Lutheran life Easter 2018

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the congregational newsletter of

St John’s Lutheran Church




pril is a month of fickle (that is, “fooling”) weather. Some say the Jews started the custom of April Fools out of Jesus’ passion as he was sent on a “fool’s errand” to various magistrates including Annas, Caiaphas, Herod, and finally Pilate. The result of Jesus journey in Jerusalem was crucifixion which certainly was not a joke or a laughing matter. God the Father was not fooling around when he sent his only Son for the sake and the sin and the foolishness of the world. In Christ, God so loved the world! Over the years the experience of Easter, which occurs on the first Sunday after the first full moon in the spring equinox, has occurred most often during the month of April. This year Easter Sunday is April 1st! It seems like the stars and the moon really lined up with our secular calendar this year as Ash Wednesday was on Valentine’s Day and Easter Sunday is on April Fools’ Day. Until 1564, March 25th marked the calendar as the European New Year. The festivities associated with the arrival of the New Year typically lasted eight days, until April 1st. With the calendar change in 1564, the New Year became January 1st, but not everyone immediately got the message. Those who continued to make the New Year’s visits and to offer the traditional presents on April 1st would have been called April Fools!


This year March 25th is Palm Sunday which is our opportunity to enter Holy Week and witness the conclusion of Jesus’ earthly ministry. The passion of Christ takes us on an eight day journey with Jesus from his triumphant entry, to Maundy Thursday, to Good Friday, to Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. Over the years, I have encouraged members and friends of Saint John’s to experience this journey, this “fool’s errand” to the cross and the empty tomb of Easter with a spirit of joy and expectation for all the many ways we continue to see Christ in our community of faith. Christ is made known in the suffering and the celebrations we share in this life together. Christ is present year to year, season to season, Ash Wednesday to Easter, Valentine’s Day to April Fools’ Day. Christ is with us and Saint Paul says, “The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”1Cor.1:18 Paul also says, “We are to be fools for the sake of Christ.” Our Holy Week and Easter celebration might appear to the world as foolish. However, we trust and believe the life and ministry, death and resurrection we share with Jesus is a serious celebration with sacred and holy and eternal significance. I will always and forever be celebrating Easter with April Fools… Fools for Christ!



e find ourselves back in a familiar place; on the cusp of Holy Week, we stand ready to take the first step on a journey in which are stops along the way are familiar. Parade route strewn with garments and palm branches. Uneasy moments where the questions were plentiful, the answers elusive. In a quiet room where an intimate dinner has been set, bread on a plate and wine in a carafe. A darkened garden that was at first shrouded in quiet agony and then ablaze with soldier torches. A public square where questions that railroaded, a judgment that condemned, and a physical assault by human fists and a leather whip bloodied. A torturous walk out of town. A small hill with three crosses at its brown. All of this moving to the glory of Easter after a long Lent! We know where we are going, and yet, there is still so much ground to cover. Anticipating the upcoming season, we read from Sundays and Seasons: From Sundays and Seasons: “And he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples” (Isa. 25:7). The Easter season is about seeing: Christ risen, Christ present among us in the breaking of the bread, Christ’s Spirit poured out on the church. In Lent, we have turned inward, acknowledging the brokenness of the world and our own participation in systems that oppress. We have walked the wilderness journey of temptation and doubt. Like a groaning desert, our whole lives have cried out for baptismal waters to refresh us and set before us the promise of a new beginning. Perhaps we’ve wondered if such a beginning could ever come. But at Easter, every veil that has obscured the reality that Christ is alive, life is stronger than death, and love wins is lifted and discarded with Christ’s burial shroud, never to be needed again. And yet there is still so much ground to cover. And we don’t journey alone; we go with this blessing from Jan Richardson: Blessed is the One who comes to us by the way of love poured out with abandon. Blessed is the One who walks toward us by the way of grace that holds us fast. Blessed is the One who calls us to follow in the way of blessing in the path of joy.




