Lutheran Life Pentecost I

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COVID Response Team Update ….……….……………….. page 4 Budget Meeting Info ………………………....……………. page 14 Faith Formation …………….. ……..…………..…...………... page 6 Birthdays ………………………………………………...…... page 15




hile in prison, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote to his friend Eberhard Bethge that only where God is can there be a new beginning. We find ourselves standing at poignant moment in history where we begin again, anew. How will we re-engage as the people of St. John’s? How is God calling us to re-imagine ministry at Fifth and Broadway and beyond? With what time, talent, and treasure we will reinvest? In Guerillas of Grace, poet and theologian Ted Loder offers prayerful words for this Pentecost season, a time of renewal: “Help Me to Believe” God of history and of my heart, so much has happened to me during these whirlwind days: I’ve known death and birth; I’ve been brave and scared; I’ve hurt, I’ve helped; I’ve been honest, I’ve lied; I’ve destroyed, I’ve created; I’ve been with people, I’ve been lonely; I’ve been loyal, I’ve betrayed; I’ve decided, I’ve waffled; I’ve laughed and I’ve cried. You know my frail heart and my frayed history – and now another day begins. O God, help me to believe in beginnings and in my beginning again, no matter how often I’ve failed before. Help me to make beginnings: to begin going out of my weary mind into fresh dreams, daring to make my own bold tracks in the land of now; to begin forgiving that I may experience mercy; to begin questioning the unquestionable that I may know truth; to begin disciplining that I may create beauty; to begin sacrificing that I may make peace; to begin loving that I may realize joy. Help me to be a beginning to others: to be a singer to the songless, a storyteller to the aimless, a befriender of the friendless; to become a beginning of hope for the despairing, of assurance for the doubting, of reconciliation for the divided; to become a beginning of freedom for the oppressed, of comfort for the sorrowing, of friendship for the forgotten; to become a beginning of beauty for the forlorn, of sweetness for the soured, of gentleness for the angry, of wholeness for the broken, of peace for the frightened and violent of the earth. Help me to believe in beginnings, to make a beginning, to be a beginning, so that I may not just grow old, but grow new each day of this wild, amazing life you call me to live with the passion of Jesus Christ.




e’ve talked a lot this year about “living on a pivot.” Indeed, sometimes, with all the adjustments due to COVID, it has felt more like “spinning and spinning.” But if you’ve ever watched a basketball player pivoting (or been one), one foot moves, while the other is firmly on the ground. Even ballet dancers, who sometimes really are “spinning and spinning,” have a way of focusing their eyes on a fixed object, so they retain their balance and poise. I want to use this moment to remind us all, including myself, that we always have solid ground and a fixed place to focus, in Christ. From a Lutheran perspective, the essence of church is “the gathering of faithful believers, around the gospel and the sacraments” — baptism and communion — “administered in accord with the gospel” (Augsburg Confession, Article VII). Zoom or in person, indoor or out, there is solid ground as we return again and again to the good news of God’s love (the gospel) and visible signs reflecting these heavenly truths (baptism and communion). Summer is often a time of lightening and loosening up, as families travel, as we rest and rejuvenate. Let’s do these things, but also, let’s ground these things, regularly, with a growing devotion, in Christ, in worship, in the gospel, baptism, and communion.




he Center for Disease Control (CDC) released new guidelines late last week, communicating ways folks can move forward in light of increased vaccinations, declining infection trends, and growing scientific understanding of the COVID-19 transmission process. The St. John’s COVID Response Team met Sunday, May 16 for conversation about how we faithfully respond. Many members of our St. John’s family are ready to move quickly; others are more inclined to proceed cautiously. The COVID Response Team will take an intentional approach to all upcoming changes. Here’s what you can expect: Sunday, May 23 … two indoor worship services, continuing to mask in order to give the COVID Response Team time to faithfully update everyone and an announcement from a member of the COVID Response Team that balances scientific data and ministry program plans Monday, May 24 through Friday, May 28 … continued education regarding ministry programming through e-mail and social media Sunday, May 30 … two indoor worship services, masking decision to be announced and another announcement from a member of the COVID Response Team Tuesday, June 1 through Friday, June 4 … continued education regarding ministry programming and a “Town Hall” Zoom meeting with members of the COVID Response Team to answer any questions St. John’s members might have Sunday, June 6 … two indoor worship services and a Congregational Zoom Meeting at 1:00 PM in which final recommendations related to the new COVID-19 guidelines will be shared Please note: on May 23, we will be observing social distance throughout the building and asking folks to remain masked throughout worship, except when partaking in communion, to allow our COVID Response Team to educate the majority of our members. A masking decision for May 30 will be announced prior to Sunday worship. Additional updates will come following this Sunday’s COVID Response Team Meeting. If you have specific questions, please reach out to a member of the COVID Response Team: Christine Oehler (Team Co-Leader) Dr. Karen Wells (Team Co-Leader) Clarence Scott Nancy Maland Sally Robinette RN Linda Welch Dr. Ron Rimer Dr. Deaver Shattuck Dr. Chris Brooks Mari Brooks Pastor Amy Figg Ley Pastor John Tirro





