeters on Sunday morning, looking into how and when key fobs are used (If you have one you are not using property/safety team would like it returned); developing evacuation plan, natural disaster plan, active shooter plan, safe occupancy loads, and the like. This also includes updating the defibrillator batteries. Personnel is working on establishing employee files, reviewing fair labor practices, establishing procedures to begin background checks, developing an organization chart, developing nursery guidelines, and educating the congregation on the need to do background checks within the volunteer base here at St John’s. Transition Team has sent the constitution and bylaws to the church council for review , once the council reviews them, they will be sent to synod for approval and then back to the congregation for approval at a congregational meeting. Transition is also developing intentional times for prayer that will focus us on the discernment process.

LUTHERAN LIFE LIFE LUTHERAN On September 22, Bishop Kevin Strickland was at St John’s and met with the council, transition team, and all teams for a Q & A and dinner. It was a time for open conversation, trust building, and communication. On OCTOBER 6 at 10:15, A congregational meeting has been called by President Lauren Kimzey for the purpose of electing a nominating committee. The term of this committee is Oct 6, 2019 to January 2021. This is perhaps one of the most important teams of St John’s. They will be responsible for praying, listening to the spirit of God, and lifting of those leaders needed for church council and for the call team. Each member of St John’s needs to take an active part in selecting and electing the nominating committee. Pray and think about who would be nominees for the team. A nominating team member should have qualities such as logic and reasoning to draw out the strengths and weaknesses of potential candidates. Critical thinking and the ability to ask tough questions so that they can draw out the needed and great qualities in the nominees. Diversity of opinion is extremely helpful. The nominating committee is about recruitment, understanding and appreciation different cultures and opinions. These are the people who can focus on what is best for St John’s and faithfully pray and listen for the spirit of God to guide and direct. The church council has prayerfully slated four members for your consideration. If you have a name you would like to submit to the nominating committee, you can place it in the offering plate and/or call the church office. Thinking ahead: During our congregational meeting on October 6th, the nominating committee will be elected. Their most immediate job will be to pray and center themselves in the spirit of God for the task before them. After that, they will begin to discuss both the church council needs and the needs of the call team. They will list qualities that are needed for both groups. Then they will pray over the directory asking God to guide them and lift up those who have the needed qualities for the call to serve on council or call team. They will interview and collaborate on who would be qualified candidates to serve in these positions. It is essential that nominees have an open mind to the discernment process and the vision of St John’s. It is important to understand that no one can serve on the more than one team; if on the nominating team, you cannot serve on council or call team, and if on council, you cannot serve on call team or nominating team etc.





tewardship is a way of life for Christians. We all know we have been blessed beyond measure. All we have has been given to us. Our talent, our treasure, and indeed our time on this Earth are all gifts from God. This is a fact often obscured by our all too human pride. We also know that we are the church, and giving to the church is actually "giving" to ourselves. These gifts are a double reward for us: we are giving to ourselves and this giving pleases God. As has been often repeated, we are in a time of transition. The pastoral transition is generally going well, but as anticipated, it is having its moments. As we have formed new lay leadership opportunities in our church, we have tried to increase financial transparency. Most of you will have noticed regular updates in our worship bulletin, as well as in our Lutheran Life newsletter, regarding the financial health of our congregation. Recently, the finance committee has shared more detail about some of our pledged offering shortcomings. Specifically, our budget needs $14,000 a week to meet our obligations. For this fiscal year, July thru August, our pledged offering has fallen short by an average of $3,300 per week. This is not unusual; every summer actual giving trails pledged giving because many people travel out of town over the summer. This year has been a bit worse, and unfortunately, our Line of Credit that covers this annual shortfall is under strain because Capital Campaign didn't reduce debt as much as we had hoped. In real concrete terms, this means we now need $18,000 a week for the rest of the year to catch up. This is totally doable! With this in mind the Stewardship and Financial Teams respectfully want to make an overt "ask." Please prayerfully consider increasing your contribution by 10% for the rest of the year. We know that you and all of St. John's will rise to meet this challenge. In fact, we already have. The very day our congregation was made aware of this need, we immediately responded! The Sunday that this announcement was made, you heard and you gave. THANK YOU! And please keep it up!

