Epiphany Newsletter 2020

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Pastoral Transition Update ………..……………...………. page 3 Ministry Happenings ………………………………………... page 8 King Commemoration Events ……….……………..…... page 14 Birthdays ………………………………………………...…... page 15




s the Christmas tide draws nigh, let us turn to the light of the world … toward the Magi and the gifts they brought Jesus.

Let us focus on the baptism of Jesus and the Father’s words: This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. And let us bask in the light of the Gospel. Epiphany has traditions: the wise men fill the shoes of little children with gifts on the day of Epiphany, a king’s ring is hidden in the epiphany cake and the one to get that piece of cake is blessed. There is the tradition of blessing homes for the new year ( If you would like your home blessed please contact me at 402 302-5600). We celebrate Christ the King as the Light of the world, and what a celebration it is. Think of all the ways that you bring light and life to the people of God. Thank of all the ways that St John’s ministries bring light and life to the people of God. We are loved by God and we diligently and compassionately share that love.

And then, when I think of Epiphany I am ever mindful that there are two kings and at least two kinds of power. Think of King Herod, his anger and suspicions, when the Wise men stopped by and asked about the new baby born King of the Jews. Herod was so beside himself that he got rid of the competition, he went as far as to do away with some of his own sons and any baby that might threaten his reign as king. As we live into the Epiphany, as we live into the light of the world, will we find it necessary to save our own skin, so that we can eliminate competition. I believe the kind of unchecked power that King Herod used is not helpful or life giving. I ask, what kind of power do you have and how will you use it? We all have power. I want to believe and proclaim that the power of our king is grounded in compassion and grace and when we let the light of compassion and grace shine, guess what: we bless all the people of God. When our power is linked to the light of the world we do so many wonderful miracles that transform people and places.

My prayer is that the abusive power of our world does not infect us, but rather that the love and the light of Christ continue to transform and shape us with joy and gentle power that brings shalom to all. Continue to love and to live into the light of world. God loves you so very much-bask in that love. Peace and Shalom,




e are moving forward. The transition process feels for some like it is taking a long long time, and for others, the transition process is a joy and a delight as we vision and dream and look forward to the future of St John’s.

During this time, be in the present, ask yourself, “What does God want me to be doing at this time in this community?” Here’s some process details: > This month a call committee will be elected at the Annual Meeting on January 26. > The Constitution and By-Laws will be voted on at the annual meeting; if you have not previewed it, it is online or in the Welcome Center. Feel free to ask Toni in the church office for a personal copy. > The Call Committee will work with the Transition Team in collecting and summarizing data from the community assessments and the “LOOK BACK, LOOK FORWARD” session > The Zip Code Meetings will continue to meet. Currently we have zip code 37914 meeting on January 12th at 4pm at Marcia Powers’ home, January 19th at 3pm at Sandy and John Jessel’s home, and January 31st at 7pm at Susan Dowling’s home > Following all zip code meetings a group will gather to review the data from all the zip code meetings and summarize the data for church council and for our Mission site profile (Church’s resume). > The Finance and Personnel Teams are looking into church finances and discussing how we as a church can live within our financial means, > The Personnel Team is securing a venue to perform background checks and provide training for those who work with youth and vulnerable adults. Background checks will be forth coming. This is necessary in order to receive coverage and backing from our insurance company and our synod and the ELCA. > We will gather as the people of God to focus ourselves in prayer and reflection asking God to guide us, to fill us with His Spirit, and keep us open to and listening to the voice and heart of God. > On March 15th Bishop Kevin Strickland will be preaching at St John’s at both the 9am and 11am services. > If you notice someone missing in church, please let Pastor Jean know, or give that individual a call and let them know they are missed, invite them back. Love them and pray for them. The Process: Once St John’s receives the green light from the Bishop, the call committee will write our mission site profile. Once the profile is written and we have received both council and congregational input to the profile, then it is sent to the bishop. Once the bishop gives the green light, he and the synod call team will assemble a list of candidates to present to the call committee. The call committee will have an interview via zoom or Skype with each candidate, then they will eliminate some names and keep others; if need be they will hold a second interview until they have selected 2 names. Those two individuals will be invited to the church for an in person interview. Once the call committee has narrowed it down to the top candidate, that person will interview with the church council; if approved the candidate will meet with the congregation. It will be an informal meet and greet, questions and answers followed by a ballot vote. If the candidate is approved of by the congregation and in accordance with the constitution, the candidate will have two weeks from reception of contract/proposed letter of call to accept or deny the call to serve as pastor. From there, they typically have four weeks to say goodbye in their current call, take vacation, move, and start here at St John’s. Think of all that the cross of Jesus changes. It changes our relationships, our compassion, our reflection, our attitudes, and the way we pray. We ask for your prayers of wisdom and patience, understanding and courage, insight and openness to the spirit of God. We are a great church, filled with potential and service, filled with love and compassion. Let’s keep growing as the beloved people of God, and let’s keep the light of Christ burning.



