Lutheran life template epiphany2018

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the congregational newsletter of

St John’s Lutheran Church

THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT 1 Corinthians 12:1-14



A Place Called MINISTRY ...


ome folks enjoy going to places they have never visited. This past November, Jeanne and I experienced our first weekend in Wisconsin! We were greeted by extremely cold weather, the first snow fall of the season, and a warm community of faith at Trinity Lutheran Church in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Pastor Clay Schmit and I facilitated a leadership retreat for the congregation that weekend. In this New Year, new leaders will step forward to respond to the call to serve Christ and the church. Four new Church Council members will be called, elected, and introduced at our Congregational Meeting on Sunday, February 4, 2018. These brothers and sisters in Christ will be doing something new as the Spirit takes them and us to new places of ministry. New relationships will be born out of faith and life conversations and new visions for mission and ministry will be revealed. The opportunities and challenges of this New Year, however, will require congregational leadership that goes far beyond the responsibilities of Church Council. As we celebrate our 130th Anniversary of ministry, we are also entering the third year of our three year “Raising the Roof!” capital campaign. So much has already been accomplished through your generous contributions to capital improvements, mission endowment, debt reduction and benevolence, but we need to finish this ministry campaign in a strong and faithful way! It takes all of us working together!


With a long list of property projects completed, we will focus on the future by growing our mission endowment, reducing our line of credit, and sowing ministry seeds of relationship with neighborhood, community, seminary, Southeastern Synod, and ELCA benevolence program opportunities. Our Fund for Leaders scholarship endowment to support seminarians is a great example of how program benevolence from our 2003 Creating Christ Connections campaign has been the gift that keeps on giving. Established in 2006, Saint John’s has provided seminary scholarships over the past eleven years! God encourages us to go places we have never been to learn and grow as we respond to new calls of ministry with our God given gifts. Faith formation and leadership development will continue to provide this congregation with the purpose and direction necessary for an exciting Epiphany and a new season of ministry! May our travel plans this New Year always include following the Lord and leader of our life to a place called ministry! In Christ,



piphany … from the Greek word epiphaneia, meaning “manifestation or appearance”

The rhythm of the liturgical leads us to the conclusion of the Christmas season and into the Day of Epiphany, January 6, and the season of Epiphany which runs through Transfiguration Sunday, February 11. From there, it is headlong into the Lenten journey. On the Day of Epiphany, folks who observe the days associated with Western Christianity find themselves commemorating the wise men who journeyed to see Jesus. Throughout the season of Epiphany, we celebrate the gift of Jesus for all the world, both Jews and Gentiles. A multi-cultural emphasis easily fits in the season. The color of the Day of Epiphany is white, the color of celebration, newness, and hope. The color of the Season of Epiphany is green, marking Ordinary Time. Symbols include a five-pointed star representing the five wounds of Jesus on the Cross; the Nativity Star, also known as the Star of Bethlehem, representing the Magi visiting Jesus; and an eightpointed star representing baptism and regeneration

At the heart of this season is the idea of hospitality, the idea of receiving and being received. Responding to initiating love, the world received God on a silent night, a holy night. In turn, God incarnate welcomed others into his community, with people both comforted and confused by his presence , God incarnate baptized in the Jordan by John, his uneasy cousin. Henri Nouwen writes in Reaching Out, “really honest receptivity means inviting the stranger into our world on his or her terms, not ours . . . . Hospitality means primarily the creation of free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy.” How will we nurture a spirit of receptive hospitality during these Epiphany days?




inner for Eight Sign Ups Continue!

“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts� (Acts 2:46b) The Dinner for 8 Ministry is a great way to meet new people at church and get to know your church family better. Dinners for 8 Groups provide the opportunity to spend time eating and sharing together. Groups will plan a meal and get together at least 3 times over a period of 4 months, rotating to participants homes, at a local restaurant, or at the church. The emphasis is on fun and fellowship, so you don't have to be a great cook to participate. In addition to having dinner together, plan on spending some time playing games or just hanging out. It doesn't get any easier than this! Sign up in the Welcome Center through January 7 or e-mail Pastor Amy at

On Sunday, February 4th, 2018, we will gather for First Sunday Brunch at 10am followed by a congregational meeting. We will introduce our 2018 council nominees and affirm their call to ministry leadership. MARK THE DATE!