Listen to sermons you’ve missed ONLINE at





he service of Holy Communion with the Rite of Installation of The Reverend Kevin Lyle Strickland as Bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America will occur at 2pm EDT on Saturday, October 5th at the Cathedral of St. Philip in Atlanta, GA. The installation of the Assistants to the Bishop and Synod Staff will also take place during this liturgy. All are welcome! A reception will follow the service. All rostered ministers are invited to process and vest and the color of the day is red. There will be a vesting area provided for you. Stay tuned for more details. WHEN: Saturday, October 5, 2019, 2:00pm EDT. Be sure to arrive early. Seating will be reserved only for rostered leaders and synod council. WHERE: The Cathedral of St. Philip, 2744 Peachtree Rd NW, Atlanta, GA, 30305.

Please plan on joining us Sunday, October 6 at 10:00 am for 1st Sunday Brunch and a Congregational Meeting. The item of business will be to form a nominating team by congregational vote.




lease join us for enriching, spirit-filled Christian education for children, teens, and adults. We encourage you to mark the following Faith Formation dates in your calendar. Faith Formation takes place Sundays at 10 a.m. Here’s a look at what’s coming up …

Children's Faith Formation Schedule 10/13 Ten Men Healed (Luke 17:11-19) 10/20 Jacob Wrestles (Genesis 32:22-31) 10/27 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14)

Youth Faith Formation Schedule Pastor Amy will be sending an update for the month of October.

Adult Faith Formation- Choose One of Two Options Lutheranism 101 New to St. John's? Sign up to learn more about Lutheranism. Longtime member? Join us to enrich your faith. Please sign up at the Mission Fair to reserve your copy of our study guide. This series runs at 10 a.m. on Sunday 10/13, 10/20, 10/27.

Bible Study: Focus on Philippians Using personal devotion (Lectio Divina—Divine Reading) and group discussion, we will focus on the four chapters of Paul's Letter to the Philippians over the course of six sessions. This series will also run at 10 a.m. on Sunday 10/13, 10/20, 10/27.




outh Ministry Dates for Your Family Calendar


6 20 27


3 17


1 22


First Sunday Lunch Bunch at Central Filling Station (12:30 PM) Family Chili Cook-Off and Board Game Fellowship (5:00 PM) Confirmation (11:00 PM) First Sunday Lunch Bunch at Senor Taco (12:30 PM) Friendsgiving Meal (5:00 PM) First Sunday Lunch Bunch at Sweet Pea’s (12:30 PM) Caroling Scavenger Hunt (12:30 PM)

hat is Confirmation in an ELCA Lutheran church?

Confirmation, which is now commonly called Affirmation of Baptism, is the time when young—and not so young—people declare for themselves they will live out the promises made at the time of their baptism. The time spent in confirmation classes is intended to explore faith, both personal and corporate, so students can make an affirmation of baptism in the hope and trust God will continue to lead and guide them in all the aspects of their lives. On Sunday, October 27 at the 11:00 service, the St. John’s family will celebrate with Ella Gibson, Max Giesecke, Lily Hancock, Hailey Hudson, Katherine Perkinson, Wyatt Simpson, Ella Kate Smith, Natalie Throckmorton, Robert Throckmorton, and Reid Zinser as they take the next step in the spiritual journey. Join us in this prayer for them: Father in heaven, for Jesus’ sake, stir up in these faithful teenagers the gift of your Holy Spirit; confirm their faith, guide their lives, empower them in their serving, give them patience in suffering, and bring them to everlasting life.




his is a ministry for God's older children. Join us as we begin our 9th year for fellowship, prayer, laughter, delicious lunch, and a good program. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30 am in Spark's Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019 Lunch: Cole's Catering and BBQ (Your cost only $5.00 per person) Program: Cambodia--the Land of Gentle People, Beautiful Scenery, and the Opportunity to Help Build a Home. Come, join Nancy Maland as she shares her trip to Cambodia where she had the opportunity to learn about the wonderful people, cultures, and customs through an international Habitat building experience. Join us; get to know one another; make a new friend. Please RSVP to Mary 865-584-3153.


atie's Sisters have been busy!