oly Week and Easter are a time to go deep into what it is to be human, with the full support of community, ritual, prayer, and the presence of God. It is a time of excitement, confusion, betrayal, suffering, forgiveness, healing, and new life. It is the road to recovery and the road home. Palm Sunday, we sing with the crowds of Jerusalem as Jesus enters, riding on a colt, “Hosanna! Save us!” We look to the one riding in as the Messiah, the Prince of Peace, come to save us from all that stands in the way of peace. Then we see, this Lord leads by serving, is powerful in weakness, and calls us to love ones we don’t love — our neighbors at their least neighborly, ourselves at our most disappointing — and we enter the truth that we reject this one, this love. The shouts turn to “Crucify him,” and we leave in silence. But we leave with the promise that the story does not end here, as worship continues on Maundy Thursday. Maundy Thursday, we enter the upper room with Jesus on the night he was betrayed, as he washes his disciples’ feet and teaches that if they would be his disciples they must love and serve one another as he loves and serves them. We hear Jesus’ invitation to love, even as Judas slips away to betray him. This night, we receive communion with a deeper sense of communion’s cost. Good Friday, we enter the depths of Christ’s sorrow and suffering, the suffering of God at the hurt we are willing to do to each other and to ourselves, rather than risk loving and being loved, and we hear Jesus’ words, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Even as he dies, Jesus is fully alive, fully loving as God loves. Holy Saturday, as the sun sets, there will be an Easter Vigil at Tyson House, our campus ministry at the University of Tennessee. It starts from the New Fire, a bonfire from which we light the Paschal Candle, representing the light of Christ. The light leads us through song and scripture as we hear of God’s saving acts — Creation from chaos, Exodus from slavery, Grace offered to all, Life from death — we renew our baptismal vows, new Christians are baptized, we sing Alleluia to the risen Christ, and we share communion! (Afterward, we celebrate further, roasting marshmallows over the New Fire.) Easter Sunday, back at St John’s, we enter the experience of resurrection: Christ alive, calling us by name! Worship begins at sunrise in Old Gray Cemetery, daylight breaking as we sing and pray then process to our sanctuary for communion. Worship continues mid-morning with lights and candles blazing, trumpet and organ and choir and the proclamation, “Christ is Risen! Alleluia! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!”

HOLY WEEK & EASTER SCHEDULE MAUNDY THURSDAY ……………………………………….. March 29th at 7:30pm GOOD FRIDAY …………………………………………………March 30th at 7:30pm EASTER SERVICES ………………………………………….. April 1st at 7am, 9am & 11am EASTER BRUNCH / FLOWERING THE CROSS …………..April 1st at 10am


LUTHERAN LUTHERAN LIFE LIFE Easter Evening, at Tyson House, we meet Christ on the Emmaus Road, as he opens the scriptures to his disciples, breaks bread with them, and reveals himself in what we now know as Communion. 50 Days of Easter To soak in, the Easter experience needs time. Each Sunday in Easter is a time of Christ returning for parts of us that didn’t get it the first time. I especially call your attention to The Second Sunday of Easter, one of the greatest opportunities of Christian worship, when Jesus returns for Thomas the doubter, to help him become Thomas who touched God. We all need this. On through the rest of the 50 Days to Pentecost (the birth of the church), Christ makes himself known to us again and again, forming and reforming us in his loving image, calling us to deeper relationship with God, each other, and ourselves, and loving us through the whole process. Here’s a schedule of services for Holy Week and beyond. Palm Sunday, March 25 9am & 11am at St John’s Maundy Thursday, March 29 7:30pm at St John’s Good Friday, March 30 7:30pm at St John’s Holy Saturday Easter Vigil, March 31 8pm at Tyson House* Easter Sunday, April 1 7am Sunrise Service at St John’s (begins in Old Gray Cemetery) 9am & 11am at St John’s (in the sanctuary) Easter Evening, April 1 6:04pm Dinner & Worship at Tyson House* Second Sunday of Easter, April 8 9am & 11am at St John’s *Tyson House is our campus ministry at the University of Tennessee (824 Melrose Place, Knoxville, TN 37916).

Remember, we are an Easter people, all the way through Lent, and let’s look forward to celebrating that, April 1 and forward. One additional pitch: people often miss the best Sunday of the year, the Sunday after Easter. That’s the Sunday when we focus on Thomas, the one who missed the resurrection, and on Jesus, who came back to reach him, in a way Thomas could understand. Don’t we all need that? Let’s look forward to Easter 2 too, April 8. Mark your calendar.




aith Formation for ALL AGES continues! Following our Easter Breakfast and Flowering of the Cross, opportunities for learning continue. Check out the possibilities:

Infants and Toddlers meet in the nursery for a Bible story, creative prayer, and supervised free play. Preschoolers through Fifth Graders meet first in the Kindergarten Room for opening activities and then go to age-specific classes to study lectionary-based lessons from Sparkhouse curriculum. Our spring learning includes: April 8 … Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31) April 15 … The Great Commission (Luke 24:36-53) April 22 … The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18) April 29 … Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40) May 6 … The Holy Spirit Comes Down (Acts 10:44-48) May 13 … Matthias the Apostle (Acts 1:15-17, 21-26) Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers meet in the Sharp Youth Room … middle schoolers in the smaller room, high schoolers in the larger room Adults meet in Sparks Fellowship Hall for By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther’s Small Catechsim, a richly illustrated, in-depth exploration of Luther’s instructions in faith. The study will generate meaningful conversations about the biblical and historical context of the Small Catechism, its link to the church’s faith, and its connection to Luther’s life and your life today. April 8 … The Story of the Small Catechism April 15 … The Ten Commandments April 22 … The Apostles’ Creed April 29 … The Lord’s Prayer May 6 … The Sacrament of Holy Baptism and Confession May 13 … The Sacrament of the Altar Facilitators include Nancy Friedrich, Dick Krogmann, Pat Krogmann, Scott Krogmann, and John Rice. To order a copy of the book, please see details at:




ift the child + bless the family + remember the baptismal promises = STEPPING STONES OF FAITH

Our Stepping Stones of Faith during the Easter Season include the following:


A Celebration of Holy Communion Sunday, April 8, 11:00 AM Worship Join us as the families of Kayleigh Brownlee, Claire Griswald, and Austin Mariott celebrate Family Communion. A reception will follow in the Welcome Center where a special gift of pottery will tell of each child’s journey to God’s table of Love. A Celebration of Our Graduates Sunday, May 13, 12:00 Noon The families of Leah Crowley, Will Trout, and August Warren invite you to celebrate St. John’s graduates during a special reception in the Welcome Center; a special gift from each graduate’s family will highlight our gathering. Additional Stepping Stones of Faith the remainder of the year include: July 29 College Send-Off … Blessing for the College Journey with Fleece Blanket August 5 Beginning Kindergarten … Introducing Family Devotions with a Cross for child’s bedroom October 7 Bible … Encouraging Bible Reading with an an age-appropriate Bible October 28 Confirmation … Honoring a Step of Faith with a Confirmation Reception December 19 Return from College … Welcoming our College Students Home with Dinner


s a follow-up to our Life Keys study in which we considered life experiences, spiritual gifts, personality types, values, passions, personal choices, and the call to service, the entire St. John’s family is invited to join our Church Council leaders for a conversation around the question: “What’s next?!?!” Here are the important details for now: Date: Sunday, April 29 Time: 12:00 noon Place: Potluck Lunch in Sparks Fellowship Breakout Conversation Groups throughout the church Purpose: To explore current ministries that interest you To discover new ministry possibilities that intrigue you To discuss how to start new small group ministry opportunities To dream ways we can invite the individuals living near St. John’s to join us Details to follow via e-mail and across St. John’s social media platforms!




lans for Win Our World (WOW) Urban Ministry’s summer are ramping up! Here are the new developments since the last newsletter:

OUR STAFF HAS GROWN! We are delighted to announce the addition of Will Trout, a second year staff who returns with incredible enthusiasm, lots of experience, and a heart to serve.

From left to right, you will find Lacy Ott from Lutheran Church of the Redeemer in Marietta, GA; Kylie Shattuck and Chloe Gibson from St. John’s; Rendan Overcash from Christ the King in Cary, North Carolina; and Fred Perkinson from St. John’s. The “plus one” is Will, also from St. John’s. We are SO excited to be working with such an INCREDIBLE group of faithful leaders!

WE HAVE PICKED A THEME! This summer, we will consider what it means to “Draw the Circle Wide.” Think of all the fantastic learning opportunities we will encounter, from Bible study to worship, from mission sites to one-one conversations, from Water Wagon to leadership development! WE HAVE T-SHIRT COLORS! Think of a rich, yet subdued teal t-shirt with white ink and a muted wine tshirt, also with white ink. {Please note: this is often one of the toughest decisions, so we celebrate the glory of staff consensus!) WE HAVE A NEW WOW OFFICE! We are upstairs at the end of the hall on the right, just past what used to be the library. We are super excited about a larger space, new furniture, lots of electrical outlets, and a soon-to-be new paint job. Please come see us! Additionally, here are important dates for your family planning: March 24-25 and April 7-8 … Leadership Academies for those who would like to serve as Peer Leaders. This is opportunity is a great practical skill builder, and it looks GREAT on college applications and in scholarship essays! You can register online. May 28-June1 … Team Retreat on the Isle of Palms, with registration online in mid-April June 3-8 … WOW Week 1 (Bring a Friend Week) June 10-15 … WOW Week 2 (Local Ecumenical Partner Week with our Presbyterian friends) June 17-22 … WOW Week 3 July 8-13 … WOW Week 4 July 15-20 … WOW Week 5 July 22-27 … WOW Week 6 Got questions? Please contact Angie Hamstead at




