Lutheran life Epiphany 2017

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the congregational newsletter of

St John‘s Lutheran Church

St John’s Lutheran Church

2017 Epiphany Issue



piphany and the weeks after Epiphany are all about discovery of who we are and who we are called to be, in the light of God and our neighbor.


Epiphany (January 6) celebrates the night when wise men or magi or kings come from far off lands to visit the infant Jesus, whom they find wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger (image #1). It’s the beginning of a new understanding. God is revealed not in earthly power, but in vulnerability. They offer worship, and they return to their lands as witnesses that God has come to be with us. The first Sunday after Epiphany (January 8) celebrates the Baptism of our Lord, when the adult Jesus comes down to the Jordan and enters the water, which represents both cleansing and the shifting, changing experience, the chaos and suffering, of human life (image #2). As at Christmas, Jesus comes to be with us.


The last Sunday (February 26) celebrates the Transfiguration, as Jesus brings his disciples to a mountaintop, is bathed in light, revealed as God’s son, then leads them out into the world to serve in love (image #3). He takes us to be with others. The Sundays between give us some of the greatest teachings about Jesus and Christian identity: “behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world;” “do justice… love kindness, and… walk humbly with your God,” and “love your enemies.” Taken together, Epiphany and the time after are a call to live in light of Christ, to let his identity, his willingness “to be with,” to love and serve, become our identity as well.

Pastor John Tirro 2



St John’s


earning the Biblical narrative and finding words for our vocabulary of faith make life more meaningful! Check out the opportunities in the Epiphany season:

January 1 … no Faith Formation offerings January 8 … First Sunday Brunch (on the Second Sunday) January 15 … Epiphany offerings noted below NURSERY on the first floor of the Education Building across from Sparks Fellowship Hall Prayer Experience - Bible Story from The Jesus Storybook Bible - Free Play Pre-School through Elementar - First floor of the Education Building across from Sparks Fellowship Hall Opening Gathering featuring music with Ms. Debby and a devotional thought to get us ready Pre-K and Kindergarten, Grades 1-2, and Grades 3-5 looking at lectionary lessons from Augburg Fortress’ Sparkhouse curriculum Middle School - Sharp Youth Room on the second floor of the Education Building Breakfast snacks Scripture overview to prepare for Confirmation featuring Daniel Erlander’s Manna and Mercy High School - Remedy Coffee House at 800 Tyson Street, just around the corner from St. John’s Breakfast snacks Conversation about the historical highpoints of Christianity and interfaith dialogue Adult Faith Formation in Sparks Fellowship on the first floor of the Education Building In keeping with the Epiphany theme of multi-culturalism, we will explore our common ground with other world religions.  January 15 & January 22 … Conversation about Judaism followed by dialogue with a local rabbi  January 29 and February 12 … Conversation about Buddhism followed by dialogue with a local Buddhist leader  February 19 and February 26 … Conversation about Islam followed by dialogue with a local imam Our facilitators include Jessica Bocangel, Angie Hamstead, Dan Lee, Robin Lovett, John Rice, and Chris Wise.


LUTHERAN LIFE Stepping Stones of Faith


umping in puddles on a rainy day, water from faucet to face as a morning ritual, and water balloons breaking in a battle between friends, all are beautiful ways to remember your baptism, to reorient yourself as a baptized child of God! Stepping Stones of Faith is another way to remember the baptismal relationship where God claims God’s children forever. The basics are fairly simple: bless the child, gift the family, and call parents to the promises they made at the time of their child’s baptism. St. John’s Stepping Stones of Faith will include the following: Baptism (Infants) Prayer (Pre-schooler) Start of School (Kindergartner) Bible Exploration (Second Grader) Holy Communion (Early Elementary Students) Worship Leadership (Late Elementary Students) Entrance to Confirmation (Early Middle School Students) Rite of Confirmation (Early High School Students) Graduation (Seniors) Departure for College (College Freshmen – July) Return from College (College Freshmen – December) Pastor Amy will work with your family to determine where your child would best plug in. Be watching for a snail mail promotion in middle January, and then call Pastor Amy for conversation!


