Easter 2020 Newsletter

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St John’s Online Ministry Opportunities ……………. pages 8-9 Pastoral Transition Update ………..……………...…….. page 5 Online Giving Details ………..……………………………. page 7 Birthdays ………………………………………………...…. page 11




eace be to your household. Peace be to you in uncertain times. It is precisely in these moments and days when our lives are turned upside down that our Lord Jesus invites us into a radical relationship with him. Radical love. Radical Hope. Radical Peace. Radical Trust. Jesus is asking us to rearrange our priorities, to let go and let God. Are you ready? The corona virus and it’s pandemic effects raises lots of questions, lots of things to grapple with. In the book Rediscover Jesus Kelly writes: people are weary from the dysfunction of their own lives. The chaos is crying for order. The Complexity is crying for simplicity. At every level in society, for the beggar on the street to the leaders of nations, we are all looking for something to solve the crisis of our times. It is Time to stop looking for something and start looking for someone-Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus wants to perform miracles in and through you. Are you ready? During Lent and Easter we return to our baptismal promise that God made with us. The promise of life and salvation, forgiveness and adoption. The baptismal shocker is that we died with Christ at the baptismal font. We plunged into the waters and were drowned, the old self died. And so Paul reminds us in his letter to the Romans and Collossians that we have died and our life is hidden with Christ in God. We have been crucified with christ and it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me. My brothers and sisters, we are in christ, and with Christ at our center, we are need not be paralyzed by the worlds chaos, the world’s paralyzing and anxious times. As we approach Easter, remember that Christ is risen, and if we are in Christ, then we too have risen to new life…and that is our joy. That is the promise that we hold dear to our hearts. Jesus is inviting us to a radical relationship; are we ready to explore and enter into that invitation? The book Rediscover Jesus, which we handed out on Transfiguration Sunday is your guide to rediscover the Jesus you know but don’t know. The book and the Bible study are your invitation to discern what God has in store for you and your relationship with him. As a church it is important to rediscover Jesus especially as we prayerfully enter the discernment process of calling a new senior pastor. May this book bless you, your relationship with Jesus, and your discernment process for your life and the life of St John’s. May Easter bless you with new life. Pastor Amy, Pastor John and I pray for you all daily. We pray for your spiritual health, for health and healing, hope and spiritual renewal. We are well aware that this pandemic will change our priorities, it will turn our world upside down, and most of all we hope that you will find joy in Jesus who is our rock and our cornerstone. We are Easter People in a Good Friday World.



WORSHIP We will continue live streaming worship on Sundays, Wednesdays, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday, We will live stream Easter. WE are exploring ways to have have holy communion as a congregation. When we all gather at the sanctuary in real time and physical and spiritual presence we will have a grand “EASTER� Celebration of life and hope with all the JOY possible. BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER Check the website often for opportunities to join in prayer, bible study, and musical reflections (compline, vespers etc). There is something everyday of the week. SOUTHEASTERN SYNOD WEBSITE Our Bishop, Kevin Strickland and his staff have posted several resources for spiritual care and health resources. The website address is https://www.elca-ses.org/ PASTORAL CARE AT ST JOHNS Need to talk to a pastor: Pastor Jean 4023025600 Pastor Amy 8658059805 Pastor John 865 456 4567 I know that data changes daily, so please keep in touch via the Website, phone, Facebook and email. I you are not able to make connection or know someone who cannot make connections with St John resources please let us know. Be the caring and compassionate community that you are and please check on those in your zip code areas, pick up the phone and hear the voice of a brother or sister. Until we meet again. Shalom-May God give you the best of all that you need during this time.




ear Friends,

As we lean into life together in the time of the Corona virus, the Leadership Team of St. John’s— the pastoral team, the church staff, and members of Church Council and Ministry Teams—have created (and are continuing to creat) ways to CARE WELL for the people of St. John’s. Below you will find a combination ongoing programs and new expressions of worship, faith formation, service, and community care: > Office Hours via phone will be from 9:00AM to 12:00noon. The church phone number is 865-523-3330. > The pastors are on call, day and night, for spiritual care and personal emergencies. Their phone numbers are 402-302-5600 (Pastor Jean), 865-805-9805 (Pastor Amy), and 865-456-4567 (Pastor John). > We will worship as a church family online on Sunday mornings at 9am. A bulletin will be e-mailed, as well as posted on the website (https://www.sjlcknox.org) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/sjlcknox), with links and instructions for participation. > A daily online devotion will be posted on the St John’s Facebook (www.facebook.com/sjlcknox). > Daily prayer at 12noon will be broadcast via FACEBOOK LIVE every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All can access by going to the St. John's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sjlcknox. > We will continue by way of Zoom our Tuesday Noon Bible Study. Zoom Meeting ID number is posted on our website and our Facebook page. . > Pastor John will be posting an online Compline service which members can access via Facebook LIVE to conclude the day on Thursday evenings . > The pastoral staff will make weekly phone calls to ALL members. Finally, please diligently pray for us as we continue our ongoing ministries, as well as tend to the increased need for pastoral care during this time of crisis. We are grateful to serve among you! Faithfully,