We enjoyed a wonderful evening at the Vargo's home for our Sip 'n' See! The baby goats were adorable, and Felicity provided us with much interesting information answering lots of questions! Jim and Pastor Jean were wonderful hosts. So many of you joined in for an evening of good food, fellowship, and planning for the year. Thanks to Susan Dowling for taking the reins of Katie's Sisters so effectively! Each month, Kaye Bultemeier coordinates WINE "Women Inviting Narrative Exploration" on the second Tuesday of the month at 6:30 at Old City Wine Bar. We always have the most interesting topics on a variety of subjects led by different members of the group. We are a growing group, and now, the Old City Wine Bar is allowing us to use their downstairs room! In September, we viewed two short videos featuring Nadia Bolz-Weber, and Misty Anderson led the discussion. We are grateful for her leadership. Our Annual Painting with a Twist evening is always fun, and this year's edition didn't disappoint! Each year we welcome new faces and exhibit our creations. And even when we think we can't paint, we do! Thanks to Jessi Grieser and Marcia Power for coordinating this fun event We would love to have you join us Katie's Sisters is all about relationship building and sisterly connections. Named for Katherine Von Bora, Martin Luther's beloved wife, Katie, we meet throughout the year for a variety of events. The highlight of our year is our Annual Retreat. This year's retreat will be at Tuckaleechee Retreat Center in Townsend for two nights on weekend of March 6-8. The cost is projected to be $65 and scholarships will be available. More information will be published as the weekend approaches, but for now, mark your calendar and plan to attend.




he Men's Group continues to meet every second Tuesday of the month at Shultz Brau Brewery for our BEER meeting (Brothers Engaged in Enriching Relationships). We meet anytime after 6:00 and have had a great turnout to hang out and get to know each other better. We had a great time golfing at Lost Creek on August 24th. We hope to not wait another year to golf again, so if you are a golfer, text Caleb Warren your interest, and he may just try to arrange more golfing with those that are interested. This will always be a fun first, golf skills secondary outing! We are going camping on Friday night 9/27 at Frozen Head Campground past Oak Ridge. It is a nice open campground with a clean bathhouse and warm water. Please let me know if you are interested in joining us. You may also just come Friday night for the campfire and hanging out if you do not want, or are unable to stay overnight. It will be “bring your own food and cooler”, and whatever you would like to share

BROTHERS ENGAGING in ENRICHING RELATIONSHIPS WHEN: Tuesday, October 8th at 6pm WHERE: Schulz Brau Brewing Co., 126 Bernard Avenue CONTACT: Caleb Warren - 865.607.9350 WOMEN INVITING NARRATIVE EXPLORATION WHEN: Tuesday, October 8th at 6:30pm WHERE: Old City Wine Bar, 108 W. Jackson Avenue CONTACT: Kay Bultemeier -


oats for the Cold is an annual coat drive to collect thousands of coats for those in need in our area. The community is invited to donate used men’s, women’s and children’s coats at any KARM Stores location or any Prestige Cleaners location during designated coat drive weeks each fall. We will begin taking donations for KARM’s “Coats for the Cold” drive beginning on November 1st. Sizes need include: ALL children's sizes, and men's XXL. It takes many hands to sort and hang thousands of coats! Opportunities will be available to help at all KARM Stores locations beginning on October 29th. Express interest in a date and time below. When signing up, please choose a time length of 2 hours or more. Contact Rita in the church office for more details.




oin us Friday, October 4, 2019. We will gather at 5:30 pm in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for food, fun, and conversation. Then, at 7:30 pm, we will head downtown for First Friday. Please bring an appetizer to share. BYOB! If you have any questions contact, Clarke Hinkle at or Clarence Scott at



e are excited to kick-off our TLC Fall 1st Sunday Brunches. This is a wonderful time to share fellowship and friendship over yummy food. Please join us at 10:00 this fall on these dates:

October 6, 2019 November 3, 2019 (YIKES, Daylight Saving Change Day!!!) December 8, 2019 January 5, 2020 February 2, 2020 Contact Nancy Maland with your interest in being a part of the TLC team to assist in cooking for first Sunday brunches , spring Lenten suppers, or special gatherings/events such as funerals, ordinations, and other events throughout the year.


t. John's Knitting and Crocheting Group HAS MOVED TO Thursdays at St. John's 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. We will focus on baby clothes and blankets. Spare needles and yarn will be available but bring your own if you have them. Contact: Hilde Lindemann 517-230-5511 or


he St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel streams our worship services live and archives them -- so you can revisit a worship experience that moved you.. YOU’RE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US!



