Letter from the Council President ……………….. page 4 Faith Formation …………………………………….. page 10 Extravagant Generosity ………..…………………. page 12 Birthdays ……………………………………………... page 15 EASTER 2019
ear Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for welcoming me and family…It has been a welcome full of love and life and celebration. As we move from Lent, through Holy Week and into Easter, what is your oxygen for your soul? What gives you life, energizes and inspires you? And, how do you give life and hope and possibility to others?
When I think about Easter, I think about how Jesus gives us life, and how we dance the dance of life, and how we encourage others to live a life of love and possibilities. Easter is about life. It is life-giving. Jesus offers us life, abundant life. Jesus comes to us in ways that are difficult to understand especially in his suffering and death. When I think of Jesus and the path he took to secure life for us I stand in awe. When I think of how that gift impacts me, I stand doubly awed because Easter life is about new starts, it’s about getting out of the tunnel of the past, of tradition, of “that’s the way it’s always been” and coming to feast at the table of life giving hope.
The Easter life requires us to open the easter tomb and realize all is gone!: empty of sin, empty of contention, empty of ways that hold us hostage to the past, empty of all that does not give life.
When I think of how Jesus lived I am drawn to all the ways that he gives life: When he met Mary and Martha at the tomb, when he gave life through his tears and compassion. When Jesus met the woman at the well, welcomed her and offered living water. When Jesus healed the paralytic and said rise, your faith has made you well. When Jesus met with Zacchaeus, the wee little man of a thief and no good nick, Jesus infused him with Life. Easter is about being life giving instead of life taking.
During the Easter season, pray and reflect about the cross that changes everything. Think about life and how you through the spirit of God we give life to another. It makes a difference. To live in an Easter World is about entheo…God in us promoting and gifting us with Easter life. It’s a life that creates a metanoia in all people. Live it, love it, Give it and let the spirit of God guide and direct you and St John’s. Christ is Risen, he is risen indeed. Alleluia! Alleluia!
oly Week and Easter are the center of the church year, a time of encountering the most difficult and beautiful aspects of what it is to be human: betrayal, death, and loss; forgiveness, love, and resurrection; and God in the midst of it all, raising us to new life in Christ.
Palm Sunday, April 14 9am & 11am at St. John’s Palm Sunday begins in brightness and light. Jesus rides triumphantly into Jerusalem as children and choir process with palms. Then the crowd shifts from cheering to jeering. What started as “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord!” becomes “Crucify him!” Here we enter the reality, that when experiencing newness and truth, especially truth that convicts us, we often react from fear, in ways that harm. Palm Sunday holds space for that, without trying to resolve it. This is the one Sunday of the year that we forego communion. After singing the Passion — Jesus’s trial, crucifixion, and burial — we leave in silence. Maundy Thursday, April 18 7:30pm at St. John’s On Maundy Thursday we enter the mystery of communion, going with Jesus and his disciples to the upper room, where they share the Passover meal. Jesus loves and serves, giving his ‘new commandment’ that his followers do the same. (“Maundy,” from the Latin “mandatum,” means command.) We share communion, then kneel as the sanctuary is stripped of its finery, a remembrance of Jesus willingly giving up his power, for the sake of love. Good Friday, April 19 7:30pm at St. John’s Good Friday, we follow Jesus through betrayal, abandonment,, crucifixion, and death. From the cross, we hear him. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” In darkness, we whisper the words of the Lord’s Prayer, and the service ends with the Strepitus, a loud slamming of a door recalling the closing of the tomb. Again, we leave in silence.