outh Sunday and Graduation Reception is scheduled for Sunday, May 13 at both the 9:00 and 11:00 AM Worship services. At 12:00 Noon we will acknowledge our graduates with a Graduate Reception in the Welcome Center. Youth Sunday = Faithful Youth Sunday = Creative Youth Sunday = Inspiring Youth Sunday = Hope-Filled Youth Sunday = Encouraging Youth Sunday = Engaging Youth Sunday = Intentional Youth Sunday = Life-Changing Youth Ministry Families, we will meet for planning on Sunday, April 15 (sixth graders through juniors in high school to plan the worship service) and Sunday, April 26 (seniors to plan the sermon). Please note these dates on your family calendar, details regarding time and location will follow via e-mail. Contact Pastor Amy for additional information about these events or anything else Youth Ministry Related.




ur 9th Habitat Home Build is about to get underway. There are many opportunities to become involved.

We will need 30 volunteers for the Blitz on Saturday, April 28th: Blitz Day Involves starting with a floor, building the exterior walls, setting the trusses, and decking the roof - the house will be “in the dry” at the end of the day. We will need 10-15 volunteers for four more Saturdays in May and June. Here are the work plans for each day. > May 5th - Interior Walls. Volunteers will work most of the day with completion of the roof early-tomid afternoon. > May 12th - Siding Work begins on the ground and finishes on scaffolding or ladders. > June 2nd - Paint Interior Walls. Work consists of rolling 2 coats of paint on all of the walls. > June 9th – Trim and Cabinets Install - Measuring, cutting, and installing baseboards, door trim and cabinets. We have also launched our fundraising goal of $15,000. Thanks to a partnership with Bearden Central Baptist and David and Sandy Martin, they will be providing the other 2/3 of the funds or $30,000. Please consider participation with financial support as well! LOOK FOR THE SIGN-UP SHEETS IN THE WELCCOME CENTER on SUNDAYS! Contact: ; 865-567-3845 for additional information.

On Wednesday, April 11, 2018, Kathy Izard, Author of “The Hundred Story Home”, will share her inspirational story of hope and healing among those who were experiencing homelessness. The event will begin with a Mission Fair at 10:00 am. Agencies which serve the homeless, along with VMC, will present booths and interact with visitors who are looking for volunteer opportunities. The Carry the Torch luncheon will begin promptly at 11:45 in the Ballroom of the Knoxville Convention Center and a book signing will follow beginning at 1pm. For additional information contact Mary Beth Ramey at 865-524-3926 or



ere are 4 mentors that began their relationship with their “little” in the fall of 2017. Each week mentors go to Christenberry Elementary to spend time with their “little”. Activities vary, but the consistent piece is that relationships are being built with an “at risk” child, one day a week, one hour at a time. These relationships are like young flower buds -- small at the beginning -- but with time and care they will open and grow to be beautiful flowers! My time with my ‘little’, Autumn, has been going great! Every week, we do little science experiments during lunch. There has been a lot of slime! In between lunch and experiments, we have talked about each other's lives and interests. I am looking forward to spending more time with Autumn! Kate Higgins Tirro

