COVID Response Team Update ….……….……………….. page 4 Ministry Team Descriptions .………………....…….. pages 8 and 9 Faith Formation …………….. ……..…………..…...…………. page 6 Birthdays ………………………………………………...……. page 15
an Richardson writes of Pentecost: At Pentecost, initiation occurred not only at the individual level (“and a tongue rested on each of them”) but also at the corporate level. The outpouring of the Spirit upon the whole community reminds us that we are not on an individual journey but a shared one. God calls us, compels us, to attend to the Spirit in one another. Pentecost beckons us to keep breathing. It challenges us to keep ourselves open to the Spirit who seeks us. The Spirit that, in the beginning, brooded over the chaos and brought forth creation; the Spirit that drenched the community with fire and breath on the day of Pentecost: this same Spirit desires to dwell within us and among us. Amidst the brokenness and chaos and pain that sometimes come with being in community, the Spirit searches for places to breathe in us, to transform us, to knit us together more deeply and wholly as the body of Christ, and to send us forth into the world.
With this in mind, I would like to thank you for breathing in the Spirit of the risen Christ, working together to find creative ways to be the Church during a highly unusual time. Worshipping and sharing and learning and caring and dreaming heart-to-heart, God continues to shape the world through your hearts and hands. With this in mind, I would like to ask you to lean in. If you have re-engaged in life together with the people of St. John’s, please consider new ways you might offer your gifts, creative ways you might engage in relationship, and vibrant ways to articulate God’s dream for our congregation. If you are just now considering re-engaging, please join us. That might look like a phone call to reconnect with someone you haven’t seen in many months. Perhaps you and God have nurtured an exciting expression ministry; reach out and share it with me or Pastor John or a Church Council member so, together, we can help bring it to life. With this in mind, I would like to share with you: in spite of uncertain variants, despite questions that do not have clear answers, God continues to move! Let us follow faithfully.
Making Our Way (Back) to Worship… In Person, Online
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1).
’ve never run a marathon, but I have passed out water and cheered between services, as marathoners ran by St. John’s on a Sunday. (Some may remember, that was the day I waved a purple tutu in the pulpit, scattered sermon notes everywhere, and learned the lesson of numbering my pages! But I digress…) One thing I noticed: everyone does not finish at the same time. A marathon is a long race, everyone in it is a hero, and the pack tends to spread out. We’ve been in a COVID-enforced, back-to-in-person-worship marathon, and a lot of folks — first our seniors and front line workers, then other adults and teens as vaccinations became available — have crossed the finish line. We also have folks still running, notably families with kids under twelve and those with compromised immune systems. Those vaccinated are mask-optional, distance not required. Balcony and back pews are reserved for those distancing. Some join online. Everyone worshiping is a hero, worthy of cheering and whatever would be the equivalent of a bottle of water. As your Pastor of Worship, I thank you for your faithfulness. It is wonderful to see faces again, masked and unmasked, to hug or elbow bump or whatever way of welcoming each other works for each person, to hear your voices speaking the Word of God, and to sing together! (It was very hard, not hearing your beautiful voices for such a long time!) I encourage you, wherever you are in the race, worship as fully and be as present as you can, in person or online. It’s easy to forget, but you may be the way God plans to bless someone, and a lot of that happens by seeing each other, in and around worship. If there is some way St. John’s pastors or staff can help — the equivalent of that bottle of water to a runner — please let us know. Pastor John: Pastor Amy:
he Covid Response Team met Sunday, July 25 and responded to updates by public health experts during the week; we will continue to meet regularly to faithfully consider the health and safety of the St Johns community. On behalf of the Covid Response Team, we are now recommending all vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals mask while gathering indoors at St. Johns. Covid 19 rates of transmission are increasing in our community. Because over half of residents in Knox County remain unvaccinated, the risk of illness has also been increasing. We can help to care for everyone in our community by doing all we can to reduce spread of the virus. The best way to protect ourselves from serious illness from the virus is by getting vaccinated. Vaccines are safe and very effective in preventing illness from Covid 19, including the Delta variant. We now know it is possible for individuals who have been vaccinated to still experience mild infections and participate in spreading the virus. The likelihood of severe infections in vaccinated in individuals is greatly reduced. Because of the continued risk of spreading the virus when we are feeling well, the simple measure of wearing a mask can further reduce the risk of inadvertently spreading the virus to others. It is important to know it is safe to worship and participate in indoor activities together. It is not necessary to maintain 6-foot distance (social distance) if you are fully vaccinated. Recommendations are unchanged for those who are not yet vaccinated including masking and socially distancing when indoors. There will continue to be optional socially-distanced seating designated in the rear pews and balcony. We should all continue to wash hands and stay home if feeling ill, even with mild cold symptoms. We recognize each individual has unique circumstances and will have their own level of comfort when considering their risks. We also know gathering together is also important aspect of our mental and spiritual health. These recommendations are made out of an abundance of caution and in love for one another. We strongly urge everyone who can to get vaccinated to stay healthy and protect those around us. If you have any questions, please ask a member of our team, or leave a message with your contact information through the church office. If you have specific questions, please reach out to a member of the COVID Response Team: Christine Oehler (Team Co-Leader) Dr. Karen Wells (Team Co-Leader) Clarence Scott Nancy Maland Sally Robinette RN Linda Welch Dr. Ron Rimer Dr. Deaver Shattuck Dr. Chris Brooks Mari Brooks Pastor Amy Figg Ley Pastor John Tirro
e continue to find different ways to connect and experience community together here at St. John’s. Here is a snapshot of the ways we are providing ministry opportunities and creating connections.