Easter Sunday, April 21 7am Sunrise Service (begins in Old Gray Cemetery) 9am & 11am at St. John’s (in the Sanctuary) Choir and brass ring out, as we celebrate the risen life of Christ! Even so, the message is received with confusion. The women go to the grave, hoping to care for Jesus’ body. Instead, they find the stone rolled away, the tomb empty, and two men in dazzling clothes asking,“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here!” The women tell the disciples, who don’t believe them, Peter runs to look, sees the tomb empty, and goes home amazed. Easter Evening, April 21 6:04pm Dinner & Worship at Tyson House Easter evening at our campus ministry (824 Melrose Place, Knoxville, TN 37916 — free parking onsite), Jesus is revealed to two disciples along the road to Emmaus, in the breaking of bread. Second Sunday of Easter, April 28 9am & 11am at St John’s The best-kept secret of the church year, this is when Jesus returns for Thomas, who missed Easter, and reveals himself in a way Thomas can understand. Don’t we all need that?
Our Council President Most of my decent ideas or moments of clarity come while I am running. There is something about the repetition; the peace and quiet that come from being alone with the sounds of my breathing, my heartbeat, and my shoes pounding the pavement. It is my time to think, to pray, and to listen. Last spring, I spent a LOT of time thinking and praying as I was training for the Knoxville Marathon and spent hours a week running all over town. One beautiful morning, as the dogwoods were blooming and there was a fresh new smell in the air, I spent most of a long run thinking about a recommendation from Pastor Steve: to serve as vice president of the church council. My initial thought was, “Nope! Not me.” So, I spent that entire run thinking about how I could graciously turn it down. However, every few miles, I could hear a quiet voice whisper to me, “Do you not perceive it?” Over and over, “Do you not perceive this, Lauren????” Well, at first, I didn’t perceive it, at least not until I finally got back to my car and looked it up. Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a NEW THING! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” So, even though the role was completely out of my comfort zone, I called Pastor Steve and told him that I would love to serve as vice president of council. I couldn’t argue with the Holy Spirit. Even after I said yes, I still tried to tell God that He probably didn’t get this one right. He always replied, “Do you not perceive it? I am doing a new thing in you!” As the year unfolded, this verse became more and more profound. Pastor Steve retired. Together, we simultaneously grieved and celebrated Pastor Steve’s 30 years of ministry. The council got to work looking for an interim. We were overjoyed at the appointment of Reverend Jean Vargo and the gifts that she brings to our congregation. The council assembled a fabulous transition team, who has already done a wonderful job in welcoming the Vargo family and organizing the beginning stages of our transition. At our Congregational meeting in February, we welcomed Anne Langendorfer, Jessi Grieser, Clarence Scott, and Scott Krogmann as our newest members of council. We rejoiced as Scott Krogmann accepted the call to serve as vice president and Jackie Tucker as secretary. We are also very grateful that Emlyn Cobble remains willing to serve as our treasurer. I am so very thankful for these partners in ministry. Pastor Jean wrote in the Lenten issue of Lutheran Life, “and before long, the Spirit makes known to us just where He is leading us.” Like many of you that I’ve spoken to, I am unsure what to expect from this year of transition. However, as part of the transition process, I am excited to dive into the history of our church and look at the high points and the challenges in ministry over the years. I look forward to working alongside council, the transition team, and our pastors to look at our ministry from a new perspective. I am confident that God has big plans for our very faithful church family. I hope that this letter encourages you to listen for the voice that may be calling you to serve in our community of faith. So, although things may be a little uncertain, I do know that The Lord is doing a NEW THING!! He is always doing new things in us - we just need to take the next step in faith as the Spirit leads us. With love and gratitude,
nder the theme "Together in Spirit. Forward in Faith", the ELCA Southeastern Synod will hold its 2019 Synod Assembly, May 31 - June 2, 2019, at the Chattanooga Convention Center, 1150 Carter Street, Chattanooga, TN. Together in spirit, at the 2018 Assembly, we prayerfully responded to the call of a year-long conversation about the Southeastern Synod Bishop of the future. We continued conversations in our deaneries, discerning the needs of the synod and developing a profile for our future bishop. It is in that same spirit that we now pray, as a synod, for discernment for those who are called to stand as nominees and those who are called to serve as voting members. We pray for the one who is elected to serve and for Bishop Gordy as he embarks upon a new chapter in his life. We offer our prayers of thanksgiving for the families of Bishop Gordy and the Bishop-elect for their roles in this journey. St. John’s will be represented by Pastor Amy Figg, Nancy Friedrich, Jessi Grieser, Ashton Roberts, Pastor John Tirro and Pastor Jean Vargo.