Everyday at work I read the quote: “Every child is just one caring adult away from being a success story.” I hope that I can be that caring adult to my ‘little’ at Christenberry. It’s incredible to see the smile on Kim’s face when I join her at school for lunch. We spend lunch eating, reading, and playing games while Michael Jackson plays in the back ground. That’s right my little friend loves Michael Jackson. She’s learning the thriller dance and how to moon walk. She thinks it’s so funny MJ doesn’t know how to do the whip or nae nae. We’re also working on social skills such as behaving in class, telling the truth, and using our words when we are upset. This last visit my friend came to lunch wearing an A necklace. She was so excited to show me that she was in the “A” party. According to her she made enough As through out the week to sport the necklace. It’s truly a treat to be a part of Kim’s life and to see her grow. I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a mentor. There are so many kids in our neighborhood that need just one adult to show them they care. Chelsea Pressley Justin and I have been meeting every week since about October; mostly we play challenging games like chess, checkers, and Chinese checkers, but we also do fun activities like paper snowflakes, UNO, and magnets. It’s been a really great time, and Justin has become one of my best friends. We talk about holidays, our parents, our favorite games and TV shows. It’s very much like the relationship that I have with my biological brother, except the age difference is 12 years instead of 7! I’m looking forward to seeing our relationship continue, and I’m glad that I took the leap and joined the program. Andy Tirro I was matched with Emily in October 2017, and we quickly formed a friendship. Emily is a shy first grader and was hesitant to come meet me, but by the end of our first meeting she was beginning to open up. Within a few weeks, she would run to me when I entered her classroom! She and I both have a love for games, especially UNO, and we usually spend most of our time engaged in a puzzle or game. While playing or eating lunch, shy Emily has become quite the talker and I enjoy being there to listen or lend advice. Also, I have worked with her to complete writing assignments and other classroom work. Last week, her teacher reported a major improvement in her academics and in her behavior. Emily’s teacher and I have been able to work together to explore certain situations and devise plans of action for Emily’s success. I have made an intentional effort to be a source of support and encouragement to her. I am blessed to be a part of this ministry and a mentor to Emily. Lauren Kimzey


“I Love You Like Biscuits and Gravy” by Ashton Roberts


ome years ago, I came across the saying, “I love you like biscuits and gravy.” I cannot possibly think of a higher compliment, nor have I come across one yet that was not either outright blasphemy or suspicious flattery.

Growing up in the mountains of East Tennessee, biscuits were a mythic food. For me, this food is tied to memories of mornings at my grandmother’s house. The scent of country sausage filled this kitchen sanctuary like incense. Sausage patties had been seared on either side, leaving crispy, caramelized bits of pork in a simmering liquid love that no child of the Depression, and certainly no savvy Southern homemaker, would dare relinquish to the likes of Brillo or Palmolive. A pat of butter, a few tablespoons of flour, and you have the rue. Thin the rue with milk, a little at a time, until you have a shimmering satin gravy that would make any sow proud to have given her life for this cause. This culinary alchemy is born of generations of collective memory, passed on without written recipes. It was learned at the hip of a loving teacher, willing to dirty her hands and dress, redeeming all the scraps, until there was self on the table. A sacrifice of time, an offering of memory, for the nourishment and enjoyment of the ones she loves. Making and offering biscuits and gravy, this heart and soul on a plate, makes these mountain mothers our first ministers, pouring out body and blood on the table. We become what we eat. First, in a very literal sense, in that the food we eat becomes the building blocks of all our cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. But, secondly, we become what we eat in a very spiritual sense. Making and eating biscuits and gravy, this food born of memory, labor, love, and self, this food that is my inheritance and sacred trust, roots me firmly in a succession of foremothers and fathers who are present to me in this making and eating to remind me of who and whose I am. In the Eucharist, Jesus pours into this bread and wine the memory of a thousand generations before us and all those yet to come, making their memory ours. Jesus invites us to a meal of love where, by the Holy Spirit, we take and eat and drink what we will become, and what we already are. Of course, all analogies breakdown at some point. Biscuits and gravy will never bring me into communion with Christ, they will never forgive my sins, and the sacrifice of my grandmother’s time is hardly comparable to the sacrifice of Christ. Further, biscuits and gravy do not become the body and blood of my grandmother. But just as each time I make and eat biscuits and gravy I feel a very real sense of connection to my grandmother, and her mother and grandmother, to our shared Appalachian heritage, and looking forward to teaching my son and grandchildren how to make biscuits and gravy, so the Eucharist reminds us of the proleptic unity that transcends time, space, family, and heritage, connecting us to the apostles, and to Christ himself. In the phrase, “I love you like biscuits and gravy,” I hear not-so-distant echoes of “This is my Body…this is my Blood.” I hear Jesus saying, “I love you like bread and wine.” In this meal, Jesus, our loving Teacher, invites us to learn at his hip how we might dirty our hands and clothes in loving service until we have left ourselves on the table, only to find a new identity in this meal. This is self-sacrifice. This is communion. This is love like biscuits and gravy. Aston Roberts Ashton, a middler at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary, will return to St. John’s the weekend of April 20-21 to lead a workshop on behalf of the ELCA, inviting us to explore God’s Word around the table, around the Table. Please save the dates for this incredible opportunity to combine food for our bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! Details to follow!