amily’s with kids from pre-school age to 5th grade -YOU’RE INVITED to the St. John’s FAMILY MINISTRY Lunch & Party in February. Mark you calendar for Sunday, February 12, 2017 from 12:30 – 2:00 PM at the Guy B. Love Towers at 1171 Armstrong Avenue. Here’s what that Sunday will look like: 9:00 AM Worship 10:00 AM Christian Education 11:00 AM Cookie Prep and Pizza Lunch in Sparks Fellowship Hall Mark your calendar because you DO NOT want to miss this incredible experience. And while you are at it, please mark Friday, April 21 for our Family Ministry Dinner and Sparks Fellowship Hall Drive-In Movie! Questions? Contact Pastor Amy.


LUTHERAN LIFE Stephen Ministry Monthly Book Discussion


ll are welcome to join the St. John’s Lutheran Stephen Ministers for Continuing Education as we read and discuss the book Daring Greatly by Brene Brown over the course of four months. Join us January 8, February 5, March 5, and April 2 from 12 – 1:30 pm each Sunday. Bring your own lunch and engage in conversation around the book and its revolutionary content. “In Daring Greatly, Dr. Brown challenges everything we think we know about vulnerability. Based on twelve years of research, she argues that vulnerability is not weakness, but rather our clearest path to courage, engagement, and meaningful connection. The book that Dr. Brown’s many fans have been waiting for, Daring Greatly will spark a new spirit of truth—and trust—in our organizations, families, schools, and communities” For more information, contact Jessica Bocangel, or 865.748.0182

Teatrum Sacrum (Sacred Theater), A Worship Workshop at Tyson House, Friday evening & Saturday morning, February 3rd & 4th


n February, we have a wonderful opportunity to take part in the Teatrum Sacrum (“sacred theater”) project, led by Yale Divinity graduates the Rev. Justin Crisp and Charlie Gillespie.

The workshop-style combines the principles of spiritual direction (as conversation, as leading toward discovery, new and holy insights) with liturgical drama. The Teatrum Sacrum Project borrows insights from lectio divina (slow, out-loud, reading of scripture) and familiar models of bible study to generate an embodied, prayerful, communal, and personal encounter with the scriptural witness and the community’s needs of the moment. We will have conversations and do exercises that help us “try on” what it’s like to be a different person as we think about how the good news of the Gospel plays out in our lives. As spiritual direction, Teatrum Sacrum helps participants see how to restage their day-to-day proclamations of the Gospel in dialogue with the needs of a community and a context. Join us for an engaging time of thinking about the roles we each play as part of the body of Christ and listening to where God is calling us to act and communicate in our world . Times will be announced soon.




n Sunday December 10th, a whole host of adults and Adam Krogmann helped fill 100 red, blue and green bags with goodies for the teachers and staff at Christenberry Elementary School. These colorful bags with their tags that read "Welcome Back from St. John's" will be in the teacher’s boxes when they return to school after Christmas break. Thanks to all who donated goods and those who helped fill, hole punch and tie ribbons to make the bags festive. The St. John's community is so very generous, Thank You!

Thea Petersen


LUTHERAN LIFE New Kids Hope USA Mentors


ackie Tucker and Dave Thomas, new Kids Hope Mentors, were matched with their “littles” on Thursday September 22nd. Both Jackie and Dave are excited about making a difference in the lives of their “littles.” Please hold Jackie and Dave up in your prayers as they begin this new venture in working with their students. There is always a huge need to make a difference in the lives of students at Christenberry Elementary. If you could share one hour a week to walk alongside a young student and help give them guidance, please give Thea Peterson a call at 591-4803 or email her at

Scarlett and Jackie

David and Tyson

Kids Hope USA is a ‘Year-Round’ Effort


ur efforts to support the teachers and staff of Christenberry continues throughout the school year. Here are just a few of our efforts this year:

We provided apples and grapes for the hospitality cart that circulated to all of the teachers and staff staying after school for parent/teacher conferences in September. The fruit was made possible by the donations from the St. John’s Bake Sale in August -- Thanks SJLC you all are the BEST! We provided soup and desserts on the last day of school before fall break -- 10 crock pots of soup and a wonderful array of desserts to warm the teachers hearts and tummies! In November, we provided 100 sausage biscuits for breakfast on the first morning following the time change. This month, we will distributed Christmas greeting cards and bags of microwaveable popcorn to teachers, and Christmas week, we will be transforming the school entrance into a Winter Wonderland with lights, ribbon, snow machines and decorated windows. If you would like to help with Kids Hope USA efforts coming up, please touch base with Thea via email at





unday, February 5, 2017, promises to be a “Super Sunday” at Saint John’s as we gather for worship, First Sunday Brunch, and a congregational meeting. The 10:00AM brunch will be followed by a brief congregational meeting to introduce our 2017 Council nominees and to affirm their call to ministry leadership. A “Raising the Roof!” capital campaign progress report will be offered as we celebrate another year of faithful stewardship and anticipate future ministries. Mark this date on your 2017 calendar as a “Super Sunday!”


Saturday, February 11th, 8:30am - 12:30pm


he Saint John’s Lutheran 2017 Church Council Retreat will take place on Saturday, February 11, 2017 in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. New Council members are invited for breakfast at 8:30AM for an orientation hour. The Council Retreat will begin for all Council members at 9:30AM and will conclude at 12:30PM. As we evaluate our Vision 2020, we will also be planning next steps of ministry development. The season of Epiphany broadens our vision of ministry to include the whole world, our nation, our ELCA denomination, and the ELCA Southeastern Synod. Opportunities for expanding our neighborhood and community ministry partnerships are also on the horizon. Please pray for your SJLC Council, our church staff, and our pastors.


We Need YOU! We need your gifts for the life and health of our family of faith. Ask Ministry Coordinator Chris Clay about your talents and how they can be used here at St. John’s.



he annual Martin Luther King Memorial Parade is scheduled for January 16. You are invited to be a part of the St. John's delegation in this meaningful community activity. The parade begins at 10am on Martin Luther King Boulevard at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. In addition to walking in the parade, join us for an 8:30am breakfast in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. At 9am, we will drive to the Mabry-Hazen House (1711 Dandridge Ave) for parking, then walk down the hill to where the two-mile parade route begins. The Lady Vols softball team will be joining us on the parade route again this year. A red cross will be lifted to help members find the St. John's group in the parade lineup. At the end of the parade route, transportation is provided to get participants back to the Mabry-Hazen House parking lot. This is a special experience to walk as a family or individually with fellow church members on a fun day. Mentors at Christenberry Elementary School are encouraged to include their "littles" in the parade walk. Contact Ray & Phyllis Collins 865-964-7969 for additional information.


he Southeastern Synod’s annual Service of Commemoration for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is scheduled for Sunday, January 15th and will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Atlanta. Contact the Synod office for details.



When? Friday, March 3 and Saturday, March 4 Where? Bear Lodge at Tuckleechee Retreat Center in Townsend Who? Women of St. John’s and Their Friends Food? We share responsibility for Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Saturday lunch Leadership? A team of Katie’s Sisters led by Megan Venable is managing the details, and our retreat leader will be Renee Knight Willingham, a friend of Pastor Amy’s from seminary days, who is now the Director of Chaplain Services at Shannondale Retirement and Health Care Communities Cost? $50.00 ($25.00 non-refundable) Sign up in the Welcome Center on Sundays beginning on January 15! Questions? Contact Megan, Ruthie Kuhlman, or Pastor Amy


he Men’s Ministry of St. John’s has tentative plans for a retreat early next year -- pencil in the dates of February 24th and 25th. B.E.E.R. gatherings will continue in the new year. Look for communication from Caleb Warren for upcoming events.

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LUTHERAN LIFE A Word of Thanks ‌ Dear St. John’s, Once again you have fulfilled the needs and desires of the elementary students at Christenberry and Sarah Moore Greene schools. Your generosity seems boundless, and the staff and parents are filled with appreciation! At the risk of omitting someone, I'd like to specifically thank Linda and Tom Godden, Jon Efteland, Ruth and Pete Crowley, Alice Garrison, Jane French, Barbara Teague, Karen Bertollini, and Megan Venable Smith for assisting with all the necessary tasks of providing this giving opportunity! You are all wonderful volunteers and helpers! It's been my joy to coordinate this effort for several years now, and I look upon the changes coming next year as empowering for the families! Watch for announcements of a new and exciting format for next year. Love in Christ,

Marcia Power





YOUTH MINISTRY 2017 promises to be a pretty AWESOME year for Youth Ministry at St. John’s. The spring calendar is already full …. so let’s take a look!