e recently received this narrative from Church Treasurer, Emlyn Cobble:
Total income for March, 2019 was $61,620 - slightly better than budget. Expenses of $59,993 were experienced for that same time period. Although expenses were slightly over budget we closed the month with a $1627 positive margin. Emlyn will present the official monthly report at the Church Council meeting on Tuesday, April 16. If you have any questions, please contact Emlyn at lizzie04@gmail.com. We appreciate our partnership in the St. John’s ministry!
t’s time for our Annual Spring Cleanup for 2019. We need your help on Saturday May 4, from 9:30am til 12noon.
Here’s what we’re doing: INSIDE: Condition the woodwork of the Welcome Center and Sanctuary, clean windows clean windows and blinds, (Please bring gloves if you have them, tools will be provided). OUTSIDE: Trim tree limbs and bushes, and other outside beautifications. Contact the church office at 865-523-3330 for additional details.
he academic year 2018-19 has been full and fruitful at Tyson House, our campus ministry at the University of Tennessee. It started with a retreat at Big Creek Campground for the seven students who live at the center, led by two of our students, Sam Winemiller and Ezra Brown. We camped, hiked, and had conversation around personality type and communication styles, all to build trust and skills to help the group thrive as ministry leaders. Sam and Ezra also launched a podcast (Some Sort of Ministry, available on Apple Podcasts and other podcast apps), in which they ask, “What’s your ‘some sort of ministry’?” It’s a great way for students to get to know themselves and each other, and at least one student found Tyson House, got involved, and plans to be a resident next year, from listening to the podcast. Another major part of Tyson House is its internship program for young adults exploring life in ministry. Caitlynne Fox, an alumna and former head resident at Tyson House, is serving this year as Ministry Coordinator, handling communication, social media, and logistics, supporting students as they grow in leadership. She also manages operations for Smokey’s Pantry, a food pantry at Tyson House that feeds 80+ students, staff, and community members every week and provides service opportunities for 200+ students each year. Rusty Graham, a former Ministry Coordinator intern, is serving an advanced internship in Church Administration, managing income and expenses, heading fundraising team, writing grants, and helping to supervise Caitlynne’s internship. One new event flowing from this was our first annual Hymn-a-Thon, in which we sang an entire hymnal and raised $5,000 to support our internships. Hymn-a-thon was the brain child of William Simerly, another of our students, who worked with several more students to make it a success, with help and support from interns, council, and supporting congregations. William is now serving as Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries at St. Elizabeth’s Episcopal Church. The Rector there is Fr. Brett Backus, who also was once a Tyson House student. We had a Luther Rose pizza making contest, initiated and led by student Natalie Kratts; a Reformation Day Indulgence Sale (baked goods), initiated by student Hannah Nolan, chair of Outreach Council; Fall Retreat on Watts Bar Lake ledby Br. David Butzu, an ecumenical monk (who also wrote the sung confession and an alleluia we’ve used a good bit at St. John’s); Tuesday Night “Sunday” School, a Bible study led by student Sophie Grosserode with Bible-themed craft projects and students taking turns cooking dinner each week; United at the Rock, a solidarity event across race and religion, with a 40person choir singing Mark Miller’s “Draw the Circle Wide;” and, of course, dinner and worship every Sunday night at 6:04pm, planned by our Worship Council, chaired by Michelle Blackwell, another Tyson House resident. It’s all about exploration of vocation, giving students and interns opportunities to serve in areas of interest, develop skills, and grow in faith and relationship. Thank you for all you do to support this vibrant ministry, with special thanks to St. John’s members Misty Anderson (faculty advisor), Jessi Grieser (council member), Dale Teague (treasurer), and Dave and Debbie Sweany (who deliver food for Smokey’s Pantry, mow grass, and fix things right and left)!
rom Living Reconciliation by Phil Groves and Angharad Parry: In a world often defined by differences, Christians are called to be “reconciled reconcilers.”