ith great joy we would like to announce that our new St. John’s Lutheran Church kitchen is almost finished. It is larger and improved so many people can work together in the same space to provide food for our church family and special events. And the space is just beautiful. We would like to invite everyone to the FIRST First Sunday Brunch on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 10:00am to celebrate our new kitchen. This will be a wonderful opportunity to see the new kitchen in action and to share food and great fellowship! Many people have asked how they can help with our new kitchen. We will have a new kitchen ‘shower’ on Jan. 7th—but this shower will be different. There are many items that are needed from measuring cups to pots & pans to tile behind the stove. We are going to get many items ‘on approval’ and the items will be displayed during First Sunday Brunch. Folks will have the opportunity to purchase an item on display as a donation to the kitchen. This is an optional activity but one that will help make our kitchen truly functional. TLC is Tender Loving Cooking. We would love to involve more cooks who would like to be on a TLC team in our beautiful kitchen. TLC teams cook for one fall First Sunday Brunch and one Lenten Supper in the spring. We also call on team members occasionally for special events. You can volunteers to be: A team leader OR A team member OR A volunteer to donate cookies or drinks for special events. TLC is a wonderful way to foster fellowship, great communication, and to share fabulous food. We will have a TLC sign-up at the First Sunday Brunch or you can email Nancy Maland at See you at our First Sunday Brunch Celebration on January 7, 2018 at 10:00am.




2018 aith Formation for all ages begins with a Kick-Off at First Sunday Brunch at 10:00 AM on Sunday, January 7 in the Sparks Fellowship Hall. Please join us as we celebrate the kitchen renovation and explore our winter and spring learning opportunities.

On Sunday, January 14, the congregation will meet again in Sparks Fellowship Hall for an intergenerational opportunity to learn more about Dr. Martin Luther King and how “I Have a Dream” can become a reality. And on Sunday, January 21, we will meet in our various classes. Check out the possibilities: > Infants and Toddlers meet in the nursery for a Bible story, creative prayer, and supervised free play. > Preschoolers through Fifth Graders meet first in the Kindergarten Room for opening activities and then go to age-specific classes to study lectionary-based lessons from Sparkhouse curriculum. Our winter learning includes: January 21 … Jonah and the Big Fish (Jonah 1-4) January 28 … Teaching and Healing (Mark 1:21-28) February 4 … Jesus Heals (Mark 1:29-39) February 11 … The Transfiguration (Mark 9:2-9) February 18 … Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9) February 25 … Abraham and Sarah’s Visitors (Genesis 18:1-15; 21:1-7) > Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers meet in the Sharp Youth Room … middle schoolers in the smaller room, high schoolers in the larger room > Adults meet in Sparks Fellowship Hall for Life Keys; this updated comprehensive guide helps people discover how God has uniquely created them. Engaging stories, inventories, self-tests, and other easy-to-use exercises make Life Keys a one-of-a-kind tool. It will help those longing to find or deepen meaning in life, considering volunteer opportunities, contemplating career changes, or desiring to become more useful to God. Participants booklets will be available for purchase . January 21 … Discovering Who You Are January 28 … Life Gifts: Doing What Comes Naturally February 11 … Spiritual Gifts: God’s Special Instruments February 18 … Personality Types: Melodies for Life February 25 … Values: Chords that Touch Your Soul


LUTHERAN LIFE High School Confirmation Series January 7 February 4 March 4 April 15 April 29 August 19 September 30 October 28

Apostle’s Creed Overview Article I focusing on God the Creator as seen in the Old Testament Article II focusing on Jesus the Redeemer as seen in the Gospels Article III focusing on the Holy Spirit the Sustainer as seen in the New Testament epistles. Article III focusing on Forgiveness, Resurrection, and Eternal Life as seen in the New Testament epistles Lutheran History Lutheran Worship and Theology Reformation Sunday with the Rite of Confirmation

First Year Confirmation for Middle Schoolers February 11 February 25 March 4 March 25 April 8 April 15 April 20-22 June 10-15


Martin Luther and the Reformation Apostle’s Creed Overview Exploring Article I focusing on God the Creator as seen in the Old Testament Creation The Human Condition An Introduction to The Ten Commandments Ten Commandments Retreat at Lutheridge in Arden, NC AFFIRM 2017 at University of West Alabama in Livingston, AL

atechetical studies for young adults continue at St. John’s. Here’s a list of dates and topics.