e continue to find different ways to connect and experience community together here at St. John’s. Here is a snapshot of the ways we are providing ministry opportunities and creating connections.

NoonDay Prayer Weekly prayer at 12noon will be broadcast via FACEBOOK LIVE every Wednesday. Access by going to the St. John's Facebook page at

Sunday Worship Online Sunday at 9and 11am. We provide a LIVE worship experience led by our Pastors at 9 & 11am on Sunday mornings on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page. The service is archived & can be viewed at any time after the service. Log onto and search for St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville.

St John’s YouTube Channel Log onto St John’s YouTube channel for archived worship services and additional video content including important video messages from our staff, leadership and congregational teams as well as content from out synod leadership and Bishop.

St John’s Facebook Page Log onto St John’s Facebook page for archived worship services and additional video content including important video messages from our staff, leadership and congregational teams as well as content from out synod leadership and Bishop.

The St. John’s website is frequently updated and new posts to our Facebook page happen regularly, so be sure to check both places often for updates or changes to scheduled events/connections. Reach out via email at or you can call or text me at 404-246-2795 and Chris Clay, our Communications and Technology Director will be happy to troubleshoot any problems you may be having.




hanks to all folks who have been involved with our Sunday morning Zoom (and now live in the Fellowship Hall) Faith Formation gatherings this past year, not least Nancy Friedrich and Dick Krogmann, who led Bible studies of Ephesians and the Gospel of John, as well as Pastor John, Dick, and Deb Sousa, who led the sessions on Advent and Christmas music. Starting on Memorial Day, we’ll be taking a break from the Sunday morning Faith Formation meetings until August or September, but there will be a variety of options related to Faith Formation that will be ongoing. Check in the weekly emails from St. John’s and plug in as you can. The various possibilities include: Women’s WINE group (Women In Narrative Exploration) meets monthly — they generally talk about something substantive, along with social time. In May, they talked about laments. Men’s BEER group (Brothers Engaged in Enriching Relationship) will be restarting shortly, now that more folks are fully vaccinated — details to follow. Tuesday Morning Bible Study meets weekly, led by Pastor John, meets Tuesdays at 8am on Zoom. Noonday prayer on Wednesdays on Facebook Live offers another possibility. Stepping Stones of Faith (early childhood through college) will be running through the summer — see Pastor Amy’s article in this newsletter for more details. Although we won’t have regular Sunday programming through the summer, there will be informal gatherings for conversation, coffee, and snacks in the Fellowship Hall after the first service: our loosening COVID limitations now make this possible. Be sure to check out these Faith Formation possibilities over the summer. The emails from St. John’s will provide the details.



he St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Facebook page and Youtube channel streams our worship services live and archives them -- so you can re-visit a worship



tepping Stones of Faith is a milestone ministry in which a beloved child of God, the child’s parents, and the congregation celebrate developmental steps along the baptismal journey. Each milestone celebration invites those who are supporting the child to a remembrance of baptism; each child receives a gift of faith, and the congregation prays specifically for the families who are celebrating. As we anticipate slowly returning to life together, we have rescheduled this year’s Stepping Stones during the months of June and July, and we hope your family will participate. Please consult the chart below to see where your child falls in the suggested age column, and if he or she has not participated, sign them up with Pastor Amy at or 865.805.9805. Celebrations will take place during Sunday morning worship, though we can be creative if your family is not able to join us. Check your mail for an invitation to participate. Stepping Stone