Nominating Team Update


he Nominating Team’s responsibility is to discern and recommend a slate of individuals to serve as Church Council members (we need 4), Call Committee members (6), and Synod Assembly delegates (2). Our team is meeting weekly – and praying daily. Please join us in praying for God’s will and wisdom as we fill these important positions. FYI: The slates for these positions will be presented at the Congregational Meeting on January 26, 2020. If you are interested in serving on Church Council or the Call Committee or as a Synod Assembly delegate, here’s what you need to do: 1. Read the job descriptions below. 2. Prayerfully consider how you might serve the St. John’s congregation. 3. The Nominating Team will prayerfully discern, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, a slate of individuals to present to the congregation on January 26, 2020 for the following: 4 – Council Members 6 – Call Committee Members 2 – Delegates to the Synod Assembly Church Council This is a general description of what you can expect and what is expected of you: Be a member in good standing of the congregation, regularly attending worship services and involved in congregational life. Attend all meetings of the council – once a month, plus additional meetings as called by council leaders. Attempt to discover, through prayer and discernment, what is best for the congregation. Consider the well-being of the council when dealing with specific issues and ministries. Treat all matters relating to council deliberations as confidential, until such time as the information is determined a matter of public record. Assist the pastor in nurturing the spiritual life of the congregation. Care for the congregation’s membership. Ensure that the decisions of the congregation are carried out. Be a part of a united body by supporting all decisions of the council, even if you don’t agree with the decision. Treat members of the council and staff as brothers and sisters in Christ. Be familiar with the governing documents of the congregation. Be a leadership presence in the congregation. A three-year commitment to serve.


Call Committee This is a general description of what you can expect and what is expected of you: Be a member in good standing of the congregation, regularly attending worship services and involved in congregational life. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to do God’s will. Good at visioning: ability to work with other teams to complete the Ministry Site Profile Review and clarify the congregation’s purpose, mission, and need for pastoral leadership in view of this information. Maintain appropriate levels of confidentiality, discernment and maturity Read profiles, resumes, and read between the lines of what people write or say, and what is not being said. Develop a list of questions for potential candidates. Good interviewing skills. Non-partial Attend regular meetings for as long as it takes to complete the tasks above and recommend candidate(s) to the congregational council. You will be trained prior to taking on your duties. There is a 70-page manual explaining the ELCA Call Process for your review: This is the link to the Southeastern Synod ELCA Call Process Manual https://se.brtapp.com/files/forms/call+process+manual+2016.pdf Synod Assembly Delegate This is a general description of what you can expect and what is expected of you: Represent St. John’s at the Synod Assembly meeting in Chattanooga, June 5- 7, 2020. Attend workshops and general sessions while at Assembly. Share what you learned with the congregation when you return. Thank you for your prayers and contact us if you are interested in serving. David Bocangel – dbocangel@gmail.com Nancy Friedrich – nancy.o.friedrich@gmail.com Thea Peterson – theabpeterson@gmail.com Dale Teague – dbteague@comcast.net Laura Trout – ltrout13@gmail.com Jackie Tucker – jvtucker51@gmail.com





PASTOR AMY an Richardson captures the essence of Epiphany:

This is not any map you know. Forget longitude. Forget latitude. Do not think of distances or of plotting the most direct route. Astrolabe, sextant, compass: these will not help you here. This is the map that begins with a star. This is the chart that starts with fire, with blazing, with an ancient light that has outlasted generations, empires, cultures, wars. Look starward once, then look away. Close your eyes and see how the map begins to blossom behind your lids, how it constellates, its lines stretching out from where you stand. You cannot see it all, cannot divine the way it will turn and spiral, cannot perceive how the road you walk will lead you finally inside, through the labyrinth of your own heart and belly and lungs. But step out and you will know what the wise who traveled this path before you knew: the treasure in this map is buried not at journey’s end, but at its beginning. As we continue to lean into the transition process, as we commit ourselves again to faith formation and leadership development, as we look toward a future bright in the Epiphany light, I give thanks for our shared journey!



the COUNCIL PRESIDENT Dearest St. John’s family, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve our congregation as church council president. It has truly blessed my life to work alongside our pastors, council, and teams. What a year it has been! In just 12 months, our church has moved to a team model of ministry. Financial transparency became a priority and we made huge strides toward greater financial health. The church constitution was updated. Personnel procedures were put in place to protect our staff. We looked at our history and began to dream about the future. A nominating team was elected and after our annual congregational meeting, a call committee will be in place. All of this while continuing to do life and ministry together! If I am being truthful, at times, this year felt overwhelming. Yet, each step of the way, God showed his faithfulness. He has taught me that if He calls us to do something difficult, He provides all that we need in order to do it. He does not leave us to do it on our own. In His loving kindness, God laid four scripture verses on my heart that have been, and will continue to be, my prayers for St. John’s: See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19 Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:1b-2a “For I know the plans that I have for you” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Deuteronomy 31:8 These verses have been so important to me this year. They have been what I have clung to when things felt uncertain. I once read that during a blizzard, farmers take a rope and run it from the house to the barn. This is so that in white-out conditions, they can hold the rope and get to where they need to be. Otherwise, they can get disoriented and lost in their very own yard. Transitions, at times, can feel like we are in a white-out, but the truth of God is the rope that we hold to. I invite you to join me in praying these verses for St. John’s. I pray that we continue to remain hopeful and patient. Thank you for all the ways that you love and serve one another. Let’s continue to cling to the rope that is God’s truth as we continue in our journey. Sincerely,




ere’s a look at upcoming activities for SAMs.

February 5, 2020 Lunch: Brown Bag Catering Service; your cost $5/person Program: Join Lynn Harrison and Marcia Power as they take us on a tour of the many beautiful wildflowers they have seen on their hikes using a slide show they have created. March 4, 2020 Lunch: Brown Bag Catering Service; your cost $5/person Program: Join Nancy and Jim Friedrich as they share their wonderful trip: A Week With Jesus in the Holy Lands. April 1, 2020 Lunch: Brown Bag Catering Service; your cost $5/person Program: Quilts of Valor... The mission is to cover service members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor. Andrew Lee makes these wonderful quilts. Before he retired from long haul truck driving, he took his sewing machine with him to quilt as he had time. Now he devotes many hours to this very worthy service. Join us to hear his story and see some of his quilts. May 6, 2020 Lunch: Potluck Salad and Dessert. Bring a salad and/or a dessert to share Program: Chuck Maland and Charlie Chaplin Call or e-mail Mary Cole to make your reservation: 584-3153 memecole@comcast.net Join us for fellowship, prayer, laughter, delicious lunch, and a great program.

The Women’s Retreat is scheduled for March 6th and 7th. We are returning to Tuckaleechee Retreat Center, Questions? Contact Susan Dowling at 865-274-6483 or sdowling111@comcast.net, Kate Tirro at 507 -301-1209 or khiggi11@vols.utk.edu or Marcia Power 865-216-8551 or marciabowerpower@gmail.com


This year’s Men’s Retreat will be at the Bear Lodge cabin at the Tuckaleechee Retreat Center and is scheduled for Friday February 21st and Saturday the 22nd. Email Caleb Warren for details at calebwarren@comcast.net.



n A Testament of Hope: Essential Writings and Speeches, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, wrote:

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hatred cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” On Sunday, January 12 and Sunday, January 19, youth and adult faith formation will come together and engage in an inter-generational Bible study in which we will consider King’s call to change using media clips, short readings, and respectful dialogue. Please join us on Sundays, January 12 and 19 at 10:10 AM in the Sparks Fellowship Hall

in Epiphany YOUTH MINISTRY_______


he Epiphany season is noted for the opportunities to carry the Light of Christ into the world. With that in mind, the Youth Ministry families of St. John’s have an important opportunity for conversation and vision planning. Please note the following dates and events: Sunday, January 12 … Lunch Bunch at SoKno Taco Sunday, January 19 … Lock-in at St. John’s Sunday, February 2 … Lunch Bunch at Gus’ Hot Chicken Sunday, February 9 … Mission Possible: Lunch and Ministry in the name of Love TENATIVELY SCHEDULED Tuesday, February 25 … Fat Tuesday Pancake Dinner (4:00 for set-up and flipping, 5:00 for serving and eating, 6:30 for final call for pancakes and cleaning up) Please put these dates on your family calendars!

The St. John’s Lutheran Knoxville Youtube channel streams our worship services live AND ARCHIVES THEM -- so you can re-visit a worship experience that moved you.. YOU’RE INVITED TO WORSHIP WITH US online. Search “St John’s Lutheran Knoxville.”




wonderful book study begins Thursday Jan 9th @4pm. at Crafty Bastard Brewery. We will be studying the book: The Minister as Diagnostician by Paul W. Pruyser.

The book takes a unique and different look at spiritual health -- considering questions like: > What does receiving and gifting a casserole have to do with grace? > Is one embedded or estranged, in touch or isolated from the world? > If pressed to sacrifice something what would you sacrifice? > When we wake up and say Oh God, its morning or Oh, God, good morning… what is the difference? What does all this and more have to do with our spiritual health and how we minister (listen) with another? January 9th, 4pm, for a book please RSVP with Pastor Vargo 402 302-5600, books are $15 a piece.


e are excited to welcome the Bishop of the Southeastern Synod, Rev. Kevin Strickland to St John’s on March 15th for a leadership training session as part of our transition process. Bishop Strickland will be with us to lead worship and preside, and will also facilitate a leadership training session after our 11am worship service on Sunday, March 15th. Stay tuned for details. This is an important aspect of our transition process and attendance is important.


e need hosts and homes to meet in for our zip code meetings. These meetings will serve a dual purpose:

> It will be a time to connect with other members/friends of St. John’s that reside in your area, and > It will be a time to dream and share about who we are as a parish and where we want to be and what we want to be doing. If interested please contact Pastor Vargo at 402 302-5600. Here’s a list of meetings already on the schedule:  Zip code 37922 meeting on January 12th at 4pm at Marcia Powers’ home  Zip code 37876, meeting on January 19th 3pm at Sandy & John Jessel’s home  Zip code 37918, meeting on January 31 at 7pm at Susan Dowling’s home Call Toni in the church office at 865-523-3330 for additional details


FROM “LIVING LUTHERAN” MAGAZINE Here’s an article from a recent edition of “LIVING LUTHERAN” Magazine …



Strewn across our bed were the remnants of our toddler’s Christmas haul—stacks of new outfits, empty cardboard boxes, a tower of books, a stuffed reindeer. I turned to my husband and sighed, “That’s the last of it.” “Our family was very generous this year,” he said, surveying the scene. I flopped onto the only free space on the bed. “It’s wonderful, but it’s too much,” I said. “I don’t want Jack to grow up spoiled.” My constant prayer is that our son will absorb our Lutheran values of grace, gratitude and generosity. We’re a family blessed with wealth and privilege, which is a gift and challenge. Jesus urges us to be wary of earthly possessions and extravagantly charitable. Though I aim to set a good example, I still struggle to live this gospel truth. So did Jack. He hoarded goldfish and matchbox cars. He declared, “Mine!” with reckless abandon. I followed his Montessori teacher’s advice to practice sharing at home. I’d briefly take whatever he was busy with (mimicking his classmates), provoking a squeal. “Jack, I know you’re upset,” I’d explain, “but you need to share with your neighbors.” Next, I asked if he’d like to share with me. Within a few weeks, he was divvying up snacks and toys without prompting. Moreover, I hope Jack understands the theology behind generosity. Before dinner we fold our hands and pray: “Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest; and let these gifts to us be blessed.” We talk about how everything we have belongs to God—and that God calls us to share our blessings with others. That’s why we tithe to our congregation and volunteer as we’re able. A month later, at Jack’s second birthday party, we made presents optional and set them aside to open afterward. Near the party’s end, he flitted about our house, handing out goody bags, saying, “Here you go! Here you go!” in a sing-songy voice. I smiled as I watched our little giver in action. Then he turned to me and asked, “Mommy, you want one?” I crouched and opened my hands to receive the cellophane bag of stickers and fruit snacks. Tears pricked at my eyes. Maybe this is how God feels when we cheerfully share our God-given gifts. “Thank you, buddy,” I replied, hugging him. “I’m so proud of you.” Erin Strybis is a content editor for Living Lutheran and member of Resurrection Lutheran ChurchOpens in New Window in Chicago. Find more of her stories on Instagram (@erinstry) and her blog, www.erinstry.com.