From Jesus and the Disinherited by Howard Thurman: The basic fact is that Christianity as it was born in the mind of this Jewish teacher and thinker appears as a technique of survival for the oppressed. That it became, through the intervening years, a religion of the powerful and the dominant, used sometimes as an instrument of oppression, must not tempt us into believing that it was thus in the mind and life of Jesus. From The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James H. Cone: “The gospel of Jesus is not a rational concept to be explained in a theory of salvation, but a story about God’s presence in Jesus’ solidarity with the oppressed, which led to his death on the cross. What is redemptive is the faith that God snatches victory out of defeat, life out of death, and hope out of despair.” Above are quotes from the three books we have read and discussed in January, February, and March; we wrap up the spring offerings of our Respectful Dialogue Book Group with Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times by SoongChan Rah. Consider this summary: The American church avoids lament. But lament is a missing, essential component of Christian faith. Lament recognizes struggles and suffering, that the world is not as it ought to be. Lament challenges the status quo and cries out for justice against existing injustices. Soong-Chan Rah's prophetic exposition of the book of Lamentations provides a biblical and theological lens for examining the church's relationship with a suffering world. It critiques our success-centered triumphalism and calls us to repent of our hubris. And it opens up new ways to encounter the other. Hear the prophet's lament as the necessary corrective for Christianity's future. Please join us on Monday, April 29 at 6:30 PM or Tuesday, April 30 at 10:00 AM for conversation about the way speaking of and listening to laments might shape common ground needed for respectful dialogue. Questions? Please contact Pastor Amy.
xciting days are ahead for Stephen Ministry at St. John’s Lutheran Church!
A freshly minted group of Stephen Ministers will complete their training in May, and be commissioned during worship on Sunday, May 19. Pastor Amy, Pat Krogmann and I are thrilled to add these new Stephen Ministers to our already impressive and committed group of lay ministers. Our new Stephen Ministers include Mari Brooks, Susan Dowling and Nancy Friedrich, Scott Griswold, Clarke Hinkle, Margareth Olsson and Valerie Taylor. It is very evident in our weekly training classes (Stephen Ministers go through 50 hours of training before they are commissioned) that God has called these wonderful folks into the work of walking alongside members of our congregation who might need them. Stephen Ministry is a Christian caring ministry for people who are facing challenges like death of a loved one, end of a relationship, single parenting, job loss, terminal illness, long-term hospitalization, natural disasters, or other challenges that are emotionally and/or spiritually challenging. Working within the supportive boundaries of peer supervision, our new Stephen Ministers will be available to meet weekly with anyone facing these issues. If you would like to meet with a Stephen Minister, please reach out to Pastor Amy at amy@sjlcknox.org, Pat Krogmann at boomboomgolfpk@hotmail.com, or Michael Holtz at michael@envirolutionary.com. In the meantime, please make plans to attend the Stephen Ministry commission service on Sunday, May 19.
If you’re interested in sharing your gifts through serving at St. John’s, there are so many WONDERFUL ways: Usher Greeter Lector Audio/Video Team
Crucifer Acolyte Instrumentalist
Contact Rita in the church office for details on how you can get connected and begin serving at St. John’s.
ur Extravagant Generosity Campaign is called Giving Up, as in, “What are you giving up so you can give more generously?” You can give up your time, talents or financial resources. I chose to give up paying a portion of my federal income taxes while still “upping” my giving! If you are 70 ½ years of age and have a traditional or rollover IRA, you must receive a required minimum distribution (RMD) each year. You may have your IRA administrator make a direct distribution to a 501C(3) charity or non-profit such as St. John’s, known as a qualified charitable distribution or QCD. It does not pass through your hands, so you pay no income tax on this direct distribution but it still counts towards your required minimum distribution (RMD). Example: You are now in the 20% marginal tax bracket, and you now contribute $5,000 per year from your taxable income. Alternatively, you may have your IRA administrator make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) directly to St. John’s in the amount of $6,000 which is non-taxable. You have just increased your giving by 20% with no impact on current income available to you for other purposes. Discuss this strategy with your tax advisor and your IRA administrator to clarify any caveats applicable to your personal circumstances, and you too can reduce your income tax expense while “upping” your giving. More good news! You have not sacrificed in upping your giving, so you still can prayerfully consider other ways to become more involved at St. John’s by Giving Up.