Suggested Age


Baptismal Promise


Determined by parents

Determined by parents

Candle and certificate

Nurture faith


Sunday, June 13


Book of prayers

Nurture prayer

Family Devotions

Sunday, June 20


Wall Cross

Teach the Lord’s Prayer

Bible Reading

Sunday, June 27

Early Elementary

Age-appropriate Bible

Place the holy Scriptures in the child's hands

Holy Communion

Sunday, July 11

Determined by parents

Hand-painted pottery chalice

Bring the child to the Holy Supper

Worship Leadership

Sunday, July 18

Late Elementary

Pectoral Cross

Live with the child among God’s people

Confirmation Kick-Off

Sunday, July 25

Early Middle School

Frame for Family Picture

Nurture faith

Rite of Confirmation

October 2023


Late Middle School or Frame for Confirmation Early High School Picture

Nurture faith

Sunday, August 1

High School Graduates

Palm Cross

Nurture faith

College Send-Off

Sunday, August 1

High School Graduates


Live with the child among God’s people

College Reunion

December 2021

College Students


Live with the child among God’s people



Mad Graduating from Attending Pe

Matthew Long Graduating from Central High School Attending University of Tennessee

Anna Elizabeth Lee Graduating from Webb High School Attending Drew University



Alana Wells Graduating from West High School Attending Rhodes College

ddie Trout m L&N Stem Academy ellissippi College

Sydney Parman Graduating from West High School Attending Carson Newman University



e have all missed our St. John’s church family during this pandemic. One way that we have stayed connected is through a project called 1st Saturday Meal & Porch Visit. The first Saturday of each month, church cooks have prepared a yummy meal, boxed it beautifully, and church members have delivered it to many of our church friends throughout Knoxville and the surrounding area. It has been joyful to connect with old friends and to make new friends. We have slowed down and listened to the stories of our church friends. If you would like for someone from church to visit you and bring you a yummy lunch from our St. John’s cooks on the 1 st Saturday of the month, please contact Nancy Maland at 964-0851 or Toni in the church office. Here are some pictures and stories of our deliveries in April:

Mary Eikenberry said visiting new friend, Hilde Lindemann was a ‘pure joy’. She learned of Hilde’s interesting hobbies and passions.


Mary also visited Ann Williams. Ann is a Duke University Graduate & former elementary teacher who has lived many places on the east and west coasts. She is a well-read, well-studied in the Bible and is a life-long learner.




t has been so long since we have hugged each other, held hands, or smiled and talked face to face. The last SAM gathering was March 4, 2020. I have talked with you on the phone and I have written to you, but it's not the same. I have hopes to kick off our SAM programs beginning in September 2021 with social distancing in place. Our steering committee will meet sometime this summer in the fellowship hall to make detailed plans for the year. Of course, "Covid" will have the final say on whether we are safe to meet together. Many of you have participated in the 1st Saturday Each Month Box Lunch and Porch Visits. Your positive responses have encouraged those of us planning each of these. Many people have been involved---the coordinators, the drivers/visitors, the cooks, and those of you receiving the visits and food. I have loved being part of this ministry. It was a great way to keep contact with one another. May the peace of the Lord be with each of you. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces. Much love, Mary Cole


omen from St. John’s gathered on May 11th in the St. John’s courtyard for wonderful fellowship and a meaningful discussion of Lament lead by Margareth Olsson. (Thank you, Margareth!!) This was our first ‘in person’ gathering since the pandemic began, though the group has been meeting monthly on Zoom. The group agreed that it was fabulous to be with each other again, safely. Women and Wine meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. The next meeting will be on June 8th at 6:30 in the courtyard of St. John’s for beautiful multi-aged female fellowship, sharing, and discussion. Haley Jones will lead the discussion on the topic of ‘embodyment’. Details and suggested readings will come out closer to the date. All women are warmly invited. Bring your own beverage, and if you would like, a snack to share.


If you have questions about Women & Wine, please contact Kaye Bultemeier at .


he Men’s B.E.E.R. group is active again. Co-leaders are Jordan Baker (901.553.2559) and Garry Menendez (865.688.0031). Meetings will be mostly social, with a conversation topic related to faith and life. Look for an announcement with more information about the next gathering, and a Google Sign up form on the St John’s website for interest and questions.