ot only is Tyson House a place where students find meaningful ways to serve, but also where members of St. John’s lead by serving. A few years ago, Tyson House opened Smokey’s Pantry, a food pantry for students, staff, and community members of UT. FISH Hospitality Pantries, a much larger food pantry off Central, offered to provide produce, dairy, and other harder to-come-by food each week. What we didn’t have was someone to deliver it. Enter Dave Sweany! For years now, every Tuesday, Dave has delivered food that feeds over 2,000 households a year. Once he got on site, Dave noticed a mantel on one of our fireplaces needed sanding and painting. Next thing you know, it was done! Soon he started working his way through the house, fixing things. Spring came, and he started mowing and trimming. Debbie joined in, and it’s been a joy to see them every Tuesday, not only for this grateful pastor, but also for students. Their most recent project is this lovely new mailbox. Our old one didn’t have room for packages and also leaked, so this is a great improvement. Thank you, Dave and Debbie Sweaney! And thanks to God who brings us together and works through us so beautifully!

From Volunteer Ministry Center …

Dear St. John’s, Please accept my heart felt gratitude for your recent investment of $125 to end and prevent homelessness in our community. Thank you for being a part of the VMC story. With many new efforts before us and the continuation of effective programs that empower, your gift is an important part in the day-to-day VMC story. Again, thanks for you support of Volunteer Ministry Center. Sincerely, Dr. Bruce Spangler Dr. Bruce W. Spangler Chief Executive Officer Volunteer Ministry Center

A Note of Thanks from Christenberry Elementary: We simply cannot thank you and St. John's enough for the love, the prayers, the clothing, the shoes, the Christmas gifts and the list goes on and on. I am not able to get a note to you in the USPS before this Sunday but please let everyone know how much everyone at Christenberry sincerely appreciated EVERYTHING you all do very faithfully. We are extremely blessed to call St. John's a dear friend to Christenberry. Merry Christmas! Debbie M. Woods



Nadia Bolz-Weber, March 26 Save the Date and Donate!


n Thursday, March 26, Tyson House is bringing Nadia Bolz-Weber (author of Salvation on the Small Screen?: 24 Hours of Christian Television, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint; Accidental Saints: Finding God in All the Wrong People; and Shameless: A Sexual Reformation) to town! She will give a talk at 7pm, followed by a book signing, at Episcopal Church of the Ascension. We’re waiting to set ticket prices until we see how we do in donations. Our hope is for students to attend free and for the event to net positive as a fundraiser for Tyson House (our shared, Episcopal and Lutheran UTK Campus Ministry). To donate, go to tysonhouse.org/support-us or send checks to Tyson House Student Foundation, 824 Melrose Place, Knoxville, TN 37916.

The Season of Epiphany

ACROSS 2. This king murdered innocent children 8. The marriage at _____. 10. Jesus’ mother. 12. The last Sunday of Epiphany. 13. The color of the season of Epiphany. 15. Jesus, the ______ of the world. DOWN 1. Three kings followed this. 3. Christian feast day after Christmas. 4. Wise men from the east. 5. ______, Mark, Luke and John. 6. Jesus was born in a ______. 7. One of the gifs. 9. Jesus’ father. 11. Arise, _____, for your light has come. 14. Magi traveled from the ______.



M. L. KING ACTIVITIES Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Commission Parade January 20 - 8:30am Breakfast, then 10:00am Parade The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemorative Parade is scheduled for January 20. You are invited to be a part of the St. John's delegation in this meaningful community activity. Please join St. John’s members for breakfast at 8:30am in the fellowship hall prior to the parade and then carpool over to the parade lineup and begin marching in the parade at 10:00am. The parade will begin at the Chilhowee Park midway, located on the south side of Magnolia Avenue (3300 Magnolia Avenue). The entrance to the midway is at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and North Beaman Street. The parade ends at the intersection of MLK, Jr. Blvd and Harriet Tubman Street. This is a special experience to walk as a family or individually with fellow church members and friends on a fun day. Mentors at Christenberry Elementary School are encouraged to include their "little" in the parade walk. The Lady Vols softball team will be walking with us again this year.


ou may recall that our own Chris Clay received the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Commission of Knoxville’s ARTS AWARD last year. This year the Commission has asked Chris to perform a special musical tribute during their annual event called “A Night With The Arts.” This wonderful night will include a musical performance from Chris, as well as performances by the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, the King Commission Celebration Gospel Choir and the Carpet Bag Theater Ensemble. “A Night with the Arts” happens Sunday, January 19th from 6pm-8pm at the Tennessee Theater on Gay Street. It’s a FREE EVENT. Let’s be sure to be in attendance to celebrate the King holiday and support Chris and the gifts he continues to share with our city!



10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Changsheng Lu Sally Robinette Jada Parman Amanda Adams David Bocangel Dayne Cook Alice Garrison Tom Godden Patrick McWilliams David Wayland Rick Metelka Samantha Murphy Will McCarthy Don Ray

13 15

Mitchell Rieger Emily Stapf Suzanne Brown Ian Daughety Mary Cole Kelly Hudson Ann Langendorfer Terry Burkhalter Elliott Schwahn Rachel Bast

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 28 29 30 31

3 5 7 10 12 13 16 17 18

Gary Morgan Sonya McWilliams Mika Vaden Liam William Wittenberg Jill Rosberg Brad Parman Laura Trout Erin Ramsey Parker Hamer Kelly Parman Henry Holt Adam Krogmann Bailey Morgan John Lawhon


20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29

Charlsie Counts Lynn Harrison Steve Misenheimer Andrew Perkinson Russell Lay Kyle Metelka Ashley Hopkins Judy McCarter Danielle Sweany Grace Doyle Enlow Frank Wilson Susan Dowling Max Giesecke Dick Krogmann Josh Ley Griffin Hamstead Patsy Reeves Russell Kuhlman Billy Good Lily Hancock Jessica Sousa-Lewis Tom McGalliard Rita Schwartz David Martin

Haley Bernard Tony Harris Robin Leib Ruth Petersen Sandra Jessel Dan Bernard Amy Figg Ley Emelia Lewis Ashton Roberts Alexandra Bernard Peyton Hairston III Spencer Bernard Will Wittenberg Dan Lee Heidi Mathews


ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 544 Broadway, NW Knoxville, TN 37917


Please plan on joining us Sunday, January 26 at 10:00 am for a Congregational Meeting.

CHURCH LEADERSHIP & STAFF Amy Figg Pastor of Faith Formation & Leadership Development amy@sjlcknox.org

John Tirro Pastor of Campus Ministry John@sjlcknox.org

Christopher Clay Director of Communications chris@sjlcknox.org

Deborah Dunne-Sousa Minister of Music sousa@esknoxville.org

Toni Denton Administrative Assistant toni@sjlcknox.org

Darrell Murrell Facility Staff facility@sjlcknox.org

Thea Peterson Kids Hope USA Director Thea@sjlcknox.org

Jean Vargo Interim Pastor jean@sjlcknox.org

Phone:: 865.523.3330

Mary Elizabeth Peterson, Lisa Minton & Bailey Morgan Nursery Assistants

Fax: 865.524.7895 Email: INFO@sjlcknox.org Website: www.sjlcknox.org

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