Youth Ministry Lunch for Parents and Youth and Sibs Conversation about all things Youth Ministry, including plans for the Spring Semester, the opportunity for parent involvement, and a Q & A session regarding future hopes and dreams.



Souper Bowl Sunday of Caring after each worship service We will join a national effort that empowers youth and unites communities around the time of the Big Game to help those in need. Youth will share about hunger in each worship service and collect cash to contribute to local food pantries.

Super Bowl Party at 5:30 PM

We will “tailgate” with yummy food, make score predictions, rate commercials, and of course, cheer on our favorite teams!

24-26 All-Georgia Youth Gathering at in Covington, GA This event for 6th through 12th graders is a faith-formation weekend based on the theme “Here We Stand in Community, in Peace, in Grace, and in Faith.”



WOW 2017 Leadership Academy #1 If you are interested in serving on as a Peer Leader (formerly known as “member of the Leadership Team”) at WOW, please plan to attend one of two Leadership Academies.


Progressive Dinner and Ministry Project Just what it says … appetizers at one home, main course at another home, dessert at third home, and a ministry project at the last home.



WOW 2017 Leadership Academy #2 If you are interested in serving as a Peer Leader (formerly known as “member of the Leadership Team”) at WOW, please plan to attend one of two Leadership Academies.


The Gospel According to Love Labyrinth for the Congregation We have been asked to share the WOW 2016 Faith Formation experience at the start of Holy Week. We will need small group leaders, room coordinators, and timers. More details to follow!


Youth Sunday Planning Dinner for 6th through 11th graders This dinner will be for everyone except our seniors who will preach. We will sort through liturgy, scriptures, songs, and leadership specifics. Location TBD .


Youth Sunday Planning Dinner for 12th graders This dinner is for our seniors; together, we will consider the Gospel lesson, outline our sermon, and plan who is preaching. Location TBD.


Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sally Robinette Michael Barnhill Jada Dixon David Bocangel Alice Garrison Tom Godden Dayne Cook Patrick McWilliams David Wayland

10 11 12 13 15 16 18 19

4 5 10 13


Birthdays 2 3

Marilyn Fahringer Jean Dasher Gary Morgan

17 18 19

Rick Metelka Samantha Murphy Don Ray Will McCarthy Emily Stapf Suzanne Brown Ian Daughety Mary Cole Terry Burkhalter Elliott Schwahn Charlsie Counts Rachel Bast Lynn Harrison Steve Misenheimer Andrew Perkinson Erik Clark Kyle Metelka Hudson Ley Judy McCarter

Julia Dittrich Sonya McWilliams Jocelyn Miller Laura Trout Brad Parman Erin Ramsey Josh Brown Kelly Parman Parker Hamer Adam Krogmann Bailey Morgan John Lawhon Ruth Petersen Robin Leib

20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31

20 22 24 25 26 27 28 29

Ashley Hopkins Danielle Sweany Frank Wilson Susan Dowling Max Giesecke Dick Krogmann Josh Ley Griffin Hamstead Steve McGaffin Russell Kuhlman Billy Good Jessica Sousa-Lewis Lily Hancock Tom McGalliard Rita Schwartz David Martin

Sandra Jessel Amy Figg Ashton Roberts Michael Grider Alexandra Bernard Julie Glibbery Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee Haley Fields Skip Wells

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’s Worship Services CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP Saturday, December 24th 5:30pm & 8:30pm CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP Sunday, December 25th 10am NEW YEAR’s DAY WORSHIP Sunday, January 1st 10am Senior Pastor - J. Stephen Misenheimer, Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development - Amy C. Figg, Pastor of Campus Ministry - John Tirro, Minister of Music - Deborah Dunne-Sousa, Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications - Christopher Clay, Youth Ministry Associate - Isaac Taylor, Administrative Assistant - Toni Denton, Kids Hope USA Director - Thea Petersen

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