Campus Ministry Clean Up, Welcome, Worship, Retreats, and an Ordination!


he first month of UT campus ministry at Tyson House has been full of blessing. August 10, we had a clean up day, with 40+ members of St John’s and area Lutheran and Episcopal churches trimming bushes, pulling weeds, washing windows, and getting things ready for students’ return. August 17 was Move In Day, and our students, staff, and congregations fed hundreds of burgers to arriving first years, their family and friends, and all the cleaning staff, electricians, and police helping their move go smoothly. (Special thanks to the men of St Paul Lutheran, Maryville, for the grilling!) Every Sunday since, we’ve had dinner at 6:04, home-cooked by partner congregations, and worship with communion at 6:40, giving us all, especially students, a chance to center in Christ before a new week of learning and serving. August 24, we had a Residents Retreat in Chattanooga for our eight students living at Tyson House, led by intern Ezra Brown and head resident Michelle Blackwell. We toured the Hunter Museum of American Art, ate at Rembrandt’s Coffee House, and formed a residents’ covenant (principles for how we live as intentional, Christian community) in the shade of the sculpture garden gazebo, and painted a vase full of flowers together, each student contributing as a symbol of our ministry together. August 29-31, Father RJ Powell (my Episcopal colleague) and I took our intern (Ezra) and administrator (Caitlynne Fox) on a staff retreat to St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana, to enjoy time together and experience the way monks ground their life in quiet and prayer. Growing from that, we’ve begun Morning Prayer at Tyson House, Tuesday through Friday, 11:30am. It’s a 15-minute service that transforms the day. Feel free to join us, any time (824 Melrose Place, 37916). Finally, September 4, Fr. RJ, Ezra, Tyson House alumni/ae Jordan Baker and Sinéad Doherty, and I went to Chattanooga for Tyson House alumnus David Burman’s ordination to the Episcopal priesthood! As I said, it has been a full and blessed month.




lease join us on November 25th after the 11am service for a light lunch and the festivities of the Hanging of the Greens.

St John's will hold a service of preparation for Christ's coming, a new year living in the presence of God through our relationship with his son, Jesus Christ. The service includes hanging greenery traditionally associated with everlasting life, loyalty, Jesus' death and the resurrection. This is done on or directly before the start of the Advent season, in preparation for Christmastide. The goal is to saturate Christmas with Christ, so that no matter where we look or what we see, all of it drives our hearts and minds to Jesus .

Advent Midweek Worship is scheduled for December 4, 11, and 18 beginning at 6:30PM. We will experience beautiful worship in our candlelit sanctuary with fellowship and refreshments after in the Welcome Center


hurch council and staff Christmas party is scheduled for Sunday, December 15 beginning at 5:30PM at the home of Kevin and Lauren Kimzey. Childcare will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring food and drink to share. Meat will be provided .


BIRTHDAYS 10 11 12

1 3 4 5 6 7 9

Eric Krautner John Stancher Karen Hylton Vyvette Solt Chrystal Brewer Lindsay Doyle Libby Stinnett Richard Bender Chris Wise Deaver Shattuck

14 15 16 17

18 19 20




3 4 5 6

Rowan Daugherty Susie Racek Tom McGalliard Nathan Wise Wilma Miller Herta Olive Whitney Sharp Scarlett Lucia Thrasher Dani Warren Anna Chappelle Josie Whitehead Jonathan Freeman Terry Hamer Jenny Ladage Sarah Bast Ryan Click Linda Welch

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 22 23

Bill Cathcart Amy Hamer Camille Wilson Diane Boxx Mary Sue Bjorklund David Hegseth Richard Hunley Scott Hamstead Casie Holt Bill Wing Thea Peterson Mason Bucklin Rosalind Nicole Bucklin Sharon Gamble Sarah Lowe Bob Dewald Pat Krogmann Will Trout

21 22

Emma Brooks Mack Cook Beck Hamstead Scott Krogmann Holly Hudy Sarah Morgan Todd Richesin Jim Friedrich Sarah Holtz Monica Krogmann Joe Miller Lissa Lay Rivers Chapman Pat Keyes Julie Sharp Linda Efteland Craig Friedrich Bob Sharp Reid Zinser Preston Tucker Annie Rose McDermott

24 25 26


26 27 28 29 30

27 28

Matthew Freeman Hailey Hamer Donna Foster Wilburn Howard Capito Lee Gagle Joseph Ray John Rice Helmut Busse Barbara Thompson Jon Efteland Chris McKerny Lee Ballard Lee Metelka Pam Thompson Sydney Trujillo

Barry Thompson Ryan Lee Lisa Johnson David Thomas Jennifer Roberts Bari Gerbig Barbara Teague Elisabeth Bernard Will Wing


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


Please plan on joining us Sunday, October 6 at 10:00 am for 1st Sunday Brunch and a Congregational Meeting. The item of business will be to form a nominating team by congregational vote.

CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development

John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry

Christopher Clay Director of Communications

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director

Jean Vargo Interim Pastor

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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