am pleased to offer a report on behalf of the Church Council on many of the exciting ways in which God is at work at the corner of 5th and Broadway! From welcoming new church members to deepening our ministry partnership with our neighborhood organizations, we continue to see our community thrive. It is clear that God is up to something good, and we hope you will be a part of it! At this year’s first meeting, the Church Council was pleased to welcome new council members Stan Leib, Sally Robinette, Jeff Welch, and Matt Whitehead, who will be serving you on the council for the next three years. We also rejoiced the affirmation of Lauren Kimzey’s call to serve as Vice President and Thea Peterson’s call to serve as Secretary, and we remain grateful for Emlyn Cobble’s willingness to remain as Treasurer. In the coming months, the council will be visioning for the next year (and beyond!) of ministry. I am thankful for these faithful partners and their willingness to serve the Kingdom of God.

If you’re not entirely sure what opportunities there are for you here, I’d love to visit over a cup of coffee and explore how we can get you plugged in. I hope that you will feel free to reach out to find a time or that you will simply grab me as we pass each other in the Welcome Center on a Sunday morning. On a more personal note, I am so pleased to see the spirit of God at work in this community and I am grateful for the partnerships we have with one another. Grace and peace, John Rice

The Council was pleasantly overwhelmed to learn of all the exciting opportunities for ministry and faith formation here at St. John’s. No matter your age or inclinations, I am certain that we have a place for you to plug in and grow in your relationship with Christ and with others. I am also certain that there is always room for more, and I welcome the opportunity to hear your dreams and visions of how God may be calling YOU to serve as a leader in this community of faith!



Meet the newest members of the St. John’s family

Jordan Baker

Bob Dewald

Barry & Pam Thompson

Carrie McCollom

LaWanda Duggar

Lindsey Doyle & Grace Enlow

Russell and Melissa Lay

Chris, Allison, Robert & Natalie Throckmorton We are extremely excited to welcome our new members into our family of faith and this place of grace called St. John’s. So then we are no longer strangers and aliens, but we are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him we also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit. Ephesians 2:19-22


9 10 14 15 16 17 19 1 2 5 6 7

Ron Woodward Tony Brewer Nancy O’Callaghan Adam Schultz Kira Buck Krusenklaus Katherine Pellek Elizabeth Gibson Herm Gerbig Penelope Nicole Leatherwood

20 21 22 23

10 11 12

1 3 4 5 6 8 9

Rosa Nussbaumer Jennifer Barnett Jacob Friedrich Jim Roning Andrew Kyle Leah Crowley Annie Gerbig Maxine Whistler Shirley Irwin Emmett Kimzey Cam Ogle Jim O’Hatnick Erica Greene Johnson Nancy Maland

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23

Chris Brooks Kurt Zinser Landry Thrasher Sandy Cantrell Andrew Ley JD Chapman Rhonda Clay Sydney Parman RuthAnn Henry Martha Nelson Laura Morgan Ragan Holloway Debbie Sweany Marcia Power Trevor Tirro Ethan Zinser David Chapman Ray Collins

24 25

Carson Vandergriff Zane Dukes Miriam Jagels Brent Collins Sarah Wing Toni Wise Matt Whitehead Wendy Thrasher Ruth Crowley Jack Sweany Misty Anderson Connor Bernard Chloe Gibson Ruthie Kuhlman Wesley Lyons Steve Kyle Karen McWhorter Bob Draime Carrie McCollum Mari Brooks Don McWilliams Chelsea Kyle



29 30

26 28 29 30 31

Calvin Chappelle Sandy Bender Jeffrey Welch Jody Freeman Daniel Rieger Andrew Glibbery Andrew Cooter Bob Bast Jonathan Burkhalter

Noel Kuck Sherry Draime Larry Robbins Stephanie Anderson Krista Lee Paul Brooks Sarah Anderson Stephen Schwahn Nancy Wilson Carmen Solt Libby Fred John Ley Mason Bucklin Andy Tirro Nancy McGalliard Jeannie Reed Jerry Ballard Liam McCarthy Gabe Thrasher

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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