uring our time of transition I encourage you to prepare your hearts and minds by rediscovering Jesus. The book is designed as a rediscovery during the 40 days of lent. It is a renewal of our relationship with Christ and our walk as disciples. It a tool for congregational discernment during the call process. Here’s where we are: Our Ministry Site Profile (MSP) has been submitted to Bishop Strickland, reviewed by the Call Team and Church Council, approved by Church Council, and returned to Kevin The Bishop will be scheduling a meeting with the call committee upon which he will instruct the call committee in the policy and procedures, and submit names for consideration. The interview process will begin soon. Personnel finished building personnel files and are now ready to embark on background checks for staff and personnel. The team has also completed updating job descriptions and are working on the personnel handbook. We have come a long way. Much has been accomplish. Thank you to the teams for pulling together, recruiting and developing a working structure so quickly and efficiently. Thank you for your commitment to Jesus the Christ and to the St John’s community. You have all done well. Let us continue in our discernment asking for the Holy Spirit to guide our call committee, to present to us candidate suited for senior pastor, and let us pray, pray and ray some more .




or the love of our neighbor, especially “the least of these,” those most vulnerable; we continue to worship by Livestream on our Youtube Channel through Holy Week and Easter. We gather in our homes, connecting as we can online. The pastoral staff (with only the small number of people necessary) will gather in our sanctuary to lead worship. Here’s what the remainder of HOLY WEEK looks like: Maundy Thursday (April 9), at 7:30pm via Livestream on our Youtube Channel. , we gather with Jesus in the upper room, “on the night he was betrayed,” as he washes his disciples’ feet and gives a new commandment, “that you love one another, as I have loved you.” The altar is stripped, representing Jesus laying down his power, to be with us in suffering, out of love for us. Good Friday (April 10), at 7:30pm via Livestream on our Youtube Channel, we walk with Jesus to the cross and tomb. We hear the reading of the Passion, we sing songs to enter more deeply into his experience, together we whisper the Lord’s prayer, and a door closes loudly representing the closing of the tomb Easter Morning (April 12), at 9am via Livestream on our Youtube Channel, we go with Mary to the grave, only to find it empty! Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed!! Brass, organ, and songs fill the air, as we celebrate resurrection and new life.


he St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel streams our worship services live and archives them -- so you can revisit a worship experience that moved you.. YOU’RE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US!




f you’ve ever watched Pastor Jean give the children’s sermon; there’s a phrase she uses. In fact, you’ve maybe heard her say this phrase at other times, too.

“Go to church? Be the church.” Right now, we’re learning a different way to go to church, and for many of us, that’s looking like...well, not going to church. But in the midst of this, we continue to be the church. We live out who we are as Lutheran Christians in the small acts that we do daily. In the gathering on Facebook for noonday prayer and compline. In listening to Miss Lauren read bible studies on You Tube. We are the church when we sit at home because science tells us that’s the collective thing we need to do to keep all our siblings in Christ healthy. So we are learning a new way to be the church, even as we aren’t present together. Yet, there’s an important way we can be together even as we aren’t *together.* I was at church on April first. I am always at St. John's on the first of every month Because that’s the day my offering leaves my bank account, and comes to St John’s. On the first day of every month, I’m here, even when I’m not here. Giving while we’re apart is a way to stay connected spiritually even as you can’t be connected physically. You can practice the same gratitude you do when you bow your head over the plate and put in a check. You can be the church, when you can’t go to church. On our website; you’ll find a giving link. You can give securely through the church’s web infrastructure. If you’ve ever bought something on line? It’s like that. You can give through Vanco's "Give Plus" app--look for it in the app store, and search for St John’s using our zip code. You can also give from your bank, if you’d like: almost all checking accounts these days have a bill pay feature, where you can tell the bank to send money once, or on a regular interval, to a place of your choosing. You can also go real old school and just...mail a check. We’re a big building; we’re still at 544 North Broadway. And pray your prayer of thanksgiving. Give an offering of your heart during our streaming time here, and give of the abundance god has given you in a different way. I’m always here on the first of the month. I hope you will be here, too.