arry the Torch Knoxville is an annual event that features speakers who have an impact on the issues of homelessness, mental health and, families. The purpose of this event is two-fold: it is a fundraiser for the Volunteer Ministry Center (VMC) and a mechanism to educate the public that homelessness is a community problem. Carry the Torch features a mission fair at which attendees can sign up to volunteer for a variety of programs throughout the Knoxville area. This year's event is scheduled for Wednesday, April 24th. Find out more at www.carrythetorchknoxville.com.
e wrap up the Spring Faith Formation offerings with opportunities for all of God’s children:
Infants and Toddlers meet in the nursery for a Bible story, creative prayer, and supervised free play. Preschoolers through Fifth Graders meet first in the Kindergarten Room for opening activities and then go to age-specific classes to study lectionarybased lessons from Sparkhouse curriculum. Our spring learning includes: April 28… Doubting Thomas (John 20:19-31) May 5 … Saul to Paul (Acts 9:1-20) May 12 … Peter and Tabitha (Acts 9:36-43) Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers meet in the Sharp Youth Room. Our teenagers will use April 28 and May 5 to prepare for Youth Sunday on May 12. Between services on Youth Sunday, they will join the entire church family in celebrating our seniors at the Graduate Reception in the Welcome Center. Adults will wrap up discussion of Outlaw Christian by Jacqueline Bussie. Consider this quote to whet your spiritual appetite: “The name outlaw Christian describes the kind of Christian I am and the kind I’m setting myself free to become: namely, a follower of Jesus who no longer accepts cocky clichés, hackneyed hope, or snappy theodicies—defenses of God’s goodness and power—that explain away evil and suffering with a theomagical sleight of hand. An outlaw Christian doesn’t condemn questions or discourage doubt. Instead, an outlaw Christian seeks to live an authentic life of faith and integrity, and chooses the defy the unwritten laws governing suffering, grief, and hope that our culture and religious traditions have asked us to ingest. The faith of an outlaw Christian is bold, outspoken, and active in a world of pain.” And on May 19, we will conclude with the Faith Formation Celebration Brunch.
Listen to sermons you’ve missed ONLINE at www.sjlcknox.org
arents of Middle School and High School Confirmation, please mark your family calendars! We’ll resume after summer - here are the dates: August 25 … Lutheran History with a viewing of “Luther” September 29 … Big Questions
September 15 … Lutheran Theology October 27 … The Rite of Confirmation
Tentative Confirmation Retreat: Friday, August 9 and Saturday, August 10
of FAITH tepping Stones is faith formation program through which the congregation invites families of children and teens back to the baptismal promises made at the font:
To live with them among God's faithful people To bring them to the word of God and the holy supper To teach them the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments To place in their hands the holy scriptures and nurture them in faith and prayer
At significant milestones, the St. John’s family gifts the child or teenager, reminds the parents and congregation members of the baptismal covenant, and prays for the families. We will observe the following Stepping Stones during the Easter season: Sunday, April 28 … Family Communion Celebration during which Browning Gard, Hailey Hamer, Parker Hamer, and Nate Kimzey will be honored Sunday, May 12 … Graduate Celebration during which Chloe Gibson, Beck Hamstead, Fred Perkinson, and Kylie Shattuck will be honored. And please save the following dates: Sunday, July 28 … College Send-Off Sunday, August 4 … Kindergarten Celebration
hildren and families are invited to participate in this annual celebration which addresses God’s meal of Love; instruction will include group sessions with Pastor Amy and family faith activities. Our next activity is Pottery Painting on Wednesday April 17th at 4:30 P.M. at Liza Moz Pottery Studio in Downtown West and Dinner at Tomato Head. We will have the Family Communion Celebration on Sunday, April 28 at the 11:00 service. Please contact Pastor Amy at amy@sjlcknox.org to express interest in your family participation, to coordinate shared meals, and to prepare for your family’s faith activities at home.