January 25, 2018

Article I with following focus on God, the Creator; Creation; Covenant


Relationship; Ten Commandments; Human Condition; and Role of the Prophets February 22, 2018 Article II with following focus God, the Redeemer; Life and Ministry of Jesus; Death and Resurrection of Jesus; and Implications for Today March 22, 2018 Article III with following focus on God, the Sustainer; Church; and Saints April 26, 2018 Article III with following focus on Forgiveness, Resurrection, and Eternal Life May 3, 2018 Sunday Brunch following worship August 23, 2018 Lutheran History September 27, 2018 Lutheran Worship and Theology October 28, 2018 Confirmation If you have questions, please contact Pastor Amy at or Pastor Steve at



Phyllis Collins and Meriah have been matched for 3 years. Meriah moved to Whittle Springs Middle School this fall to begin 6th grade and Phyllis continues to visit with her at school. Phyllis says “My experience as a mentor has been personal, spiritual and educational. As an older person, my mentoring has become my bridge to the generation gap as I spend time with the younger generation . Hopefully, I have made an impact on those I have mentored as much as they have on me.” Meriah is the second child Phyllis has mentored. Thanks Phyllis for taking on a second child and making a difference in their lives! Linda Godden and Carlos have been a team since 2009. Carlos is now a Sophomore at Fulton High School and excelling in his studies even though he and his family have been couch homeless for three years. Linda says “Carlos, what a joy to be around. He and his situation have taught me to have patience and be much more open-minded than I have ever been. He has not had an easy life by any means and trying to give him someone outside his home to lean on and confide in has made both of us grow in ways I didn't know were going to happen. He's a very smart young man who could go far if given the chance. I try to give him the best guidance and encouragement I can when we're together because I know he doesn't get much encouragement or good examples at home as far as academics and pushing himself to achieve all that he can be. Pati McKinney has been a mentor to Caitlin since August of 2008. They see each other outside of the school setting and enjoy spending time together. Caitlin is Junior at Fulton High School. In reflecting on her experience as a mentor Pati says “Being a mentor, especially for Caitlin, has helped form me to be the person I believe God wants me to be. Having the interactions and relationship I have with her and her family have given me a heart for patience, forgiveness and deep love.”


LUTHERAN LIFE David Sweany has been Dylan’s mentor since March of 2015. Dylan is currently a 7th grader at Karns Middle School and believes he is being called to be a pastor! Dave loves the challenge of working with Dylan and trying to keep this energetic young man focused!

Isaac Taylor became Gabe’s mentor in the Spring of 2016. This Fall Gabe moved to Whittle Springs Middle School where he is in the 6th grade. Working out meeting times has been a challenge and the hope is that Gabe’s mother will allow them to see each other outside of the school setting.

Thea Peterson and Thalia have been matched since she was in the 3rd grade in 2008. Thalia has been couch homeless for the past 3 years. This disruption in her life has caused her to struggle keeping up with school and currently she is not enrolled in school. Thalia and Thea get together to share a meal a couple of times a month and talk about life and issues faced by teenagers.

Caleb Warren started with Gabe when he was in first grade in 2014 and has followed him through 3 different schools and as many homes. They see each other outside of the school setting as Gabe is now in his second year of being home schooled. Caleb says “Being a mentor to Gabe has allowed me to make a difference in his life. This was an opportunity that God put in my lap to love one of his children, and I am very glad that I took Him up on it!”



“A Wing and a Prayer: Discovering and Deepening a Life of Prayer”


n February 23-24, 2018 the St. John’s Annual Men’s Retreat will be at Eagle Rock. We will have a wonderful time gathering, sharing, growing, laughing, and getting to know each other with the wonderful view as a backdrop. This year we will be working together on our prayer life, and weather permitting we will enjoy our bonfire. The cost is $50, (but the church can work with those who might need assistance with the cost), and this covers 3 great meals, snacks, and your bed. Sign up sheets will be out soon, with full information and details to follow. Please make attending a major priority since it has been and will be a relaxed comfortable way to spend time with some great guys. If you have been able to go in the past, then we need you to spread the word and personally make sure that everyone is there! Please don’t hesitate to contact Caleb Warren at 865-607-9350 if you have any questions.


BREAKING FREE: A Retreat for Women of All Ages Katie’s Sisters Women’s Ministry invites you to their women’s retreat, Friday, March 2 & Saturday, March 3. Cost is $50. Sign up in the Welcome Center in January and February!


alling all ushers! Usher veterans, usher novices, usher wannabes all of you. If you have served as an usher and would like to again, if you are currently an usher, if you are a new usher, or if you would like to be an usher at the worship service you attend, we invite you to an Usher Training Session to be held on Sunday, January 21 at 12:30. A light lunch will be offered, followed by a training session lead by Clarke Hinkle, followed by a defibrillator training session led by Deaver Shattuck. The session should last no more than an hour. If there are question, please direct them to Megan Venable, 865-591-5912 or We look forward to seeing you there!


LUTHERAN LIFE Stephen Ministers: The After People


eople often ask, “What exactly is a Stephen Minister?” One way to put it is that Stephen Ministers are the ‘After People.’