Jessi Grieser




ecently, it’s been necessary for us to find different ways to connect and experience community together here at St. John’s. Here is a snapshot of the ways we are providing ministry and faith formation opportunities and creating connection for ALL AGES!

NoonDay Prayer Daily prayer at 12noon will be broadcast via FACEBOOK LIVE every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. All can access by going to the St. John's Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/sjlcknox

NoonTime Bible Study Tuesday 12Noon Bible Study continues via ZOOM. The virtual meeting is easily accessed by logging on to Zoom.com, then entering a Zoom Meeting ID number which we share on the home page of our website at https:// www.sjlcknox.org and our Facebook page.

Lectionary Study Saturday at 10am via ZOOM. The virtual meeting offers discussion about the readings for the coming Sunday. Log on to Zoom.com and enter the Zoom Meeting ID number provided on the home page of our website at https:// www.sjlcknox.org and our Facebook page.

Children’s Storytime w/ Pastor Amy Saturday at 1:30pm via Zoom. Pastor Amy provides a time for our kiddos to get together in community as she reads a story and shares activities, laughs and fun. It’s a Zoom meeting and the ID is provided on our website and facebook page.



Sunday Worship Online Sunday at 9am. We provide a LIVE worship experience led by our Pastors at 9am on Sunday mornings on our Youtube Channel. The service is archived & can be viewed at any time after the service. Log onto Youtube.com and search for St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville.

Sunday Faith Formation Sunday at 10:15am and 11am. Join us for Faith Formation via Zoom on Sunday mornings. There are two offerings, the first at 10:15am and the second at 11am. Join us for one, or both. The Meeting ID is shared on our website and Facbook page.

I’m frequently updating the website and posting to our Facebook page, so I suggest you make regular checks to both places for updates or changes to scheduled events/ connections. As Communications Director of St. John’s, I’m happy to assist in getting you connected with any and all these options. Reach out via email at chris@sjlcknox.org or you can call or text me at 404-246-2795 and I’m happy to troubleshoot any problems or simply help you GET CONNECTED!




ere is what St. John’s looks like … as we seek community together in new ways.

1. Fishers and Leys sharing online worship together 2. Our Youtube Worship Livestream for Palm Sunday 3. Children’s sermon - interactive 4. Children’s Storytime with Pastor Amy via ZOOM


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1 2 5 6 7 9 10 14 15 16 17 18

Tony Brewer Ron Woodward Nancy O’Callaghan Kira Krusenklaus Elizabeth Gibson Herm Gerbig Penelope Leatherwood Chris Brooks Kurt Zinser Landry Thrasher Sandy Cantrell JD Chapman Rhonda Clay Sydney Parman Olivia Ann Schmidt

20 21 22 23 25 26 29 30

11 12 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

Jennifer Barnett Jacob Friedrich Rosa Nussbaumer Greg Kidwell Andrew Kyle Leah Crowley Anne Gerbig Emmett Kimzey Maxine Whistler Cam Ogle Erica Greene Johnson Clarence Scott Nancy Maland Greg Reichart Carson Vandergriff

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

RuthAnn Henry Ragan Holloway Laura Morgan Martha Nelson Debbie Sweany Marcia Power Trevor Tirro Ethan Zinser David Chapman Ray Collins Sandy Bender Margareth Olsson Jeff Welch Andrew Cooter Jody Freeman Andrew Glibbery Bob Bast Jonathan Burkhalter

Zane Dukes Brent Collins Miriam Jagels Sarah Wing Toni Wise Laura Mallette Matt Whitehead Wendy Thrasher Ruth Crowley Jack Sweany Christian Vandergriff Misty Anderson Chloe Gibson Ruthie Kuhlman Wesley Lyons Steve Kyle Karen McWhorter Mari Brooks Bob Draime Carrie McCollum

23 24

28 29

Chelsea Kyle Pressley Don McWilliams Sarah Anderson Stephanie Anderson Paul Brooks Sherry Draime Noel Kuck Krista Lee Larry Robbins Stephen Schwahn Carmen Solt Nancy Wilson Mason Bucklin Andy Tirro Nancy McGallaird Jeannie Reed Jerry Ballard Liam McCarthy Gabe Thrasher Gregg Vandergriff


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development amy@sjlcknox.org

John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry John@sjlcknox.org

Christopher Clay Director of Communications chris@sjlcknox.org

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music sousa@esknoxville.org

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff facility@sjlcknox.org

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Thea@sjlcknox.org

Jean Vargo Interim Pastor jean@sjlcknox.org

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org

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