omething Beautiful. This is the theme for WOW 2019 developed by the staff (pictured below) at the annual Staff Retreat. And, drumroll please, t-shirt colors will be: pistachio and sky blue. Introducing the WOW 2019 staff:
INTERNS Chloe Gibson – a St. John’s member and a senior at L&N STEM Academy. Chloe is responsible for our Leadership Development programs. Lacy Noerenberg – a member at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Marietta, GA and a senior at Pope High School. Lacy is responsible for our Mission Site activities. Kylie Shattuck – a St. John’s member and a senior at West High School. Kylie is responsible for our Faith Formation programs. CREW Ellie Lizdas - a member at Lutheran Church of the Resurrection in Marietta, GA and a junior at Walton High School. Sarah Morgan – a St. John’s member and a junior at Bearden High School. Trevor Tirro - a St. John’s member and a junior at West High School. Carter Wells - a St. John’s member and a junior at West High School. Nolan Wells - a St. John’s member and a junior at West High School. Ethan Zinser - a St. John’s member and a junior at L & N STEM Academy. In addition to our outstanding staff, many of our St. John’s youth will serve as Peer Leaders. After participating in a Leadership Academy and our Team Retreat (May 27 – 31), these youth will be prepared to serve as leaders on mission sites, in Bible Study, and in Worship. This summer we are hosting 7 weeks of WOW Week 0 – June 2-7 For St. John’s and local youth, a warm-up for the summer! Week 1 – June 9 – 14 Week 2 – June 16 – 21 Week 3 – June 23 – 28 Week 4 – July 7 – 12 Week 5 – July 14 – 19 Week 6 – July 21 – 26 Week 0 will be a great week for all St. John’s youth to participate. Sign-up on line at www.wowurbanministry.org More details about the signing up will be provided at the Leadership Academies. If you have any questions, contact Nancy or Angie at the emails below. We thank everyone at St. John’s for supporting this ministry for 16 (count ‘em) years!! Thank you for allowing us to use this beautiful facility to raise up leaders for our church and community. We ask for your prayers as we embark on Something Beautiful this summer. If you are wondering, “What is WOW?” Ask one of our teenagers. If you are wondering, “How can I help this summer?” Contact Nancy Friedrich at nancy.o.friedrich@gmail.com or Angie Hamstead at angie@wowurbanministry.org.
ere’s a look at Spring Youth Ministry Plans ... 13-14 27-28 MAY 5 12
APRIL WOW 2019 Leadership Academy Lock-In at Church Lunch Bunch at Cracker Barrel off Merchants Drive Youth Sunday and Graduate Reception
Please mark your calendars! Details will follow via e-mail.
pril means our college students and seminarians are finishing projects, writing papers, and studying for tests. Let’s show them some love from St. John’s with a care package full of treats!
Please consider bringing individually wrapped cookies or brownies, and individually wrapped candy, mints or chewing gum to the Welcome Center at St. John’s Sunday (Palm Sunday), April 14, or Sunday, (Easter) April 21. Also, please don’t forget to sign their cards with wishes for a productive semester’s end. These hard working students truly appreciate being cared for, and the women of Katie’s Sisters are grateful for your participation in the acts of showering them with love!
e’re excited to announce that St John’s is LIVE STREAMING our Sunday worship services. The St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel has been created and we stream AND ARCHIVE our Sunday morning worship services. Anyone with access to Youtube on their computer, tablet or smartphone can view our worship services in REAL TIME and after the service has concluded. The services will be archived on the Youtube channel along with other St. John’s and ELCA videos. So, no matter where you are - PLEASE WORSHIP WITH US!