NoonDay Prayer Weekly prayer at 12noon will be broadcast via FACEBOOK LIVE every Wednesday. Access by going to the St. John's Facebook page at
Sunday Worship Online Sunday at 9AM. We provide a LIVE worship experience online led by our Pastors at 9am on Sunday mornings on our YouTube Channel and our Facebook page. The service is archived & can be viewed at any time after the service. Log onto and search for St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville.
St John’s YouTube Channel Log onto St John’s YouTube channel for archived worship services and additional video content including important video messages from our staff, leadership and congregational teams as well as content from out synod leadership and Bishop.
St John’s Facebook Page Log onto St John’s Facebook page for archived worship services and additional video content including important video messages from our staff, leadership and congregational teams as well as content from out synod leadership and Bishop.
The St. John’s website is frequently updated and new posts to our Facebook page happen regularly, so be sure to check both places often for updates or changes to scheduled events/connections. Reach out via email at or you can call or text me at 404-246-2795 and Chris Clay, our Communications and Technology Director will be happy to troubleshoot any problems you may be having.
Rally Day! Rally Day! Rally Day!
ur 2021-2022 Faith Formation year begins on Sunday, September 13 with a First Sunday Brunch (on the Second Sunday) and a preview of learning opportunities for all ages. Please plan to join us!
dult Faith Formation programming will resume in the fellowship hall between services on September 19, the week after Rally Day. Each Sunday between then and the start of Advent (November 28), we’ll focus on a topic from this series, developed by the ELCA:
We wanted to select a series that would allow time for guided smallgroup discussion and relationship building. In each session we’ll watch a 10-minute video in which people comment on such faith topics as: · · · · · ·
a time when you experienced grace a time when God’s people came through for you a time when God felt present to you an idea of God that you find meaningful a time of suffering in which God made a difference a person who made a difference in your faith
Then we’ll move into small-group discussions in which we reflect on the topic of focus that day. We look forward to welcoming members back to our Sunday morning gatherings as we move into the fall. We’ll start about 10:10 each Sunday and hope you’ll be able to join us!
e are convening our next Confirmation Class … families of middle schoolers and high school freshmen, please plan to join us for dinner and conversation! Here are the details:
When: Where: What to Bring:
Sunday, August 22 at 6:00 PM SJLC Courtyard (distanced in the Sparks Fellowship Hall in the event of inclement weather) Sides, drinks, and desserts to share … pizza will be provided.
Details to follow via e-mail; please save the date!
o prepare for a new season of CHILDREN’s MINISTRY learning, we will offer Sunday afternoon outdoor lunch and learning opportunities in August. Dates for your family calendar include Sundays, August 8, 15, 22 and 29.
Our schedule will be as follows: 12:15 Brown Bag lunch for children and parents 12:35 Song Time 12:45 Bible Story 12:50 Creative Expression through art & movement 1:15 Wrap Up with a snack 1:25 Closing Prayer 1:30 Head Home Since we will be outdoors, our biblical focus will be Creation, using a Children’s Illustrated Ministry resource. We will send out a weekly RSVPs to allow families to sign up as their schedules allow. Below is piece to whet your child’s creative appetite … color boldly!