We will have the summer edition of the bi-annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 6, 2021, at 1:00 PM. Our primary agenda item at the summer meeting is the review and approval of the 2021-2022 Plan of Ministry. To this end, you are cordially invited to attend one, or all, of three ZOOM sessions to review the Plan of Ministry in greater detail. Here are the dates: Saturday, May 22, Wednesday, May 26 Sunday May 30,


We will also hear a general report on the state of the church, our team ministries, and the work of the vision team. To enable the largest number of participants to attend, all meetings will be held on ZOOM. Here is the ZOOm meeting information: Zoom Meeting ID: 873 9151 4531 Password: BUDGET2021 We look forward to your fellowship at the congregational meeting and covet your attendance at the Plan of Ministry Forums beforehand!




n update from our VISION TEAM: Over the past 15 months, did you ever ask yourself: What day is this? Did you wonder: What am I doing this afternoon? Or tomorrow? Or next week?! Yet, your Vision Team is tasked with the challenging – and joyful – opportunity of looking at a mission and vision for St. John’s Lutheran Church for the next five years. During this process, we keep our eyes on Christ and lean into the excitement of planning, preparing and dreaming of next steps for our beloved St. John’s Lutheran at the corner of 5 th and Broadway. Your Vision Team meets twice a month to pray, read and reflect on articles such as: “Religion After Pandemic” by Dianne Butler Bass, and begin creating draft mission statements. As we continue on this path, we will share our progress and process at the Congregational Meeting on June 6 th. In the meantime, here are some of the crucial questions we are considering: > What is precious? > What is worth keeping no matter the circumstances? > What will never change? > What is the core ideology of the church? > What are we passionate about? > What do we have the potential to do better than anyone else? > What will pay the bills? How would you respond to these questions? Keep your eyes open for an email inviting your input into the visioning process. .In the meantime, do you have any comments? Questions? Ideas? Share them with the Vision Team! In Christ, Your Vision Team


e will have Congregational Meeting on Sunday, June 6, 2021, at 1:00 PM. Our primary agenda item at this meeting is the review and approval of the 20212022 Plan of Ministry. To this end, you are cordially invited to attend one, or all, of three ZOOM sessions to review the Plan of Ministry in greater detail. Here are the dates: Saturday, May 22—9AM

Wednesday, May 26—7PM

Sunday May 30—1PM

We will also hear a general report on the state of the church, our team ministries, and the work of the vision team. To enable the largest number of participants to attend, all meetings will be held on ZOOM. Here is the ZOOm meeting information: Zoom Meeting ID: 873 9151 4531 Password: BUDGET2021 We look forward to your fellowship at the congregational meeting and covet your attendance at the Plan of Ministry Forums beforehand!


LUTHERAN LIFE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 1

Kelly Page Brenda Wainner Virginia Grace Whitney Trujillo Sarah Crowley Clarke Hinkle Lisa Smith Megan Venable Archer Lawrence Thomas Campbell Clay

2 3 4

5 8

19 20 21 23 24 25


21 3 5 10 13 14 15 16


Darby Bernard Grace Sweany Brenda Wayland Nancy Delgado Sally Seivers Thomas McDermott Larry Eikenberry Teresa Greene Hannah Bucklin Sonja Fowler Hilde Lindemann Jerry Shock Karen Johnson

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31

Leah Zinser Sara Whitehead Sara Daugherty Doug Thompson Reed Solt Nicole Leatherwood Christina Racek Mike Sweany Dale Teague Jordan Baker Rachel Crowley Declan McWilliams Brooke Wing Darin Clark Cameron Brownlee Pat Counts Linda Peterson Kitty Sharp Brandon Hopkins Bill Lawhon Kaye Williams

26 27 28 30

Logan Click Kayleigh Brownlee Emily Skaar Sherry Barry Debra Morin Jack Wells Fred Jimenez

J.E. Henry Brad Long Alan Shattuck Raney Shattuck Joe Mathews Gina Vandergriff Tracie Lefler Diana McElhaney Bobby Brown Sutton Lewis Brennan Whitehead Zion Roberts Sofia Adams Stan Leib Cathy Converse Kevin Kimzey Lauren Kimzey Sally Osborn Trista McCarthy Emelia Warren


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Ley Senior Pastor

John Tirro Pastor of Worship & Campus Ministry

Christopher Clay Director of Communications

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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