Stephen Ministers are there: after the phone call you hoped you’d never get. after the funeral, when everyone has left and the emotions you’ve held at bay come crashing in on you. after the relationship falls apart and the bottom falls out of your life. after the doctor says, “I’m sorry, but there’s nothing more we can do.” after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, “Welcome to your new home.” after the last child honks the horn, waves, and drives away—and the house suddenly seems empty. after the gavel comes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away. after the baby arrives, demanding more of you than you ever dreamed possible. after you find a pink slip with your final paycheck. after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out. Stephen Ministers are the After People. They are ready to come alongside you—or your friends, neighbors, coworkers, or relatives—and provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. If you know someone who could benefit from this expression of supportive care, please contact Pat Krogamnn at 865-805-5978.

On Saturday, February 10 the Church Council will meet in the Sparks Fellowship Hall for a time of prayer and visioning. Each New Year presents opportunities for new relationships and creative conversation regarding next steps in ministry. 2018 marks Saint John’s 130th Anniversary of ministry! As we reflect on God’s faithfulness over the years, we also anticipate the way God continues to make all things new. The four newly called Church Council members will meet with the pastors at 8:30AM for breakfast and conversation. The remaining members of Council will join the group at 9:30AM and we will conclude the Council Retreat with lunch at 12:30PM. If you have suggestions for new ministries or ideas as to how to improve ongoing ministries, please speak with one of our Council members or a pastor. We are thankful for the faithful participation of our congregation and the way God continues to raise up leaders for our shared ministry!




nce again the families of St. John’s have shown great generosity to Christenberry and Sarah Moore Greene Elementary


Twenty children received needed items of clothing and a toy, while many students will be the recipients of fees for the Safety Patrol Washington Trip or the Tremont Retreat. While the wrapped gifts have been given, there continues to be an opportunity for checks made out to St. John’s and labeled Safety or Tremont to be added to the offering through mid-January. The funds will then be disbursed to the schools. Every year this congregation lives out the adage, “It is better to give than to receive.” On behalf of both schools I share their sincere thanks. Marcia Power


t. John’s involvement with Knoxville Habitat has been going on for nearly 20 years. To date we have participated as a Covenant Partner for 8 homes and families providing: > Funding for materials > Labor for construction

> Labor for construction > Support for the families

In 2018, mark your calendar for April 2018; we will be participating as a Covenant Partner on our 9th house. This will be an excellent opportunity to commit time, treasures and talents for the placement of a family. Each family goes through a rigorous qualifying process completing 500 hours of “sweat equity” time attending classes and ultimately assisting with the build. Contact Neil Fisher for any info you’re seeking about our upcoming Habitat Build.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sally Robinette Michael Barnhill Changsheng Lu Jada Dixon David Bocangel Alice Garrison Tom Godden Dayne Cook Patrick McWilliams David Wayland Rick Metelka Samantha Murphy Don Ray Will McCarthy Mitchell Rieger Emily Stapf

11 12 13 15 16 18 19

16 2 3 4 5 10 12 13

Marilyn Fahringer Jean Dasher Gary Morgan Nick Ogle Sonya McWilliams Jocelyn Miller Jill Rosberg Laura Trout Brad Parman Erin Ramsey

17 18 19 20 22 24 25

Suzanne Brown Ian Daughety Mary Cole Kelly Hudson Anne Langendorfer Terry Burkhalter Elliott Schwahn Charlsie Counts Rachel Bast Lynn Harrison Steve Misenheimer Andrew Perkinson Erik Clark Kyle Metelka Hudson Ley Judy McCarter Ashley Hopkins Danielle Sweany

20 21

Kelly Parman Parker Hamer Adam Krogmann Bailey Morgan John Lawhon Ruth Petersen Robin Leib Sandra Jessel Amy Figg Ashton Roberts Michael Grider Alexandra Bernard


22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31

27 28 29

Frank Wilson Susan Dowling Max Giesecke Joe Lee Jr. Dick Krogmann Josh Ley Griffin Hamstead Patsy Reeves Steve McGaffin Russell Kuhlman Billy Good Jessica Sousa-Lewis Lily Hancock Tom McGalliard Rita Schwartz David Martin

Julie Glibbery Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Dan Lee Heidi Mathews Haley Fields Skip Wells

ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Stephen Misenheimer Senior Pastor Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Christopher Clay Ministry Coordinator & Director of Communications Isaac Taylor Youth Ministry Associate Toni Denton Administrative Assistant

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants Darrell Murrell Facility Staff

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: Website:

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