Mark your calendar for our Faith Formation Celebration Brunch. It’s happening Sunday, May 19 at 10:10 AM Sparks Fellowship Hall. WONDERFUL food provided by Tender Lovin’ Cookin’ (TLC) + reflections on this year’s Sunday morning Faith Formation experiences + recognition of the Faith Formation team + a video montage + a special surprise = the 2019 Faith Formation Celebration Brunch. Please plan to join us for all of the fun!
rawing from the format of TED talks which embraced technology, entertainment, and design, this summer we will launch ST. JOHN’S talks during the Faith Formation hour in June and July. Our emphasis will embrace personal devotion, spiritual transformation, and social justice, and the series is intentionally designed for folks to participate as they are interested and in town during the sometimes hectic summer months. Deaver Shattuck will curate the speakers, and with Pastor Amy’s support, identify topics of interest to what we hope will be a diverse gathering of folks. Please mark your calendars for this series which will begin on Sunday, June 16 and run through Sunday, July 28!
ant to know about the Christian faith? Curious about the practices of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)? Interested in life and ministry at St. John’s Lutheran Church?
If so, please join us for lunch at conversation at the upcoming Inquirer’s Gathering on Sunday, May 5 at 12:15 PM in our Sparks Fellowship Hall. The Inquirer’s Gathering will be hosted by the pastoral staff and leaders from Church Council. We llook forward to getting to know you better, answering your questions, and extending an invitation to join the St. John’s family. Please RSVP to Toni in the church office at toni@sjlcknox.org.
10 11 12 1
Jennifer Barnett Jacob Friedrich Rosa Nussbaumer Greg Kidwell Andrew Kyle Jim Roning Leah Crowley Anne Gerbig Emmett Kimzey Maxine Whistler Jim O’Hatnick Cam Ogle Erica Greene Johnson Clarence Scott Nancy Maland
3 4 5 6 8 9
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
13 14
1 2 3 4
5 8 Clay 9 10 11 12
Kelly Page Brenda Wainner Virginia Grace Connor Gibson Sarah Crowley Clarke Hinkle Lisa Smith Megan Venable Archer Lawrence Thomas Campbell Leah Zinser Sara Whitehead Sara Daugherty Doug Thompson Reed Solt
15 17 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28
Greg Reichart Carson Vandergriff Zane Dukes Brent Collins Miriam Jagels Sarah Wing Toni Wise April Mallette Matt Whitehead Wendy Thrasher Ruth Crowley Jack Sweany Christian Vandergriff Misty Anderson Connor Bernard Chloe Gibson Ruthie Kuhlman Wesley Lyons Steve Kyle Karen McWhorter Jill Sinnott Mari Brooks
23 24
28 29 30 31
Bob Draime Carrie McCollum Chelsea Kyle Don McWilliams Sarah Anderson Stephanie Anderson Paul Brooks Sherry Draime Noel Kuck Krista Lee Larry Robbins Stephen Schwahn Carmen Solt Nancy Wilson Mason Bucklin John Ley Andy Tirro Nancy McGalliard Jeannie Reed Jerry Ballard Liam McCarthy Gabe Thrasher Greg Vandergriff
Nicole Leatherwood Chesney Burkhalter Christina Racek Loreley Sinnott Mike Sweany Dale Teague Rachel Crowley Declan McWilliams Darin Clark Cameron Brownlee Pat Counts Mary Critselous Linda Peterson Kitty Sharp Brandon Hopkins Bill Lawhon Kaye Williams Logan Click Mary Gagle Kayleigh Brownlee Emily Skaar Sherry Barry Debra Morin
ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917
CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development amy@sjlcknox.org
John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry John@sjlcknox.org
Christopher Clay Director of Communications chris@sjlcknox.org
Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music sousa@esknoxville.org
Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org
Darrell Murrell Facility Staff facility@sjlcknox.org
Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Thea@jsjlcknox.org
Jean Vargo Interim Pastor jean@sjlcknox.org
Phone:: 865.523.3330
Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants
Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org