Leader Council Liaison
Jeff Welch Matt Whitehead
To ove Jo
Safety & Security
Leader Council Liaison
Chris Oehler Kris Hepler
To ov
Social Justice
Leader Council Liaison
Thea Peterson Laura Trout
Leader Council Liaison
TBD Jordan Baker
Leader Council Liaison
TBD Deb Haines
Diversity & Inclusion
Leader Council Liaison
TBD Jack Wells
Leader Council Liaison
Rhonda Clay Anne Langendorfer
Faith Formation (Children)
Leader Council Liaison
TBD Amy Hamer
Faith Formation (Youth)
Leader Council Liaison
Sam Pressley Amy Hamer
To provide
Faith Formation (Adult)
Leader Council Liaison
Chuck Maland Amy Hamer
To provid
Leader Council Liaison
Nancy Maland Nancy Maland
To overse
Leader Council Liaison
Mari Brooks Chris Oehler
Leader Council Liaison
Neil Fischer Pat Krogmann Clarence Scott
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ersee the care and maintenance of the historical St ohn’s church, adjacent building and property.
versee safety and security operations and ensure effectiveness at SJLC site.
mine use of SJLC resources to best serve those in need based on SJLC mission statement
see SJLC ongoing and special stewardship activities
ide worship in meaningful ways and explore worship nities SJLC members and friends and expanding online participation
ore ways to develop diversity and inclusion at SJLC.
the evangelism team in order to serve both SJLC and the surrounding community.
rovide regular faith formation opportunities to the CHILDREN of SJLC
e regular faith formation opportunities to the YOUTH of SJLC
de regular faith formation opportunities to the ADULTS of SJLC
ee the SJLC budget and review process, following the church constitution and ELCA guidelines
for ways to provide support and connect with SJLC bers and the community through food, phone calls, cards, visits and safe gatherings.
evelop and implement ongoing professional and ee-oriented practices which afford stability, retention, and support for all staff employees
uring the pastoral transition at St. John’s, one significant development was the recommitment to ministry teams, from worship to social justice, from faith formation to hospitality, from personnel to stewardship, and so on. However, recommitment is a long-term commitment, and we are in the process of determining which teams are moving forward, which teams need to be shored up, which teams need to be further developed, and which teams need to founded to meet the needs of God’s people, within and beyond the walls of St. John’s. To that end, we are working to make sure each team has a Team Leader, a Church Council Liaison, team members, a clear mission, and needed resources. Please take a look at the accompanying chart to determine how you can plug in! If your have specific questions, please reach out to a member of the St. John’s staff or Church Council. Drawing from the Africanist perspective that upholds the gift of collaboration, we remember the proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together .” God has called us to go far, together! Will you join a St. John’s team?
New Opportunity to Partner with the Southeastern Synod
n conjunction with Bishop Kevin and the Southeastern Synod, St. John’s will be participating in Stewardship for All Seasons through 2022. We will work with the Vision Team and our members to focus on gratitude and abundance as God helps us dream for the next five years of ministry. We are looking to re-establish the Stewardship Team with this tried and true expression of giving of time, talent, and treasure. If you would like to participate, please contact Pastor Amy.
... SYNOD MONTHLY PRAYER SESSIONS — NEXT SESSION is Monday, Aug 23, 9AM EDT / 8AM CDT Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything make your requests to prayer, thanksgiving and placing your request to God, the peace of God will guard your heart and mind fully beyond understanding (Phil. 4: 6–7) Bishop Kevin Strickland invites you to join him in prayer. Newcomers are always welcome!
This session happens once a month via ZOOM and all present participate in prayertime together — praying for the needs of ourselves, our neighbors locally and globally, the needs of the church and world, and for what else might be in need that day of prayer. Use this link to sign up online:
TWENTY NINE ELEVEN — A Faith Experience THURSDAYS, 12noon (EASTERN) Our own Chris Clay created an online ministry expression in October of 2020 (some are calling it a digital church). Every week he shares music and a brief message via Facebook Live. The ministry is called TWENTY NINE ELEVEN: A Faith Experience. 2911 is a reference to the scripture in Jeremiah 29:11. Join him Thursdays at 12 noon (eastern) on the TWENTY NINE ELEVEN Facebook page & YouTube channels — AND also his personal Facebook page. Use this link: TwentyNineElevenFaithExperience
omen and Wine meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. The next meeting will be on August 10th at 6:30 in the courtyard of St. John’s for beautiful multi-aged female fellowship, sharing, and discussion. Lee Ley will lead the discussion on the topic of ‘Women in the Smokey Mountains.” All women are warmly invited. Bring your own beverage, and if you would like, a snack to share. If you have questions about Women & Wine, please contact Kaye Bultemeier at .
.E.E.R. (Brothers Engaging in Enriching Relationships) is a men's group at St. John's Lutheran Church that meets once a month at a local brewery, both for fellowship and to informally discuss some topic. We usually meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month in the Schultz Brau courtyard ( 126 Bernard Ave, Knoxville, TN 37917), at 6PM. However, we occasionally meet at a different location once every three-month period, just to mix it up! Whether you drink beer or not, please feel free to join us for good conversations and excellent friendships! You can join our contact list on the St. John's website ( for updates about the topic of discussion as well as any changes to venue or timing. You are also welcome to email one of our co-leaders, Jordan Baker ( or Garry Menendez (, if you have any further questions. We hope to see you soon!
T 12
he St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Facebook page and Youtube channel streams our worship services live and archives them -- so you can re-visit a worship
ne of the ways we hope to keep the St. John’s family informed and inspired is through social media — specifically our Facebook page.
We provide daily content that includes updates on the church schedule, worship times, ongoing events, important announcements — as well as inspiring messages and our Noonday prayer led by Pastor Amy every Wednesday at 12 noon (eastern). Also, you can find archived copies of our Sunday worship livestream to enjoy if you missed worship, or to go back and view again if you like. Find us at this link:
LUTHERAN LIFE Looking Forward with Great Anticipation … Concerts and Retreats! by Pastor John Be filled with the Spirit, as you sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, singing and making melody to the Lord in your hearts… (Ephesians 5:18b-19a). [Jesus] said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while….” (Mark 6:31). First the concerts: This fall, dates to be announced, I plan to put on two concerts, one in person, one online. The first is with Sam Gay, a best old friend from my songwriter days in Nashville, as well as his wife, Templeton Thompson, and Sally Barris, both excellent singer-songwriters who have given concerts with me at St. John’s before. Recently, we’ve taken advantage of our new Zoom skills to write new songs! It’s only a couple hours every few weeks, but it has done this pastor’s heart good and reminded me, we need to get them over here (dates TBA) soon! I’ve also been working with Lacey Brown, a musician whose band, Poor Clare (, generates a lot of music used at Church of the Apostles in Seattle (, as well as at national gatherings of the Episcopal Church. One Friday in October (TBA), we plan to give a concert of hymns, online, with guest artists joining as well, like Fr. Zack Nyein, writer of one of our Communion liturgies, plus “Come to Me, All You Weary,” “You Have Done Everything Well,” and others. Our hope is to have a fun night of music, to learn more of each other’s songs, and to share this music as broadly as possible. And the retreat: Come spring, I would like to take a group on silent retreat to Gethsemani Abbey ( in Kentucky. Their rooms are simple but gracious, their food healthy and delicious, their gardens contemplative and beautiful, and they have 1200 acres of forest and farmland with hiking paths. There are spaces where talking is allowed, like the front welcome area, where the most talkative monk generally is placed, and one of the dining areas as well, but there is a gentle strength and spaciousness provided by silence, that gives rest I’ve found nowhere else. Also, their prayer hours — to which everyone is welcome but none required (except the monks) — are sung, so it’s a lot of silence, but also a lot of music. If you would be interested, please email me. Pastor John:
BIRTHDAYS 10 11 13 14 2 4 7 8 9
2 3
4 6 7 8 10 14 16 18
Garry Menendez Turner Rogers Debbie Sousa Maggie Wilson Marjorie Hansen Michael McWilliams David Cash Christopher Hegseth Deanna Lloyd Christine Oehler
Norma Bradley Eunice Carlson Phyllis Collins Nathan Kimzey Aubrey Metelka Linda Cash Matthew Long Josh Misenheimer David Maples Sylvia Countess Keith Eichenberg Lynn Menendez Dave Buehler Frank Metelka Jean Smith Jessica Bocangel Morgan Hancock Carolyn Ray Lydia McCollom Cami Brewer Sarah Griswold
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
19 20 21
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ann Crytser Toni Denton Marva Solt Bill Fogarty Michael Adams Lars Cooter Ryan Cooter Tom Wainner Karen Robbins Kim Shock Ella Kate Smith Betty Kyle Anna Brownlee Katherine Perkinson Jackie Tucker Lisa Minton Madeleine Trout Ron Rimer
22 23 24 25 27 28 30 31
Darrell Murrell Emilie Casey Lakiea Chapman Alexis Gilmore Mary Eikenberry Jeanne Misenheimer David Trout Holden Giesecke Andrew Holt Kay Burnette Olga Eisenhower August Warren Joaquin Bocangel Valerie Taylor Renee Busse LaWanda Murrell Thomas Westphal
Isaac Griswold Simon Griswold Carter Wells Karen Wells Nolan Wells Lisa Harris Cindy Krusenklaus Chuck Maland Grace Shattuck Peter Crowley Lola Bocangel Mary Rimer Brittney Greene Maya Rose Lu JT Maland Emlyn Cobble Pam Shealy Lee Ley Louise Hegseth Hailey Hudson Lisa Jimenez
ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917
CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Ley Senior Pastor
John Tirro Pastor of Worship & Campus Ministry
Christopher Clay Director of Communications & Technology
Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music
Darrell Murrell Facility Staff
Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director
Phone:: 865.523.3330
Toni Denton Administrative Assistant Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants
Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website: